HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-31, Page 7ttggrg, cigrg 7•7#'177""7'ntster".•
Foitune Left to
Rivet Heirs
Romance .O.f Two Men, Who
Loved the - Same .Girl -r-.
Rernortie• Brings Repara.
'Lion in Last Will of
. . •
Survivor '
/311(lapest.'—"May the'.:Alinighty tar,
•'filYe•me'for the erime I have,comniiti
ted by killing my :friend, I amtanxieus
• . to make seine rorni•of reparation., and
, have7"therefore decidedthat in this,
• my itiot WM and testament, .all: my
property shallbe bequeathed te",the
Children of my.rival .; •;". . • • ,
These ' 'Weide provided the happy.
ending •few days. ago' of one- Of',.the
most moving triangular dranlas that,
• bad ever been heard in the 1-lungef-
, mw courts, , Here a .law shit in-
volving the. •will 'Of:. the'Oate Benno
••••• Galffy, 'a 'rich ',landowner and Member
• . 1110 Hungarian aristocracy, ehas
• been dragging .on for eight years.
•, Gaitly' left, his entire proper tk to
'..the "tvcro;,children of .Count Heritanri
• .A.urenbergi *hem he had killed in a
thus : disinheriting hisown .two
• children; who econtested the will, and
Pins romance of the • two families
• carne to light.'
,Galffy and Ahrenberg, were. great
friends In their youth. They wero.
like brothers, . While they were at
the university they lived together, and
'spent 'their holidayb together. Both
• lyien' 'fell in love with A the smile girl;
• and, although,„_their„,...friendshiP:',.'Wes
• broken by mon:lents of ,jealousy .and
'-'bitterness, they each nourished secret
hopes of being the favorite.
• Ceunt"Abrenberg however,' was. he
fortunate One, and married. the girl:
• From., that time _91affy avoided his
refused .h is atteniPteto remain
on friendly -7 ternis.,-and7ignorett-hili
Glaffy. marriedeventually, and
many years.' paseed, . before f te
brought the two men'•tOgether ag
friend.dnring the celebration tifl a eil-
ter wedding. I:Airing...the .cotirse •of
the evening , they '8:changed angry
Coines VioM.the Rich, 40413144f
'Made' by to.r: •
Pink Pills.•'''
. 11'here Tn-uSt he no .gueenwork',1n- 'the'
treatmont. of :1?ale; anaemic,' girls and
chi1drea:." If your daughterls languid;
has .a complexion, lo
0401 of breath' atter- sIlght -eiartlaa
or 09 .going np.;:stairs;. if she •hart. pal-
thelleart, a. poorappetite,
or a tenciene faint„ she, has anae-
miaHthe ,thedical, name fOr..PoVerty'
of ' the, woo; Any ,delay in' treatment
May . lett.Ve her • Weak and sickly tor
the rest of her ilt. When the bleed
ia'thip ahd water give Dr,: Williathe!,
pink 'Pills,,,cettpled, •Wit11..neurishitig
food.'and 'gentle out-of-door ea.gerciee.
The :new, ,blood • !Which
temee frOrti:.'a fairneeof
••Vitill Pliis, nereatiesthe apPe-
the,',etinahlaiee 'the nerves and brings
oaVy at •health to paie efieeke.' ATM.
Itehert. Jackson,. R.fl. No. 5, 'Shel-,
hurap, Opt., praises this.aledichae.fbe
restoring her daughter's; healtla..! .She
daughter • was nine.
years Old she wite 80, Weak , and.'thin
that: we •fear.ed, we Wenid :19se. her.
She was nervous, dia.:going to
nthoel ,'neet12.eci tad niuch for':' her.
Often, she would have to stay at home
for days at .a tlnie. At times .she
'Would hatea very'.high .'reverr,'; and
the doctor's treatment, did .not ,help
her,.. I, trielt seYeral.reme.dies, but
with no good rewt!..: ,one •• day,
to her .Dr.•
Willir_ons! ?Ink. Pills„..and I did. so. It
was not very long after She..began
;taking; the , Pills that t, could see a
'Change for the better. • she- kept on
taking` the' pills for several. Months,
and, through :them,,grew•into a strobe,
healthy' girl:, ,Since 'then' if -41,.,tonic.
-11-ad-b-eeriv7-tieed-ed 'at -anf ..titne if has
: .The pilis are.sold by; all .'• medicine
deaicrs or wili be Serif,' by 'mail at 50-.
cents,' •beii''.by The • Dr.
. Mediein,C,,O.",. ..it
------------7-'7.-worda-that-reeulte-d-in a challengelo' She,qws-20,Pe—r Cent: Of Avail-
able Radio Waves ; ••
a &lel. •
The duel was foughi.Wi,th•,sweriis,
,a swordsman as his, fornie? friend,
he ran his blade into Aurenberg'S
• heart. The count died. •
,Ceuntess. Auyenberg, who had borne
- her second ',child • a -feivdays before
the duel:took place,' did: not survive
the shock, of her htisband's•death; and
•' her two children :became orphans; ,
,Misfortuhe. fellon both
Galffy Was..torttired by remorse,.. his
health was broken; and his Wife died
after 'a painful, lingering,,illfiess.' He
•' lost. alarge part of his fortunein the
war; and 'became A. melancholy. recluse.
• Lurk deserted .the Attrenbergs „else.
the' children's estate was se • tnis-
Managed' that their country seat' had
to be sold to pay off the debts.'
<lied leaving two cbildrem
-Then it was .revealed that it was
Galffy,whY had hetight-the Aurenberg
• estate,but only to bequeath it- to .the
heirs, of his greatest trie,ndi:rillht-
fortjne,•with the prayer :to be for-
Galffy's disinheriterchildien sugh
to upset the Will by proving that their
father' S , mind was: „unhinged by the.
' tragic ,result of the duel; and heWas
• not in his right mind when be made
the will
'The shit was taken from court to
court, and should have .been settled
.-recently, when the Aurenbergs' ceuit-
•.861 :announceddiatnaticallY that his
clients had offered to, make Over one-
half of thele'g,acy to the Galffy Chil-
dren, and they had gratefully accepted
• the arrangements.. • • ,
, The , case was Withdrawn' and the
"feud betweentie two families as
thus bought to a happy end. ,
, •
,Controlling Cutworms
• (Eitperirnental 'arm , Mite.) ..
The cutworm Is 4 serious 'menace
to the tobacco grower in hie efforts. to
obtain• • a uniform stand :of tobacco
.from the 'first Planting.. 'These, insects
are found in pradically all soils, but
are , hUmereus • in • 80(11
nelds 'The planis,aro cut off nearth4;,".
sti.rface Of .ground, and 'in:many
. cases Several replantings 'are' ucces-
Baty , in ordet;', to 8ccure. , tint:form
stand of .toliaceo • , ,
•, CutW.01't1l8 Cati he,,fo rlY wc1I,cOn•-
• trolled b)? "fall '• ifio
• '20th of September, at .
:meths stopp6(1 laying\ their eggs;
and also- but, the use' 01 .polson, lirso
niixturo.i., beguan bran mixture,"
/ which has. :proven Mosts4t tis fa et o ry on
the, 1peri01enta1<f.1ilirdi :at..,11nrrow,
, Ont.; for a omod
1.pound (lrecti ant15,0 pounds:
.hrnif •inigett. dry. ,.These nre
. mind togplice 'with 1 gallon Of rheap
MolasSes. And stalk:lent water to giAie
'the 1)0 fho 'consittieney0( 11,14:
' afItY(tilfd. This 'ishouid . bo' broittleast
._•:,..ovta"r„ ilia.: field .by 'hand ono • or twti
evenings pitoitinw.tho 1obnoC7
The host '11%111in-haw boon; Olt al
, by dividinif.ilie milt turn litltalt slut
••: b 91.1tig,' It. 0 .t1t'
.e011).('''.!1'tv;0 0;2;00 flt,gt,
tin'. inilt lI1 flfilIt1111 Ill' antacid. for 50 .n.b. tho ybitra Lot, notircqiih:. that 18.1;
•,. •
The neW'student at the agripultural
,aeltooi was 'a ebap o rathpr ,mgre7,,
mature' years than usual in beginners,
he he was being anbjected to, a .some
w,hat,rigeroui erg' examinatioh ha Or;
.derthat". the taenfty nslght got a iine
as. tohie, most effeCtive eleasification:
."What do yet; know about nitrateaf."
he was asked • .
Now,. you .itres1 asking me 'Some-.
thlng!", he answered ,preadly, 1 Used.
to ;work .•for the 'Western Union, 'and
l• know. they are less than day 'ratea
on.•eyerything but 3,0.-,word•ineasages,.,
OladYs--„Yon say he doeSp/t..;knoW
F1orence7-,I said he didn't knoW-how.
kiss, . • .
.Meet men are so busy 'making aliv-
lng they, have no thne to hie. 7
• "What was George . WaSh100011
noted .for?", • " , .
His mernory."; ,
What make you think his inemery
Was •so great?". 7° .• ' •
"They_. erected a,,,,memuneht tQ 1k
•If somebody 'else does our think-
ing you're ,probably, .doing.' somebody
else's working, '
There; ieal.Ways,a time in. every
man's life when heIs happy and
doesn'..t, ltnOW
• •
A.-viaitOr Who icanie late 'a .busittess.
man's. -office- - gasped: ':'My goodheaa,_
thle place is a regular 'oirehl"
Ought to lae,!." grunted the other,
it s where l'inake,My daily bread":
. • • .
You can t
do wrongland-get liway
'from, your •conseietice with it.
A paeifist„.gentletnan ,etopped...totry
to eettle a juvenile' row.
:My boy," he said to one of the
"acinibatants, "do YOU know that the
good Book; says about fighting? •
"Aw sheered the . Youth, “fightin.
ain't one of them things ,you kin get
out,,of a bdoli, mister!' ,
'•,• He: •,".rel like to propoee' a' little
;s.believed- the .' She.: '",NOthin? doing kid.; I want a
Radio', coin mis.sion::will have to take
up, at,',*an ,early date is further oenaid-
" tion ‘bf.Canada's"request,for more'
.irait'e a difference Of -opinion 'Inasniti et,
as it is- contended 11:certain quarters
that:. ean.ada has Morethan,
her..Share.of the wave lengths ,based
either • Upon:. a basis.,of Popillatipa., or
the nornbr:ei receiving sets' use in
country; .: • , • '
' The figures ;Show:, that at the pres-
,Ient'.tirne there are eighty-nine•Wavee
:available; in; the United States, and
.seventY,Seven . are, ,eXclUsive In the
pelted States and six In Canada. Also
there are ta-eive*eveS 'Shared In hoth.
,countries,Taking •the•.,Poptilatien Of
the thilted,Statee.at.120,000,000 is 3.00,
per cent. Canada has only. 8 per Cent:,.
or -.0,000,002.: population. ..,The. esti-
mate. is made,R8o, that -In thIs coun-
try there are'. 7.600;060'repeiVing sets,
• regular .• ••
• .
Hogs are produced On three fourtliS
,of the farms Of' the United States and
' et the cities...
$ • t
ada las only. 'pet.Rent„ or; 50,000;'.On
the ether:. hand, 'taking"*.the 'United
States; 100 Per': cent.,:. Canada' has
'.213 per:tent:et:the wave lengths.: : •
it. is whispered. :that you.
•and John a r.en't getting. 00;1:laughter:
\%' did have seine Words',
and"; shot bin), but,-tliat'a as fax as
.ohr huari'el.eter. went.
,The- flour. and grist milling Industry:
'ertv in Canada 'is, placed at $7,456,907,-
2I11 ac'coiding to,a,.reCentig Witted ,ef-
ficial 'cOmptlation, --Other:481031e vel-,
Utit ions 'are .$258.29.7,583;:.
While ;the ' lyalno 'property exempt
frein :tiutittIon 41,301,288;196.
•Badminton players. find 'a'
drink of hot tea., of great •
benefit after a strenuous
genie In leading Badmin•-•\
ton clubs of • Canada, ••Red
Rose Tea is a great favorite.
No -06ther tea offer such
' brisk, zestful ,flavor and' rich
quality. Put up only, in
bilght, clean aluminum,
packages.' *:14E1V
• morailzer---:'!Ah, well,
soniewhere‘behlOd the 'clouds the sun
• . — • •
Demoralized . the., • denaorallier
1"MaYbe;. and 'under the: sea 'Is land,
but that doesn't .help a guy when he
' falls overboard." ' ••
FuJi Many a. flower is born to
4 • .
Unseen"! waa :wiitten hefore the
,day of .the wild flower Vaneal. ,
, • • • .
Cananyoneexplain': why children
'take such keen delight. in picking up:
and11.44dnogivnty:2c..11, e7nfes_si7ii.s. as
1 .
was good stye to cool your coffee' or -
by pourlg it.eut.into a sander...,
snucksl, that'S nothing:: We can
retaember'when ' they tooled It •.,,by
bloWing-: it after, it, had he'en,poured
Into the sander. " •
You ,m186 the advertising target as
eften•ae you because
Measured la profit,the Successes, out
_Weigh the failures:"
„ .
• • .
The rarest, Imeiliesnis Minding your
OWfl, ' '
, • •
Old Sandy McTavish was eoinnelled
at laljt to eenthilt;the local t doctor
about his, eyes:: The -doctor' Said,
"Sandi, .My Man, if you don't give UP
whiskey at once, and for good you will
certainly lose your .eyesight," "A;
wheel,"' replied, Sandy en.. air. of
resignation; • think lived- lang
enongh in the 'World tee. see 'a' .that's
wo,r.th ,seeing."! '
Partners in Brjtjah:.Colitmbla repok.
an exceptionally geed lambing season
tli14,Year. ;One of 'the largest ;sheep '
breeders • in the proViace;/ who ilea •
5,20C'head of she -p, had 'a 135 per
. ,
• - 6t tiAdr$44, •
• Fii$' 111"4$1,bii41
At '
' :0'rouo efJON
• :Noe erd!'-fA04.
• t • ts: tc. • 1 1111111)1) 1110 pain departs, ..1,011 r I •
11. 0.0 t ftlf• A (til0 , ppy
%victor'. aga In five. ininutes
, •. .
• Don't depend. •on .cr titles. Methods.
0.11 0114'1)1. (ho boot 'way' yetl•evolved In
: ..011Ici !iJ ;Id. .`111‘, ,t.flYelvi'', illi‘111T0'
la, w.i, l',,.'oo), 10)- ,otto au'ret atilt '4.11oriTyl,
,hrt,.nivtj,,,t „r,,,i, 0 p,ifv„ f() it, viii ilot
y: ind. ',..t.) ittii.t.ltir„tttid .10an lta..'Iti.
, ,, . ,
; tt;:tct tt..t•f,0, ..: to flit, AtIti*Ina. '5' iie 'hilt'
. , .. . ,
"lilts:, 0:0 rurally ..lat 51t5115%- on, 8 • 04+1),14,11t
!Be anillilireless
Sale Is Opposed
British Post Office Union Oh-
jectS. to Losing the Con-
trol to Foreigners •,
Weeton-Suptr-Mare—A conference
,•ef•the"Poit:Oilice Workers' Union has
nnAnimoublY' adopted a'*ebohition
4eating iigainit the secret. negotiationor-
, .
for the sale 'or transfer of the patrol"
of the •go*ersnment;ONi!nt,d heaMwire-
less serVIce to foreign or other private
linanelal luierests. " ".• "",
' J:"W.oWen; general ,setretali-,.' said
that as a resuitmf tbe succss of the
bearn,'Ivireleser foreign' finanCiaa, and „.
other interests.hadleen at worls'anO.
were'ready to take over, this 'Very pro: . • .
• •fitable undertaking. Not long ago
• .•
09Y World :Explorer
' That brighteYeegoddeei Adventure
whoni thieryene from the YOungest
to the oldest..has,,dreamed has beele•
oned to Russell Dickson, tt„Winni,peg
boy,: tied wili , lead him on an adven-
turous Fah.- around the -, werld. He
bas .,been chosen ' by Lowell"Thetnas,
world-fathed :, explorer -land tleettifer'' to
go with ihim as s eretapy.',4tif his next
expedition into the jungles, of Africa,'
ti. the--s.M.1147"S.e ; isiande• and ,--into
practically every corner of the glebe,.
Dixon, who is 20 years ofoge.has
been employed for the 'litt three
years in the offices, of the anradi„ait'
Pacific \Railway. r,,t Winnipeg. When
„Lowell Thomas was lectnring In. the.
City' and made, a ,etatement to the
adianboY to go wit lin lePeteinber.
Russell got busy and landed the job,
Tthariffill-inean-ir-Year'er ,so .of rare
adventure.. First ;class shorthand
knowledge, and an aptitude for photo-
graphy and mechanics, were some ,of
the most important reeuirenients .fer,
the, position: .. Satisfying themes
raelbirg7achecith. igre-e-fhetfr was
' they found the Marconi and other cam. bY
1.....cinclon Vicar
Qe is inest
e est package-L'AlumOom..
!Pdaleit had 'a' merger, eontingent .on
satisfactory agreement.theing reaChed
with the 141tiSh.OoVe`rinnent "dud Do-
„TheY':grav,eIY.• alitrenended
..the prospect ofithe .Goveinnient.either,
. handing 'over 4 the :cOptrol, or selling
the beam SYStbrn,. 't4,..A.:M6rig61). or
:other eagle -,syateins, The. Imperial
WireleSs and,Cable Conference; sitting
In Lonclon.sinee,:lanthiry 16, had given
tie hints •yet.,•as*to' its findings:
. A. E \lillett, the Seconder 'of .the
,resolution, sa.“1-4,4at the postal work -
f:1 we're helpless to, prevent the trans-
fer and urged a” definite demand that
,the 1..tabor Party • in the House of
,Commons alien d solemnly declare
that, if this scandalous transfer was
.effected wciuld in the • event of
being returnedto power' notonly- yet
slime kOntrol of the beam aysteni; but
'would:0,1SO: exprOpriate at iheir
vaiiiation every forth of •externarcotn-•
Anunieb.tion. from' Great ,Britain,"
• A-Fevir Don'ts,-That'MY Not
1. .. "Be AMiss Any Place
Lo;;,'zign,-7.-IilaVi' c. ar. of ..S' t: Philip's
church is not altogether .satii4edWith
the deportment and responses of bride-
grooms in his Battersea diocese.. In
his .magazine he gives the following
!Cps to the ,prospecti4 bridegroom,,
"Don't rush at the.blushing 'bride
when she : joins you at the chancel
i 4teps and shake hands with her. One
hrickgreorn did'this at 'a recent Wed-
ding and exclairnecl ,"Ow. a,re"yer,
en '.the p,riest, tells you to :soy
. y n .on
say 'God's holy • audience.' 8orne ef
the aTidienceswe have seenat, recent
'Weddings' 'here Could never by atvi.
stretch of imagination be zellel hOEY..;
.".It is alWays best to refrain from
drinking' anything stronger than, ten
before., the; ceremony. . The sin ill a
.L001161 . is rather obectionable and es-
• . . .
pecielly in church.'
"IVIAU The .Ciergyinati asks yon. to
say .!Troth' plet,Se ..don't ' say 'trough.'
-Tiie—fair fiieti-ir11-ith, :. 41-de1i ty,
*ptreurthei;det.li: 1•,a,tt„er. anything hollowed
out • arid 'open longithdinally op the up-
• Very Strange.
. . , Loaf hread, !'Punny;
Claujfied Advertisements. ,
141. Tag MoyEit—PI01";f•Egit D1S4.
TANcE moyers...af" Canada,: 1.argest
speady .padded .; vans. , New. Eeelemerg,'
latest methods. Twe'..oxperiencea men'
every trip.All, loads' insured,. Peyond • .:
compare tor'saill and care :Heron) you.,
move, write ;',es or -wire and. rev/tree:4as-
charge s:; Head 'otnea Hamilton. Ontario. '
. Hill the Mover. •
easy CHICXfl.
r forene,craialogue. H.
. Winnipeg Liberte
teba;•eltcept in a , fen rare onotsi- eh* ,
dren:.go to the Government piimary. 7
• Scheele. :In these ..th,e Pre/40.44g*.
age is not oftleially adinittei;,..neither-
ae subject matter' for study nor as an
instructional; language. Aceerding to..
official.prograins and 'depart:Mental
'or_dinatieee the Manitoba
• • nosed, from the ' moment he 'eaters ,
the primary 'echool .and. As Jong as :he
Stays% there; to hear nothing but, Eng
Usti,: andfrom the time he starts' te
, ,
read and NO'ite, to'read aid Write no !.:.
tiling, but English. The., • 'mother
shah,. is 'totally :ignored by the .71:iani-.
toba odUcatlerigi.'40'orit151,s.,•,.
. • •
When a; man 'begins tr) Pity, himself,
te. lases the syinpathy ,of the whole
Baby's 01,in Tablets Are Fine for the baker' who. baked 11 wOrks hard •
Nervous,. SleePless Children.
e t1mand yet you might say he's
'From Canadathe fame Of Baby'
3.. ' •••••=•••-••-t.--e
Ow n i•Tablets Is sPreading .oveithe,
sorltI mothers..recoinniend.. them t,
Otlierniothers; and wherever:•they ar
tried nothing but ..ivorils. of praise.ar
heard. for these Pleaeant.tasting litlJ
tabletsthat,.. promptly relieve Ala
riaino,r •allnients, of yeiing.'. children.
' "Baby'eOwn Tahleta'are one, Of, th
beet renleclies 'for,•children's ailment
e NewYor Times: .,(Heavy.,sPectile-.
6 tion fer. 'the 'rise IS "going.; dn .8111ml,
e taneouslY 011 the@toeic EXchanges'or•
e London New York and•Paris.rinan
".cial. Critics are, Warning ethe 'PebliC to.
e: be . The .spectacle on all
three markets of oppositlon to the.
scope of theartoyeinentfrom• Observe:-
tive banking 'cinartarl,.. and ..Complete
indifference by the • Stock giehange'S
Custoreere to such eppositiOn,'Suggesta
at .lea4:•.tood for thougitt,,..: There Is
always : an arguable'..possibility. ,that
the"public' at large may at such times :
have • graspecl.. Certain elements Of in
transie value' Which exPerienced.flnan-
cierS':had_ndseed.• :Net the deduction
Is LUSO warranted, at any rate bi"':prev':-.
loop' episodes of the kind, that pre
longed .and excited sPeculationWbieh.
Stritint.carriea.a..Contagionsuc) a's Is
40lInd in the long inn to drhe It,lie;
yondi,the boUnds. Of reariert.'•
I have ever ..used;" -saya-Mrs.:Arthur
Allen of Auburn, .Me. "My little
girl was nervous'. and, could, not sleet,.
I tried', the Tablets and she as re
lieved at orce Site Was elect' ti onbled
with' constipation ead:notbing 'seemed
to help' her. I had used the Tablets
btt a lihert' time; before/ .her
were . regular.: All :mothers' should
kevi Baby's. Own Tablets in the house,.
forthey are a 'valuable remedy.- . .•
sany's Own Tablets are 'sold by all
druggists or will be inailed:on receipt
' eisn-re. P
Di WilliainW MediCineco„.Brockville,
. . •
• .•• •: Last. Words •,
• .". • ,
Our .tongues kept threshing'. tint tite
.:the Old affair. -
Aid Words -were" winttowed''•like a
mound of Sch'a'ff.. • ". •
. .
You said; be absurd and think
Let's write •.O.tireelve's:,a cheerfa,epi:
And .i_preteeded;. that our studied air
• .5ji. .toriehalatice, Yetir? truinped-up.
holloW•laugh;.' ' •
Had somehow :made,' the -truth, less
hard hear:, • ,
' there Were Other's, who.' had,
*.stood -the gam;
; hay. 64 PI,S;Yed Comforter „so
'Taking c:itir childish • trtinbfes •in to
'Sd readily, that, We NV:et ,!3.qein., to
Mildness by not 'dissembling, to' the
Therefore, I ,sinnply,,kiSS'ed yetiellands
, strove.: , • ,
• :To hide. , that: greater • weak,nesa•
: ,kno'w.n.'•%'418 Joer ,
Camouflage ?dui Heins . •
A ''ilggestlon for etitnoullag.
ing' hems in a 'Wool dregs is ItiVell
the practical Oagailne, • "Suceessftil
Fanning." ,pntting hem in ,a.;,
Wool ,dress," it reads, "There
lit an Unnecessary amount q. Material,
Whielt; causee •the 'hem -lithe. to 1•Oolt:
bulkY. This is not at all.:desirabfe.
have avOlded this by..feldirig the matt.'
once .to. totnt 'the 'herii and' ma-
chine; stitching 'a .plecO of mercerized
ribboit..or tae ribent .ene;ha,1f inclt
width aleng the iaa.' edge -of ,tho. hem',
The 'heti' •should then ,be Pressed flat
-stfit-"Wiilotentaltiqtr"plaCt"atid the up
' " dge of the,ritihnh-dr,lapeleit,her -
catch sitt"Ehed orft ,stitthed to the
(jress, This, insure's a irnoeth herb
ino whiell 18 i)ttvetlettily invisible." •
.• • -" • .; • '
• . 'SECRETS, . • '
Cute, in aBaby-
Awful aterhree
—and it's Dangerous'
Ruth Brittain
Thumb sucking does look sweet a
• • hatry;, but it ,is'diagtztfng,in the three.
s cS1-1'. 0 milit' libYraciailti 0Ve0."tvllor0. 11'1)1114)a' 'Mille 'of Magnesi , ,i ' ' . • H '' • • .
inki• r n(10.14,111 ' 1+ .111'uottiettitr.n. al. oneo Ito mire) -1.4 ,g0t. tite germ ne Phillitnii:. rrt)re:58e:" '"\Vher't 'did. Y6'11 ''16-ai'll.
liyith. fimea• Ita volunio in acl.tL , It. Is Nfilk of IvingripsittAwerteribisd by physt; i• abojit" the •641tV41/.'glands?".
. . , ,
1 I:. "J, tad A 'flid .out - •thi ' ,
iiiiN, •11;:15( Way, 511)) col role, Iffil piont;rtw clans for 50 years in eorrecting cess I
t't 1001 woy in kill 11,015 ftl) En(„11 bolo° (.,.01114/48 fUJI 46 ProfesSor, '113, Bo dat sOr.elive."
1 ,
41'1,41 ' 'rho 1401"i h horn ''"' di Ui.stOtO rvi (nerd!. Littler:tont 'for TeothildhOg '
'ettnetits 1' •
f,Year-Oid and iortietillies,. It hangs.,on
, Untli IlfteeJi or •sixteent .The,'Illtbit
may -,callSo an:111-formed •ni oil tiv,or. In
duee. adenoids; .,, and it always • inter-
feres' ..ly.ith . dige•stion, l?inning. the
howel*.detionzia .reshOnSihle for; Sy.eak .1 ,'
.•howelS 'and', censtluatteri 'iri baffles.'
the elbows, are .totn'e of the. ,ways to sleeve. over...the. hand4, attaching mit-.
AnoilYer :ha,d liallit-Ldtregulariiy 'in ,
If they, •
dont act isilt.t0811ta).rittilati I : ,
134.ey'veee‘ tthe-it'ut g -ii. lia°i‘v6p'1'eril:(011(1,..1:.‘6'i)eliPerlit;t1'(11/77. 1 ' : the blood. :.11jolpuZe.''''''iT•kiaribci6tiaiu,t.' Is III
which.: .prevent bending, the atnis„.at'
&ton the 'habit, ..• ' .% ., , . .. ,' ..''
Fletcheisva.3, .6 he, 6 1cm keep
, ..
tetts., .pr,'putting on. cardboard' ctiffs-
, . 1 Skin That Chp,r,t7 .1.011 yrifst,,c, or- '
, ,, . re ,orfie. •••ofati-tys tostit.litaiagni in the Moot], then .•
,'.TRI:41LoorY•prilniritly corrects .
0 .. ''' . • ' ' Tiz' '''-'
them. bottle -of It ra..,1...1.d,.y. to usLe, in case
.et ,. reCt whatever . faults. of imptitiV
. . oi-k, it ' in , 'e• on' .4lie: skin and
colic, cholera, diarihea, gas on stom':. I or deficiency ,exist, in. the blood. . Used ' in tonioncth".11 1"11 . L
ach and bowels, conatipation, lose 'of,,i A• do.' .tor; .prpotibltig. to ,.)4.5 tvIltil'r°k .s° Di, dr: tBli 'elf' kl. svg:1;',d8 oe°rsl:Nin clearing'l i*•':.F
feVerieh.:'•'''''Irriall'iririfinciree7over' ''patient, -"first..-Tires. tiii-the'great'thtim'Skitr'.0+-bletTilsbeg,,-.-444ea;""'"---'
'sleep,,',, or when 'habY is OrOltt Audi' • • .
-babyte-eyetetn-,ewabit .•.:,111,..11, tey..,..g t ftill'r- "Value..•Of f(TRIT-BIZarl'i' in:1th- . ''rbol'Alititds.sa,1..:pie ciiIiic"gksiybblo.aflitibstt ti
nourighttient frotti his feed, helps hlta : -
'pith, strengthens' Ilii him:vela. ' ' ' • 1 : proving • ibP skin's •texture and
, Ready Cut 10x16:
Other sizes si
In tree iluildirs' Cats- , '
=log.. .Write
Ha:ninon '
slutwEGLgist•THOR.,0•BRED7,' HAHN"'
Our lateedersi''are.brett icpetilith
and Buff 1-eghorne, Barred and
,Wlaite Rocks. It: I. Reds.',1%O.
cont, Buff Orpington.; White '
Wiandottel, 111 cand,up:100%
, live delivery guaranteed., Write • ..
•: toddy lot FREE tHICK' acioa..•
A .Reliable ',Antiseptic.- •
. . , .
Rt1F8 no 411t0Ctjitit.'fity,,, vol.F$7
and ?wounds' takes..., place.- by.
applyini Minard's
ires Give Most
iles Per Dollar
greatest „eneMY .to tire life is
not •the harah .c,ity acreets
:•or.rough road., but heat which is -
cteatud, inside the . by . internal
friction. Heat. not only weaken.
the ; fabric, but alio 'stiffens. the rub -
Ler,: Causing. •blowout.: 'and tire
failures: •
The above iiInsirefien shows a
•iingle, cord. at Firestone. tire
greatly magnified and tint\Uiated
hitt:. fifteen smaller' carcia. corriOose'cl:
Of many' little fibre.. •
By Jneeins of the .exClulive Fire-
stone Gum -Pipping' Iiiocess; every
'fibre 4. Iniialatod with rubber.; which
prevent. internal h'oiAt and '
- . : . • •
Your local ftreitorae Dealer ,giees •
you the belies. e'er*e thai goes totth'
these better tires. .Fee,hliu Wok. f'
'' • •
' Hamilton. Onter)o
resteoe Build's the Only Gunv=Dipped The. •
, . •
After :Taking Lydia E.
Pi,nkhain's Vegetable ; •
Cornp6und,, "
Fenv7ic1k Ont -"1 ant takingLydia.
• .E:•,Pinitharn's Vbgqtable• Compound
during theChange
of Life for rieryou.4
•feetino,lbsg of'ap-•
petite an& to gain
strength. It •fs a
groat tonic and t
have ori dozen
bottles Of it. It was.
recotn mendcdto
Me by a friend -
no'/ recinnmehd
it, to. all v. mush for.;
such irro.blys' ,
, comp at:this t 11
111;SSELL; 11, ,&';
FenWick, Ontario•;
Look to the Blood
• . Ce,tori!I : Is ..1)01elY 'r egetrqlle hr,d •SttioOthrtesS in ' tii,ing. it be01111ful... VotitArtiggisI4L'ati s'irolY Y:611 s'ith .
harmless—the retine ls pn the wrap:• 1. ' c1or .
per, phystelahs have prescribed it., • ,clearness and cniOr•
for ' eVer , 30 years. 'With - each, Paelt., that vegy, en ".Puckle,y'..P pi:b443:,. ,
ago; you get a ' Valuable boOk Ott ,
Metherboaa,„ • Loelt. fen' . has. It
''letehor's signature' on the wraPPer,,
tio.Yet'll, get the genuine. ' . ..
i•ast.): -Oa,
Cerea;t tirF,C (4,4;44'in
zo=r•tar* A V71244,4 *Ai=