HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-31, Page 5• P•V
intUp Clean
'With MartineSenoni 100%, Pure Inalcie and •Olitsitie. Paint.
'Senear's Floor Taint • • ' • e •
-Wood,lap Stain fOr Pleors, Woodwork and Furfliture.
• Reeere' OruShieg,Lhequer Eder Floors,. or Furnittre, Oriete
fl eit) eiiiputee." • 7 . , •
Mdre.ico. for Walla 1.‘d Ceiling decoeatien,
.1,c3; and Ii!'ffeat.i) En iniel,S .for repainting the carF u!.,
Stock of Paint and Lacquer Bruishes.
Rake$,," Heese•Cultiva
or and 'Shoeelie
4 UST A IdelleED:e..Q:arleti I Of Cele Spring Wire Barb Wire
and W:oeen Fence: ' ,.• . •
St: ..111itees Cement 'al ,vays on hand.
Gyproc,. Paristope an.1 Lime. •
tric Water Heater built inee the tub. It Leine, washes „and
wi logs the c.othes. It will pay you to see' this mtichiee before
pureha -inge
_;_Pone 66.
,Haicl ware Coal
Plumbing Tinsmithing
leiclineweee_ eihate
• Pheee 7,4q Ohone 256
Monumental Works
Usthe largest end most meinniete •
r stockin theenest lieantiftil designs
te 'cheese from,:
Marble, '..Scotch, -.Swedish ;tied Can,
eeme Graniteti •
We make a speeialty" ef, .Family
Menueneels and invite :your inspee-:
eiopee-e-ee '• •
Inscriptions Neatly, \Carefully and
Promptly Donee
See: us. before piecing; eeee °Nee.
Doriglati -Mose-
.1,6elfnfiw.Ont. .i•
The annual ' Meeting, Of the .Bruce,
County Junior ,Fermere and junier,
• Institutes AsseciationS was held in
• the 'office' of the '.Depaetnient of Age
_ ,
Pihulture; Walkerton, on Friday eve--
• ,
Jorge May( 25th.• The retiring Presie
. 4r.. -Wilfred Inglis of Welker-,
' ten, occupied, the .clieir 'for the busi-
-fiesse-Part-ion ate -thee nreetheg, after,
which the, meeting, in cenege or Mr.'
A. "E.; Donald; Assistant liepreserital..
,tive,, wagopened for -the nominating .
• and election' of officera. , . •
' Theedate, for the Annual !Judging
Corepetition, Which was,. definitely set
for', jene 12th, will be ?reki 'in- Luck-
• , nOvv: Rules and Regulations .are
criossiNa. Ac61DENTS
.• A jUdgment reeently'hailded down:
; .
.Goderich has in a 'warning for
. ,
motorists in, COrineetion witie their re.7
sponeibility in: aecidenta . at railway
Last October a car driven by a man
naieed ' Boyce 'ran • irite, the side. ofira
"Ipspeetor • 13.414".his. :'.annuat.visit to
our school :Nat: week.
• "M4 Nesqn Bushe1I who le• ill. in •
..St„. • ,,Ineeph".e Hoepital, indon,. We
Are ;seri*. ••Ve eeport,: is.no emprovingo.
• „Mee:. .D,OehlO0ee,-ePent
geld •• •• • •
vzed hi
..grentifat.hee.. Me: .George.
Mies Pearl ., engram 'etleent. 'the'
weeicepd frieed:e
Mr.., and lire. Theinas, Whitehead,
of ,Torentee stere'egqests. at- Mr ohn.
.111r... and Mrs, Miner Ackert Spent
,weelc-end at Brantford an OAkville.
Mrs John' 'Carrutliets; • , who has
leen hi the. litjngham. lloeidtafe
ire glad te...report, is improving,'
Mies Blanche JaMieSein,. R.N., Of
-Pei-amount,- is :wendinga few clays
• with teresieteri Mrs. Howard Harris.
Mr. • and Mrs. Jelin Peterliatigh and
littIe Billy of the South Line, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Peterhatigh of Kin-
-ardine, spent Sunday at Me: Win;
• .
Eadie's. •• ' •
Mee• Alex. •FeASer 'and, family .4 -of
,Embro, spent ,Sunday at .Mr Tyndal
Robinson's: . • , , -
Mr. and Mee. •Wm, Elliott spent a
few days recently /with 'th'eir. deughe
••':•er: Mee. •Almer :Ackert., ,
e.Mr. , and Mrs. . tired. Thompson,
• Wni.....Theeripson, Miss Ayles, Mrs.
eteee„.W.ratipteend. Mre..Eaele-Hodgins•e
motored. o Oheslly on .Tuesday, to:
atterid 'Presbytery. and Missionary
convention. . ,
A _baby by arrived at the home
Of Mr. and Art u'aldenby. Goa,
•• The Bethany W.M.S. e held ,theii
_olyiellthly_ meeting_ atethe:.,,,homee of
Mrs: Walter Hodgins on: ThursdaY,
May 1T. The meeting opened With
• singing- the, , posology:, :-which was
Thempeon: It was decided, to'heild the:.
.funeeneeteeg in the church .and quilt
• two .quilte.. A responsive • :service
(a -stewardship Seeeice c•f worship)
1kas theriegivene, This- 'WIRPfdllowed
by singing e() Mester let nie. Welk
with Thee." A'siilendid .repOriof the
train. -as it ' was proceeding:eenventien at-Chesleyeera-s--givenele,
over a; crossing eOfl the Huron Road
near Gocierich.. The :caWasehadly
damaged and the occupants ha& a
mireculous • escape,. The owneeeof thee
car .entered- an actian egairist the.
•Canadian Natjonal, and • a counter-, °
Mrs. .Jas. Weaith and Mrs.. E. Haile.
..gens.•__.; Leaflets on e(The • stewardship
of life) weee, read be „Mrs. Barker;
Daisy A yles Mrs. Wm. Thomp-
son:- eMeetingedoeed with prayer 95Y
the Preeellent.
'Action Was entered by ihe Company
against the. Motorist:
-The case came to. trial a....sheet
time. ago; and, afterthe hearing of
evidence, -Boyce •e9end itnecessary
to; settle with the _railway. 'company;
judgement being,. ;given acceriliegly..
Hoebr.. judge Lewis expressed a.
desire ;diet the circumstances •should
be made, nublic in :order 'diet motor-
ist's who •aripeeach railway crossings
ihacarelessmannej. should be pre-
pared to suffer the coneequencese--
eyen. if .••thy_Ae,seioWdeaee with tbei •
lives. • ' •
' The result • of' • the Goderith ease
has an .kmportant bedeing on: the 'en-
tire tiuetion. of level: croeeing aeci-
dente. Not long ago thee Mafiagemerie
• of the:eintimated that .they
had beconie tiredof paying damages
eo • 'renteriste -WA'oe claimed the as e
'reeult of collisions at leeel. crossings,
when asa wetter of' face it was the
•..,eloter that had- run into the train
rather than the train thae. had' tun
into -the Motor, •
When the eeeeiderit -takae Ake -at
i •
a levee crossing e e.s usually due to
• the negligeneeeeffethe, ieetotist., The
railway .,ernpliiyees are instructed- to
send the proper warning sigetels •
.n approaching such danger spots
'ee ere is no level croseing in the
• .1% '
country at which suitable signs
are: net efeceed. Yet been of these
'safeguards eoatinue tobeignored by
ninnyof the motoring erablic:
eesiniilar to those of • previous, years, '
ekeept 'that .the trine to Chieago for,1-
the ,high girl and high bey,. of the;
• cempeeitiop, have been,' SUbStittiteil.
,by trips ,to the , Royal Winter'
Fair, for the high. man of tho cornpee
titiop at -id the eluriier Farmer &Mahe
ifig the whining team; aed Part eie:
poises to the C:N.Th for the • high
„girl and members of . the • Cotinty
ITopsehold. Scienee' Judging team.
The iviusicaF:yedtivai recrOed Con-
, tidefahle attention and discussion re
• .nenaces, and the gradipg 'of each, as-
- sociatien into .clasees on the"basis of
Abel')." • past performance. A' new troe,
pity is to be putup. for' competition, .
which cannot be collected for by
those ,associations havieg scored
/ '
high in prei.loUS' feStIval. '
Various ether -phases of juntor ac-
' tivity, were diaceeeed. .1eit definite
• action, was deferred to a later Meat -
The /new offireree tor 1028-29 are
as folloWe.:---itmlorary PreSidentiW.
fst• Vice.Bres.,‘, Wm. 'BAIN 2nd Vice -
'Pres., rtizaboth Alton; Sec...areas.,
Thomnson; Tominittee, 111‘a-
rie; ,Person, MeClipton, Rua -
son. McKee. Emily 'Grant,. Willard"
. Maretaret T h �ni p s 0 ii
(Interne Rirstine, CmYleVi.
•-Mex McICaguei, Iola 'Clark, Mt All.
firoW; Rata' MetPali.
0 0—
. •
: .(Inteeded. For 1,ast Week)
. we:end:Mee. Rev Pateon. of. Lucen
Sunday- at Mrs, Patton's home:
Mr: and Mrs: Arthei aed
children 'of ...Kitchener. spent ' the
•eek -end with...Mee:: Holland's. par-
ents e Mr. 'arid Mes.' George :Garton. ,
. Mrs., 'HurnplyreV and ‘Lilit' s of. .St..
T-TelenS,' and :Mise Elizae Phillips'. • of
Goderich„ visited on Sundey. at ...the;
-efetheir sier, M. A: Foxe-.
Mi's. C. Browning eet Kincardine.
visited a few .deers with, .her father,.
Mr, George Cottle,. ,
...Miss Beefy Inglis ef.'Veintb'ye spent.:
the past week at her hoiee here '
Neres. Leggae'. • Meisre, puncan
end' Peter Keened:F. and .Mr. Kine
metered .t6.- Toronto on. Monday.,'
,Petereeterniedy- brought home e Star
• ^ape's and Me. -King an "Oaklareclecar
Mes .ancleMrs, Pelle* and Mr: and
Kinger' and 'daughter, Lois,' Of
Det-roit, spent .• the ieeekeend • at the
hOree, the • latter's mother, Mrs:
. Tw hound i and .O .speniel• • that
.Inswer to :their •rnasters' voice.e in
Soothem pion' probably :found things
too 'quiet in . that htieg .recently,' and
.raving excitement they., started eut
en a' ramPage, of destetiction; \risiting
leveral •flocks of sheep hi Saugeen
, rowpship,kiliing twe .lambs ancl "a
'ewe and badly:, worrying 'eeveial
others,. a, few of ,which, it is .expect -
,ed, will either die or „haye to be de-
..:;troyed. On Wednesday the :"killers"
attapked Mie Alex. 'McCannellis fleck
and .killed . two Nettie and a• ewe and
worried several . otheiS, And on Thurs.
"lay about noop raided the'flock of,
Arthar'tsplen, severely meuling one
lairb And ,badly worryini fem., others.
and a .ewe." They, then attacked A.
J. ' Espien's sheep; hut fortunately
Mr. Esplen,',' who' Wee Aoil, his Way to
the, house for dinner, notieed, the
dogs and chased ,them ofl before any
great damage' had been, done to his
flock: s,Mre. Alex, McCarmell' traced
th eselOgee to- ISOti dui mp terraridereetireet
the „names, "of . theit owners, 'bet. :it
Will be un, tn. Satigeen TWeet reime
eitrse,' Mr. MeCartriell' rot.. the loss of
his lambe , and' elieep killed, and pi•ob.
ably one 'belonging to, Mr, l'eeplen,
,apd the take 'Action against the
.oWnere o'f•tite dog to reeo‘ter the
Inoutit 'Kg /mid
Vimos. •
, The natio ;yr 'Nit% !if lafit --wdok
had , ',';
Mr. Dave: blahn af rather eX.-.•
. . ,
itiig experie'nee „about 10 ..o!cloelce
last Saturday evening: 'Ile wee mot..
. • •
,back 'to tOWn frerii 'Walkerton
with. Ins wife ,and faiiily, , and . owingto a *heavy Mist prev,ailin at the
.time,, was not trayelling Very, last,
Near ..Mr• Pfohl's 'farin .haltioteced
?al; .inIrked,At the side oe the 'road
Ind.a girl occupant of tlieeea'r called
for .help. ,DeiYe Slackened up, only to,
'de that a fellow came 'aeotindethc
the,. 'cnie .reecilver in hand',
led ordred lihn to- stOp.rhe girl's
Cali JOY 151alnly rus.e..
et. tam th Atop: .1lowlVer.,.110. did :
"he yore. OfiPosite ttid Itepped on the
gae,„ whereupon tWO .atiots. were. -4red.
to scar e him but he kens -Op gable...
No 'other 'cars Were in .sIght, ;at the
1,1,e. Lahti later returned to. the: d1s-
triet. anethet Mini but the would.
be?holi1411.3 1u4 -taken. ;:their'':',Ilepdr-.:
tore, "
T112 VOC,ICNOW elINT11174 . THVRSD4Y. &14Y.• 84st, 1921.
•PRO7'ECTS, 19'48
• Commercial Steawberry beds have
wintered :satisfactorily . generally
throughput :Canada, exeeet eoeeiblY
41, Ontario, and: quebee,where from
•.5ee to 40% winter injury is reported:
n time- section. • In- British Colum-
bia thestraFle-re),,e, weeYiV has 'clone
'Con4ideratil4 'Injury to tbe, plants en
the ,Islaptl, but owing to increaeed
•"aereage, it 4. expected that last
Yelieea .preichietierri will be maintained.'
.slightly larger. , ,A 0014; haek4e.a.rd.
:...slieipg";has.:prevailed in ell the Prele:
•ineese aiad' it le expected that thie:
lcondition will Also, stiOtly affect; 'pee,
Yeld asewell 'As 'make the eroPeabeue '
10 days' late: The cemenerefel pre_
dtietion s estinia-tod to he, aPhre5d•-•
erriteely the erifire as last year, which
was placed at:10,046,200 .quarte. n'h
:re e.
strawberry 'production e her PrOyineeS-
fOrAing is estineated n qiiarts ,ae
• follows, With, 1921 ,figures- ir bracke
'et:a•13titi1 cOhnnhia :•5;600,000,,,,(4,
041,700); Ontario 2,e00;000,
000); Quebec 0,000;000, (1,910,500)e
New. •13rtinswick, 1,000,000, '• (1,000,-
000); Nova ;Scotia, 450,60O, .650000
In British Columbia it s'eitimated
\That there Will be aeslight increase
ever, last year in the carload 'ehip-
• inents.. The number of- cars expected
to Move during the ecomieg seeeere
ee 'eompared with 1927, (flgueee in
• bracket)., • is Vancouver
land, '50. (4.9)1 ; •LoWer Maieland,
15,' (14); Sall:not Arrn, 3.43) -;---Cres
With' the'. increased
.acreage on the. Island, -it is quite
nosSitle that there will e Mere* than
50 .Cers; providing the weevil .injury
is Acit. toe _seerceee The L.O.L.
nient is .:expected fir comMence
wards theend of May, and carlot
shin.,ments.. to start on ihe I,oWer
'Mut: June.ath/e-Salni.on •kAien; 'epd
CrOston will bea little later. Abet
of 'die total ' coMpiercial prodec-'
jam • nianUf,ae•terere, • : or
frozen (Cold. pack) for later Ship-
.• ..
• The bulk ot 'the Ontario cro.ri
• • .
tracked .to thelocal Markets; While a
few cars 'ate shipped .to. pthits pet -
side of ;the Province, .7.• This • year's
-movement is. .,exoe'efea, toecomneepee
cluring• the east: Week hi . June, While,
thepa willrbe. aloctitefreie July 8th
to 12th, unless ,excentionally • :warm
weathereitierienced to cause
operations to commence earlier;
The • principal, eonimercial districts
• • .. ,
are ;Clarkson,: Burliegton,, ,Niagera.
District and, -Waterford. fair pree
portion 'of the crop will be handled
by, ;die canners. .
..Judging from :the 'present appear.
ence of the strawberry beds in the
• Province 'Of QUebee, • it is expected
that the, Yield Will beeaeproxiiiiately.
the Seine as last year. • or 'perhaps
iarger osving o' the je-
er:eased' acreage hi the Island ee. Ore
leans; where there is eveeeeindichtiop
for: increased production. • At the
present' time the ..season is eepprOxi:e
ninthly 'eviei. 'Weeks , later.. .than in.1152/
an soriww*at later. than in average,
yeaes, .with the, result the eaminerciel-
moveneerie. . not probahlys,
mence', until the second 'week' in July.
. In the': 'Maritime. ,Provinces . ;the
strawberry . plantations.. live come
thr,ongle the !winter , in, .fairlye.; goad
eonditien, ;Although' pante winter
itity le .repeeted. The erne. which'
umiallY. does riot. rineve : teitil • ab.ouf
eTulY -20th,-isepected to equal last
year's Yield. ' ; •
_ •
" There. are 56.3 'orgariiied townships
in,Ontario and, elf these only 62 or 11
pereceet. retain the,antiqeatecl eetAt-
_it° labor • systein. Ther,9 are pe
'townships in •Brece thet .Itue 6- not the
patrol ajr.stm, ' but at the..end of last
,year there were -three in' peek,
land, • Normanby And Preto?. These
03. 'townehips reeeive. no grant fyoni
the ,Legieleture,:Towrishiee . with e
tipeeinten0ept get 50 ' ler ,cent;" on
his salary AO'a teturn of, 80 • pee
cent., on :all money eeeended. tor
township ipad; end bridges. County
roads reeeiye dollar for ,dollar ein
the Legislature eend, the eceitifies put.
ere only 20. per cent, of. the' expeedi-
turde ,on provincial 'highways. There,
has been a :strong agitation in -sever-
al coinities ete have the whole eost of.
Provincial highways meietaihed ley
the egislature. 'There,. Wore 1800
mile's Of 'prO,Theifil 'bighwairs .in On.
taii9 'before' 107 and jaet year 550
wilewere added to the; system,. If
the Legislature efood • for the whole,
cost there. wauld be Sucli demandfrom the county eounols Of the .37
tounties iry ontatie-tclie. ad.ditienal
provincial.'highWay4 that the
requests were granted there would
15e tie large mutual, prcivineiat ,defidit,
,They may"-talk84:411 the;,.iik - about
lying. to lvtars, but the fat that. the
tip. Would take ,i1bout 25.years
prpvent being iitiptilar With week:-
00000, '
• e
Marriage- , Pae, I • ' ,A tie, an
church, Del:gene:el, was the' scene of
a‘ Very °interesting -event at 7 a.m.
"Thill'SdeY, May '24th, 1928; ' when
I•ieel?etll' Florence, Onlye,edaughter
...of `the late Robert giggles and hIre,-
-1-liggine, of eDinigannore ; was; 'united
in the .,bonds .of jnatrirp,OnY to her:
HeeVesi. Treleeyen ,ion of the : late
Sameel 'Treleaven -and Mrs Tegfeee-
me, also: of.. eDurigannori. • The mare
tiage, egreinerier , was performed -.' •
Ree,, Perrk14•Th,,ctOt, .0
non, 'and ,Cliriet'eeehreiche Port
hei;ti in the +preeepce ef a.feee guests.
A gOodly. nue-nher4 of Onlciekeee. Were'
• also present 'toe witnese'the eereneine
.as both,•,bria?•, 4ild7..lericiegroomeeare.
veii`poiml:ar:-`in soclal ae weft OS ,
4i•e1ee: The .winearoe,:bride
looked •yeree 'cherming rn cuiming
costume • of fliabY '14e:epee-,
ret twIll Withbleckeeatin and Willie •
trinin-ings and hat to, nuitch, • She
carried A. shover botigeet of pink
rose. and Maiden heir ferrite. Thee'
were unattended.. The cherch. was.
:heautifully crecorated fore the oecee ,
, elan with fie -ere and plait. After
+he ceremone a ...wedding breakfa.et
was served at the heele of the bride's
mether, oely' inneediaee- eeletivee: of
+h� bride :and beidegraOne, with a feve.
o-TrI.fiend " "lir the . fernier, • being
ereseet. 1 The table decerations were
hi• whife. After- a brief , beneymbon
Mr. and' Mr; Tr'eleaven will reaide
Dtinganeen:. Where. Mr. 'Treleeneen
a stieeessfel TherChant.. The best ;
wishes of a host of •friefils go ;with
the newly Weds On -,the voyage of the
hii, of rntrinony.• 4
' On the evening,. Of May 2.4e.t 'ebout
29 fricmda of •Miss leiee:ine... Members'
Of 'die ' gathered at ,the:
pleaSant `-hour. In the ceinese-
ofetlie: evening .Miss • IIireginie •Wa
.'resented with :e, fine pyrex end;
. • " . WEEK -ONTARIO -•
Jrine 1920212.
. ,
eeencrel :Daily ..Prograriteite
7., Until ene Cm., visiyis. rimy hijend—til
.tinre •,a'beFt the
eitedens and yeeetahle • egardens. ' or
eoifee' over tire exiiibitee. in the
inge of the Sciene•eDepertenents...'
...L. witch, .
• A vh1ae Pianee Iuneh . will be
serVedefre,e Ire the. • gyennasitine
. .
• .Thos `e interested :iry farm' crepe. and
•eiyestOck . Will leave the, .gypenasieni
in charge:Of 1..a' gpideeireenedia.teli;efe
'ter .1uneh, &rid spend zn houe looking.
oVer :the..crop'"experinient 'plots.; ',than
,,On.to:liew..the swine, beeficattle arid.
..dairy cattle for Another home; After
;thee' ail will ebe' at liberty- to. •visit,
.ether. departmeets. Of the.•(;eilege. as.
they eee.'fit.
Tou r • I,VoMen,• • - • ..
: Those interested in II6nie •ECCitiona4
nee will ,leaveethe.„ gym easiutit in
_ .
.•,,herge.fefea.geide Immediately. after
Iteneh .and wjU ,geeto 'Macdonald In-
•Stitute to be heyen throtiele the elass.
eons, laboratories endeleitchense and:
+.6 view- Special, exhibitsie...‘eriicle. Will be
aetenged .for. :•their heneet•' • • After '.
ehatetheyeevile be at liberty : to •yieie
the: poeltry, heases; etheeedeery; " the
"iniary and. theegardens, ,es they pre- '
fee*: • • • - • \ .1 - -
•Infoemetioye , Bureau, ,
An Inforibetien 'Ber,eee will he. ee-
+ablished in a .caintortable, .eiey room
near •the 'gymnasium.. Ileee. ,there.WiTi
these can he had for dm .aeldieee pee -
sons" in charge ".eVill •be'.girktj to giVe
inferreation enid. to direet", eisiters
inybuilcUng or ..dephrtment • whieth.
staff offiCials' will be .in all beildiees
freer,. 19.90. am. to- 4.00 p.i. each
day, ready , eyeeee,Ye,lpforreatioe • efi
queetions. of "ageieulteral science and
practice: .
At 400 o'clock the camPue.,•Will. he
Available, to ..yeefige and old tor base -
eon "gimes. lioree-Shog".•Pitchiege or
sech. Othee •anarteeae they lime see'
At to ,
, fa ten .. folic e *eleomc4
„. The Dale ipion • Bureau "'ci StAtistke.
as made the customary "artangee
nerits.fOr'.the c011ectien and .,ptiblietie
ion of the annnal agricultural. sta.
isticS. : Catiada.' torthe year .1,0,2e;
These • etetietieewill- be based upoie
i;turns to. •lie celleeted., pext June
role , ..terrneh'e epone terde:
effifir.S`Cheiftiles iesued,t6. thein dere
he ',teaeleeee•',:end ehitdreri, e'er, the rued
chpels. The eehedule is'a, very e Siete
le' one, SaPhIg only for the ..areas
14 -June', .;11Poit therestfiting\,
11108.. of total aroas SOWri, ate 'based
3we1litinaty, proOtional nd *ial
etimatee whh 41.0 0$, elef
,• . • ,
.. •
Great -New Chrje
• sler "62".Prices:-
Business Coupe,
$1350; Roadster
(Fith rumble seat);
$+1370; Touring, •
$1450; Coupe (with -
„rumble seat), $1490; .
' Landau 'Sedan,
• $1660. All prices
f.o.b. WinclsOr, Ont.,
including standrd
factory equipme•tt
, (freights:nut taxes
uRySLER f'62",performinee-4-
at its new lower prices re-emphaw-
Sizes Chrysler "62" suPeriority.
62 miles an hour plus --smooth, easik
miles. 7 -bearing crankshaft in Perfect
balance. Flashiqg acceleration in
trafficiUnusual hill climbing abilitY.
The easiest car to steer.
• Chassis spring ends mounted in rub-
ber shock insulators. Hydratilic four-
• wheel brakes alvvgYs perfectly self-.'
equalized for positive safety.
Chrysler stylish lirieee and appear-
ance: Roomy bodies. Saddle spring
seating: Unusual fineness in fittings
and upholstery. Latest ihades and
tones,in Color COmbinations, ' -(4
Take the 'wheel of a "62," That's -
the place where you, can most ,easily
prove that it is. everything a, car
b17,11i_d di°es g a car
•Lirepie intportaece' in connection With
the Movement, financing, ,distribetion
old 'sale of the peineipal 'Cereals,. es-
, ,
peeially of wheet of Which :Canade is'
riOW the WOrld'a ekfierter.-7-
The riresent plena for the . collec-
•tion of these statistics have been fol-
lowed annual Since 1017, 'and the es,
,timetei.beeed thereon.'haee cone to
be cierifldently relied upon by all :•in-
terested ire the •prednetion' and.,distri-
.butiop of Canadian grain. .
Accurate :statistics are eindisPenea-
ble 'fOr a proper appreciation of the
national Progress, end in Oieler to
ensure that 'ehestatistics may he: as..
aceurate is possible, it is ,earneetly
hoped that farmers theciughoute the
DOminien wifl 'flat fail -to render the
email service required' bY filling hp
and returning the sehedele 'issued.
. If any _termer_ -Should _not • xee,eive-
+he 'cardboard sehednle by the middle
of Juehe shorild apply fer e same
either. to the :schpol': teacher' af
n,eareit local rdral 'seheol " Or .to his
nroviricial Departntent af Agricu.1-'
ttire;' Or to- the Dominiore etatietitian
is -1O
'sole pleted schedule:from 'eYery
et Ottawa,„;Thea1m obtain. a
..er, as ...the more numerOus- the returns
the More trustworthy will be the re-
eulting estiinates,. '
• 1,)
. • . • • .' •
' ' CHURCH :
.'Ten..cents a w.eek • or. the:price of a
soda, la enough 'for the Lord in' the '
oriinfon -of .some of ,,thefeMilies..in, a
church in Montclair, New 'Jersey.
There are 'other famili,.',s who attend
ehe elnirch, .and think it can get a.
leng .witlieet einy tinanciae help frOm
'then, fit- All. The chureh bedget Ace-
• 6rding 'tea „ pamphlet srecentee iseoed
ie. $35,900. There,• are -408 fiimilics in
f he parish,' and las farni i i es do il t ri -
Inite :nothing, leaving. the...total ;bur-
den te the athere. Iteis eqeallYHin-,
tereeting to learn that there ,areAel
eu tom °bile in': the 408 • families, C''..r.,
re than ...oho autonobile `te each
eaniily. Her avo seine' otii(r interest4
ing itenis, evhich may have .a fam-
'nee- ring 'te'the real Workers in.eonee
other' ..ehurelies: '.. eForty families
',ledge 'pee eettr.” lees than the.. eost..of
two, tires,. Five families pledge per
'seeek jest, '..thes cost of two Packasees
of '"life, saver's," Seven mere .families"
.are •happy to conteibuite. rer.wol* the
,06.St Of One' 5oda.'Twent74- eieht ni•Ore
fainilles' est mate' the 1u:, -h' s blese-
hie' pee we -, clue], to one....nchhiseion:',
ete -a efonte air -movie (ie one Set in
f he .. beleons ), Florty-eix more fani:
ilieS priee •thehereligiop. in-teem:eel-en e
week teie then hale it mound .or candy
Twelity.t1.vo Tntore .fplililiel. are ; e0n-
tept, -with, C.; weeldy gift of. twe lend it
helf gallon,e di' gas. Ilo.,v, far will
flie eee„. go; On that? DI fty-mie .'filoro
fannies count it it., Joy, to stlh,Serihe
,eer week a Spin eeinal to 1,-liat n•I'AlrY
, InOii Spc,114 fol' smeking in, one day,
1Perty.nint .4401108 Are satisded
With 4 weekly ple.dte ot the Amount
I '
spent fer a. hincheop at a Moderate -
ed 'restaurant. Whe ego. 'ittirthee? •
Oh; yes. One "hundred arid forty-fiye
more families have- pledged •nothing.
_eeheireecherch: membership, being -tote -
ally carried, their T'elturch 'dries pie
,tirely paid by others." • -Literary .
• • .
qGiving her name. ae 4Ciricly" .AC-
toree.of Bentinck . Township, : Geey
COUnty,' a, yeeing wor en yap arrest-
ed by P).'ovincial Office:, Wichneyer ,
an •Monday .afternoon on the hill west.
• of the. C. P. R. c-rossing; Dham Reed ,
'Ea 3t: Charged with oetaieling. money
under' '",falee pretencee, -she was de -
mended ,td jail. Hei - 'ease; be
heard- -b.y;;'-fMagiStrat.e -Walker, 'next
1".eneleY ' •Cr
"Cindy''". in bee -early eee"entieee in
•chiced Mr:, W: Re Schenk •ti cash ,for
her a $25 cheque on- Tue8c.lay of laSt
week: It Was. drawn:on ehe Bank'', of '
elOeteeal; branch. at • Ilariover, signed
"Mrs. •,SPrien.k.". She Erred • Mr. '
Selyerieles storo'..':in the: '4-..e.ning and..
said' she was in a rush t eatch't4e
.hus, and needed. the nv.mey. QueS-;
Oohs puetO. her, ebeappeered to ties, :
wee truthfUlly, "'het •the following •
orning. when , the.; Bank t Hanover.
cominanicatea,4•With, ;t was yea -i''
. I i .4ed , the cbeque was sea; thleSS• .
The.. yoUrig ,Wonien, enie
pleeed in town. ecir a sherd time, en- '
deaVoheee, it is Said, to refluence two •,
other nichecliants to cash. it. ,
1/ON'T' U Its
•things-exo ",eroneea orne-e
. • '. time. 'ern,. •
Whole the roadyoiere prodgingseomi
Aup live the •funds are loYe• and the
deiste ere high, .
And you' wItnt to Smile, hut you'have
' to sigh,,.
W.hon 'pressipz. you 'clown a.
• hit,
Rost,' ie you itnlgt,f imt (!‘„,wt
with ,• twits., tuto
. (urns.
OTO.-" one or ti some:imes learns,
-And 'Luny a. taitlifrc ,turn 'Fibout,
Whe:t. he n,11;:;..1.a 'have had he
• , stuek it but;
Doici gh-0 ineng.h.. 'the epece
seems low ;
V"Oti .nNly JencR%eed ..1410t110 blew: •
. ,
oetvil ow' goat i nearor than.
It. s'eviths to 't(faini. and falterieg man
Orton the' stellg:glOr eg Nett up,.
When ho niiiht have captured the
• VIctor'S. ,cuP, ..; ' .
And he learnod .too lot& when; the ,
:now dose 'he' was to the. golden-
" el:own.% • ,
Slice. es is eailure turned' mside out
The ,silver tint .0.! the 00,tids 110
• •de.Uht, '
Ai'',‘,..att e.an, novel' how e.loSe;
. youAre,
tt ,tuAy•be near \\hen it setnilS•
So 5ti ,tr th ght when you're
'hardest hit-, •
'Ws when . thinge ,eeem worst;that '
you mustn't *
: '