HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-31, Page 3Fp'
• ":
ustralia's Var einorial
to Teach the Lesson of Peace
All aSPe6tOoof the Glorification of Arms Is To Be Avoided=
. Object Will Be to Emphasize •War's Sufferbgs
and, Hardshipi....
Canbechi; Autt.--Austrana'a' nation- _Cartedian, German. and ,Tilrltish.
, .
memorial wlfl take:the forta, nt
a War' MeMerial Meeeum which will
she .e.00..t.ed at Canberra, the 'federal
• capital,at. a sost„of 'ationt X,250,000;
'Theugh It 3011.61144n ,a pricelese, dbl•
lectlen of War relies and reeorda of!
the. achievenient.s o 'Abe Anettallan
. pipette:I Fere() :doting, the, G,reat::\Var.";
, the intention, 'is that every• aspect ,or
the glorfficatfon of war shall be avoid
ernineate havt3'.. fie 'far offered aceerta,
to their, morns for this" -purpose The
German. 'Obverpnaent, inparticalar,
hes heed most "courteous in allowitig
the Auatralian, :authorities aCcess.•• 'to
an Ito reeords., and 'photographs:* .
On the ground deer' pp -hit baling
Will lie rociros Sot the 418plaY of 'mama;
famous' War 4.ineatiagee; and' Persoaal •
relics„ and order, that these
he 'kept in the 'best poesible state of
kiE0f,"13.(iiA4 vvoT3Ler's •RECORD' . : ;;' •••• ' ''•••• _
, •
A view or,uie flOet Teletex' car speeding; aking.4t...baythrila Beath fla 1i frie ran on Which it achieVed• an
• average speed of 90" 5596 Miles an hour
Yiew iof,the.Car.That: Beat Canipbell
led; and that in,collecting and elassif3'7: preServation,..the authoritieehave been,
:lag the krticleS. and ':'•reeards. „in •tlie In '..:cOnurianik,(1..011 iWith", the ,eavants
• aratiseum, the object will. •be .engaged in the :task 'of pre erving e • ,
•' ' "
•the hardships...a4 suiseitiags ef.., the reticS taken • !rain the '•••toin,b of 1 ut
war .Period; • , ankh.Anien in Egypt, -There will elsnIontOii GthnAtPgave
e.. . • , ' '
,•In• this.• way. it le. tp Make, -be• colirts• containing iiiYal:dia„PlaYa;
the: tnernorial ,n Monument which Will relies from. •GalliPoll •:Pa1eet1ne and
• teach a leappn of •yvorld•Wide peace:- ,the 'western, front, an airPlane Coatt,
• A E.,;pecial.:Coninkittee of the; Federal. and. tine containing a number of. actual,
. PerlianientIS at, present 'itiveetigatiag •waf tilmiele; At a Conservative esti
the Project;-' 444 important: evidence mate,: the.•yalue ot,tba Wolves which
Was reeently given before t qmmLt Will -lie displayed will.,be • about £0,-
. tee by Charles El, W. Bean, official'iyar 000,,
•correspolnlent for Australia; and editor . CInly a aufficlent nullifier of guns to
4T14P Ofiuhtl Histo•ry of the War'show , the different 'tYPea used in the the Wolnen's haskethaii .ehaMinnashiP-
Pescribing the plane of the pro- i.war . One of these wiUOCOana4.
:posed •huildling,:, Mr,. Bean • explained be the; large' '154.neh gun .which. was tea*: 00piiiiO4*, Alta.„ eaters with
:,.° i
...that the :building ,..,yOuld he .'one ,or formerly. on view' at the Central Raila retrial; 'file record .I\iotlong ago t
monumentalboa,uty . on a ,..06,• on ,the way tatlort In §ya4ey., This 448taa• played two •exhibition niatcheh against
oopeo • of •Wionot..'4kihs1,16... lOraro' thia!German gun whtqh caused. IliQst of the ille.doratito Lakeside',; considered One
, a Fine Baskets.balt ecor
Commercial, Cia4 TeArn; :First Formed' in .1914, Has Played
. .
• •
SinCeTearn. Has WonA Games .,Out of
. ---57-1-his Season
Edmonton, ,Alta. --In the series for 1922, the considered' thatthe tline
v•as 'right to seek. higher 'honors. The
position it Alain' visible from every :damage to the city Of Ainiensiand it
: part of • the •federal Genital city. It Was captured by the British Air Force,
:Would reeemple somewhat 'Napoleon's t'Biatish , Cavalry • and the 'Auettalian
-Tomb in Paris. • A• feature of the•bulid- Infantry.. •
Ing would be at • the,Hall of Memory% ,Most of the exhibits Which Will be. Of 11 out of 11 games aim"' from harrie,;
jn Which will .be inscribed the name In the 'museum- have .already been die- marks their coach ;* J. • PereY. Pike, as
of •eYery. Australian soldier who had played alternately in Sydney Ad-m-e1one of-th‘most successful basketball`
of the, stFongest eastern teams, and
wen the series 62„to 19 •
The grade' record. of 32 successive
victories in 'Edmonton and the winning
; war; • including•Auatra- bourne, and ij is. eetimated that they
•:.;Ilans whb had •fallen w•hile „ serving, were Visited by 800,006 .persons in Mel-
, •:.Witli•other.• allied forces . The tanke.thourne... they, have been ',' in
••`, they held would Mit he shawn. • . I,Sydaey ':1;250,Qqo • Awe': .heye;. been
It is expeeted that the ataft'engiged 1, made. •. •• • .
upon the task, of. classifying the,•rel,' 'Those -who have, seen Ahe. exhibits
...,,;.aerdsrIT1 he.nettple_d_..f.,Or_thyeior_para. ,sgtee„that,:nothing..coald. nxoreL strong:
ution' this work.,' The ,Beitlek .French, ly teach the; lesson; of peace. •
” tr_Esfaxes.
coach,ea. in Canada, If ne‘f. lathe ,world:
It, is 'truly ternarltable'how.-,sinc.e. 1924;
he hae, kept, the team up to a. ham
• calliber . each yea e. The
cicritics claim, that tlib Year's. five;
which meets the'NniversitY•of British,
o ttinbia in the•,tvehtern 'finals, is the
strongest: and 'best-balaneed 'aggrega-
„tion that has ever .represented :the
capital- City: of Alberta,
Brownlee, in defense 01' he T Ender -
wood •the -131ack,,
'and • Gold, preyed every regular. and,
every .tabstitute to • be a' .star.• ,'..
The Miss:es •Gleay.s.:. rry,, margere.t
oor.ittrne, fmecemeach
iett.:.;the.,:loppOsitiOit,,ainazed • by_ their
Industt•y, apeed and aceinate-Shooting.
DI the 'final -.game the'graduntes came
from behind ina speataeniar rallY to
the ,heries; 70 to 38: • 7' •
• • • .
'First Formed in 1914
•• In: 1911 to ,oornmEleial 'clasSes,'
bout at) peens in all.:.entered:5: teaM
in the ,Edmonton High. Scheol-. basket,
ball. league. At :thaj time," there a'-
gyinuasittar'in th hoel, and.with
only a ,rough. -outdoor eoUrt.. at theft
.disposal, .the • girls Were not counted
upon-to..Snrnih -mach opposition, to
the othei . high schoole. -.The .surprise
Was genet al when they won
v e ry game 111 their schedule.
Encouraged its izniceees,.the tearn
• • • •
'Shamrocks of London, Ont., were at
that tiine claiming the Canadiailleham-,
pionship,,.withotit a renibte t1;yht. of
opposition in the' West. •
So, although 'financial :difficulties
preVented theirtaking more than One
substitute; the -Westerners made their
invasien„LAp_i_ IVO!' the serieS, and
•the title by a score of '49 to 29',•disPlay-
ing a system of combination ...Which
London spurt • writers -adraftted had
never been: equaled, in that city •
• After that the Black: and 'Geld be
gan to. be ,appreciated, at home, and
so. their financial difficulties eeaSed:
In the. East there were till soine
akePties, • as the Loaden /game, "under
whiehttie Graduates had piled' their,
, •
big .lead, had been Played ander their
anada Firths May
id for Warsh
, •• 4.1.• : by this ainbition,he' asked • fnr, suifienSo; for. several. ` hours - while
I „_,•-• • N'ante.4--to:'-Write-ntiVels, nad-'PromP,t, •keepiiig suspects Without food', and; 1
and aceePted a reduction of salary in sablecting•thetnte .Eit'eatij grilling and
order that, .be might. cleVote consider- .e.ross nitostioning, • •.'"
able; time to 11ov:el-writing. •Defending 0:tinsel .1a• these ,yeases
Subeetitiently Hall. Caine` ''.carnei: to .ilave asserted ;that admissions, • Seeur-,
Londen,., Wherehe ifiett .With .Darite; ed .from their clients; were obtained
Gabriel floSetti,:the artist, as a. Sort Of 'bv. brutal' third :degree Metlinda, and •
Continnen,. to 'occupy.• until. ,a.ossettl a very ' reative in defence of the liberty
Y ',
and novels: • • • • .
0 .189,5. Caine . went to Canada •: • • , Caa• In
as representative . of the Authors' • And rio*,,' as a, climax,- dinned the.
'Stielety•-*nd the:Colonial „OfIlea eon,. Case*.of Miss; Irene Sarage,•,:whii Was; •
neCtion. "with, the .sucCeisful* negotia-, retantl.Y.‘i•aleasell`,. cleared :of , all ens.; ' •
tlen, of terlinowith the Dominion 'Gov. 'after. being arrested with Sir.
erne/lent, With regard to: , Canadian ,14.0 Money, ' 'charged with misconduct
copyrlght' ' • ' • , ' •Ilyde Park, the Magistrate' Octet, :•‘• •
inighthoi4 was., conferred on that the • case :should .neyer. : aye
Caine. in recognition of his eerviCee been brought up' In :court. • '
asa welter of Trap. agenda' tinting 'th.e Savage's case was 0..outt.'
. . . betinOt., into rthe----
• It ia utidersteed that. Sir Hall:Caine :number • of Laborites Charged. that
now ,engaged •in: Writing hie oWn • she..had hen • rearrested two no.' lice
version of:the:146f Christ. "
• officers, tied : -TML through the ordeal
,6 • • • •
of •haiing:,e,,aerieC.ot. personal ,and •
enibarraSsIng.questiens. hurled.'at her
in cennection Xvith the •Hyile Park
• . . .
ears Hall Caine' has' produced' plaYa ect:14, very dr to. the. Commons
Hall :Caine Has
Noted NoVelist., Knighted for
Writing' ProPagand0
DUrilig War
.1.,ondon—S1r Kan „Caine, 9,6Yelist
•and draniatist, Groeba Oastle IsI of
Man, eelebrated., his,/ 75th birt14aY eh.
Tuesday' last.. His fullname! is
Theinaa Henry , Hall • Caine, aid he
Weraal 1,1:491,4b,etbtuetetok:totbwe:nglatle;
ra.Hall.Cla•itiltite'R.Uncern, Cheshire'. 11.'S.IfTti,
:on May 14: 1$53,', Hall. Caine spent hie'
liciyhood ds tg the isle , of Man,
where he went to nye with relatives
when young; '" His, early yearswere
livedin condltiens, Of pOvertN.When
venni man he Went to Liverpool
where he obtained a position on the
-Liverpool Merenty..,„.„ Newspaper writ -
(Ea liot appeal to
co and Yard $
. .
Methods Scored '
in British House
Publk Resentment Against
Introduction a ThirdDegree:51191w? .
. ,
Sit,natiO:n ig,commpris so Seri-
: That- Defeat Was' '
,f..:endoti,—Ptiblic resentment against ,
'third 'degree: methods;
had: been ,Eitir'red by charges -against
Scotland:. Yard and -,'•iither• police^ op
ficeirEV'was hroUght le a head: liy 4e -
bate -in the. House_pf Co.rnations; '
in ''‘rec'efit; muider",eases the Paliee
have been,. aloselly qUestioned • on
gheyyever, • '
•Whaf regarded. ah .new:Practiceef
n' Shipyards
...Chance to Rudd New
bestroyers •
Ottawa—It . was. learned that the
calling for tenders for to new des-
troyers tar/7911e, Canadian Navy,.in'elud-
ed or as his been :made tor, in.clude,
bids from Canadian•s,hipyarda,shli eas
are equipped tot construction .,af this
sort. .• •
There are plants -notably the Cana'
dian. subsidiary at.yeatreal Of a large
'armament, firm, where such.craft coukl
be built althotigh,. relatIvely,..the 4,est
woald :be. 6ns:tiler:ably' hiedier .than Ia
Gr, B ' •
In anr "event; the •call;,for tenth,:rs
• , _ • _
now extends to Canadiana as. 'Well as
Britigh naval builders,The
be about 3000000
' .4:•• "
The average Ne:w , Zeafander has:
$3,374.70. The average' Canadian has
a 01„
,81.70 car.' "
own rules : •This time the Shamrocks
visited Ednitinton. Two: reverses, 47'
to Land • ?k.'...t_o-i39,'_h_o_th_Lunder_theinown-
rules: OnvitiCedthem.-
Beat ,Cleveland Team ,
:The 'net-y-ambitIous' stepof.„.4, the
'E;dinontaii team, was to 'challenge the •
,Cleveland Favorite -Knits, 'who:claimed'
the; wprhys enarapionship.:. At .the ,
Atilt ing_series_in±Cle.teland,05,,060Lspec-,_
:Otters ' were thrilled.,when the ,ifttre-
knownwesteeners notlinly held their
on, hat act:11411y outpla)ied the name
team 51 to 28. • '
Since that they .hayeeasily, defeated
teams from -Toronto; Warren, Chicago
and •Cleveland, their' hardest battles
.heingf against. the Chicago 'Brownlee :
some years ago.. '
• , Althaugli they were now: Sure of
the 'Underwood laternaticinat Trophy,
they hesita-t„ed,•..ta .eizom :world-wide
beeers. A trip ; to EurOpe'. w,as, the,
• •it ended Without a, loss:
The' Olympic Oultes' Cofilmittee:did
not 'think -it 'necessary • .to 41ov:1e .
woinen's.hasketball on.:-.the'list of Corn-
secretary-COmpanion This pOtiition he members of Parliament, have become
rh '•-•
1 d A • '1' 9 1882 For neatly 5,0 of every Frabject•Which debate reveal
AauallY' `01;:til4e Rocks"
. .
' •This wifl,'rsuItIn not. ,enly• an n-,
natty' int�. whit' happeneddaring her
five, 'hours'. ordeal• .Sootland :Yard, -
• but also Into general pollee methoda.''..9-
;Of 'obtaining evidence against suepectl
tO • ""• ••••li, • 111
entete.d a neWly totalled intereollegit he-fleit ors had ato ,:petitive sports: so:•-
league, • Will.Ch included.the.:Uniyersity '
" be;. content:with exhibn • I .1
The Presidenti,of ••Sunderland• ,bethe tntal-wh
wreck• en, she rir
• , , •• . . • , • ,
of Alberta and Alberta College.. It, • , :O_pposition Is Weak .
The sitnatian nrectphated by'. the de-, .
hate ;_t.ns teed,: Wee so ,.'setious that the:
• • • . . • . _ ,•••• • - . •
,....O.OVertyraent'ha,d•tG agree, to an 'official
investigatten.:er flak :defeat, lieCatige
not only,,were, Leber and. Liberal tneni- •
• hers, aroused bY. the; discleaures;, but
• ConservatIve members IIkes Ise Intl-,
mated that".,.a Graveraineat . inquiry •
..muei he grantd.
It nee long been a. practice ot British
pOlice offieprs, when Charges are .made
agAinst theni and an inquiry ls Pend-..•
trig ,to Send ..for ...those ...making :the
:Charges :and . subject' theta to a Severe
' • cros5-eltaininition with a view, :, to r,se-,••
-pitying; withdrawal of the aeeusatioas,.:.
They ha ve.'ne pawer, to. followanch a
procedu:re and:iri many eaSeS,',tlielr'. •
-demands were not granted, • but •those • •
norant of. the extent , of Scotland
• Yard's authoritY have accompanied
: .oflicer,s.'under•thd belief that they '•
a . • . •
•• were pbliged to do SO, and. among'
• • _
thee.mafortunate andimintorined per •
sons Wa's :Miss :Savage, .
In a sworn stafernent; Which Wais.
: '
. .
. .
, • , . , the editor at the Glasgow eel a .
•ith, wepkti . "Forward," miss Savage
again wan the title and; not satiafied,
,defeated Camrctse icOrmal ,SchOol-
to 7 to .acqiiiiT CO Provincial cram
. •
WINSTON CHURCHILL on his way •to Westminster.
ays Immigration 'Radium Poisonings
',taws -Too Strict, May. Not Be Fatal
English Editor Urged Changes
' in Medical Inspection
- System.
Winnipeg -Many British persona
. ,
with are willing to migrate to „Canada
:are •heldhack through the rigidity.'et,
the system of ittlthisilen to this coun
-try, siecording to EdWard Salmen,
* editor of the. 'United. Empire, and. Pei -
mw Of, the. Royal Inetittite;:°;wlio: ar.•
Hired' here recently •
. A. more eatiafactery system. of Medi-,
cal inspection wonld haVe to Caine be-
fere there. could be realized the lieges::
sat.y and Possible flew Britieli aet-
tlercl to his country, Mr., Salmon:said,
• The uresent ,systeni :of Medical. InSpec-
• , tion by a few Canadian tioetnrgAn'the
• otectinntrY,, penallied these in: but
lying districts and made it prehibitive
fpr 'them .ta•ionetter to • examln..;
• mr, Salmon serve s on a 'Central lin-
'Migration 'eptimilttee; reorosoatatiVe,
of 30 131itish orgtinizatIonS• all aCtivOir'
'eagaged '• •
Keep.. Prince Carol Out
Washington Post: The " British
Gavernment hes invited Prince' Carol
.'sef Re•einania. tO •And
••• it la reported that Ito Ini'ends to come
to the United' States:, It Prince
Carol should atteiript to -..enter the:
noted • State's ho should he turned
The hospitality of this' country.
•• Ors • .Pletting, against ' geitertitneate
- friendly to the. United States. . The
"Covetnitierielitie "been • entltely•-iiid!
lenient in dealing . With alletia• who
epme here ealtil,Y"ter the PitrpOgii Of
' carrying ,Ort
„.• *Our idea of a companionate Mai;
rioge.',R one , that las r ach d e • lis go •
den Weddlag day,. " •-
Doctor Says FiVe'. Poisoned
...'.'.'WOrnen May R.egain
.„ Health ,
l'T.ewark.--th, a report of Dr,: Fred-
erick 11. Flinn,' ofthe staff of the
lego of.:phYsiciaits and •Sur4eona.tit
Colinnbia Made
cently, it was disclosed that the five,
'Wen -len suffering 'frein radium .poison-
ing, who are suing - the United States:
itadiunt : Corporatitni Tot :.$1;25.0,000,
-may not, die andmay regain a.dertain
measure Of geed health.• •
Tho report, : which was written at
the'reljitest of •ChtineerY Court, made
clear that all the_ Women had' been
poiatineti" by','radinin, they Ciainied.
Ms' Was shaven by the reduction ,;of
white corpuscles count of their blood,.
a Condition ,which lowers ' the •nernial
body reiistanae to infection and eauses
softening of the bones:
said that radinfri poison-
ing 'does net necessarily. Cause death,
though persons suffering from the dis-
ease- may ,become weakened. and pos-
sibly nialtried.
Safety in the Air -
Boston. Transcript: PeSpife the
tragic ',accidents. Which etill ocCaslon,
allr occur la the air,. the safety record '
of the .numereiis. regular air: Services
Plying from eity to.etty, bah in
Eitrope: and hi the Milted :States had
been retnathablY good, °Vet Mani.'
of e -t ablish0d 'routes the pereentto,
age of Mishine has been. less Ilia*.
-That•-showit:bY -the, ratiroads. Thin
good record. is 'due, ‘of 'cOtirtie, to the
'care taken in tbe choice of.pliOte, to,
tlie excellenceof theeetuipment mut
to the adetinaci of the forceof nia:
Otanies at the ground stations to tnako
sure that the •equipment be always'In
. . • „.
When graduation: threatened; to die-
organize-I:the- team. ' --a COnntigitial:
Graduates': Chih wait fortnek.: Miss
Winifred Martin, the, captain of the
original, team and .a., very brilliant.
guard, remained, at the , helth for, nine
years, except for one:Season, When she
was in the East completizig her edue.etion:
. .
, Challenge Shamrocks:
Although as seniors, ileir• cometi
they Sound., sturdy. oppositionin the:
University of Alberta, and finally, in
Eeropean basketball had not been I, ashore' at E'yemouth' daring a dense
popelarized„.until the arnval Of 'troops:11 •
, u b 9z d 'the'•It
from the. Nifeaterii•IOntIsphere; se that • '
Desitio_Lereathe'allstar ' •• • ' • •
• - Y , .
teattis of ;Paris;••••Stre•SliOurg,, and Rau-, ..TThe Dertitruaticteindidate ...
'i.,i'x was ,.rathet. Weak.' 'Iti.,e1Z engage . Springfield Republicaivi../ Go V61:11.01' •
Ill;elltg t•11.0 ,i3fick:.hd,. CrOfd piled •Up a ;Smith "represents the Catholic derinind.
total' at 6..0- paints to its3Onottents' for, politteal..e'quality in 'America re.
47.' •• '" '•' - , ' • ' .•, . ardieeti of •religious faith. • • : ' Ho
On . the 'return • trip," I the teen), ..lost 'represents especially ' the , peaulation
ite-ciptain in Montreal, and since then I of the 'cities`, and,the newer mmigo a-
there have: beea :many .clialiges-.1n. the don that •ha e sp hastened the ':urban7
Baena.' ,,111.• fett,. the team Which con-. izatiOn at the. Ilnited ,Statee'.• It was
tends for, this :Year's Canadian honors . the .'bemocraticparty that Aret Was
"Ift4s net 'contain .a single- theinber, ot hoispitable. politically; to inimigrants,
-that-.1924.comliinatiain but ter, all that--ancl,:-...--;-throughLtheit -. kok mist; ,4 Inade
the Dominion trophy has. not changed •itself, ,peiverfal'; in •eci many •••,of„ our
-hands for Six years. largest .eaStern..eltie‘..
fh'gin the;_earf'y...Morning.,- The creN'
re •daiknes tind 1tAed safet
.t:io uSE
oeicc Tr •
4, •
• ,
vealed, that the polie,e• put the inoat "
, intimate eneations to her and also de,
General . f.inghes;,Warits vioilstrat'ed in the hiost 'intiniate than:,
Two perated Under Same I etc/ uliat Tight bay() happened.be ,
,tw en her and .Str, Leo 'Money during
. • • : System . As R. : .M._P. ,. • their spjourn in Hyde, Park.
'SENDS IN REPORT. ' So embarrassing A -ere sem& e .
ique:.stions. that the 'women members.
, "" 'el Parliament agreed. not , to cOnie
Ante -Alm tiouse Miring. thedisetetli /
: that th se, n har o n ten iar
-w•G I IV St Pierre'and even a large nuniber•of men tnetn-
..bers'• were made tincenitortahle.
,nte .tuSheonsataptriso:naillieDpuedbfangte'
apPeared most perturbed anti
; ge .Pe
administration ahould be empowered
with authority to administer and
'cipline• on similar: basia to that of •the
Royal Canadian' DIO'unted..Police has
created much interest in •Ottawa, and. listened ;to Johnston's; speech:With •
the •anntraf 'report Of. Superintendent grave : ', Lloyd George' came irt •
Hughes,;is perused this year.with.rnore ,freitirthe.•country espeoiallv to hear••••
than 'wider interes•W
t. ' -•.. the debate, hich • is regarded. hY,the
• •• • . . • , ,
'General IItighcs makes eight, Other, presSas one, of the••mest.§eiiattoilat,..
reoonitnendations,' but ;theee'are•Eoong In recent years:, ' •
the lines for which he has been 'press- , • ',The members are, no 'aVvalting the
'ing for man Y Years and re planica 111 result _of the , bat there is •
•intiCh. speculation as, to Whether, if it,.
goes _against the police; ,Sir 'William "
liprWood',the chief. "Coinmiteloner, will
resign., and be the fate of,
the Horne' .Sectetart,,, •Sif .Wililam
•Joyiistin•liteks? The Daily Herald.
.the' taf)oe .6.rgan, dernands that Str
William should res tgtt it snob an',
his, platform of prison re Orin in Catt-
The admini.strative recornn)en-.
dation is a new .orie And is belieci by
fnaay hi the capital to bean effart to
get the penitentiary Staits but Of
' General .1-fughes will nee disetiss the
Matter beyond therecommendations in
his report, Intt there has been talk, in
Ottawa •for sotne Considerable time
that polities have been pitch-forlsed.
into the penitentiary nditinistration
and. that appointment§ aro being 'made
on pelitiCal grounds rather' than on
efficiency and fitness for the service.
. • ,
'Crowds an Mobs
Lando'n. Observer (In :).E The term
"mob," once • the commonplace of
alarmist: reaction', has no* vanished
trent our political vp'Cahttlary. Dente-,
c -racy,• tolerant of so nufah, cannot ad -
Mit irieb rule,. The COIntramiat is 'the
tirhb bt tllQ
eeader of t MO
Wale hire' ifelarr• er'63-47hIll-4
'betatiSe our greateit'gritherritgA are
.fAhthys creWds' and nevet Moir that
thPhope tit totistitntientiliam hi- this
'coplitry to Our&
• . •
Is:attire itittiteA thistdites, but Mid
n&ver arraftgba bloo.trt C yonth tvetktd be a perpetual round of parades •
near • thet.nose,on:onO,sic10 ' tilici;Cload„•and festivaIS •and ;tab thamping. Otir
to an ear On the Other; 4iit1tsit,titsqat dela .net,lie that way,* iN
•11areaver, It is Understood that if ,
the' .original pollee investigation into.
Sti 1,e6 Monegs, case is found to hav.e
been irregUlar,, prosecutions for Pet;
jury, .againet• the Officer's colfeerhed.
W,111 take plate and that documents.
•are..alreadY• in the hands ,of' tile% nubile
proaecnter: • •
Itt an event?, tjte Government.. and
.Paillameit are deternlined., to • have
the deepeict pagsibleirroble into'pollee
inetliads la order (0 seif,eguard the
1owingthe Trumpet.
' Land,on, Daily Express. (Ind. Colf.)r°
The ,,AreeriCatie make 'note of their" ,
century' and a half history', in the wisr
of 'eothnietnorative celebrations, than
we do of our :thousand years., If tity
ottr past and ear ipossotons life *
•s,••• ,