HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-03, Page 6'" • ••• : Foundering «of. Giant Ship Was Supreme Test For Radio ,Anniversary of: Titaatic Disaster .0.or4.A14 How Dota Et/14 . " Dashes frantically Called for 1-le1i).As Tragedy. Was . •• • • . :Enacted .ia MidoCean As TOld. ia „New.. • . • 'York Times .• ' • . • .'' • . '• . .. , . • .. . .1f,„ 'aro.a ld jheinsa dottritu, ;..raelio „op- „Plunging ahead ,at , about ..eighleen 1 ' • orator the, Carpathie; elitndeviii biota an hour, EverY ounce <tf steam 7; 'from the .bridge Where he had.,repeXt-, that. he hoilerS:otildAtold was, croWd: ed his, daily.list Of 'comMUnieations'* 0:Pinto them to ''.lceeP :the :Pace-."' Ilei • ',' the. .officer on Watch- ':4eol:VAS: titeci. *nal s4Peci, Tile ,thi:rteett knots, ,:. • • He hadhad a heal day' a i'vork" andA ,,f. - : .'. '' ',,, • " • ;,› • • : 1, 1p . -1i17!eted :•Ship'; . .., , now he. Was $ust .ffhput te tarn ' in'. :.. ' :. • , With the Qiirpathiai:aini4 Theiewas,: onelittle Matter of reuti ' , i,!...,..4.0,mon lorn, ; And ,his 't,cirtii.. :, That and' .repencs •j•tr4t e'l,•-er . the horizon, •,,,,, afterneenlr, had made 00Ptaa 'With 'Phill1":".1:t his 14s -t rile.ssa.te; "Cci!rile . ,tb:,..,•parisian.!. After he verified it,,:he quick! . .;(Ytii. engine 'mein is flooded ;cencld goto 'hedr itw`bas: l it 1.044 llP to the Wier's,' ''... That Wanit,11•4't e'eleek .at. night!, • He pia: .on hia'.'eari, e'cloelt; 'Cott= fleshed hack that the 1,.,-A5.1e.i..„.7,,,ni43,,.c1).4.j4. co tra4sinitter .CarPathie was sending up rochets7'ariti mas hhay sending itieSSaged to an. in-' for the. Titania 'to be On the .100144 coining liner...'..,Cettain 'clicked- a eneky• or. elP. .,Bit e Titane was:.silent. •,•t;i> .0:e ship being ,ealiod. . "Do yotii. , 0:44•11i ..Phligged • his '• 'key., ,,.-Message bear 'Cape Cod?" he asked„ ' - • !"' • : Atter in.:Ss-Sage Went speeding through 'Back but of the ether canto' tbe,stac- . Space.. • But there Was ne •stutterin 1..0,04•404. and .54tehelk . Atoane at :one" buzz in his.earPhenea to telt hini.that : We've st.rucis. an berg„ its 'a. CQD, t1.14. litant: was ' still afloat' and was, old .man!" :What Cottam 43aid' is. 110v-wa1t1ng", .. • . ' ',,, ' • Ohance, 'fate, luokl Some perverse on record,' It was, Phillips of the •Ti- l': tank sending the stuttering Cede that t stiny,:iclealted in :a ,name,, 'followed hill-rated•T Presaged' one of the. greatest tragediese itanic. As :she left port,. she narreWlY"averted 'a dangerous .ever 'enacted •Ou the ;,.-sen. • ' Sliteen!' YOars .ag0 April 15th. the Titanic janic.:Cellon. Early. infthe !afternoon • of ; f ' y.,'the Leylandliner , ' at latitude. -4t longitude 00; the ateful Sunday, 14 west, off the NewfbtiTicliand Iliiiilii,±0-alifernien-notined_her_of....the_Prese ., 'with a . lois., of 1,517 lives. , At .10,20 °Tice' Of iceberg* '' CYril ,Evans,. wire, .o'Clock: in .the night, New ler'k 'timed.leas operator Of the Californian,•tostiL she WaS,'elitting through a 'inotiOnleps ' fled' at. 'tlif; senate hearing, following :,. go 0„4 Pp,c,,ed: a twerity...04.1thai-milthe '+:lisaster.Hthat-1.-he--;ealled.'-the-Td \hour. Without ':warning,'„with_scatW tailie.,'warhing her.Of ieehergra,„'_:!`SaY, .. lY a 'jar 'to -indicate what had happen- ibla :mill' la are stic"li,R3Te siii.rolina'' . en, • she, %struck a :subnierged iceberg I 0.4 bY1 ice,'"'hie reeSsage .reed .. The and ripped one'her )›ottpiiif • At 220 answer he get back from the Titanic L .o'clotik in theinerningshe:badi joined Yvie,P as nearlYrtis he cOuld'ieinember clue, evir_oraririo armada. that .resti ' it, "Iceep, out,'..1 ain talking, to Cape You are ramming My message." ...:, forever at: the 3iottorn , of the ocean. T.tac°. It ' ' In thosefeur'hourd one Of the great. - visa through pure climwe that est ist 4.1„*as iiig tho., sea, was writtenCotiiin ell'.,the :Cartathia,got the Ti- ' :,gripi3ing ,stcmy. :of bravery, geerifie0 tante* Calf,* kelp.; and it was-Pire, and cowardice. in ,these fox hour3ly. by luck that the Titanic was ahle ' the. ether was 'vibrant With the buzz, to 'call: according to Harald ' Rride, . . . ' • 4ta Junibi,operator, Mi the ship ,The---Ti- ing .. dot an4 dashe.s :. that spelled., , . ..epie. iii..radio: It wai 4elled in: syl tunic's. wireless broke, down earl, An wo Beauties , • • 7 and VEGETABLES No. 12 ' Good Seed.' • ••, ^ Lady Aberdeen To Receive Honor 1••••••nr +14•••••*. , EdirilAtrgh to onfer, Freedom of the City on a Wotnall Lot* Assoctated with Public Sdrvice ,, . • Too mueli erePhasis cannot be 1414 • •• Edinburgh 'e,ap'itelP eity of Seotlend; ••• upon the. 'importance of good. geed. Will, soon confer the ' freedom git .,the lAtith flOwere 'partiCpiarlyt one .ia often inclined 'tca Seire ,the aped .(Wsome esi city upon. the •Marehioneda Of, Aher•• -, , . Iting that feW ilowers:reproduge tiler& deen and • Teniale,'' -Tio.is,. a 'COPIPti.. ' pecially, choice speeimen without. real, eertain very.'elaborete'preettutiona :are • ;,e80.11114% 11.114, 11.4q:ut -.10 ‘Qt ' 1141; tbffl'egu'Plak.lible'dt?'..blunialle9!:;‘ '. selied. exaetly .frera the seed uniesS taken.:' A. re* of SeVerel-dliferent• col- ••• • but a: woman Who for forty years ha a -^"...,' cued SWeet 'Peas, for histance,.Will be .,,----• :....1.t7 r.rt,":;'. • deioteil". Moat Of her time. to public- • 4. come hOPeiessly miXed. in a single'sea: •.-.?" - *TinY Alt:plane 'grey'', ,..,, • ' ' •i• ' '• - ' - ' •,' ' ,,., ' spil,... . The heed .frOra ,a,. brilliant red •. Will.: ,Seypelt end:, Geo. ••1<err,' who `wPr' 4•1414)11° *,Q41141/ °;41(1'. ehilch,..°1''14:' ,Varleti b4nr: R1•60..non, .nntning hut. 'in- 104red 'VtirePe ;An '''the...“Yeat-0,9c4etr!. •/..13'.11°#ci'r.`h'i;.:' '. ''''• ' ., , .'. • ''. ''''' - 314forent .wei4,e,.. O9lored d6Wers. 'When , 410141w' ,'. "Yankee ..' phodlei", ,,••••whigh ." LadbY:eperdeen le,a descendant, Of.' • • - 'fsaline4a ek:tlithei)Aa9rrgCle.14:ereYd.WiteanYea°•:ii'ctiiirei" • slieliegi been. the, President-of...the In.; - '.:, ..• :rregittiti,Q,Innwalcitcrcti..1YrtPyroef3;6•PC't:iiInhrtrerst ,.. - .perinieSal: plot ..e.a•cli type ,;.,,IS," kept •Alongt:the..front of' the...-. b.ox ;' put An. • . . : -,, . ... . • . • '.'.', . • - •!... .• .. ..-• • • . • ,.• ,'.. • - . ' • • •• . , - - • • • ' • " • .. • " 'Widely separated'. and: iri :,ifi..any* Cased, trettiegmaiturtiured, Gerinan fvyrand 305 daYs ' from.which 784 pounds. of %fat .'N.v.,ere eictra,ct,e_d.. Her. 7.-claY teeord IS .'• 7'27 Ponilds for, milk and 35•65,PoOnds for hatter. , ' smaller •inseets will carry the.. pollen ; Lobelia, ,Agoratum, begoni,e,e; Ferne SPolce..be,Ore the 0P:eilin47, Cenference '.. ,‘. • . • , • . wit. nettin Oth • I ' b d ' ` ' - ' ' •Al - g. erw se. ees an back Petunias, Geraniumsf.. Yeaulna . , .intefnatira. '1 ,VoUn:oll's . :meeting ta4s.,,.... hi .th-O'."4, 'ori.d. 4.: •,,,*.: As. .a. ', delegate to 'the , • ,: . , -,ArI.kis ,Airgelea enw) "Aiiiia",Fayne Pielse,"'gwie 23;2Q8 Pound's of- milk M.' , ' , , . the individual ^ flowers:are Protected similar . trailing. plante, •whililf. farther . from' Den ildwer ',to • another Withont : eat' :other tYPes' 'especially suitable: le Washing,t911, . .4 ' ,* ...,"'W4ai' all shall I send?: Phillips it.. ;Bride ;fistula iife Preser;;eri; He regard' for type pi. :color. :On this ac- ' should go lu. - • " ' ' . • aSked• • ' , • . '.... strappeC one -oyee., his .ehief's. heed,. count. aione the: aniatetur is 'well ad -,1.• : •••-•r-,-,----,-,--•'• . . . An• Early plant -lege, • , " 'The regUlation. internatienal ,,call ancl Shouiders, .,,Then he adjusted his ,vhied •te ,xlePend..uPott seed in sealed n' . r- ' . . • r ; . tehbel Marjeribanka waa Still ,',.in, her ., far .b.e.1P. . Ju,et tliet,i , Then •lie was, ow.n..', ,For:fliteen miiiiitee,more Phil- Pacigi.ges, onlYT.'froin .. fellable Mei- Ni.J1 reat Britain • t.ei.i..•when..She. inerifed• Jahn' Camp. r , ••• • , ." • • the Professional hOrtieulturists' window 'boxesis 'far .abnie"nOrnial. Cquilcir There are ether reasons also gelle• „ „ liPs Pressed Gifs IceY, c*,cing with dats chants- I.Jrged to Help Boys Overseas bell Gordon, S.eventh .1'arl of Aberdeen, . later elevited to a Marquisa.te, , She " 1111Pa began to send QC,/ P• He 'and dashes against death, ' Suddenlyfor 'adirisinz such a °puree. meet „ . . ......, had spent the, greater,part:ef ther life 1 he -44-167., : II •co,f.',.:us made light of the -door, : -The set was.,..OSelesi. Qnly though the cabin:, floWera,when they start going to seed deteifiarate very rapidly and succeed- 1:emoto part of Sco•fiancPat the head flashed. ,away at it and: we Joked as the water flower hi at Guisachan, the family ,bome, In a . disastet.• : , , then did ,Philli d B id' 1 k 'big -looms are ew and-runal. Te keep . . , an r e oo _out • • the 'captain:cape back. for theniseives, On....deek•the • art ci garden at its ,best ail. fading blown • Lb : or a throw streani twenty... • eral Attitude Is. Ad."' odd miles froni a ral)WaY or telegrItPit are -you, sending? •he,ashed. _eampaay. Br'ide.wa4 rescued Y.P pheti should .be renioved before there Is .a 10C Q D,' .replied. liPs's naine Stands acasitanh in-- trace °I 8(3(34. Peda--• vocated—lricreased,,Emi- station „ And here one day came • , . , John Campbell Gordon on a tired I'he humor of the 'Situation Appeal- BatterY Park leading a Wit of Wireless A Short Cut. gratiori -='LOOkec‘ k or pony, haying knit his way in a strange • :,...hthiaa.a tragwnio.T-TravvInt-throngh.- OirOf•ernnon.-*--thiatnInat----fraa-hoon -,con•hrho,", with• .9yi'.'ealmi cold 'sea On shortly atter the'Californian*Warn • .; which ' the -1,517; strUggled' for.. their• ing Cam * ehadn't been for a , lives .411,aei......4.,staxiir • • lucky :.thitig," Bride said, ',',.w&neVer, Pouldliave sent aroCerili: for 'help The 'thing ,,;ortfe•• that; the . Wipe' less ., • 1,Indt..pn iyiaiden• Voyage• , • Piettir-e the night; .colct,clear, star- broke down early enough. for us to itt An undulating' Ocean andthe it betOre. the ,ttecident---tWe7notieed,' .majesfie,litanie; the'laSt word In the something: Wrong •On Sunday:and Jack -.engineering .fiter,fee,'Of the sea, prud- Fhillsps-an4-I worked- Seven hours to ly spurning the at a speed -.fin4 it 1,..V.‘e found n 'secretary' bnin, . clesete twent3r-ii_te inklealitotir. ed • out,•••at last, and repaired it -just. . Was, her maiden 'voyage "lidoreoyeir,' 41e* hours before the iceberg: was ' It was her laet' night out.; The ,port- ..StruCIOholes an cabin ' • windows •'61,azed,'With Chance .again brought the Califor: hght'„,A-last-night.,,patty'„Was In full nliM • intgk in the story,' That ' nightewing , The ratosnigets wrI.,•ditheingles': the T1tan1c was sanking, 1ese to to the•intisie of ,:the ereheStra, his position, the .captain Of the ,Calt• • ...To;SisoirOW they Wont& be going about &Olen. was signaling • in Morse by • a • their daily routine of buglixese inNew !Pocket flashlight to a ship in distress. York but . to -night was Made for l At. the Senate hOiripika,. he ,eniPiintic•; 'pleasure The Titanic; as if conscious ally denie,c1 that this ship was the : • Ti- ef her dignity' and importance, Which • tank.' • 'Surviving ,inerribers of . the Ti - was •enhaneed Women, and; tansc's crew just • as emphatically ....,augmented br plea whose narnes•were., swore that a ahip stood to 'fent Miles _ • written at the ' very aper of current- during the .tragedy? . Whether. I siffeirS,,glided thienghlthe ilight,..lIerl•this was, the Califorman-,110 Oneme,y . • „ sharp prow eiltthe cehattwater leav- ever know•All'that 13 known Is that • Ing two pinnies of'White foam trailing...While the. Cali Orman S' captain •was . along •her. Sides. • . : • [signaling , Y • flaShlight„:' froin, his . • .".4 Suddenly °there; was a slight aliocit. 2., bridge; his 'Witeless- Man was.;asleep It was almcat,••impeorrie in his cabin., No one thought to 'few Passengers .strolled out:on decle:awaTeit-inix-C. reti, i1-8780-O'CleekTit-llre and inquired the •cituse.,..."We, have morning,, Mere tlitin an 'hour after the struck ;an iCeberg!” they!WereirliformiiicUrtain of :WaVes had ended the7„tra,• .'"ed lint • there ?is rio.7duager. • The. gady and five hears, afterJack Phil- • ship is unsinkable!'Thera was,lipa had. sent ' his first' urgent plea.lor danger! '. entire . bottom' had been. help ' stabbing, •through the air• • : Tinned .E ven „as .thel. inquiry wee kappene-d. ia..the Cabin.? being made she was niling with Water. •:• • N•en then Captain . L 'What haPPened in: theTllanlc ;•wi-y to the radio, reera to tel Phillips' radio cabin during the • four' hours be • Bride to make 'ready. •to, Pend a' .tween the time ' the:Shock, was 'felt _for help.', As the ship's, Orchestra and- the . time the Titanic lifted her' atart,d .raity. ;again, ;plea, •atern. and 'Phinged.heneath 'help " Was •speeding 'through space, 7111113 is HafOld'Hride's. story : It• . On. the Carpathia; Cottein. hurried. feints 'as graphic per ratiVe- at radio• , ' to the Captain's •.:cluiirtera captain has el/or: Written -ad raido .ma y• ever \vita off. duty at the time ..Ati be called on to wrlte .soon as he heard ;the messagehe ord.,, .1 "I• was Standing by Phillips, telling • eired the 'CarPathia turned--abeut-and „him to ,go to bed he eald, "when the rodhed full speed' ahea&'.'to the captain put his head. In the/doer." taniela aid, Then ',he hurried. to • the • " struck an iceberg:, the can - bridge totake chage.': ,CoLiarnreturn- ULM, ,said, 'Una bav)itg. an. inineced 7 tgi hie "shack". to, nOtify., titni made to tell.what -it.aa done. for that rescue was on the way. Then. I, .•• ' • betterPet read,y,to s•end out tante was working. the Vrankfkirt, bet, Call, for assistante.. But dent • send , vas. having trouble.,getting ber ti ,untt • , you.' , t I nets:- Cottam tried to ,raiSe the. saine ,was gone, • • ship,- but•waa unable fed() so. _ ."Ten minutes . later he -Was beek,, He ,picked. up the. Titanic::"We aro', .`Selid; the , Call ' • for eaSsistance,''. the sInking • fast, • it, was 'a trossage • ' ordered barely Putting hts • „ ' 'the' The Carpathia. was head, in the door.. mark that „made laugh, inerud- terd end who have gone to rept with vega. London. --An increase In the ontflow Country. „ It was,,,so runs the story,, ed to me. • I cut in .with little • re; 'Men who have sent their last call let- - -`Practica,lly every : halt -hardy • table. and most 'a the more tender of British enilgration in, the near fu- •Miss bel's first gliMpse, of ,her, ingtheaptain. . • ' 1 the restless sea. • 'send. a O. I said,. 'It's :the,. new ' A 4. flowers ben:started. inside ture. ie indicated by. two Andependent tine haeband,, She. wadlust•11. years etill may be, your. last :chance .' be ready for/ the -table or the vise authorities. , to ! • , • . froni a' fOrtilight to a Month earlier .' One .is Sir 'itobert Horne,. *hO LOA NoVember .Lord, and Lady thanAf ine ;waits Until the'season. la though _Ohanciallor of' the tic- tikberdeela cele,bra,ted their gelden. wed-, • ,was 10.4, .."PhilliPic with a latigh .changed tbe• chance • •• *ShOrtlyafter 'he. succeeded. Frankfat ii -d -gave his "We:. have: StruCk an 'Ice.' -berg' aneifeed .assisTtie,"The•• telt :the ,Frankfurt's, Operateri. who 'ran to the htidge and told lieosptain. of the itanies Wh-eri he came. back, Plijl'llps:was' send. •!'We •Fre,. 044114) , By; the L.,"tizin then, there Wai distinct liat, forward, ;The Carpa-, thia answered and a:few.,•:reinutes •later calldd: back .that She. had turned about and -Wag 'difeeding tO the respite a-a:fait as her engines. ecaill tiirn and -that he - 'boats :Were • ,being swung •oyeeside. • Neithe :tier Bride 'Was' 11 dreps.ed. Phillips held. th.e • key, fla g.eut naessa,„e a. rymessage, I'While %Bride' ran,. .back and forth be'. tWeeasticie• radio: roOm. and the bridge . carrying. nova:. of. the rescue ships .to 'Captain Smith.." In 'between 'trips' fpuad, . tin* .put, ,opt: more slothes: • . ti.nd. throw a coat ever , his chleta. • 1517 • ,shoulders; It., was grOwing 'cold in es the ladle -cabin, and at•anY minute. the, ". AN ALLURING•NW..F.RO.CX In the aorratil..garden:. iBecause of this vital to the Welfare .Of 1.1ritain, and, - th lo ment of the, Do-' far, enough ad,vanded to . plant fauttide. ahpeeer. in 1922. :he was., .himself re - 'Planting , in 'flats or berry boxes.. in aPensible for 'imptising .bonclitions up- eny-spiithern window.abont thts. tinie on the 1•British -.Government'a .23•.1:106,7 without any special. forcing leali that 000 annual grant or affiliating: enitgra- •Is riecestery• 'If the earlier vegetables'' flea now. -urged • the adoption • of a . euch AS spinach, lettutce, radish, ,beets more liberal attitude to hep:boy to• ,•. carrotir,-parsnWf,• •and-tiliitillar crepe. startlife-overseas. , are out Of the way, ono can Plant cia The other ';iii•therity the . ()Metal cumbers, melons;,aquesh,fancl,,foriy.ery "lindiistrial•* ;transinerence.•' board," smalU gardens even beans and,.., pees • which has, been inYeatlgeting 'the, con-. behind glase,,,and-ithey :will .be, ready, ditione• of :uneinployrnent, In. the. :Bri- tt,: go :out as. fine :healthy' Plants when ,tish•„,epai. raining.•districts ,and Is un the neighbors •are'Only. Sowing the. 'del -Steed' . to • have fornied. the opinion • ' - .• ding in. Londcin. :King George and • Queen Marz.presented a golden vabe, to the couple and. the Queen ninde, a special ,gift: of an entitle° ring to Lady Aberdeen; The rtablecloth , used at the large .hincheqp given in eelebra, to •L;iird Aberdeen's great-grandfather; the fourth, Earl of Aberdeen. At the end. Of the liuseheon the cloth was, ' signed by all the: guests, present, ainor4 whom were seven' of the eight: bridesmaids who had .,4,a11,ced behind seed 'about the end Cat„ the Month. ' It that'the most•hopefel remedy; lato be . the . yeung, eounle., at tt.e. wedding. core.. , is Particularly' desirable to give : the ..found . . . lin :further. training • for the. molly' fitly 'years tiefore.• ,. -melonir-'-and-:cueumbersi:-among-:-theyciung----and-additionaLtatilitibis for de ' Lady Aber•deerr).has long. been one , ' edible...tyPes; .and Petitniaii, P Sinspdrti7',:Veloping familySettleinent . in .the ,•Do - -0••,i• tire onistanding•"flgalres...in .society...4,..;• . gons; Nieotines, ',Asters :and .slinilar. • 'Athlone., , . • ..• ' .• . . •Not only.•hy reeson 'Of her matrlage • to a peer; - but ati-OP•b4":reas.en„of her • '.".. .' fiowel's which :have a Short season -1e' '!'Sir ':Robert '• Pointed ,' out that .ctim.7 , ..dur Ontario..ciiinate an early start it parativelY little • use is ''now :made- of ::.-.... this Way. : .„ ' '''.:• .:. . , '," . ' , .‘' .11 -Iii) 'British., COVetrunent'a, .sanettoeed •acthrities • \in „ natiOntrI7', -organizatiOns the prbSpeciiVe bitirgess. ef Edinburgh: has been more et- legas 'In: the 'PubliWrndow Boxesc} ' • - ' " ' • '" • graritor 'every pound paid • . The windew boxes and hangingbas- be found by someone else. „ eye A busy •wife and the mother , of • , • ' ..,' by the Treasury, another pound has to kets can he got ready for planting efit-l' Be urged,: therefore,'„ that' the ttail3 several children, Lady Aberdeen has side this week- There are very COn-. has come to make the treasury 'grant nevertbeless ;found time for the 'public t ted • • d i g • I for this purpose up to 100 ' er cent. tO work. in which., she's still interested.' _ ' timed the growth for the Bathe area as carry, out the Program, of emigration - . ; The Junior Miss vv'ill the coneentration of g,rowp, rich soil, re sen a o e eve p nowr 'inight give aut. The message , . roo hl en- t,•wa • d • i , - • cen ra. ,beds, pio n abouts x. • - P Life in- Ireland • ' In 1886 Lord. Alierdeen-Was.5,apPoint- ,ed Lord Lieutenant Of Ireland;.. carrying out -the • duties 'et this..difii.' cult -office he . was aided hy the active , participation of Lady 2 Atierder edneatittal- ;end induattial, ::•experi- • molts.' • She -• Wad Particularly inter- ested in the •Itish orgaalzed, Many spiloole where twee- . Making weetaiight and laces geld. At., her own expense Ole Supplied :work to. lace -makers ..•and expert . Women. 'rite heautifel, things they ' inirde ehe :gtiv.o, as Presents tO .fier friends, ,She was Qua ,c)f the: -early workers in Ireland's •,.fIght. Against. • tubvmulo_sis 'and has .*-ritten, 'and lee - tared in the cause Pot Public health; • The Aberdeens were hi • Chicago ., • working for .Irish whenthey heard ;elf LOrd •Abeideen's..annollite.. ment as 'Governor General of 'Canada. • •Thia was In .1893.. .For the next five. ' `years Lady , Aberdeen was _hpatesa at Rideau Hall in Ottawa., the, official 're- • sidence of Canada's. Go.vernor-Generat. . .A,visit'er to Rideau pall in those deo 'recalls its chatelaine' .ini'•a Woman., �t - acute ifitelligence," interest in 'many If rejects' She sat at a besi- • , . •. 'less -like desk covered wi4:, papers, 'a typewriter' close han . • 'tier Pletieer mio.tk , president or the International „Ceunellot yVoinen, fed,e'retion,ofyer. • tlentil CoMiclis of Women: of. all' . . • . . • tries, Lady Aberdeen has done Pionee, work. Started more than thirty .yearsy with • Seantic,,fands and. volunteer workers,' the. council' his- no* matur7• ed into an organization drawing its .! came from...the, Carpathia that she • • g Y quen • tering an heavy, fertil zing minions. •• 1 • are .absolutely necessary. In eouth- joy ....wearing is attractive -frock, ' .malung ' • • , suitable .for many.,occasi•ons, ern Ontario the boxes can he put out . iati to the bridge (Sri 'which Is sec- at mice Willi' little fear 'of frOst, hi the bach ' ti d tilat lif The skirt has apPilecl tr hurtling , - bone, and is gathered, to the bodice central section. of the Province the heats were hell% manned and loaa- ihaving tucks at.front of the epaulet . 24th of. May is Usually' considered ed Sh rs The lower edge of theabout the.1r1 ht tiine and farther Call to Abandon 'Ship!. • '.' short sleeves and peck . are shurly north , no very great risk should be • ' Back in the wireless' "Shack rffil- • - tap,en-,-.efore ' the 1st', ' -Lbound•-4-ith-4,elf c flTb. • I 1.L• '1„ r ,ada t is. softly, crt.shed ilght frost does' threaten lips told him that the. set Was , covering the around' the Waist, For Tarty wear, box with newspaper ,or light cotton ing weaker and that at any moment I trim i ki • ' • kepi ribbon and resebuds ',ad& a. ;,dainty will, 'protect 'it. sufficiently. 'Window ng to the .s rt and Ends of the bpxes should be as long as the window It Might die. Meanwhile • he sending niessages :to' the ,Carpatiria, • ' • argingr;Aoilurry, co#on 1.bodice. No, 1517 is in .sizes 8, 10' la: sill about eight inches' wide .itt• the weah, he.. and '1:4 3,ears-:-.-.Size---11)-•requires-31/8 the -hattoni--,and at least' cherry answers, to signals so yards 36 -inch materiel, or 2 yards 54- nine inches deep.. Theee are 'inside could'. hardly. !detect theth. Then. Phillips picked up‘ the Olympic. "Wei • tyles showing how to dress an- dth'abox well supported, ,as when The ,message.had just. ---------------0 Ial 11 or well-dressed children. • Clothes:of holes and layer -of broken, crockery inc .rice e pattern. measurements. .Tho corners must be space when Captain 'Smith called: l'i. e and girls. Simplicity, is the mile full., it weigh about 150 lbs.' Have "Men, you have done yeur 'Yu . the bottom to provide You ean do no more: Abandon your TOlaraclel‘ aod individuality for the or cinders 'in junior folks are hard to buy, but eask drainage. If well, retted Manure is ea n. release e you . . '. out 'to Make •with Our , patterns, A. small available, put In a layer a this ne4tt, 'every man for himself. You look ainount of tnoneY spent on good .nia- and thdn fill, up, with fine garden SOIL for yourselves.''. Then he hurried_ back to the bridge to go down With terials, cut on simple lines; *ill; give Select .stock Y plants and • before put- , children the privilege of wearing idol-- ting them in tie box remove all blOoni Zdis ship, as a Command* 'thould, ac- cording' to the traC.itions of 'the: sea.... able things' Price of the Ir"Ic 10c the and ' bude. To get them •growing He did and nobly. ' • • '''• -I cePY'' • r • , , •• , 1 • ' Otir new Fashion Beek contains strongly reinforced with -lion strain; are sinking by ,the head," be told her. . SImple„Matter: First College Boy -"Gee Bill, but I'd like to get ,oet of debt!" S d Di " , , hl Jes borrow the money that You owe from the Governor." • .. , HOW ' TO, ORDER PATTERNS:, But Philitpd and ,Brideilid not ' out ,for theindeiyes. The seniotOrlan Write irourhame and addres' .quickly, disselves scant handful of nitrate ' of Seda Ina' fair sized v,rater, iing :eau, and sprinkle . this. over the bo, if the latter, idarOund •four feet : I clungto his.Pkfey 'and sent call after ly, giving num of such long If shorter, less fOrtil ter should number and, size. - ' I - cahl , 'probably he, dia ho,t, knOW .patteinS asyou Want Ella:lie' gOciti be used. After this, saturate' the' soil , whether, or not his 'set waa cle4d... But .,taityi.ps Or coin (coin preferred,•• wran ' with iiiietliet can or two of *ater. there; was -the key.! It 4 was .aliVe,t carefully) tor each nenibor and 'Three' Or foer,niore. tiPplipationa • Of Itldea . COukrch. tbretigh .spacePto speed ' atldiesa your erder.to Wilson Pattern fertilizer' at ten ',day literals :are ad - le hell) •that Was coreing,•, Help .was Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Taranto; -viscid, and watering 'sboilldtake' place. cOming, and it was up to bun to,direct Patterns 'Sentby return mail. • "every day., ,a the evaporation from M . • • Kenneth (to small brother who wants, to loin in game of.juvenlie foot- ba:11)-"N1d, lett corrie---hut I'll tell you what. You. stay in and play at, being a sports editor waiting for t 13. result of the Match," . • • • • ' ••• A to-cy is keptoi exhibitiOn In a New York .oe, ao that children of ,tho metropolis. may know what this crea- ture looks like. Will, the time ever 'come when a chorSo will similarly, be displayed or general, 'edification? , , The Little Fellow Goes On the Warpath. . ---m- I'LL, f (Ail) OlJT 1:4Ata• livrik: ' ;'1..t.'.Asi.' The ' . 6LISTEMt5.AJI-1A+) PAteT OF ' ' *Rai -1100 . me 'No GOT 17;\• r ' FOOLN: 4 C. COYNTEE COLLAR, ,...,-'''"u' , ' * ' ----N YoR.e A LIAR!' -nig Re's • NO .COUIITY , IN IFICLAtslto BY . 114AT , IsJA6AC-':: • .. • i f'l SURE "tt,$.1r-r, AIN'T , -et..14m6 1-1-10.1-Rl.frtl` uHem , 'SAYS nk e ,r.' 2/114AmArki. Ito rt-te ' .. ew.LAuNtay bow.ni G 0 wwoeuece 1-16Arzt. ,; oF A CAINK SEING I 'pN .1RISIAMAN • AM layStfl...T r. a 1 ' "'''''T ,-; , - cKinfK't . '''f1"--- - — - - , - 4- , Dvt ,,YOU CoNtd FeeM• N4C- COUNTEe • • ' tOL.LARt ' Dm, rrie ,c'oceNee t$. ea CALLS' IT: . „,,,.. A ' CbuIVrRYMA t%.) • c ' ......r.,..-.- ;•.-„ , --::: : -..z.....- :i• -,---g----7--.. .t : 4.---.4 ... .r, . 4 • 4 ii -- * „7.: . ••,..N,‘4,..;.• L=7; \ - • • 44 , :' •744.,„,/,°'''' . , ...:'11: , ' .404.•0•••••••••0464•411.04.44,904' NI) --.. • . „itell....•:lgt . 1.‘117:1:1 4 I 11411difill" . . , r . .1.' , -,,, ,::,„, , • " •oR ' *: . , "••• I . . • ;ft, _.. Ili , i till .1 . ,/ e ,•,, PArNe. • - -. . , ze, , ....2..., ') gili 1 t• - '40 ,..... • • ) +fit - - -- ,•-• ............, A f..%,-; ' ,.."4 .-'-. Z.1. i , , . p , .... I .._ _ • li, \,. ,'' • ,z. -....i/ .',.. ale - • • , , Om, 41411t• ..,.., .k o• — ::. , ,..„,... 7. if.,... -t. 4, , ,..„. N ____ , r 00:It , I gs...... ... 4°'°' p . it':2'..-1'41._A 111114,4 . •. , 1,, .-1::...: 6...9, ‘4.. CV', , .,•••••, ' ', -•er* ''''a,,,,'''..-_. . • . ,. ' i fki',ii.h,' ' ;...,,c '111 ,., 'r. "ttilW 1/1311 : - I, r 4, . -, Z"...- :A:i,;g4, ., ',' 1111'44' 1 1 il 1111 iii ' ,. •'* bill ( • I -..1.-..--:-. 44••••• k 7-.14'''.-...14.... .1. ••-^"..: ' ' • ... x<, . , ... - vt,it. :..--,..:,;.; ,-, ,-,- z.;,.,..:4. , 41.4"...dp .• '44, I Xi , ' , ,.."4„:•-";,..,,,,.• /.../...i.............11...1......111.64 4.44.44* dA• •141:i .34 il ink. 46•144.44.41I .raembers from thirtY-six countries. •i , ',Eaeh National ;Council' of Wernen ' . • . .Conrprisea Within •itaelf affiliated wo. •• MOWS, Societleti and, local branches.' Ati.deaeliy.VetiOnal Connell worke with . the" l'Internatitinal ' • Council • .through. ' litanding CoraniitteeS on Such 'pattern as ,child welfare, peace and, arbitta7 • thsii,, OdueatiOno laws relating to, Wo-: ., Men,' etnigration . public health, trellis: In women 4and'. children and ...tennier- The.- qiiiiiqUenetal Connell Meeting at Christiania 'in 19"20, the firrit one . • akter the World 'War, beetight together Weirton froin both .1illIgevent and neu- tral nations... The leek of gbiding the oaaannto 'tar t� too Ahalloon, It- , was a dtglcult .Jeb „ But, .slio made, ..isecaflion, tiocording to a :woman Who, was there, it unforgetablo,experience. ' Lady Aboydeen,-.1s,-co,authOr with olar inahand of ,&,,,Y6 TWa,i"' a spirited' i aecoutit Of. their Oventfiii'llte.. ..,• , . ,,,,..:„...........4...,.„...... , .s;tiia,"Inotmeiatti might) *eft' take ,a.. ' 141,fokiii frilitt this fietreit 1*Oltee tioart;, tniftliotoa,`:whii.tndetst:std ,that I red light xneaea 'Pwbon." ;and • that a • 'groan tignt• 'stands tot etto:!. ,:. • •