HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-03, Page 2twr Sado the quality of Green Tear by the colour of the brew when poured Into your cup before crew. , leadded. The paler thecoloUr the finer the • Green Tea°. Compare any otherVreen.Tea With t45ALADAP—None can equal It in flavour, point, offelearness,' Only 380 per frib. ' • • BEGIN ilpRE .T0DA1 Sir • Dudley Glenister; accuSed .of Murdering" his cousin, Janies Glenie- • ter,. arranges ;,with a moving' picture • einnimny to burn an old mill on Ins --estate, in which be is holding Norman • Slater, an, enerny,: a prisoner. He vis- its Slater,- just latior to setting fire -to • the 'buildingwith the intention et using a horse -whip on the captive; but , a friend as, Slater, and Slate's sweetheart; Kathleen Glenister, also a• sen:perin the mill break into Dud s ey's plans and rescues thoprisoners. , NOW GQ...pN WITH THE STORY -:-:- CHAPTER XXV.--(Cont'd.1 pin my hat on," said ICatbleen, mystery," said Wragge: • ' • her that tbtqY aftt14 Their PaA40.4 0240 1110494. 44411* 4COOn*I$ fiXed the riglA tonorablgp gentleman Who wag Verri'verlr 'gently being 'eirnr- Pelled• bY Inalieet W-Vegge .thethe Mark, , ."Hirl,10, Steve!' she sighed', WI -low •are Yen, 14:.0,It's nice of yoxt to • cents and See SymPathy'S •better 'than rnprie When,you've got to takelloar last eal Oh, MY 'peer 401" •For the fractIsn Of a seeph4 the'. PreaaVr4" of InsP to .Wragg0 hand, .' .1V1r. Colnect; W,as„not quite sa • bi-it :it relaxed' immediately; r°, 4`21‘heleclY ought not to lie out here," said deteetive I with aUtharity... ;411,4w. 4kbo4t, !-4t,Itiig. her te that cot- taket" : • "Seeing as aheia my .darter that's where I'm gehig te tnke, her,!* Said • John 1G•rimes through hiS• clenched teth,-and Pleking,'np the limp...form' as though:it werea feather,..he here it in his strong arms toward, the red blind at the ether _side of the'elearing.! • Mr. Fabian WomniersleY and NS-iit- lites .behind. . • • • Wragg e appeared, to hesitate for, Ineynenr and-; then, Without referring to the queer words Uttered :by: the in- jured wonian, to his illuStrioui eon: - pinion, he steered the ,letter toWard the cottage. Mr. Collie's lips were ¶'No -e -',o," Was the lOirg-dratc,n re- I tWitching,-but he also- Ignored the fir - ply, "What do you Make Of it?" rniiiar mode of address adopted to7 • "Picture artists faking a film," said I ward 'him by one: With Whom he had Wragge, and -for once his tone lacked in-st disavowed a previous aectuain• the deference he- habitually' used to- tame. It may be that he held it he - ward , the cabinet minister. And he neath his • dignity, to notice seriously added., with a still more Marked alo- what might have been only the babble Settee of respect,: • "Looks a ,bit rocky; of 'delirium., ' sir, 'tor ttlits wonderfUl evidence of ' 'Wragge halted on the fringe Of4e cinema • people clustered at the •44-1 tage door, Again a brief indecision seemed +g ter him, -and it wo.s with yours that's: going todiah the Beech- wood. baronet. Thia show Couldn't have been' Started, without his ianie- tionr and murderers, don't squirt elec:-. tricity,'On.their guilty:secrete."•7-- ,"Whatliad we better clot" said Mr. Coinefeebly. "Why, jointhe krowd and probe the - Brit 'before' ere had- accomplished the • feat -.Alb growling like': an. angry Mastiff; spring to the deer and Nor- man 'uttered, Fo awatt.:,.,otIterld 'anneke drifted' intc;Ltlii. rxr,fein AA": frOni 'belew • there reaelietr,;illem:.' the'-',,creekle, of „. ,• "He o .pard• Alf: • 'fault •firibein,g.464 ' J.iro .1taire "put out :aria not • been se --• "Anyhew`,"' reniarked Kathleen "it will be' plaikProof • 'raiirdered Ge;o.rge., , I 't,erd Hinkley • what he' -had threatened to do, . If he .1sn't hinged for that niu_L•der he will befr this." ' • fierce exaltation. shone in the girre 'face.' The fwo... Men' looked at tier With awe. "In the hoUr of her own, extremity,, while a" furnace raged in the 'one eigt-tioni themilI and k death • was very. near:to her, she could only' • think of the venge:atice shebad striven se hard, to win and. yet ,hoped might glad you feel like that, Mias," ,--said Alf,. with a note' of: restrained 'admiration blended'owith, pity. "it'll • ,make what's ,oining o you Came -cagier." ,•• Then he tan,mit On to the lending and over the letting- hahtsi- •• trade down the well or the staircase.. ' The'pungent fuinee nearly, eholit;d .""The' only 'ehance,", he' ,Cough•ed and ian back into .the cr , THElitnixdu mg. 'coLNE. • , . . . We parted from Inspettor'' Wragge and .1VIr.- Stephen Colne ,as they, start- ed front ;ColabroOk .Towers • to :walk • through the woods to .they.,clearing,, - Where the Statieinan-.had promised th• e deteetiye. • evidence; of Sir Dudley's •.guilt, rind , ithas been lhoiyri that ' these two .men.; :each eminent in hi• e, Owncalling, reached their destination • at, the critical: moment 'when Mr. Far •:Wan Worr,iinetaley'S..eleetrie apparatas ••• had been farmed • . • ' ' • The pedestrians , halted at the • tedsight Wragge casting a.sides- • long glance 'at his companion as if to • make, Sure that it was as great• sfur, priee_ to Mr:-Iboltie .a,eit was to hj 'self. • • „ • "'A queer go," finid tfie. insp•ectot- Ihotightftilly Pls, this what you brought me 'along. for,' " Outdoors or ;.,'Indoo.. re.- ' ' whatever ,typ,ii. , taskm 11.:et71IGLEY'S retresh • , you ,•,- alley. your ,tliiesti aid - APPerlte.an4 digettiono. ' ileips.keep teeth' cicam •• -.11fter.gvery . •,, • ' Mea) _41%.1‘G'f' CIC:tti \ to i ‘,..iii,litel;•_4`40".0 ' .114.61YE, NO, 17*V:8 . . . • 7 So it was that they advaneed into the bean projected by the AMphibian ,Syrtilicate'a apparatus, ineident.ally so frightening: "„Miss Maud ,131air" ;Oat -in her' sudden, :atart She Canted' over the miflwbeel on which _She was posed and gOtherself )aniined'hy it Against the masonry et the dam.. Untangoious -of-the'parttlieyhtrYcl-Played in Chasing the cat4Strophe; thsteed • eir•thit: bank' watching, -.Mr.'', -Worinnersley'si ,curibile entice.. ••. ' •, It , was" only 'When the tall inan rushed,out en to the darn that the in.spector graipod• that there had .been ait accident, and 'when John Grimes brought his.datighter torthe bank and laid har_clown, Wra.gge otiffenedLinall - his' fibres aa hecognized-the injured actress' as Mrs.'Simen Trickey el Lip - done us," said Alf.' ''''111y fault tor being soft-liearted.!'• • scorribe: goad, Brixton. At the 'instant of .;his own ,re&ognitiCal he was Co-n- seious that Ur. Colne. Convulsively gripped'his m. Wragge was . 'meat that was nearly destfoying•hip. pains, te. conceal he thrill .of eXeite-. eompospre. • '"You know :the voinan, sir" he asked, :tuning his Voiee to an ineificeue note, ' •• , • • • "I know , her?" queried Mr. Colne as .if in ,'defence of his dignity. He laughed a -little, as if it wa.s a case for anrimerrient : rather than resent-. ment.' 9 am afraid 'that, I have neg- lected my opportunities, Wragge;', for ealtivatitig cinema, professional'e-,-if I ever had, ,anY". •• 'the insetor's hand stoic gently unilerhis. corripapion's arm, as though to:guide hint nearer, the casualty, • "It seenied not timpOssible that you niight know her, sir; for if net mistaken ' she .a natiVe. of these, Parts" 'Said • 12Vragge, "the daughter , of Sir, Dudley's keeper -the map who has just "brought her to the bank,''. • "Miss • Maud Blair" haki ;fainted, and Jobb' 'printer's:, clumsily, trying Ito, restore her to.. ConseiMisriess, only recognized her ite,the`cabinet minister and the detective dr'ew, neati. Getcll ottr-SaW,'!. broke fr the. big' Man iit Velveteen. ' The' asbenjahod'crY, *brought &Reit VOnutiereley's leadink lady frOm ahO4pwland. he long-liehed Whielhad boor etch an asset lin InnalY ilattered'Open. But it was not apon the tngted lac bending over •• , • CI,T,Y, • DWELLERS SAFE ilia lightning ,fiesheS7 and hithyiefjear.' and tnethnr..ehilieya.: and 7.ypu waiow hard' , and tell ',Jehriri3r 0014 poob, tllere Is nothing 'to.:e. 'afraid efCand. .than.•• duck....ye* .owa teed ..under, the -liAle1othes--7don't Y(3•14: ki•Ye'.rItglit. A 114ere, is, noth/ag to 'be -afraid of,.' *The 0)46: Of a person being Struck in his htime;is.enoiii :several '•- • 1 nd. If • yoit • einitiec to at. YOUr. desk in •atitrie. ;downteWn..skyserapet,_ ,the lightning' gannet -roach you. oz ivxe-the aSennince..fOr ls of SP,Urek,-. engineer:Of the new awItchgethr plant' of tho :General ,Eleo- trio Company • la Philadelphia, in c916, an. air Of rellietance-that-the-at --last STA.NDING Sl4RTNESS . _ released file atatesamn'a arm. An. interesting type with ,bolero you will wait. here, sir, I won t front and . deep V -opening comPeted keep you a minute,” hesaid: "Then we 'with 'vestee. The lower eclg,e Of the will resume the Matter a precuring. eYidence against Sir Dnilley: 'Glen, bolero iS finished with applied bands. • .- one. . piece and skirt at .front shows. the new' eir Wr,sigge P•ashedhisway through r ' lfninessi0o:in ieeveare the hi straight in '„ , :setss WorninersleY!s nien aid,: passing into dart fitted ' Style No 916 is stunning the cottage, entered the living root ',mode of t*, two atirfaces hlaelt• Where "11:lisaBlath" had been laid a_ 11411!e"114.U.' The .1gre:at Fabian weeTlens;I'dt;e-4.)tnenee:fof gleolt° rlige7ttie°e-ruPepirte,' was lue•-°1-iereritlY tisyint t6 "o'r Printed alid'pak? silk crepe; Sizes himself and his doings tes,t.,Li_i • •girls• parent -1; ,Who' Nwgte. bending .oer her 67.`. 7 ! and Paying no heed, to H ine,sht;:c!4•3e,.y3a6111!:1512,hrnetsh4...nlateYtrd19144;,t were • shingang -feverishly, • but' there W.p,‘g a glintot :Iniseliief. :in them as they 'rested on: the .inapeetor.,,. . 1-11410,•'here's the 'tee!" she shrill- ed. "The 7'tee AO come rneuehing afterigniion. Whtt„t have you done with • the, teal villain et•the' piece, old son••=.-the-blightert,-yon-werelwith side? Don't let . him slip .',Y,Ou; for . , you'll ne•Ver catch hirn again - Ile knows"lhe :game: in nPr 11.0.7 that rui klinef,1 kedaincuti$0. rrr to intrude," said _ olv: T9.A.DEit PATTERNS ,•Wragge, • addressing .'thekeeperand Write yearnrune,and address Plain; :his, wife. • ::"X -am- a dotective officer frorn ',Scotland. Yard° and r Nirant to ask your daughter tWOAnestions. I haye •nothing 'whatever iagainst her' personally." •, • . , ,John and Judith:Grimes whispered' to eech other and steed :aside • . "It'll...ease her,censcience, inaybe, if she's dYing,'! said the 'keeper. • • Wragge • stooped down and put ,his, qUestionsonlya few words Weach... _Thefirst as anSwered at once with nod -and an ifnpud'ent, smile.•,!I'. he second required l'inger:irses get New Noses while. a Painfully whispered sentenee •or . •• , t Dignified Queen ' wo, , • " „ .Con- " . • teetiVe, rising.. ' "You have greatly • • I..oadon.-The 2,000 statuary caste ••. • aided the cause of justice" • (To ;be 'Continued.) yard 2 -inch white and* 4i-7yard 32 - inch *striped material. Price '20e the Many styles of smait apparel may he found in eur' Fashion Book.' Ofir resigners: iginate thir. patterns in the heart :of the style cetitres,Lancl: their -creations are • those . of tested ,popularity, brought within the 'means of the average .wonian; Price of the book 1.0c the copy; , giving number and size- of such patterns ,as :YOU want :Enclose 20e, in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap It carefully) for each number ,and address .your order, to Wilson Pattern. Service, 73 West Adelaide, St„ Toronta. Patterns sent by return :mail - Repairing Fam 'Keeps Chief Busy: •• A $tro ng' M a ' .1 "Bel; .a, inarvelonsly 'strong man: ' • : •, • • "I should say,: EverYwhere he goes • he take ii Nvifenn his arm,"4 ' • ' : • • , tfaster2,-"1 am„sorry to!..say, Jones,' . that 'your camPositiow is unworthy' of 'yen. The infermatien' is..fa.ulty and the style crude:” '.1biles--",MY father will be angryw.hen he hears that:". ,Nlaster2-"Welli," you must toll, • him 1,0411.; do /inch • better teXC.tirne." Jones7,•,-Do hetter, Did. Can't do • better than that.", • APpre-ainiately *28,000 Men . and.t-V.,;•-' inen,:tarnect their baelts on' the farm Iii Sontlf' ..Drikota to .attend isgricul-• tural 'short couysieg- -and -then," ttligi'ed- hcielt.•-tt;--Ltilalarm 'better •eauiPped to facetheir prohleras, • ' • Htingeff-"-Why, no, Whatever mit such an idea in your head V' Bob- by -'Ea did. ',heard -h1say toMa a little while ago, 'I gtieSs 1.41'11get his licalij • to -night. She's , gone i up" t'ptit.; her war. paint en'," . of the famotia, folk. = cif hi:sec:irk:and mythology Whieh. were, vanished .from the ryatal. Pelage airing:the' war • are back on,:eiltibition, again; but they are‘ not quite, the .same ,as theY used tobe and ae, claSsified• .t}ow - they. make • Stratige-eompany.:„.,, . ' , " " •;‘: • , Ina toont rsupposed to besatredto Grecian ' statuary,. Queen . Victoria, ..i,, found' turning, perhapS for •synipathY ' to Cleopatra. Gladstone beholds the.. backs, Of a,' dozen , .beatittiful woinen, - while Disraeli • isalmetiltnit aineng four Vennses, n couple , Eves, Lady Godiva aid' some 'nymphs .'aliettit, to entor•inviiible baths.:.• : ,* .,,... -, • ; Joseih, Cheek, superintendent, nurse •and.atitgeen, for all statues, busts and models in . th,e palace; admits tha1. the. elasSifleation ,Inight be iniproved, but exPlains that he has had ,a big •jeb the- • , last seven' yeard• getting :them all to light Again and repairing tbe, damage done " when -they were „littatled'ont to - make teonilfor war -time occupation of -ree..tipiko'n•t,' ' * 'task is 'fingers.-, But i' have Made So and 'make anther that will fit on oat - old' Venues ' by the seore,' he said, "and making ear's and feet and arms have ,•been broken . into bits, to •csay Ing finger was and go ,straight. awaY and legs ,fer all sorts and eonditicnia nothing of ,providing, new • noseS for of bythphs, 'ancient heroes and Victorian statesinat.. The most diflicalt tnerely 'tale° one leek Whent the mise-, the palace., ' .; .: many hundreds , of :them- now that '1 PI liave put tegetlier beauties that orty a:bout : the elaselfiga- tien,. We'll get thOul all placed tight In time." • ' , : ' • . • . • .' Nothing to Fear' • Froin Lightning Says Engineer chanco Of. Being Struck in YOU lipine is One inEstuuate* . . harge of the high voltage 'testing of eirCuit, :breakers, ;where' arcs. of eNti- halal 1iglinln t fro fifteen -1(i twee:. ty..feet are played ever apparatus' to :make •sura there tiro no ,dafeets and that. it .Will withstand, conditions when put bite -service, .0.* • in the open' in natural lightning:areaa `."Shooting inlilion ---volts. Tinto -circuit breaketil to thoroughly thest;.:theria before.-leaVing the factory IS not mere guess. work. The -fundamentals are, baed On:Studies Made In the •eorriparra 'laberatories; ,ileld Observations and tbe classic werk of :the -late Dv. $telninet)t". SPurek said... ' .• • •• • • • •'' If you ;reside on.' the .top- of a -hill. with no trees about 'You. are tn.. .eurulitii'41-Y..0Y perilous position..: Such ;house Is...likely. to be struck ones every/ 100 years. Bat if you live in theaverage city home, vith houses of .equal height .abeut.: yea; itglitning. 'apt to single yeti outabOu,t"onee every .14100years. •As ;Int "the. residents in the house perched 'Upon .the.hlll, the Chanca • ig e1nsevraI Million:, that :they. will lie.. struck'11,y the_hi.219_,hat, -,come-Fentfr100'.:yeari„;',. : • The' bolt mighttear tip' theoero ,:or even set, it -afire; ha t 'likely' :wmildget: no cleser,te.'yotr.P• It , wouldeaConnter. on Ms salary .:'you.7c1 haVe to ..live In a the ::electric -house • wit,leg •and : would ,t,eni,, , • ' • ' • ' • be :Oarried.,:bincit,ent '`io the gren (L.... ; . • .. System: and docilelyspeed, into •th - . . , - . . 'PA, !nerd's Liniment for cuts and bruises ::*-----.---:, 01'. it, would hop onto the .plumbr ' ' ' '' • • .. • . ' • earth ' The .safest, Place ,i.n..,,Vnir...honse-ta,-7-.'''!NanurtliliK•ehird';' .lifilitIhe Vicar at anywh-e,re,..'eiCept . where . ittlege,. light.fb:(..ehr.istentLgLathytii‘ans ning condetors are ceneredfUost.w.redtieii)ng .. nriatiber,- "Never Plninbirig and hed...ting, ,,pipea... run UlY1 will" baptiz. ... child with the nante.of: and .doWn. In the 'middle ,of the, house..1 Lucifer! ".. Said' the Iricar.' „",'Matthew Keep away' from: the: walla in I which I -John. baptlie•lhee I . ." and the haw they run..: De nat'ratamil, between iw,o,f, girl . iVas berae an with :Christian,, metal.ohlects,,SuPh_ :as' 4 leatiiieradia': let hii. but' hardly :satiable; :ng,i,•op, . .. -. ,.., ter and the Plinnbing 'pipes.... mfleyq Is .-• •. 'a -..:r, ee'. a', 'years . , nothing wrong' With the ,stiperstition .. inlitt oa:-:n thatbedissafe pg , , 0, .. nothing 0.f.far.tri' . ing.... and. who In t' ', hidea . ..:. • . '' ;ht: kjunlist.0%.0.0.1d•iren•I •it40.. .0611 ::w.itii,:a. ir he;modern .!. a toeL:officebuilding : ,' . lightning..can!t even., ..-set :the . raa' cornPetenee says -he did. it .;by ', ufilifg, Most rapid.: of such ' .buildings are diligeriee-und. econeiny, Digging right metal - and aro purposely brought 'In , , 40 ,,,, et:mated; at ..ettnie 'Point, with • the steel '.'•!''''' '`?';`• 5"lif1)8Y.8.• ' ' .•' •• . , • . .fraineworkand•,thia• circuit absorbs : . .. . , ,. and Carries:•off any lightning•that nay - chance to Sheet' 'down:. :. .'. • '•' - • ' -..-Perhans. the ottestia . Of the eilleacY' •o,f.lightning rods, lias,.never been .fully settled in the.Publie Mimi,: • .:t.,Ightning rode are n,ovir,to be seen :chiefly in the .dountry: .Thereis a lightning ted on :• ,nearly•-.. eiriry- ti,06b0.-; 'Iri-;:- 'London Hospitals Bar Women From --; .Me'clical Careers ereftirnore AG AKING POWDER, Used in Canada thaft of ti1 Ober brag& cOnabi fled AlA DE 7Ar cisiv.,4DA , 4L,q11 FIWGILETT CO. LTO. -roaottfro, CAN. though ,11 may not be visible to "the eye, Every pininhing system 'has an air. vent- lt 'pipe -411a t rues apviard to, if not though, theroof ' It serves exactly as ,the lightning .:rod which pricks the air en er.e.farnir's 'house. you he and 1 1,,c;ere, ingagexl ',",'''tentativ'e•••• 1Y3'IL •. '• ••• • * ' • "well -he• said,. If: he married • .you ,"boriden.-London. bei.apitals-4..re• " „ Nudnifol?' .,..rtactice.. Are s•Circn..:..., • !PK their doors 19 ivnIII,e.n"' who wish. (t) 1,• 13491,:r1rag'Pltih.Ye.*"170°;ida the -London. hoSpitale opened. '49giFtPitinflietYe4 thhtyt• • , rnauy gida lo9king fere. neW.gereer, Iael!,476.,0:01t.d • 4.ti nthe p ec.,• •Penpla tin:A aoine. time te get inied , '"Miss-kthel 'Jones, but the tatt,,vt:...• ,elty, wore .eff. And the, 'wonian .tierier 4:aciie:to be taketi .fot„gragted, • 'Be( heftn'e. long. '1.t: ,4 de a ine inatt�r pr.: • cetnizion.iepoit tbat sone of tiese :women. (lectors; &Mid themselVea:•iin: able' to get enough -patients; to 'Make a living-aed..had, to. tarn to seine other . occupation. • • .As .an oltainpleof what...women an . • 'do in the field of medicine, thecaveer of:Dr, Mary .Schhrlieb, 'whci, at eighty- , three years, Old In. II/ prominent Harley Street Pliyeiciap, is being eited:•.' Dr., Rchatlieb, • Who is a Dante of the Bri- tish Empire'„,keepe regnlar 'office hours . and has a ,large' PractiCe. Shots the.. • leading Woman:doctor iu the :British ' EMpire. ''• • But Other, Women Who'. aspire- •t -O.--,••• libiaercdileeraiiThltaeilneit4ar.:ref-otn sciciiiyinge;t9hteitthepa4t077,.... pitals are reftising te• adinit and 'train any 'more students, .and: It seems that Seon Ah ere 'will be, on lY three hosPitala, • •Lenden-topen to girls for the Put-,.. pose ietna n:f ...*t ihee..' i4Y 0 t)1 0 students women • Officials of the phar,ing prose Hospi:-.. • ,tal, ',one ef. theiie which is shutting..its.: • .doors on the young woinen,i Say that_._' the.thiniber-of..appliettritiklias ito great-, . • ly dwindledlin the, /apt ..tWo. yearis as far ;as Able ,:partieulars, ImithitaVlS ' :coneerned,-- the,queetletr, ie • eollringt.it- saP • the: profeseion • isoVereronided; .•• • . But,iturikaY7iheiVetbilteers: To...this:the wometi•renlY thtthey /have . -proved ,:theM8e1ysts.4a • t RS'. 'Men ' many branehise,lieth of. ineclieine " and Surgery, .so why ::not divide, the openings ,between 'hien and pitala whose schoole are open to both eltip' which, has (leaded to advise its eeed.as' doctors, there. is now a bigger.. ilerhand,' frit their serviette. than/ ever • haa,....be,en.,-takettLinP7bY-theL:Islationitl ' or the..,. :omen. stu,cl.ent," • Union , of • ;Societies:let. Equal Citisen.-:. declares far froiri women unable suPpOrters.. to ,sulysoribe only.. to , . • John Chkantan.... 7 • - %Keep Minard'a,,tinirnant bandY. . THERE is nothing that, has ever taken Aspirin's, place'aS an antidote • for pain. It .is shfe; or Physicians • wetildn't ,use it, acid endorse .its use by :others. Sere, :or several'Inillion users would haveturnetlte,something elk.' But get the real Aspirin (at any • drtigstord) with Bayer on the box, • and the word genuine , printed, in red: fr,r.r.•••••••,•••••• i3EST IOkLi. YOUR 8AkING Andriti • Is the trade Mark . fresistered in eanntlin) Indidatine, Diver Mandietnrd,' VVItilti IS le well known that Aspirin, meads Baser mono, faoturet:to enure the Imblie *genet imitAtione. Or(redo nark.- ' replete will ,be 'stomped with thet "AMC , Otors. • r • . Are 'Trained:and • • Equipped ..to „Save • You Money ialnd • Serve YOU Setter " • Firestone sells' tired 'only through • regular established dealers -,-the • out- • GetS.More Privileges; New:. Jc,13- Are Na- tives, In Shanghai- .Froin .Which Foprpleriy They ' 'Were Debarred., -IA NEW ERA -„Shangba1--;41hlit -O,TiieTWT.ara in the ' relations, betwien.foreignere, in China and th•o Chinese actually heti begun, ' in Which .the:Chineie ..,are being -ad"---. Mitted to - participation lit itinctiena from wblch , they , hitherto • have been excluded, :104-377tiliinva. by.leverai: • cent ,eventa. ' •• .• , ia knoWn, that. font.: Chinese ,,,ent- ployeeS in the -Maritime cuite,me vies .had been appointed:deputy' ceni- • xrdisioners,„.fretn-Which.rhnicrthey pre-: ' votislY. had been -debarred; :Thia marks a breakdown Of the rigid 'foreign •• deadline in the' custbmi 'servicethat endured for more than. fetty years,. and is. 'an entoring-,-,Wedge :to Chlnese con- trol of. :China's sca1affa1rs. • uhtiy Given Chineae. Eq ' • At a -Meeting of foreign ,ratepayers . liithe British' 6onceision • at Tientsin there was unanimously adopted a re- - 'solution Conferring absohite, , tanding tire merchants • in , every ton Chinese residents and giving the '-• community. Ibis great manufacturing organisation -controlling raw materials in ,priteary•markets-havicig ,brancheti and distributors ia all parts of'Canada • assuring fiesh, clean stocks and quick,. •*.efficient distributioris 'behind tverly dealer. Firestone Dealers. know tire construction and tire service', having been trained at Dealer Educational 1tlg 11Feeirenstoli.' Firestone Dealers .v•e,:the l'ates't equipment; the knowledge -the Fire- , atone spirit and idea service. No • other dealerteen, give you tbe same: • values and serve you so Vvell.• • • irmitsrOlsin Tittz es% iiunnutt co, • OF CANADA LINUTED Hamilton, Ontario MILES PER DOLLAn. • . • „ 'Inf.:stem Builds the Only Ousti-Olpped Tires e :1 Cake6t SUM ,and tread — 'DOES ALL YOUR 13AKING.-I3ES7' • if Chinese; equal Membership h the ., MuniciPal •' ' In Shanghai the Chines e rat'epOYers 'nave (fleeted three, thernbers , Of. the ' rilaniCipal Council of the. international, eettlenient and six IneinbersI,91" a e.41113: nlittee. Wha will take -office 'ea April 10, ' the day following the, annual --for- • • A ' 1.1 - eigirratepayers --meet ng. , „ . • Another' °innovation will bp Aliat •Chinese, wilt be Perri -Otto() to attend the Minna) tepaye.rs' . meeting this, . ,Year as aPectators, one 'Section ef,•the• , Town Hall being reseryed, for thein. The principal teetflutian before the meeting will; ,be,..te, admit, tbo Chinese,. , toailtals.siori to the publit-Parks in the . international eettlement'onthe eafrie GOnditions as those .on which toteign era are ridithitted, • WBI Relieve Grievance " • ,This reeolution, which 'ie 'Certain to • be adopted •will reriteve a long-stand- ing grievance, The foreign •elass here , ,seenie to realite • that the. hear liti- truele.-for„the.,eld-tirneprivileget;-:":"' The 'northern military • calm:lion lc( certan although nn ttlinbloynOWII 1f3'.ILVIttittWer Th host inforinittiOn `diettteil that .ottly, 'minor dailies :have • .tioeurred, ,tha etpotted, general 'often-. siVe not having been started, • • Crokf Mling ke4s teeth" frOM hurt; efineeially,..tfio.teith,ot -tilh trinv Thal, code.. , ;„,