HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-04-26, Page 5•••,.;
-1•• • •-•' •••,
flirratlbAt AMU! .20th, ,1928,
with Incubators and
iT DOESN'T PAY !to extieririi`enil,
. .
with incubators and !, brooders.
An incubator that'fails..ta hatch it
lot Of lietchableeggs, a 'brooder •
• that lets your chicks Ale—Oust'',
expensive equipment at any
pricc You lose Hit Value of the
• eggs and chicica.; . You: fosics -"rigs
prp6te. •
If you want to becertain of' getting, '
time -tested and reliable equipment.
—the hcat heY on the market—we
invite' you ;to visit our :store. • We
will id you how Buckeye incubators ;
,tutd brooders. hair., ',proved' their' '
profit-making ability. We will tell
You how they will save you money.
and how they Will make money
'tor you. Don't buy poultry -raising
.equiOrnent until you see what we
have to offer. : •
BuCkere'coal•beinseg buxuiers
Saves Money for a Mallen Users
More than million users are
making money with,Buckeye
try-raisng equipment. Its making
money for many poultry raisers
right in this vicinity. It will Make
money (pi yeti. :
Visit our store. • Sees what amazing
new BuCkeye equipmentrs have to
offeruit Wpaiy"7a74
Phone 74 • Phone 256
Monumental Works
• 141,•12KNOVV and WINGHAM
Has thelargest and nioat complete
etock in the most beautiful 'deSigne
to choose from, in -
,hlarble, Scotch . Swedish .and Can-
adanGranites -•
We Make . a specialty of Family
Moeurneals and invite. year inapec-
InscriPtions. •Nealy, .Carefully,'.. and,••
. • .
Promptly Done..
See Us before : placing your order.
()oughts Bros. , Sptition
• ••• ' uu'imow Ont,
• :Signalling. from. a •motar ear'onglit
to be univeiaI Sgna1s shopld• he
•everywhere ' hni.1, should
mean "exattly the smile Mider afl con-
:. ditions.,- • If thereis any factor . of.
doubt, the Ohio of .the
; pletelY loit.-APtirtherrnere„-t-juse- one
person, •the , driver; should , indicate
f.he ,C„oiirSe that the par . is about to
take, beeatise.he is the only 'One who
knows "with'::pernplete' certainty jugt
:What d
he ii•geing'„o o. , • .4.
• . • .
" It seems alniest. impassible ..... that.
.there ..shoUld be .any • 'doubt 'as to the
. propersignali, to tiSe.'irt.: indicating •
the Vai•ious inOvernefits, of a car
• traffie.. '.The generally used SYstenf'.of:
hand wigwagging has C3me Into ,*be-
. trig because itconies naturally to most •
driVerS. It: has been envolved and,
not. invented, in Othwocls
er .r4 '
• •./ •. • •
Intention. of --making•ra left turn is.
•usnally , indicated, iv the Oyer:. ex-
..teriding..his I hand, the left•,df.,course;
".With'.' the index ,finffer 'pointinez in .the!'
, _
• e ,• •
dirOCtioll he about to take..:14thitig
, k
• eceild be more natural '014 this ,ges-,
• Ore and.. any •., .thotorisf who e�tild
, miss' ita significance shoidel :have his
'driving licetiaa reVolcecl iintaritly,., • ;
: In signalling 'for a. right tarn, the.
ordinary'rrithod• •to 6:dead.. the
'., hand out'frOin' the car,Making; a;cir
elder :1-notion,This amounts to n.eall
to the driven' .behind tocorne on, On
'the...left; informing' him- that the car
'ahead is. about.tenialce-a turn to the
,• right. •, .
Both these signals ' are ohvious., Yet'
any day on :a. •fair 'road, where' tars
• Pass' apd'repass;' you, can , find "Some
leaf. ,,thrusting out Jjis flabbi•'.. hand
. „Without the ',finger extended, yet ap
• 'parent] y ablaut to. s wing left 'and then;
haVe, him •urri...right. ticross.yonr bow
Without the -slightest conipunction.
,Motof tar, traffi in, the Dominion:
at,-.Cariada has reached:. .e 'condition
-.'Where SeeminglyniTnr matters;,',0
,,,••••incitering c1eportment-IlinV1- hetome..of,
t1 _i9Ltanc With novtn car'
th re on•:,any,.,;•inain,
•:•thoroughfare '•-dOring; the ate tnotor—
seasons, a Very alight
tention• Max dente a-setion8 accident. '.
/ • .
, A ,heY in New *York f011nd tan
that Contained •$771,
tragic death occurred at ,Port
hcrt on Tuesclar' afternoon, April 1,1;
about 5 or 6 o'clock, when Mr. John'
Henry Shripson, a well-knowirt-re-si•
d'ei"it. Of the section, took his WI .by.
revolver. The • fatality pcSurred in an
orchard across the road from" Mr.
Robert My's residence on:the:Lake
Shore 'road.. : Mt: 'Simpson' had been
accustomed to ,visiting this ,orchard,
and when 'a search was• Made he was
found:, there in • an .iinconSciona condi-
tion. Coroner. Dr. A. C. Hunter /and;
High Constable, Thos, .Gni,tdrY of God-
...erich, Were notified,' and the old rUail
was removed to the horn' Of
Hawkins,1where he Passed away a-
hont 9 :o'clock in the evening, Thg.
.cordner decided .ihat an inquest •Was
unnecessarki A Mite Written -by' the
anfOrtufiate plan and, fennartached
to 'his Clothing gave instructions as
to, . the (ibmasal . Of his remains. • The
deceased had been ill. and in a •melaii-.
tholy ;mood for some time. , . ".• •
The late Mr. Simpson, who was in
his seventy-second year, was :a Welk:
knpivil and ' well -liked . • tesident.of
•Ashfield .taWriship; •Ver inanY 3rears
hecOnducted a,gerieral.;,..,tore„apd was
postmaster' at: •Shepparclion,-. retiring
from business about Three year •ago. -
For some time he had resided at the
Mr. It -Wert Uoy. He was nn -
Married and is surfiVedt-brIWO4,-ais--
tetS,...Mrs, Albert De Kay -of Defiance;
Ohio; and Mrs. Jim. Chaplin of Flor-
.C.emment has. been made in seVeral._
instances' 'on the , unusual number of
house flies that ha,ve: survived. the
winter • and have been arta;ised,' into
activitY by the recent spells ,Of Warin,
Weather. Tbissuggests the probabili-
ty of an unusual menace daring- the
coining summen to the comfort and
health' of our citizens, for hies not
only anise' great annoyance, but, are.
a most serious ,nienace, to health Since
health authorities claimthat it the
summer , More disease is carried.: and
spread by flies then' by any pther
'Means, partienlarlY the intestinal 'dig -
eases thrit.,are ;So ,serions and often(
fatal to infants and young 'children:
Early and persistent measures,. Can
,dO . Much to 'prevent possible. serious
trouble and, for 'this ••, purpose ,;the
Walkerton beard' Of health urges the
efitire community to Unite in a Cam-
tiaign „et fo•eventive meaSureS,' first
by swatting, poisoning or otherwise
destroying the .ffies beforeihey have
time to ,niultfply, and •secondly, by
putting their premises, soon ,.as
poshiblei• in sanitary condition by the
cleaning ok out hoiresi removal of
Mies Of stable litter and ail Vegeta-,
• !ilea and other kitchen *hate ' and
otherwise cleaning up their premises
and, then keeping thehi clean since it
is, in detaying niaterial Mostly that
01T; are hatched , andrnu1tFpr By
,!sruch means and by ,dthet- measures-
eiti*ms;- flinch may be done for our
comfort and well -•being in tilt coming
smuttier and eo-operation i8 urgently
requested,.. •
We. Wmildtilt *be ..aerpriseil 1f""..It*
::•tttruccl out to lio'..tho life savinga AI
oneihriffy pditarr • ' At)
• A Jiark. - •
dark; the Whid it blew ,
Ira tip 4614044 11 •Dego flew, •
Id trent lcilife he dre*, •
d cit s baaana thrakIlt ln Wtil
leatil Or Vin. James 'Hay,
, The coroner sinquest intothe death
of William. James Hay was held in
the council. chamber of the town ball
on Monday eveningi CoronerDr. A.
C. Hunter' Presided and County Crown
AttorneY. Dudley Holmes, K.P.
dmined,the .witnessei for, the Crown.
The: coroner's • jury conalsted of the
11. Blackstone, fereniaft; •
David Spioul, Alf. •Tehhtitt; qp:
Green,'Geo.. Wilson, . Chas'. Young A.
Th,4 •jarY'r• after hearing the'
dence, brenglif 'in the following Ver7,
ilict:•4‘That: Williamilames•Hay came
to his death from • a fracture Of the .
;41cull received -on •April 156, "19,13f on
the C.P.R. bridge' near the steps of
the Western Canada Flour Mills, by
lAing struck by a: Motor' car driven
'Iv Chas.C. Lee.,According twthe ev-
idence we, believe it :to be an unit-.
ibidabie accident Under existing
cuinstaiices. We Consider this a Veii
dangerous., place, on account; of- the
narrowness Of the C.P.R. bridge and
the alllOtipt of traffic and the
of bicycles „and pedestrians crossing
this bridge, ,We, the jury, itrongly
recommend that a footbridge be c
structed :on the mirth side ,and ;bey
the limits'of 'the present bridge
'be connected:tOthe town *side*
With. a proper guard rail, because
blieve the accident was largely'
'tO.the, road being filled with pedes
ans who obstructed the view. •And
believe that such a. bridge would re
e'dy this Condition: •W'e reconithe
that no narking of cars be 4illoWed:
this bridge or On. the 'approach the
to, and a' danger ,sign be .placed
thetop of the. hill and one at the
C.P.R. freight sheds" -
High Constable: :Thomas ' Gundry
•was the first witness eXernined and
he told of his visit tothe sceneof the
accident aboot. twenty-fiVe • Minutes
after , it "happened. • 'He stated -where
and toW he;understood the accident
liappen'ed-and-was-orthexPiiiifii—v that
tee's, ear was going very slowly,
Wrora • The Brantford Exposit**
• Adley-HedleY '
v4r1 pretty wedding took plate
at the hoineof Miss 440
,Colborne • St, on Saturday. afternoon,
at 1,30' o'clock, When Miss ',Vera Hed-
leY, "ilaighter :of Mrs Alexi Alexi Hedley,
Lucknolv„: Was united in mlrtrage th.
Mr 'D�ugla Adley, ‘ iion, Of :kis; u2t.
Adley,, of this ,cny. The rooms were
beautifully decorated deepTated. spring
flowers for the 'decision '' the,
bride rtered the drawing -room lean-
ing:on 'the aria of her brother;
Nick who , gave '•her'In .1 Mar-
riage, to1 the strains of the bridal.
-thortiii • front, by
Miss suoaby.L The bride was gown-
ed 'georgette. Over Pale yel-
low with garniture' Of; ..urange blos-
awns ribbon and laCe • A pretty
bandeau Of 'pearls " grid orange blos-
Soni'S was worn and a beautiful .bou-
. . . ,
tiet. ' of sweetheart, roses and sweet
.,peas was carried., The matron of hon-
or, Mrs. :•Albert Overholt, . sister of
ond beOzningly gimped in
incl.' pale pipit:T.08.es. The ceremony. was
411, perforined by Rev. H. L., Roberts be -
we fere a hank of ferns, -palms ' and.
.due spring flowers. Many beautiful gifts
tri-: testified the esteem in which ::t.11
we bride and: grpoin 'are held. ;A ,recep-
tion iminedlately "after the.
nd' aorenuany, when the brides:. health
On" Was41
. toasted. Mr. and WS: - Adler left
re-,tor'Walkerville; where they' will GI
, future reside. The bride travelled in
.a goat, of modish blue with 'rose hat.
Guests were Present from Niagara
Falls, ,Ilarniltori: and ,Lticknew.4 '
„ ,
; "i:
as the. marks on -the roa w y showe
that it had been 'Stopped 'in less tha
Dr. Wm. Martin was .the next Wit-
.neSs•ealled. He stated that When h
'Arrived ;at. the .scene_ot,the acciclen
he found Mr: Hay.:iYing• on, a desk i
the. Western Canada Flour Mills of
ice in an unconscious condition. Ther
Were no marks on :the body except:..
hrOiSe, on the head and minor Mara
sions.: 'At .the Post-niorteM he. faun
that as. hemorrhage, •had, develope
Prom. the result of It.hlow On the hea
and there was a large fracture of th
skull 'at the, back on the .rio-ht aide
The fracture of the skull and heinorr
° hage: and violence from the resulto
the blow was the cause of deatb,•:Said
‘Dr. Martin'. '
'Dr: A. IL Macklin,: who assisted' at
the post inottern, was next' called and
he...confirmed,Dr.-Martin's evidence•as
the. cause Of death. • -
. Mr. Charles C. Lee, the driver of
the car which struck Mr. Hay, mils
next,. Mr. Les! .stated that
he, was proceeding down the . barber
hill to nis.:plaCe;;'of business 'Aqui 12
o'clock on Saturday. When he was
'partly' down the. hill -the mill whistle
*blew and he Slackened the speed of
his car to ali4kfiVe: six; miles ' Per
hour. He had met several cars •Com -
Mg Up the` hill and when he:reached
the.bottom of the hill he noticed -fifty
or more workmen corning towards
him on. the .north side of the bridge.
'tie proceeded to pass these /nen ,
the south side of the bridge, when he
'foticeci4Mr. 'Hay on ;his ,bicYcle. 'Mr.
Hay was riding his 'Wheel in a`tigzag
-simmer and, was looking down. Snd-
lenly' Mir, Hay swerved in :trent of
his car, and before he could stop his
utt he had, 'struCk Mr. Hay's bicycle.
Mr. Lee Lee stated that he stepped his ,
•iar in three-quarters of its length and
vas not travelling at a greater speed
than five or Six miles an hour: •
The ether Witnesses called ' were
7bas; Mills, -Herbert Leggitt, Wilfred
oesichey, Albert J. Wilkins; Wallace
Duckworth; George Hackett,' Robert
rurner end Provincial 'Constable A.
Whiteside. • . ' .
"Several of the witnesses, Who Were
"ellOw-w'orkinen of the deceased; saw
he accident and, stated , that Mr. Hay,
.vho had just started from the Mill on
his wheel, was zigzagging sin the
.oad, •They stated also ,that ,be was
'ooking down and evidently; did , nott
notice 1Vtr: Lee'suCar,
4 I
1 r
, FIRE 'NEAR AV13114114
'Friday, April 136, brought.' bad
to Mr. and Mrs. John Medd of,
near Anburn.'; Mrs. -Medd was en-
-,gagedl.in -the:. annual- housecleaning,.
ind she'took ahuncfle nt vgaste :paper,
into, the. yard and set it on fire., The,
*nand blew -the 'burning papers about
..and actuallysetthe house
on fire. Bo-
'ioro this was .noticed the fire had tak-
en such a hold on the house„tlit
With the appliances at hind it cptild
not, be extinguished. The" ,furniture
and some Of the doors of the house
wore altifed, but the, flange itself was
emnpletely destroyed, . 'There '' was
WO 'insurance' With, th,f, West Ws.,
WOoSh Xi*Ur4n0.0 •Company, ,
AcqtriENTs' AND.
' 'CoirtvpisAtION
*rig to Show in cornpenSation figures
and. the total 'benefits awarded by the
Workmen's COrripensOn- Board in
. Mrs; ;Ton Irwin of neat lotteknov,
is;speneing a few days recently with
friends at Varna. '
Miss Olare.Ritchig of Zion, Was tile j•
guest. „of Miss ..Winnifred ' Webster.
during. the 'week • „%.; • , • '
•:-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robb of 4th
Con., spent SuadiiY with Mr. and. Mrs.
Albert Cook of • .
, Ire.nb.,ifoorc•of "Whiieol;00),,
'spent' an evening Acerkilf'. With
and Mr. jack •IfenderSon:. "
Mr.:•-•ahd • 1Virs* Herb: MeQuillin and•
children of I.beitnovv, spent a daY, re
cetitIrwitli'Mr. and
Quinte: ".. • :• ,
" mtg. Clarence 'Irwin and -haheof
2nd visited with her mother;
Jaa,", Stanley of 4Paraiiiottpt.
cently. .••• • .:•'•;. • .4'4 •
T Mrs.'. Jae., AiiiiierlOY, and
Mts.' Grant macPiEmni4,•
rnount, :silent •Menday with. Lucknow,
: Miss Lyle Itichards, and Miss My
tie :Webster Of Paramount, wet
gtiest. of Miss Lizzie Alton of Luck
now daring the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner. Ackert c!
Holyrood, and Mr.. and Mrs. Bober
Button spent Sunday at Grant; Mae
Diarmid.'s.. .
• ,A• Pleasant afternoon WAS 'Spenf 5.
the hofruU ef,'. Mrs. W. 1VIL•Gill,' whe
'the ,Paramount u.P..w.p. held thei
April meeting there. Mrs. 'McGill con
ducted the business pare.Of the meet
when it was decided to send
bale of clothing to Nuithern Ontario
for families who had- the misfortune
to lose theirhomes by fire. Mrs. R.
Button- then took charge ,of the.
meeting and. • the following program
Was -Tarried out - reetrtimetitals by
Grace Webster and Mise Bessie Barn -
hr;' soles by 'Margaret Button, Isabel
Cnhge t erls jaarteinic 1.1;e4nd"--
ider .gave a report on Marketing.
A -Splendid. Paper W.as given .by Mrs.
MeArile-y On7-Cariadian-7Authors and
°eta:, The May meeting' wilt . be
el.n..at the' home of AIFS. ,Jas.„
Web -
ter Of, near, .1,ucanow,t, when the
randmpthers will have, chargeof the'.
regram, . The Rail Call will be an.'
were& by a Grandmother's reeine. I
March .wre higher than any 'ono. G
month ..'Since the .comin,eneement • of
the .1,Act, in biita'rie;; •Last ntnth. the:
Board :awarded $r4,j35.7 Which in -
..$168,625:06 for. medical ' aid.' •
The accidents : reported- nuiabered in
.31176whhe5n;7151,5; 701.1Winercei7,4peo;vetir., FFeaht
. . .
ities in March, however, ee dptisjo-""
•grablr below the ,average, ;there hav-
ing, been 26death cases reported. The
accident:; ;.renOrted,..
in the: firit.iqnarter. Of 4928; was
337, an Increase: of only 216 over last
. year; which .vvoilld be more thanofF-
S, '
t, by increased enijiloymerit.
Seine' authorities claim accidents
'ran in, cycles and, in this'. connection,
:It. B. Morley, General Manager, jp-dustjjal .
ACcident Prevention Associ-
ations,- tells, of as,redent epidemic , Of
aCcidentsto workers. 'who were. seri-
ously: injured - by wagons or ttncka.
One driver for 4 , Toronto firin was
severely - crushed by ancther truck
while at the back of his .• oWn ear.
Another in :Brantford: Offered
injuries when .caught , between :4oad
ed truck „and tractor. 4 . third case
brought deaths to a.Avorker:In
ion 'when a', large truCle,' makinede,„
liveries backed: into . a Worker., injuk•
ing:Thiin ao severely that • he diedthe
following' day.' This type :•and thou-
sandS. of , ether, accidents are being'
rendi-ted io the ,Workipen's Connen,
sation • Beard.,every . Month of, :the'.
'year and it seenti,to be :trtie; As Mr.
Morley .Says, that "it takes less' time
to prevent' an ..accident ,than to, report
One ,
Everything in Dr r Goods atvloweil
prices. The best for, lead,' at The
Wallcc4 Store. ' "•
NOTICE T() (3,REbrirOrt,
IN THE MATTER,ot the estate ' of
Robert Henry Griffin,' late • of the
.Village of Lticknew' in th?, County of
Since, Retired Ferrner,, deceased. ,
•NOTICE is hereby given that, all
persona, having any clairns or '' de-
mands against the late Robert Henry
.Griffin'Who (lied on :Or abont. ' the
-3welfth day of December, A.Ds : 1627,
:at the, Village . of 'tuUhnow, are ; re-:
quired, to •send by post ntepaid or to
deliver ..tO the.uildersigned, Agent for
the eXectitord..under the Will of, the
:said 'RobertHenry' "' , their
names. and ;addresses and ftill par-
ticulars in writing of their\ claims
and statements Of their aceotints' and
the:nature of the 'securities, if any,
held by, thenduly verified. by affida-
And take notice that after ..'the
,1.1,fth day Of May, ..A,D,1.928-,-tnetrid4
executors will proceed to %,distribsite,
-the-,--Attelg-drthelair .414"Ceiiseif.;
inon.g the/persons entitled thereto.
thnn,ha'Ve had
tice, and that, the ,said.....egeeutors.Will -s
hiit.any„be liable -foi. the said 'nssetS,'
whose daim °reeo..6%i°alatrinYilti.letrhs:nnh'avt)ef
received notice. •
This notice te given pursuant tc
the stattite in that ,behalf, •
-Dated ht'Ltickriow thlillith day of
April; A.D. 1928.
icmaP11. Agnew,
I. for Eite
w' Ont.,
Tbe'ineeting_yeas brought to a close.1
i•rith, the National 'Anthein after
•which the hostess served lunch: , '4
' - '
Farmers have been Plowing the
past)iireek. They are hoping for bet-
ter seeding weather, as it now looks
as though theseason would be seine -
what. late at :best . •
We notice Mr. R. Martin Out with
a .new ear this season. .
Mr, and Mrs. W. F: Maelionald and
Children were visitors at the home of
P.: Graheni, 2nd Con:, last Friday. „
Cattle buyers . are frequent visitors
in •Flowerdale these 'days. •
, Mr. and Mia." L. MaciVer .,Spent
„Tuesday •afternoon at the 'heine of
A haPPY hotne is one where father,
hands out generously and • gives in
without argument • • •
Srou ..have , odd— stet -kings left
from two pairs of hose, 'dye them a
'darker shade and use them as. mates.
. .
Nett! Chrysler "54"-TuvrPoor'SVda,U;
Chryiter f!52,1;
New 1-4344... Pri.'ces
• Cony! •, •• • 1* 876'
Roadster ••• - 870
. (with rumble scat)
Touring ' • - 070
Two -boor Sedan 889
Pour -Door Sedan 9,_30
Del.inceCoupe • 930
' (with rwisbk teat)
-DeLtize Sedan • - 1000
Alljeicisq. b. 'Windsor,
'Ont., including stand,. d 104
tam seuilmnent Oveig 44 and
PERFORMANCE,style and qual-
this a ,mart new Ch.r•Y'sler "52". is
one withall,•Chryskrs—clesigned by•
the same great group of engineers that
planned. the "62," 72" and 112 h• p.
Imperial -"s . . 'Characteristic
• Chrysler speed ability and pick-up are •
'linked with a2 real Smoothness. Fleet-
ness-'atia dash with trim comfort and
pleasure ...Ease ,of handling is tinap--
proached"by any car costing. less than'.
441500 . roomy bodies Of .
'finest Construction. UphOlstery and.fit-
tings far beyond the quality of those in
any other cats' of coin.Parablevrice
No other low-priced car 'offers the
positive safety of self -equalizing hy-
draulic 4 -wheel :brakes .available at '
slight etra coSt perforin-
ance, roomy comfort, smartness, airy
iler prestige make Chrysler "52" today
more than ever the . outstanding 'value
inthelow-priced flea -
" .• •
• , • . . . ,
' Dealers' in fern' implements have
• which sells at ,,$160 to $1,85, accord- •
ing to Size an • make. As a result of
this faith in fcrtilizer many farthers
•, • , •
discardLtheir--old•i--drille in fairly good -
condition ',and buy the ne,v implethent.
• Quite 'a 'number of harvesting • • im-
plements have also ” beensold, s9 it
looks as. though ••,quite a number stifl-
have faith in farmingin the "good
old"' 'counties of Horon and Bruce... '
There . is further . e-iidence that
farming is neither a dead nor a, dy-
ing industry in this.'part4. Within. re.:
• cent months, we are told that two
. . • .
one-hundredt-acre farms west of Luck7
now, sold. at $7,500, and . another at
$7,860. Over • near , Teeswa ter, v.here
farms haTe-been bringing S'ancy 'pric-
es for ,a, riumtler''of years, a ene:.hun-
dred-aore farm. .recentlY , changed .
hands at . $,12°,500., • 'This„ however, is •
a very choice .piece of. and, with fair •
been the busiest men •in peknow the
past few Weeks::Althqugh, just at
present; the season ,is none too prOm.:-.
ising,, therehas been an •Utusual
inahd for iniplement; for cultivation
of the soil—riding plows,:spring
tooth harroirs • and seed drills: .Tbere
has been a ,,Partigniarly big run On
seed drills, one of the .dealers ....re-
marked that there had never before-.
been such a sale of Seed dr1ls Jr, this
part The new driliS being- sold are
nearly all "fertiliZer drills," in 'most.
eases fitted with 'discs, H instead.of
hoes: The hoe 'drills are bought Only
by fanners having Stony' land as on
such land the disc impienients de net
work so Well.
Tie ex lanation of :,the unusual
sale of •seed-tikilIs is that altribsi ev-
ery •farnier, now Wants to 'sew fertil-
izer 'along with the grain .• and the
fariner'S, readiness t`o •buy- is :ex-
.plained: bk the ,fact_that. tlfe use. of
fertilizer ..along With the seed ',may
make a difference in the Season's
crop equal to the price of the, drill,
• o 9 o
Favorite sohs prove' nothing' •ex..-
cept• that You can't:•trust the
ment : 'of riarents.. .
The big 011,:xspaper ao'oouPt of ,
wedding doesn't' compare' with the
.hig account that conies in later on:.
MOT fire,but the 'CARELESS -
AN NESS which fails to quench
it when its useful tturpose' has
• been served, Is the ENEMY to
mankind: He who by neglect causes
fire in* '''the• forest
rnay well expect the
' same treatment is
would- be accorded •
" to one who tosses a• .
match •Into neigh-
bour's ,baystack.
• romod by, Authority ef
Charles Stewart'
• Minister of the Interior
. 14