HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-04-26, Page 17.
2 00 PtE YEAR .A4s,yNvg, 42 ° tr.)t4ERNvist
Physician and Surg?On
,• Luckn6W:.
Hours:‘'.1:4(1-?49 '774
•" . Phone 86,
- Dr. -,MaCT„,eoil will Visit LneknOva
•ecy' Tuesday,' in.,; Dr.. Connells
, fiEN'iu1ST
.Dr; R L.. Treleaven, • Lucknow-
Over , Decker's' Storm "Extraction
either by giis. or focal., Will be iv
-Dunghimen every -Thursday. Phone 53.
1 • ,1.1
Geo: A. ,Siddall, Lucknow, Brikei
and Real Estato.--Money to lend er
tirst 11101tgages1,4pn tarm proper -
:ties at 6 and 61/2 pe cent:aceOrding
, to •aechrity ,offered .• Also ,:small-
aMounts on second mortgages on
farm .ProPertles and on •personal
netes. .A few 14oad farnir for sale.
•• W -ALL frill line of 1928
Wall Paper on 'hand. Prices from 8c.,
Up. - I am also agent for leading job
. houses. -R. ' J. Cameron, ' Decorator
T'ainter' end
•.-nour. • •
' FOR, SAI -E --Good building kt �n
Stauffer _Street, :fruit trees; garden.
Milo flowing . spring water to tap ,in-
to horise.: 41.31:124"..ell; Robertson.. •:
:RENT -Grass. • Farin, 75
-acres -good- -gra zing, I d;—On Con.; 8;••
.',Eiriloss,.." 2: miles •east of I-I.Oly-rood.,
Por partictilats appry to Almer'Aelt,
' Cie.' or Richard, Baker., Holyrood.•
„ (26-4-c) " •
FOR ...SALE-,--Glediolus bulbs 25c:
per • d,ozen rry • and :Tagpberry'
plants lc. per plant: .Alio Alban.
, quantity. potatoes.-Mrs...Jas. Purvis;
• Phone 42-r-5, Lucknow.\
ORD CA,R FOR Bal;" -Fr -774 n goad
condition; with starter and delivery
Back. Suitable for town , delivery or
farrner.:-J. A. Mallough.
' • (3-5-O)
FOR SALEI-Brick Bungalow, ex-
tra lot with good - fruit trees,. barn
table for stable, storage or ,garage.
Vvrill be Sold for less than cost , An-)
4),!y fp .D. C. Taylor. '•
(26-44f) •
FOR 'BALE -A' secon&hand hang-
ing141110 with Agora:tett shade arid
bowl-in•firs t class working order;
and in___appearance '•-as
good as Mardie & Son.
(26-4-p) '
FOR SALE..-1Jsed'..trefrigerator-,
•dornestio size, grst :class cendition. In4•1
orreation At The Sentinel, office. •
i• ' (3-5-P) .`
Xot. 22 Si 28, on. 4,• Culross..:
Thursday„'May 10th, 1928.
• 2 Horses, 27 cattle headed by Dales
tiBeau, tbe 4,th prize 'Sr. pelf. at To-
yrorito C.N.E., 1927. Also 40 pure 'bred
/Yorkshire Pigs, , including „A •boars,
Jr:id 12 sews in pig. Jelm Purvis,
• Mancini' 'McKeith, ,Teesvvater,'
Baby Chicks and
. :Hatching Eggs
froin .0itia heavy laying • Strains-
' pure .bred. to .lay 'White Leghorns
and, Barred Rocks: "iligli'prodection
and 'pedigreed Males, used ...Order
now • and :get- them when you • want
'• them. Also incubators, • brooders and
, poultry Supplies. Custotn hatching
done.. I can Save yon''money. Phone
• or write ' - , .• •
•;• :Duncan Kennedy: ./
• 'Whitechurch,
(1.-3-tf) . • •
-EGGS FOR DA'rcifiNG "
s. c. White Leghorms from ' our
flocic bas been thormighlY
cnileit.both sprinr. and fall.' and mat7
t'd niales off high producing hens.
Sc.• per egg. Orders of over 200, 4c.
per (g.-Eliner .J.. Parrish, Luck-
roW, •R,R. 7‘; Phone,• th.mgannon 82-
s--- ••• -EGGS -
Bred -to- lay 'S. •C; White ._Leghorri.
taby •elfidltS, May chielcs ,eacb.
tieededi, 'Mother hen with chicks.
A „ Clifton, phone 76.-
. ,6). R. R. 2. . . (26.-4-p),
Barred Rocks;onr specialty. We are
' boolend with ordore; up to May DO:
Hatc•-beri every weelc:', 'Citieks $11.00.
Per hurfclred for May;'$15.00 for June.
JOines.M. Scott, Sunny Crest FAtthi, •
SeafOr!•13.' Ontario.
.1 '. ' : • ,
I• , • * .••• „
.0 00004V0 .1
Mr. Con: Deckeels conlInedlo the
*Tons! Ulla. Week with af severe ,cold.
1Vliss,q1itithir MacCralluM• has re-
turned, to Windsor, after Spending 4
.veek with her mother here.,
Mr. Duncan MacLeo is preparing
to bnild new residence on Havelock
Street, neer Elliott Miller's. .
• Mrs.'Herb. .Wade, Harry', Lorne,
aanlek and'' Anna, -motored :up from
London and spent the week -end with
t-elatives in town. •
We notice a number Of ilnuSect
barns in town befog Pilled down, the
Materml to be used iri building else-
where. , The high price of luniber,
does, it.
A dance under. Fire Company aus-
pices will, be given in Carnegie Hall,
LucknoW, to -morrow (Friday) ;night.
Arthur's 5 -piece" orchestra 'will fur-
• Mrs. Fred -Stanley arrived • home
nnirsday night of last week, after
spending three months at her former
home in London, England.. !she re-
ports' a' delightful ocean voYage, and
a" Pleasant' sojourn ,in the Old 'Land.
•„ 0
___The-Walker-StOre-itkbr1thi:Ul of ex-
tra bargains these days.. '
• '
1.-777.7-.7-11011W— •
• Lloyd -At the General !%Hosoital,
Wingharri, on Sunday, April 22, 1928.to Mr. and '
Mrs. Williaiji Lloyd Of
• Empire Shopping Week: Buy Brit,
••and' Canadian Merchandise-,,--:
MA RKET--Hornell-Murdocb Coa
.,•.. .
Complying With the village,_. -4y --
law; shojis, and stores in Lucknow
• Will be closed-. Thursday afternoon
niniencing the: first'. Thursday in
May .and continuing until ,•the • last
'Thursday in- Sopteniber. During the
samo period Shops And itches ,Will ;re-
n open' Until a lite hour Wednes-
day; evenings.
•-o-o-o- •
Another fali'of•snow, with a Winter
chillinesa Tuesday evening; continued
the backward Weather ' which has.
marked the. past Month.' The rain,
trinw and frost haVe kept the • farm.
lend so Moist that little. spring work
the red& have -dried up and are in ex•
.Cellent condition. : We don't know.
just • how}, the early birds are ;making
out, but the robins and blue birds
ninst be having.a rather' herd:tithe of
it It is jsuch a season that kills. off
,a the eak meinbers of the feath-
ercd leaving only the robust to
perpetuate the race. It hi, interesting
to observe hew :a little warmth or
sunlight sets the birds singing ,again.
Odilfillowik Attend Service
: -
There •a large attendance of
local ,Oddfellews, ' and mirnher 'of
Rehekahs at-!.the',Morning service in
Lucknow United Church. last Sunday.
The Rev. R. W. Craw conducted , the
service, 'arid preached an appropriate
semen. , '
In the 'evening at the Same church
there was a "young people's service,"
• , .
when mr. Walter Craw, who has just.
eomPleted, his..5rst'Year in Theology,
gave the address. There Was' a large
,congregation,- and the choir of young
people, under:'direCtien of Mrs. Joynt;
rendered ekcellent "music, Miss Mar-
garet Button-contribUting 'Solo,,
P'esbyterin Guild
The program was in,dharge Of the
Literary , Committee. Edith Smith
read the Scriptirrelesson. Readings'
were given by ,Misses Vera. Sherriff
and Margaret MacKenzie. Miss Rena,'
Carruthers itentributed an instrtimen-'
tal, and MISS It. MacDonald gave the
topic. •1'•
' 'AucTioN SALE-
- Andrew, Preiburger, One mile east
liVRiversdare; ith.ahetiOn
sale of farm' stock and implements on
Manday, April 30th, cenimencing at
one an:-.Tohn Purvis, '
NOTICE 'RE AccopisiTi„:-
. suing lowing the iniderigsnee'for
weed Must be ,paid on Or before 'Sat-
„ urd4Y, MaY 5th, 1.028i otherwise ;the
',Empire ShopPing Week. Buy Brrt-
lab and Canadian Merchandise. stec°41101 .win be put ether hands
TIIE xottz-uornowqurdoeli Co. ,for
• INATif •Or. 4CHJE,•'.
, "BARBOUR • ,
' Following 14tleraore than a iveelip
iflness, Mr. Archibald :Barbour, an
eateerned• resident of Lucinicni; passcd
away on WPih..1Piday Af last week. He
7*hI 170 13
8 .7e6e naYe4/38Oat)ttownfall
eunntit'alatuugt although
.weeks'befOre death, his health'
had not been geed ,..threugheut
bin :
, •
'Winter: • Death was due to a 'general
reaktimof the syStein. .
• Mr: Barbour had lost his Wife. at
the end of Fe'oruary, 1018, and since
the marriage of his daughter, Maud,
six, Years age!' he had iived alone,
frequently visited, however, by :*hiti
lon-in-laW 'and daughter,. the 'Rev
John Watt and his wife, who were
with hrm during his last •iliness.
:Besides Mrs, Watt, the late, Mr:
Barbour is: survived, by two sons:
Jack, Who is: engaged in • railroad
mark in the Canadian West, and Rob. -
bit, who, having lost his sight due to
a •wound in the Great War, resides in
ingland.: Maid (Mrs. McCleneighan)
died about three years ago..
The late Mr. Barbet-1r was for
many .years in charge of 'a '.section of
the Grand Trunk (now C.N.Ift.) track
with7headqiiarters at • Lucknow, but
gave, up that oecupation man 'retired
.from active work abOat - ten . years
ago, 'IIe was a ;faithful and consist-
ent member of the Presbyterian
Church, and in his quiet way an earn-
est and enthusiastic member Of Old
The funeral waS on Monday after,
moat the arrangements and service
'being in charge of ,010 Light Lodge,
'at. his latoresidence and at the grave,
In Greenhill cemetery,
, • '
Mr JOhn Hildred,: whose serious
illness we rec d,o•nonp7.1.6-ef weekS
ago, died at ,Michael'S
Toronto, on Tuesday of last Week,
having suffered a second' stroke of
paralysis that daY.
The late .Mr. Hildred is well re: -
membered In Lucknow, having reSid-
ed here until 1911, and visitid-frie
here each summer-Sinee" that time. A
carriage -maker by ,trade, Mr. 'Eldred
had. a' shop,. for many years in the
building now Occupied by Mr., W.' G.
'Andrew. Giving up that husiness
bout 1905 he went, into 'i jewelry
businesswith Mr. ''Iloward:' Atm-
3trong, and later was associated with
Mr: 1.1. T. Arthstrong. in • 1911 . he
a trip to Europe, and since that
,tiime resided in Toronto. He was, it-•-
'aotit 66 years -of age, and was Un...
married. • ' •
The romans were 'taken. to Wood-
steak, the funeral, a Friday, • being
from the residence •of• a brother, T.
W. Hildred:
- Empire. Shopping Week. Buy Brit-
ish and Canadian Merchandise.
nit mARKET--Derneg:•Murdoch Co.
lesS than six resfdents of Luck-
woinen.-are at present2so-:.
journing_-in the :Wingliatn, Hospital„
Fortunately,. none of the cases are Of
an inunediatelY serious nature=juSt
the sort which require regular.atten-
den and can be ninch better dealt.'
with in the hospital than in the borne.
The patients are: Mrs Wm: "Arm-
strong (Jr), Mrs. IL MacCalluin;
Mrs. (Dr.) A. M. Spence; Mrs. W. J.
Davison; Mrs. , Wm. Lloyd;': Mrs..
Johnston , (Ciiin ;House). All are reported doing reasonablYivelLJ
' Naturc'ea: :Rival, Corselettes law
Prices and a perfect iii. -=-The Walker
Store. ;•• • ' •
Miss Murray Of Walton, spent the
week4ric.r at. the home Of Mr. ,Gibsori,
, , •
' Mrs. (Dr.) ,Balfour of f ,Lucknow,
Visited On Monday with ber,:perents„
mr,, and 'Mrs. Alex. ' Reid: , .
'We are sort/ to report 'Mrs. ROM',
Ross to be net keeping' as well as
her Many friend would ,
Mrs: Harry 'Tichborne 'of., God-
drich,,, visited a few days her home:
here ,
niiniber ..-,frorn•Lhere Attended the:
funeral of the late Mr, 'Archie Bar-
bour in Lucknow •on Monday, Mr.
Win. Barbour 'is a brother.The sym-•
pathy of the cominunity is etended,
to the relatives.
,A.yery successful euchre party was
'held in ',III Foresters' Hall;
TAZesday, evenizzg, .. April"
17th, under the Auspitea OfIthe
etz's InstitUte;
Sfiril'4.6 ''1410:itES . : 'A- FAMOUS OLD STORY% .
... ..„ RECALLED ,, :',' •.• '
'PThe Company of 4traVelling enter-
"tainerk vibe presented "Unele 'Toinlf
:Cabin!' 'IMO', Monday 'evening, :met ,
with great iniCcetiss, the Town -Hip be-
ing picked to the door, 844. then Some..
Evidently the 40W, old-fashioned price
of 25c. didit, for *hen, tf.,.felk years.
ago,” the same ;(play, by perhaps. a,'
different, troop, Was ,given here, " it
dreW only a baker's doze, and was
said to be a very poor "affair.
The present company if: MaYille
lots Of fun' for the younger element,
and there was Trite a .• "howling"
time in the hall Monday night, • .• '
SO ;far ai we can learn,. the once
famous story of "Uncle Toni"'forms,•
in the, play' as now presented, ,Just a
sort of outline' which is filled in with
some sentimental and much . ftin
making material. Of couise;• negro
slaveryoand the great
it waS blotted out, are now • so far in
. .
.viraby Which
the past that the story can no longer
en, J.' 1VIason, A. Turnbull, .las Blue .
have its original interest.
:The Story, written by Mr. Harriett
Elizabeth Beecher Stowe, Was 'first
published as a Serial in the "National
Era," a newspaper . ,published at
Washington, !.D.C.; about . the. Middle
publis,-the. stery-canteiroutL.in book
of' the .18,th.! century. In ' )852, when
the, Slavery uestion.was•threatenint
the destructii.on Of the American lie-
4nit, 0.i4..inegider4i,ase• s. . . ,._-_, •-sfe°nilsl'tion°,14-14 it,-;t-ra'7andeee----a.7-estrat.nd.gaPg1-04.eati
.There is not Much to ,repert:;from
the country this week. • Everybody is
"busy" (or should ; 'we say .idle?),'
waiting fon more, springdfice :weather
in order -to engage in See"ding opera.
tions. Very little in,the wax of spring
work on, the land has VAen done so
.far,. and it sure is getting a bit late.
'Last Year feW•fariners Were actu=\
ally through with their grain seeding
by April 25th' and. spring -seeding
was completed early in May.. Only a
feW who. have high a,nd dri'land.haire
been able to do any ploWing. far;
• ,
• Death of 'Sam. MeNain.:-1V1r. Sam-
uel McNaink:an esteemed resident of
the Laurier district, Ashfield, passed
'1.i.vay on April 11, following•an,illness
of about, three menths; • The 'funeral
wag on the 13t1i, to Kincardine Ceme-
tery. Pimeral service was conducted
13r the Rev. G. Ritchie, the,:AA-:
field 'Presbyterian •,Church. The pall -
heaters , were: Messrs, Hugh Fergus--
• es.. Sheills, and Robert Walker.: The
late Mr: McNain A srirviverl by his
idOW, two daughters; Mrs. Wesley
Robb,. of .Lochalsh and Mrs. Roy
Brade, of Eippen; and by three sons,
'Hugh of 'Detroit, Janiei and Alvin at
herne. James IvIcNain,..or Ashfield .15
a'. brother :and there are two 'sistera,
Mrs: Jamilradley;:of Ipneardine, and
Mrs: Hugh Pritchard, of New York
An old resident ogjill othian
trict• (I.2th Con.) & away op
Thuraday of list Week. (April 19t1i)
of Roderick. Campb;
in the .PersOns.ell,'
.. • ...
dent of that Part. - Mr. CapiPliell• was
, -
•vlid had .been almest a lifelong resi-
85_years" of , age, and had -beenquite-
ill for the past. two months, to that,
his death was not unexpected -410s
surVived. by his wife; who is also well
;advanced hi years,. and Who has been,
ill throughout the past Winter; One
,son, kenneth of Detroit, and a•daligh,
ter, Gretta, at home. ' The late.: Mr;
Campbell cazne to Ashfield When quite
a young lad, his Parents being among
7the-first--settlersi--47-When-4-the:.-other- Preacher and lecturer, Irenry :Ward
members, .of the • family .,scattered, Beehei.i. a iiiit f°re. 11-1-6-i-i6iltst
Roderick ,remained on the homestead.
Be -was -Married somewhat ' ieiShe. wrote
culminated: in the Civil War.
ife.. to. Mite Mary MacLean,liAlybld.sne• andslfoetteanumberche,herof other stories.
est '!' ;hook ' being.
oarb.' home ,Was near Lancs. The inn.' "Oldtirne ,Folks," but her fame was
eral, was'- an Saturday last, to Kinloss due entirely to the Writing of "Uncle
demetery, a service -being bald at the Tom's 'Cabin" I She was born in the
state Of 'Connecticut in:,1812. For a
. „ .
time • she taught 'school, and later
Married the Rev. 'Calvin E.:Stowe in
1832." She died in 1896 at the age of
'84i-litivin;.' enjoyed a lOng and Useful-
to the ,tyP)Patliiekof pie, voithern
people; and had men to de :with
bringing to a head the contest Over
slavery, and precipitating ' the - Civil
The i book was 'popular in Can,
:oda a`h4 in Euorpe as well as in the
Northern United, States. .It naturally
latnid„.szhall-favor in the 8,Ath...
Critics do not giive the story a high
pAie "as' a work of fiction, regarding
it aS ,eitide and .simple;* hut it met
the .public taste at the 'Aline,: and °w-
inkle its appeal to hurniiii'',SyiriPStliy`•
• for the !downtradden,'it ,has 'retained
a large Measure.of
The,. author, Mrs. Stowe, was a sis-
ter of the famous Congi.egattionalist
house by ,the Rev. „Mr. Ritchie of
Aslifield Presbyterian Church. , The
funeralwasVery largely attended, as,
the deceased; ,during , his long resi-
dence at Lothian had -made' many
, ;
friends..__The family have the sym-
pathyof the communityespecially
Miss Gretta, ,who throughout recent
years has had the care of her aged
Window Shades -Bargain Prices -
The Walker. 'Store. -
, Mr. Cecil Hyde, who •has spent
few weeks'atlhOrne here,returned to
Kincardine \on ; Saturday.
,The annual meeting of- the Von) -
en's Institute will /he held in thesCom:
Munify *Rail on Thursday, May
at 2.30 o'clock. call,•
Fees." Sahieet, Bugges--
tions for .Next 'Year's Program:"
full Othildande is requested. Every-
body .invited. • ,
The Y.P.kg. 'meeting will be held
on Friday evening at • 8.80 • o'clock,
when they expect to entettain. the
Young :people of 'Whitechurch United
Mts, Charles Durnin, • Jr., Who
vent the winter With her daughter,
Mrs. McAllister, at Ripley, returned
to make "a 'visit with her daughter,'
Mra. Colin MacDonald:
:We extend congratulations ,to Mr:
and Mrs), Mervin 'Carter Of Clande-
boye, on ,the birth .of St daughter., . on
April 20th; Mrs. carter .,kv:ai,...former:
ly 'Miss jessie Buckingliatito teacher
at St. Helens. .
Mr. • 'Angus •MacDonald teeeived
„ ,
word, en 'Monday 'eVening of the seri-
003 illness of his brother, James, . ,at
Guelph:, Mr. M'acbbnald litinediatery
Made .arrangeMents .to kV. to Guelph,
.:but before he got away Another rhea-
aage canle, stating that. James. had
died. Mr. 'MacDonald Went to- Guelph
.on Tuesday, and we understand that
the funeral will be, oti Thursday at- ,
terneen; When burial willibe made at
Guelph. The deceased was a tqrmet
retiderit ,Of St. ;Helena'.
Etriiire Shopping Week. IluY Brit
fah and Canadian ,Merehandise.,-,
'Ttit NuoUttt,..116k,o.elitUtalioolt co,
• You wish to:buy the best for less -
then try The 'Walicer Store.,
Alias Lola MacGilliyray of Toronto,
-spent a, day at her home on the Sixth
last Week.
Mra. R. Struthers and .children of
Lneknow' visited With Mrs. R. Camp'.
bell this week.
.Mr.- Joe Little of Listowel, spent
feiWdays.with his 'mother; MrS. Jas
nernherfrom-here attended: the
reception ' given at tlie home of Mit..
Macbiliiirray on Wednesday night,
which.-Wns given in :honer of her
_daughter, Clara,, who , was united in
ularriage to Mr. John Crowston • of
Langside: • , Everybody joins in wish-
ing the young cOuple much happiness.
Miss Annie' McLeoCentertained the
ladies of the U. P. W. :O.' for this
inOnth'S 'meeting. Mrs: A. :Suther-
land presided, ' and; the meeting; op-
ened with singing , the 'Maple Leaf
and repeating the. Lord's Prayer in -
unison. The 'roll call vas answered'
by, exchange -of, seeds or bulbs. After
the business; transactions were com-
pleted everybody joined in communi-
ty singing.' miss Helen Sutherland
gave a reading,•Which,-was. mucil • en-
joyed, followed; by 'an excellent paper
by 'Mrs. J. Carruthers; entitled "An
Ode to the Club'," The • Treasurer,„
Mrs. McKinnon, gave' her report re
masquerade dewed, which was... very
satisfeetory, Therp_WAs.,i;we -letters
of thanks received; one front
Lockhart, and i the other from Mrs.
W,MacKenzie-.1 In the absence Of the
Seez, Mrs. R. Martin read the. -min-
utes of the iitit meeting.' Mrs...Geo.
White ancr,,Mr. It.:Middleton gave an
instrumental, followed by SOthe fine
pieces on the violin ,by Mr. J. Little.
After a vote Of thanks to the hostess,
the meeting Closed -with singing God.
Save the Xing.' Lunch 'MIA then
served, and a soda] hour spent:,The
'next nitothtg is to be told at the
hems et Mri, JAI.goeintoolt•
• Stead „•• The ,Bread
, of Health,•
. Your *Meal is lacomPlete Without,' ,(1.01) BREAD: •• Our Quality„.•
' 'Made, Whole Whet and Raisin „Bread supplies Yeur
, .
'Diindee Cakes, .,Fig 'BnrS; ,Wal nnt., Taitm, Jelly' gells, ...Cheliei •
Buns,- Ben Bouch,: Choggate" PiIarsh Cakes, Raisin kPies.'r
Phone 36 , ' • Lucknow
Phone 7
Lucknow, 014.
STOR U4744"
• This it' the season for Floor Cover-
ings,. and never: before was aur, stock .
in 011clet,hs and Liaolemna,
• yard; more coMnlete..
. Regarding 'Room in --
Choose yenr pattern; and .1:4 will help •
You decide iyhich size will he best for
your math. .
7 :(1..,t; 10 inchOs,,?cij, ft. •
7 ft 10 inea x 9 ft.'p inches'. ' 6 ft..'f9 ft;
If these sizes will suit your purpose, look them over, as they
will be 'cleared out
Mr. and xrn. Will Guest and chit- I
dren Of Kincardine, spent Sunday at
Mi Albert Thompson's.,
Mr. and Mts.' Abner' Ackert,'
Jackie -
and Gwen • spent last* week -end , at
Hamilton and Toronto. •
Mrs Nolan and son; Mrs John Mc,
-Kinnonl:and MIAs .Christena MeKin-
non from Niagara, renewed old ac-
quaintances on the 6th' Com over the
Mrs. •Geo Harrison-•• and son Ed-
ward, from Clarks', Mrs Rutledge, of
Alillerten, Mi. and Mrs :Nelson of
Wheatley; spent Thursday at Henry
Pieice's.4„ •
, Mrs. Almer Ackert Spent Thursday
.vith Mrs. (Dr.) McI4eod• of Ripley:
• '-•Mrs...Thonlas' White "- visited '' -her
laughter,_Mrs.__Jos- Gamble;" Wing-
ham- recently _
Mr. and Mrm Dickenson and fain-
ly spent Sunday With Mr.' and Mrs.
John Ross • , •
Little Ileene Bushell, who ,has
veloped some complication from Alie
measles, doe s not show much sign of
-unprovenient, we ,are sorry to say,
.4--ivirs. Charlie, Congram and Mrs.
Ernest Ackert ,were • called home to
Ethel, Monday, owing' to. the Serious'
Condition of their father. Mr. ItaY,,
nercl.today is a little•Improved. •
-The.-regulai-rneeting. of the Insti-
tute Will be held at the hon e Of Mrs.
Chas. ,Congram, Thursday, May SO.
Director-Mri. Fred Hadgins. EleS-
tion of officers. Roll call -Paying of
tees. Lunch' Committee ---,Mrs. Cox,
• .
Mrs. M. Gamble, Mrs. Harris, Miss
Purvis. ,
Master, .,Orville Elliott,• Lionel John-
iton, CheSter Robb and • Eddie Cassidy,
'lave started to school. .••
Lorne says if they're gOing to
change the letters , of the alphabet
and pet "1" and 41P.' together, he
doesn't know what abouta double
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Ackert • spent
Sunday at Mr. 'Grant. MacDiarmid'e,.:
The Bethany ' W.M.S 'held their
,nienthty meeting at the home. of Mrs.:
Earl Hodgins ; on 'Thursday,•April 10,
the President), Mrs. W.,Itodgins, pre-
siding. The .meeting opened with an
Easter ReaponsWe Service: Mrs. Earl
Hodgins, and .Mrs.. Jas..Wraith were
appoint eil as delegates to, the Bruce
Presbyterial, to be .held in ClieofeY 611
May 1.5t11' Faith of •Our Fathers was
then sung: Al paper pn thq last Chap-
ter of the Study Book Was given by
Daisy Ayies, • Ifodgins,'
Mrs. Jas. :Wraith and 441'8. Fred
Thompson also gaVe'readings•:on the
topic.. Mrt.' Geo, Bell re;id the De-
votional Leaflet. The Paster Thank -
offering was then taken. The meet-
ing elased by singing a couple of
`verses of Jesus Shall lecigu,., and
prikver. by ,the President.. The '
!Meeting will he held at the home of
Ifni. Walter Hodgins."
...ft...0 1.0 •
w• :41:71;Wcr botroet
;:es, this week at
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April 2nd to' April 28t1jis •Cana-'.
sijan •FOrOstii Week; ,,during. -Which
spegal -effort IS' being mado tq1 1111
presa nj�h everybody the importance
1)f. protecting the forsts .frozn fire,
The forests, of Canada is one Of the
country's greatest assets, and 'the;
Annuah'Waste is appalling -and much'
of it is (hie t thoughtlassnesS and.
dare1041104.c.4. lqUCI1 '1110rd thhbOr is
destroyed each year by the g then is
cUt int flthibet 1'11afl tho. great