HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-04-19, Page 1; • • • ... • • • 4 „ 12.00: PER YEAR IN, ADYANCE, $;'.50OTHERWISE , • imalegssIONAA., CARPS ' '0' CqN$E14.14.- „physician and Surg6t:in.,•'.. • •-: LuCknoW- . , • ' Phone ; '86 • v• TiONTIST:' Dr,. iklaa,erid will iit Lueknow, *.reVY Tuesday ,2 -in: Dr. `COnneli's pEisusri. • Dr . sit, L.•Treleaven, Lucknove-,-= , Over Decker's :StOre. ',Extrietion . either by gas or. loeal. Will be in Dungannen everyThursday Phone 58. , .• • . • kivERYliopY's COLUMN” 0 • 'Geo. A Sdda1I, Lacknow; -Broker and Real Estate -Money to :lend el first mortgages' on farm . proper- ties at 6 and -6% per cent according 4.to security' -offered Also • small amounts•:on secoed mortgageson ' farm propertiesand an personal ,notes A few"good ramie for sale , • WALL PAPER4-A full line of 1928 -Wall Paper on hand., Prices from 8c -tip. 1 am also agent for leading job houses -R J. Cameron, Decorator Painter and Grainer Box 174 Luck- •• 'MUSKRAT FURS -1 an • paying hi.ehet 'market' price for raw musk- rat furs. ---A. Blitzstein, .Phone 18; , Lucicnoi,v. (1041-tf) , 'FOR SALE-clood building. lot .on., Stauffer Street, fruit trees, .garden: Fine •flou,ing spring "Water.eo tapJn to-house.4.Apply to R. Robertson: (26-4-c) • FOR SALB--:-Sixty.:six little' pigs; • from 2 'to p 'week's (Ad. Apply to -,George. Kennd r, Lucknow, •R. 1; Phone .43=1-11. ,` • • . (19-4-p) • ' • POR SA bulbs 2c. per dozens; strawberry.and 'rasp- berrY 'plants :10e., per plant. Also small • quantity potatoes: -Mrs.- Jas. • Purvis, Phone Lucknew. • FOR : RENT -:-Grass Perm, 75 acres good grazing land, on Con. 8,. ,XinlOss, 2 Miles, east of Holyrood.' :For particulars apply to Amer -Ack-- ert or Richard _Baker; HolYrood. • ., (26-4-c) - - TENDERS WANTED , . Tenderswill be //received by: the lin- dei-sighed iuiitil Itpril 28 to, shingle the 1 Presbyterian . Church, White- chureh.,, .LowesC er„.any tender" not necessarily' accepted.--!.Jehry S. Craig, -1Vhitechurch, Secretary'. (19-4,c) . • • AUCTION SALE • Bert'Maize,, Lot 1, Con: 5,- Ash- , 'field, will have an auction sale of his •, farm stock ,and implements on, Tues- ' day; April 24th; commencing:, at One o'clock P.m. Everythine Will be sold as the faint has been rented. • . T Gundry, Auc.= • = .,- AUCTION SALE Eli McNainare, Lot 1; Con. 12, Ash- field, :will have an auction .-Sale ;of ' farmstock, implements and house,- - hold ' effeets, ert. April 2.7,Lconimencitig., at One,' O'clock pan'.--,--Jelni Purvis, Any; / • Baby ,ChiOks and 'Hatching .Eggs ftein ,,extra heavy laying. strairisL- • pin.e bi.ed to lay , •White Leghorna and Barred Rocks. High 'production •• aiel pedigreed 'males used Order now andget them When you walk < them. Also incul3ators, L'brooders and • poultry ;siipplies. 'Cestom' done. `.1' can have you Money.. Phone or 'write' Duncan Kennedy. . Whitechurch, Ont. •(1-3-tf) . EGGS. Fij.lt JIATCJJING S. Legherns .frOinour. flock, *high', has been 'thoroughly eulled .beth spring' and fall. and, mat? ed to males off high precluding hens, 5c. per egg: 'Orders of ever '200, 4e. per egg.-r-Elmee J: Parrish, ,:Luck - noir, R.R. . 7;w Phone, Durigannore.82'- • 21.: ' (1941-0 „IMAM( .CHICKS ANI) HATCHING : EGGS • ' • • . flred-tn- lay "8".* -0. White Leghorn Why chicks, May -chicks ,15c. .each. If needed, niether hen with chicks, ';'"h.-mrs. A. Clifton, phone '0- 6. R. (26-4-0 BABY' CIIICKS • • natrod koel:s our specialty. We are -hooked with ordets,..un 1,6 .1VIoy 9t1t, • Pat:rhos every week. Chicks $17.00, per hundred fol.,' May; $15.00 for June, JanleS:1/1.10 Scott, SUIMIr Crest .Fitriti, Saaf0411. 011titrInz :LOCAL AND •GENERAL ' Mr, -Archie Barbour is reported inite'setiolifily,A1 this week. Mrs. S. R Iii111."of Teeswater viS- ited over the week -end with her Eini- ter,',Mrs. M. ,Grant of town. Mrs. Ernie Aitchison, Winnifred and Jean, and Misa Ledinghani of gairiSton were guests Of Mrs. T. Aitchison over over 'BinidaY irAe many friends of Mrs. Lorne Reid will he pleased to learnt that she is recovering nicely from her recent operation at Hamilton. ••' ' ladies' New Spring Millinery at very low Prices at the Walker Store.. Mr. Jim MacCallnm :motored over• 'horn Detroit • on Sunday., to visit' his mother,,Who • has been seriously ill 'throughout the .past week.„ . Get the • Lifebuoy Long • Rubber Boot at W. J.-Little's Shoe Store. The Rear. R. W. Craw is in Toronto attending a meeting of the,Senate. of '1.1manue1 Theological College, where graduation exereiseg'.ard, being held this week.• The" cold and freekish.' weather Which. has prevailed the past, few weeks, has set folk -talking about the occasional late spring- .seasons- of years gone by.. It'a, never so "bad but it has•13een 'worse. ' . _ • , The Woinen!'„i-jestif Sale of_HoineinadeBaknyg: and Candi in the -vacant • store : west •CI-McKinils drug .'store on :Saturday,:kratternooni Apri1•21st, at 2,.3.0...0Te,iock, 'will mem- bers kindly Send donations. ' The death of -Mrs. James Duncan • was reported from; Mount Forest on -PridaY of 'last week:- Alis Was the inether of the Rev. J. S. Thincan, one time minister of 'the Presbyteriaii. Church hire, now of The4salon. Mr. Jernes Duncan died.a few years ago: ENGAGEMENT' ANNOUNCED Mr: and ',Mrs.:4! Alex .Rintotil of Whitechurch; announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Leeka Eliza- beth, to 'Mr. Ewart D. C. lgitePher- ion,'Son, of Mr: and Mrs. Williani E.' MacPherson, of •Lucknow, the:man; riage to- take, place the latter,Part of Eve had adeantages., -Wiren.Adam told his pet stories she didn't have to pretend she never heard them before. DANCE, APRIL 27th. • • . . Arthur's 5 -piece orchestra will furnish rensie at a ,dance -to-- be held in Carnegie, Hall; LucknOW, theevening of Friday, April 27th, 'under Fire Co anienices. Couple •75c: , Extra lady and :gallery 25c. DUST- OF THE EARTH" ;A' four -act comedy -drama will be • presented in .the Kintail Hell on Tuesday evening, • April 24th, Under _auspices of the Y.P.S. of Knox Pres- byterian Church, Ripley. -Redtations, vocal and instrumental music be- tween acts.=-AdinissiOn 25c. and 50e." *TrY-the Walker •Store bargains in Window Shades. .Save money, , WILL ATTEND PIVINE SERVICE 'L•ticknow Ledge, 1 0.0.F., Will at- tend,divince service in a body, at the Lneknovi 'United Church, en Sunday,:- Aptil 22nd, at eleven.o'cleek a.m. All members" of , the Order ere cordially invited to afttend. Also all Members of •Jewel RebekahlLodg Members Will please assemble at .; the Lodge Rooth at 10.30. o'clock. (19-4-e) Beat value ina111ines of Shoes and Rubbers at W. J Little's. Shoe St(ire: -• 0 -0 -- WOMEN'S ibiSitEiriv MEETING The LecknoW., W1 1.niet aetheliOnie of Mrs : Smith on. April 13th, With an attendanee of 55; Mra. 111urclie presiding. The ,regular be- ing disposed of,: the drandinothers took charge.and One on the following program : ReaclingS by Mrs. W.. p. Reed; 'Mrs. ThonipSon,' Mrs. .1eynt a piano solo by Mrs.' Newton; a vocal idle, Mis. H. Aitchison. A heminhig 'contest .by the Grandmothers result- ed iri*Mrs. W P Reed Winning. the .;3rize.-a salad -bowl. tinting - ,the Judging Miss :Myrtle...Webster kindly contributed a reading and, Miss Win- nifred Aitchison, a solo, "The Happy 'Easter Thine," Ali of which were Very, iiitich enjoyed. It Was decided to hold, a sale of Homeintide nalciag, .Siturday,"..Aprit,21st. The meeting closed bysinging the National :them; after which .,thu diracters eirted rtraeliMmitet LUCK14 VVINT4R ATAGEi CofilEBe W ONT., •71‘1.141,/fliDAY1. 'APRIL "19th .1928., ,h0FY;ling .wind with ' •snow s 'Stinday morning, threatened 'a repe- tition of '-the blizzard. which . swept: Teqtern.:0qtaiitr.31.1qt .However,, in this part the.starra was not ap severe as on ,the 8th inet,i and by the afternoon .if had blown itself . _In the, southern Part. of the prey ince.and over Leke.-Erie.tbe gale was much stronger,: . and gre,it ..damage .W•sta done; to trees and buildings land and to the'fiSherbien'3' boats iod,, taekle'onlhe lake; As fee north' as the Clinton-Seaferth road hydro poles Were blown down and • Goderich was , withetit :hydro light. or .power for 24 hours. . . • There was a heavy fail Of snow farther north, from Orillia_te.:§ault' St. Marie '• which added to the trouble' the high water had made in that part A' temperature, (4.-12 degrees below. freezing prevailed over the Previnee • Monday brought soMe.modification of temperature, but 'the wind, was'. still. cold; Tuesday, morning saw every- thing covered coyered4with light now, which formed' a good Protection to yelieti--'• lion from the rather 'severe frost. o o • Big discounts on Contolepre 'Rugs at the Walker: Store ",:thif3 week. • LOOK- BOTH WAYS , , • That flogan'of the Just Kids Safe-, ty.Cluti,,;,"Be Sure to Look Both Ways Before You Cross • the Stteet,". is a mighty ,good one fer7a11 pedestrians •-:esrlecirt11-377the-T--children who . re 7thoughtlesS and rash in their''' ac- . ._ • , • , bons., From this on ,cars,- will . be numerous on the streets, and now is the • time to act. The other day. we noticedfour;lit- tie girls, Who wished. to ' cross the street. ,,..They started,' but..saW a 'car Coming. They 'stopped and :-waited until it passed. ' Then; having made . , - sure that another Car was :not corn- ing from the pame‘directien, two Of them ran across without Looking the other 'way. 'This ' time- there was no danger, but it Might have:.been differ- ent' They should have looked both A source of great danger on the streets. is the tendency children have to run out from 'between cars parked at the curb and rush egress without making sure that there is no danger. It is difficult for drivers to be prepared for • suchevents, and a number of children „have. been _run ,ever in that way. • • The 'Lizektiow" C6iincil have. served notice ,that. it will peeto it that the traffic- regulations are observed. Too oftWthe 'Speed limit is disregarded, and this is*a • great danger when ears kare parked on the street'. and children' are playing' abont. 'It -is not. the business:Men who de the speeding,, but the fellows who have nothing to do when they get there: SOPTH KINLOSS Our :Easter thank -offering Meet- ing' was held in the Church on Wed- nesday of list week:. After 'singing and prayer by the,. President,'the Scripture reading, from. Matt. 28, was read by 'Mrs. •Angus Graham. Hymn 218 being .aung, Mrs.' MacIver • lead in prayer of , ',Thanksgiving Miss' Annic "MacKay gave a reading" on - "Eastertide", and Mrs Dan MacKin- non, a reading on "Good. Friday." Both •readings were ,Very interesting. Delegates were appointed to attend the Presbyterial at Teeswater in Mey.. , Our President will attend 'the Provin- dal Presbyterial, to be held in St, Andrew's Church, Guelph, On Aptiy 24th. The beaker for the aftetnoon .was Miss Dean MacLeod,who gave a VeYY inspiring talk .on "The Resur- rection of dfirist." • '7"After L. Singing Hymn 214, the 'meeting was glosed' by repeating the Lords PtaYer, in unison. • • Bargains in Men's New Pelt Hate itt thelValker Store. • Cetne•here arid Card of ,Thanks. , Mrs. 'Samuel McNaiii" and family wish to manic the many friends awl,. neighbors who were so kind and help- ful during the illness and '•at the eith, of husband and father. • .A Meeting Of...the .Jilnint'rEatniers.. . • - • - irfrithi'i.ati on and , will be 'held, on FridaV evening . of this '1 in the Council: Chamber at g o'eleek. • NOTICE • TheAratile by-law of the Village of tueknow will be strictly enforced. Drivers • of metot vehielesare.. re- celeated, to 'obs.rve the stop eigns. voh141 mean ,"STOP", net "SLOW D ' (19-4.0) A DIATH.. OF Willi:. 'fiEir lkieOLITRPI • Pe9 "IWePla!ey• who WR Seri ouil7. .111: -throughout the. Winter, away on -.'Thursday :at last Week'jn•the•early' afternoon,. :..Altho for Some-time.there•waa little. hope of permanent recOvety.f.t e end carne quite unexpectedly. nnexPectedly. .The funeral, at tended by 'Many friends of the was an Siturdizi afternden, serv- icefarn- being held in the :Presbyterian • Church, Of which the deceased was a consistentMeniber: Interment was 'The late 'Mrs. McClure, who before. .her'marriege was Mies Rebecca , lough; was 67 years of 'age .at .:%the time of her. death.: She was a quiet and gentle. Woman,: who made 'miny friends and no enmities. She is sur- viyed herhusband, two sons ,and llree. daughters. Needjess to -say, the .fainily have the sYii::pathy - of manyfriends in a liiiss„,that cannot he repaired, . • °•., • CllUitC/1-61;q0TES . SINGLE C0PIES.'5; CENTS, .• . . '.-Presliyferian- Glad. . The plead meeting , *as in charge of the :Progfainine Committee on Monday. evening,* Mary MiCIntosli read ,the, Scripture ,,lesson'; - readings were given by Gladys MacDonald, Margaret MacDonald and Edith smith; Mr. Wigg gave the topic, an -Katherine MacKenzie gave' an instra-: mental.' ,United 'Church "'Y.P.S.. , The meetitig this week opened -With =a-rruniber4itScriptiire-Yea-din-gii----Snlo • .were given, by , and .miSs , Greta Webb. The topic, "Force .of, Love," was taken by Mr. Will An- drew. and a .Bible reading:4as given -by .Miss 'Helen' Swan. • Recitations , were .giVen by Cecil Armstrong • and Ars. Dacker...; Prepbyterian..•W.M.S;,•, , The Easter Thankeffering was held the Jith hist, An excellent pre- grani was given Miss t Henderson/ .presided and conducted the :devotion,. • al exercises; Readings weregivenby !Mrs. Steele MaCicenzie •and :Mrs. Watson_ miss .01:41)ongles took the Bihle. Study., Solo a' were -.sung by Miss..:Dean Geddes and 'Wionifred. 'Aitchison• ., ' WEDDING -1341,S,' , . ' Thom pson-Hodgzus. _A pretty Easter wedding toek place the morrnng of Good Friday at ,haif park ten o'clock, at the Ifeine of :Mr. 'end' Mrs. Walter Hodgins, Holyroed, when their. :daughter, Annie Esther,. of the Galt .pnblic School staff, • and Basil N. ,Thompson, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson of Tare, wete \wilted in marriage. Dainty dec- orations of yellow and White ..fash- ioned the Setting for the ceremony, Which was 'performed .by the ; Rev. Dimean McTavish.. Of. 'James street United church, Exeter Exeter.. ' The 'event was a -quiet one , with the guests confined to the members of She immediate families and a few intimate friends. 'The' young Couple were uriattended. . The bride was attractively. attired -in white georgette, ge9tgette, trimmed with ap- pliqued. design of white gauze satin and &entente, the skirt in two tiers cut on circular 'lines. .She: wore a, knot Of orange blossoms in her. hair, and white kid shoes completed,. her attire. * She Carried a lovely shower bouquet of Sunset roses and lily of the valley • ° • A wedding breakfast was served followingthe cereinnny, yel ow, and White flowers forming the table dee:- oratieni. Mr. and Mrs. :Thompson /eft for a honeymoon trip, to Chicago, the 'bride ,donning for trayeliing an ensemble of bine, and,. tan ,figured silk. with teat of Wee cloth Her hat; bag, gloves.and Shoes were in tan shades and she wore a brcrarn lox fur, . the gift of the groom. Returning to Galt, where Mr, .Thompson is a Member of the staff' 'of the Manchester public schaol, the young couple will make' their home at 54 Cambridge street• . ' ROAD MAINTENANCE IN • KINLOSS It has tome to my attention ;that a report is in circulation to the effect that I- have 'refused 'tti"fiiiiiielk item - zed statements of expenditure!! in connection, with road maintenanee'in the Township of Kinloss. This State- ment is erroneous, as the pay lists showing details of all expeeditures are in the hands Of the 'Council at ,eiFtry,311kStinge.;ot,tfiat ,bedy;.4nitl.kiit44' from these lists that they pasa mY 4000tritti, • ,„ • ($101160 Micitionoo, ••• s, T. PIELENS ,Mr George Phillipaand Jittle dau- ghters - visited Over Easter With their „ aunt, Mrs. Bird,. at Brussels. . '-Mr,'nnd.;Mra- Alex. 14.bLeed,,Law- renee-and Grace, and "Mr, Harry Lav is visited with .Mr: and. Mrs. laivia; recently.::•*, • •‘• . Mrs. Jas..T.nirnin ia.":11,„viaitor with her!brether,'Mr, Harry -Wehater at; Ingersoll. .• • :.. • Miss Caroline Webb was the guest . of .,Hamilton friends ': last „ week; She resumed her 'duties, at Port Credit on Mr. John Webb left on Wednesday on his return to the'Vest,' His mo- ther, ill,erdsr.n.wareWe7bb,,,livhiao7tage s,,rse. ' c•-• : port, showing some ,some 'siges provement, ''Misses Mabel and ,Irene Woods enjoyed a. motor, trip to visit. friends at Stratford, Kitchener and other.• ioifits \daring Easter week: : Miss Helen MacDonald of, Luck - o*, was a week -end visitor with her ,friend Miss Lena Durnin . Misses .Dorene, Muriel and :MarjerY. .purilon of Whitechurch, spent. the holidays .with their, grandparents, 'Mr, and Mrs. Arch. Ander/ton.: • Miss Lulu Weatherhead visited her aunt, 'Miss p'nily -Weatherhead, at, Blyth; last week.... • Mr. Frank Todd Was 'in Toronto at week, 'week; attending the convention If, the O.E.A. as a delegate from the Township Council. The Young People's Society are ..,..ailtaing.--preparations7fcen.--bowlin - :green on the Manse grounclit-A suc- cessful bee for this purpose was held • Monday afternoon. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. the, United:Church was held at Mrs: W., I. Miller'7on : Wedzieeeliy laSt. Mrs. x4,7‘. 4..,Huiribrey\ and Miss •A. C. Rutherfordwereappointed del- egates to the Presbyterial, to be held at Wingliam on Thursday. ...Thesub.: leet, by Mrs..Whitfield,•waS much en- The Sunday evening service was was also weltattended: Rev. II. G. Whit- - le1d, has completed the series tiptgs" on—`7partrAitk ot iTosus,,! ‘cornmenced a new series " ' of • short talks on "Addresses of",leaus;4 taking as his subject "The Glory of. Christ? Service." These Sunday' eveeing. services are, proving very, interesting .and helpful. • . ° There was .a particularly good •',at- • tendance •at' the meeting of „the Young People's Society; held in the Vnited. 'Church .on Friday evening. It ‘I•ifis music night, and Messrs. George Stewart and W". I.. Miller, who had Ce1;laintei'7;,pdaaprerronWorshipangedaiandendidpro Mu - Ac, by Mrs. W. A. Miller; a solo by Mrs. *Whitfield. a piano duet by Isa- bel and Dorothy Miller; a piano sole ..Sy Miss-DorothyoMequillin; violin elections by Mr. 'George Stewart, by Mi. Gordon MacPherson and by Miss Margaret Miller; the latter'with accemPanirinent by Mr. Alvin Mill- er; and several numbers by a trio,, -omposed of Messrs. H. G. Whitfield, Miller and ,Harvey Webb,. were ailmuch. enjoyed. A. flower ecintest, close. a • splendid pregrnm- to a WHITECHURCH • Miss Gertrude . MacDonald of Wingham,' spent 'Sunday -With Miss _Clara .Purcion.. 7 : Misses Jean and Nellie Maedallum' who spent their Easter vacation with their aunt, "Mrp'. Albert MCQuillin, re- turned to their home -at Litngside On, Sunday., Toronto, .on April 7th, to ,Mr. and MisrCecil Parsons, a son, Congratulations. 'Mrs. Parsons was formerly Miss Flora Ross":" •• ' Mts., Norman Wilkins of Owen Sound, visited last. week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. :Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid of Brant- ford, visited last Week at/ his home Miss Annie Kennedy of London, is visiting -at her home here. The regular monthly meeting of ' of, the local branchof the Women's In- *ltitute wa:i held at the home of Mrs. Gibson Gillespie on Friday afternoon, April 13. Seven new .members were added to the roll, making now a total menibersbip of thirty-eight, Splendid ;Aliera were given by Mrs. R. Purdon and. Mrs: Bert ---laid, Mrs, ' Purden dealt)) with •the subject,' 4Woman's Responsibilityote Herself, • Her Home and Her Community," and MTS. Reid thati of '"LiVing a Life is Worth More Than -Makin a' -tiving.' -The directors' in charge of, the 'meeting luld.;_spared no 'effort In or•parisi #004410 prtiomwms4 which 49itilitc4 • TheBread The'Itreid, „ pi" Health ' 0 OUR MOTTO is•itt.r.A.A.0.3t• ANI) sEgyidE.. Year•:: Meal is Incomplete without GOOD pRi4p.., • :Oar' Quality ' . Heine Made,. Whole Wheat and Rafein ;Bread 'Supplies 'Year need: • Dundee ekes,. 'Pig ..BarS,. Maple "Wainne:Tarti, Jelly noiis,' Chelsea '1 'Buns, Bon,I3onChe;.Chbeolate- marsh 'uallow Cakes, ."•RaiSiti'' piesHOLLYMANS BAKERY. • Phone 3.6 •Lucknow • . Photie 75 Luocnow, Ont.R H'" • SHOPPING WEEK .. IN "CANADA-,AP,B.IL: 21st, --,-28th THE B1LT .ORE .HIAT7,- shapes; • .nnd all...size: from aisortment. Twelve .(litfeient C .1.1andadzit1:.;m:.%va:l asb.ci!.Bilt ieh satisfac iaon. You are sue „ of that - 'During, 'Empire ..Shopping 'week' in:Can-Ida 'Our Store on Canad nade products: .. See our di 1ay durin .the Week-Aprif :21.st: to ,280.; For Men THE MASTER. HAT OF CANADA :re , FArgLI,'THEATRg APRIL 29-21 Milton Sills and Molly O'Day in. , HARD BOILED HAGGERTY " ,And Comedy. COMING •'Bob Custer ."304 THE BORDER7WHIFLWIND. SPECIAL •° APRIL 30 -MAY 1-2 4 .,Gene Tunney and 'Jack.... , Dempsey. ' To. the. Farnlets . • • Eat the best :meal in town a , , , The Cain House • for the • anal' of 4 ifty CentS, .• Always good I service. , . We have accombdation. +.• of a •duet by Mises Mae and Susie Carriek,,,a vocal solo by Miss, 13. D'•-• • violin music, by Gertrude. 'Martin, 'n doll drill by eight little. Tirla,,recitations by Evelyn and .J. C. Reid, and graceful highland 'dancing by Jean McCallum of Langsicle. A very interestinecontest followed , the programme. 'The 'members had been asked to bring With theth a photo of their younger dais, ,and • a ,yitize, which Was. Won by Lela Leggatt,was given for .guessing 'the largest num- ber of pictures correctly. Mrs. Dustan Beecroft invited the ladies to meet at her home for the May meeting. Lunch was served at the".close of the' Meet-- ing. • -000--- 'IN . MEMORIAM • Arniatreng-,-4n loving nienier our.darling• Beatrice V., only daugh- tet of Mr: and MI'S: A. J. Arnigtrongi • London, Ont., who passed .a3vay. April 18th;. 1924, aged`2 years. , The fairest. lilies are the first to.fnIf. The Sweetest, ..first-:to.faie The fondest, deare,St, best of. oil; At 'peiteefill rest is laid.. As some sweet blossom droops and dies, • When Win -Med by the fre...st. She' faded from before our eyes, • And .01 .too 'soon .was But in God's' garden -free frdia Pain, Where grow His'fairett 'flowelts, • Wo know; that we shall meet ,again Tbim fairest Nem Of ours. • • --Sadly missed by parents " and brothira, ASHFIELD 'NOTES .'Mips'Bessie Barnby, .who 'spent the part of the winterin.lianiilten, has reterned, to her home at Lothian.' 'miss , 1. Chesnut has. resunied her .teaching in • Paramount, after , the ' holidays:, • -- '• Mr,.R McQuilfln ,and.'fateily have moved into •their new.homq,, on the , . • Congram ..farm, and Paramount friends -extend- a hearty Welcome. • Mr: R. Campbell, whe'"Wa's briproir-s, nig, has Suffered 'a relapse, :and is., very ill at time of writing. • ' The s•'Parnmount.,•" U:W-,P.O: 'aro' 4 . • packing a box fer'theinedy in the North. of Ontario, and ckinations Of soft , rags, suitable fer•-bandages, Or .for infants' wear, v(!ill:be,•gratefully. .teceived. 'Leave with Mrs. McGill or Mrs, Jack •Hamilton,.. or • telephone A these women o o o FLOWERDALE We are pleased to report.' that Joe arrington, Who ,was injured in the. train Wreek, is imptoving, niCery. Miss-Erances Mac,Iyer ,has returned to' her school near Auburn: , 7 • Snek.,0_rs.„ are repotted scarce in the riVer this sOring-inbre' fithers than fih. • Mrs. Archie 'Cameron is spending a few claYs withfriends 3n the 6th Con. Mr. R.',Martin is on ,the 'sick 'list. Mr.. E. Hodgkinson 's are •*.enter, tabling: friends freni Cainp Borden. .• , . Miss Mabel Harrington 'pent feW days last. week- in Pitlinersthn... • Miss; Margaret" MacIntoih of „Itip7 , .i.ey Bank :staff, spent . a few days,:of last weRk at her home in Spring is .surely coming, ' as the peddlers are making their rounds, :. Mrs: A .,Grahain and Apley Spent, a Ay' last ,t'eck with . their Mother, Airs. J.., MaciAurchY. E THIL::,..UZ: LARGE QVANTITY T.E.$77.'-)3.1ZANDS„ ALWAYS ON HAND GO:YOUr:Suppl.y. Now... Before: You 'Get Busy With Your Spring Work GOO:4. S4.'Robertson