HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-04-12, Page 6••••1••••• ry; • ' • — „ 1, • • The golent and exquisite fiiiieur of 44SAILADA!' ,Green Tea are natural—Only the process of curing Si different from 'Black Tea7.--Both, are equality.. pure.-,--a‘SALADA'r Green Tea, Is sealed In airs tiiht 34c per, at all gracer*. Ask for Allis -tea, . • • . , • • • . BEGIN HERE TODAY • !the opening of the door of his priseh KA,..THLEgN ENISTER,. sister Judith Grimes entered, bearing. a ' of James Glenister,;.Whose misterious 'basin of porridge arid a jug of milk. death has stirred the Countryside, find She Went out as silently as she had NORMAN STATER, her lover, arecome, a • gaunt and forbidding. figure held in secret . prison' by Sir DudleYti, with her scanty gray locks and angu- - • . . W3S es to marry Kathleen to a .• showers. • • lay suspicion that he murderedOlon'd ister, • . JAMES WRAGGE;" Scotian' 7/Itia detective is searehieg for the lovers. Vie finds 'Simon Trickey, a police char- acter, who wag. supposed to have died suddenly in the recent past,'prowling . about the Dudley herne. ,-..NOW-GO-o,N. will.' THE STORY XXI.--(Cent'd.) , "YOU can jninp. mi. MYfeeling go long as you don't shove me in gm:id."' 'Then just One little .question. .You tot* your wife over as 'damaged goods to oblige II:gentleman didn'tyou.": ' • 'Rriel;e31:.'?laspehis .stiibblY;cliiii with unclean,firteernaiis. For an. instant his "keyed -Peened to :Presage•reValte. He ended 14 soleirtnly winking at his interlocutor., , •"Slie wasiet. s a. cinema star ONfien, she did' rho thehoncir-to ncifiept my •heart:zed' hand" he replied, ,witii sly •Fuggestiont • ,Rude, a nice little al- 16:Wince' paid ..eritart. erVIfile 'who paid it 1 haven't/ the remotest' Adea;.. You might ask 'her the rteTtt time' you're strolling along LipseoMbe,.. o + • , CHAPTER XXII! iii4.B.R001+4 DOWNSTAIRS 'Notinart Slater did not recoVer his sens,estill the email hours of . the irtorinirtg, . and then for a -king while .conli'Aihthe sketchieSt fashien: In his war -esperienced he had been, gassed on'one,•;occasion and. buried in a shell - hole :for half a day on another, and his , present Sensations reminded him - of sboth. His head was aplitting; biSi throat was Parched and his limbs'were ri,c) exturiPed that movement Was alinott denied 1im.. • • - Not a ray 'of light shape on his Misery. By clegreel remembrante Came hack, up to the pint when he had succurnb ed to superior numberg:nrid a Utast *teat anaesthetic in.the keeper's cep' tage. From that : his mind 'Worked backwards to theevents of -the day , before and 'what had 'led up to themt He 'groaned 1 nciespairriot' forhis own.plight, hut, beeause be feared for Kathleen. • • .. • At first he had' not the faintest no- tion where he was- The sound - of running Water , gurgling, ;close by presently gave him a' clue , to his whereabouts, and at last the -breaking of dawn; On an iron -grated aperture high up in thowall of his prison con: - firmed, it. His treacherous' captors had c- ried him to the deserted. Mill acroas the !.stream and had .fastened a ,Wall in the baseinent..- As the light - grew stronger he Was sure- of this That 'pile Of rottirtgsack S in the cor- ner mnst 'once have held'golden grain • reaped in the ','pleasafit.'countryside whieh he wonld, never see aga,in. IfiS.'gloortiy meditationswere dis- turbed by the grating of a key and N M,,, re. 4 R, Me' M,y 4' Fed A' A • A . .. %.% V .4";$ ' x 0 A, 4. • e % .4.1.• 'e...•., ' ''''' M • ilways have the maglid WiiIGX.E17 package in. M your pocket. ra Soothes nerves, allays a thirst, aids digestion. \4\ 1 1110 A —4.1ery Mea ono M r4 M, 4 '4: 1138UE No 14--211 • The feed and drink restored his -body and Mind' to something aPproach- ing-the normal:. • : . He was Straining his bonds Pain - fatly when once again:the deer of his dungeon swung open. lie. sank down again in a shiver of disappointment and disgust. It was Sir Dudley Glen- ister who swaggere into the noiset- some hole jingling coins in Ms pocket and exuding,triumph in every pore of hs great; coarse hedY• _ refhold hero, .yeu've, bitten off more than you can, chew," the baronet jeered at the helpless; man.. The Pr.ineesS Elaine", ii.eweat meniber of the .Canadian Pecia0 Req!'43' , , , • . Royal 'Family Of steamships, now on bee*a..Y to Victoria., the flallePla .Cahal,,frern. the shipyards 4 the, Clyde; Scotland. The vesSei, ;will be, used for Service' between Vancouver on ,,the niaintami and ,Nanairno on ValloOlPet ISTandratrote" the, Straits of 'Georgia, A diatanee of ebeet40 piles.. and Is ter- ther qiiatified to niY.betweert- $Pettle'on the south and SkagWay o4 the mirth.. She: will have a sped Of i8 knots, is:2,600, tons gross register, will lutyeAe000l-', ineda.deu far abeut, 1,200 .passengers,and is sneeiallydesigned for 'the trans,: pcOtion'ef automobiles,: apterntalite pehik Installed to reverse cars t6i, dii-. embarkation. , On her trial rung on the' Clyde :The,Prineess Elaine* did over 19 knots. ' house, and stopped. Mr. Colne's dul- ,et Volpe hailed the pedestrian; "That you, Wragger "I ,was hoping VD reach the Towers before you, sie,,hat 1 have had a very buSy, day;". the. inspector replied re- spectfully. ."Jump up -alongside the Chauffeur: It willSave you half: a, inite;" said the. great man affably. On arriving at the house Mr:. Colne at once led the way to his study. "New, What does this mean?" he stood up and facelthe dethctive. "I had, your mei ssage n Downing Street and hastened here at mice. You have found the letter written'by Sir, Dud- ley Glenister to :his:cousin?" • "Net the .Original, sir," replied •Wrigge, . "As 1. told iyort, • that. was hopeless' from the first, But I have .0ata.' man. who took, a preps copy of it, which he will priloduree, and;in, the ,Nornal:t made no answer.„Whore eornenLnnwths.it\e •he has infornied Me of the Ny.-.4..p the, :use? ' He was net geing to- "whiai 'were?"' moped the •eabinet "Sulking won't help you," the rath- Madel appeiritinent 1,psS voice 'resumed,' "The sentence of With. Lr. .George to meet. him at the..cOurt has been: pronounced and not Beealw-oed ci,r8 the 7th 7t,fi, of lune., two defence' will prevail: TOM:41AI .3inais ago, the indhcement being that dear Slater, an accident going to reidley *mild pot tip' the money t9 happen to this ancient 'ruin.. rtur v. gold Mine 'which George -.had 'Poingto 'he' utterly destroye, d bjrfire diScovered near Loee weff city ih on an , ColneArieked. hard at the: in-' Well, my bold hero, youhre bitten Off nialle:than yen can Grange then. Sluudidn't clear ouf,till over a, Year later? When the....p,reseht, upstart tot* possession." :. Itwaa'Wragge'S turii to laugh, but there Was no good humor in his effort: It 'rasped like a 'rusty file•' (To be continued.) • • 'specter: - , "This is genuine, .Wraige?" he said , zdt,er ••,A pans ."You didn't have to -write the:letter yourself to save your "Sir!" rejoined the ScOtlarid, Yard Officer, and there was •a world of yir-; tupus pretest in his: tone. ' ".Then J fail to see the urgency which .eonsed you to drag me froin my public duties in London," said•Mr; Colne 'haughtily., ."Why don't'. you go and arrest Your man? The, case is complete:" ' Wragge dropped his eyes .12re:1er the rebuke and raised them again at the grudging.,„coiriplimertt. ‘, • "I am 'sorry to have disturbed you, sir, but in the chief commissioner's opinion the case is nat..quite ripe for an art," he 'replied „suavely. "I have been in eemi,nuhicatioil with Sir Donald at the Yard this efierpoon. It is n. question ef thedite-3-the..7th of. June two years ago. We' shall: have • to prove ;that 'Sir Dudley' Glenister Was at the Granage on that day and was thereforein a ,position to have killed his cousin if the latter kept the appointment made in the letter. As a neighbor and friend Of ,the Olertister. family we thought that you might be able' to helpus—if you were suending the Weele'end. covering tliat date: at the Towers. It. was Sir Donald who made the shggeStion.".''' ' The Right Honorable Stentien, Colne was •:vety angry now. •': • • "Sir Donald is an idiot," he ',filus- tered "And. you, , too, .,Wragge, for acting'on 'Such'..follye .-.How can I re- meraber where I' Was On a .Cei4in day more than two years age?" "Of caursp you 'Couldn't, sir,". . re jlied,Wragge. -humbly. ' "But your seeretariea or soineene might .have, a record." • Mr. Colne's 'wrath *as bleiiiim_to white heat, for .nearir.a. minute ren- dering hirn speechless. .4.,'What would that avail?" he hec- torcd. • "It ,is Sir .Dudley Glenister you have topin down for that date•-•,.. not me, Stipposing I was at ,the Tow- ers on the 7th of June that year, it skouldn't be ',evidence agairst him un- less 1 had, Seen him, aiid I' cannot re. ,call that, The chanees:are that / wai net here that week -end:" • Qtute se, sir, said, ,Wrag scoth,, "I expect the chief Commis- sioner 'only suggested asking you"..as a sert' of forlorn hope" ' Mr. Caine 'spluttered and muttered, but*seemed ,to be partly p.acified by the. reply, ."I can see that 1 Shall have :to tea& you phir business," ho laughed,. "Why, don't You ask Miss qtathlemi Glenister? She was living at, the , But befere, the flames catch bold . I shall' ,again ;with 'a hunting creP and repay- with. interest the dres:sing- diowrt you gay,' me in Cadogan; Gar- den. Makes your 'flesh If it dad there was no sign,. .Nor- man preserv.!xl silence,gazing .up at the diSsipatecl fee with weary Score. • .. "There is just a charice that you may be spared the degradation Of be - Ing thrashed as Well as burned," the Inedcy, voice Went ' on • "That . rests with. your 1,ady-love, who is MY.,guest en the upper Ike; If. she. consente to became my wife she ;Will be spared the flaineh and you will be spared the whipping, You will burn Anyhow, as I have no other Means of Stapping.the fuss you 3•3/91}1d, Make." The threat ,fell flat, so far as any outward Show went, ' • • am how going up to present my terms to: Kathken," Sir. Dudley con- eleided, "I hope I have made it e16.rir that it ,yeats With her • levhether. you .are flogged in,additien to ' oFe- • He went Out, .ieeking sthe- door be- hind hint. • ' • ClIAPTER XXIII. ail INSPRoTOR'S BUSY 14.. , Inspector " VVragges explorations Cook him to the local post'ofhce, where he 'sent off couple of 'reply -paid Wier grame then.' settled down .to sev- eral .lorigdistance talks on the tele- PhOner , Next he set out arid Walked by • 'field ',ftetpatii§ to delfibitoek TON'tel*: `. • .,Aether plodded uf. the elm avenue:to the statesmart'S ceuntry a car passed ,hlat alSo going 'fewer& the , , .•-•••••,-•,••••• ASMART • SPIT • The Smart two-piece suit shown here is a practical and easily' fashioned style, The tunic has a. V neck with shaped-. cellar 'and -Shield,. a, useful patch, pocket and 'Ong 'get -in sleeves _finished ,with cuffs. NO; 1492 isin sizes 2, 47. arid 6 years. -Size 4.r.equiris, 1% • yards 36 -inch, or 1514 yards 54 - 'inch material,-, and % yard36-ineh contrasting. Price ,2.O.C. the pattern. ' Home sewing brings nieg clothes within the reach of all, and .to, follow the mode is delightful when it e'en be done so easily and economically hy foil - lowing the; stYleaPictared in our new Fashion Book. A chart accernpanying each pattern SlieWs the Material as it appears When cut out. Every detail is explained so that the inexperkneeti sewer can make- without difficulty an attractive ,dress. Price Of the book 10c the co ow TO ORDER PATTERNS.. , , • Write your name and address piain- ly, giving nuirt,tier and Size of such patterns as' you.' want Enclose .20e in -stampa-or-coin,-(coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each: number and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, .7a West AdelaideSt., Toroete: a terns sent by return ' Minard'e Liniment for cute and brulies the main thing, in the ernelcryinent of labor is its elevation into the do - Alain, of censuniption. The higher. the; elevatkin of label' in the wagei scale,: With efileient 'and eceneMic ,preduc-: , tha`greater the con,eurning•peWt ' er, the greater the stimulus to pro- duction, ea& the greater tine expan- sion of markets intOtal and in variety. ItirffC1=1:1:11' . alsosee ur car clean Stpletes lie ........ermearance. AL,1114011NUM 4:STER Asir Your. Auromobile •Dealer • to show • Yi,nx •pie Pew models Pr write 'tor lIst• . as -s Fouiidry Ltif 203 ouroas gt, wea Toronto, 'Canada. Hudson Bay. Basin Rich In Resources Timber ands Mineral Wealth. Descrih:esdbwyarDti,... R . GOLITJ, YIELD EXPECTED Additional - Pulp :and Pape! Milli Probable in Near ' Future Picturing the future Of the...Hudson Bay4asin-as-**:proc—Inative section of the ''.Doininion, the Hen. Charles eIVI9., Crea, Ontario Ministerof Mines, abolie briefly recently 'before, the , Caziadian :Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Toronto Braneh. „ Mr. McCrea introduced Dr. B. Stewart, chief medical adviser Of, the HOdson's' Bay CompanY, who gave an illustrated lecture on "The Natural Resources of the Hudson Bay Basin." Mr., gcCrea referred to the railway builders pushing two 'different Linea up to liedgentlay and James Bay, as mo- dern pioneers, following the ,example set by Hudson. the explorer, in 1611. Noting the immense area of the Hudson Bay Bashi, , more than 3,000,- 000 square Dr. Stewart/. refer- red to the vast range of ,itts eliniatie -conditions vexteilding. from sub.Aratic to teninerate. • • , . Referring.to the getlogiCal'Imake-uP G.eatOrlical Make -00. of the. basin; the speaker. tuciehed to-..briirtouraralongrA northern .rims?' of the bay, the lignite: on .",tlie Sainien ,River which supplies the '.'stoves : of. Many .of .the northern stations t of the company,', the Mica be- ing:. preduced .small ':quantities. at Lake ''llartior, the nickel,:,depoSita. at icb„oe ,prOth; •lead.yitt Mayfair. r gypsum .and: china . clay . in the. Moosel. Each:A.4y .PeCtieni of iron 'Ore. to be retina in the. Belcher ISland.s' .digtriCt, but noted that so far no gold: deposi,tg'.- Of- . any censeqnence.bave been located,: although • Prospecting .15 being carried still further northward, ahda fair ,,probabilittY, of thig precious .thetatt being found In paying ,qinkntities. • ••• • Furs,. the Product of the 'district, for 259.. Years,,. are 'still .being.sent Pet in • An soda at the bonier large quantities,. Dr. Stewart steted, ealeon,' theh'. stop :at the , 'attire • • . • BritaiirrBui14$ °.,"Flying 13uliet't Of Napier Type.. 4 e Hi Construction or .ugo. Speed, Seaplane ReCeives Formal ..Approval of Air Ministry , • An ;air; program which has Just :re- • ceived the approval of ttle British 'Air' Ministry and whIch calls for ,..th§ eon:" • 9 struc.tfOn ef "a,' staiidard ,Superinarlee_ Princes 1)icin t Clet -o-'6 "." ' h , ap Great a us g • -. tee, .Ekepb'el:i1,014seetti;ePs.,1410nap.i'ehaas6reethauS7ideaelosenisrlotlier.•', ironaiseu „ . . • i,as it la I ld t demenstratet, Ina'. of' • '0. • ". • the -most. rapid. strid.es. ever ,de Iii Owner, in- 1489, Refused to. :g.iii„litne .14,1004:. *i.ii Give. Animal t� - King's the Wide ka.ii hetWeen pure »racing • Daughter, planes and''Practical war „ craft. . • ' • " Although the speed of 'Practical' air% ..,Chicago. --The, pining of a princess craft.; has been mountinghY kthe. tens'. for •,-; a .giraffe 400- 'years ago is ',Pre:. of ..Miles anliour; Year after year, the' served.ina- historyy of,,illet elongated" ,Censtruction of -fest- nillftary.planes 1 anhlial jiubllshed by the Field • Mug:. the .pagt, . alWaYs has been at :least euro of 'Natural: History. ' 'Lorenzo , de three ' or' four- •Years- behind racing . . ships. 'Phe • new we've brings the 2 standard ':seaplane fighting equipment, ., In date of design, within a year and - as ,half of •the faStest reaeg ships pos- sessed by ()Teat Britala. Although,; the S.uperinarine „Napier will be &POP - ped for the .actual requirements of. navy air fighters, it Will remain on the. "ekperimental, Rat' !Of (he Air Minis. ttry 'diiring a period of testing. The, first, detailed description of ,this fastest of floating airplanes- to be .re - Medici hada glraffeln his menagerie at Florence, 1 Which aroused • the in terst of-Aninrile-Beaujeu, ;daughter of Louis , XI. of Prance. : She had', dreamsof owning a giraffe of her own and finally Alleged Lorenzo' had • pre - piked her hie, . • • .Finaily sheyrote..hiin on April 14 1.489: Her plea was Of no avail, Ler. crab kept his giraffe. • , ' G1raffe4 have been Popular .1i regal circles •since the tithe et remote EgY-, ptiaa .kings. Jultua Caesar showed ceived- in this country and published • Rome it first .giraffe in', a triumphal, in the current issue Or "Aero Digest," Procession in 4.0, B C' • Although it hardly ,seerris peatdbie, giraffes harCe.gene up They •tised to Cost , between $1,500 .1/4- And $2000, but now run from $3000 to $7500. , • Brinifiit of Poolishnes!. :Hubby—"Why do you thin.k,this `at looks 'silly oh' rhy ...head?" - '17.117,iits-'-"-Bec.,anse-oir,'your..-11ead-: that- hat'S ':brihitul• of loolishrieba;" • Keep Minaret's Liniment handy, :Time's Tepsy-Tervy. "Here's a: dime, son; get yourself dru • -o Fish or TwO 'Varieties. -•- ' and bring your old man borne:" fisbili.„118:4:°s4o"mile4ypel'49;lie7timttegulinien,g" Dr Stewart said referring to the scarcity of any variety,,except, rock cod and White •:'figh... 121.time the fisheriee, oi the basin may attain large production; but not for seine years. ',. :Petri and paper Production is already going ahead, ,.with prospect ,".• of additional mills in the near future Black ' aad; white spruce, tarciarae,, balsam; Poplar, white' • birdie • and :bargain pine ., are anaohg,1he principal species:ef tiinber. found in tbe area., *Fall wheat grow- ing\ at. Meese •Factery, ,ha SholYa as high" a yield as . that le the • Western: proVinee.ai' and a. geedfuture. in •tigrl.. culturewas. Predicted by Dr, •Stavicirt "1 belieirs ,the Hudson Day area .route • 'Will ;•preVe: boon -to Western Canada for4 :general cOnlmodities, but it will not be . for-:7SOrati yeatspos7 giblY ,never,that Wheat will be ship- . , . „ . ped to any greet eXtentt The Straits are Open longer thia'peOpto but the 'difficulty will be to.keepFert Churchill's pert open: long enough to be of vttlue to„navigation by;tbe.'new riutte." • • - , • T,ripp"f wish I' had teme to this restaurant last • year whii 1 was ..in the torn Proprietor: . "It's ,,very ,kirld'ef you to say thitto,31r." Tripper: 1,41tee, thisfish would have been a let .fresher then: ".• Save Your Old Carpets,. • • We re Weave them Into 11071rICIM-- Write or circular RAKER CARPET CLEANI.NO:Db. 178 Harbord St Toronto, Ont. Learn DresS1 Designing Individual instructicin Day and Evening Classes. Writes, to day 247 Coliege SL --Toronto, • lee.A-1.4.A M. .a.....nuera. OP %r‘!.0. • .• DESIGNING ()peals: are .12 /Under the British Noinination Scheme, your re,latives cuid friend' can travel at this linv rate from • Britain .to Canada, • also reduced rail fere-children under' 17 . free. For complete information, phone. *rite or call personally aiWhite Star Officea In Montreal,'Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary,. Edmonton, Saelcatoon, Vancotnrer. .4 227 '0,0014‘....100•"%ftoso*i.,,,osassoftworess If you gilre their namc,s; your • f relatives and friends ,niay obtain rhe tow ocean rare of Li, reduced tail- • road fares, and FltED transportation for , children under 27, providing they, at; . , placed in farm or dome$tic enipleyznenr , Ask ot,orice for detaiis of thi, Bads)) NomInGtjon Sclaemo . froneany of our offices or "agents ,:cAvArdmitSERVI� 4nClifiaLgnatifton HALT?"4SA81011'000 Toithicro•CAtiAlaft guitinic Wnewito EDMONTON WONT JOLIS 14024TREAL • .• . UMW i3EST FOR ALL R BAKING. oUectiori „Easily grown. sown direct in open ground, ' Flowering the, first Year, ‘• • . t' ,.roe were C PKTS. Ht.!! 50,. Provides an aniiniV once' of lovely frag- rant flowers. ' Write for our 1928: Catalogue.: It's' free John A.Brut.e a 09 Limited ,Stbed Merchants 11A M EroN, N T. • ' Ines, C4k4 Eons and Bread. 'DOES AL - ' • says that '.,the fuselage has ipss ,seettion area- than ,- any ;Plat* ever , beitt-the basis' of its design tieing the ' croge, section required.tO ap- cohnhOdate, a pilot', In thebuilding of ' the British racers ol . type the cockpit literally was "tailored" to fit the individual pilots .4owere to. :fly, the planes. •' "' it is generallY: agreed," says the , . "Aere Digest," that the Supermerine • 'Napier represents the zenith In clean,' Ihiess or design: The yeceat deyelop.. menta" In the. 'degign of the inning.. • Napier 'Lien- engine have given the iixaftdsignr uch a.perfeet op- portunity. to obtain e good lead In Per the fuselage ;that no inCrease, in the cresS;sectienal' area of the. bodyiwas • dictated bS the. cortsiderat1on.of.p0Wer ' • • •• • - • 'In:general .ed,nstrifetion.,the machine .a low -71114 semi-c'antitever mono Plana with twin fleet •' • „pecrecir..e't construction of this Ing bul'lethag..beere_exceecte'd.enlY by. •.: the se.crecy with whieli the, Air Minis- try has, surrounded' the details of the ' 'tiolig, engine. which powers jt 'It was motor, of this. type 'Which was itt.„. stalled . in "the Campbell 'racer,: when it establlsbed,.a.riew world's record',:for • TaCin cars at Daytona Beach reaenti- ly ...N.eYertheless,'.a"fpW interesting'ide- tails regarding this. Mystery motor Were ,given .to the. public last week by •.' . . . /he Mr Ministry.' The eilglee has twelve eYlladers, 'arranged itt al' broad arrow ,,design of threeConverging-. blocks ,of foui cylinders 'each,. • The bore' is. 614 inehes and the , stroke 6 1/9.inchos It has tbe ex teptiOnally high coutresplan;ratia.nt 3 10 to -1, .- The:'-whole-freval---nrea; of the engine Is remarkably • eompact and . thereforeeasily adaptable to the Aar-, rowest of fuselage lnstallatlon , • But, despite the snaail space 'which it occupies, - this power unit is. capable • ,Ot dolivering,80:hersppower, at 3;a00. revolutions*. minute.. total' weight . of the .engine .896 tpeuMite Which, is a fraction lessthan . 'a. poUnd. ler • ery horsepOwer 1' (le!, . . , Canadian. PoOli. Pay; " Over '.$800;000,000 , Winnipeg.—AU .interim • payhient onwheat and fax amouotingtd a28- 000,000:18 being received by.members of whe.at. poo1 Of. Manitoba, Sas katcheVan • and . Alberta, and :the Coarse,- Grain Poeta 'or, Manitoba sand SceskatelieWare'. In. making • the an notinceirient-Cethis ditribdtIon E B.'. . Ramsay% 'Manage'? of the Central Soli- thg Agehey, Saidthat the ,bainidian; • :pools noW have. paid out -.mere, than -.6900;000,009 to their: menibers 'Since I.923' when the, first • poor was Started . . Alberta., The -Pools handledmore. than 184. 000;000. blishels, of ;Wheat dikritig. the' 'cepa year ,1927,-28, Mi Rahway aaid This Is about 0,000,000 bushels ine , thanweal deliveredby., the -three pi' vinclal pools • of the Centiai Sellthg "%term, .(wrihg the previoes. prop. yeer, . • • , Stuffed Dates Wasp and stone 2 ''Peends of dates • the day, .before, lhd amlY is .to be. that the dates Wilt net be toe stickyto work with, The, next day havereadY warnatmeats', inarshnib.IV • low, peantit 'Maw.' and 'fondant in amaTi qCantitieg if the data `hie to be assorted or any one 0 'fthe 'four fillings if they are to be Plain. For realty de - „Minna, iittlfted dates, vary the iwing,. tr$0 .taatshalatlow and Waltitittsi. PM*. dant and peanut butte?, feedant and butt. For a or 4 dates., use hut meat' and 'a: aniall' arnonlet of filling. .Mold the dates well after the -filling hem • 'Alden,.added, and .the linifih:6a '8(.111160' date. ' in. ,.eithee,....grithillated „, „or poWderad„•,„,,,,. •"Twa.:Millimi Marks in Logk Arrive flerQ..Ttiose is evidentlY` well Agninni, , Jruth th the highest 'thing iliat‘man •inaY'ketp,,---aeOffrey eliatteer,