HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-04-12, Page 1$2.04 pElt YEAR, IN ADVANCE,. $2',.50 -OTHERWISE.
4 4.41Bt'llr4M, CONNE,04 r' •
phesiciae, and Surgeon.
. • Laeiceckw.
•-•':Horirne 1.30-330- •
• Phone 86
•DENtisre; •
Die MacLeod will Luckno74-:
every Tuegde.Y; n,, Dr. , CennelPs
•• •
• Dr. ,R, L. Treleaven, •Lucknow—
Over Decker's Sore , .'Extraction -
either 1?y gee or local.. "Will be in
Dungannon,every Thursday. •Phone 53.
0-,0-0.-0--4-.70-1)=4-0-4.L0 •
Geo. A. Siddall, Lnckuow,
and Real Estate.-eMoney to. lend or
'.first mortgages On faree proper-
ties at. 6 and 61/2 per 'cent according
to security offered „ Also area
amountson .second mortgages on
farliC properties arid an -personal
.,,notes. A Ie' good farm, for sale.
. WALL PAPERL—A full line of1028
Wall Paper on hand. Prices from 8c'
up:: I am also agent..for leading •job
houses. --R. J. Cameron, . Decorator
•Folinter and Geainer; BOX 174, :Iona -
• IUSKRAT-FUeOS—. • am paying
li•ighest market •- price, for raw musk-
' rat furs,= -A. nBlitzstein, Phone 18,
Lueknoir."' • , (10-11-tf)'
FOR SALE --,Good .clean seed 'bar-
ley, OAC 21 Geed r1eu,W B.;
seeeet clover —Ernest Gauntee phone
12-64. ' ' ..,(12-413)
FOR SAliElo=ROfind -.Cedar Poets,
all sizes; . also White Sweet Clever,
free from- weeds.--Jacloe Miller.
" FOR SALE—Good: building lot ou
Stauffer Street, trtit trees, , garden:
:Fin' Rewire; spring water to tap in-
to house: Apple to R. ,Roleeetson.
(26-4-e) .•
: AUCTiCie SALE • '
Bert Finnigan, Lot 8, Con. 7, Asho
eld, vIll'haireoan •auction sale of
Iiiret stock and implements on Mom-,
day, Api11:1eth, eoromericing at One
.1 o'clock pan. There are lot of geed
• horses.. and ecee,s.---John /Purvis, Ape.,
/ FOR': SALE—Sixty-six little pigs,
from e to 6 weeks old, ,.Apply to
reoirge Kennedy," • Lueknow, R. 1;
Baby Chicks and
'Hatching ▪ 'Eggs ,
from extra' heavy laying strains --
pure bred to -lay White. Leghorn.
arid Barred Rocke.. High production
and Pedigreed males. used, Order
now and get them when you want
, them. AIso incubators,' beeseders and
poultry supplies., Custom ' hatching
done I can Save you money. Phone
or write • •• • - •
• Duncan Kennedy.
' Whitee.hutch, Omit
' -"•*4„:„ ‘EGGS . •
Bred -to- ,laikike C. White' Leghorn
, baby chicks. May chicks 15e.' each:
If :needed, • 'mother hen with- chicks;
efieb.,--Mrs. A. Clifton; phone 70-
0. Lucknew It. R. 2.; (26-4-p)
. S. C. White' Legherns, from • our
• flock, Which -has been tboroughle
• cifIled both springand fall, and,mat-
ed to 1118105 off high;Producing bets.
5c. per egg. Orders of over 200, 4c.
per egg.—Elmer J Famrish, Leek-
eoW,, R.R, 7; •Phone, Dungannon 82-
21, , , • • • (10-5-p)
On March 2eth we shipped W.
• Goodhew, HaJfa,z, N.S.; .50 chicks.
These 'chicks were .24 hepre old when
Shipped, and were 52 hours en the,
way. We have since received a letter
• from Mr. Goodhewestating that they
• were line sturdy chicks, all alive and
giving us an order for 50 more. Our
Pep in Canadian egeolaying contest
are at present in fifth place for
reeks: We are booking orders
May now. Order early and not
Jarne8 Seett, , .•
Sternly Crest Farm, Seaforth. Ont.
. 'Nowt .Beeks., and
Fisher • S. C. White' l.eghothe.• Oar
eteek has nevele been. better:. it, is
,e-Povernment etel herie; • haVe
• .• : free terige the yede round. Three-
• •e-e-e-o.e..............,e1,911x-ti94.9.11tOrIAIKIA11,4.4:04tf'441* Au"
• from .custernere, who have - Ordered;
" teoni fie for eeeerel yeaes.in suCceiLe.
eioe. Belted' ileckte andLeghorns j-
-are 'VI& 'until' May 1.3t1i; • arid
reich Sol, ilia helande 'of the eedeone
' On eecpreee ,o1-dees we requireten,
Pere eefit. V."1111 order, the, loiletnee
C. 0.The Feet:lee,. ITatelleriec
. ' Wroxeter,•'Phan;
l31.2.rifig.431 •• •, • (1.2..41).
' Mrs Porteous •• spent. the
'Easter . .vacation ss itli friend's in
ViriadeOt."' ' • e,
•e,"Miss Iitobel° DeugaS Of • dhathalOt
who is ather hehei4 'Nee foi the'w,helr,
,had the in.fpfortoe:tO..-treetalre a !rile
in one of her fiends( e. • '',
Mr: and Mrs., Robert Johnston• and
.children spent ' the ,paet •,,week with
Mr. and Aire.' John jeynt.
:Auburn Wright, who is With
Silverwo9da at Carglll, was in Luck -
now for therecent holiday. •
Miss Winnitied' Douglas,' nurse -in -
.training • at ,'Victoria lioepital, Lon-
don; is spending. a week at home. ,
Mies Frances •Spence, Who came
home on account of her mother's ill-
ness, is; spending the Week here.
Miss' 'Stella 'Steward is spending
the Easter •holidays in, Kincardiii
with her friend,. kynon,Vfalmer,
Messrs. Bert Wigg and Henry per -
ter, motored to Orillia, and ,Barrie On
Friday last, returning on Tuesday.
• •Mr. and Mrs. Geoege .A. Sidciall
visited over the week -end with .their
daughter, Miss Frances, in Toronto.
Friends of Mrs Wm., Naylor will
be pleased to know, that she is re -
'Covering from her recent severe
.neSB. ,
•• '
Mrs (Dr.) Gordon, who was with
her daughter, Mrs Harold Allin; the;
past few months,has returned to
Detroit. '
. , • • .
. .
"-does ,nee come: to..)Q11,1011.
0,044th (laY•• -.1q1
:•wetileek to celebrate the
which they were made. one. •Sadl.
heeemir.,o. W8s the good .fortune
$Mart.aracltd.11.:1*: 114a sit elle9;s7igAfin't641,7117iii7:
There Wereeme •"doings", the' day
spent ;c1llieti.1' at their -honie
Friends Ieasid of
toMkerOW411.-'dt ;11491,4le'rSie91.it°1123::liel.Ylibae"
fair. nleasure of heeffli and • that
eheir-,efee about every day—Mr. itese
talcing.'S great ipterest and assisting
in the gazeige'businege of hisson-in-
law, lie W. Smith, and Mr.Rossstill
doing her house work. • They walked
together to the Anglican :Church 'te
attend the Easter servide,ein: spite of
blizzard which Anduced many to re
oe, Main indoors: ,
Mrs. • Hugh Murray aiePhabY Claire
ten, spent Easter .with Mrs. M. A.
Treleaven. `,:e • • •
• Mrs. F. Lnease. find, -daughter,
Audrey; of Torifete, arespending the
week with Miseee*: Ethel and, Belie
Robertson. •• • ••
Mr: Harold Macintosh, • who , has
been in •Londien'the,Peet two months,
has returned hethe and is again with.
Lnekriow Silyerwoods.
. • ••
'• MeStre.• 'Wallace flowe, Gordon
Baker and Charlie Webetek .have
gene to Vt/elland;'Where they hope to
find einployment 0»'the. big 'canal:
Mr and 'Mks. Ralph Million, re-
cently married, Were he town for •,e
few -days, last week: We understand
they are to reside -in Heston, Mess. e
Mr. '•Sawyer, Who untija, :feet;
weeks ago was Associated with Me.
W. P. Reed in the iinplemeri* hUsi-
.nesS,.here; has ,theyed,Wi0. hie': fam-
ily to;'Kineardine.:'•
, Dr. arid 'Mrs-. Woods and fainifY
and the dOetor'S 'sisters, Mrs Tari -
ton and Mise. Woods, all of; Detroit,
lirei7e Easter -visitors With Mr. and
Mrs:, Matthew Woods.
.Mr. It: 8. •'yVilseriemanager of the
hical Bank Of Commerce', spent the
Easter week end at . the • Rectory;
Blenheim,. with :his , mother: and his
'sister, Mrs ,(Rev) W.: H. Roberts
• The April meeting' of the Wom-
en's Institute will be: held at the
home of Mit.' Te E.,' Sinith on Friday,
Abel 13th, at 2.30e o'clock., •The
Gilindmothere will givethe program:
. , •
.Mie and Mrs. Reg. Smith and. two
boys made 'a Meter trip to. Toronto,
returning ,on Monday.. • They were
accompanied tp.the city her...Mr. W. le:
Anderson; who remained a few days
longer. -
.Miss. Dorothy Douglas, who. has
been. taking a course in the Presbye
termn Meesionarer Training :School, is
•spending the week at her borne here.
At the close of the Ceerse.,,Miss-Doug-
las had the latinetin Of winning it
scholarship hi the 'graduating 'clase.q
• Frends of , Mr. John Hildred, a
former -reSident of Luck now, Will .be
sorry le learn that.'.he is in. St.
Michael's Hospital, Toronto, having
suffered S severe stroke of paralysis;
Since going to Toronto th. Hildred
has been a regular summer 'Visitor
• Among the Easter bomecomers
were; Miss Dean Geddee, from Her-
ristoe; Mise Clara MeQeillin,
ara Mr. Hcirry-, Alton, Walkertorz Miss 'Verna McQuillin, Walker -
Misses Dora' and
Tarentd; • Mr. Austiri °Reid, Mandl -
ton; Mr; Eldon Reid,Toronto, Miss
,TeSsie Stewart; Toronto; Megers. W.
eind,Oiird'on Toronto;
re; Andrew Thompson, Stratford:
rr7robe'iis Xn rew, oron o; re
Urea :Murdoch; Toienite; Mise
ban, MatCalluni, Itainiltori; Mise
Freda okiteldson, Westeri; • Misses
Ruth, Alecito and *lama Mitcheli;"
Mr. Percy-. Agar; Mr, Itots, MacDon-
ald, Alisfieff Helen arid. EVelyn 'Grew,
Toronto Univarsity*
o o -o • .1
,Mr; A. R. Finlayson and faniily
are moving. this :weele o .the resi-
dence -'on "Quality which. he
bought sonie time ago from Robert,
Johnston. Mr. Finlayson •some •tirne-
ago sold his . business bleat; corner
of. Ross and Caniphell,streeta,„te Old
,,Light Lcidgee; A.P. & A.M., which
takes 'possession on April 15th. Mr: •
Finlaysonvent, continue to . occupy
the first' finch; with . his present Imeio
neee,' while, the upper flour will .--be
• converted into•a ledge room and din-
ing •room. By •the change; .Mr. Fin -
Light Lodge will ,have an ideal lodge
room, while, the store rooms will beo
a -Permanent source of income. Mem-
bers of•the lodge feel „that' they were
Very 'fortunate in :getting this fine
block, as following the destruction by
fire of their:•..fOrmer Hall they. were
confrontedby the Semew \ at serious
problem of sechring .new quarters.
• . ' • , . . .
o o o
- Wild. Winds' Sweep Western
Ontario ,All Sunday
Who 'ever -before saw an aster -
Sun -like -that?' It was like a 'wild
January or March . blizzard froni
menring ' until night, eand Well On into
the night. Fortunately' 'it •-•was •not
;very cold: , • •
There has been sort of freak we
ther foe a month—an amount o
thunder and lightning ' unusual for
the. season, and minder conditions
when' it might, be little expected -
then the sudden changes from warrath
tie cold.
i• Good Friday eves a delightful
day; even the angle Worms
• 01
were era -Wring About, perinitting the,
early •birds to get a full meal after
their northward :flight; , the. frogs
were singingeand•the robins wereas
cheerful as ie...there• would •never.
again be a cold day. Saturday • was
a day of ram, With aneonnaious drop
in tempeiettere towards, evening. By
Sunday morning ehe blizzard was on
and the ground once more white •with.
snow,, of course the warm' days were
altogether tee good to last. The storm
was general not only ' over Western
Ontario but afl the•Way outto the
Atlantic Coast.,
For the "Past , Week the country
roads—that is, the old,unimproved
roads—have been, (in' spots) in uri-
usually bed. condition. ' Those • who
Ventured „upon trips ,•Whitei took thein ,
off •the main roads, or on parts Of
these that have not been rebuilt, all
have stories of 'being stuek, in the
mud, and of.heving seen many others
in the same predicament:
Some innisilait,ieombination of wea-
ther eonditioris resulted in parts • of
the roads being frozen .to unusuale
depth, and the sudden thaw convert-
ed these spots into 'regular bogs, in
which cars „Went down t the • run-
ning beards. , • e
The improved roe& appeate to
have resisted ehe- aetien of the treat
pretty, Well, and were in 'excellent
conditioa assoon as. the surface he-
cinie dry. re,
• EAse% ere in thig Oper will • be
found a netice
' froth the viliage zuth-
orities • to the' effect that the traffic
bY-laWe within the corporation are to
be strictly eritorced.: 'It k .a right
Move arid we hope that the Constable
will see to itthate the -Order. id eat -
vied out. The -ptcar iototiittion
And ,the speed limit 'Were too .often
disregarded 1144 alifriMer.
• .
' We CO'Webb, •: whose. dines's. W
mentioned last week, paesedeaway,
Victoria Hospital, Lerifion, on , We
riesdeY Itiet Week. •, lie• had "tincle
.gone an ,operation for rn.tstoid tre
big, but the shock to his .hyste-in.'w
eeo great, and he did not long • ati
•,ViVe. in Its 75th year. Th
funeral ovas.,,On Monday of this, we
service being:held: in the •Preabyter
lan -ahnres; laidknew; and''intermeri
in -Greenhill' 'Cemetery. '
MieeWebli's '-suciden e'n
death was quite suipilee to ama
who knew him, as when ho returae
frem a trip to Alberta, where lie.vie
lee& last 'fall,. he seemed very rebus
and cheerful for a
in of his age
His .wife who has not 'enjoyed •goo
health foie more than e ,year, is quit
'seriously at the horne • of he
ghter, Mrs. Allieer 11 ugiios.
:Betides a Widow, Mr: Webb leave
teve Sons: John Alberta;.and Mac
Kenzie of West Wawanesh, and on
daughter; Mrs, yuglie.sof Kinloss.
The late Mr. Webb wes one of th
early settlers of the St. Helens die
trioc: And a hard worker who exper
iericed 114 the vicissittides of -pioneer
life; doing his own 'building and re-
pairing impleniente in ' the early
days. ' ,About',six,Years age ,he and
his Wife- left the, farm end. carne to
live in .Ilucknow,..until Mrs. Webb's
illness:cOmPelled theni. to. go to lrye
with Mr. and•MrS: linghes . •
, o
United, Chureee.A.F.S.. ' -
: • The . Moak . Parliainent held ' its 'final
sitting for the Seeson on. Moriday,
evening, when an. amendment to the
.B.N:A. to admit Womento the Cana,:
dian Senate, and a resolution favor-
ing the erection of the•Euelenow Cen-_
tinpatien, School to the.stetue: of •,"'a
High ':Schioof,,,were silbjectS ,of dis-
cussion. The "Parliament" has.
Proved •a very_,Ateresifal,irnioiKation,
the iirOceedure 'and •discusions being .
:at once iestreptive and entertaining.'
Sittings will be reeareed in "Septem-
ber, following the' summer Vacation:,
.lenited-Church,Mission Band. ' a
Easter Thank -offering meeting was
held Monday, April 9th, With. a *good
attendance.. Miss Helen' lefeLeod Was.
inthe, chair, the president being. alj:i
sent. Mrs. Decker offered prayer.
Kathleen ,Ferrie read the iSeripture
lesson, Minutes ,:were reed and ,a-,:,
'denied. Roll cell- WaS *adiewered. by,
•\twenty-seven members. ' 'The -offer-
ing e was taken, Which amounted to
$3.00. Ireicitation. by Doris elitebiee
reading by 'Margaret 'Ilitebie. •114re..
W. P. Reed being absent, Mrs. Deck-
er gave a • short address, "What: the
,Faster . Message' Means to the' dhil
:dren." Miss Winnifred Armstrong.
pianist,, ' tee& charge of the inimical
.numheirs. Meethig Was closed by reL,
. .
peatifig• the Lord's Prayer in unison.
Presbyterian ‘ Guild: -
..The meeting on,Mondaec-Aprif 2nd
was in charge Of the Presidento The
Scripture was read by mn. .yirigg.
Readings Were 'given .•by Douglas
MacDonald. : Miss :Helen MacDonald
and Miss.torraine Bittlason. The mu-
sical numbers were 4 ieixed ,emartet,
et.nd an instrumental by Mrs. Mac -
Kendrick :and , Miss .DavisOn. ,Mr.,
MacDonald\ gave an Address, and Mr.
Donald .Grant give...the ' topic. At the
close. of th. Meeting the Guild' pre-
sented Mrs. MeeKenclrick with A .sill
ver tea ser fce. Douglaa MacDonald'
Made th O Presentation and Mr., Came
eron MacDonald reed to her the fel-
loWing addrespe-e- •
Mrs. Macieendriekoe
' We regretvery much that your .r.eL-
„cent-marriage necessitatee Yogi de-
eartere from .amopg, O.- , You .119i'79,
been an effielefit andfaithful organ-
ist, • and have • usedeyetil, Cod -given :
talent in the services , of the Church
en the' Sabbath and also le the Guild,
,We ask you, to accept ,this small; to-,
ken of our appreciatierket your eery..
ot be
ices, That you and your h
May have every happiness ' in year
new home is the sincere 'wish
el.—Signed on 'behalf •of the choir V
Mr. Horace .Aitchison, and on behelf
gthe Guild by Mr., Cameron .mac.,
. .
•The Meeting' oh ADM -6tliAita tak:,'
en by the .Devotional 'ContMittee. The
ehief feetute. of the -evening -.was.
showing lantern slide, illuseratirig
etkeeefeT,91.91en:elaPeree ateeeleereAm m erm.,
gettp:” The •Seriptere 1% -aa read bit
1Viiee Term, Careiek, readings .Were'
given by Mises Mae MacMaliOe and
Lorraine' 13rabson:' lqusical num-,
herswere a solo by is Winnifred
Afteleigon, a *chief, be. 11Ire. 'Steward
and °Miss Mary, Aiteleken, aed "a ffee I
leCtion-by 4 mixed qmirtet.
Easter visiterg et their homes here
inellidelo Misses W.; D. Rutherford Of
Timminge'irerie Weeds. ef: Geldene
Dorothy Webster
Park; Mabel. Woods of ilee clera
Woods of Guelph; 'Mary ,,',Durnin of.
Dungannon; Zylda' and Dorene Web-
ster and Lulu Wentherheare of Wieg- •
'ham. Margaret 'Thom c,f Lpekrfow;
and Mr. Lorne Webb of. Souiid
; Mr. 1Vlacl'hereeto of Poslineh, who
Weef.,,upe•to,oettend, the funeral ef the
late Mi-. C. Webb, 'was 'a:. •visitor.
with " his brothersrin-laW;,l'iretsre. D.
C. and Colin McDonald..
Mr„ Eady,Othe new baker ae. Dun-
gannon, .visited with • his epu,sins,
1VIessree' Ed. and George .111cRobe1ts..
Messrs. W. .Culbert and A.
ney are openclingothe Easter vacatidee
at their reenective homes .et Ripley
and Bluevele. • -
The 1VIissioe Band meeting, "whie
was postponed on account of the' bed,
weather, will be hem in the church.
'next Saturday afternoon.. •
Mr. John .•Webb Of -High River, Al-
berta," arrived 1iiii on Seiidey,. being
called here owiegete.tee death of his
father' and the seeknis illness of his
t h e mother l
old frimyends and neighbors feneral of .the W. C. Webb:
held at the Presbyterien 'Church;,
L. •
Lucknow, on AronclOY. • Mr. Webb un
derwent. an ,.operation. for Mastoid i
the London -hospital last Monday
Pneumonia set in and he died en th
Mrs: Webb is seriously illovvith very
slight •ehenees Or recovery-, makes it •
nartic.ularly -sad. , The . Mrs..
Upgeiee of Holyfood;:...John,,Of High.
River; Aleae.ahd MacKenzie on'.the,
'homestead; have. the eYierpathy of'
•rany friend. Mr; and Mrs. Webh
, , • ,
were highly respected residents of'
-this—VieinitY Until theirereinoral 'to
Tep,ckno%v •about sii.yeers • ago.
The; Geed Feidayo Service in -
Helene. United Church was well .„ate
tended by •both adultmembers, of the
congregation andoby2-the Children of,
the • Sabbath; ''.School. • ,feete
slideee (Hole's Eeater Service), beau-
tifully, deleted,. assisted •the minister::
in portraying the scenes enacted dur-
ing the last 'Week' of the Master's
life.': The service,.instreetive and de-
Votional in eharacter,. achieved its
end in- preparing the way for . the
Message of Easier Day., Despite the
'adverse 'weather •eonditione a "large
crowd -W-Or-e.hiei;edf at the ,:raoril'ing
service. The holidayseasen Afforded
St Helens an opportueity, of greet-.
Mg and, welcoming manY• of its mem-.
bersowhci are horee On vacation. The
minister; in lug. address; remarked, ,it
was not .so 11inch What, was said as
•what was ,felt that was important.
Taster serviceconceived as' an ..6P-
,portiinity,of sharing the Master's ex-
perience and entering into Mystic
Sweet • COMniuniori rceith' Him, Weald.
yield a soul, enrichment and fihled
.o.ree'e life with a peace andea. joy and
triuMph, which only the Risen ,end
Living. Christ could inspire. and com-
municate. He .further showed how
Teetis Meets men • today as truly, as
He did the women' and disciples. Of
•long .ago. He .:ineetsuS and His: pres7
Ince, persuades ••us of our great need,.
then He.proceeds•eo meet that need:
He nieete'in andnev't leaves us. IIe
is our light inthis life—our light at .
•eyentid.e; and He is the light of that
landwhich is fairer tliaieriley. 'A very
real assistance to the .service was.
Tendered by the quartette, •consisting
Gorge Stewaet; •Mraa H., G.
Whitfield, Messrs. Wm., Taylor and
IsaaA ,,The messages of their
•S'eTection rendered with great 'exPrese
semwere heard with Profit, • ,afid,
helped : to ,deepen the spiritual love of
the seryiee:.leoeoeete.,.4 ei.11-ips; daffo-
dils and snap dragons gave .a Pleas -
and• appropriate petting. " -
Mrs, D leap eGralieln, 2nd :Cone
spent a few days of %Met week witil
"er.daughter, Mrs:, W. F. Mdeponald.
'11,tiss :Margaret' Graham, Dorothy
,end AllamI spent lest •T.hureilay
• their grandthother, Mrs',
. • .•
'Miss Frances .MAciVee;. Who IS:,
. •,
teaehifige,heee-•Atiburti s- -6e-riding
her, holidays at herne.. ,
Mniray,,•2nd•Cen, spent -Snleer•
day cit the home of her tandle,
MisS, leette Jateline is epending.
few .days with ,i'Tiend41;1 Ktncardine,
Miss Olive ,itobbi. of :Potpie Grove,
is at, lionie for Easter belidaysa•
•,Mr. B. Wilkineen had veiy, ewe,
,ceseful sale la•e. Tuesday. He and his
Wife Will, remain on the farm 'tietil
Fall. •
Of HeAlth ; '
, , A' • " •
••• otTg morria . Qt.;:itraTy„ AND,
le'c'aP.' Veal . IneohiPleee Without GOOD. .nrirg A ,Our efuelitY,
ipnae. Matie, Whole Wheet 'and ,,etaisin:Ilreed 9,11:Pliiilee yeti! need., -
Heal th,
SPECIALSO. " " • • -
Dundee ekes, Fie 'leare; ?..vie,p19;•.we1nut Tarts, :Jelly. Rolls; ,ph.eisea
, Buns; Ben, Bouclie; Chocoleteelersh rallow • Cakes:, 'Raisin,. ,Pies.'•
. Phone '36.,
Lucknow, , Ont.
_IL=1. 4
. , .
e Heavy Border Top. Sox, per pair , . o.. , . • 23c.
Black or Airdele Stockings', per pair ,
2 and e --lib Helee, per pair e.......... .. 50c.'
Boys' • Ce::11,iinatiori Underwear, Per suit . ','75c.•
Print Shirts, fancy pattern ...1,:.......„ . . . ...' -98c.
131°m -rib'. Pane:, tweed pattern.......“...... ...ie.'. $1.98. '
Open. Knee Pf..`,..:s .............',... 0 0 :,.... :'...•.... 79e.
Pulleover Sweaters, button tec.k .....,....; . $1.19.
Fit14.1' tape, your size is here. , ........,.:` .. .. 95c. ..
_ , .....
lire& E Buswell
AP 'III12-13-14
411eorge Sidney and 'Charlie
• Murray in"
, Comedy.
Admission, 35c. & 20c.
APRIL 30—MAY 1-2
Ge Tunney and Jack .Demp-
• sey
With Feature & Comedy.
. .To the Farmers
Eat the best meal in town at
The Cain Mouse
for the email sum of • ,
• •
-fifty Cents.
Always' geed ,, Seryieee •
• We have 'aCcoinedation._,,,„..„
'.I.,ucknow, Lodge; 1 O0 F, will 'at-
tend' diVirice: Serviee in a body„ at the.
Luknow United ,Church,' ,e_rieSundrieree
piil•22nd, at eleven o'clock a in All
membersef ,the Order, ore. 'toidiellY.
•Invited.te attteed,
..Je%vel• -Rebekah 1.4(i.g?... .:%1VIO11111O1'.:
,iiI please..aaseirible ,,at. the .Locigo
Room :at 10.30 d,"clocle. •,(19e4,e)
• .6 ci.o—.
A meeting of .thk Clwiil ociety.
Will be held in •the. Council ,Charebee
Fridey ening, Aped' 13til; at
eight b'elocic.' Rehearseartii vusin9..ss.
;ell.,,Members. ate' teged be'Present.
Tluilson—At he1 Tato' lesiclence, 22
Clrassmere Rod, Towne:6c or ;April .
3, 1928, . Aliee.lellteevaelilite, be
roved wife oe'Grorge W. •I-Irdson; The
11101111 S Or( S tu ttl y, Aeril '7, to
rarle 1anne'•Ccenctery,. Mr. 1 ITudeozi,
a foemer:resident • of •eeer Luck -
TEN DreleS W N TED .
-Teeclare will be reeeiVed by. the km-
dersigned 'until. A pril 2 o st.iill'eio„
•he l'reAIo•terian nurb. AVIitte-
oTeir.eie, „ Lowest Ir Any leerierIt
ellecassaVi leoeaeeepted. • -eTeehieee5-o,.C•troigl,-,
1\Thitechurch Se(eetery • •
.( 1 0-4)
'rho 'traille by.law, of' the Village, of
T r'k 1.1.6W w in be stri tl eiitorced.
•T'rivere of .moter volifcles are re-
onoSted to obet•Vo the stole • sighe,
whieb Mean -"STOP", not "SLOW
DOWN". , ' •-';19-4L•e)
AtEmoizIAn ."
In ecid '-eut eweeteet ecieembrance
of our dear •Iwile -• and mother, Mrs.
Jessie Lyenso,,who passed aveay Ap-
ril- etfe 1924,.• •
.00thing can ever take away. ,
• • The 'hive a heart holds dear.
Fond .memories lingeee.every .day,
:Remembrance' 'keeps- her near..
eo• . ,•• —Feandly,
Carter—In ever loving - memory of
our Dear -Husband and Father Hen-
ry •Carter, who departed this life one, e
fear ago' . April 17, 1927. '
Nothing knit memories as We journey.
•, Longing ,for e smile emel -a ,face
• 'that is gone.' ' •
.Non o knew the depths of Our regret,
- Butwe remember: and . shall never '
Friends are friends' when 'theY...are• .
we lost Bit bst .our :best friend when
weolOst yotr. ;• ,' •
Not a murrhur, not j.1, sigh
•-Passed eouzo lips as death •
• r
As You- lived so you 'died, •
Cheerful,, re -id e and satisfied.
Death often colhea_to ...make us know
We love, more 'dearly than we
1.3ute1ove in death should • make us,
What leve in life ebould eleveys‘ be
by Wife and ;Family.
Mrg. Wilfred Hoffman :end daugh-
tere, Will: and Anita, are spending
tee oliolideys with- relatives-,:hem-7----
Mjsi Betyl.Johnston is spending;
theetaseer acation-•ki•ith her mint,:
L'AlTea. Lottie White; in Alen treal..
Home •idi, the bolidays•i—Mr. Fin• -
lay Shackleton of Germania ne • 1VIiss
'Alice Slieckleten bf ,Straitord. Niir
Mal; • eMiss eGraCe • Blake:: of . i
'ehureh';" Miss Glivo: XiipaOkk, . ‘V.ripg-
yaiii - High . Selidol;,.. Eliner.,Jelhnevan
and Tom lienee of Lucknow Contin
, mitinp. School.
Me, aed,Mrg,-Audere Teeft•of Cate; ,
• boro; ' epeef, -,the • week end ' with:, Mr,'
and Mrs; Jas., 'Culbert and . Mr., R. •
• . - . ,
Aivx/.,'.shkioto,n.r..' ., 0
. •.Sti,d.npy • BroWii spent Mendey a
Bet Your ,Stloply Now
• Witll Arbur Spting 'Work
Geo. S Robertson