HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-22, Page 4Ootwoitil
.inItht) ,hY4.1eetion rbeld here on
1,111441' every ThursdaY sneridng,
W.edneSdaY, .14t4w.eek tO fill the
'vacancy on the Town Council Board; Lnamnr:i Ontario-
' canned PY the death of Mr- Clirt$
D, Macjenamaitc,rix:plietar.
Lpn, waa the. supeessful canals
• t
dates ' There :were' thrie Tuns;
Aings Measra- • Crefts ond' Veser.
OW el a total:Note o15), :Tien tot
€03-e-alintisst half*the biat gilt!
and Moses '372, Mr, Lee;
been hi the 'council' :before . amaYlast
ear be s ebirn.c4 th b1ic..410.1 theca, Or at hosineis4es
•evidentlY 'gaVe genl
Mr. Moser sao. had Prerik• *Es nuan
s pal experience, and ,Mr.: Cieft, 'was a
• 00.Tawkt. itkai*,1.2.ti4,*rizg
liest'i or, „S-,h_teild
Rreselen:• areiears.: tit; has* Ohrise; nrion,
.1,*•,i.j.p4is *0.. he'
n. 'Ova tbxt there': are noW. in' ;the
Attempted Burglary.,
• • „,
4, The gr.oeery stpre of Ner
Ewen; on • thesSmi,are, Wass entefett
"laseEridaY!siight 'betweenw 6 44 10.
o'cloek and the I:Orgies' narrowly ',,ZS7
ceped being -caught. Mr. It C.:Thins
lop was passing the Store when ' he
• noticed a -man at the cash register in
the front, .-Part of the .1seil4ipg., The
• burglar, noticing Mr. punlon ..looking
• at him, mane a 'hurried exit throhgh
door at -the rear of the store, Which
-hehad open ,in Making his ,en4
trance. Mr: Dunlop went aiound,ste
*therear of . the lalOCk: to , intercept'
. him,: 'but.'the burglar. got out to the
• street. an the', other side. Of 'the Welt,
and though Mr. Dinka gave.:chase,
the intrudei ...escaped Withinit being
• . 'caught, or identified, cash was
stranger/lid not get the
•• register open. ' ,This isthe second
time '.stfice, New Year's:that • M. • Me-
.Ewen'e 'store has been 'entered. Early
in January someone .13reke into the:
stare andtook. about, $100 from the
cash, register. • ..'
S. Merningtot, who. conducts ; a
, einall 'store,* the Wdst end' Of :town,
reportedAhat a eonsiderableeunn of
nieney haft been taken' from his till
s during Friday- night
tint ir,:atsow sarmatt,
ese tsitislot Izadler'de did nothing
and do „nothing for 'the moneys they
gets. rie., Penele in general have ere
;Med that whole Value; end itlooks
Elie *Pond *Mumma that the annual
we'rtli of itt should go back t? the
.v.xlcolk'NA0t.a.,;SY'EUP' 419)
, ".•SLGAR
r.'Of,!#e cAPAi •to
Not Xinerica the .Iddiene who lived
'In 'vrpoded Section's- of theseentis
thia art of making
Or141:,eltd, sugar frany!the sap of ;the
.rriapte and 'birch trees, and' it was
from thern that tht..eff.13,!•:' 131014rig:''
attaiSzi!.*at,:-ffyiir.1,414$41: unemplei- lent'nesi :heir to *AMOY:- themseir4a:"
With this very' ekeint article of coeds
NiTitlithe 'Indian the making.of syr-
. • ..• - OP' „mast have. been VerY leliralens
Workers, • as 'here uted Maysie taken
.. • ,, • • . • • , • ; task ; Theys could lap the;..troes•:.iith
theirflint. hatebete sPiles'. and,
,buckete hadt�b.made fronr !sheets
Of bark from:,the paper biicb.s.And
the. boiling down ;would. be done in
boom for ten years
state of `'., • Land -. . •
• their 'erode earthen pots. • , ' '; ;••
value, s(city: lend values especially) "
While on a• trip • • the.. peace
°Wagee,„ salaries dial' the .ceet,of.„ liv-
River country in 1$68, the weiter sans
ing have heen: going up.' and. Up.
small ° birch trees.'whiCh 'had been tsp.,,
all the. large . cities throughout the
pedhi the Indians that season, 'The•
Country A. " yemendons amount Of
trees had . been notched •• With ''san .axe
buildrng has ben " piing' on in spite '
and below the notch. the. tough ...bark
. .. • .
of the fact that chie to advances • in •
labor costs, --•seven , to ten dollars per
day.: laborers, • and ' ten -• to sixteen
dollars t tradesmen—the.": cest. of '
erecting buildings of .all Worts has be-
come tremendous. To make- returns'
of this. Original Cost . 'higher tents
'mast .he• paid, and: at lastbUshieSS
has been crusbed Under the weight', .
' It is said that the .
buliding busi-
ness is dull • thies,..seaSen, 'Linder the• .
baom:' conditions -during, Which ' alitioet
anythiiii,and everything
inghas: beenovertioneandsth,eshoostss
ing :of :land' Values has ,been overdone
and.np*, there is. something approach
• ing. stagnation.
• This have a .tremeadmis 'effects• .
ThisOf 1:11thet these millicina have
P.-437--°4,717" .• betight%itinte-*iyinentar*hichnew-
• • : DRE.N,I0p,,e'„,EA,NOMASTExt , cannot be-.' made. , Think 'of their lese,
pwAs. mejejneEVIIETS',STV$1
•-• • • '-•..•••: • ••• • of • course, hut Mit itAhe ',classy
•, The 'Walkerton. lieraldA'nree•.gives 4aUrOtitO,l'Oefe lfiey: have beeasfeed-:
the .11101PWilig'. livery 'What' :the ' clothes, the 8.107'
.4.;cts, the talking
, .Whe." Undertook to assist doinity fhechinesS the. teYe and the other gee-,
'Tp:Wies-orslies4.0.: • . ' • gaWsstheY• will net buy 1 hinko the
AS•thrillee not '•• Petisr.41ed ;for, on the ,effect that their failure la pay .will
• • ,progtenis 'occurred • ats.the,;Band•Cen-,. ,have on •the ObiswhiCh have en
cert.*. the 'Opera Heine here. On tritrusted them with all 'earl§ Of things.
sday :night, When tintieg, the *rendition.° 'These 'cannot. 'get' „their .money, and
..of • 4"Aviiii DOWn. "Upen' 'the ..Sviapee. theysdonlswitetth.e.goodeshaelts_Tlieirs'
r • '
by ;the Knox Freslosterian. !, ,usineFis will alsoco, down. They .will.
Male quartette, composed of Rev R .discharge every 'assistant not ',needed,
.G. ..MCKey, and Messrs Iap. Groh. thee adding to the army of..unemploys
Bert ,..Sycaisiore., and, 'Jack.Fruin,. a ed.. The fourmilfiens is but 'a. begin.:
Pelmereton'. hataishian panted;sHerry rung s This .tieniy:.,efseingiiiploy.ed wil
Srnith; Who- eaineup to help out the row- like the on-relling avalanche.
• ' local nitieiciani,. Maidenly. tumbled off Some will say it is the Pr,esideetied.
.his chair With his inetrument-! and e'cctions ethers will say it le the:, time.
, 'ctashed4O,',the. Stage platform: Whes payment plan others :will .say it is
•therth.eSPaliiierstoniars: wes dream- he auittnnobile ;, others,. it; is the gen
ing, about.'"the•riusician,,Whe,. While •ral • extravegantessBot it is ..nat." any
: • Playing .. '`A-svey. Down . fJpOn "the ne of these. It is the natural: swing!
,SWenee 'if the pendulum. Since' the rapid de-.
is unknown, but he eertainly • 'made . •eleriment of the country .set in there
; the . affair `leek :like' an illuStrated 'las been' a:steady ,repetition Of good
song When he went down -with his in-: 'imee and dull times; and. it May well:
Stradient.•.'Ori%the ataga:--at;the.,- Very re- suspected that the one . conditions
time that :the Presbytetians, Were .198 something, . :if not 'all • do', . in:.
: holding .onto the. refrain, "A=W-a4f• •producing . the other, ,
• .
.• • " Let the man'Who•has,faith-in high
The cnitaiii • at • this 'juncture, was orotectiveSteriffs„ ".take, notice that •
immedialelY lowered. . and while the,high•teriffe liaVe net eaved. the'Unit-
quartette ...centinited to carry' on • „in rI ,States .frern A regular,. succession
s•front of the big blind;• 'different •f, •business depreesibn,, seinewhere.;
. _
• .kied.. of .•performance ,wes; going; on about • ten •.years apart, neither Weuld'
". behind the Scene wheize,(:',1filef free trade policy- have saved it NO
. son had the:instrumentalist under :ar- trade:.policy :ter' banking •aystem,
• rest,' and Was ',marchinghim'. off the would; eave it 1., •
- %stage ": to the town lockup sjuit., as There' are those :who say that the
many an actor in dtaina has Made- rise in, and, the private •appropriation
his • exit "under escort of .the °' stage of , land vaineeS is. :the s,furideniental.
olice'nan, ,t • •caneeilthete is much to be said Ede,.
After'btipking fol.:the...night on the • this:theory, and it certainly is 'A co&'
.Soft, aide of „a:spine-hoard' in the town tributing cause,and: the chief cause. '
". Cohn,. the Painierstonian w6s; ushered, Everybody •:knows that while binds •
. into • the "spresence of: , Magistrate!, nese ingobd Jand yeluess .(thet is
• Welker before_ •whom. he ple'idd marnly city land Velues) "movestead-
guilty , to a drunk charge ; and was lly Upward. 'Witness the 'curlier lots,
niiilcted, $15 and Oita, or a totat, ea- .:("yr near corner lotsin Toronto It •does.
• seasnieet of $20 for the offence.. • sot . Matter . whether a . well %located
Whatever .dramatic ,effect' the ' ...es.inese lot has la heild:ng on it or
• cerienee -may have :had • :it the',.con- ' het, 'itSsvalue 'goes an 'juet, the same
Cert on . Friday night,' the tench ," in. The :owner ,° does 'nothing to qdd to
.thepo1kcourt :should have a 'deter- • ;that value:. To -nay it •is worth :two
rent effeet upon any outgide talent thousandsdollare, next, "sear it „is
,tdking a flop, on the 'stage when it ,.i.vorth: tea • thousand; and the 'Mit .
ii.,ro,vided for on. the prog,rain.", thiSty thousand, and by-and-by a mil-.
• lion dollars; although the, ol,incr; hes,
d�ne nOthing taniake lt More Vela.:
able Business has: been'. ,good,..erict' the'
lot presents a., goad, stand en whieh,,
to do •IiiisiuesS.•••Soreehody Will. pay' e
thilli�n dollars for the opportunity,.,
Uut • that mi1ion dollar,has not been •
earned hy .the owner. , He i3 just,in a
position to eat'it from the Man Who
'wishes. to, do. .business there. id this.
way an army • Of, idle landowners—.
• many. I:dither/I grOW,a
up in the country. 'Wherever btieiness
Is rigood, lie?' gra* reie77ifiriTcliet
thse value .Of,thf Lr:holdings
anct• up,. Although they, tell ',apt
. .
'n tner .00 'they smite ' • ,
be dime, about 'Thete
at :, tlidSe :Whey eay that the "amitial
wOrth. of Ala. land 'Value Ought fp be
paid. to our varieds goveriiiiiintsIn
p14100 et ,texes and that' taxation
404 AO. 04 Own to ibat 044.
ecligiear ten per cents. of the whole
unetber of 'workers in-tha:tenntry.
.to. Mean wage-earners. • ' .
There is httle wonder that a inki-
ness 'depressionhas set in. The busi-
ness 'cif the country ias been in a
...ion•es" gloOrny cle-cided.
to turrCoeer" a new leaf so he went
home whistling, kissed his wife and•
thc kids, then proceeded Le shave and
clean., up for dinner. When ti r'eal
wol over, he insistedan svall'!nrs• 1„;:se..
dishes . arid sangslustily as wife
• looked on with .ensazethent., The job
•IfInished he tebk. off his kitchen 'apron
. l*d found his' better half. in .teepl.:,, •:,
'e inatfer "'MY'
,clearI he asked. •
• "OIL evetythings gone wroni4:
She id. "The clothes iine:
broke and let :the wash -down in 'the
• dirt, The _twins got into a 'fight. at
seheel, and cam'e. 'borne With black
eYes. Mary e1 dewil and tete her
dreseand in cap the eihritoi, here, y.04
hOUit 4elittIr."
had beenTcut, and curled upifl away
.to form a „Short spout 'pier which the
sap: tan and . ,drepped: into a small• .
bOWI-like '.vesiel made, else from ' the,
silver, or paper birch. The bark had
been taken in sheets from the trunk •
of • the tree, , tie sides.:' and ends bent
upwards .a n d ingenuous ly ,faitened
with splinters Of weed. the, size of a
toothpick:,Someof these° bark veesels,..
.w9uhf not: hold- '1110111e than two or
• ee: .euptula;., others-, would- hold:
• three or four' times as much. .
-7,01f-Lesser Slave Lake- an Indian
:mete alongside iii hisecanoe and, offer-
ed to trade • a quantity Of. syrup for
tea Or tobacco. He would •have qe •
sample the syrup, and to ayoid. giv-
ing !offence, wellid O:It was 'sweet,
but, was • very dark in color and had
, . • .
burned -sugar. taste: Needlees to Say "
•we .didt.,not trade„. , ' ; r• :• ",
The white man, introduced the large
•Pan 'eugarltettle and throughout the
pioneering perad: these • Sesiended:
Over in ()Pen fire were ivied' in reduc-
ing the eap. te sirup:or suger. It, ap-
pear that in the early.daYe*ef. settle-
„, • _,_ •
ine.nt in .Oetario, Quebec, and the New
-(white men -do not appear to have.
.used birch sap tor any great extent):
was the ouJweetening that 'the
...,:eople had, and it Was used. On the
akle and for.',Oreserying fruits. dt
;was imade sn large cakes and when
required for ...use: a'quantity was
• •
eeraped .• leaving'
it. In a powdered- condiCon.. 'It was .a
laborious ' way Of getting sig, and
• .
there would be good and -bad seasons
as now. • -
In these days the trees werestap-
, , ,
ped as the Indians had tapped them
.—a notch. being cue .with an axe, at
two pr'. three...feet ,above the :ground;
Belo* this ,'notc,h. ans ire.oa gaage a-
bout • tWO inches.° wide was :drivesn in-
to the- tree tnakine; a. slot. inta.which;
was driven a wooden slide which con-
. • . • •
veyed the sap :clear of tliesroote of,
the tree "...Where it ;dropped; into a
trough Made by hollowin out a Fh rt
section of tree trunk of convenient
siie Froni, these the sap was gather,
ad in pails. and carried bv:hand to
. . .
the camp where the "s,' Open kettle's
hung. , , , •
Liter eanie • the• large evaporating
lens . installed in a -permanent build-
ing Where everything ,' can be, keit
•dean. With these came the small !ran
piles , with Cif buckets. •atta.elied:
These. were ,' 'Much leis damaging lo
• the trees' th, en,the noted Used in. the
• early days:/ln the perm:anent. sugar
' bushes rixadi were :,cut and 'horses
were used to convey the sap to the
evaporator. • In some places ,,•where
the land is on .2 slope the :labor. of •
• so"lecting the sap was efietieated,
•Syetems of 'Pipes are , installed, Con.:
• neeting 'thg...trees With a central pipe
•which ;,leallia t� evaporator, ^suet'
Ceder.; Placed -at "the' bottom • of the
• This 'i a great change . from the
pioneer *methods. It i3 economical,!
•laher-slaV,ing and •clan. it is baginess
but it deptives. maple sugar Making
, of all the sweet ronianceitli Which.'
it was surrounded .and glorifiedin pi,
.Oheer days. •
,(Toronto Saturday.Night) •
.. • • ,
• Evetesince New York State adopt-
ed thes,Marfin,Actand other ;states
placed in .effeet ..antiefraed
laws ,possessing teal teeth, certain,
ind • Qii,ebee, have been • the • happY
hunting •grouride of dislonest ,stock ,
',and', bend -Saleam en -froM of :the'
'border.' The epetationi of .the gent.
ry, added to .these of tho bone -grown
vaiety 4iav� cot innocent Canadian
-investord -and; leiltimate Canadian en:
terprise Uto1d millions of !toilers,
of both Ontsito ,anti 4noboo SrS NOW
TrtUrtgriA,Y. MARC1,12n4., i9211
censIdering bilis that are, designed to;
place t! cheek uPon. • fuither fraudu
lent practices IA the, sales of seeuris
tiesq4 '
In Quebec, the, lion.4itcoh.
'I'reaearer, le' sponsoring. a
•bill, providing for the licensing of all
tock h ersad, saleSseen
.•aued in On-:
rio$Ite•Ho*.wi 11. Price; Attorney.
General, has intredrite4,. a, gompres
'ieneiVe ants-frann,' ine'estires evident"
she-Prodnct Of a greatdalgate-
fel • thought and :study„ :is' StCt.t
to be a CoalVnition ,„ of. :Ontariei'i,
awn experience :with the good pointi,
boths;ins "the.
qi,14te(4 States anI the.t;.: cana4son'
)reinces,. It ,requires all. hrelters.and
;tack' salesmen to register,I,giy0. the •
AttOtney-General very tile powere
:::•,?Usip4ePled4i-fprovidesfoia•t.'esei 70ehni*achl tiefrs4:4d s-
powers The Suprenie, •douit of 'Ontar-
io to enjoinsenYl,hrelcere or salesmen
.froni trading in securities 1f it.' is
;ound they have been acting' . in a
!raudulent. :way, .:and • authorizes
' legietrar to reimiteeveiry hrokeriiie
irns" selling OctiritiesSte file with.
1, statement"of the seesairities
Sold and the reprets. enstetions on Which:
they.are heieg sold. The latter; .1rP
sidentaily, is a Particelarly Impertant
'Vint, as ,it• will provide a basis op
which to prove misrepresentation, al-'
• . . ,
• ways one of the chief delleulties.
The Act ., -is bread .as, well as.' d:rass
tic; and should be effective if . the
• .kttoreeY-GeneralisDePartroent • ids
rripistere' if with `, judgment
and...efficiency: ',As tO -„.thiS.;there is
714' &Obi .re*Oi-Oriig-iffe:.hiteiitions of
Piice. e•-keve Quebec// a • Aped
several: • metitha' agohY, in.
anceession a number Of. Ontario', brok-:'
erage firms: suspected • ef dishonest.
eractiCes and iindoubtedlys snceeecled.
in driyings,a ireat many • creolth -,eut.°
-9PVirl;y11:may be presunied that Mr.'
Price -end, hie,',etaff .;know :jt,iat, what
they 'heed tte-make;-Their v•icrly 'mote .
e ectiv „„. .
14 terriaine: to '1,:se Seen just how fir!
the Quebe.inedriterip 'acts ieen be
;nade.upPlieable toebriips‘nieslneor
porateduriger;the,laWs the'Doinins
'lop. In the .past this has •beenf one of
the chief ...ohstaefeS., to .effeetive cosis
trol by proyinCier,erithprities, , flows
ever, on".the occasion of the • resent ,
.Sonference,•of larovincial_:premiets. at
..OtteWit. the Dominion '',GOVetiffnelit's
represeetatives-, give definite' assur-
ance thatlegiliatleir`"nronkt te endt-:'
to tentedy-thi'i,:situation.
• , • ,
- At a sesio'n Of the Legisdature last: ;
'reek; „Leonsild Conserva-
tive member for Smith, , York, Intro-
duced. 'a subject ,which .
•dorsed by, •11 responsible mptoriats,,
and of course it is :.preerened to
• the irteeponeibleelass, Says the
'Aeion Wei -"Press.,
',Mr/her-9f _people drieings eeeonds-
:handinOter ;Cars•Wt
; and o
tesPo.dsible hyheri . • they',
darease to nersOn :or Property
�thers, is a serious nieriace.in
geet,e(i. front e.,laW.I.ef
TTan,eshires W,h! h.:Are...eires; a'. bond, ,of.
$5,000' from the defendant.' provided
preliminary investigation shoWe.him
in any .degree to 'blame er, in default,.
'hereof his susPend',.
ed-,,a.e.well as registrationsf. any ino:.
.1 -or Vohicle listed' its his ,name. In
dealing With bankrtipt•seStstes,".;" lsr
Said: 4we fled thatftri'e' thing. the
hnrikrunt..' fields, most closely to his
hosOto Th .thcfan11y carwLijih iit'
'le .his help in .blit'Siness... If, .we ceuld„'
:leprive the-moteristof kiz Cat., Pend -
in; trial, �f accident think
see *Mild bring lieniethe serieusness
sf the, sithatian.T.rf. they..a're, not .able
to .fernish, bond, for the namagesS
eeetained. hy the Ainforteriate • ,in ,
that'. kind; no '.ono •will. pity
them. they, have: te ;ferego 'rise
of that '"inetof car nntil :trial of :the
.action is :in hand: 1 'hope that the
Minister ef J-lieliWev's`. sse
clear to set setae :committee
enquir3i'.13oard, to Make n Suprf.i.y.,. of .
.ro,7oblern see ir :sornethi0
eannot hedone to -meat'tly. situation:"
Mr: Macau1ar refe.ried,to the Massa-
etts Cern 'Users : insiitanee' law,
under which niOtist5 reeisferihe
theirvehicles .must ohtaln Iiabflity
''eliSsr of It5,600.°or $10,000, or abond
eXecutea by a surety eomPani, • ' or
?jse deposit $5,00 Cash. fle adinitted
'hat these • wsre really Obisetione. ,tn
the method, 'hoo,over, and.suo.t'6sted
• in,tead. tfo dentivint%of 11,v, defd.
ant ninite,o1'ie,4t :ot bit eite,• Mr: ...Mtic:.•
ai•Lte..ti mindq,
of inallyssind the, leereeses; in the
:number ;of riesidentS. eansed-ly irte.
• 4toonsibrie pateties, -inakei • -;dee•ent'
that some lutastii"eS• niust bedeiified.
te 'safeguard the • meter-
isfs freinstlibee menaces of !the : toad,
The .eliggestiOn he pots forth seems
rather Old' and reply would, weloonie
• •ONT4R110
'Coptimied fuse, -Page 1 ,
ort Bay and .ToronIo- This nerth-
ern 7extension passe e over flat
country, without mlneral Wealth, but
wheregteat deposits . of • valuable
clays PaYe heen,ftnInd- • . ,
' 4Con 1:le way, seuth ,Me. Cameron.
turned: :westward ,froitCNoeth Bay. to
Sudbury, . This. is anotherof the
rich 800 whieh. early .ealled atteit
tion,"tis.:thenortliere country.' 'It .lias„,
icing” been ',:faroed, fer'ite In'ickle 'Mines:
--the greateet in the world—but late-
, . . „ . . .
ly the rock'e:* that 'regtoo. have` beei,
found to be rielvin..gepper, zinc .and
iron :0sWeI,40:.that Sudbury : is like-
IY • to remain:, art, impoitaet mining.
centre for manysyears to ,come.., Suds'
hursishas a populatioe ofabout 12,-
600, such as- .g, ether into •miningtewns
• and: railway centres..
• The 10'oele• of New Ontario „repre-,
sent .• meny'hationalities; . With 'a - verY
large in?usioe of 'Quebec ; French who
have. drifted Westward to. wOrk in the
luniber ,and'' pulimood .caraps end in,
the Mines. But there are ;many Eng,
USA -speaking •Canadian d as well, •and
generally these ate. in charge of:af-
fairs. He found churches established
, .
and active in all the places he visits
ed In many places new and seg.'.
etential .clasegh ' buildings, hive_iseen,
"Srected-.. In short, the Whcle district
is one. of, greet proinise, A• great
draidsack is the short Sunim$r: sea -
but theresis hope that With the
clearing of the, land this 'Masi:beim:-
'proved; There is no question 'esto
the fertility of the land, and eirly-
metering. vegetables and. grains'clin
produced in abendanea. 'it is a
land of deep show, but the snow is
usually dry and easy to. trevel. thru.
.There are low- temperetiiree, but, as
• they the, West, "Yon -den% feel
;it." Mr. Cameron-eanie' to realize the
truth of this,. as theieold was e not,
more disagreeable than here, altho
the temperature was lower:- The snow
heiress dry...4nd" light, 'heir4e readily ,
--spirels-the r on gliitssansissthe
„railways .are ;not so ,much :troubled
with drifting: snow -as tthey are ,
Bruce snow 'belt example
• e • •
. •
, .
Seed should be Sewn evenly and . at equel depths ,,to ..,obtChothen•
best :„ results... The McCormick -Deer ing" . discs or hoes sPlain Or-
fertiliiier drill is a 'Combination of the two most polialar. drills. '
They are famed for their light 'drift, strong ',frame, and 'eetivenr• •
ient, pure adjustments. 'Call and see' the best graindrill- on the
market, at
(Froth: Thp Huron :tkr$ositoy).. .
People have bedeme' so .accitstoined.
to•••••reatlitig Aii.-therclaily7papers.;•-about-
:near fatal ,and.,;fital Rioter 7.aceidents-
- ad': the Piiblie highways that they have
come to 'entertain them, ,if net, with
inailference, with 'certain -lack.' of
interest; and tertalitly.iwitheat any
feeling, of responsibilityin the 'mists
ter," The accident Or 'the ,fatality
zurred in a different part of the Prov-
ince,. and the :4ictini. and Ca!Prit were
:alike, unknown.. It. .could.:: net- be,.
..helped...wliy• bather about it?. .
is When, a 'fittiqitY of thaskind
conies home, as it did' ts thil e'sanin
munity this. weeks when Williani. key
and his four year Old dangliter, Jean
were ,both instantly killed by the.
driver -of ,a fasttravelling motorcar,
who did ;not. even 'Slacken •speed, 'but
went�ii•hia Way.,,. leaving. the; dead
and' Mutilated :bodies the roadside,
'that he- pePele of any community are
. .
brought face to faee: With tite.horror •
. . • . .
it it. When. they Vegin. to think set'-
, . ,
louely cif ',public o.fety• on the •1 high -
:55 :and •Whewthey begin. to. Wonder
'bow a such things ,can happen, ,end
whet; mnet • be. done tabrog ,ttin.
• ,
mediate :end, to the :ever inereasiet,
lentil :tell, • . '• ;
-7‘fhate is 'only one, .sur„e. eure that
knowef and that ia 'fbt every Car.
.11;nei and t:driver to takess a greater
. . I
.interest s tthe enforcemeet of 'treffie
lis, to insist that, cars ore driven as-
. ,
':hey -,should be .driven, .in. his own
ay eela,r earnmenity. Local
the: Pio.vineial_ police the Provin-
;.dai Depertment are doing:
hei duty in this respect as far•fts it
s possible for thein todo it; but
vithout the solid backing•of :the .pee-,
•dle in every pednicipality in the :Prov:7•.
•'nee, :they %NM never be • able to put
lown the Menace to •li,fe that exists,
.leday 'en the toads of this Province.
The 'hit and run 'evil -Mai Whe fig.,
ttred in' Sunday 'night's . tragedy' is
Fagitel:V.I.:CI OhaventaiiO,h
eenilsann6A Int'd
' whether iietitie St foreign,.
but "at the same time, all hit andrun
fiends are. not bootieg,gers. '. Every
inuniCipality 'has., One, ,sotnetiMeS •sevr•
'oral characters in its midst who .are
noted fOr teekless and careless Oily-
. Often i'oeng • fellowstde often
driVere, of cersthtefe. old, or unre-
liable ,9r whose flights are poor,
qiey i!aCe 'ttloiig• the toads #1.nri place
to place taking chances:always. They'
have no particular bu"sinessi they are'
•'eine. no 'Pliefeihpartihilar; they
should not be. in any: pattictilathur-
ty;'15,ut, they
•,—; they:. ore tfie- ,:e.otanfr,q. of „the bit
and run driVer...YTithy not „pot
:tieWn how? • •
Every driver of a 1110f:tit "cat is
shle th'entose. an aecident, ho 'Metter
how careful lie may be, but every
'4river can be a Man, '1 00
,placa . for .tha
-OW Orirefi Or :001$110wok
PhoneNo.atYour Service
We Selllor Cash -We. Sell Cheaper Than The credit Store
There is money, in poultry.' A few years 'ago the ' farniees
-wife raised,, a small flock •of poultry' for pin nioneY—today it in a
Profitableluisinies, and ceii he 'made more 1rofitable'•:,14 using an
IDEAL INCUBATORS, are fitted with patented egg taming
trays are Perfect in construction, and are guaranteed to hatch,' -a
high percentage.
They are ells° the cheapest high -grade -Incubator on the market.
As to•Brooders we -are, pleased to announce a reduction in -price.
500 'Chick . Size. ...
• l000 Chick Size...
, . , •
eating, PInnthing and Electric Wi in
• The Teeewetels News..of sleet,. week.
.,hait:the fOldowing.,stery: •
.• "To help Well that 'seventeen and,
.half rnillions �f Ontario's thirst,
'bill and increase the profits' .to the
•Previnee, i'eouple of residents-wqt.,
•of ,Teeswater,'. possibly ,way ,Over . in
,KinlOss. soine, Place they Won't tell .
Where, went to Formosa brewery lest ,
• Setardey:' end 'purchaseda keg the . .
Orystal., Springs • thirst,. quencheeand
proceeded to Tees water: Here they'
parked the 'ring, cutten and keg in the
Presbyterian Stables.: . One was , left
• . •
on "sentry linty,••.while the :ether was
'around ,the ',street. on. •private busi-
ness. But 'nip gone tolong : the
sentry:not being a well trairied sent-
r.y, started ent, to, leok, for his part-
• ,
het of: the ends and inthe few min,-
utes he Was away, the CrlefilY, :With
,an eye for businessand a taste ,fer.
the, cup that- cheers, " helfied them-
selves or himself (whish?) ": to , the
keg and its centents whole
vanished. Well, a "cieil war Started
unrnediatelY . they discoveted the
• .
spoils wee ' germ, and,thua- the, Pub-
lic were. aware that sOreething,grook.
ed had transpired When "the ;,,verhal •
bembardreent started , hetween 'the
two. 'Ilia sm oke. clears(' away and
the darnage, reSelted, in the sentry'S
irdured feelings and ndepleted .1)Ork.;
et book With nothing to 'show for the •
money. spent. From sommon strse
hearsey, • , we 'ennerstahrl they cant
;eStitiite proceedings,, •lot it is al-
leged the keg had • been , tapped erj..
route between the brewery' and Ti`Pg.
,Vater, *Mais an oftetwe against
the: law, Mut ilea nut the quietus on
.1130. nireir:.• Teeswater isn't a. •plittie-
dangeretis placefor misdeal-
the • pair , will. be ,mOre ,cireful, of
"their Sunday Suds when they come,
'through 'Iloarrater 'Saturday."
• '
.:Judge --"But if youiveronq
to steal' the chickens, why, were you
in tlie:ceop?" •
SliMbeerl Wit litilt,testisk lush
i4110PITOlo 44111$11 40011
Is till* true
of your 'town.
• Just as there are farmers' o
whp Make very &nod money
• by intensively cultivating
- few [lave, so there are, men; •
chants in small towns' who
, do a .surprisingly large busi-
zieSto '
sOf coarse, they too eultivitee,
' their territory .. intensively. ••.••
They '• don't wait for their ,
customers to Come. to them, •
• ,-;they go to their, Custoiners
with frequent offers of what
• they know will tempt them. •
And they seem to sell every •
" So regularly do, they lceep in
• toueb..iith . their , customers
• that.jtheir offera.Of merchand
•'-dise are eagerly awaited, and
are reed as if they were news
-•svthich •they are.
These merchant a use Long ,
• Distance frequently,,to order
goods for prompt Shipment
or •to fill in sizes—and they ;
find it good business to call
important. customers by Lung
, Distance ...to advise them of
• :When you .notkeo the first, symp• ' •
Onus of awell-heiid, the; OA ay *toop . to'
save ik1iso7f ' to to think hos., MOkivf.
titiot l000ld take .ryoui. pliote
, .• .
.• .