The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-01, Page 7tr :ft 1.4 • . . ',HOW DELICATE. ....111tS , . isiht,e 114 );:,,,iti*e.: at. sea ARE e , , 1,1,1,1,1Y* ... ' 'MO Mr1011M) ' 4q•rUcPti140 . E. R. ' Sterling reached London recently AP,' • EI . . . , . STRONG tr •a -remarkable . voy" °oge Of nine . .. • m11,11.4 .11N.1.11-Adela,kele.., AttatrOta. She. • '. '" t • ' "' '11'1)pe"(1'..14'°i'litl•reti'. YetO'll -••14;t4q RIctil Red Biced Needed to • teep •'iicaP'a.s. sire' weS. Inv:red up tbe'Thables,..'' . •,., ..„, • • • . •• A • ., three • of her ,ei:X,....tilade earided"aWaY• ' . •Up Their 'Vitality • ' • - , .. , y. blot ins,, her .eltiei °Meer dead • kill- • • . ' • • • ''''• ' ' ..l' ''”' •'• ' • • 1.-.1;, . f H. • , . • ',.. - ... ' • ''', It..41;ould • • bo bbrii.i':liCinied ' tbk ' .et • 3' .• a in- rt,.0•1&• • and her, decks '''. ' • • -' . • . . • r-' ' :'-'0•• ••4, . • • :1)1'-• di' •"' , "••• • ' ' . ' ,.swent, eleor...b3• tie :),v4sIts.t>t,',:the. wsvtit; pale:40; ,)"1•11I;1)7ilict?,:litlfilti'y'14.,01;•e-t?4,,:e'‘ill):1,411,;;Yt`'.1c)!:,,,,,, thriMgli W hit% •„FAie.''•had 'piewed.....,13ti.t.' gular. auter.:4tior6 . 'exere160,, • Bt i• a i•11;hationed dOWti: in ',her: Iiiiid°.was„:4,00,0'. lack:: ,,ot? app stita' ., and '.•tired.'..., !dolling tors of yirlieat,tafe and•dry' as if it, had iiiiiiis . tend.',...to'.. 'hinder progress... ..70 • -;.'reniainett.iri,A'tistradian •blus." • Despite. ;-,, 0 the 'W.ealt; 'Jilin -blooded Sufferer, ,,,""'. all that:: hag' heel', sali Co .tlie, initr.ary.'11,'-'stir.A'c:, 4.1.i• 44 ii.dv.new, • ricif.,...tanail.uad,, • there llre f7.91f. ' salt*.wate'r (milers who' natliOg !meets, a case ot title, kind So ' .,are ' able, .to'.' savi.. a. windjaniper and - ber.csrico' from' Ddity ' Jones's looker ' 1-11;ell '1•1° ' 1')1. .' ' Will'ianr4 'P iink.' PHIL . .:„ ' ' 1,...,..liese. pills not only .'enrich. aud br . .'.:Tife:,St.44.1.1..g. hailed' froin. U'eattle- • --. • ,.• • • • h ' !. . . • ' ' -''''' , ._.....i.....‘_,,.. _,..,. : • .• ,, ,,,•,,,h•••• ' :,. • , didn,V,0'.910 .410(1 0 tip'pl4r, the help th ' tulti w.u.S 011044 toe oe.t,known .0f the . appetite_ and. ,aid digestion,-relleVO the • ., old411114a.. 1.1:1'.6,C,,', traded' hI'.' i'aciile. ... ,.7A:itt,X1'.....; ..She:.iteas'• us • tittirdY.:a‘craf,,t ..an':w,cPl'Y.. bac and dftd littlbF..1, • that :bringing- rieW. 'health •dnd.. qt're,,t-iith u.iitr:,•traps•..: .•!,:cv.:Qr :•,ipteif:Qci., 1,11.0•:,t7iplloonq . of ,.the fi s• i• , , ‘• T , , , i'. , .. • *an•4oilit,O'.,,,zii•lz,tand.Women!....ht• 1.: , .. . • .1 0401441:: Oosgts• and' .gbelitisl..rounded"1-'-''''' ...i :the- .TIorir witliOttt, rijci'llistuilaing.ereaX1.16 '1:"°61'1,41'• 1310113'13c-91)1.3' .. . ' .. ' "''''l'Ar-41 't1115'' 11':Nylifit 'Ive!ti iik't() ". ...et,,e titeb;a1, ar i1.3(3 ro4. , f . .. 0, . • The' raitie ' of '. fir t,wlitia,n,"... oink"•"•ktoad' and'Ikind; 4;', ndneighliarlYi ......‘ sail Sh was jtititille ens6, of aingevain. glyis, is i Big. of 11-e•art and broad of mind, ..... V,essel that at enthusiast I MS , in. Alia • Waild'•cheen...e 'for.1116ideal lonw, l@i•.:• ilrove'd 1).1.1• Ole ease of 1‘14's 1-41107..St6(1.:61a6-WV•-11 'eVerY•joi.rwe "From the kze of 1-'2fite 1.c)•, .r.;,,..as.14:ini. GenerousHlaandQd- ditY...14'daY, find, ' rairely voyage in tile....6d4,ton• aotts."> ti. dart, . MargaitetVille, 1..,9.1•„, WiiO eakii:..: Friendly pi. We go. ane• waY,,.• • h• 4e0:.v.h;oi.i.111,11.(11.0;:ipaili.etlhiitts..i.pialirti.eniiilit:.r•rvpdgo 'w4e-.4.1it.! y4bnaiiion, 1 w.a.s Ve. ry , 011,13 Ko,splifg thotigh, we tisit',er fag' ' a o. ,ocean . . • • . '• - • • - • ., 'Ind re "'ou 1 'n., r•', epPotite. an 4 hao. i';Phe',..love:•ip(d• good es-teerd of. .. advepturos., The. nacre eflio!al detalis • ---,L I ' ' s' 'I''(' - ' inod'e' on-tho'.'Wg-al4'• to the •offect.'.110' th'?.sh:S...t') 'tshS• v•F'11 is 'the Psis°. . ''''.. ' '.71-.."' ' t.lat the'E lei Iiiig' Piet Adelaide on last of 14•1°"16 ()f in"' ag°' .-"7:N77-131'itile''-‘'6.t.--174:Ic-1'e' '-‘44'.:;44'"114 ' ; .,....p.r11 .15.,,,,4iiid, --i!.P-il(thad-. St.; ThenlaS int'cielfiv•:!1..:(11.T.liui:'°gc,f,c;°d1":1”.1;111.t. ,1341i.e..,Y'N't'l'ii(11. •• .ISliele---'•::;:P.61:11tIt'f.'thts3;7.'fer0.ea,eti?!.";....' 31 111 • at: I lort.a , *.A2creS, . on .711:Ina rY l•allitilli sa' 'i'm:PcialitircPlin117th."e'e.(1119,,T'tr;01.rell;:11.611.071•tn.Clee(dl...:..1107----‘'\115Jit:.9giti, )tl'e4*:?!'; „Otito,her ,p,,:p4d, cre,ssing tho: A tiantic, , .. • .. tOW' for the :and.....6f..lier trip., , ' .• , ','".. to be: Piet What Was rec;detl le. restoi•e She7-,•qat.t.t.lie.'slee'res'?.' ' , 1.0, and tWo •day6 later :started, under, . • '' ' na ' strength'. '. After taking' the P.illt. , . • • . • - • , . T6' these:ban: facts. the captain Ad 7. for 4. time „. ,. . 'ii ) . L Le t an albtogother 'differ- • "Itt'S 'been a hard griiii:1;.! ,sighed :the • lade • lie . ."faced Weather Will& .1 ..had ien.ilgt g'bi,lr;i1g:;)ati. g:ntd "a'ellif!t•Iv'etIli.:7'saliza6, r.rneladgY:feieely.' 1.13:4c 2'11' -anic••: 'a 11. 6.. !•:...----,--,'1.61)14ce'd' t4e...1alve.!.. ' _ hlveZi'riFie:und' she,fwOom...vom..N.6actri it,h:. tFyitIlt,7 work. or.. play. 'Since' then 'I .have .-al. • Daddy,mother is .a 'wicked wallap... • . „ .. .• . ... soutill that carried' awayt,•thoinainniatat ..m.Oyci.. ' taken a .eouple of boxes 'of' Dr. She burnetl, the I3ib this Porui g. .. . . • , and:m.o:zeitniast; 300 Miles .• west/ .of i • ., , ,.. • . .. . , . A•illiams' Pink PIlls'.iii. the spring...a.S' • .",Never Mind.. We can .get aho't)k.,r.. :.. .10.111 t.i., .tze.1 of,.....4ho Bibje,..lint. there waS.lealS:r!nt. re'reectiotter .Fi.Onteo. a0; . dog,teani, hag . . • ,i•N I, ,, . 1 • •••• • . • '• Chateau waited ,ter :no word. of command ...He', ..maiiY lead .46.- team on on at a breakneek the Calie Verde Islands We .strncit'att,•"a't9n'''' 2."3'.11:•av6..tll'is kl')..1..' In 'Ule. l!st '-etlier...storm, orgalting the ioreniast. ol.i.i. • i,-.., • • • • • - . ' ' .• .; in. existence: • : that: sa d 3 Oar. , , - , frtendti, '. but none •,... who. watch ..,11s: ,,peed ::across an eipanke of.:,seven, - .. . . , , _ f ndition " . , ' ai erv .• weak Eirl should ' proreptly4. •wrtS, born .in 1.888.!:';'"' .' ' ' ' .r,bei•.t.'..' • ' lie 'lett ...the. brie ge.• during l.fctifo'ic,.,.-the..0.xaio'l..et miie.',..5.teddet,t; .,• , ,.....:' • , ___,....... .„ . ,eareer..".wttli. tio,ref.'1,n„terest• than ;Seri piles, .with• death .•. facing there, at .....•, this, part of. tha, vOYOE,'e. 1,1131' . at short. • , • • • • eztestiete. .14. geant .Witlittin ,Grennou Of the. BoYat. eiverY'''Step, and reaching, the etaiditte•-• in;ert,a1•;••••"f .• t'.".rv if' en.. day' v.e...11 ... .foelipg. Oure that •the.,Pals r,..111-reuew. •%. ssin,,,, a , . , , . . . . ' ' . . ' ' •-... 1.ri.. .: '''' ecortlitig. to. sargc .txfo,es: ..dahadiah :Nounted Pollee.' "The% Ser..': shore in .•safety , " ' •• ' : 4.'•„: . • : . l 1 :GI d s6iii'e' (34Y .':1.ee. Q°:ziltitetilitnega tO°1.1.'llItgli'lle-. ,givel6ittatelliikt. '•;',eTilwatir?isr°k,..fmtfil:nrsi•i4:*Of6f°°intth4. ohh:f?eier.3et.a..eell,:tt'itio.liii.,,, Once again ; the • iidlowilig :PAW,: :01P. .‘-' -, 0) ... L..--7.'' ' , ,-.941. 3 .. hearth:, ....' Yen Cari'.get the liill,, unkne.yrn.' • aniong, the Ite.'7•:da. l)Y,'ThOi“i..tahl°'16 '8,,aas'''''; '''' ' '•-'''• 'front . any in;xiicine dealer' or . by nia .." It ia •,liosinble that. the Sierling,•niey . Sergeant, claims that •'*Otint14" sated' . have .inatie ,a rec,..)r41 .64 ihi3.•••%.,oxigc,, ai,t,..5.0,,,-eTec.iitds: abox Iraq The Dr. Wil,. Out whetheilhis his life when he .eleared. .With: one p,iflof4t 14,,,Nv.„,..,.,,,.i...t.s.o.,;,,,5.1r. s:us, ,arn..i.......A...e ..edie Co.,•,-.7.rtra.r.,,,,kville_.;Onf., , iii. entr.s•OF'Ziii, l'ig.thk. or ...11i.,r•:,,''6.r.', ,st, •lt'' ',..raguriti,pr ,,t hoili :Ile., raieed:frtima„ •buttud a cut In the . Jae,' six feet•WhIe ...., _ fi6:au-tWo oecaelonai-F-. .eaused---.4bYtheiL.:-._....8*.,,If.t.-_-att, rrent.,•-•-th... „. , , •,ol. ,.,,;,;•,,,;:ry in;f, • rt•:f.'01:4S:ct sienr:'t:,.riPs a ' • ' '-7..•-••••• '777.--7-7-77-Fi' iG-1.17,,,,' it4.athm•.aties-, .....'.......,r, 1 "Pliz.7. ta. ed hirli ..al'.6 :of 6-7,%.,i ' N.' C•1617;3••• :. •r,r.beY hav6 • ' rinc.e, eets. oys. %::::iiiito 4 ..kuton'eni •-• AttfciPgY.: ' Ai early freeie' i'll'Ille.•••irdilh .•C9ii'll'..°11ier14;':f9119*ing.' E" ' M.. ' .13 '''''- . . ...„.,.1,,,,,.,,•ill th',..- Irterl'orrnence of ' the 'They-, .; .'• •:;•°: .', • '; ' " • ''• ' . ''' • •• . ' ., ' • ' • .• '' . ' r'''' trY. Th team with.'"Mountie" in: the .. ,.., Oter thonsands . of mike' through ,I.ao:),ylue,"\-4.ht(.1i 111 '.i.stIty made 'the /lin . ' .. - • .' .':-----"--i ,....,..i„...."14,,t,..::., •:•. .. ,ThC,,gfri. In ,the /4 evfe tickot, rjifid.e.; ip.a.-.'e,ros.ui.g .',Sturgeoli.. .'L,alte..." . The, it' the JM,Ow hound nerth, oniiiisSions of .,..4....%:„... .,_.44.-_ , .,...,,,. .....,...,, , •.1 ,, . T611,- London Club i•le •t:...11Les. iii,ki th.A. 4, ' • • ' ;, ' . he tieitre is the reill„ill_za,teinon, mt1:17at'..1117e ice )VaS :crack-- lite nnd dea.th ;Mountie .has acCom-• . , . • re•••••••111.3'.4•••*•. o ti,..:,,..li : irt the. .famoUG, ., ' Met6t....tiN'Ta.Stopifieg- ..777.the lealling maw,. . .• . - ... . • - .1-- ,.,44' 4. . Gien..ani-,.,..-..„„;.'s0e: t:,!1;;1;... tea , t•,iipb:;r ,rhIP.S,,,the' '' ''' 2 . . . * • ' '' ' ' ' ------' '. I . that i•• it • Was:. toe. thin ••,t6. allaW... the Katintie'left pre yealW•agb for Queliee . , . - .. . , ,-;•,;(.4.i...: WI., iiii, . la:. l,5•53•. sailed :Irroill J..onflon.,,ThQ r;,rincp':pr..N.:57a14811lltes• ,. „ . . ' i.,,•-•,..eede•ru •Ct the .se,, , : .filigh and, driver •to .stand still long the .Sergeant Wan heard to NO that , , , • oirks; Ivh,11 AlleY;IW('nt 'Out to •EW1.111, enhiigh .to..turn; There Was ea reti#• be ,lia.d_. lost his :niost faisthful 'and' his. ..o..r.;'. 1..•.... .:t:ow 't'Ork' 13 955. itile,-in liehhlug lic.ttc;.'•;. tp reed than ',a.- geed 4-4 . , . . . a.,-v•::.-;:t....v..t:-•::‘• 0;=.3.1•-1:•11,a111.0.N...:'B...1;11.111.1.: :4!"...c.''.1.1'e'' i'(3'.:; .' l'a.'''''.9.' 11461741°' a: Ofiae'dreF.ted like...Met . • . !, •,•••••,".."7777 •Noca.44.44o.orm..ron.rsois,•••*!i:7- ed that frarn''' the, time'. he left Ade •••••••-,..1,••••••,...1 Husky Tinriee Saves 'Master's Life 131 -3 .,-,74-7-4.74•••••••**••••*474•1; '."7"'-`7',"-etfrir . • . • .••t -c+, -ftw ••••••••••..-. • ed e *tie ... In ,c1tion;: brfght.Aluniliittnt, Regina Leader , .(Lib)); !pie .ti; 'Doted appointthent ' of o' Canadian ' Mlninter to.,_IToklo should, es the Preto.- I • ler • points': ont;• ,ne' • 'only servo.- to stimulate trade. between Canada ont,i japan but shikild alsci•tent to, create I a better betweeri •' the two countrlee. . It a .short-sighted and I colonial. view which:qakes • exception to any of. he Ministerial' posts Whieb. 'the ,Olovernalent 'already has Greeted ,or,bas In mind„ • ' - • •Woodernen-Keep • Mina rd!s. handy. •• . ' • . • , . ' - ICeepint, the Loaupn. -.Zoo Oink., costs Oboe, ..218,006. a ,yea.r for fo6d alone.. An elePhant can be • fed for 'about .S120 -a .year. • , theY • must 1,0 ou._ Mountie '. most. belctved .friend. • , . • er, ((II is •rtni 'of l)03'.11.1grt;stA.'d 111.,rucli1iterettir4"!111 the Nov•tlii:3,' haven whiny. , • I 1 . • • • , '-frorn New ..4.:nehiail :Catholic qui) :They .aress' Ore I.ilte her tiiPbbard• 1.11 . el.,140.4;1,„.,„.., tlasyti,in the" suni Lei 001 r'ec'ent.l. • • • " • ' • ' • 3 •Makiiik in e thl.i 'it:. is only'. fa.'sr.1410 '{')".""1.0118 the East 111.`.6 • • would P • '..Tlie.re ere so afaany re-' The' rrhiee •Inade ; ••• . • Tolle •best way to outlavi:•..ear- , Laborite distriet!--.., be to:han tl " whO cause it., COMMEND:•THEY! opu •• • . • • `"`:", le sea lore • that It' . ., • . . . .. soloic clubs tpr b_eyr:., .i..iis.. a(tve* w!,:s. ., A few years t:go•Canatlia.ns Were. In •,..... _. :-...11.6, rdin,_17.1i...wt. „•1,t,-mionei, A.Iciiks .tijoit,'. _net IttoWit., eicient to' -Father, BaW•lii.,17. r' ts .Onssibl.e Lo. iiiiciivor ri•ti report tlt , el,.....7,loi,r:.. ialifia.'dleire•ilialeideena, irri.Lblf:thol7o'b,:s°e'ri,er,•• r • , . , • • -. .. • 1 elined lo be 'apolpgetic , cOneern#ig .., ,x,,.. • •A --,.,-,--__ ____. .. . and, to. resent .dey .: 21; i '',•., ! •,...' .... • ii • . •I•bh.;. ' t'o' 'n„ .Wlio 'Coin:int:tell the Prince son his seems,- to ihe,,,,•••.:eyerything ..1?„12:1: li.T11-..Ba;1?3,7'$ On Tablets • Ake' f.iPte.i.their Vy.inter eiiniate; ong....• ci - • ' iv -14 do so Many.; .thany .bables efle'- , ..••••i:!.:._ .• • , public; inen.en. ,-.. . . and tfaanlieti1:11111i.m,ee' lilitttsle 'fhreattfiltIssepdeltlos• .. ... . .. it of its seasonal. neCuli- • ' • . • t . .. • • Ez;iti'm'fl"'"''-• ': " '' : ' ' '1 ' ' Th'e. Preecine:?•: of 'the ..Prince ' only Joi 11(3 br'iins!.' for' Ner,v0tis Sle.epiess• • ., ..1 . . • • . --; ., , .,. . , . . .. . arities-7as 'Kipling learned when, he' 1. " • • - • • ,TliCtrf, ..t-rt,i,..",..!',11.•ra'ilorir ter AVInd•jean- • • I • - • . W0i-ry mothers through the -.day,*and. triers, but the. gaptain; of .i.h.o Sthrling• leai.;,ea. ' • . •CitilcIreil. , •• . , - .; wrote ahatit..oitr,r,,4a,y of the sno*s. • .keep-tliem•oPhalf•the •night? - ' '. , .• out :gradually ' 16 • the yeung- • . '' • • :. . f• • ' ._ sfers, 111an'N-.. of .190)4 *.:ere: skeptical. !The; (lotninating personality, ,dOesn't .. . ,. • . „•. ......, . .11 ' • ' V.ree'•eoutranted 1'1•annther:difIleultY•• ' . ' ' • JN..OW•it; is all different. We have learn- If You :don't kneiv the anster, volt ' tie. eiiiild'ilot,tiritt. i;ib•foOt biast.S...t.O' re- at firstwhen :ha,.taiic•;e0:..*1411..sev,erat help ninclt ;,:lt; the. other,fell.e.W 1.t dr , Frotn.."Canada ...the faine...of Ba:b3T'ejed to' :Capitalize bur. 'Winters" and. the."' • :, • '• • ' ' • • • • of...the boys; Amt.:1.110 compare.d ,Ilim, !Intl 41'trli6k•-N .. ' ' . ' . '. . ' . . • • plaite. tr•torto•A.leh he lost...-. An.il that, Castorlit. It lo 'ilWeet to the taste, and. . . . 01' 31 is. spreading over; the P. nblie. ity t.genciee. "tell . the ;world int „too, in _1::ilsit,nil. solci,e..ouc.o ally .stiip... , . _ . pf ,. . : . :. , ' . , • 4 ' — • '. ' ' . world.'. .Mothers recommend tb,em: to . words and..piCtureauboUtthe healitlen' sweet; in the: little'. stenach, And •.its; AA 3 viction:. eTe‘K that , -it, roall ' was the • other.,•inotliere... and ..yrherever, they, at% Of the 'ski:trails and the, •Invigoridint eantie;Inanenea.aaeina_fait.,aii, ofreugh y:4%1'40110; tnnii.s.h .thenr.•. . „ . . . 'Fli6 Prinee•-tenred ',the, library,; is* heard: fOr.'tlieSeeasant•tasting.. littie pera;thres:... .... .. . . • ,. ..• ' ., . : ,. • tug 102113' L' the 3-eongsters what .they 'tablets ., that •....piehiPt1).'' relieve :the . This In more ' than -Merely mahlait . . were'.'' reading-. Red ..eXchanging,.vietta• Minor' aliments Of .yOUng• children.: the best •of'. an inevitable ,:eltuation. . "Baby's,Orn Tablets are one of the Canadians themselveshave7 been •sold• beat . retheilieS: for children's ailments: on their. OW,n .Winters and °tit Of the. 16-ina guns-, mounted' On. RMSbielnoh, Our latent battleship,' ire ft, long. Silid ehells weigh- ing 2,461: lbs. • each.. • , — -- ossified Advertiseesenb POIJLTZT' , , 41./A.L.11,1' ,ROCIL, LVol-101111, L Wyandotte, Red ,_riaby Chleks, 844 per 100 and AM. klatonn e $800 pr 100 and up Pedigreed oo , els, .86,00 eaoh., and .110.•.: 86 Page Illum•••""; tra.ted Catalogue, Foe, 1.4 G 41..4. Bona Box T, Rockwood, ont. • • ./TATCH VOUlt _ vaTieties pr wesp for fr•g°1t7c,eai•ta ClicT•auber. • .e le° 4Ild 4* A, Welshman Was crossing bridge, at night when he heat d yolca from .the rivsrcr)'ing "13elpi help! I can't swim' • -"'Neithee eep • . Thonia,ft replied wro,i,fater, "but I don't malte•a• fuss about. it; ',Jolt yen, 'w,hateffer,"'' Frostbitei Coard's L.Initheht Con ntereets isnollo3t1Tems Caat on elasrsLie pun. PECT • Rad M M a's L-ister Mt r Her Expetience May Help , ,Chatha.ro. ()ntari.P.- "I Want totell- 013 116W, ninell good your Pedicino has done re. Be-. , fore ni,y baby . cam e I.f c•I t so weak and r ark.: down that‘coold work. .cdtnd i" '1: Jo:1\.;s-,5t(;'81;:)9i 3ry. di- eiiiaraged that 1 ' catild cry from, : I li a tl o t he baby j as t on c year and a half o d and t gave Me a lot to ' do Sol thought I would. try E. Pinkhane.s 'regetable: Compound,. . . . • • haven t discovered pure harmless • • then- -11 with his • 'etures the eon, To-dafs' tinftnished task mort- I4e- On : to morrow • ptinniest situation Is. ''.W4piA •you, are asked • tar ,..advice, then argued with a_inCfrel * :on'book with theril: .Iiet watched , •• about .it, — 1‘;'-'sj .t001.1)41 played on the roof .of one of ••• It takes :a bride an hoar' to sew tried. nothing but wOrds of praite••ixe and beneficent influences • of zero -WA- tit .tdionsYe,70/tect4rNoptile:cieolie,.stt -0401touteeh- goad,' • • • , ' • - as I had "read So Mich aboot• it La the ..•Way,' AS .rny• head was relieved •and boas:I-found a•differc n e 6 right "'lecher's ' Castoila..1" purely y Lost People • . • by eleetric tight. He also :.-i When a_ blindfolded PCI 'l 3vaLi.s Salt a.eveval bo:zing bents and 'heal tily. ti' whn't'ho thinko is a slraikI, luip, be is ii.t.tially 50ftg hi Et niore or less, re., ..14....1 c.ocit,sprii.s sp, 131, m. A. A. apploutied the •you„ng• • • 1711O Prince departed to the 'entlitisi. astio cheers at tbe boinoht-of wheal ,Sebaeler,• tho iluivernity of .acit-nsns, iepoi:tc.11 recently in d?:itcribing new Toilers •of the Deep arthi bt•ileeki 1,ahei•ers. • a:lit:rime:its -before zaplogists -Of the '17andement -Of St:knee.' SaYs Selence\ ); 1." (The *biltton on a doat and a year later it lakes' her 613 'months.: • ': •Politioiap's lire off the fatheatl ' of the, lant17-and everybody else toOL____ The el/Oft :isn't to mince* r all the discord in the 'chutch.‘ REVERSE F Chidontimi 'Progress, du ' Saguenay ;(ind.): Aft is denied That the big in-' duttritti'deveRipmeni•o; the Lake $t John , region jfas: actUrilly brought • Amerlean Ansociaticin far; . "•the • • ' • in- senuo nally ,s6.tulde .nuffetin :Covcpment are Jetting ‘.stepa-' tb • • 'Washlu?,;tZ,r.) : , prove the lot• of the ',fishermen) ,- We' -•• ' "br, SiJhaeffer' Ms.do 01e1 3e have many fishing. calolife'S on the • per Ininntr.i• with blindfolded persons 'eelift of 'Galf•;e• St• Larenc Cit n r. .nd. en: the banks "of. Shine oi� train-. pralr,e of Kansas ant, 0 • •ado, •on •tht; .ice d a yesc,ri.•01r: th...azas.r. tari.os... ., The. Federal Oovernrillont nr.e wealth, to the inhabitants,) Tioubtleat, 1,00, 11333 in 'a iln•acre' field; ...The sub': onis• 1.ori 'and. the CovernMetit Of the carried ..out;• dOubtless i'mme.n.Se sums. 'lee ;1 IN it e ..r... au t le mobilo' laindfolded, and. 4w:ea ch ,,5 tliln:g ..to , inalt'e their sire rittOns:, calling -lass it wotild •he tot, i : • to pre en. . . • • ' • .1 • . 1 • ptahl ;tilt 'lathing is :so tlist ten •thotitannet more. that.' 134(111 't oil a i:ace•track in Teniles... 1.11'.4resting. theinseiVes in their,. grieV- viist and 'admirable...traria haVe beep. t d .roired; i,ncl dro-,-.0, Pi oviuco" b'f Quebec ar.ii ;doing able. have: been. speht, jfi: the locality; denbk ' 1 ell • t d I ba,Ve eVer, used," .says Mrs. Arthur T. ,Ailen, of •Aubtirn, Me. • "My little -a and o t gi 1. Wel nem us e ul p sleep I tiled ,`.the Tablets and she iva:S. re; heed -ti She was a1stroub1ed wite :Constipation and nothing seethed to help her. hail used the ,T'ablets but a Short. time 'before her. bowels' Were ••regular, All mothers. shotild keep -Bay's Own Tablet's 'in the house for they are imluable reniedy." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by druggists or will be mailed cia receipt of price, 25'. cents - per Vox,. by The Dr., Williams' Medicine Co., Brack., 4114,..Opt: • • , , Why Prince .:Uf Wiles, • ease theY' steered essentially the same there o e• • •Idair of 'a cifr•Iv.ing Pdth.- 'they pre,...artotts or uncertain aS the niceta, • starttid out ,a. straight • stret•tilt,' -of a . •There; are yea.rs • aral,then boi.;411, to. turn c•Irc,les, and 11(111., p , 111OSO ,eirolon liecawe sivalier tho,Y. .fete:a! tOo sniall. a price. ,* A t "eiatv-fottr-err-old 171.. r,. winter brie ,h0ars in this 111 • (1 111 re s arce and other years thetwai hnhectia1 with the mind of 'a, or that pai't of the iCasne 'Peninsula, tour•year•ohl child, 11-85 tet1Od, And 11.10 •ilsitYtrnien aro hi dire distresc. .. 4 ,- '' .the pall' he took. w as like 'lila': cit.*. " : • —•-•-104-,-'- 1 • ' ... normal peraon, intitentIng that Intel- „Conceit is a publie proolamrttioa of Mot doeS not 'play any •483ge mrt in op; .povr•rty, 6i one's j)c.nonal 'relit: direalng ' the' !•.spiraling. in:001041SM. ' betweeil right and left • . • ' • , handedness and the. direetion:taken '!!!1:". by the spiral ttirut could bo' found: -Ther33. 13 33). doilot that the 'same roc- ...1.cluintrin that predifties 'these experl: 010113 al iiir is,when blindfolded., alr.o • inaitet 'one go. in -circles when lost" `the- zdalogipt 'stticode. -To be lost,33 • esplaittell, h1tan6 that. " th,°. orienting ,ne.tinc1. 51 C silt functioning; '•Tho alIng i8,h0t1iS11i appears• id be 16, catod la the central liertelig,,Systeur And. Lo • ‘oporate a1101 the niechaniatit 'that •-dotittelis balance and orientation, • •• •. . . : "'"'St.i3ry Of a pritittet•Illtinder. 14 1eran egor 1;11131ln-31 •i-.1).„, told. _ . • ''• good story. at the Etist Mio.r.: ' leti 7Y-11filot"•-abotit-st.zprint-a. 6413tra1der 3• Dean 'et. Carlisle, W116 st an.'atdent ei ToithysOn, ,and .Whene 'fa• • ootp.fq.! :1411iLIFI For VI:rubles' • doe to Acid 1,,c)n olTest•Oc" ' HeAavattas manoAck's . :'6,4,sausnA • • It'indred BUt thfire is a hundred . • to share up and only.ten-people,..etery• one ge. s' telt, but,114 011 tbeAother lland, there. Is ten, ;thousand fo..diVide there Ate ten -••thousand People; there, is only one •apiece. . . . • • 41, • •— • , A taxi driver .provides fresh flowers, cigarette'i,• a %bpi. 62.41:pastel/e8 and an 'ash.tray in- cab.: .Thd istekt • toeth , , . of cab -arra •44, • NInens.. of personal.' experience ' • theY retommend them to those pi softer climates. . Ottawa, for instance, takes to its skis •with the first snowfall and OIL :*Aftel7O-0-00771111„d---4Yet1O•tAdii the Wooded . and open :spa.-erW7the: vieinity' are dotted with thousandsr of the young and middle, aged.venturing their skill: on the precollege' runners, against the Perces of gravitY•end the perils .ofhidden ettniPs. Sunirner to them is but an inconvenient Interval , • • between skiing seitions.. Empire rCora.athnitodaaioabned.(•Ltilte bo The "new status" question is entitled tb a rent Canada has. done well in the last 'six. •• Years! LIS we,a.-nlaAle Was Notrt.. ecl David 113'iamona jabii" year. Her progress • 1..ondon...---Nrost of us kn.ow the has been reniarkable, whatever has„ Prince of Wales is• called "Devid".'1430 :beet .ber status; ind, to continue •thit Ins ielatn es, rnti li.eirer. Eddie.. there pragress along broad lines and on. a will ;b6,•Soine st filtered hi (he Dowager 'Laily„Raduarta claim In her newly pub- litihed book of reminiscens.es :that ft was she who suggested 114 .name. • LadI Radnor', believe; the ErltonS are descended from the ten lost 1036'3 and'the royal •family iroin king' DaVid, the Chat) Whia .fileW Goliath.' She stilt' a raegnaffe to the' Queen„ then Duchess V York, asking that ,i; a gbh was born to her he should he .called David, The DuChena likedthe name, but ; ,•‘,611.• -dared that reasah she eduld give" ,fOr calling•ter son" by it. • • '' • ta,dyFitidner •siiggeStta that it .cOuld be included among the other names of the four Patron saints•of these islands. and (hit she Writes, ' •ilis440,13.0.*„ „the VenCe 'of Wales caine'bk4he hhtne 61 ...• , When 'The,' Were 26 Tho' • great Aleilader had •• eV-Or- thrOwn the Porniatt. ttopir,.e, "wash - beton Tea ;tette-iiirpio gtiard- et the. • Pritisli • Only toyard 'Vert, .ptiguejle,. Napoleon was second in aentht- na to -. aci(1 is t114 CO11111101/ dause ITCYbliffiii•40'126i,d; Ilkurar,--;•-ria•anlilln-stArted ml'oco darnels t11).out' tWo hours aft -r eatin il6Ver °n; lAirtl"rn ..bc)til Atizilirnitr tit° indigestion. rt reShlts in Pala and resS ahd. tatitelest and ite ad'S Alinitiltho e•P rot had ltlicl been' First T11 -e-.--10-111 (26rvg.ct ve• 15 an'Wileit 'earn hoW 12.31V Lord of theftreasury. nerOn was writ - *trite „Peern, was -Crossing. tlifyijriar," • Witt ttititd the South of .E.nglatid.• h 6 ap.. Pett..A. CurnberIand • jeittrnal,- stated that at the clone' 6f the core, many the elloir nen:: with exquisite tante tire anthem "CloSIng the tan" •• Vree advice tho niost expensive 8414 r)sa Low meat • 1011 13411 methodry never----taltintte•' ,to :stiffer, Treasury. Gladstone. ic,tta a tinlor solid foundation SlionId..be the ,Chlet objective of Parliament. . If the desire to help the Empire by ijitkIng this country a strong ooxivonent part, with the Imperial Mee .beeoming, firm- er each year-4.ii they shouldt•-atten, tion ought 16 be 6.1rskted to that end baStead of, the. texItire of .bonds.. Canada is ot he Empire in feet and In iympathlen. •' • 4 The ralloi of Xiagara are reported to be wearing out , ' will •• of. 'course. be nomebodY , to ,oharge that they Were tibt built the' first'. place; . ' . ,• , De Valera Want!' to : ntitt paper. The Irish always were: glut.: tons -for, punishment. Now York. Evening Post.• ' 1. *hien neutrali2es• '0.eid. The' best eor. , pleasaully this. premier •method Acte, illg • "f:eltilde ITarold.." - littcauldr.•had. rac'tivt 1,s rli:11*s' Wilt of Magnesia, Flease .'tot:..it .shovik-yeti-nely. , ,. 1'111100 )-i% r11c1\-.011 )1111011. Deli1110. i It hen renuilted'stanaord with Phytt; Ile •Siire to get the gontlihe rhimps,' ,:ivls.realtor of.tbe Leaden .Ttnios, Ent.' tit= hi. the .t 0 YearS 'Silifie -itS tftven. 1 ,ThIli of I‘tagnesia,,preacribed bY).itil'at* 1116t: Wq8' ill' a gra1.0' ''rlilloitt' an ' ein, . , a • iictr, '''. *44, • • ' • ' . ' ' I clant. fOr 'BP Yeara iil Oorrectir4 ..bne stiopttul 'of 1 .15hilifper - ',Milk •ee,nc,f(Tg; '1!'.1.aelt b6tIle.,toutalliwfull diree: I ..; , - .` •,.....,-..-:.4-0. Mitgubtttc hoitralit03 iiitt#btlY ManY i ilais.---ittly di 31g411313 - *1 44 ttlitedqi viitnielf: for tick,. Aiii 3)11 • 1(41 1 •••.4• - ' " t ie. 'yea, maT „fr ely, at first sign. Of. c°11e; or constipation; or 'diarrhea.: Or those Many. times 'when you just don t. know hat. i the mat- ter.. For ,reaLeicknens, call the. doctor; 'alwayt. 7 'At Other:44nies a fel., drops, of Fletcher's Castorik. • —The 'doctor Often tellif,yen to do Nit: -that"---and.Olways---sayir "'hitcher's- Other Preparations may be just.' as Pu:1"er' "nit as free from dangerous drugs, but why entriment?. "Betides, the book on care and feedha of babies that comes with risteher's Citstoria is woithits weight in gold! ,rpy, tired feelings:,gone. rdy siater • • •had been doing' myivashing and she •' continued ' doing it; Oa tile' said it- rnight' set me back if I etarted td do• ' it again: 'It sure 'did .and had taken just two iny baby came. He is..a tine.; big by. -'7 ..• noW nearly live months ole. 1,:am,••' • taking your medicine, agairLai .1 am able to de thy Workallby thyself .1 always.reconimerid iht Vegetable • , ,- ?Compound to'women,` and especially , . "'to expectant mothers, as I believe• _ they need help at., . lklis.OLIVuitMENia", 1:4•Harvey St., 'Chatham' Ontario • •.. , • . . ,• • Une • lae,•. , ortie lytounisr -A.m.-hula, Compound. Originated. y - Dr:, Jot Guild; speetailet .in rasp rf• distres.Sing •torillents Abat •evnie .sufferiiig and Tete • af Sleep, . Wo .iittes, $1.6.0 end etc,. Also .01g.11ro.,„ta ' AbeX Of 24./ , 600., 14 ex '41 adt VosiPt.Id .for rtisir Fly.% TittAII br 'es ergaret-teal 331(1) autliorlocitive',Itt,Atit;o on osuaes 'and trelitipi.nt 80111 enreeMnt..`' • riot. 22, tipert. Vt., plstr. 1,‘ti1an'S Ltd. St Poe 8t; " ' • • lett.lt No. $3-.`28 fnuitie!,41.stirin. tte MO., Birodtiiii'Ervery ialisti paill3n: eBlilti°ities. Iv.1°Attild-01‘"Pliisetartial tchsunitan eei,,,tlise.;nfili'Clowl:".atit-;47,:,........doto,,.-. .. If the taint -Bayer VICtetil-11-01aches-are proven, direct one; .. : .• , t any drukatgre—, ns uelisirle, end ir pan that eta ivillitheoi ' hsu tisto promp selleyal, t. T • PhYs.iii0s-prel4tii3e As ritiI • ,„,....., , it' does 'NO 1: tiffect the heart Aspirin la Lt.‘ trzcle matic (v4gister44 in t,inatt.,) bad loaktioi Matti mansitang etaare, s , 3 II V a 1 1 kOwn,01A1 100)111 13,34114 33371r maArtitarlr.C, r* ilefelta de 1.111711 tor ltot te• '1 Mee. Ole TR14.!lv 1.111 1,1 ittitAINd ti1111 .incli "inter Ovots'''ilkleri,..vo ' 1