HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-01, Page 2.777, lop . conies fool., the Chinese Ikvorol igitakrho!!' • • .onlioanhnig silver hair, whithwips applied, t* the tip leave* on the ChIneSe tear. bush, lip leaves ar� :Why In shape. In India they were nrre. Orange In cskituri 50 were calladifOrange pekoe' : •BBIGHERE TODAY :•:•Slr•Duclley,OlenOter ta guspeet,ed of IN. ', 'I the ranederof•litei, Conant,. James Glen- ister,..when a crew drops a sleeloton finger on,'tibe eitate, ..an 4 Kathleen; ; Glenilster; •Sieter of': the.' dead' man; in ;her eattbriept,'ke'prove • .Sir .Dudley ntort:ge. 8huon Trickeyj ...While. there ..N.ree:,Ttieltev'S,i' h.:44670' dies " Saddenly, but 'before- • J aikeg ' ".Wragge, detective, Can , investigate,' Wilson •tf.isua4 a Straight death certiileatc but •Wragge,•gets pesgesSion Of:A 'srhall:heek. ' i4p* :STQKY, On his eiecand Arrival:At the rnining CM:ripe Trickey had diSeaVered..;that :teorge. Ojai -pater,. .had -.disappn4red lla:Lone Wolf:City "ee,hie tw i months after.hig There:was- a little •Cernetery, otbs.tly containing tile 'opine- grakeS af -geld-Seekers who had ',Nile('With their beets on.',"'''Barlrixiirir . • . .• , it'lrad: tiZert, eaSy*in:that • carekis coni- JinniitY•to identify' from heray one ...of these aIjn ventirtirsi;'it1i the to the (deIustL b.x.or ‘'up a, weiden erOes. eaying 'the name, --,Op:Geerge Glerilster. ' m s1xet fi e',dollars: for iti,:s'erting 1.. belated 1 grtph reeOrtling the, death of Iw .424441) 'Rtoapetar, .ater r,'6;111U6'S • the, obituary' fielelei:e.' had 'been ..plaieteeleon the. fainily solicitors, ' white:6' repeesent title:would , have been • readilyi...gialed.•ber' the inseription• . on • like. Ivas: where the. -iiihroirra- tive'petvets of :the diary fell 'short. of: Contained 'no -proof ,'..ihat, GeorgeGlehister Was •deade.e to „.• iny.:nothing ef his hal:ring:met, .viol- „.. ;eat end n'..Ainerlea or in :•Englatd. -111teretily 1hk ecinneeting hien .with the '1.1torpee, .fetend • in -the elialk-pit •':,PeecliWoad Was.' t.hp, ring on the Ode- ; ton.finger„e''. . • ” Wragge: haft :read' the 'pages deveted' „ to ,TrielteVs:. firet airle.sien ',carelessly now tatnied haek: and .)tead • t, their °Vet! ai One .notiee; 'Eer had it beeri.iuchided in"Kathleer!g Account of the' inforfita)-. e (jet .Triekey had Jniparted to her••• The • entrf Censietecl. ef':' Only a few, Wor(Ise bit theiteeeier Of . the 4Uary had' under... • - • Iti run oici ut 1._One• Wolf Cite; •• that. a. G. has strixelt a gold aline but , thathe fe hung hp; for want Of 'eapi- 'tal:' • • •• , . --The •detective closed the lieeklit his. trustY briar -andeleated Okeire " lus,chair. Mrs: 'ConingsbY's antecedetits, would. loeked 'up.. • The lo,0 of. the purple ,Aigrettel What :Was •,hoir •'tereSt h •thel.,dia!,:y • and .how- did :sbe •• baopea to he there at the: time Of 'the .sneederit's death?' Was she: there On • behalf. Of Sir Dudley Glenistereand • if,..to 'was hei*Motive in eerViteg .the barenet • ghancial. or ,;..iuiatOry?, The inspector .a.dmitted•to. himself. 'as he weuld' have adinitted to no one •, eke, . that he was ina, fog, though' there Were ...several, threads to be .61• -, .lowed np.. 'So far -as, heieetild see they none of theth led :with any, certainty• . to a conviction '.for murder againet .9 PM NEN PM PM MI 1 GUYS r,t,he (AA Cosisfortiag flavor SPOrsgaPt is * taititig pleaiure.' • . • It demises the moot titer eatlegghrea a dean, *tate kid. - -It. is refreshing' and . Mt-UV:44. Sir Dudley ',Glenister. They,' could prebably got him on a' charge of frud and preenring false eVidence,.butthat —Wragge freWited at the retieetion--e • •weald 'not 'hang, the baronet of•Beeell- wohd..Gratigeel, And.tehat w.the task that liad'been dernanded of Inni: by • two rpeePle, one Of whom he could afford:O. 'disregard, .Ittigs :Kathleen 'GleniSter's, thirst: fOt verigleance again -it, the hypethetical slayer ofeher brother:,iid net epunt, but M. 'Stephen: Colne,'s mandate lay like ..lead Wragge's so -al The tab-, . • , • inet rainiSte•r's scarcely 'Veiled threat ef ruin m the eVent a. failure was overwhelming: 'Wragge knew ,that he had the peiver'fie carry it out ' ' • ; • ' • . CHAPTER IV. • • •' Titi! oat) MILL BOUb Through the BeeeliWood :Properties zine-a--;:puldirtgran.Vsstireain,--brOadene, some of its re: :aches into'a On the hittik of oneof these Wider. see,- tions,oppeeite: 'the Clearing 'where 'SteocTthe Itead=keeperfi.s:•c4tage,,-netle- s,Orted 'rettebed its galoles inad 'the tree To this ::pietniesqite , &gelation ;Sir. )Ir wout pettvilg- joelt 11*.d,' ttr..37400e and IN*A, tfilys *cod hercies the win:n.1 am Are YOu Cempetent to ex) theea, fjortisytanet0rse1.1;rwithout. ,,,,mh eaUld ti.x the lock all right," said the keeper. '41 Oft so shee, about the tilagur4 itSt it; raD,lalek3::. :Trt.9411,hr ex:either': ' " • "None 4 'At', was the'eptf jc der'Wha abo.1hq therCrk • „ Griihes walked . to the diamond - paned *II,fiaeit less •tie • Par,t*. g6t, NYIngs -.there ain't no bars redid," he said 6Iifs a• plumb 'drop. pito therilhrane,':,1%To teothold for a ladder; . and.anyon& as jumped: would be drovvned„for , Sir ,Dudley 'bit; personal inspeptieri .ehngrmed • the.:statemeht. Though .the 10411 •itgelf 'was. 1**e •the • artigena Channel that had riirniShed Power•to. the, dereliCt "wheel Was aq: deep: and strong as ever, • 1,he beit'a swimiticri wou1dhaveheen:har4 put to Ate s na •theieilrrenti,withotit being 'swept into • the wrecked wheel,. e • • . 'lire will let theeba0 he, Said.: ."The risk Will be lees. than having them made' and fitte,d, 15y a gossiping b1itekStnith.7 Now, t1,5 'to a second. . guest chaniher, Gritnes; It. may net have tra eeeupiede and i.need not havethe modest conioita 1 am providing for this. •Ier there'. Any place where a geritlernan who is not 'very friendly te rae;• rhOeansii..obieidafe4c4ecentopfiedit4etek.dee?;.ei. ne sign. • •- • • ftermommomomome NURSES :WANT,P eu, Nrh. cl,tr. • offers, ,teree •Cour e'•: - Pr TraOnlvg ;P youpg..• h .111,e •requirell ..0ec4tioe, end tieeee,ett beeoteing tOesiipli; ,,unirosnu4. Of. S(I) QJ, e monthly% • ttlIQW4..zice. und fooltipses*t -and eromi Now Vera, For '174,r.t110`. ifformitilon write tno .5uorIntentient. ' "There .tht. old :grain st.ciee, ort "the' grehnd goon of 'the ruill).•;31r," geAt no Wl ndowe and i t'a EiNV4Miner, with rintsebut N.VOIJI:ti heiti 'ayoe 25 oeitla tip • N'Yitli tilt) •• • - • . • • xnet''' Sir DvdleY,..,eorti-. , , •. .,They..elescended.t, the taii, and, passing into tile' noill • a'aine a truly iiueseine jilstee,.: a". Vesrit41)10 climgeon,: reeking, Witte fent otherg,•aiin echotiii the: lap, 'of the-`•inill-eace against its outer alls Sir Dudloy lit 4. successien•of rnatcheS And Peeeetl. round wIllas 'Will de," he said.' • "Better a new lock here t,c,o..1 .Now when C11..1:i1;I:YC'll.oughtbto'have e ready, d yGhrirme:s?;ys, • "You cah have them, and you will get' due notice: befOre , the, place is' wanted!' • . : ••• •. • , Sir .Dudley . strolled into the feet-, path. leading to the Grange, and John Criinei,i A sohr sipile on 'his lips!tuen- , ed to close the outer cloor'of the milt Then the keeper trade hie way to the UN LIFE SETS NEW RECORD . Canadian Company With ,World Wide Orgnizaticin a Great Credit t� This -Country. Increasein New,Business • For Ye ak 'Greatest �nContinent -The. extraordinary .expansion o thoe •.:. Sun ,Life: .A.searatice, CorananY of Can- dtirfag'the, few *Cars half I ceased: its annual report to be awaited with unnaual'interest, not only by the POI holders ot the CenalialiY, bUt rge .geettea.of the general.Pulayle. • . ---„Theeahnnalereport,ewlaiCh..Ahe denthati•Juat subruitted;,4d.Wh chap- Peara in this !Sell% nahet have „sur- pasied the, expettattons. of. the most ..The: tatat"ahninat.:-,of ..eurences in force :With the COMpany. now approaches the .billten and :a half figure, $1,437',009;000,„ an ha:Crease for .the' .y.;eor of • 'ciVer .$291,600,000. • The. total net ineeme.for the 'year eeceeded $100,00h,00.0 -e -five • times what it .was ten years ago and more thau $ 23,000,- 000In exce-ss '.ofethe ,income .for the . • preTious year. Such statistics as are available for 1927 indicate that the aggregate new busineas of. .all the cempanieg operat- ing"In North Americalast year 'hardy •exceeds the, total new business of the previous year. The increase in, the' new: businc,ss' or the Sun Life of 4Can- ada,..on the other hand, was twenty- three per cent. Assurances ,force on the' books. of the Corapanyhave doubled in four years—new, business has trebled In Oat, pgried. • This ,wonderful expansion,has been paralleled by a great increase 1ithe Thei. Caine :to a • truly gr,uesoine Grange through - the ' Weeds n the third nierning , after his thrashing by Norman •Slater: in Lady igarrable's drawing room. ' 'John Grimes, who -Rad': been Watching from his:gar(kr), joined •his master by eyay of ,StepPing-stones 'acro st the .brook." Grimes took a key ,frona his pocketand Unlocked the door of the develline,heuse attached •to the have to nundyctir stepson the .ground floor; si" he, said as he, led the way into the interior.' "The flooring is rotten." . .; . . "It is the upetairs' I Want; to.' see," said Sir Dudley giairily. •' • John Grimes Mounted: a' naii'ow staireasel the baronet .f011owing, A • big ,brown rat. eyed their ascent from .the -.landing' And scanipered away equaling when he had • get 'over his surprise. So 'they came to ;.the he& reents,"lene age occupied by, the Mill- er's fam1y, .'And Sir Daley looked :into 'thent all in turn: Finally he' en- tered. the, largeit. roere, which looked aerOss the stream towards . the 'keen- er'S-erettage'4 , , " , • `!This wily/do!' he niuttered, Then het:in:bed. tbe fistuiltine keeper. - "I want this -room fixed, up'16. teceive a, guett," he Said, "You; will buy eoine eohtmon , fn:riiture, just simple riecet itaries, and 'have them: delivered •At your cottage as,if, they; ,efor yeiir. own ase • Then .you etie bring them °eel' here after need' buy it, &r wt.:a aid reply. 'hre's a remittal ot ettig* at trty pIaee.that'e been ..eut of uee, fence mrdaughter went away."•. I• i• -"Caed I' Judd -Sir, • dley; hat -will eave ,irlettering the, curio414-:` O2 out» ciderri,.. Now ;there is another thr.hg, • MR. t. MACAPLAY ' P,resident •, Sun •LIfe ot Canada ' already. proVerbial -strength and- re- sources of the Com -Dank. Tho assets hate been:increated .by aver $56,000,- 000, "and , novt,' reach tlte iriepressIVe , total of Over $00,000,900, The Com- pany's assets approximate the amount of the total Atsurancds in force .ohly'' eight years ago. • • The v;igdont of t,ie Company's 'hi- lieStittent 'policy is reflectedin „the Net that it has no airears in interest divitterid on etthet its hoiids Or Pre•-• te'rredesteeks, ;While the diVidends ac- cruing inetS coinnion stocke ere great ly 'in excess Of those.:paYable'on thiSee stocks. et. the, gine of their purchase. The cAre And foreeight ',exercised • 0.1i3 bralich of the Inteiness is. hint-. cated :RR ftppraIRat Olt cornpany Securftfee; the market value 'of whieff has inclieaStel °yet.' $19,0007900 :do., •ThO:surydus eltisink the , antounteil...:.tO • overt' 43a:500,000.. - The - Co ni p airyohae fo I to vi:ed it e eonservati belley,‘Witti` respect to tlIN surPlu,ki and •• The strength and:solidity .of our large '.'insurance eonipa,ny,s; banks, etee is. a source Of great Pride to, '4.111Canadians, andit is in the begt interests of the _ceuntry that thp'se Inatitiitiens. remain 'Canadian ---zeiwnership-antl4roteeliassi4oe'.'ioreign- eontroi. as ..have: Many Of ourlarge business enterprises.. " • • • • , „ 'or Acl'es:e the, weir •and•'etatted to , s., To(1.?As :tee enailoWez g'1`.7.e;"171by v:AY. '0Z -t11..9. ef',,ePpg,Stones, eras. a•btu•it. half ‘vaY Oct Oen the .1„).rill vols ..0 raglan dre,,y144: ti• his col,..ta4-.1 leclor. •'•' 1.'Lhat , t tati‹,mistree„..s wee g1,1.. lloatarN).ioift,e,, einbriMillg and. tolubly, chAtteiiing: to ,a f h- 11 1 d 'd I XI „as loxiax y cres.ee evi ,a( y, fresbn.ee ef *hese 'iWceils'„!..lissneke er$S,' ; ' ••• • • • et '. • .' .•• • Pp,:-iel if that- •Widier. 4fOngt.II, •, deducted $5,000,000-:femii.. the.' Market ykyhe of. its securities: As •A fin they PrO7 agaihst 1)000161*re: finetuee tions„ the tOtal.:aineant ept'Aside', tor: thin purpose now Standing. at $1O,000,- 000. • 'Ph.e. :aeccitint to provide ,for un.-! foieseen., bentingencies . has been ire greieed • . bk. $1,500,000 and new amounts' .:to. $12,500,;000. ,. The sum- of $1,000,000 'ha& been, Written 'off. the COMPanrS .proper,.ties:; an additional: $500,000 has: been -setasidZin entice nation -45f the 'greater longevity 'of an, • . • • • • naities—the total Provision., under7 , this head now .being 4 'atopO,00gi. • Another $50,000. has, been fiet' aside, to provide .for' eiriiihe with respect: to total ills- abilitY case as yet anrenerted. 000,000 has been Paid: ,Or.alioted, is .pr011es • to. pielleyh'olders' -daring ..the year; and over $6,000,000 --hasbeen contingently allotted deferred' divi4epel• vollatee leaned prior to: 1911 •ithil to five-yeardietributien' policies to 'provide foriprolits accrued 'btit'•ndt Yet' payable: • , ' • • After Making 'these • liberal' dednc.- tion and allocations, over •$11,000,000 hag :beenadded to the iutidivided , Which now stands it .ritiore' than $45,000,000." . • •. - There 'la good nein.' ciai4'• for the: .participating Policyholders. 'of 1 the Conepany. in the, anaouncernent that the scat& .ot -dividends-t, be- Paid to- polleYholders . during': . the year •coni- meneing.! April let.• next Will .be nga.in increased—this for the eighth, succes- sive ..year..,••The interest' rate on divid ehdslett:with the Company will be nriintained .at 5%. percent. .per 'an- nuduring the new ditridend year, • . There were paid '16 • policyholders. and' beneficiaries, he respect to :death elan*,• mdthred ,endeivinents„ etc., . ditting the year, over.$42;000,000. . The' Company:has; paid out Since Its' organi- zation, . under . thia. head o- oyer $300,000,- • • ,ritalIe.1:1\exl)i-eTr 'tett' 'r•Xi.tiirt,.ftis . , Meg Plait ;apergitcheir the great front er.,,,i'lz.,otBp.,:hwotel 4:$ i'arit1e with some 'tlitgdenee. Recognition hr. Sir .,•Dui1l'e*,t',11:34' te,irors, feir.';' her, ;.'"•06 P3067:4t7,114rf,rx,t4' :had, eticocceicdte7,the; e° it After yet departui-e for fresh, gelds' of coaqueit. During. his rar Vieits 'Pe Sir l'hilip's time 'when he was plain '1)11dloY dIesister,I she had /lever Clumpedto meet hitri, Old Hinkley, the butler, who Would' probably open the •door to 'her, was a • .clifTerent propesitien.... Ho had:. been fandlier 'with her front childhood and she .reinembered that he. was a shrewd: nhiierver, •••• With the idea; of getting jt over, - as one makes n ,.for the dentist's: knocker, 'she took the. Ittet few steps almost ata' tun and Pulled' theTold- fashioned bel1.chain herd. The pon- derous door 'Slid back on well -ailed hinges and ..ginkley, of the pink face, and :White whiskers confronted her. , •• (To he 'continued.) Mtnarcios. LInlinent relieves paint • 1 • PARIS TO GET POWER FROM FAR -AWAY RIVER Governrnent to Karriess - donne—Expects 9.0,00X- .\ . 000. Francs • STAVIDARD • OF QUALiTY MAK • FOR OVER - BETTER • •••••;,...., Use pl .cea. The 1;;;Irtc'..e„:ap's'...ad:`,.3r .\\;?..ar„:911. • Ncily .moe:a its .: ...Is . FOR 51-16i/.. ONLY.: Tho lance iS.,doeined: • Ehigland, Is Streng11910: dUring' the:. C'011tfiripfi o it.e! iw:d.afsin feve (4014;..it4toaini .f.! 46:;4tiena-aga1:14n:,4.-1:141:tt.tnl: ' the :3'Pars, ot i.ts '3'011110 ,P0111;1ariti';;;• new' us'o's it ;cisl*.for 041,01. n •Ciir:0114o11i09 aitti; parades: • • :...• .Tbhs•..paegee ,front the eritetiee. fielsd , a ,weapon e aimost'flincien(aS • .ersOtherieSelVes.-::1 'hen .,he craQk !Jr, • 01:4 :1,1;e ' Held- Of lint.Wit-sr presitg4cvai4,hlactext. •,. . Before the ' Aret1ehti6. 11'nd !ii Infiiortatice, 'lied • by ',the:, end' :ottie .sbtfeenik.confilryt In& 'heert, aIrtyst iit1i'el'y a112aeide feVi crvri•P,'In'.1590 • 1,..:teruit's' Flemish, ' •,:spears,";as INfeen,i4ny niirnol thern; ,for."the Natholie:' the Duke of ItitiVelitin, ;and.' 11 wosF,a1(1 tilatliell.; Y.1 V., reari,,,I• etrtlivcier.... • Mol.O. Ulan 'ootag.? Publh.tnr c•V • a.r.Y •, _ • • • .1 of le;igne, ibe•Ti •• th iNneseo,,,,041:14)tirech.4egel.0.1.:2•,sasti0(116hel.'11, i.r-g5„,Sho.1().1014:.:n.11..ili'.1(ii(i:ti;:1:‘.:(11)ir,)ci 'lCI o in 11 ."Bredetei anc. .i4teru,ith\yarnS dieree,,, e)....,;.;„ 16 0.0.010 'gaiusf do' heinous ,s,in 6t. d!ce!, .01), el • Alt charges yo' gainst . de' black sae- 'I, Atteethe 1)6e.ifeitee. of Ality of rlftln pullets. l3u1, lib(); e• all, teeeee • eeeture, • how e . the, ..lutee. ee'VO'...."ainP•t ea eiline ot nialou*Steal. , • 'p , vol*nr. L1 4J it: ' .016e, 'breci,eue. an'';siiter,e;.:Ali dente/isle :evap •seeit or heat • • . • • •:•..,' back, ..Tho• h•:es•eeer:, k,4,11 11 , :A..brothei :1:1. the back"e.C.t. retitle aneUse. In 14;a steen.,`Pereps. '.tl, e n- odd.,nounil. with hie ' rose , and '' i,.1 ,s hail , eta( it '11(',:noti. •• :bet 41 • -ShaPped L4 .fingers.1 T1i.67. ',at eliemeee: keeeti • It fee': reo tee ,:•,'0e01..f.,•• 'dOWP Ak4111' *it!): n• abost,L1 1.1.V o.1pi.fl r.,ge in t ilOf'O i 1 fi1ea said. the Per- iliitp et: their lei1 tid::•,10111.111'hOr:•4?-. rien;esteenele •e'dacs yea ge.11. 4111:1r:ten; Anar'e:e the Voles,.:(11.,..;•(!i•Ots' -snap, o fings v,Len Spealts .01! .; 4t,,tt1 i.i,(1.,t',:',:ag'i•v"4:, ;op'. .. '' • . ei.e.yeeel . t 0 , jos remi-4.s plc :the, • mafl. in the back seat iltisLivc:red110.. the:. knife':•t•:, •or 1,4:kt. • . . goon bu btzt..:r ot,til!sap: . t ponied OM; 11:31Yi4 It ,N; v,113,1t, 1 41 14.10;'0••• • --of 1 r • : •• ••••• i1,oc.:111. 4,so' . • , . • • — ship :of' 'AndrEe' Tardieu, Min1ster •C;f: PuhIie•TiTollis, is, working, hard In de'velepnient qit net -Lira]: .resources. .I.Leeetitly, an extensive„.elehtrifIca, • tion o the iailroefd..'in th..e:: southern Part of ' the .•Country,. ha's 'been' coin-„ pIeted and :hoee.e. Schetne has :,passed 11.6,', first. Stage for:diarnesSing• •Ute • River • •pordonne; in. tha„ centre :cf France,. to suppee iiiiiwith, . electric' cin+eitt.; • • The Sena'te° PaSSecl: the 'necessary •apPrepriatiens ofe132S,00.0 000 francs and the bill Will through the :Chamber liefere the-,-elose orthe session.. • . • •' • • Of 600,000;000 kilewattee•Whieli it is' proposed t� e..petain,.100,000,000 be. brought t�parisand the' ep of :elef trio current iscaleulated to prodhee. 90;006,0011- franesa, y:ear, , •: part :of the work' oit •the.,. water -pow'. �r .deVelePtheeit. /13 being, done - hy us- ing . German 'materials.,,delleered as 'teliaeat.iOne payment. tieeter.YOu say you 'have, dreadful; pains—aie they worSe' at'ilightr Pa- tient"Probably--1-but. T.Cannet boctor-"Wlik no:07. always a.;leep then.!' • , It is:indicative of ate ,:eftleienny: and,' InOraleet the ,Werldwide erganization. of the -Sun Life that the .lnereasea in its ineettie,are, 'trent every'dePartirient of nee buelness and trOM every tdrrl- torlal 'diiisiort, • namely, . Canada; United, :States South America and. Indies: Great pritillp,' • 'South. Arica , end' the Near East;, Japan, India and the Far East. Ouch a Sheeting, els not' alone tribute to 'PreSident Macaulay Ault a striking 'proof of the: highequality Of .the tier - :sonnet of hie organization. :• • t ' The' Ilead office building .in Ment - real '10 to be iiloreafied ti1amtru4h proVOrtionci.theffrt u.nitof the:116We1 building: being 'now UMW.' • aOliStViiq. Ilan.. • TWA: building Is esighede when ceinploted, to accomrnedate.10,000 em- pl�yees. Annoet equally ..iiiteresting Is. the' action of tho • Company this year th Purchisit:tg 'one of' the most ; feiltrkE Otos in London,. lust 'Off ,Tre- I :taiga)! Stittitre', and adJOIning Canada Jloue Here. IS 6,eing erected 4arhat *it be undoubtedly lotto:of the finese I e...woildei 'metro,. ts011it :and from which -01p billidnees the trithlt WO Will bo adininiatored.1. MinifigSfocksNow. -Mei' are now at tow teeels; and there several which:show eplendld.prefit possibilities. Write, wire; or phone us for. information • Without.obligation: • !' • • LYLE,, BELL Mining Brokers 104 Mail Bidg.., Toronto Use SIMONDS • SAWS Machine mivos- EIMONDS CAHADASP.‘ Cd4 4T1). • MONTriCAL, VAtICO1JLT.E4 St.. 4 OHt MC.. • TpROPrro )3 )7/ N,o.',,Nw.,\Noo•aa'oNwAe011own.01.",•••.1 losure.Yotir rop . Fe su res a -41. abOve,: the areFage—and.14 \V" eres y'poL),)BL8 wofeni- FOTRIZEk, • 200 V,Ine Ave., Toronto, On One o (1 D W 444-4 tzt Tviio Ton Minard's -for: asill'ma. .COgt4te ).`011 hoe • ^ •• fere' 't '; 'ti 141 . • , • `,1;.-0.:: LUC, z.q ..c 11 , i,• V..fl 041 ev ,to,: -1,1,11 • 0, , clt-4;• 1411 4I 411 corrugatior.,.. :; • ' ):4-:;;...('•!; .111441 • ▪ • le i;avnti; . • • • . -•lf. 0.1 .300 •-e4nt .to f:,:;;) V . f..111%. ;7.;?.11. slat.) y s; -:1:4•w•••,4•0••••1•'•1111 • •• • . • ,• • I4•31.4-..4;-41.7.,0 1 4;1ml _, • . . 14 (.4 111f 1.,; 14 . r • .1.74): .11C1,,A 11.:11.4; 1.:$.041. r Ft AVrr1!..„1:11).) 1`1'0...,;11:tt-,1”37 • • .,•12,- • int1:0,1t.t00.(17 ov;11,.. *. 1111100 (.(,)!IiI10c: f;1)'.01,0,4411:(01,g1;0, "1,ii•a• rtt. 6?) t1)..., for the .N111,;IoiLhii..In it at 111)(1.S.,ida ..by 11iat' • o 1'r1211611 uk1rl1si 134 nii'iii git,' its; $ lion • (ie 2. , 1(1. %.41.; .1 V e ; veer:: ‘.0.4r:T7.: It -A' PS 1rq,:•.,:;;71 1 1 1:?..:.,?.'i1)9rft, '1 E 4' • • . \VP': pAy PRFII(li . CAIN, l_4f:11:Tta Dept, W, 1138 Gtioroe St., 'Toronto • '• -f A'c4crzli • 'Ffji!,;•,2,1)•. • • ' • C 11411 rtt .1tr taa. 1.1.434 ti I letix ti)e oni!k:11: M 111m,, fi•ol-n 1111,4 14:1,44to '14111111!,1) •l't":nol. '1V.p ,11ip 4.,4, AI) 1,011.141011... Ir. ,1:1.111 1 04114 1•1e)4'40").` 141PM: , volu .`1.”),:ilf).!.•, '.1,•9; fer: 1 else.: - k • •1* (.'LAJ:,.1...04- "a: :.SON8 21.0. . . \\\ 11\1. \ /. :.: Pet: ger atilfrasf ' • -ii tinkle siRptavdsii t q . .7.7yw..:.,......,:t...................:..-.-..-....e.L.. And theke ,at'e 40 doses in .a 75-ecn bottle I Pleass0 tik take and instant in action in every kind of Cold. Relieves. Bronchitis, Croup and IPVIinoping Ptuuentti 41714" and Pneumonia: , • ated Buy IlUelcloies"./Sold by all drut;nirits and g;u5rante2d. • W E.• BockleY, 142 Mutual, at:, Tbrouto 2 • BUCKLEY It:ft eheirienviit.dr.tiie.:1.. „ _ 311.011!.r.4 n's 'y,71,1:11 .I`or s)ct: ' ,/10141.)`11';•10111 IT. or •tuo Cl214oy4 1140: .I.211,1,.e • 40 1114S +a:it:: -.tp 14(.1 10,1111.1:414.101.41 t; 41,1, IlSelee3t4v.:41..-.. • ' • ,' )er;ti. 414?! 44 41 01 1 1 fr, ; , tpf..i.T11:.114C 1.14 ..1)1 05.11) ;*•,74!'„ 4,1P, A,i,tv;'..:1:1;;‘•;.:Ii \*•-ar . 001.Qo (14c11 000la.ri3t1 • • .• for. 'But s't111 .110111 It .11)1,Q tvrireiMs" • iiret, 44l043d11s1 ter, ft.s 0400..; ; nnOI 0:7e .\1rn..111 NV.," "114l1'- 6'1 ;i.v.lt.;.(10,tr,.?il ssis ,es 41 PasuilLiSubj Brito I,. synti give at5 their naitics, your rela'titi; end -frier:165- oinety obtain .dric lovi7 oreeka ratc et rad red 1. 't • road fares, and 'trAnsport4 ion tor khildren under It, pto.,jthrg op.ji.rd 1 fiirin or dornoi::e et),II!oirttr, ANIL .st. once for %I.:tail's 'of th• e. riC1/3 4 t I 011 troin arry of our &Nes Or gclItt, • cANAtnAN sERv•ias lit gar and id choppoon utip Empire Drinks nfge 1:1e •; r0,ii4n•J :,,,041,4,11 -hay (1 400 'reed 'O.f. (1),0 17:77.7: . 114414 •Ott, (hat!' • 0411 715 "„pirr. ;01:5 , 11: le 0 t0i,1 4:14 • ts .,„111 s. 11:.:Ia • •1`,1•4 ti r*y ,!•.( ar3 piiir.•,• • „f:111;:; (1,c0yeri044 a' li141114I•)• .x.11104,44 tifi(c'fir, (11.0.6.)i0 '111j14. 1.(11'.1.8 Irca nay .f:rvf.)gn 41.0er.l4)0l4i.,co41s14;,11111:y. ,'.I ti tut,' , ours c±. W0,7:514141 • tiAtirAx 1.,:,incourup; ',CAtIChT0011( , •. Ty • 1 • • •CI Ity$4, • mc'st V78 eilagtIMOd in 44, CrOv,:r1 c0100y w;•,.,/,, pi; 4.,1,411-4,031.71,1.34 J. ...It J..; "'."-WITINIEEp • • EI11,1%TO:( , J°" 4 Ani0.1.1jValt4,1111K, . • uo a " 0 b g0°.1 81-{cidi,K 44) old fsmblftr• Pies, ,Cakep, But:14, And • 8read. DOES.A4L YOUR BAKING.BEST ,hrat01,-drespif e....71•7:;,c-hcot:,ssibiltt--- 1i-6111.1W 's• A iroiee ot • Models:an, ifshavcri: have :::;11.11111q,.ti "by:21:t00.0,,,0,0.:11) 141.7•0 . All et, VvilielVitior"i to. fillOr;e:rit'"O. ' fe lioTeel; r • r"?...Z.rrr:rUrrrr- 1V.11)'i In 1M, (1001',141 • u)i, aft' lit a, 51t1;1441..", ' , f'or koodncys' Mtico • Out/au:Ow lite „tilt:IN net' mere 114441 hi1t•01410ur