HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-01, Page 1$2.06 'PER.'Yg:Ali 'S,2,50 QT111k1v.I,§E. ; LUCKNOW, ONT., T�hJSDAY. MARCH lst 4128. . . , • „ ; • o paorEssif:)1”L :CARDS ...P. • , DR. if CONNELL' Physicien'and Surgeon LuCknow.. Hours: "1:30 --at 30 g7-8 . Phone 86 ' • e. MaeLead: • every' "..,Trieiday," in -Dia "..Connell's , • „ • pENTin -Dr. R L. Treleave faa Ucknow-- Over .Dccker's Ste. Extraction ' either ,by gns or ioeal. Will be •ir• a Duagannmi every Thursday. Phone 5,3,. Geo. A. Siddalle Lucknow. -Broker 'airil Real Estate. -Money to.leed oi first mortgages on farm proper- , ties at 6 and 6% per cent according to security offered • Also small Amounts on second mortgages on • 'farm' ;properties and .on personal note'. A few good farm, for sale • , WALL PAPER -A fail line Of 1928 Wall Paperonhand. • Prices faOin Sc ' . up. I am also agent for leaching lob bowies. -R. J. Cameron, Decorator Paiater and Grainer, Box 174, Luck. now. •••LOCAL AND4 GENERAL, "..24/fra• A. E. Buswell aigteAt.'Iak. a• dey this weekwith her people at, !dense:11i •".' • - ' •t Mrs: deaden aVioore.af "ItackWoOd; spent, last" week -end Witha „,Mrs. •Muor O toWa. a'. ' Bible, in ..Yolar. ;seep . and princepa coeperiS: to alaiacKenzie's • GrOceay, and get ybur free' goods: '" • Me,a Harvey Webster went to To, routo last week, having taken a pos- ition with t'ae T. Eaton Company. • RAW ampaying hiahest market price for all kinds. of .raw • furs. -Aa Blitistein; Phone 18, Luck,' now. • (1O.11 -Lf) • • • •FARM FOR. SkLE 156 -acre .farmaairiAshfield, For---aapaiticularsa • apply to. John 'Farrisli, , (29.3.p) . FOR • SALE -The dwelling of the ---Marf--A---T-ennant--Estatea Luck, . .Apply to. Geo. A. Siddall. FOR SALE -Maple . ynnaking Oritfit-geod evaporating panaasev- erity;lmekets 'and spiles„ all in good ;shapkaaIsaiah Congram: ' FOR--SALE-Yorkshire,, sow, due March 18tlaa-G. M. Aitch Cil, R. 2, Lucknow.' • • . " . Mrs.Ea_Dollaman returned borne laat week from-MOntreala:where she had spent a 'few weeks with friends. Mrs. ,Vina Beelosen Was up, from Windsor to spend ,a few days with hHuston er pucnis., kr: and Mai.- David • aMrs. !Jelin 1VIaCkendrick • (formerly Mies Mae McMorran) is visiting .her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Da C... Mc, ' arearan. ' .• • cxuacil N'OTAS United ,Church • The " #faating of this :Week was in . Charge of the 1.Tplift department, aed ,was:epened with prayer by Mrs. Craw. ' SeriPtlire lesson was read' by Margaret-, Button.. ',A namber of jahort readings aveere,..given "Geed; Mr.Mr. • quir:an MacMillan• , , (farraarir Mfaa',Eathet.Carafainga), of - Detroit,: the taTee,klearittlte.irtr.g n4,mothe, Mrs. Thos. • Mr. and • Mrs.• Ms..' 1§rnith.• Of Prince ,Albert, Sask.,' visited With Mr. Thinirs eaallaveal,• glean Willaond Dits.s.-,tanyb,e11. ' Mrs...Smith • by, Arvin -Percy, aryl Wrri. Cole. Mise; aelea daug t ., Geerge Camp- Isabel Craw wive a• reading., The. Acipic; "pilules, Of failure,' in Life)" vvas ably tliien by Mrs. Decker, • The first harvest of the year -a -the ice Croptaana. being gathered in this. week. It 'appears...le be god in qual- ity and qea•ntity.: ' ,•Tlie Choral Seciety' practice .he held ThUraday night of this week,. instead of Tuesday,: wiaich is the reg, 7aar , _ • Edwin Whitley; 'son of .'Mrand. aaraMt-aaHriater-Wlaitleya-aa-ladaof-abOeta ;fa. , stepped -toil aliPeery:.ice .on Mon- day, and sustained:a ,freetere of one of hie ,legs, • - Mran rs... ex:- at anoll ie - turned, to town "last week, after an alaance a couple .of inonths-the font er" at St: Mary's, and the latter at TOladO; Ohio: ; . • r PresbYterian. Guild. • • , Owing to the fact' that there was CO meeting .1a.at week, the tvvo. Pro- grams were combined on Monday evening.. Donaldia Douglas read the „Scripture, lesson and Mrs. D. Thomp- son then led in praker. A very in- teresting letter from Angus McKay, who is, in the mission field, Was rend- • bY Helen MacDonald. ianstrumentals were given , by Vera Sherriff . and Mr. IL a Nikon and Donald ,Mac - Charles, The first topic, "John :Cal- vin.," was given by Mrs. IloraceaAit: Jager', the second on "Canada," by Miss Fern Reid. Duetts were given-, by Itoeella .Mullin and Mae MaelVfa- hen Mr Wigg add Mr H. Aitchison 'Mas. Steward and Mies Mary Aitchi- 'FARM FOR Quick stmt., TO . WINDE UP' AN ESTATE, 100 Acres, Lot. No: 66, Con. 1; The property of the , late , Henry. • Eskrick. Farm consists .ofeiCelient clay loam,. about 20 acres fall plonglfeila balance 'under hay and grassa. about 13. aeres of haiditiod Wall; artesian Well; bank' barn 40x60 ft with stone well; :drive shed; . good Orchard; story, frame house and f* iine lat.:: ehen. Situated. on • the Provincial Highway,. 9% miles 'east of Kincar- dine, '1% miles froth vehool aad ' 'church, 2 miles from • the village f Bervie. Must be sold at oire: Apply to Thos Eskrick ,er.Wm., Grahain, • Lorne Itaa: 1. • Baby Bhickiiiiit— Hatching Eggs Card orTliiinka.t ••'' ' •alas.VTflhi1im tItYan and faniily eaah. to •t'llank the frieeds and neigh. .hors far * kindness. shown them' at the time'. of their a recent hereaviiiiienta .also L.O.L. No. liaa andothers for .Contailaitiens. . '.DELINEATOlt MAGAZINE,: • I.oayeit, offering ever given on 1his fa ell Vie • magazine., • •One • y s Scriatioh for 85c, 2 .yearsfor alata• bacai be now at Hoanta 1 adoch .Iatielcnow: .Mrs. • 'Representative Betterick •Pub. Co. • vit)7.'" • • ' ,..- ..FRACTURED LEG BY FALL , Mr. Wm: Webster, an ernailoyee. of 'Imeanow. Silverwciods, had the mis, aortarm on Monday ste: slip and fall , . in soca a way as, to fracture the •aell, •a !termer resident'. of .this , The Presbyterian Young Women's Missionary Society ,beld their Febna• ary meeting at Mrs. Horace Aitchi- serf's home,and it was 14,4II attended. The meeting opened with a hymn and • prayer. Mss 13 Henderson read the . are for some time, ',went to consult -Scripture. less-el-V-0reaa , • , specian.st. . .• Mr. ajilex;.', Woods .ef alaicknow, is v ideitorawith•.Mrii R. J.'WoOde., Mts. Alex McKenzie of damphell.: ville, was a visitor- for a week :with her brother, 'Ma. Kenneth, and Mrs. -Dameron. • The „regular meeting of the Young Society Will be held on Fri- day evening, Match 2nd. The gab- ject, Mame' Missions," will bet. in charge: Of Mrs- Gordon, Mr: Archie McKeneey and Mr.' Harvey Webb. Owing to the storm the Sunday eve- ning meeting was a postponed until next Sunday evening. • Mr. Culbert ePent the Week -end at his home near Ripley. Mr. John Mc- Guire accompanied ham' 4 • MiSS Mary DUrnint we are sorry to report, is home ,frorn Dungannon' for A week, owing to some trouble' in her throat. . ••• Miss Jean MacKenzie of Langsade, was a week -end visitor , with her friend, Miss kargatetaThorna., Mrs. Gaunt and Harold were. in. Hamilton a few, days last 'week.- 11-ar- old, who hzta been-urider the doctor's ,T0H14'IIUNTER -OF A'SHFIELD, • ,P!ED 'AT ocg. AGE OF 82 Suhday, F: 26th saw 411e "pass-, lag ef;,' Mr: ',1,01111 ,Huntera an Dig, resident of the -7th Cori • of 'Ashfield ." will bearemeinbered- by .sedieofathe people abbot Zion, as his early .dieya were ..Speat ',ea, a farm opposite Zion Chareha,laiS father,- Thomas Hunter, and a „brother, ,canie ".frorn the Old: Col:Mary, anda'were pioneer -residents -Of %the.' 124 'cianaession.." 111,heY :were: " • Active in the .early days in connec- tion 'Wall the 'Agricultural ' Society Of that time.' 'After the: death Of his father John dispbeed of his in- terest ifl the liornesteed arid bought the farni on the ,7th' Con, where he since lived. lis wife, before her marriege,' a Miss .Culbert, died mem% years age., 'frond Mara' heavy' laying -straini--:, Pare bred to ,lay .„ White 'Legherns • and ,Barred Itocke. High production 'and ,pedigreed males rased ' ,Ordee„ now, and get them' when you want theta. Also incubators, brooders n.nd, poultry •Supplies. Custom hatching a thirie: I can .save you. meuey. Phorie or write • Duncan • Kennedy. Whitechureli, On (1-3,tf) • TENDERS • , Tenders will, be 'received by tiv, • tindeasigned for the . following work . for the Village of Luelcnow. Street, watering (if requited). Gravelling, 'te •tenderedt for per yard, and person whose tender is ae- . • copied,. to pay one-half inspector's of Acts, aridalater le in. the discus- sion 'of jahe chapter. After' the roll call anire-c011ection" Temple elm! es.ga . • supplies told the member5. the ar- ticles that were to be supplied for the bale- Miss -Tena Carrick 'gave • a talk', on some of. .the outstanding things in theFebraary Tidings. Mrs. Phillip Steward readaa letter an the. ,hones in one of his ,legs, below the kiweIt • is .said, to .be a: bad break, him:up for eome. time: Th. • accideal-aoccuirect near -Silaier- 'woode dowt-town wareroene. • MARRIED AT ,DE'aItatIT .•On, Tuesday, Feb. 21sta a marriage took place at Detroit, Mich., at which . • ,:Mr. -Duneari . MacMillan, son' a Mr. ' Milae MacMillan, of near White- church, and Miss Ethel Cumming, of St.. Augustine, were the ,principals. Ma. and Mrs. MaeMillan will make their home in Detroit ' ' Grading, Dragging And team - work, • with Man andateam. • Snow. ploughing. • 'Tenclers to be 'reedited on or be- fore 12'. o'clock noon., on Tuesday, the Sixth day of 'March; 1928. The 'low:: est or any tender not •necessarily ac- cepted: • •.. • Joseph, Agnew, 'Cleak,..Lucknowa " (1-3-c) • YOU RUN NO RISK,. • jiist get Mra.'SybrIla- Spa rs Tonsil - itis, use itefor Sore throats, Cough: Bronchitis, a "Creep, • Catarrh, •Head colds, and altThroatand Tonsil Dis- eases. Success or money back. -S McKini'it'Drug'Store. 'ROD .A144.1 CON.- FOR MARCH A 'matt instructive .artiele on . the factors contiibuting; te the, tremena.l. Tidings Iron' a Missionary- her fa& pressions of Formosa'. Mies. William Fisher, extended an invitation to the .ladies to meet for their March meet- ing at her heme. The Presbyterian W.M.S. . The World Day of F'rayer was oh- aeived on Frid.ay,athe 24th inst. by , the ' Christian women of practically every' country Under the ann.' . The meeting of the Lucknow Presbyter- jan W.M.Sa.was held at the home of Mra.. Dorothy Ilion,gla,s4. The excell- ent program .prepared' for Canada Was followed throUghont. Several of the Members led in. preYer. An ac- count of the aims and purpose 'cif the . Council 'which is to meet in, Jerusa- lem in the springWes given. Two hundred Mee and women repreeenta- ing Protestant Christians i.of • every nation and 'race areto aischss` the .vital- problems Of Missionaraa_enter- 'BERVIE PLAYERS ENI'ERTAIN• , GOOD CROWD' The itoup of Players who ..braviti the 'intense cold of last -,Friday, and drove .civee• from Bervie to Lucknow tt; Present "Cyclone Sally," furnished quite a lot of -.fun to. a crowd which nearly filled the Town Hall. It was mostly a:town crowd, for the •• bitter '-'61c1 'Was in CO way, inviting to a drive , in from the .countrY. Yet, a number ' did -drive -an a few„miles, The play Made: no 'pretence At being weighty or serious-,atiet a humorous illuetra- Oen of the diffiaulties that a 'young man May get into when he endeavors ta Marry a vociferous young lady like , Cyclone Sally for her meney' enly. •oSally",, who was , .represented by • Miss Myrtle Webster now :teachieg, ' near Bervie) had, like the . "fish wives" of EnOand, developea great flumicy of speeth anti reedinees to .give- :antlasundry, 4 piece 9,f; her Or of it. • „ The play was given under auspices • . 7, :rips less :cif trout fry after their be, :of. the. local 'Weitien's- Tnstztute; and. in' -planted from the .hatcheries • as a usmess entt re n the -fifty-, • • . Mrs.. Manes, -who has been. e vis- itor with her, slater, Mrs. aas. Gaunt, for a couple ofamenths, 'returned to her home: a Pittsburg lafataWeel . Little 'Hugh Rullierford the 3 -year- old ion of Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Rather - ford; had the misfortune, while play, , ing in the yard on Tuesday, to be ' 'kicked by a horse, A Cut on hitifore- • head 'required 'Several stitches, and the. little lad atiffered Cuts inside the, month as .well The annual At Home of the Woiii• . . en'S Institute was held in:the Hall on Friday evening Despiteathe.o.: Pleasant aveather,, there wits, a• good crowd This year the men had charge of the program; and they. put on. at splendid Minstrel, Show,. Choruses, DUetts, Trios, Instrumental music' On the Mouth organ, Jew's harp, vie, lin. And banjo by ,the colored gentle - Men, 'were. all Muth enjoyed. , The numbers' were •Rberally interspersed • With jokei. Wig 'Doretly McQuillin acted as accompanist' After the pro- gram :several entertaining games and 5tupts were enjoyed, 'After •which .a bountiful lunch was served by ' the ladies'. A :vote of .thanks from the. Women's t Institute and the .singing of "For ; they are Jelly Good Fellows" broUght the t evening's 'eatertaipinent I prise. An nferesting letter was to a close. , The funeral was on 'Wednesday: , afternoon to -Greenhill Cemetery. ' DEATH OF AIRS. JOHN DURNIN • John Durnin, a resident of the 6th Con. 'of . West ;Wawanosh, died:at. her home early . Thursday Morning of }est . -week,. f.oliowing few,. days'. illness. She was in her 50th year, and had been twice married, first to a ,Mr. Webster of Oodeeich rewnship, who was •killed in a rail- way aro'ssing aeciderit .near Clinton A ..few yeaes aater she as married to Ma: Duroin; Her maiden nanie was Margaret Victoria DempseyaBe 'eides her husband she i4 survived by siva:sons:Anti thre.e daagliters: *.Thcara as and alarvey Wester, , . • read • from Mr. Angus McKay, whom the Young people of the Maitland Presbytery, /are.. :supportiag. At the. Close of tile meeting- A social hour was spent " " 'LAnspiR Mr: and E Tiffin and family; also Mr. la. Tiffin and Charlie spent 'Sunday .with yir: And Mrs. 1). A.' MaeDenAld; 2nd coneession. , •The WALS. held their meeting at the bathe' of Mrs. G. Harkness last Friday- afternoon. , 'We,•are,gled, to report that Mr. A.' Clow has impreVed so niuds that' he is able to, talk- to his friends • that One of, the, outstanding.featuteaaatt the contents of Rea and Gun 'and - Canadian "Silver Fox. • News for Match., The author, Prof. A. P. Knight, s. Well-knowyfauthOrity, gives A splendid review of :the ,experintentat work ; Width has shown 'how % Small . °A.• percentage of, fry surviyea and the. resume why. Many other SPIendid ibtoci•or *Waifs owl' §tqpiott. also ati, OW 10 t%4i iNlul.' - • • , afifty-plan, Ws write successfel,,,e. n. -eliding them to neatly, 'aif Mettatha last of their obligations in connection with the' ArMeniati,Relief Betviemi Acts. two pretty little ...0c1s,T,xlaughters.of Meseta Neil Mae-. 'Cal)um ,abd WM, kaolenxie ofItIti4' loss, gave fine exhibitlehs .of 'Sento)) dancink), and ,Mrs..3 Wesley Joynt faing e Solo, • Mra, E. •BarbOur spent last Wed- nesday with; Mrs,, Wesley, Tiffin. , Quite a number .from this 'locality Attended the Marriage reception of Mr., Dave Scott, , and Masi. Myrtle Brace, which' was beld at the latter's home, near Belgrave, last Friday eve- ning. „.:rhe Presents were numerous and pretty: Mr. and Mrs:. Scott will make their home in Meant Forest, *here Mr. Scott has a blacksmith , which Was very interesting. There shell Which he purchased some time was a letter' Of thanks read, arid . sev,- ago, This commurritY kilns in Wish, . eral'.`persens' expressed thole ,thanks in them a happy aad. prosperous personally or remeinbrarices. The maaried iife., . • • ladies decided to hold a masquerade 'MacMillan and Margaret *and Stew-. -art of .the -first,• family; and John, Stiiiing, Charles, Ernest,. and Helen Darnina-The ferkeral .Was.rin-Satar- aay afternoon to Clinton Cemetery: FORMER KINLO8S MAN, • e DIES:AT SEAFOliTH aWilliain P Varson,- whose early life was spent on a farm' in Kinloss, between , 1...angside arid' W hitechureh; died at his home in Seaforth on Tlinrsday,‘ of. last -week; Feb. ,23rd. He was 65 Years Of age: Seventeen years ago Mr: Varson and his Wife „took a trip:from the Canadian West, where' they had spent 'five years, to visit friends hear Seeforta, intending to, reinainfor only a short time. Un- fortunately, Mr .• Varien :was , then seized With a paralytic stroke, which forced them to remain at Seaforth and from Which he neverwholly re- co'Yered, and he hasbeen an invalid • -FOURTH CON. KINLOSS'a' , . Mrs. R. MacDougall entertained, theladies of the U.F.W.O. for the February meeting; when. a large crowd wee present Isirs A ether - land presided, and the Meeting ,open,, ed with singing the Maple Leaf and repeating the Load's prayer in UM-, .son. Mrs. W. MacKenzie •read the of the last' meeting also a letter received from Mra. Smith, ask- ing -for help for the needy up North,. which was well responded to, and a bale of ,.,clothing sent Tie roll call was "answered by Valentine, Rhymes. A musical' contest proved to be much amusement to all This .4‘70S followed by a- splendid report- of the Animal' Convention et Toronto; by Mrs. S. Claw:when, •which was very instiuc- tie Mise Elizabeth Robinson favored these preeent'With a solo, which was much enjoyed. 1,01iss' Dean MacLeedi and ,Mrs. A. Hughes' mire a discusaa sion on "Which makes,' the, better homemaker:a, good-natured, "untidy wife' or a clean, fault-finding one?" • The Bread - coliigs 6 CENTS a • „he _Bread: • of waihof .geaith., xt ' OUR 'MOTTO ISQUALITY Amp : .sErtviek• : • . . , • . , • _ . . Our Quill y Home Made Whole Wheaa. and Raisin bread is'llade' : front the: Citercest, Ingredients, „ .• •. • •- SPECIALS• Date, Triangles,, CheLaea Buns, 'Jelly Reala,...0atmeal 'eoolciesa Cream Calka-04,1ceeia..Fruit..0.ake,;.Rionberry Togetli,.., ch9c04tp•Mafshnial7 ' • ''low.Cake, MePre' Walnut 'Tarts, Raisin 'Pies. • .,-- • 00e LLYMAN'S ' LUcknovii ' • thamighout. that long-, period, . In, 1809 the late Mr.. Verson was- reaatied to Miss. Annie MacMillan, daughter Of the late IteghaMacMill- an of Tuckersmiownship. About . th T• , . • . a year later they left the fainin kifileaa -a;rid" went to Teeswater, hair- ing bought : the Hotel Vendorne in that village. After 4 years in the ho tel they went to the. West, where they remained for, five years, before 'taking the trip to Seaforth, above' referred to. Mr VarsOn is survived by his wi- de*, but by,no„childaen. The funeral was on, SaturdaY; a 'seri:dee being' held' nt St. James' lemen'...datlidie Church, o Whieh'the:deeeasea was a member. 'High Mass was celebrated , the • Rey. E. K. Goetz, -a-0 0-0— REV. J. C. alieCRACKEN DIES , . Phone 76 6t.. Luckpow, Ont., „ ORE” Spring. ,Comes Incloors Brighten up this room, or that room early • with ' New Curtains ' Bordered Scrim Patterned Madras Silk Marquisette • Rayon Netts Mild Colored Overdrapt MaterialS, Sun Proof, suitable for any room. These are all on display, we invite you to look them over. ' • , re • mio4;FEIcING. /Mrs. Wm. ,Blake returned Monday ,from a ten day lasie-Yvith he, sisters, and'brether,'in Lucknow. ' The--3*X.S. at: Blake' intend 'hava ing acidal 'evening , in the 'Church Hall. March 6th, to which all the con- • SUDDENlaY AT WOODSTOCK. The Rev. James C. MacCrackea, bora at 'Wingliam' 61 yearsago died , suddenly On Sunday as he wee About , , . • • - . . to start the Morning aerviee 111 his ,Chtirch at. Woodstock. Me.'MacCrack- en had net been feeling well for, same thrie-,-but had been able to at- tend to his duties as leder of All Saints :Anglican Church Oii' Sunday as he was preparing te commenee the 'service he euffered an attack of acute indigeation and 'passed' tivy in a very abort tithe, . ; The late Mr: MCCrathea had ben ill the ininistryfor 34 'Years and had been. feet Years ia Woodstock. Iris first 1.iarge was Ett, Chesley, and ,he later served,at Blenheim, Eirr,Thorh, dale and Wyoming. He Wila- Padilla; aient'iri• Masonic eirelta roidavasachaPte lain of Oxford Lodge, tAir4 He -is .,sutitiyeii, b aV?..00:Wr, two sons and a daughter. EdWatil-J. la' in ; -CleVelanca.;Ohitea,and 'Fred tat home 1lie,dariglitaiatis et London. -Misses Harriet and 'Bur: della MaCracken of Wingbani, aze deters. The funeral was Oil Wednesday, a stivied being .held ii All •Saints' Church, Woodstock and Asa at St. .paepa Cathedral, London. Interment Wet 'la WoOdlandcovatiry, foondon. , • ' ,• a . dance in the ToWn Hall on 'IdareP ZION _NtWs, .•.-_ :QUI:: Aft'ear - comnuctitya, sitigin& the 'Meeting "clexed-:,..with- -singing-----Ood • . Mrs..Srhithof Dungannon, has re-' 'SaVe. the Xing, and a vote of. thahke turned home; .After spending a caul' the a. a taannoatess' " afteraWlaeli lonclawas erit pie of weeks-withfther -daughter, Mrs. ._ a a : . • • • se- ti me ispent,-wheri. Fred Ritchie. . ' , ' d and A social.• -Alieiteeilitiod - .the ,fees for 1928 were taken The' ebt the. Young People of Wen On Tilers-, TIVIet' Tweetilig 4ii AO -43e'-helpt.4at.,‘ the. day evening of lag Week. 'home of•Mts.,11,Middietoh. iThe L.O.L. soctal el/6)1111k ' "'"""E'0-0"""' - notinced for Friday evening will be ' .ENTERTAINMENT AT Withdrawn on . account of the • ,Jr. KINLOUGH ' Farmers', banquet,. in Ltialinew. .a The A.Y.P.A., Betide and "lainette- ;The Zion WILS';4411":13i'-'`A.tlfoltit. -tlin(4•' will -give. ,an ,ontortainnierit In • to the -Zioncommunity in tit Orange the basement of the Anglican Hell .0 Thutstlays Natell : it a Cliuteli, Xinlotigh, the evening of, p.m.. A, 1004 prottroittnis 11 Or Mareh ilth; . gregationare cordially invited, There will he a Pregran4. palm and ;re- freshments.... A ,generous 'aoffering Will be appreciated. The debate last Friday evening at the ‘. Young People's meeting proved to be 'quite' as interesting as' was ex- pected. • Each aide was well equipped kaaith arguments, so that the judges found it hard to ,make a ''aeCiaien. There were two sets of judges, onc.. of the Trail Rangers, who gave their decision in favor of, the • affirmative, while the senior .gave theirs in favor of the negative. Well, at least, the Church "should' be ar more. important :and influential factor for good in the. life. of the rural, or itaY other com- munity, today than it was :30 to 50: years agre, which was •the subject of debate. We were glad .that Rey: Brown and 'colleague, Pare. ft Herten were able to .prove, that it is, to the satisfaction of the ,seniore;" The dis- cussion , of a question of such vital importance- should cause folk to do sonie • serious thinking; as to what they as individuals aredoing towards inakiAg the Church all that it should be to the comniunitY, • ' . , giVent PO 4 04414itcur 'moo Atilts Os; ,Ottitilveil ' 1 ,A FAMILY THEATRE MARCH 2-3l' ". •Adolphe Menia Bi.ONDE OR - DR: U,NE,TTE.,,:s Coming SpetialL'-- Eddie Cantor in ,"RID BOOTS" SEED CLEANING DEMONSTRATION The Ontario Government Seed Cleaning demonstration train will be, in Lacknew; Saturday, March 3rd. It ehrriei the most approved seed cleaning • machines and, will handle thirty buahelsof grain, Made 'up. at wheat'31eyaiid ,grztas or clover aced/ The farmers of this district should See to it. that one of their number' bring in the •grain and seeds alentioned so that all who 'visit the train receive the practical ,bene- fit of the thorough cleaning process and thereby enjoy more fully tae, lectures.. given. : • n $0!.:Sprig Goods Just Arriv!d • -.se dila- 'We are showing a New Line of •Printed ' Webasso Silk, -at very : reasonable - price. These are, the Latest Geode on the.Mar- ket, Also Printed 'Broadcloths; goad qualitia and price to suit _everybodY. - We have also bought a Large Stock of 'Piet Crepes, in all the 'newest shadee. This la Very Special. ▪ " A SPECIAL, SHOWING OF LADIES' WINTER COATS -We are not in the:habit of cerrying-ovet and are clearing at a Vety,. Special Price. We have 'only Ten, Coats lett,' 'se •come' early and aniie your choice. ' •• Wk have a few Dresses which we want to lar, in Silk and 'Wool, Jerseys. Flannels, and Kasha Cloth. COME AND SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR DISPLAY PHONE PEARLMAN 5 LticKtiow ^