HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-23, Page 8... Ladiei:.1k St. 00,,, Vests, 14i,a4d iOit . lirpe . Ladies' Silk'St 1310omeii; 15, 00d 89.c.. ' .Eitra:,Valt* in all UhderWear ...a t 'RecluCed.'::. S:4c,,' ':, .":, .„•;" • ,• ' : :, .,*„ , ; , -, . ' ', .,:::• , • • • • :Children's C4gibitiatiiini and Two-piece:Urkder,' . , A , • ,. , We4T41.6clUCe47; Listowel Yarn Yiin :.:in Several" .siiicie§..., is tliFfiost., .0014-. lot Si4a,ters :awl Scarves.- : ' , •i -. ' .,. Gc.+44:14-lealii Work Socks Or men; 2,5. and 45c : Lighisteight Socks for Ktien;. Silk and Wool, 75c '. M thistirne oiwth6: year Large CrO4iS are in de.= . , inauclfor packing ,meats.• litrehave all Si2.S. 'fi:ORI. 1:: G.K11011405:67,tallon,sizeg. ., ALWAYS -A opot•Room.4N•STOC: VARIETY 'STORE LUCKNOW, ONTARICY QBITITARY John Mi0oug01''" .1" The folloVng .article on the death' of. Jelin .3)/litPeuga11 of Paisley; •"a fonner tuckneee."'boY;::•-'find • whose • death was 'Weft' mentioned in The Sehtinet ;laid' week, is 'from The , Advocate • ' Eteatlesnanieeleith; uneipected• suite flennese''.to.'lii. John MaeDOugall, whO 'died At hnies:tioine on, Balaclava, ',Ste • Paisley, 04. Friday, 'February:10th, at • the Age•nr69. •Althoug'n'not • eing the best of .heisith4or the past., • year and 'a half,' he had. •heen., out ifid around, AS -usual for* moats of the time. • ' On Thursday ' last h was :seised. with an ettackS"Of convulsions. followed by - 8 period, of' unconiefouSnesi,,• 'from eestialissilfailedeette'sera11Ye--ands4assede away in hours •ekthe fele lowininaornines" • • ' The late Mr MacDougall was born Caledon. Townehipesonssjune •29tb, '188, being oneepxees,limily of five , sisters and threelsrothers, all of whom. exceptennesiareive.'„Iiim,, •When young,linan he moved with his finrily: to 'tack -riot; ,w.here 1hr :smile years lie •.felleeeedthe' work .of maione Later. moved to Bruce' ,TowrishfixHe af- terwards gave, up niaSonry, and fol-. • lowed fanning? --and. atdiffeizeit tiara . • Owned arms on the,. Elora read seutir in Brant and:the:Pi:4A. read north -An Satigeen,- , About: five _years ago. he yetirect,••froin his :fareeeir''Ssingeen : and Paisley : • In .religion :thedeceaied Was a _ , strong Peesbyterian,' and! took -an ac- , tive' 'ParViri theformation of 'West- minster' enrigregatioji in 1925, and the bnilding• I)f the, new ehureh: in. :1926,- and.aisisted in the lityin,g .of the: eer-- ner itones.'At ,the•time 01 hie death he was a •Member of the, Board' Managers,. • In, polities•he seas ,an un- ;.. •: rant Will be issued,. •is understood: The ease. was disposed -of :cpliCklk, •the -itecuied putting. in no defence, 'other :than hie laveyer, Mr. Campbell :Grant, explaining that, the. liquor was 'manufactured for •thes use .Of Hohn - 'stein ,• and -his 'farnilY. Previousto this Year -the 'Hohnsteins had used .eider as' a beverage, but, On, account �f the • seaecity of apPles _•last season, ,• the, Stronger drink. was made as ti substi- tute: • 'Cr -own. Attorney Freeborn' calleil trovincial Officer WAdmeyer in order' ..te. bring forth the facts of the case. HohnsteireS Pace Was visited by Officer Widrn.eyer and Constable Sch- midt of MildmAy; on 'Jan. '24th, when a still was discovered An a dug -out under the kitcheri,, as well, as about .-30-efgallons..--eofswha. _tee -sips—% generally"-, termed •"ewamp wbiskey':. ' • The proseention follo*ed. The' In- land Revenue 'Department :may also institate proceedines against ' this farmer for operating: a still. „ • :A VILLAGE COUNCIIs TO TAKE • PAT. FOR SERVING : - Theemenibers of Tara Council,have followed' the example of n few ether' municipalities. in Ontario, by vettingthisebS a •salarY of $3.00 per .seS-' sion. The motion came. 'as a surprise 'to soine .of thenieinliers of. the Coun- • Cil, ' when 'introduced COuncilor Hughes ,last meeting. „HoWeveredmin- cilor, Rby' seconded the Motion and On heing Put to a.:Vete carnet' unanie inously.; This a precedent as far -as Tara is concerned, and -no. donbt-will be criticized severely by a number of ratepayers. As there 'are •About thirteen sreetinge -in--the year - it will -meat-that the Reeve and each' Councilor receive' $39.60 ?for the' Year„, providing he attends every meeting' or a 'total exnenditure of a-• sweraring Liberal. The late :Me. MacDougall eeasbout $200,00- extra; which will have . twiee married,. his first 'Wife, being to be, raised topay for towniegisla- . : . kiss •KAte • MacDougall • of Lucknow, tors.—Tara Leader, to whem Ire.. was married, in 1882. To • :this Marriage were horn •feur. chil-.: HENSALL REEVE UNSEATEP•'•. • dreni lidrs Donald 3iIeLean 'Agnes) •, of, Vancouver; • :Peter Of Revelstoke, R.C.t. John of Saugepas and Mrs. Al- 'VhiMurray (Mary). of Stratford. After the dealt of his first wife he • married again; his second Wife being diss • Frances:Thornbnifof 13rtied :TeWrishi, to whom he was Married ,1894,-, and, Who with family of tWo'sons and lour daughters, survive -Angtis, on: the Elora road .nor Elderslie; on the hornesitead ,in Sa.ngeen; Misses Lilian; Rutkand Violet at home, arid eilias, ..T!r.ances, ,nurse-hi:training at ..th'i-firtice Co,un- ‘ty Hospital,- Walkerton:- All of his.,chfldrezi were(PteSerit at • the funeral, exCept Ms- Dpnala-Mc Ieeen and Peterf.-.• Anteng•-theise tending the Luneral from n Clistimee' were iiia•s.1;stei,:**11AS'es , and his 7.brother-iii21.AW;'W Fr, ed MO.?' • „Donald nf LuekisoWe: his „li5tefs'MIL2 kortoii IdiadIgOrt-ori'Nif'" ; t." and hs ousin, Archibald 10Me of Toronto. ' • The funeral .serviCe; .'"eeblich conducted' at the bOuse ;herlfeif• A. ft i,14.;"pastcir ef•*WeStininSter • Church; 'wa largely attended, :Allow.- ing the esteem in which the deeeased Was keld.:throughout the whole cerns noinity .firwhieh he had lived foriso • • •nmny years. Ieteniferit was rna in. :Stark Vale cemetery. 1 • •• —o-aso FINED' '$500.00. AND* COS 5: That the Ontario Goverimient teMls .toisupply all the liquor, t� be consumed In this'preineelfseeuggestes .ed by the ifdlleWifig; whisk We take 'from The 'Walkerton Telescope ,I11 Miliirnay One Tueeday. baorninge . Jelin Ilehnitein -of Carrick Tnalishin; • was .fined $500 and 6:vitt; of .$7".78, • When he, pleaded giiiity ta a "ehge - lialitn iklub, on, Me s'preralSet, Ntilileh "tad mat, beerhosed from A :gg terttipnt vehdorv. IL the bim. •er,*1.00� peio leVigsr Ofqistritifi Wolkerj 44416 Virilfr. . Robert- Higgins who at the artir;ei- cipal eleCtion for, the town .otilenSall Nyilq elected reeve, has heen 'deprii;•es1 -of -his Seatby, order' of Itulee Le 1 of the county -court. ction to unseat Higgins was tak: , •en, by Owen Geiger Who Was a can- didate for the reeveship. Geiger- not only asked -that Higgins he Unseated, but ,that he,.(.Geiger) 'be :declared elected reeve. The complasnt against Higgins Was that when he was nom- inated .'and elected to the reeveshiP, he held the poSiti.6n Of celinty auditor' and therefore' wes ,disqindified , for the position of reeve. • • • ' , There was elm:lie' little irregulariter about the appoiptment of Higgine as county auditer, ami thia'wes•put for-- 'W.arel, lei justify, his cfaim to the b`,/e..shiPs He, hOirever, had aceePt- 'ed the:,atieeintrneritein4:aCted as aud-• Ateeel.:end "Judge I_ ewis: C1'4„, that:1'361s ' $ii1flie,it to disci:ply./ him ,".as rect're h.miunidipality. the eotin- tik 4.. • ••••• ' . The judge, however, 'elid ,net .allew Geiger's ,cittiot to -the reeVeship: .It appeared that Geiger: knee:, at the time, of the nomination �f caridiciatee "hee-Iliegine wee discmalified, he hav- ing been a Member of. the Count; Concil ,when • the . eppointrneet ef Higgins was made. 'The judge`nialp: taitindethat Geiger Should have made ,thknown to #.16 electese," ee • that.. :they .could...shayes. nominated- soma • other candidate. .• •• . . It looks as: 06'01 Gele,:se nig to :have '-en,election -hr-WhiCh- he - would -Win,' Whether he •itY el" het 'ft lie'''got. a majority, all riiIht if net, -he, Would have; his bp.... ponent unseated, and be himeelt. (lets dared elected; 'being the .ertly, legally _ qualified eandidate. This, hewever,,, did net averk,‘Ilie' • judge. •eVideritly, takingethe view 'that it wothil be'am- ir to the electors, • He', thereforey, Ordered 'that. another eleltien ley. the omc&ot ieeve •• LUCKNOV aET1NR TRUMAN% VI eeet .essesseeseeese • ' 'vies tiI41/00•610I/11 ttil44145A WO,IVIAN Cli4;114i. WW1 '117,AbliElit014 W.t.131.0414fti,wrIks 111.4talt ,s$4,4.,,Ptlittw RANK tbinn-10614:til10.0 the. •PPOillptiOf 4 geverinnent liqaer :store 'at WAlk- ':41S13.':XL1.41014.40.-X0ri Yvb:0 ;00e• the erlon;' 'The. Chesley Enteeprise„ al. Pa'et seven years has been teller: in ways strong Cor eempeeanea, had;ehe, the Seaferth braneli ofethe'Doniinion following: ••/"•' • Blink; Wee. placed smiler' arrest on: With the opening •of a 11qUo1 etore: •Tuesday • cf laSt.'eseek 'on :a clicirge ef • in Walkerton last Thursday r • ' 3tea1ihg money froni t'ne 'bard 'new to ng eePPly: &pets in Th war4 'af, bank, aUditers. is,. said Bruce •County wbich in A: .prcivinciej: tto have. revealed -a shorte0 set'About Plebiscite in Cietoieee eeee,gave •,$1,11090.,:sand ij s aBeged ,.•-"that the joisity Ppf: 3,779 ga1nst (iovetni4nt. eenney „youlcI•aPPear „to haVe .e, been • Control. EVery, niunieipality N • '.:aken at, different%tinfes •ilbringth e rave a. rnajorty fV.'yetaining '1111st sbc eark llre' said tehave been the .0.T.A.Theelneiiins an hoth -dOerlYeconcealed-'• •Itle sahl• thiit serves :give -a: riiejoxitir, ie,,:feVer .cse he 1oa1 meriliger had pieced .gs.eet the sale , of firewaterby tlibottle, • .°11,office.,in thq ,t6lier; nild did 'n.9t. but We -refeered.,to the 'white folk, in ‘..•:•eeP .as 'dieee lab: On „his worit,•as the tban and reral niunu.ipalities 4onietinies done thus tbus enak's•,112'.....thO ..EVen ,Wiarton, in. which •,a 'bonze' fering easier.. • Seaforth . friends of ,i0itit has been lecatedi gave a 'IgiSSI Kerr Telt Up :seleyen • • thonefied jority of, " 248 ego:instthe. siting,..up 'ardiars',bail toSecurn hes' releas; • of licenor etords anctin.thef,Prna,inesial tom jail. 7 Nisi, It'err'S horne 11aSi. generaheleation, Of 1926- both 'Billet. ,§eenshe SeafOrth :for sOese.,tirri.e,:, hes. • ridingretpined" chnclifiateS who Parents' having both; died 'there:: with; were'OppOsedt� ebelegalieed bottled' , in the past year. She is 84 year's of sale of intoxicants The. action. of „ate. • She is .to ..appear, before. the so-called 'strong man", "Hanna, .trate Reid fer. a hearing on •Tueeday in placing two liquor stores in Bruce :',01 this 'wee,.4.- is a brazen disregard of public (min; ee ion. as expressed at, the polls; GODERICH seese-o---4- • e strong all right enough, but it is for IrG7,1 , I • • ....,, r.,47••,,- -...,•,•.,,,,,t. ,..0:-.-:,..r,..,,,,„,..,,,,..! .,,,,,, , ,•::•41,:td.,,,,-;e4,z„-rirg,t•Tpa •,,, the brewers' Iplif interests. Chid interest „inql-Te' sitting of the Charlie H1ck is •the veitar in §111Felne'• Court in aoderice last Week* Walkerton ftt iv 'salary Of $1.800 and :1entred. in the notion' brought bY'Mra. Tom Kenny is his assistant at. $1300 • Louise 1 MeMichaelTand her imsbandr, a year , Their 'hours nes: from To Garfield McMichael, of the Huron ,till, 6 p.m. excepting Saturdays ,road,,juSt outside the town limits, a- :teainst. the town and the owners . of When the joint "for bedivelling homes opens at 9 am • and clOseti, at 1:p.m.: athe 014 King Edward hotel' prOPertii All kinds ef domestic and foreign on Kingston etreet. The teial judge •liqu"ore can be secured and the. 'chief was Mr. Justice' Raaa3r. 'vendor is enwowered to issue per- 'TheiMtchiVlaitorfheh chaelsunei(glt. f or,156,70e0n: 0i narts'right 'in the 'official birjro.orn; claiming, ... We .said • in an article several` ber' 3rd last, 'about '9,30 'o'clock, Mrs. months ago about 4 liquor store be McMichael, while Walking . along . , ing located in Walkerton, that we did Kingstonstreet, fell' into an open not think it would dra*-bilsiness "to areaway front of. the Old hotel the county town The editor of the property and .sustained eevere injur- Wiarton Canadian -Echo interviewed ieS which have been the cause:Of:Mitch eth'es-enaerehanti---ofe----Wiartoiresirseregarde,=PUin-anCle-dist'i:esse-ase-wellerase---e-3=-Pensees- to :tee eseiTneseseeee'eTeg power of a and from which, it is claiMed, she is &Pier shop in the town and the con -still suffering• sensas of opinion is that the. shop Wilfrid T. Mer..ean ;and Wesley,'M; has" riot* attracted_ business for the. 'McLean were made .defendants' to" the merchants ok..Wiarton, no Will it be action along with the .cereortition, the •A financial. benefit to W,allcoVtoa but hotel property beiOng,ing to ,• them or r the estate of their 'father, the'late ather a •detritnent.. If. fanners' wiares to ..... Tet it in thein heads that their "buss Robert •McLean .earids or ions are attracted to Walks .The case, which was tried WithoUt eat' ffer V'T,7477.,....4,77.77,77. 97,1•,•,...r_.,,,,777/774774,447,717, ilniversary Sale e 00 for Used by tOurlStx.cimpers farrners,-Oe,auTpl.aee where electricity Is not available., • „ Experienced users Of Gasoline Irons Prefer our ni4kes to Other .Inakes, for . . • . the reason that everY tim it is shut off the tiro is cleaned htornatically. i. • '-'CO -FORT" FLAT -IRON NO sieve or eleetricity is needed. Fuel capacity iS. three-quarters of A_ pint. purns five hours • • on One filling. ,Only thir& seeseids is required to make ready for ironing. This is cree reesen why it is in such great demand. When valve: is closed generater auteinetically., cleaned . that it. Cannot cleg. Weight 7 lbs., has 181/2 • square inches of iron n urfAce, Cost of opera-. than' is less than .oneehalf,"cent per hoer. • As we are anxious to introduce our Iron in every Mune we shell be.'prepar to send same, providing oraered Within ten days from date of this paper on receipt of $6 45 GAOLINE LIGHT CO., Ottawa, ant: 7- D. A TRIAL.. Gentlemen:— With, the ',instinct understanding that this is •a 7. days' •:free trial, wish yonsto ship to my •,railroad Statien Goinfort Iron. I enclose to Cover cost of 'roe, Special price filleted in. Ottawa. Flinn Journal' If I' do not find the.t. the Iron --.-eis41.1„,thats.Ateje.irepreSenteiletesbes-LIs."eelLe:eteens.sames__Itsiesexpreselyesin . deretood that you are then to eeturri my money., If; however, I do not return the Iron within -7 days, you are to keep the money". ' eky Name . Post Office, Address IsIGHT--GOM-PANIfrOttaWae..-OntesPorrnerlrSparkeLe St:, Manufacturers ef Gaseline Lamps,. Stoves,: and parte for same. •IS sr, • erton by the prbspects of securing -a a Jury, , . occupied . the: eou rt all day • Seeile, or so of li th 'll Wfiednesday, a large lc f 't BAD' AT Al7fON - quer, ey will use , s nuns) r o wi - MAN. , nesses being heard. --L. E DanCey tlesir hestefforts to have them go to Chesley, Elmwood, .Hanover Car_ was counsel for - plaintiffs; . Tr - E, gill or Mildmay to •do their _trading Holmes for the town, and J. C. Mak and shOping." ' 'ine, K.C. (Stratford) and It: C Ha .jr,,for the Metcans. • s B The plaintiffs' claims were eclisput-' OY".IN ARRAN:.TOWNSIIIP KILLED IN BUSH ACfflEed at Many oints Misa -Irene John - sten, who •evits' a feW.yards behind .Mts. McMichael When,' the accident occiareed; and who - .went to tier assist's armee swore that that Mks. MeMicheel did' eot. fall in the areaway at rill .biltinn the sidewalk:' Mrs:, MeiViichael's dence on.,tbia point was, corroborated by• her young son, Whe"Waa with her.. Medical evidence was ,procipeed: in • an effort to show that only minor injure ieS were the :reeelt of •tlie fall, and that 'other troubles frem which illre. Malichael has been suffering' were • Present....be.fore ,the aecident; , There is7.;P:es. conflict, foe, between the cerebration and the M'cLeans •as - t� responsihility in • coprieetlen 'with , -the areaway. ..qcLeans daitneds that itewas:smaintairred-elayethetown out benefit to /them; -While the town produeed avitii3eses to show that'emil.' had ,on 'yerions. oceasione been deliv- ered, through the areaway to . tenant's Of the:: prenerty.'The,. areaway is three feet lei* sad, thirtesen.incheS wide; with a tvieree-incli Think for covering. It is; on the street, bet e"iff 'the' line of- the'eide*ilk. It WZIA 011f1;ilt 'to be shown that it wiis iet; orion the • (ley • of' the .aceiclente-:.and if it was • enen .et night,t svcie :so' by "accident, and• without knowledge of :the de- fendants: , Lordship. gaVe a partial, :ruing up'of the case after hearing the argument of counsel, telt reeerved, judgment... Thefpllowing story from The ;Chesley 'Eeteeprise recalls :early days when in the :winter. season- alinost all 'country dwellers ivorkecl hi the' bush. s •A •peculariar accident which result'4i in - 'the death of Elnier "Close, the. te year old so Of:111r., and Mrs John Cline. of 'the 10th Gen, • Arran' TIL, -a:Tarred on Tuesday, Feb: 7th. On' that Morning along • with ''''St;nie 'others he was 'engaged in ciattiag • trees ::in the •Inisli Of, Elmer: Whit3,' 4th •Con., •Arran: • He Was doing the Wedging in the felling �f some of the larger trees and es._ thestreeAhey: were: cut- tineat the tittle •started to fell it -bee: came apparent,- •that :it 'sViia going te. hit sinal1ei4teeessesliieh' Was in its • th All the party including Close s•eeirig. the, danger, started to rtin.• 'The tree caught the' smaller one; sepling; and bent ,it oyer 'double un- til.' it almost touched _the ground. • •Then it swung' heck terrific: striking:the youth enthe back of the head near the right 'ear.- Ile; received a terrible WOW and fell' to. the &nand. unconscipus: He Was car:, tied intii Mr.. White's house and Dr. Hacking,.of Tara; was Ieuinmone,d and afteran eXimeination he pronounced it a *severe case of eoneuesion of the' brain: The. yoUng-nme .failed to 're- gain CoeseieuseesS at any time and passed away' shortly . aftdr Seven o'S diecle" the folloWeeg evening. • SCHOOL ,INSPECTORS! ,SALAAIES. In the eeesien. of the Ontario, Leg- islature of .1927 the following change Was 'made in tlie Public Schoejs' Act, in regard to , Inspectors' Salaries: :`EverY county Inspector in Office ou the first 'day 'of May 19,213, shall be' pAid a Salary at. therate of $3200 per anninn 'aS from the iiit•day Of Nos vernber 1925, for the fiseel irear'end- Jing .on he illest day' Of Oct:, 1926, to the 31st day' of 'Oct., 1927 Aral thete- "at :nUm., EVery countyinspector ap- pointed after -the' first• day ,pf May: sh%111.': far eervice at the rate of $3000 per ••ann" um' ,'fbr each :itubseratent, 'year's; Sorviee at the' rate �f $200 shall be payable as Iron/ the 1st day f IS"Overriber of ',.the year felleWink thgt;,, in ,whigh the Inspector. ,receives his appointment," • the.co, f'CouncilS psy,.•;hall- the :Ingfieet.ars' selariee • besides the travelling, eXpetleesi • . ee-e-rr oeo, : ; If igilorttnee. is blisso Whg is, hilts :so seitrefi JUDGE ,UPHOLD. RIGHT •OF, GETS INTO FIGHT, PAYSFINE They take/there ponce court oases seriously down in Ayton the chief city' of Normanby TtiWaship; and when •Magistrate-LLaidla,,v opened' hie •ceurt.there on Ttlesc!ay, he waS greet- ed.with a "standink room onlYn• audis erice to' heaf the case. Of disorderly • conduct, reported recently, :says The Durham Chronicle., „ The defendants Were nien named Doyle end Thoma, the:Jet:ter. a re- tuenee ,•seldier, and the •eariSe �f 'nil th trouble:" likthe evidence 'it Was :shoViii-that ThornaS ;had. entered one• . .the Ayton etotteee and had 'proached. a' young: German,' just out from Gerniany, 'who could riot under-. :steed English, niid, 'with' no provoca- • tion .on the. part' of the, latter, .had ••tarted the row. • .e.r, the trouble pro- gressed, the ,village • :constable was sent for,, but for some rea.een" did not ehow • UP• ineke the arrest and an- other Man; Dave Shenk, tame' on theSeene. In the melee a:.windOW' .in front of_.the • store was. btoken. •• 'Ilion -Las, who is a returned soldier, sees red. When he ineetssa Get-' -.van rild this is supposed have Saj ,the pause .of the trouble rather itnything that was done by the: veting „German, si lad abotit 20 'years his eviclenee Thornas•tbid the magistrate that because of ,his retereed. butten; Which he weers toriepieuonely, the . Germans Ised no use for .him, but this, Was (Bs:- eoented by 'the beech in. giving juClg- . •ni en t. . • • ,Both Thomas and lioYle waited a- round Until/after midinehtinteeding to. press the matter further,. and ot that .time .followed Schenk dovvh: c4c, etreets Themes' seying that now vern alone hgoing to e , , t, matters Up with; Sehenk for his i'derfel once.. , Schenk, turned around, hi .!..pipc in 'his pocket; arid trim:" eed Thomee clown t� the:proper ,Size• with the result that,. while, the .„,trial ieole piece ten deys.ifter altercation, Thomas • was just' beginning ,to have -use Of his ()Piles after a fotal The defendrint'e condition ,•,hed • let to -de ,w,i,th the fine admiiiistered, -713. - -the laertek‘ thettght the mari. had. punished skociently to be I t 1.01.ka uith '4 nominal _tine. lIe was ased--$261.5 i 9111, ,White'.16yid v as miiIcted a total ot *MO; • '• Tri givirig his deem -ion; Magistrate i;eitlfaiv reform' t� sleet with' the tt"e of the broken. window, Claimed; was 'an ultimo th er ffer- ''.:,...1t.:0'ierger And,- -WOUld haslie to he ••,,,tticd by, civil rt"etion.• FARMER" TO SI;OOT DOGS, • ' Judge Spetton allowed the Thortell , appeal -.in. Guelph. recentles m „e 81-kc,oting dpg- case. Magistratd•Watt cn • • VICf9d 'George. ThUrtell on ,a, charge Of :slihoting ,tWO, beagle 1ioundi4 some tfine ago,..and Mice:sad .fine of._ $25 and cOsta; Hegave'as i;:eaSon' that ,beagle hounds would not hasen Sheen; 'The etinSe was appealed. s: • ;Bruce E; Lealcie :and Allier' • lIon- Anis. of. „GuEleh, rehbit: hunting ' With " the; Crfigit. :en': :the' lirteIl ;fano . . , • Where there Was' a .‘ large fleet:: "cif sheep,. The :ThurtelFboy, thinkink o-ifog-a go -t 11‘•11141 and Allet 'this elidoting'followed thc••deetru6- tion "of .mariy sheep by •dogri in • the • toWtishifi..:The eouneil had during. the pastyear paid:tut $775 to cwiseta of: eheep• iverried,e' •: :." Muth ;ifitestetsivas takelf* in. the peat by the leresees-eet• the and. among.,Oem • thee h agerlaral- feeling � eatiefectiOn OVer the eta- • goo* ' IT enoSty Wiltthe best polley; if..,n*.t any kind Of polrey. Tt hi a 04te, 02 Mind Or, else; it; honY. DEATH. AT CARGILL THOUGHT. •••DUE, TO MOONSHINE' .7 7 • Anthony; Olheiser, known as "TenY". Olheiser, a yming. man •about: 21 years of •age, died' Saturday e ening Under circumstances- Which suggest swamp Whiskey' poisoning. Dr. a G. Joyce; coreeer,of Cargill,.. •has' ordered • an inquest, and end a jury hap hpenehripan-, eled,, with .Tolie Lucy as fel:erne/a. An- thonyO1hcisr. onlyariir OlheiSer:, Of :Chepstow', -had beenlengaged the dredging work on the 'Teeswaten'Itiver;' near Chepstow,- throughout the' patt'year. He had been otf:;Worlifor a couple of days; due te•illness; thought to have. Leen •brought , on by- SWAMI) whiskey. autopsy was performed .1..3! Drs, Rebertson and MeCue• of Walkerton., anil the contente of the stornach have been sent. to ToroillO for analysis: The, inquest' Will resume When a re - pert is received.! • ' • NEWEQUIPMENT' FOR • .0, *' WALKERTON HOSPITAL' • , The ttustees" of the, •County' . Of Brilee General Hospitil at ' Walkers. ten, taking advantage of th./ gepers .ous legaeies. from the hete: 'Devid Trani,the late Mrs. Malcolm. Thont- Son dads the late .Alexandev Rae,' iriStalled:.a modern, ICeleket' :X-ray machine' so as. to take care of every lass. Of X-ray work., Ther have also instilled a' Keewanee •boiler, and .theroughly overhauled the heating plant, ptit, iri. a ' .silent 'call SYSteni for the wars 'arid rooms, and placed electric refrigerators, -Oh eachof the. three. floors Of ,the inStitution: Bruce .Cotinty Hospital ii nowone 01 the /110,st 'Oornp1ete15', 'equipped hospi- tals in the northwestern pertion. ,of Ontario. NO MORE FflEi CANS A ROY 1*.,141/Clc " A', Dungan ion correspondent • ' tel s a 'somewhat thrilling story of a real hair -breadth: escilpeL-the escaped be- , in, i bdy of five„ This, ,Ley and his, chum:, 'were ot one, . day, • coasting ' dow,ri anincline; their 'c't.luise- taking thcin Squarely across' the highway. Absorbed in theftsport they taped . to. See' a 'horse andciitter coaling a- long thetroad'.ut a fair 'pace; so ',one .th; boys. started, 'down.. the •Shoot: as •beforeIle midthe. lorae got to tlie crossing et exactly the slime Moment, • but si th, luck that may be expected: Only. orice in a lifetime,' :tile' • : lad' and his eleigle • shot through, tween the linrse's heels 'and 'ithe cut.: te..r.:,rnimers 'without being ftouc.hed.".: The • ineidentmust havebeen'. timed- ' to -the small fraetieti of a second,' as • ' . the het's° did notSlackeri his pace. • ' . Ontario is now:the only province '6 -Canada in which "ereameries sup- ply free the tails foe shipping cream, , and if the creanlerymen stick to- frether in the nratter it Seems ,like)y , ',hat • soon Ontario will fellew • the. others: At the We,stern' ()uteri() __Deirymen's, Conventien _reeently.‘.. in Roden the creanioryMen. WhO.'‘Vere; present held a Meeting' Qt .their .OW11' send dodder!' te ujpor 1 Pievemenr Thr- Withdrawal of" free ••ePlt.3. 911)01'0, Arse far. too Maey hold-eids, eras/ears sai.d; cans which Should ha trane'pert4 ,hig• ,cteam are, holding maple 'sap or syrup, gasoline �t lionie4irew; and one Finkl that one of hie etill4 had been` cd hi dellverhig, key; refiix 4ittppy unhi U ha Aolh.i Mende fihe Alit *the prOP4ing ui4sho Ocofani itei' Taft' about, !t', SUnday.niglit after church Roth -the Henderson boys are • fir away from •the old home.: . But Sunday is still a very • speciiil'day' for Father and , Mother, for ` every Sunday s • night' after, church the tele-. phone bell rings and the old, 'folks know that one of the boys is callink ,them from the (listant , ' Rarry calls one week. and Fred the next. , ' , Long Distance Is „wondeeful • for keeping family ties strong, It, is so simple, so inelipensive, ea• call distant . far it few minutes' chat' And bow welcome is • Dthiest..::::::of--..theirwv4oicest-, • Do you' WI. friends ley Leng Jahve-e,IE;e1nioitees Rate eiter 8.30 "very 'Belt Telephone a. Long., Distance Station," • •