HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-23, Page 6•t• • dfty Sitio° Leison \exeited 04 the. he. by 'the; Soviitufs -N t ' OfFentTalleet "Tb0 Chndle not deatklent 'aril.' es cOntelning free citustie A h 11141' '13'"'- New Canadian• be nliiied 7vOth stliPllate ef amteenia.. • °nib" %Trait " Text!lxidu U9 AifSill that ' there 'are Alma woeking. ,againet Effect of Ingo' i.ilatIon on the. Yield of ', . Fertilizing. the bretlerd • , Apple R. ..eceives , ,.Tedn.* . Ilnbelief, had -been spread, . ' • . Legume Drope. e ., • e The •Preheed, la one part of the fern \ .1reitufhti :1241; "1-eeeen .IXre-bther WahtlY Werke of: Jeetite-Maile 5: 22476248 41 42. Golden Text teeThy, heth'enetle thee whole/. •-Mark 81.34.- ' •'PP'BJECT,!. ' HOW ',ROMAN ..P.A1T.I.1 .re) -High Awar the aet1011' Of •the . ' • • . • b ere 'COnimereitil ''fortilispiis • Cell be autinerittbrougies, end 'Jean" hati ToraeVe. lieVeTel: Ot the xperlitteritte. uged. to, edettutege, " , ledsere been ex4. • , . .With' the •'.0se beftire. 149 •gftSt 'of "IpoOoletioz). fertil t*ere, proPorty W9!9E.8, • thhini Only inade on e ecofi'ere before he eetost 4104 hope, Fare] Canada testa have be.9F..,pereetenteily'.'dentotteteitteq'thet AppIC,' at 4nfuiI Obeletir ofethe believingliarente..".legitlxte cr0P-Yleld. inherelegume :bac. tisedi1e,conetit°t1011. toverops. • entrai EN"e.tinlei,?ta • INTRODUCTION -The asipeet xig the 'Work t.leelfel,'tlie, Son,.. of Ciott• Which .noW comes before US' thilUt on, bill extraordinary, *Aver' faith ',into, the smile Men, and on ih.0 9f/119'4V/11 4°"'he 47141.tela" *4f6 al)seht* frehl. the'' ee11 Orcherdi iheY 'WM give ,is g•Oual'e, era:tit/la Of hie SPIl t.na givers.. r the reseits'sre stimimOd 1.1p, in A Pasti'...food .SilPPlietletit the. ;tine .of ma MIA 4 • IV the °.floMjniee",./egneetterat /1„,. sofiloient" 011eetlte. • ef enIttetes. itt et. the Vottlinioe pxperimental, Farms oaf . , • . . Vi,h4 •Wilder an, envirenMetit eOns wive lio;tfl* °P7 present in lasufileient number1,. and teaks the Sallie anionfit plant d 1 . hes.fin* it'', his .Powers• 9w *".1mi't•' t I.;e.nme Inoculation TrittOm '1 fact. lanu aleee. may net $upiir$4, : Yarhetieli of:ale/lee origineted the part :Which this faitheplaybdin the ; events which power W.70.4iced, •Faith , orie or either of ite..akleCte iminett before bit`iin V11.1%•20,.' Where JirAa mikes. his request to Jesus; in ; Ve. 27,28 where the eitSIC' vibratile e touches hie clothes; in va.. 38e 34; Where the 'sun* woman conferees, to her settlyandi Jesus • says, "Daushter . .in v. 86, where Jesus encourages jairus to helievedespite the sorrowful • news,: from. his home. We have seen .before that ..the he* of .Jesus 'was rendered powerlees through human .lack. of faith. Here we:have nteinme . able instance s Of the contrary. ' ,Tesui appears in this lemon is, jet. spite. of the natleree unbelief and tn- .,' gratitudeethe 'Great Physician of his people, the sympathetic / Saviour. The incidents - Chosen .revoal powerfully , that there- must be trust in him and •'obedience 'to -him, if he is to be our • , Saviotire It le not a case of Christ, ' ane has these elempats In s.EL Por.e.11,- That, it -a to give' Pigs werm singe that It has now fruited in Christ However prospects for a season- . ionising bils help because there ris no I able' PloVeinent ere ooneldered avaitale .condh.ton. However accord,' • • . h ' many parts of Canada and'some parts c:*.-•thY fai bath made thee and Alberta fologist; :00nle "inereaSeeeeheeeeteeee veseete. set eoete`e .eee, ..tte Of Alio PephrtMent of 'A4rIctilture cOM. in , .. tine° to attract worid!eride attention: comparatVely slight but in many ' ht. , folm es , that In nitrates. ...-"r tete I Till; Moti,biah,a..PPiell the. mei cat roe:lice:Jail t'bi-3 pt o • . Are , 1 , ..rt,, r,. , „ay, .9. At .the'' )11•111'6"81hg 'ExPerOhelltel. 'ehard Practices, 'dititrtheted by ;the.' Central Faille: •at. Cttawas has • beeu are the. higheet award of 'the. Arnerieen mav*---iqoet4te0-altalta:•2- a,111- P•th(11.0-ed- 4' A•geleeltbre,.. Ottawa., evOlitirdiStS , :. tirah-efferts Or find a War-oo, :le „Yield' .retrilting frent. inoeulatitot F.tuffligen.ls,Oot, hi..ser,'reedilYleallable ... - .• e,......., . . . . , . , stanced. they Were' strikingly , large,: . - • . • • c , .. ., • ., ,... . : . . , e • . • reason, In a hulletitv . On :.'elederie Qt-., ,.. , ,., , . , . ..:. Plans; St'll U: 'de' w: t ... '. Olitaxicis• Users . ' Supply :, . • . ...,,. • .. . , . . tt, ea lees.. 13reech„ .Depertmertt of , , . . .. • . . • ..medal. ' ' State:del-we years. ;After seeding, the el ele, t . • ... . , , . ' •" • 'awarded: the'. Wilder (silver) ite log Alberta , Coal lie Ontarte. Were 'tones., ' V,465s; •Ii0Onda of elre ` 'matter 0,0146,4-.t&:clepen,11 lapea..tliadifferent;'1Fehleleee41:''' See1et.Y". .711.1S '.±9110'vrs "under W47'. 14 .0114*4' i.E'01'10Y...*40 '',gaiP'° ; t°43 ' 167 'P°•11n.4. PPihice(1.'•.'f°r're6 a hitihieh'.• potash "dL'1)11°P'sf'c'el'ail4tely1Y.11,(T...ttihie".1111i'itgetilltTlaotit:a•Illleel'dtie.'Z.1-- Ke.W..)leettY.,, President,,of the b..1',It.',.• -,riehi.htre64etl...'hee4, .• '''llnanita;a.' Oa; Rhate as • Nand in cOritriterelai. •fertill isbirWerd. Stlitehhnree ,reP,ieeenfille 4-1,,i '.1.10everledge. Allele, .Statien,' were! zees. to rowei.theetiocessoyeeehieol...teettl E,ehiliitiOn at Preset:434 Beigitim,, , •.:,...., e, . 1 and 113 the • eighth ;Medal ...reeeiyedellsy belie. ''alld otheeis; :Were: there.t ' ,•:'...:; •''.:'4naOh. *ere'. striking. •• i, . cie' rteeae clip-, -. 'elements "or .Piatif , te04::;. .. .• •••,Tke GolyernMeat. is 'reported tO.: be Pea. In :the, year ... of eeedhig.•: lUk.'thaz ,':. At'the Same. tesins'Oreliardlete elicieldItth41.„AlocZ,tni.1711101tr :43ttl•eovtite)310:.4,..seearr•reeteeti. in favors_Of a $7 :freight-4.sta, with the Station :the aggregate • etep .ef tW , -0_ avoid.'..thte.teadY,Illbced,,er. ..oOmplet,O,• . • : . . . . . ,, . • ,,,, , , lose belig ,nntde7up to the railwa,Ys he years fre.r0 illeeeleted l'e4'Clevr ,tleed ,.fertilizers' for orchard use:,.• For 'ex- "13/es' ' ' '' ''• r The, Melba apple Is ten open Petite-. Federal. .9.114 Frevineial• itibitidies. was ' 'IA.62 pounds • Per-.. acre as . come ample, nitrogencontleed in the even(' at.ed seedling Of...the fainens•McIntosh. Priee•cf..eaal:-Ot the mines averages lifared with only 320- pounds ager.eneed fertilizer le..not In .e lerYe iit Seed, qt. the ..,Mcfntosli, was' saved et 14 Per 'ltell.. . With ' a $7 freight 'rite inoculated geed: e. quckly 'available' 'form. • - 1\11trate'... -in I:Otto:A:a in 1898and sown in the ae,. and $,2,.60. per tou • 'for cartage and • parie04 : Was :4,268, itounde••wlth .6,40 ..sodais probably , the;hesteforM overhead,' the 'Cost. of Alberta, fuel in pounds and for sweet 'clover '5,660 : „ e • . i • , . tem* Of that Year." ;The seed 'gentile-, Ontario icellars would be .$13.50 per ton, with..the •exception •of• Toronto -where 50 ceete.per ton, would be ed- ded for bagging. :• '' '. •..`''. • .."••• . ".. .... There is the disadvantage.that Al, ,..„ , berta fuel is not equal to Pennsylvania Coal .'in.lidetiee efficieneys, according to • Government -experts ,Who . have Made teattz••• which . to Su ply, the n trogen. Feel ated theefollnwieg •sPrillg and the pounds ..with,1,520 , pounds • per acre, . sod. erointedS,, otchl. phosphate, . the, The pamphlet..they',be 'attained. from., _ young trees, were set Out in fruiting the ,leiblieatfons Breech, Departmehe most' readily,'avitilable , form, should) ro.ws ._. : be used, but for , orchards ,in Cul+int, jilietie trees, afterwards called the Mel- te the „spring of .1901. One of Of Agriculture, Ottawa, ",..• ., Relative Value of Fresh and Rotted euirements as - .... .tion 'basic, stag Will 'likely', .nteet .tee: ba, it Peasesses 'the added IlseceptionallY Promising, it was named ',fruited in1908c and, as it *as, so ' • , Manure ' ' ' ' ' advantage- of eontainieg , 'some, limo la 1909., . • . .. , , . . • . Weight for•Weighe rotted manure is' Aluelate Is probably, the best form of. ' inore mainline than fresh manufe-ae it potash tor ercharduie. , ',..,.., eeetetains..`.percentages of plant:, food; Methocia',of-Weeding 'Meal tel Figs Propagation was. begun in .the.,win• ter.of •19Q.87e and trees, were sent out to experimenters for test. in:19.11, and UtiH , . , feed .111 colci ther Nees s oen n • a V. „faith:: This.,truth is 'tether that, he. fel. • . ing to a new heilletin on Manttres ,and • • te of the United :States' add has proved test cermet help. 'Where there riot' a • ' . trustful disposition. His spirit can- , not Work On oura if ours is not sur- rendered to him. Even ',the Son of God is powerless' if we get our evillO. againStehime ' f. • V. 22. As jairus name,d as one of the :presidents ' Of the Synagogue, ,we may assnme that he was a ma.n, of , good, education and of high' Standing Th hisownreligious comm -union. The 1, of .raciL,L,..nian 'coining to Jeanie at a .tiinsis when tfie-T.1.e igions 'ties had declared-saiest- himisa- sign of his faith. Tho sante quality comes.out in his falling. at Jeeus' feet ,--ean,Oriental expression of 'reverence. V. 23. Jaime, reasons for Coining to Jesus :are now declared, and his firith C4)111C3,•CoUt again in his" complete ':cone fidence that Jesns is able to do tbs. •thing which hp requests -to restore his littleetiaughtee,.. now lying at death'S. door. ' • ' I ' Vs.. 2447; lei-eni-erOirce-sits out to go with 'Jairus, and On the sway s• when an 'extraordinary incident oc- curs. The fact of his being occupied with. Jairus'„ceee,does not prevent ae-, othee .eufferer Irani snatching e curel • by the Way. A Woman; suffering froin . a' diseresping complaint, coines•behind, • him, touches hiS clothes,' and is healed. I .She feels that anti:mg the'cro-wds fele lowing Jesns, her. furtive act' and her, band willeeteace d,eteetion. Her faith is plain by many eircurn- stances.: .,(1,), she :had suffered for twelve,•years, yet still hoped for better- thent, (2) she bed. triedeall'the•dectors , vain. yet still hoped in Jesup; (3) she had grown Worse as time went on, . yet not even :now despaired. To all this 'mutt be added (4). the unquestion- ing wav Irv -which she expressed •her- self ."If I may .toueli; but his clothes - I shall be Well." _., • • , y4.• 32,-,33. It -shows how sensitive our Lord Was to the touch• of the ho - man spirit that he was at onceaWare ot. the woinan's izerst acts' It vexed ' that‘the poor sufferer should, _ to slip away even with the cure 'Which she bad sought. ' He wished for her a' gift not obtained by etealth, but with his own frank consent end'bileAe- . Therefore, ",Who. *touched my clothes?"' The power of Christ works • by an individualizing love which singles o.ut a., • its recipien p cial, personal blessing.; Hence the re- cipient of his. *healing here has to oonfeis her act. • ". ' , Ars. 34. ,Wer may. well see the pur- pose' Of J'eS115 in Obtaining the •,wo- " man's confession by the word "Daugh- ter,"rwhich he here uses In reply. • He wiehes' her to know that he has .really will her healthk and recovery. She. * • ts for s e- MODISH .FILOCK. ' The smart simplicity of this chic frock will appeal at ce to. the dis- criminating- Woman, Thfe graCefel jabot 'and ciroula inset at .the 'left Ride front are og special interest; and the long .dart -fitted sleeves are ,chic. No. 1717 is for'Ledies and IVIisses, and is alma 1 Years, 36, 38,.40 end 42. beet.' Size 38 requires. 414 yard 6-.•.; inch,' or 2% yards 54 -inch triaterial Peke, 20e the pattern: • ; Our Fashion Book, illustrating the Feetilliersewritten by P. T. Shutt, Do- e • . .. • t made •.ssa the - entvIlle,. -Nova ,nsinion Chemist, and. L. E. Wright; the Scotia, Eiperimeittal..StatiOte .' ..The losses in flitting:frequently .outlialande pigs •. •rete divided, Into four. lets. a5. the., benefits. Generally epeaking; the . etinel. in weght as possible : ' Each lot. . . . . . . sooner 'the .:fernier . gels. els. inan.e,e1 '...re.cfalYed 'au, °(ltial.. quantity :a. thehl;'' whileet111fresh' Into, Or Onto , the ;07i. T°Otse and . milli, and had.: accesS . to . ..tlie: better. , Still there ' :are. • tiines water as. required. • •The metheds of :vantage.. ' 'It is •Well suited. for 1' hel-'-`-------"h' is:" an ad.,-.,1.ffe.e,..d,ninigfAirlipp..nie.al,. however, vve.re tilt - let.' . \''' Let, 1. received' When: tile jetting, of 'matielle • ineaefed. dry and lot 2, nieal in water . and sande...Soils:as' it tends to niake L.. 4.11.-e*Liiint,4403.pstet_4nictenthre, ,,f .siop fed , cold... , •••Meal itiaked. trete'. Rine which adds to thoattracttveness '' ene7feed-Aoetheeetextea-i4est •deLd-__"te' •fresh ,manure .IS -best as it . liner:twee-1 .lot:: 3..aed .waira tit lot 4. , ... The lot 7,(4-1111h-vitiltst.Y.--alii1.1"7-1rirtrielierd*.' irt clieettee-oS-deveee-as......thateeee0t- mpisture. • Oe 'Clays and .heiyi:leanie . their ehyelcal. ..Condition by, Openiegi fe'4'4Y.nlealdid not 'do so well e.Fi'ihot!--• very promisieg enderediffereet.'cle read.° conditions.. ' . • , The .Melba. Is. a •sernmer.,apele, of hendiionee, epeeeranee;, in: season be- fore the Duchese .of• Oldenbuig and quitelhE3. high in 'quality: as. the . tosh.•• In ,coler, it is e 'pale- waxy Wished' with bright carmine; anderimson„ the former •being, the pre, demineet Cola: It. has a Marked Per, OWERS'. I The Anglo-Saxon' • „ and VEGETABLES No. 2 Language to Return Dutch Friesland is Working Centre , for Movement to Bring. Back- Use Of Pia". . • , „,„ lect close Ak:n to Note: -To ,acceremotiete our, varying ditArto'. climata (font Pelee. pont. - to.tip4saii:a pay), . wa rc.• ricr " Ogee ertielette•eerly, enoteetteter e -so. elle out frit. refirence'.end file. , .• , .., • ' oto Ind Oo eY lender b:eddieg tO the (IOW box and baskets ;.ettn;h0 r0Whby theeteateee if Start- ed indoors, :Olio - the hardier sorts 1!- given ae.eariler .start in; this way Will come:into blootu,',sev.: °rale Weeks eOoner.thae pleeted,-di, _ rectlY in the,,open. 'rhee Herne Is true .flietroliceotele-g'ancteoealimjmettiltri; atukee,ge:791700: ; • ' • life ..eleglee7eln . the , northerinnoeV, .Rert.Of Heilarid,hOrdering ets,•tbe der ..Zee and on the,TarroW .channels • et'ii*iecia the islands Of the North Sea. end. its. osen •etmet. Is the Preelnce „Of priesritti,d .It 14 not 1L large 'Prevince Its aide 1.!ini(Ielie than 1,150 square ' miles; and as much or this area's tak- 011 oP with, ""plassen". (little Altos and meres) jioptilatein• • of dairy 'farm- , ere is even pportionately Mere. ive . E,ngland, . . • . cii..maitY Vegetables ,inich as tornatoeer eahhagee, lettqce,,melona; and weete a' few. ireetri, earrete; ,aitid' hills. Of •cOra. Starting, these indoors 'intitelially hasten the time when . they Will be ready for the table. A shallow cigar box or sOneetlitng iimilat is the beat thing to grow these in where space is limited, or if. there is plenty o! room a' florist's' "flet:"--s-a shallete. box • • 12 inches 'by, 18 may be used. punch 4. tew, holes. in the bottinit of,lhe box to rale*, drainage, and add, a 'layer.. o.f Cinders or grayel to tietee the pews three lots' fed'slop Lot '4 del best tawlE!, beara *hen Young, and 16 pre - them to ehe air an, making them 1 th ductiVe• , • - more friable.. Fresh manure Is elso-i indicating that. for °of weather waern- of • Publicity, .Dominion the Dit'ector M•eferable for crops whiele:have a leg the teed is profitable: (Issued. by, : long season of growth . With; Cropss_ DePartMent Of Agrieultitrel'Ottawee '• •having ,a. :sheet period.' of .throwile and : . . . • „e_.•_-________,.. . • . ,,, . . , , Where' eerie . marketing is e a:Consider.- ere_ . ee .e.- • " • • akin rotted mathire, with :Ifs quiekly:',:i,rtimtgratiop and Settlement . available plant .fecidi is bet , It .. aleftitobe Free• Press (lelle)e .. .. No. I Should, he reinetiitte7red that when.tot, ,Canadian need be .."jukilant ,when a tirig manure initi large heap, the Mese -. li.lurcipean ,fathily, is placed. on a .:ferre should ''aleraYs.,••bee kept egrePact in • from' which.:a-Canedien family bia-re-- - :. order_ to reduce to a reinireum, , Moved itself, . Yet tine. is What .le go: The 'bulletin may.; he obtained- from ink on in some „parts ,ef the country. the ••Publicatioes Bratieh," Department , • of Agrictilture- Ottawa; ' .. • ..., . Mixing ' Fertilizert on the artiri. A' fineee may save as nduch•.as..25; •pei .cent. 'irt the' Caste or his Corn- The. original Caitadiae stock is leav- ing the land -and . getting. into the 1 towns and cities'. The setae process' is going on, in many sections Of the, , • tnited--Sfates and is regarded with . • Mereial fertilizer bys buying the in alarm by students of the social 'order .7:tretilents separate .and theni In that eciuntre, pie newcomer • - Pa .1,ouls....Yet this little ,ptoviete worts. • 114 aid agitating -for the revival of Its oWn. 'tangling° 'aelenguage- that Is as ..tnire• AegioeSaton. „es.. any in thi Worect,'pOseiblY.Putei than melt., For years flier& 'lute existed at on.ergetioesociety of itehotareeknowas la the "Selskip " for '-Fryske Melees scheift-itennised," Otherwise the.. So- ciety for the FrIsietC spoken and writ, ten language, which' has held .peri•i. congreesee, and °there/15'e. etoe coaraged the etude" and us.e, ef the purpose,' •Get somerairly good soil, language., :One of its members, a care • . ited break it Up fine:: If there Is net a .talie 'Resort. yen ilerInxma thee Sloo.. supply already ie the 'celitte, the near- :ten .who Was 'a Member both.ef the , est greenhouse man Will •be glad to Second Chamber of the States Gen. sell some. ,Moisten the earth e ellen mark oft the, roevseerhich need only be one• inch apart, sew. the Seed, , and covep. the top :pf the box'. tightly with a piece of. .sacking. or loirlay„, This , poet prefers Dialect keens the "eieeds !tont •.wastling: aWaY beingenliewed to do sci, he ye, l'erite„.and of the Provincial .Councli •ot Friesland .' as icing . ego, as ',tele,: en. deavored. to address.,the 'letter, in the • Frisian language. •,' • and hastens germination. It is •best start the , Beetle .ie a. wenn, 'clerk Plice,:end when tie'y have• pushed up through the soli, remove. the belle% and.,giVe them full". sunlight. Unless. there is .alitorin.-windoW tite'putside keep the box back at least eight inch, es from the glass to avoid. di•atts and low' temperatures; „ '..„_MakIne- the Het .Bed•e:. . , . 'Where °tie has 't lergetegardert-tted wants to-gee':etf to an, earlyeeteetele Is 'better to ' build . a hoebed then to. try .end\grew-the early plante•indoors. . ., . ,•,, . 'Seem's) et itapply.' of fresh. horse manure' Which ,hiS been turned' ev'ery',dae• or , ._. . 'eo to -prevent berelege an'd store eine :ringed; himself- end hiveingue bx in- •elfIng the othet tnembere to a: cone e `grese. which was,juseeboutto be held, .. end before' largely 'attended . gethee. Ings Spoke that .,laegtiage and. that language alone. •Another- politician, ., Pieter Jellee. TreelStra;The leader of the Seciaist party In Holland, Is •also L4 Frisian. and an 'entlieslaet• for'. tile.. langikage,.and'ii-mbreeee'i• a poet 'who, . • like "Bobli?rlibrus., eyelets- 1 . eitalece to the ,forinat•-latiguage':wnich Ile has to speak and Write foreetticial purposes. The revival 6! the -Prislan literature, has, In fact,? proceeded' more *quickly. • than in tevierti ecrt the :Frisian, Jae= . at in some sheltered spot tend toady o • gene 'as a popular tongue,..and; „ . be .prottrod licArar:y;)rofthoctidie.aanydrrendepWr.b.•t?..1tAs'..tkIN,i.ode:Inictehse. where .be, convenient :for the attendant .and • le meet • uSb. The hot bed 'slionld be located. Le•enwarderi, the ,chief..lowif,' is Isom north and West Winds,he reaces, Ontoiogist cOnsiderable repnta- .6AMAGED.,ARTIOLE • • bendiegs, .61, slim bete, blase a pile tion. " , • "I'M sure I possess 'Charlie's of • the =mire, eighteen 'itches deep, • A new ITIOYQ. has recentlyben made "A damaged., article I. 'scarcely It,(1rainage is good;lt hole may be dug inreasing RS -meagei; g a 70) by the ProYinclel•Councirof Friesland. heart" e.• • . ' " and be sere it is well prese,ed. dOwn.. .. ,, On lessen made to thee"'Selskip" to 7,.59i) worth having." .. . ,., and the inenure placed in this, . "Whet, do you mean by .that?" ' top of the manure place a light frame. florins on the. :condition Viet conrseS, "Ho said .12_,_.had...."...broken It • ., • Another .Glood Bank -,State- ' at hope. •Besdes, by this Means, he .EnrOpe prizes the land; to. him it is 'In the quantitiei- and proportions _ I?. a great ',been to be ahle to own a :will be able to prepare the mixture .. welch experience has taught him are hendree „acres, • The. Anglo Saxon in • ' 'best stilted to his soileind crops. The this country regards the.• 1g Y. land 1 htl; ; operation .of home mixing is fully de- 1 t h' and '' • cords of their •financial institutions. i• • 0,wnerhip means int e o himin scrihed in a -new- bulletn 'on Manure many cases he would . prefer making h 1 lainic that the pessmists •tell tie from there is a little country across the At- , „ • Inglat , • • • ICereeld•he foolish to imagine that It Is only. in Canada . that batiks show geatifyieg. . sheets,. ', While •Canadiaeseare justly 'timed of the re., by the his liVing somew ere e ee, new slipping•-doWe theepeth te ob v- • ' and Fertilizers distributed lott so far as its-fieetielal greeteesSs is • thee td tireeehes .bed ite day and is. will 'eniernher alr-her clays 'bet on)Y newest and inest -praetical` style, ;Will that hEhealidiber„but•that-he blesied be of interest to every' home: dress- ' ; ' her net of faith and legitimated it'S maker, Price •the book lbc the copy. consequeness. , • , • Vs; 35,.3il.'The.- interest of ear- eatiee now' returns to Anima and his deughter. Thesad news arrives that the little„girl,ititS"prissed'away. It ?is lee late for JeaUS noW.to'cbelle. "WhV trouble tie • teacher ,any further?" ;leans 'treats the news as though ;he had not 'heard.. it. • He encourages' eeires not to fear, but to go'04:late- ' 'fleeing. !se, • • laide St:e Toronto.. patterns gent. by. " 1 1 ter which return • ROW "TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name ancl• address plant- ly; giving number and size of 'such patterns as you Want. Enclese20c in stamps or coin (coin ,referred; wrap it carefully)e,for each number and address your order' to :Pattern Dept, Wilson 'Publishing -Co:, 73 'West A.de- Va. 41, 4.2 T e augi e Publications Breech, Department Of. Agriculture, Ottawa.... , It may be :per- formed on ...a 'floor with a shovel, screen,' and mallet for breaking, tempi. The atteke isho.uld. •emptied separately, andkAneeessary, the Mete.' oaf pounded, ..,fitte.. With -thee mallet, thee passed through the sereen, Which should, have .'abcint`. ten. wires to the linear , The 'Ingredients having been tints prepared in separate heepe, tite one to, 'form, the largest propme tion of the inixtura,.,,tisually....the eleasehatic fertilizer,.. Is fitte. spread on the floor aedethe''Other thgredients r-linpoiled in successiveeleyees The batch is "then. turned by ,sbovel- ling,. first' to m16.8410 and thee to the Other, fete •ar-. live 'times, • - After tenting •enbe,' the whble b.af,en -should he, _Passed _through e- -screenTto en 'sure the abeeitee: of; lumps and facili- tate, Mixieg...` Lon is 'geiterally enough' to tele in •tiee .•betch. It. is hest to .apply the lettil•izet.. within 24 . , hours after mixing but if it. has to be leipte while it is well to add a certaiii proportion of .filiee, such, as fine •dryi loam. :sana',,, kirk, order to clieck the. tendency' to cake. ellaSie slag is best used alone 'At any rate; neither It ithi'•*00fi ashes not. other selistaucee "Witivit AND „Jekr,-.41i 'Bud Fisher. •eleiette 'tea. CALL • up my TeeLoR AND •ASI( Kim -re 1-tAtte • T -dA ti)(11.1 M6: 1-16MG WAt'l Mtteure) • T HA LATE WIFE Ordinary But Rich Mortar:* would like to have you •paint.a ,portralt of my late wife. • . Gs eat, Artist (Inatts.S ye lyi most women, I, suppot.m. gut elite . wilt have to be on time -very prompt . with .her sIttinde-if she , wants me to do the work. , ese. • . • 'Manageress.' "Irn merry, yott 'don't like my cakes. , This Intsiness has been built upfralmost entirely en, my 000ltery," C'ftstorner:','.'I don't doubt di With 'a few • ip.ore buns • 'like those you could build en betel!" e-reT' I -.-----..FeestNeY ot-b _RAvi..111-1e(te ...yas; , • „ 11-W4 RIPPING) BAtt Jaye!. sditeeet•-n-t6 BeibeetteCe 'BoONDAVI OUITO TetGI-111 Rtatgot th,TTEA1 • cReecto: Ofewood any desired size and cover, tightly 'with' window 'sash, sloping this few towards :the „front, whlida• must be sem& • dov'er the 'men,. shall be. established to:teaching .tite language to young and old. This.ie ' groat. opportunity for Dr, Wtimices* atirhia fellow ,eethusiaets,. the ,whole . • ,, Is ILIO With* 'el:0'aq-, • 14i. Anatter hust been: disclissed and .c son,: 'me' ..i)ed- 11 heat up rapidle at, 'aro. tem* raPidly" :arranged, - ' ill'. . firetehut by the fourth day Well haves YJumkes' hes lesued a etatereent for. cooled, down •:7 atifiletently, , to .itiloW the lienelit 'of ' all' ceecenfed in which' • Planting. In eold.,weather wate.r,snat. a scheme•df lessens- ,is set'olit,nclud- ingiy and erilY on bright. daye, Veuti, ,,, • nig: ."rnaster''' contaes, • ,,,courses, • . for late it littio.etery del .be raising' the days grow Weriner., Planta Should -be sash, keeping this open tenger as tne : teachere; for' those. in. training. as, . teachers,. ' for 'genie -40a and high ary seheOls. ..., _. ..•'; schools •and..for children in the print:, •,.. U transplanted...once,. and, hardened, off :' The Uninla.1 retort. of Islaralay's Bank. before •beint set' outside; . . .. ,. council. Of •EiAnclail.:Ta•with the Special... 'go also PropbseS the.,:;;;rrtio of.. ji . , . . . i , • • 'cold ftaniro Which. is similar to. .concerned. , e . •• ' ' ' .e., thehot lied only Without the mentste, est ,Lotnicin, 'Englandi, which baby jUst, • w v.itch the Lawn.' - , . . Obje.„..ct. Of .: petinamtleg'13Frielan . Seitte.tat:)e 1 ' li , . . I Oen es oppose . et • su plementary Turnover 50,675,000,000 iadelsable soon the. frost 1,be' put .inteeoperetion in the entente: - A. -ea jetUt-ifiFs-tidttiOu Ofe•--1Uw-u--10 ;general etietation, -rho Scheme': _ Profits for the year ' 11;530,0001 teen peblished - The •Chairinfui: referred wiehout terin!' grass• and c coldest ";,enclie occult. g hen , as:been particularly severe on win- ' lover, ,some oe. the] toe:1I'1145;yhit:.• schools, whieit . will be ; tpreceded•by holiday course starling 'Other .Stetes interested. • Deposits .... : : 1;591,867,000 l'otit' of the, •grciunk Me peat Winter Inereaise '"depOsits , for ehe . year ; ''..45,000,00u 11 • Was trade. The sheering Or tIte bank would seem there has been a geed deal of;:freti,:ii.iiii; I 'little cover of SnOW.s.• AS'a resell, r NVI,1110 .1.;:asZlnflO 13 the werie2 beastlier; to ,the revival. of )3 •Iti seem, to °eat:tree bis Optimism. ' Willitig.to*Trade In • • Portune Teller:-".l'our husband will be bis75.:Ve, generous, handsome and •• „How. vtotatereirt_ix„.ow 'tilll me bow with a heavy reties or potinder, itare Ps°Pie 1'. of tis' lxnr ancient ir , cSet I ge`t rid Of theeeee lolta—jee w"!" ah.d sro.l"hella 'etel 1)14jeg,....111.1'eees°,3iFs tfire GGetill. ra ;is 1 • : and plenty t,'.t It, .Sprinkleig this ove,r •pto sanS;< ;•pog a late seimfall is fr good plan:especial- r, 03:t Fileafailii, while' On the 1ane, '1'1;L1U , • , ;0 spewsum ..kuirlositwi,AY When the g,1107‘ fa !selling and. 'win- of '',Islouds that, Eil,r(!te,tir.z from, woFt, ,che seed Schleswig lo'North (Tensed. ,As well 'e and thawing, 'which eiternately con traetleg ited releasing the' top layer of the :soil breaks tiff many fine netts: and thus the tease' ' end cloven To coneet this. cendition, isi.adviSable to go over the lawn. in early sotiag Inge conier of .this suggested that it. should. in any wee , • . 'be. confined to that proeince., The neighboring, itrovince of Groeingen'' also Is intereStedefor the dialect theiS is the seine act ' 'Friesland .and •the 1••••4 • pad' Ailuaq0,1 94,w itaittAi-dailtofg y • 1,.,Will WOrk d(A.Vil 111.td ffie soil and 'gore. 1031111 Wee.,SOilel,ekstelf, ilige.:f.• ant),01a I .. ' ••-e---.-•:-...- ' . „initiate in a tew tia.Y:4,, ' . ' , . om er,41 Len re . ate a se .sonie 0 ,.. t , An. American just reterned front -ii I' , ., . ....--.--.e...----,--- ' . , 000 or. 4•0,11°° :Pee') i"... who ii"ili." 04'1. tour of lielsela saes that. all the lies i . . , i Cathetiee----"1.)1.1 she itnike• you feel' dial""t' ' All illmi) together It in g nil ; told about the seviet governmeat are • „ ee:o, uh. the polluiation of this potential disOete I . at home? Isabel- 1. , e,.ma.tie me , . . . , , true. • • • • , , •• • , • • neat -"or pliii.ologlell ii,i ion lo nio.`e w 'wish I was!'" Butler Mutt Comes In Contact With a Fine Man. • ' • 51 ID tti. to.OcAl'et$: 6tioListe4eo X. tout.o. Lt%I'Citi TO , • • ALL Diskt! - \ e \ • rrr *it,li,eldv. • t ecoeteSe,•':./e, • e• 15 !IAA n . • epee claile. that PA put t()5 '1! (11 he - half of the; language t 11111 II • it. ' nearer to;,,int,et'oillottel ;the language .apol:)1 by ....the maiorilv , ht the westE"rn sly pIllor. . nint lo • liFtgily 11.6 'i by .vi 4 ivi* 4: • • , , • ' frnoi abroad:. .• - ("forkilillye, if* ()Al,. ovoi-, ! hears ca3its11,;r" 11.'w .c,,•,:r.t.,•,;•,;;;,ctoiti;', or 1. ,.. the FrIalast i)otyl,ro, lf l::., t)1.,1,1s e..0...i.,, ‘ I, • tract) nii ..1nglislilir,: whilq iiiair,......,, .. . . Wor•dtli i '6,*peo(ttit :thr!.:4•.. ',A:him, s.:1 ' ' fi ut.ij (Ai : , ani ',..mu.14... ,1 • :III rr,1,4. lit 1...,. i.r, :..., liutrilt and efeniiPn, is:1P,, ille. 1iTrip...!.1.1 .. ,toisn.. .11 10.143 •ev,,mr-iwon •,'.31^lr•ii Putt 'if •': . nil Kitt-Ill:01 niii:: 135 1 hi iFsr_:, .4liii...c. "! Till; 41Ifl4Sr "roi-- Oxlert•: ir, • Ti..err.i%.tr'i. 41, ..-:,:tialffs--of- •1i1p,11Ii-, •?,'f Viih.ii.'t .1:4: „ii.i..1._ ... ._ •,c;ii t.. P iti ;111 t)hl. ,.1"Vh.fi.it !'ltaii,,.....ei....tti.a,..itse,1...-,,t17*,,....,,,,,,,,.........,,,..........,... , .. itilve, (luring Ilic ristiturioi -lifilfol'sr log • ,..•••T rP4151i115I5-44,,1;'`IiIr4 (4. " *-1 1 W. 3rr1.',•,',.•1 ily•iliq . d:-.:(4111(ii ?Its of • f's,q '10r;111' q ile, 1 iriCgt;,tt,r,ci• W11(1, siltfl(Irj„ In 1i()`1;ln,1, Tete, 1,711,,11;1;r(iirigiii,....i.(n4.1; ..t.(;(1,1,,,,,,,,r,.,.,..,1.,1..r,ii,r1),4 1 tfritT(ITiet ‘r; Ill 1 1,11 tr:11.,It: 1 1.11o,fl',10. Il54,j,7 ,113 , CT '1".,1ri1 *fletit :tee • einte I'll 1,1t19,If ih. " • .....,....,•..........,',,. .... . 1"\ltere, yon 1-).rs.lynallY 4.0011:1,“.3.a on :. , y()1.0, tour'?" "Yes; ' wily wt.:0t.joilki.,' alr)lie.".