HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-23, Page 44t41M
1'17010(0W IWNTIN W-•
'.70:10$104,mri ThUraday, morning
• at. Iineltuow, Ontario,
, .
Br,nprietor •."
an4 VO/6. "
"Till(TR$DAY, FICIIRD:ABY :23, 19;lk
A ,
INTEREST ON 110?agy,
The 'iniacing tioigeity,pf, MO14-
, ,
ey. to increase throng'', the, cam.
•potuidmg of u,ttere4.eanunp
•thaw*, • in, af;iti'e'' .'"eorin‘taticaia
nude hi. the OfPee . - I41Tew
ta net impatved: It tgices .elualeea
and ?Suffers no . •
The Reda of itneeia and •certain
school .of sOciarists even on. this con -
ducat contend- that:the taking of in-
terest should he ma:Tie '
is on. tliis,gviiund that red Itutisia has
iefe5e4 40 Play !MeV Aritisit and
,French Capitalists the "money
'rowed by the' Czarist. loveniment,
The tita tke gov-
ernrilent cannot borrow money .mueli
it..deSiren': to do sik, just
what' Need: baIlPen. if •.the.
brairicd sir-1*AS •StwhoPrnPose to n-
botish ;interest bad their
• lender's winiki,'nt :once _demand, pay.:
;1# -et oi. their loans,' and refuse to;
should they. lend,
'alen't.40,Y.''Wc;uld for.
soCiailist refnaes. tii•See. , ,thts.
1,111! FEBRUART 23, 928
r4t. t.hroloiut :Amieriea 'vvery, .gainst ialfulg.toq -T°4 "587e" OP 4.E11„ • tow
• " -
stia of the event egert...talhe cOlor 'ler inieStment, Yln4 aro putting, ycnie p,E00gp 1),I( FIJI'', OF' COIN • wriisromdmastoossoimismm
VirPraWS ,POPTOrrilV4a
money int° `413innt actolla;t:',*buticItng ••
M"Y YeaT'S ago public :1*igings neW Mills and faet,ories, buyieg new ' • .',"----
ne ,
were, abolished: as 'degrading to. the marlines, • tnrning out, =fere goods; ;The twisted "'lila of 'Pat” F°r""'
Minds or ,tbe onununity,.„ but under en'a it you do Dd. keeP On hu,ying tune Plays,.-Oeer- quirks . nil through
the lieW•SYstent as.. eteMplifled in the i.tilese gongiSs .t-levish!Y Y°t'l• 74 SPOTI the story of the greatest 'gold 'mine
zePprts pr.the .RUtli..Snydef exeett.. !cause overProdnetion;' and you...Will in the Western :Hemisphere, hitt per -
tion' the event,. Wiis•' WifuesSi'd' .liOt .hY ; PlaY heb gener,t.tliY with' ',:tr',..e delicate hapi .norie• stranger thari the selling
a fe-j- 'hundred's' init-t0 all infeata and' risacIdnery•-of Ot,lx"..hiegleeu iivillzatiair. of ' a (Platter lnterest in the 'llollin,-!.
purpoaes,:13Y, tens of, inillionS ;of' peq. Such •tis ' the Counsel of our presSnt. ,,it''..-Cntld *lie ftin''$§5: - '''''' .' '•
''?, arg P!:' InngfV absreioiOns '•--r..eri fr011inger, net ' out" of his
philOsaphers; but itining bisiiiess' :leent, prospected tinder u,grub stake
ple" with no •,Ponceiyable left
. .
CPIlt, thee ,thePrY s'as • eo,rreete:
4t6,0r-ada,pf,in. was, To that extent Mal-
INT,p doubt the Men responailale '1Or.
this, particular -,,,report Wanld :argue
• that sband -slaying Fhas become sc.;
corairion'on this' continent' that a de-
scription,of this rare example' of the
eitnie bei0e.PuniShetif wonld,tie
:tary. Matter Of fact the: effect..
was the reverse of -,that- 'It"larintSed" . .
pity %dor thp -crin?inal and' . s set/
-tteam. "that the' diffii i '
gave new petus the movement em fast. enough to ,keeri them•froal
against capital Punishment; --the 'on- Choking up the sores of: sdPply....
ly. means . Whereby murder iS theoretical.ly . very possile,. save
more enlister .and callous fermi. an too Much; to add too ;rapidly to our
.checked. • . productive equipment,' uthile We fail
Most'," serious comequence 'Of to,take care of Whnt it. is already
tills type ,of newapaper sensational, turning, Out., .. •
iSin is its effect on what alienists But we think that danger is. chiefly
!fliOrderline.7. „CaSea,.....„Let tin .in_ts.riri._,Most people need. little en -
leave Out , Ons:uieraion. the possi- iouragemenf -spendi.ai nion,eY•
hie consequences' to a wornan in, a They• will spend it fast enoug,if)et
delicate. conditions Who reads the alone Indeed,' those . thinkers :who .
kind of stuff. in which the daity press, are not afraid; that , shall wreck
'Mem ' .agreernea'':witlt.rlohir'. McMahon,
danBt•IbP:t”e0"Pdition.s •Pf linileihPryi Ont. ,MeMation'a, total
are vifitly diffetPnt nOW• from those outlay $50„,„'elPencled'• on provis-
of' the eighteenth. century,: '..fhen„,cap, 'ions, 'and, ' Shortly after
jt,41;wgt.g- Ar.,a37-0 and: gO4*1.3,:irxijeolve.. .7onng Hollinger, 1010SP eXPPti6ng
The•difficulty',•was 'to. -ifet i5r04.3eiting,' '1799.S" very limiteit,, had
gether. to finance tilt PTOdneden 'tart,ed on „tilt. trip... :UcIdehoti • SOI,A1.-
saiu more.Plentiful-ortleles his...frp4n; jle,,-..es„.1-aMne;"dor 55 00
.ssum20tiquittes dng n1) e, day Canitai ahtutdiiti and' :of his half-intec•iSt
le 'Of aid"' e.nt.- °bs. ess- ed... ,.w. e•'. • noiir put of oirr 'factorie.„0•13,!siieli Thisshould. find, ' ).Y
.York hank in .eonnectian With
nr a' loin at coniponnd interest thrn Irdllinger Staked' his in S
pottery-bank. found there; -- :-. . . . .
. . .
thevalnent a cent each,' the.oit- g 'A' Pe t!g-• • was then no riash-no stamPede, such
paced at'5Ih per rent. interest.',company with Alex.. Gil-
ieine wadi" hare gra" Im a aula everyone today; must be a newspaper'
, . . weed, and on the wet side of Tis:
is now, revelling; or the unconscious business. lay spending to9 ttle are
'it by sPendini too afileh-iii instal-
, . .
tained .a.4, copper eoin.4,, thousande Suyears rinining ;to •sucli
temi.aeri a. .very,
'large part .of tlie,'„Rorcupixie field:had
n its years. 'Estinutting the coins of Pleasing Prospect of getting some -
thin f liseo staked by prespeetors. There
ha* at lease tweati-Svehandreaz e„..lerge sum; or perhaps with , .the
as one might' expect: Hollinger., after
the long and arduous canoe. ,...teip
' to 'esinPute' tbOr..eirFaig P4'wei - --
erties which had been , staked.- They
..., io big figures. By nnw. the six o keep in' touch .with the. ' times were advised to, keep . going west -
_money ' in the world:- not, but why, should he in spite of son --finder of ' the DaVi SQTI' Mine -
in 25 centuries, they been LURID HORROR.S THE PRESS from the railway' Iooed* over' the.
ems 'of 'the he* have nielertaifea
• It is a Ciunputation that rani in- (TUrotitii. Sattirday The inscted the vaiions prop-
ManY tinted ntore".tlialf • ILtbe I re,ader Whether he wants to be : Pt•dale to-xnshin the3.7.' met 1 David -
/coarsening Of the emotional sensibil- fearful that we "shall eventually wreek
T.i?.* above, Paragralth ' !las, been self be. compelled to encounter . 7110 advised *Mt. that. there. was
inato..ag tia round: pf the towo; .new_S-, daily dose. of horrors. A newsPaPer 'ides in . young people ' who are Pro-'• good groundopenne i hii,Nhomp-i,
papers as an intereatiag-,illaratinA if it is to be a newsPaper at all Must ._.,,.ided with a daily paindure of bur_ 'fnent 'buying, Our 'own ...view. is. that son and Vipond. cla.' s, (now. Vipond
of .s'eulims fact about
interest ' u° of course ';I:e•Certi. crimes, --i'4(1.--othcr
.r.• Xo s The "borderline .:type, whose - Benjamin ,Franklin' is outmoded more' 'Consolidated), a • he ,pleslribed 'the
nionlis eY- ' .• - - - ' sensational event, but it qnite un- inin.d 15 verging.-' 'd who1 h external cenditiens. tin' in prin-: '19catl2ri of Ilartz •-veills: "blest,
on insanity, an y e ,
.: Certain -freak writers fin P°1itical. necessary to reit-met the last Ounce. ...easily Yields •to imitative finPolse, is:,..4p1e; and 1,11at, h'awever i ninth . We halimger •and Gillies found,and on
'. eeenotiy have seized swan the fact as ,it , the ghastly out ef • every horrible a dangerous factor in every commun- %Apend, we Shall be. happie;-_-,and Wise 'them they erected their 'first d,iscov-
set. fell* in the paragraph to 00episode that occers.'(We• have no .1),-er'.14--,--y. /It is undo/al:401Y .thie to.the,e if, we Sa•t* 'enpiitt to add Steadily to erY posts. ' Altogether 'theY ,..staked
limy,. he noted:here Ainethe rate of 'Present 'seem to be tarred with,: tyle 1,fisht:::Iceevy,,of h7rtichbip:ionehmire phenomena, ,,rictirie..1:.aa'n.nizda,cepLZil.WtS;11fitirc:ili'On:etIli.7131.7‘4Pet1;. i**17.,:ltl'il'ee.y.ell.:11:;:d,..Wri ,ppr‘,skicniTtrs'llii13'.136:" bP7' atrst-5- .
'deinn ill interest tilting4a IrrOn& It litillar newspaper in mind, AB a
interesi doei not niatter.".' 'Interest ,ot stmie dia.,' • 'rile -PpisPn Of. the :;-siew, detail immediately produces praciaces , imita_ meas..: : It. is., as true as.,,,it e„.ver we:,,,, in..i•,a coin. Hollinger.' to4 tbe, six
• , •• . , Oen one per cent. per .iimicon on, sitY -York tabloids seems to hese . gotten tions. We bare only to note the Titun- that "a penny aave.4 -is: 'a •PennY, Wetteni '.elairns'; • and. Giqies'uthe• taSt-.
' one dollar--;--rnaRCIritien-lintea" ••'.ertre_e_s_„„o•jmilar to earned "-The Youth'S CO-.5.;,panion. ern 'sia% BVentuallY, , claims
, 'mount to a stun' which wontrld. "pur-
chase „all the wealth of the w
,The economists above, referred .to
cantend -that it ,Conld not be- Twit to
collea•ciiniponnd. interest over a long
period of years,' because , it would'
ruin any'person, • no Matter bowt
eskiileein busineas he might be, and
going further, they ciintend that if it
is wrong to colktct interest over
long, period, it is wrong to collect it
for A./Short, period. The size of ,Oe
Wrong makes no differ. ence.
It is an ar-gunient to which cow,
' ,
Pieta answere can** be given; yet,
it is nonsense on the 'fate of it. Every
business Man knowithat money ma,'
• be liorrowed, And'. interest, at 'eaten,
,six or • seven per cent: , per. annum
:stitk.sidvanta e. In fact,
great; deal Of the businessof
world is done with borrowed money,
on, Which interest IS, being' paid7-in;
• tere4 which; if allowed to compound
for a great 'nuniher of, Years,' Wouid-.
inin any business: '
• From this it winild ,:appeae that
While it mai-be profitable to; borrow
mcney .4.,interest'fer a 'comparative -
1i short roiriixt 1110 'heTritinotta
bOrraw, for a long period. . • •
The dilBlimity eeenis to Come in by
• . reason: Of the fact. t.hat while there in
• in all businesses anjelementotchance
• .and a constant .iieries of losse4,,„ the
• money borrowed takes no chance and
• suffers no levies. " In the :coarse ,of
• to thousands years any business.
• will have suffered losses •enough to
• wipe it out Bat if there ismole
,borrowed in connection, with it, this
paper; ,411 over the, contuent.... • -the _1±1Jeknian affair at !nave pe-
lt -not !WithOutfr *Ice 'that. eurre:1 in v-arinps, Parts' "ut ' Ainericathrei.:
'timei.Within less alai' a fort- the first • of the 'year, to. :realize -
to.felt it inCurobent filein to eblinT': k year or Se ow; the :parliament,.
sel: the ,pres. ,avedd Morbid. details.- Great Britain passed ' statute
bid otis cases under presentation f.Orbiddin the press to publish •the
n o g'
All the ••old :reserves -Which impelled,: mojyr.i ;.degiacliTIK details of diveree.
eaters in daYS gone by te "blue pen -7. ..czases; the interest Of public.mor:
cil" details •to ,reVolt the sen- -11e. If the. daily Press Of 'this. cotIll-
:abilities Of Wirral 'People, , have try 'does' not soon •find a. cure for the
been.: abandoned. . • The- tendency, eV- nresent virus, 'Sonic such legislation
erywhere seeMs. be to ,try ,Afia will be necessary in Canada ariraliCa7
make the description More horrible 1*.ta. all the viler' fornfs'a chine-
. _
thsin the reality. to be as-
s-urned 'that' if a person were killed AND SPENDING
'• it1a en eke blood. wonli 'fiCINV • and',
that it twa.s no more necessary tot
recordAletails of the carnage' than
the 'mine of. the marrifacturer of the
'axe. But
'We have travelled a long waY:from
Ttenjiiin Franklin; proPhet of thrift,.
ose comfortable 'dectririe was •
7 We,
SUCEERs :Ben Hollinger's ;were: the 'foundation
, of the treinentions erty that has
11 • -g
• Those who- lose
ciney as: the 'heen f10.7e.1°PeiL,
thei result of . high 'pressure. stecit.:-Ifiles:-. . .r-a-c1i-‘41Y-Pece:Th4.'-Be.13-:11011inger
Of:,floatieg .fake-proaptiens pre 'esti- •
assess*hp *e.5 ,i.? IlaileYhury recordin'g his •
nieiit ' Werk , ,, net Alphonse ,Pare,
mein' tipping sheets apd.-ather. 'forMS
ally referred' to as "Suekers7'.' andthe a ',nenheW, of the .Tinirnins. brothers;.
so-called g.',suckerlist" on, 'Which their:' ead. 7,,vhe ha.dfor seine ; time ,..been..1
names appear isone.of the' chief A.'s -1)!,'-', sPe•e:ting f°7 . °1e.ril7-7-"and' slui'Ved'''
him some extremely nen specimens
sets in such orierations, .. The; ;eon:.
cjAgoo of tho, Amerfean .N.eional get_ of gold -bearing quartzfroni the Ho -
BuSitiess - .
Bureau is .,entii-eri' :the linger nlainis in Peircapine...Realizing
opposite It is true that in exfrerience ,fl4e" imP°1'tance' 9.f.'•::" tl'is:. disc:1347'
One ruins across cases. in wihii;iht sthei..Pare?' Pm.c.T,E.d6d I PTtMilatillq .P:Orc-.
would-be investor has. :no . to npine withHollinger,, .:Lir. bt • rains.
Symnathy. ' These, : howeVee,'' are iso- '4hieh. had been falliPg. 'for. tWo, Or.
lated cases, yet . so startii-og• 'iii •their •three days:melted .th'i snoW: from the:.
they .i..eceie• t...00•11.1.11,03 ,l,trai.;tirient,e . as', .. excellent:- opportunity • Of „examining -
_quartz .0liter:opting:, .and, pare .had. an
demonstration , of ' publie cre:inlitYthat
eiz.-_,t_die____,,b,n, 1.,,,dte ,..id.c,,,s, 'the .surface showings which Hollinger
sesment work
'• ...i
. , . ..
: After taking. in optiOn ' on ' ihe
i property, .be.hattened to the "steel"
' and..arriVed, at . Mileage 222 en • the
.7%..& no. , Rairwav;. in, time .to 'eatcli'
a train: going south to ebhalt, 'Where
he inimediatelY interested Noah. Tin- -.
mins, • Pere. made A record trip .from
Pdrcupine to COhalt, :•and, .b.it tlie,time.
Hollinger„arrived : tWenty-deur hears'.
later, the . first Yrayment On his six.
nropprtiosbah" ben ' placed in . the '
17ir-Uckly.at-i'od.ite,112;anle."31:aii, sfei. d,j'an:..61.)''
. • • . . •
'The syndiCate - 'in'hiell • hmight .,, the -
'prospects, Was :0-po's0 Of Noah ' H.
'Tiln; and L.:H. ..,Tinaniiits, ..whe;
-. befOre 'C.,obalt„bad been *Mall 'cowl- •
'ttf.,-..stotek•eers, At Mattawa, • Ont.; ..
arid Duncan. *McMaitin;* Montreal.
0n •Itixte- 28i:11,-1910, the Hollinger,.
C -old' Mines; Limited. was: incorporet:
, , i
ed with a Capital of $3,0e0,000 n $5
.:.hstre:',. Os.: etohi.mp
7"--- jg gendss
crov, %or S7:*a...share, and
1-ee ever:issued. .' .
Viz,' 'was replack.4' in. by by Hollin-
ver • r.''':-.1srlid.:etr-d paid Ilines. Lin -a-
d. -hi took. 'in other' , adjoining.
-‘i2;,perIt was caPitalfzed at •$25,-....
71,,1(315.0.,.1..iattlg' $e5; pF,he:41117deeioParre,c".v,eIl;ed'•
'rf.pir: 'shares qf ne-x StOelt ' for ., One
hq•re of the.:Oldi ' • ',
...ft innst ri;...r be.,. ii-7...w.ined ;that the
este,' wlich toOk up'...tbel,elairns.
... Vatl: ail 'Clear tailing . They
•'i° :ran,. ::dleappointrrients. intimate
°rim& 'say there Were ' times When
the ".,5*:,-ndiatie.. -a'ai just about „ pre -
d -.-1.-74",,W• :Tip ,the--wioIe-enter , each•carryins.,* 26 ttnis of steel rods',
• ,
shOuld be tioiV evenly:and.; at equal deptliS !to obtain the
best re0414.a• Th'e , NteC9iOldi' I)cri ig ths.in:, hoe, :plain ot: •
. fertilizer 1:drill is u tionibination of th'6, (WO' nit
'popular di'JJs
,They nr.n.,fanted. for their light', draft; strong frame and conven-
ient, , sere adjustments. Call' and' gee the best grain drill on the
. market, ate; -
ing niUstbe left to •the imagination.
The "star reporter" • is, no, longer. the
Man Who cesn'riresent all the,' facts
clearly and nuceinetly without unduly
liarrowir‘ig the feelings, of his...read-
ers, but the n an who' °Ca nlest.. create'.
the impression that • :his;oJn mind
ii•Scit of sh,anibles., •
-Perhaps the- grossest ; inStalace. of
making the dolimins. of ' the ., press.
analogous to a cbaniber. a .korora
Iris to ie found In the eletrorate de- .
sertiv? aecotints .:pf. the ''execution
of the ,Loifg Island rnUrderess, Mrs.'
Ruth Snyder.... Foi, 9§ • per. Cent. :of
neWspaper readers it • wcUld , have
'en sufficient, td-ecordth the law
had taken its cOurse. Nevertheless'
a •
the* most graphic Writers.• in' New
York were corniniSsioned to • broad..
-lb longer. spend Mir :money . with
;ense of guilt; we also ..contract.,light-
beartedly t:o spend in the Inture mon-
we: have ,not •Yet got, in. . Word.
orphans and •hard-,Workirig
alsin 'every walk *of life,. • who' Pill.
their • savings into propositions haV.,.
:,ng 11 the appearance of 'plausihilitY-
•-e"rirae,tise f`instahnent No .: -.Most of these: people on .he •
knoits.haw,:rnanY. hundreds of cized Only for a lack of knowle'dge of
•-•illions,. Or even billions, , of unearned.. financialiffairs and ' for '. possessing
dollars are already ear -Marked • todaY Lop much ..trtist and .confidence in rna-
_r the autoniqbile: age'th furni- kind.' : '
tore. dealer .,.or the man Who .sella fur ' Fraudulent': promotithi has •been
re -
coats. „ . duced to , A ..sdierfce. .When.,, a Pr9rgp..S-
Not only that, ba ninny of . our sional fraudulent...promoter goes out.
't.:,prif.day „guides,. .philosophers, and to' get money the go:Me is an Unequal ,
xiends tell us that Vie mtist not be. One... -On:the one side.j.S‘ eNperieuci41
• ,
tfiaid to spend rimney. The industrial sh,reivdnesS i ways of; /separatir.le
..y:sterit tinder Which *e live is _geared:: people- .from. their. Moneywhile on
such,a speed that, it needs. plen-' the other is ine-0,•,...rienc.-e,„ some belief
tv of spending to keep itin: motionin the nessibilitis• p?Onlised, seine
susceptibility 'to per a1ity 44..
Man as men o today, 'warns 'pa' a; the' sale and than
• t
desireto 'beecirne pucuniarily in4e-
• Mi. Owen O. Young,. Who is.,o -ante
Grand :Old; Man of Finance
I -41.e gr. Isaac Cloyerminr roll of the •Company frOni tile itnri
• , . •
f- •,%t7,d-en. vit.e-Pre.Aiont. of the and who had.been colleagues of :Ilea , - •
,...,..1.,an Pacific 'Railway, who 'died men at Mount, .S.tephetu, Van HOT71,' :
' 4.•-',..ty, February 4, in.' his 84th Angus and Shaughnessy', ..11.edern.s..,
'was. ' tip= in.Alsiew .YOric 'on, ' guidance,: the, audit deParimerit ' Of,
,:'...,rol. r .10t1i; :1844. Educated. in the Canadian 'PaCif4e •-grew from .a,
schoels; he cOMMeneed -buSi.-' , strength of -just six Clerks. to. that '
i, ...1.r.• in a New York mercantile Of .more :than flif.s-
, 1: ' ‘4. ,! in : 1W3,.;,' ,. Stb$0*In.tly enter- Long . after . he had ..' passed the
' local .harilOng firni of Fish seventieth. m iliisione, . el',1r:•r.0gden re-- ,
-d 2tch.:- He ;began••hial' Tailway, mined' at his! wei-it; "".the'loii:4est-i .'
as- pny.thatter. and 'account- Main", .ai many People said. 'T`inrtlie, • ' ,
: t 'cif 413e. :Chicago and .Pacific Rail,- t '. entire :CoMpanyt .... Th,is, y Ont'n
. y in 1871. He'Wes auditor of the note. seems ',to “ haVe .inipreised all
'I.,- ' load from. 1,876' to 1881.. ,Wheri who knew itirii for One finds it co i-
• . ; ir...eil •the, Canadian ,PaCifie Rail-' .itent1y. repeated in eget Ches ' of II's'
incepticiii in 1881,. be .Was tharacter. Says one. of. ih.eset,'
auditor .of •the Western' Di .-• '-only is .the heart. of . gr. 'Olden b.z.,..
wio...is headniiarters it Wirini- it is ,yoiing. It iS'...perenai.all'y' aJ,,
,Th'om. he remained Until 1883, , •BlVtbesoinely . ytning 0-e t•-,ver's
. •;,...,ti tie via*. .:PrOMoted vo a .senor thinks of the age of gr. 'Cgdein'ir.S
' ttntrx-aa-andltor.-at lZtantreal..:. In step is 'ogritt.'nis eye :is. cleart- li,:s '
. , ,. „
_ .i.1-.,.1,..,1-.kroe,.C.orriptrolieri_in De7,._, laugh-is---fresr and-debonair.--,TirOsA
.1,.....,..:1,.'r ' Iqf.;..4, Third: ina-PreErideti, 1tnpl:-htve,powdeted,b1S•.hain.a.j,ttLe____
'June, 1910; Vice.r,retident:'.• 1.:,' btit, .essentiaily,,;_the- Vice -pe< c.ti,,rrit ..
' '-ti-i Aeto#ting,„s-stiti2'establish-' is, the Young roan Whp, in 1831,,.w-!'
..- the' •Cantid'ian Pacific RailWay ,..4
,.4 engaged in Winnipeg as the • stil.'e
•'-. Ogden iS. As near perfection aecouritarit.- of the .,great pew enter- -
blirnan- can Make It be. ' All •Prise:Wen ljeginnit'g tO take slizipe..i'
' o .nal matters were . under hiS. Again,' •they etnphatite bis .kind,
4---f.-.ed..iat..,'4,-..--.1t,,, '00-as,..writt,eti-_-_-'01.11i-ta •., liriess: `1 -le was "n al it,splf... lie
- t. dr 'Ogden's ,stateiterits grelv : . was--atr---e'ptimistic,,,:pliiiti$opher• ...He - -
' orik and Valtie,and meaning. e liaird when the Ard'eriCan Civil -War ht.a-' a,rii:e 4..in44.isiii and enthu.s., ,
•-as--;:.,-eietilse--404,-,1--,:eint.....,,,,HtL„.„w„ak, was 'raging ,He Saw' Canada United ]iasin. . . „,, Although formai to a 't
' !Ok04,1):0 'the'striallest'inttmeral. bYT.Corifederation. 11Titt'd 'the 'err '4114gre
. .Wa..f7.e_-,r-M'Pdel-,.*it.„,..o.crtgtaO. and ..of--,areountry '-Whitli knew that lantiiiinust .neVer 14 intiatf4, lie expiel'o?..
on andl'tlarity," He Aisde:,..,0 it Waii Bonita together BY. iteel-rfalliftthe'..genit:s....-,:ef:•,....4e#p;ragy,'...7..in.,'*.5.,..,.
r ....;4; *a the. -financial ,coricittitlii m, i: co . t be ti Con', fie:helped: hearty manner,' 'his : affahliityi'..11-
!,-Mt&d•stateit atd the Demolition., ,tlie Canadian, Pacific',-whith -.was ta, willingness to' '01(..a.e - en i s -r'
1 t the swi.4.4i :of his firiaiatial . regard carry. ont, thst high. tasIC., thrstigh its t‘ it is ,l•eintis..s he 'had these A.ivii-, .
b.::: ..tiiiitatea. the. whale isol-kk't .' : :• estirdiffivities, saw it Awl atieSt 1 tiet, as roach, ,es, it i ii;;ca,i,se p,1 !he.
l'Ztr..0gdeS „life story,,When.,.rt it the', D.OroirtiOt , from, ocean te,'O'ciait, , work..'N 4.0Couiplithed for the Cent.'
.1'"Ittenr-tr:1/. be. •-i.v , ' , f he- .,s-es,irtied,,. lt in' ; • gr . k fi thy. that the. Gattatlitt ' Paott c. 4-11
termed an epit,,, for it wiil erp-''..fining- toe ttriptr SVS.CtS' 'of ttht NS 4..tt frn:St. Mr, Ogden..` In, e. gre4s, shs .
pre,- .iiittiong ritailY tither twitters', with,prosperatas settlers' :ataLtaatarit.. at. Calgary •Wh;t1.1. he-ar: his taine
• .:ttit-e.' etoty of the Canadian ling steadily with it tlia the ladder his 111:s n7,64..urnent. , But .'po-bi,-..13
1 t.,.....r.c : HailWay,' Canute* gteitest I Of sticeetS, Was able at lett to look bit. finest tri,a.,•-ar-ocrit, -r.,..Itt. to:. thl,
c..i4.:.nerci.al eterPriee, from it t be,Itipon it in the hour of its triumph.. '' etteern of his f'4.:11'..9...---elli's a.t i`•,),1
• . Z Hat** tO the -tresent tierben it had 'grown- into: the 'niighty,,littge,Cattaillan
;. • viit liarO when .eatitiottling o0i, oioniaattott..,it. it 'today,. • .1.1e ,teasi,tolottrit.d.?int a ,....:',:t :, .t.r.1 - ,t....
t a ntitinat. Scia iti itsi . itifsitif ione ; a he, 'Oar) few Then new re, , tainting ,, s.t.,,i
.14 4,t=1J.- tiktaffiS 40004 0041} 43* I )14444111 1110 Utid teOit t • on 04, ,pity, i -Etna expa .- I.
pendent': .
The .terideney to elaSSifv. ft...nose
who: mit money •iinto fraudulent Pro -
'motions as t'suckers" is ytrong from
severe) .angles.; In . the first place'.
these . individuals are .not 'sucker',
but -victims' of "cleverlY NrOrkea 'ent
Schemes.' the second place,' the
PoPUlar classiScatin Of theM as
• 'suckers' plays into the hands.of Pie
• fb4dUlent promoters; It Lreae.s• re-
sistance by :the sictirris to take any
_teflon which Might bring :them :
They clo nt wt 6 'be co'.,•,-
sideredin the 'slackers' eless, .
3itich, more 'effeCtive 'CoUld be,
done in preventing F-pripidas. if a -lar-
ger percentage of th (742 57,Pg
would report 1. the details of, • their
transaCtions. A good way to epeetiri,
ge 11'44. is-to_treat a„pee individuals
Swindle rather, tan as `rw:kersf-"Who
'ye 'foolishly pit their n• one), in .1
proposition 'obviously. fraudulent..
*• •
BRUCE fi 0'74
' Maier W. 11. Fenton of . North
g ,
1Pho'ne No: 1.0..ig'.at Your Service
Vie Sell for Ceeh-We Sefl Cheaper Than The Credit Store
This ,axe is made of the .
'finest • Steel, • speciallY
temnered ' and. correctly
'sliqped. It: absolutelY
gnortulteed. Everyone
found defective will 'be,
'The • Samson :site „handle::
i; Made ,, of • second
, growth hickory, .and is..
•the "'shape' that 'appeals
',to an ekperienced chop'.
-we handle -the 'famous Maple Leaf in Premier and
cRuatctein.r.g These saws are unequ2lled for teniper and fast
Ve,'''have: a, lull .tocli
full range at prices' that will suit you,
Genuine Horsehide at $1,00 per. .pair.
m• hlurdie
Healing, Pluml?ing• anci Electric Wiring
est gold mine of.the Western Hemis-
phere and' third in -point elf tonnage
in the world. Holiinger's•tonnage is
'derived from',seventy veins,' or lenSes
• • . .
61 greatest length of •, 1,000 feet,'
g,reatest width Of 45 feet and ; aver-
age width'of 123-i. feet. In its laby,'
rinth of,undergrourid ..WorkingS are.
'47 'miles of drifts, 46 miles of cross -
three n-iles of shafts and •foils
• ,
Wiles of raises -a total. of 'just 06
miles,, 'Trackage underground' is 93'
n and on Surface five -miles-:
otal 97 Miles, -•••
• The. mine is Workid through four
shafts, *ith 'combined depth of -11,-
410 feet each, Ceinpressor plant has
caPicity of -35,000 Cubic, feet of free
air Per infinite. Power ,conSumed ap7
proximates 18.000 horsepower.• in its
great Plant, are' eight Marcy. mills,
• ..
, end
Itoilttng.s 'and each 5.0 feet high,- aUd., , lb • °flyer'
laboribuSly 'erected. 4...
t sit 4e:45...strike in. '•
*12 ,ari
•wtiri"--ent ti! Sandlef TkO
,...13nior7h65_b6e114431,04,3toteem,. , one knew.' rituchaott tieeting grAd '
•So ,num'erouS were t,he letters `re-
,. , „
..acknoWledging the peonyl
Plants which. the. prime of Wales
had ,distribUted. •throughput .Canada
hitt fall :,as a meniente• oe his 'Visit
0.1'4; Ills Tioyal ftighne's3 has •re-
cro,ested that .his form 'II aeknoWledg..
ment to the Mink of Monti -eel,' thrtI,
Wh'OM the t e forwarded' tp-
ilunr, ta..,en as constitu ing., a gcfl-
grni rePly. •
• •
It 'will remembered. • that 'Ins, •
Royal .Higliness asked the Bank
undertake 'for him the diStrihntion
canadian-grown ...Peony plants. 10
gkeell,enc,g,; the f Governor Gen-. -
eral, the Prime; Minister and mem-
bers.: of ;Cabinet, the •Lieutenant-,
Governors 'and 'Premiers of the Prov,• ,
ins; zilso :to towns and
in,..ornorated ,villAges throughout
Pithallit. The distribution, Was made
through the branches • of. the ,Bank
with tio.:•. co-operation ' and 'assiitanc,e,
Ilis "NtajetY's Millisecond ,the htlip
,dreds lettots-ieeeived from nut-,
_and_other xublie officials _
hew, orrAatiy the ro'yol gift swria' an.
•weeinted. Theqe'' laters, canveyint-
ties and.- c,,ii_krssing: oyaitv-and de,, I -
1:otion,. were bound in n hanclsome....„
• nchfolio: ,:and the
Bthdenl'ti)roinfc;:c. ooin,trsal, td Vice,Adthfrat
Sir lia!se7, . Comptroller bf •
t$Trilees Hense1-161d.
As a race the ' Scots, accOrding to
't -ti far, e're the talleitt people on'
north, Tbby may be net
aria '-„Nris.".X 0
tentou hecarne knotvn...thrthighon+ ten of Ore all3Y4 .211 Or. l'aSt week. •
ro•s4.-11 12 that a n •
the t aunty when 'he ts-as 'eie-tted Can- 1411;". „ illiam Cook spent last Weelt
i4 -1,r' the c.6P1-. at Rineardine, in the ;interests of the
servati.ve meMber .of e. Ontario
oreceded, the present one, /li ` con- 17;‘,''.7*', ta) •mr.,rr-1 01 4 the.„r-41"• Mr. ITarry ChamPion •Eva:
tested the riding again the, f'n'111.3e' ti$site6i with ite )14
eiet-tirm, -was df,Teettnit at Frit,3ay •
Eint,e that iirte develo ent•" ' '• •
pi.otetted the electiotl, of A, P. •ltriet • - PP; r .rsh a
*6d it 1110 steps , • , . ,
Legigature the parliantent t'hich d°• D3'1.14 E, D. grrith NV,Inona Nor_ort65,.
, ..:rs, ..„. (Allison, an
' bzs 1,1011
7.hinne711 tnt' t•Itc"0-14.4 - 4JI Tt °It • ""irg • thft4' d, , 4011 , JAYA Apt,rt Friday list W'iti; 311.shidt %.
didpite, b -Jt, `-°1111
rewnint, the „ ge!Lrgey. onglt,„t;tietarbly tho pot, 6, *16 ,e onaY gag t
, ,
ti) the ground, .