HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-23, Page 3M. `. • . . . , ... Eitradise • or. 1.0,!4.134: olopide; and 4. hittn440DiP 'Prof.4 es, reward.. . .. , . . , .. . . . • ' ' Plague Spot? i .. . • '0',SYstemit!'. Are No Good. . , ' "; • • UnW can the ''cronpier 'regiot the, . . . • - A \ ` . . .7"..." \-;*:::' . . ni.t44.1f014 •tet4Ptat,10n0- • of life. 'Wort ...The World's . Qrestest. Garill)" Thc. aneWer is that he ,seee. every de.y. ling Hell As The Croupier Ati.at gat:Ohne is,. no •road to tOrtlitte• . • ' • : ' See' It ... .. ' On thn other.hand, he kilt/Ws that bis • . - A. :s.' ',7,, • ', ,:. job ,is eats as long as he .„doeS his :Illue.. 0151b.0.., .40 .414re sea, **Mt@ i'Voilt, 001, • ''14.0,'-eak' Pal* 444 Bavo• FY, ,„..;•;-%talaCeS!!littering,:$n .:the, • stitashinei lot, for, besKei his .sal'ar.Ye .N.trb.teil W . ',..;0erYwhert.. 04.: laughter. Wealthi'„genaroile, there le. the Amite; or little • That is one aspect -of:It/lento Carto,.te.', bOlt for, tips, .., ,:,,,,' " ' . . ' • ,, ' . "•'•:".•• • Which 'the.. we'rld'• bf .fashion , Is -now •110/4. OloYern•Pn't •ConsIder0.de-strMS .... flocking. .... '•Xitit this ..girticle,:sholi4 ,na"Atito the •bnite;iviten,thelt luck la, ln, the ether ••fthle''ef: the picture and '„eie.;1•The. 'PaSilip. staff diVide• :Ole. contents • . . • .. . • • , • •• PoSes" the"Sintister •itindoriforld :of :the Of ' tyetk boxesevery week. ..••••'. ' •, , •• 1- h t is" e' tyl st Path. tic type., of ; .44/tra,e!t.08''M.s."3c.„4„4-.'• ":. -- , • ' i.,.,:'voi),iiinlea...••kanibler?-.• PersOhallY, le' .i.w1,011'1.64,1%.4.;td.41::11„.„11Yn%1,%e•64.1.3, 0114,, me .9.PaTettirpe:'w.": IhMitthe elderlY'•'*Ornitni , She, has. ne..t ..witrti 141,.,34,. 'FoRovooly, .04tit :two% :rtrk4.the.force.Of cheraCthr, to accept defeat tie Meet. men, Willo; ' ".' ' 2. • ,.. . *. • 'tie should he interesting., '•.,it:aPpear..1 ,‘, .e(i• in the'. Xihglhi.hi!'i r•001-11ar,,719°.kI$°•'les.,::*t''I.V14t..U4'41-414'e;7.1'61:.k*Iii.i° who 'believes' that ,, he has; (lit • "Aninittra.4 ..,„., ' ' ••• • • " •• . • • - - • • ':- - ' •,: , - less, • an infallible, systelii;4',., or over ..tVien ty. lie are ...I • have 'Itiany-., I' Of ieeerit .years cOmbinnth:00 of . pttlated.''MY., lent ralte!.!!?4,..:tne .ornoeti4: 7 piaii;s, ;+,101, inutiOn.c0 'ab441,:bo,Ott",.. .,. :_green'7tahles of 'Monte .Cario's fateene In*, 'have/ operated systems at Moate •• Casino:" .. I Italie. seen' fortunes made. ,Carlo and :elitewliere:•, I have watched • 14 'en: evening's :play-- and lost with! the . .e.yetime 40 .,,....t., _ no famous • dreg* " In. twenty-four 4(-1"'°' ' I ' hav°: °°111 Syndicate. I belieSeett them-olear UP non and women grow 'rich. tor a little ' jocose. tranew, .w..' mi....'vening.... But • '. white and I• lia"V(;'. seen tlaul,'": bec431"6 ' then I %have ' seoli Abele .. lee& eyen, • •poor-7pernigiently.• • '. . ,' ' „,,,, • ' -• pith*, , . .: . . • • .' And t .hitlfe never 'Made. a' het hi my • I.• have often ' been aelcea' for ad, life ;..3 Ilene: never pat,..as.,'IliAcilr*as -1.% it ee:hrVie.4"..-.'HIS"-eafil to ' glire :! 81040..tra00 pli the., green 'tables... poor •play!• ' Crooks •at theiables .,. g Japanese The croupier is a . nian apart, help , in, but not of, CaelnO-land. •• . • • : . ThiS ' Is 'easY . tp understand . when Light • of., Science , the.'eonditions are explained. 'The . • MajoritY. oepeoPle who frequent ' the ' On Industries , famous roomS of Monte Carlo are jt4dt , . . , ..gamblers. 13u1 there •,rentaias' a,' small • - Renearcht •' 'Brings. .1Vh.jciern minority 'of, peeple who are notmdotis , • •proolcs'. .• •• ' NlethOda to. Every :Field in -.The 'crd'upler 'mist: avoid -the -very'• National Transition, , \ , •oOpoarance , of,, 0711;', ' Therefere, t. .• ' many Ec'onotrues . . . th.ougli I lived More than: . twenty . . ' • Eff ected ' Years, ',in the -,.principality. ;.. i had. no ' friends. :: The litWo of 1Siona.co ':forbids Transition 'from •hand labor to 'mass, , • ' 'snlijeetii-or the prince to. enter • the Casino; the '„unwritten law ;• of :the , Casino forbilds a cronpler io ,cultivate Chance :acipialutanees. : .• ':.: ' ' oft GT. • tat tet on a oneratitig on 'three tables, 0,•'Cornmon procetipre' wiEh heavy ganablers. Hay- . . - Mg ,staked, on InY table, lib proceeded toantlier; leaving his money for Inc .to. rake `in dr' tp, he pushed rpm . , ttible 'phis th .whining€1.• He .svon. Dealing•WIth, a Cheat To my 'surprise Very Pretty girl,. Who: had. been 'iosing, learfeti'. across • the man two places from, her, and sald. • :Japanese engineers --30 000 ef them- Mother Goose China For Tiny Travellers # NSOM GRABBERS GONE` 13riganclig.O. *•ia SCarhped Out Along Wktli SO • Travelers id -the Lands I3ordering Meaiterrarie01. :*Ar;. Now SE..1clorn Held for gansonri THRILLS DepAaT , • 1130XP.11.ila'.4.ct in • :\tP :::.rranean. coun- tries,: tradithmalized F•tid re. , .. • "Mance!, is. now': et' 10"4". One- 'by •, ens .tlle leaders ,of lia.ndiry'ltave fallen „ . . • ••:• "7- • • o „ . -•, Speelif attention's fci dd-tra.vel.,-idren,-eacli_of_the 'plates, cups, etc., be With their_parentk•,on :trains .:Of, PM decorated with :paintings from the nursen-rhymes . The :famous bow the • Canadian' „Natonai' Ralways, has • ' fcir 4°hIle tithe b.een a f'?att!Fe 1')g S°17". fet shrinking in. horror froth . the •:juniping over the moon and. MiSs.,iguf-: . . \ , • TICS /an Canadian,National dining cat's. spider which "sat .doWn., beside her" .Nursery ' -rhyme, menus, IilliStrated are but two of the. ,nursery rhyme wilh. 'all, the PoPtiiar nnraery.'ehYnie.' characters ' illuStrittad 'eolots on the characters, ..bee4. Provided for edges of situp .and •dinner plates, cups the Yenngsters • 'to. select•.their •OWn and saucers, •Iligh,ebeirs for the con-. ineo. the:head's:of; the: 'Ruth oriti.es; and Greece,' CorSfea, ..AsTa" Minor arid.. Turkey ,•:•ifite. laWles; haite •,1)een citrbek: 740.. Wole of Sila;"• Who. AVes'.,.ceptitrefl,! by, troops, „about pininpaigt,:toi Istap4p, hem ont:. In the the •nildnle •Of::•‘*•••the.fittet.. centhr **4. pYreneee,'„the 'Apennine/4 Pfe14,...(lor- oenteitC6d..to fullai'isOnthetit, .4184: oie,ond.the•ntonntaine.pf Greeno,end in..a •00,1alirlan 'vitlage., :where he .1.1E,t4; Turkey'. the • `I/00nd .Centiatted • to iiinealaa."•tiardon• ad'irfia.6'.;flOurleh until reeent'years„ Leng.tige ed age of 9L. Styied ,t.thh:,'IWaltlf4)f0.abig,.:11'46'.',;1.::rtitat%;•439; anizzab,Ple..4.494.14'jp:°;at tho goviernrilent•Ventk .trouble 040:0 :ciasaleat fOre• the.te.yeet•Wilde,rnesa. ef. calabrkai; reOntatinai and toaaania. Terely.a iRter handit. :domain :far ' hinifqedif' ow:Ws -• - *04."Fietit 4411.-gt .T°1'1"°141' 'railread,• ..Stili 'later:the end to not tit long lai ago, was viaas :na• It 1.9g.:11' clarrw Y174 :fro; t)1. Oriltig4e automobile,4d. a roe as .a 43. iiir9;a:!fitPe. : oat aveleri noi .Romealetti, slain • by ' Frenen 'soldiers,the • T ely Hints For Busy Fastriirs. WorY enough :now for the'13eey Man. 'surely. The rends, Mita he. kept open, teetilinschoors iC0 1)11131.1b0 • kept Olkt Pf 1110 trallgOR *Pep alga b0 witched so they. .won't freeze p.a. burst,:snevr must. be kept from weight- ihg 40wn. eyergreensiny.. land; is there ' anything that ..doesn't watching...at this tinae et year'? t„.1150,14reek iesemapornt!ithea•tobl:Parpaiel'ti'l;i:,likt,l(imrti,. t likely uses: it to get•ntt•Wopd for nexi :;ears Nei, • . .„ A fireside oehUpation that• W111'04). !much to put the farnt on a ltusinesai •• basis •is that of mapping the far* , Sometinie .this, :month. • Not OP!.r. , Should', the; entline and' slie. of ' be ''ptitcod on, the. map, ,.611t. '0160 gi .7'4011^1At0pliatIOA 0.Fi' possible .about the treatment•of those and the reatilts' obtained ihoula, else...'be, 16.1'e Sii.'6,nish territory... Ilanspm of, size be- came the order erthe • Was. extrentety „:difileult to *trap old-brigandi, who.. flung gold about freely..among:the Peasantry, and not Until:the •witrulaqe:tad iheen edit cat'ed. to nnderstan, it:that 'the hancil WaS a 1,fitenttoe. to . them did. it become poSsible., for the Miediterr.anees Gov Meals, and .Special- meals, suited to the kiddies' tastes have, . been „Provid- ed... Now another attraction lop, the children. has been provided: with the placing', on •each of: the (littera of special. china servicee . for the chil- tt•-r."--!-'7. . • • • :trade et ' wake -or luMbered aloug In t °aches, Bled the BrItiah •*.; .8tOPPIng E4 inns whose 'proprietors be 'huaineSs.•',Cai5turing tre.Val: Might -he letigue",WIth..banniteQ: ere. rev abo tize bar was ern of 1 ,Poo wi holing oietti, for ransom was •• the Golsen lye& by. Igediterraneen . brigands. :, The 'nigh. ransoms ;demanded: .prOr., ut :180 far- better eyStetne.. •ea-, th,e factor,: In the, downfall ot d: than it had by the robber suchbrigands. ' . The • Mediterranean One of Ake kiddie Agee. *,01:fce. it .(lOverninente Ai; ..O.Fi . the flfitish. ..disCoVetedtbat the British GoV! were:' 'stirred., to abtlen., by the pro - Ment would .pay ranaona :for •theila ,or il4filifintli4citiz.640. and •ceited ts Cantered. !Subjects •who were too out the troops . a generaljTeffOrt r ter: thenseeive% what: Even • tbeti.there.:weye., reverses: daltaro,. the .Sielliiin, brigarta, nileatroY; ..ed 't,t''..Company 'pi: .srildiers hefore •Iris capture, and .Tchakirdjt Asia ,Minor dispersed " :the- ,Titriiish.: ••••forciii•• ;sent The bandtts A.OE an. ea. I 1 i •day ap- pear .to have ,heten a lengiliVed .race. There ii reeOtl.of enndennied to•twei0'.Yearti in Siberia at the :ago of • 74," eseaping and finally. dying in •e:Pricen hoSnital of InjurleS . . venience of tiny travsllers who .are amounted to guerrilla wa.rfare against , . • still; tooLsinal•te be seated at the re- :the 13ritisla Treasury •wa'S Set afoot in . guiar table; and. Especial bibs to pre- Italy, Spainp Greece and ether places .Vent soiling of pretty . dresses, are Infested by bilgand.s.:, , . • 'part 'of the equipment of every stand-. • The Mina.. of :$125,001 wee:paid: for ard dining e4r, ' the • raleitate of Lord and Lady • Lan- , , . neater, seized,:with e party of four in .Greece and three of, tile party were :slain,13efore the Money was handed Over., • :The Governer of Gibraltar once paid out $185 Q0 as ransern fol. two Englishmen captared ' in near by statiens and hatCheries of all forty- :prcaluction, from. oxen as. a .vehicie of five•'• prefectures ",of the , empire' 'fl.er.ve represents the Pitee'in'the pi-es,;xti,..diy' WO. hablis: nod .migratioUs. Of various .M• power to higlr • Venal= .0;anamission' 'lines, Iran! jinrikishas to" motor :cara„; investigatinns zoology, life hi's- of -1113h and •seaweedf-ThdWertipMent Comprehensive by-nroduCts• and Impreyements in. pro- .. ce,0 'technology, apparatus and inetik' ,of caPture. • ' Price Broadcast. ort of Liverpool aBagellaellt 1881I68.' Illter08- -ffiUtietrit 1---develonniehtf-lepen-and- speciesnutrition *Eilue •sliell; • fOreshadows •an ecanninic advance great 81g0IfiCalle0 10 the' Western 'world:- 1 , • • her industries,.. social life, •arriuse- me ,, •Iregai--and-.-Pitbitcations--transi- Hon Is the. keynote. The nation is. im- pelled by the 'forcee of. researeh and . , aPplied science with such power that she, is, passing throngh an industrial reelamorphosis .•witi(h is • reflected', in• alt • phases .of her activities. Young • •• "Could • I 'trouble „you? my win- nings:" - • • . Believing'. the . winnings: of.. t,ite ab sent operator:..were .those of the smil- ing girl, he. •complied. . she -slipped. the money into'ber lap and resented , • • • • , . Su& occurrences are not • Infren4-, ent,jand the croupier muSt Watch for, , •Such tricks. But ho not', de- -nounce• the cheat -Oh dear' no! That • would be to inatte-itstandaii-and-t- , Must be no scandals :at the talnee. Made a sign' to e “petteeinaker"--, a suave•ofileial who mingles, with the crowd, keeping an 'eye union the 'crc'en , Pieta for any Signal; •• " Hts. approached ind -discreetly. ,I indieated the Offender and her offence: 'A *pent later the unhappy girl • heard •a polite voice .at her eiliowt "Madam, has unfortunately made. •a mistake. - She has • taken the win- nings of ' another player-7.pardenl". • No Sandal --Ely Order , • 'recent gradnates Of japaaese itnivers1-. _tide,: *re gradUallY, taking over :thi• eontrol Of. processes 'end, nietheds; in ele.ctrical,.cheinical„-tierOnautical; Silk and other indnatries':... . • • • : "Lead's In, Fisheries .Technology. In fish•eniee•;technoitig, the world. j The nigh degie.enf'perfee, tion setentifie processitt this field of Industry is attested by. the succ.e.es Of...pearl 'cUltitre :operations:, „This, pro- cess o,• 1...-briin operatrinvto grow a. pearl Where 'nene, greW'hefere. we's originated and Kee; tided einiasivery by the ..4patie,sn.•-•7•It, was.• long a • 'gnarded.' secret of one fetnilY. It lis,only In' recent years that foreigiterei'enn but few .of:. `thein,. have been :permitted' to visit .tne'pear.1.:.cuU • Book -Covering. Act,I,V- '..ities of Shipping s. , lllustinte4 .,-.The •pra.ctical,application nr...tisper, „ ... . . .. , . . . iertechnoingY can be 'hest .eeert in" the „ We in "Canada.: senietime s " think:- the; Kyodogyegye„ ' (Union Fisheries, Cern:. ,Motherland ;is . slow. : It. was iiluniin: panY);the largest single,fieneries coin-. •lafing to read that ish.e -haiia third' pany.in •Japan, and Which' can,..be:jtist- more . foreign .••investnients, than ,:the lycompared to any , of the great peek. r wealthy :neighbors to, .the, eolith of us, ing- hchises.: 'of ..Chicago,„ ..fidep ',84. '''The:mail' recently :pronght. us, a book. trawlers;.. jos:quip:0d .With i''Diesel: en-,,;:neecrintive••of • the snipping. activities.' lines • and-)radie•,.. 'operate' ,.in....Pitira, iti of, the Port of 1.4verpOol.- It is hard to. blocked -Off .ntinipered sectiedis.:;. 'rach, iittaginOnt.pOrt inthe'avrpid produe- Morning': the .central., office, of .the Cent- ing.aYreore. ceniproltensive„reportibeli pa.ny telemione's.:A0 the pritiettiaVMar- this ;:fouinkandren-page• bignlY illtia- kete inrepresentative citiee, each as trated. story -cf. the Empire- s second . :largest pert (Londen :still : leader.. in .grOpe. tonnage.). .. We hone to.'be:,,able at : a .later :date to :give' our,"readers..soine Of the In- formation contained .tnerein. We have . .. . , ,. „•. . . • The ,pearl .entture • process consists easentially, according tishitturice Mel - land, • director at the National 'Re; search ,Counc11; in a recent conyright- ed report pablished wile. the aid of the Nagoya, Osaka ; -.Robe to determine the !selling: price . of the principal varieties -Of. fish for that day.. Vaing a. :Weighted factor based on vo time of ' deniand the Wholesale price is.. fixed by :formula' each :day. :.The' selling :price a ten. ,)roa c radio to. the captains ,of't•thS fishing fleet, in the Mean time have,'re- ported their exact positions, amount cif haul and 'kind of fish to the central •' ':'0f colds°, the culprit affected sur, '3.1;litin: , , ., . . ert-, . Sbeiety Of..NeW York,- in ins „ prise,: and handed , over the ettiten ing:a.perfect sphere of HisSoUri.ItiVer .. is.ehey,. ,... ,4„ moment later: tilA2,..,Iie,koe, Mussel. ' shell,• . about , threirthiris-sec- ends: 61 an inch •Iii diaineter',.. in .the' : maker: suggeeted that:it, Wait pleasant, . outside, and escorted her to tlie. door::: mantle eg the fiving:oister. UPC:In:the' skil•Iftil etieention Of title: delicate Sur-, . That..is ho* all Buell cases are dealt , .. • .... :, . glad • otieratiOti *the • siiccess of failure With.. .. •• • ' of .cultured.Pearla depende.. After the • ., Sometimes:my eye,. ,travelling round • . undone 19 inserted .the oysters are set :the :table: Will entae to ,rest upon a ' in a cage- ot ,iron: shelves, whinh iii. character 'whom .1' hair° reet:•. before. lowered . about fifteen:feet, below the ' .1 signal' the peacetnaker. Ea inniten Surface ' of . the water. •In the 'season the , -Player to join' birn for,a. nilOmenL ' . • . - • .. • . . '200' diving girls are'emp' loyed' to: clean, Ile is very/p.oltio. ., ,. • • ., the ‘oysterei. remove foreign growth ' .gYlIOnsicur.had.,•the• rhitifortinie to be and sit. as "tin'rsemaids.". At Cokashit -colt:rioted or :frandi": lie .• observes • said to, be wyr000 of these 'i'llere ft is very. warm; -eutaide •it l;'•I'llert) n't'a pearl 'oysterltage,itietthators in opera. co(>1 . anti' pity pinsent: , deed -evening,. • oti,,.., ... .. : • . , . , .. . .. don, witlt, an., average .• y'ld10 of .140 • Peart•OYsters to the • cal'e • : ' ' " ,Ahove all,. there.nlast 1)0 no s'easaai,.. ,.. . .7,ii.e.lri•v‘.1.0i.ci, 13 Profitable. _ Jo .the Casino. Tragedy?. Ali,. there • '• officeFacllltles f9r resear,cli are definite - provided in.:all bael&itinuistriei..Tne National ••Inetitute ' 'Physical and Chemical: Research -compares -favor- _ ably...with-tlieoremeet,,r(inearek, Or- ganizatione of • the 'wolf& such Eta' the Bureau Of Standards, in ':WaShington; the' National ,Physleal.14aboratOry, in England, and to ;ItaiSpr.' Wilhelm in- stitute, hi:Germ • „ : Among: itinfilially oliereSting accOM: plishments of the institute is the de-, veloPment 'of :pure": Chemical derive., tives• from buinan heir. ()Canine thirty', Pdd.' derivatives deVeloPed to. date L one sunder investigation for '.the: treat - Ment of tuberculosis • • Reliearch•Inetitnte Co -Operates. . • This •• could 4erY' ••well JUMuds. . • , • , amount0 kinds; and time. Of aoclica- • tion .of manures and fertilisers,;time and rate :or seeding all' preps. grown; last Yeees yielde,,, etc, ' Thia wOuld give an intelligent halals for the /*ear's • oric., • ' • Silage from shock corn, Tan Into the silo late In winter, is...Worth. only GI" Per :bean' , much 'es silage • from corn in the Belt!. ;Wisconsin xpet17. :men( Statiolt. deterinined this. fact by ' carefully -planned'. feeding tests::: • , • CultiVating field year, .after rtsr bltrati:' out 'the humus, and then ses • • what Intnpene. • The sell .begins Trash badly, Every big rain; or tue melting inew, of ,spring, :takes. away some. of. the surface soil, „ be ha.d: reeelired et„ 9.8.. After -Business: .Nlore. Foreign. Inventors Than mencan A ,Patents ' • Washington. - Foreign ::..inventore. outnumber '...',Anserican .applice.nts, :for. radio patents itt• 'the.... Malted ,Statee. Patent Offlco. Frei:111010y they assign,. the rightts • to . theirPatents; to,.,AirierV,I, can radlo matnifacturere, but. for the most •part their :,apnlleatIons,•alrek,inand.. in .protect their.own discoveries Itt.9,-- conntrY Where :CerhaPs,' the: greateSt. amount of radio :...experimentation • Is 014..00 in. itu,.tiio.worlul.; • !..• • •::;. :Oue• lotor.o.gtixig Patented by, a foreigner is a .;siir,eiess .incitallation for entOntebilee., grounded to 'the' chassis ..Of • the....car 'a:nd having .an overhettil „antenna conce'aled in, the asked ink cuts to visualize the. , . . . tragedy there!, One can see'un.- 'The fire eyele of the (lister le twelve .. iiitueaele IlilligS In tb.a. eYes et des. Years. The nucleus ,is not. ineerted, perate losers. . One rises . and lurchoi hevirever,.., until •:the koiiillt•year,•as the -,•',•threugh. the . throng, ' Ile"bas lost shock �t the oneration,is too great for ,._ _ _ ....ft... ,. , • , young OYSterit' The pearl 'eviler` re, , 'town Y in •.CultivatIott 'ter live .to 'AIX i ‘`,1en ' nes. vax.. plus!" -;--;"nn , mor‘ nukinl, 'staking i''-'.1 cri• 'att.'. the little ball YelYr'l ah'er, t110 -0n140,104, this be148 the period of POMO aetIvity and:Matl' dancea madly along its grovein the whirifng y.,heet , want' proauction Of;pearl e/3sence. The • •• Miklinotci pearl Stitt d`b TIPS .ABOUT TEA From mot of the well known varle ties. of tea -leaf -It is possible to brew average of 276..etiPs •tir the peund. • .• Tea is graded according to the age of .the leaf from •which ' it: ls made. up o -t---;.Was in- vented by 14e*ileine*'HAFtY .Giough,, of. 'Lcindoti,. who assigned his „patent to the Radio COrperation' Of America. • .'„Another 'Leaden inventor, IleurY, Joseph •Roatid; perfected a- new va,,, cuum .'Inbe,... Which R. C.; A. alse ob tallied by nssignrnent,. and \ an iiivent7, Therefore the kind called- "Pekoe, Or of StrEtthileldi in England, Arthura .: . made from the tips Of young shoots, EL .L. Scanee,",nerfented a transformer is 'the most delicate and expensive:, - which -l10 to tile large British - Tea; as well is -coffee,- contains earl, radio concern, MetrOpolitan-yickefs, feine. So tea •is'also'-,tr-TStilriulating ma, ,. . , • . • • • ". • . drink. •• :: , ' • ..• ' • . -Anieng tile foreigners,Germans fake . . .. . • The' ChitieSe; those , great experts mit Most. of the patenti,.•Iridicating 'On ..tea•Maktn-g,. have a saying that gtg.at.Aressekasrtcehm- anettiviitly.ir;iond,,,tyliaadth;,?;otitun-, OnlY.. ••Water which le': Well aerated. •shenicl ho used ,in. tenirn.alitnif, :Which 'vented . by • Care'S.cliwar,.' lir Chariot,' .is •tne reason why water that:has been tenbitre near Berlin; . Was."..patented boiled. a long;tinne,'Will not produce Along -With a tileIng ' 'arratigenient.: tea. O,E;.good."havor. , . . • •. .. : '.... ''.. Itoth have. 'been' turned. • cii•er to .the The :'eaffeine. and flavoring '•••Sub.., .'westhighouse: interests .of ., tiiip• colin- .treetett by boiling water, but the' tin. : An .:arreingenient ,' for .1renroVing stance in •.16a-lear,ea are . quickly., ex- try. nine la ex ra .ted mo slowly, •,. . . short:Wave. radiation .Which oniaY ve.e.... sibly help develop the ex remely low, st aig t lines, whereas .with. radio we .. Never, then, allo'vf your tea to isteteD 'channels). disregarded 'practically' even can eee along ctirired lines,' through Or' bre* 'for mqra thne from tilrOe.'..to byllie recent' internatienal conference, ebSti•uctions, " irter"monntains and itire-tni11114$•.. WWISt long& .htftn,ilint,* in •tvaiiington, 'i$ ,reperted - invented eventually we shall see • half *hi, Make tea apttea e Stronger,' it will. :, Vy Abraliam.,Iilsan„ living 'in the tamed. a.tound . the ..;artit.,". :Air. Jenkins ' ..i,. is the, ;fleet • brewin,g , which ex, - .- .'. • • • .: • ' . '• • " ' , rapid .1 raltsiut.861,04 :of :01)Jeeta whIS'a ,stioW Increase's generally as '. coln.nar-. feral ll've • Ri0C'k . ia Canada t11•19.17 "tli: amount or tannih, , •^,:•.,',..„ ' ..! • •' ••'. • •. , ',.. • .. ••" ' • • .,••• .. , : ,.'kio.n„ by .radio,:, ie simply a..1nors• • trite& . the Stimilla nig „itigied ents H uman. Siena! Tower„ , • . ' Due' Shortly, Inventor-Say- Tha cheapest Sonrce of bunins,tli water-hinding part tit the oi1 is ,d'A. • 'composed, stubble ;and reete, or, cfopS' • tatted. under. Besides ,. chenking • •_ erosion, IttiMus makes the Soil :Warn/ . . tin Renner: in • , . , After:spreading-lithe • (tiveand, one half tons per 'aere)..itt Anguut, 1925. • 'Italk..-14rs7TaYette nounty7.--inwa. sowed alfalfa on•a •fot.r-aerOfield., In. 1027 he harvested ; 20, tens • of hay, (three 'Cuttings). "The': 'tey was • C. Fran -cis Jenkins 'States. in-. strii.TAnts Will Be sow as - Cheap. as Average Set; , . Refinement,. is Stub; . • born - •• Worked Years on Troblein Washington. •• Motion •pictures;itt the 'honte- inoderatelf priced Sets; Will .be available,•within few, ttiotiths....for :radio listenere,. Francis,.Jenkina.declares.'. .,, Mr, .4orikitts;•. ,leaclijlg engineer Ili the deveionment of 'vision by rudlo," te experime.nting_On.e. .device•whichhe believes can 'be Manufttetnted. tO.,aell as cheaply.' aa •the • average receiving set.: • . • • ' , • • flute refinement:1s a stubborn prob- lem, but ; we. are ,making progress and, It though within the next .few months simple..and rather ,InexPenSive re6e1Ving inStritnients'; be whereby'.'you 'will. be :able,' to re-• telye• your home .Ineugurn1; Mistilea-,--basehattgamest„-"baby:-Ixtradee nr even•Atlatitte City' beach beauties," The Tokio.' Iteseatch Institute bdrattity, ', Similar, • to • the AMericali *rem' of Standards,. operates eloiso contact„With ieditstrieS-in ihyestf; gating. .ite* 'Products and ,prPceSs technology 'through •Its 'section for chemical eintlYSeX; seetion 44ealing :with 'PM, telluiese, .wodd,pI meat and DOA -metallic stilistances; • Ston for cenient, tile,' building ma- terial; f• One for coal tar derivative4, dy.estuffi and their plication. and a fifth:for researehes in iron and steel?, ruedianle4.. testing,' reinforced trete 'etruetnres and electroplating,. '• . Ore testing 'anOtton, a nUM- ber Of eiperlinenti Are in progress for the KeCovrt.y" and reilnetnetit 'used Oth. ons,"owne Y e. Tbe genie • ,proceeds, nobody, has t. auxtly• 'of . the originatc;riof the adence, . marked the 'little doting in. which' 1 . hone . a total ,area.. Of A., •nearly 41;000 play..nt part -4)y a -trick of ;the: eye: acres. Thrtte •tutifiort, 'Pearl oydter4 • . .• t!rowis. 134, the peacemaker, littA fitl•• ...... 1,..),,,,,,,: kre,'.,,Plantdd Yearly' en& the . atinual lowed, the unfueky eue,L„,. tie c "i" ,valtie 7 pt 'near' Produetion a'yeritges •, t Ate.• him In vestibule. ' ' - ' Intro -000. • , - ' • ... - - .. , ."ATolrfkieur:i ferglvo " .01/.7-13rnaum,"":- n' 64,raing:ilte-: igurea ter- •Aniericai. • - tioint,"klete tbf;a4t.ed,.,casaiTnhoei.oew-eitiitiy,o,blibep:„1",.'1"7:1;i67.8,,. titt, ottiois. of .liwitt .41.0„ .61i, '''. °°' ',Sinned for every pound of :fish, the , . trance.' Yon.*ill play 110 More.. .It Is , . . ..• . ... ' Tapandse eat ten • pounds of. 114 11 Lor ttiidersteed?".,, , • , • r: ..,,, . . • k everY pottii'd of. Meat. Japanesti tileti- • • ' OA ').11ti'...60°:84(""‘ 'I ' fall4' • to ..nae. it 1 clan§ AMY ecoberniatetlierefere. ape,lit- .-!.....,1,•tenVy loser's 1 deParttlie.• ii0H shot Oming pli a , 3'00 Per -cent. increase in lilt:itself in • the• •Oasino • g.rottiltelk.' .k.1:1-fasid-Intdittetteri-dtiritig4heneXtl-fit•-• •-1-:'.-- ' See n dal l '' terribie...tItetiglitti,...:01144b3 r.ceen .yea.rn.' Researely Ott-. dclone44 id u, “ti-Xibetl,--uotett- e'flid--to•-•tlid-titiVOI-70.O4O.ildtiffiidiit.414tt ' An t:o life :PeeketEL .. 'Voila:I .7 A, Unger ,:imeineaLMen with Oaf( for'at*;u11.• .ou:6-6,-linflilif.-11,,i,Aidtig:.;',6;i rip With :the !est litilitation . -Of elialfew': wti.4.*SPi, :• tables.' , . ' ' .' • el•tya`; •fritenisive use of. rivers and. • : Once':a abet raiig, out tit the ' boatitt,:vtor 'fidlt .eiiiture, ituproVerneut of; fititi; • ful. gercietta,- 'Caaino &facials ;itisiled, ing Vessel' ttedign, tiii tiffeet eeptionitee - • to th o ' spot, a 'figure. ittY, reVOlver Mlle.. Operation, More ditelitine Use* Of ,,:ltand; ett the irentid. ' Citilehlr ' nOttnt 1 liber-stiVing devices. and . eittOmatiO . WO 're' si it Mid inte'' the:'po6itetwoird...tilarnadlinary.. .. . . • , • .s. . ' tithciala. retreated... . . ' .. , The Inillerial Fieheries iinitititte Is A raonieett later' diey, eumetotied plio tlio national eatitre. of noleiiiiilo coil i . , . .golitionips.. AStonitiltnISnti ‘• rto' technical develOwitent Of tlie. thatteitry . . EtijoyIng torioo) st - . . . . . Spring :seeding •of.'alfalfa,' with • ••:4 . . . nurse.trop, best in Iowa, as- Not Only cheaper, : but More.. •certain to Make • a stand; and.. produces • s •.• 'heavier crop of hay tite,fellovileg son..than eunimer 'Or. fall seedingis: • • ," •.• . • Ahout.: those loW 'barley - lee ten te One they'. are due to..seeding •too : :late in:spring... If there :40 one 2 • , thing barlex 'needs: • more :f.:itan. enY.' other, it early -Spring 'seeding:'... have ,on farm an ord .mower for whin:repair. parts aro no longer otitildni.Lits,usettulnese was over, •'' • • , *ado.. pltnian broke; i'n 1925.: consigned •the macbine to tile. but reeeriti:y• I brought if bank 'Into., - • SerViee by •Of: our ineuntry.. • newspaper.,• :got ia tench With the , editor by • telephone.', and -.dictated an ,inetit, ae few !words as Pol. naine Of 'inoWer;and part needed. , • 'Withia;,the.4w,dek; receiv,:..• ,roplies; and ,repair -pitman was lbeated just" a 'tent .'litilett..from." •re7 home. The .co.s.t.tit..the:;littie..ati-. vertisement- Was 65 Ceuta,' and esti- nuite, that it saAd •ine at leaSt. 810; r Mr. , Jenkins said. • ' Mr: ,Jenkins, Who' has been, working on the problAsi •..ot-:radio 'for fifteen:years, is credited with the de-. velopment of. a •deviceliy which Photo, graphs .are traasmitted,' the ,flisc :do- inonstation being made between the' narel'experinient itation Anacostia, and his own laboratory. 'With a telescope; We tan see' to great distances,. . but Only, along Three tons of ice for each milk cow. . -that'S the 'amount to put 'up. it taker e.borut 16 cakes (22 x 22 inches), - to •trialta 'ton. .when ice is 8 inchea ` • thick; 13 cakes 10 ,inelies thick; ,11 ; cakes 1-3 inclaes Chicle.; 9 cakes 14 • ck ilnocAh:!50.1-4'tiohnri feetnetru.tq. Liveeet and telt Stock on Canadian .1. . . Farms spell the deliimte• flavor 811(1 illerer(SA 7 iteilitan university town ot Jena. • ( d • Ottaw‘a Co.na4is rhe nom ic,. •o , . „ •• t • , • . • ••••• • .• have •'keen translated Into electrieal se with 1924. The cenletire' front the tea-leavesr- Because of this, • Tbeee's °.• traftl°' .(01) f°61. '.°11:1 energy' a'nd at 'distant' p'oints 'Ailtuged \.." • ' - fresh leaves shoulti;:alWays be niches tall -,Minn..ea')ta• r may '° 5ntojt into fat:Simile of the original, tlisn-saow. tuere are 3. • I) 7 horses on tlie'farms. eae 9,473;238, of whinh . . . • for each brewing,., • . • a, good cop but, a. guy, as ,,ta. I as t hat , .whether it be n stilt picture or a. ple,, 3.894,3I1* ere mlich .cews; 3,262.70.6" h iinciod,-Varrn & mot be, a wful., h g „ tare action The livethnd bY which sheep; 4,694,710 swine. and p.ou tri are As a bealitY 1 ant 110 •,,' iresidet- f • ' • ' -• • we analyze t p n..ere .00 0 • .40 lig 48r,, ot whieh. 46,172,611a ` There are others nitre .lianticome liy . •• ' . ,. *--'-'4----- .. . a .bae.en „la' ter, The hseeh ig mifee4 .„ ". ' '. ', , • • : fir, ; - ' ' ,..„ . • , • , • s' 'Counsel (to . -wilitess'•-"Was ' this , . - ',. , • •-• , • 4_,... .,,, . . . nens• , . 1. • . . • :. • For l'zitti behindit.: Horses increase4 Ily.23,743 in Rut•mY face -1 doe't.nlindit, , it into stiles Dv ..the implaty.t .,volving . The peOple,in -frOnrget the jai, Inotorist on the fight side of the knife';'),lach., et these tittle Stripi 19 road?'" WitP."5"()14."8: lwrwa"..-- made up of fat and lean; .of light and " the left all right," f. Not in Keeping With lienty Stories., FACT „AND' FyibtION f'• 131ifTDitTA',146Elf) freedOrit lr.env the oriental veil, the aure.n Of Afghanist.an and 11.!?r •ladiozi,. are. (ravel r, - dark. ' .80 'ea:ch SLOP of our pic- ture is made up , Of light and. dirk strips, which are' then cnnverted into electrical correets .ot Values: The Whitiv.i of a Into cerdsa: my .e611ar wOtIlIl „give .,:tt •and the. Waric .of •My coats w'cik. sigeal. itt su:oh linear 'fa slitenlne:Witete-rifftiini• •- • is, a n lyiien. ,At-etioyii.octhe -,10 nit rep 'Corps, it Wan a 4W/4W triCk. LIAO' !tartan,' LabbraterieS, eXPerlmental th IlltIrepe il illaroPeal,A neettitile. Vie qiteell, dressed in black,. is ,seen diving • , lag of distant places this 0Ft-troll-1s teas, dturthied in .1ine, and the whole pleture • hunt nu again 10 the same time Simi Oplerthat the ..ptcture• at •the trans- stafiena is being analyzed. * ,methed one„in luse tite over, and Whether -We 'ere trim, photocraph•e or pe,nsill•sketth, .1.tive..p.i.inettile .19 the same: - in the- •., transutission of pictneesphote-, t•raphis and the,.•Ifice=dAtne. is .net• -,..a- • .••,• rr;" ‘7"sk r• Com"Pared with 1926 The _number of MitC14 Cows. ineyeesed 55,12,0. while other "classes of ,cattle, Make a total gain Of 646,239, an aggregate increaso of 601;359 for i11 eat t le. Sheep in- oreeSed 'in 1927 by 120,230. swine. by 335,./07 'and pottlt,ry by '.69,9.69,* • • iitnittrig fdctor-and therefore _still pl- terns aro the'easiest done." Akattia'L"Dcr d °D°111:°:gti9i.l1.3ei 1 loot mid a reachtien Sa "quest letters 01 440 " • , 'ShiFunnyt 4 16 t ,''• .st visde lt .tittetinti," tititotite,SIrtry,mityrt.von you ltil year No; they re . . . , . ;for ro.forence '110.W.a441qtr. It'arri0Lt