HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-23, Page 2. .
*elk. PeolPw wig' And' ilgink tern, They think it Ito° many coincidences at the Yard to
:- ...- -miss
cheaper -7 -It Isn't—for Oar 4..co,,poyintf_for,.•10.11.0„,_ _ "}:e4pnirtiiii:::;ce. :WA'S .1? A ' fairly
010.41: liiltIngs and for wanioe navolir—Tney move truthful mirter of igs lia'aits inspec-
• tor,replied t1 (..O
NW' t. dISCOVered 44SALAPAIPAUSVireei fresh, full -
e Ti., -DOctor, JW.lson,.Z W-ragge i •
flayquredsealed 'in !nab!. ' . • -W 1 -
.sail, `;1.' am very, )T13101 Ob4g04, 0, 5 ./ ..1 ;
'fOr ,saying Me it Wi la-ge 5F, 27 glia5'et. AS I
3*,IliN'e7p4lim'cl-'r,* certificate. there'll
)11r6i1,11•Iihttr• pf•(eriiiniqa,,au ebsyt, tailttiilt),".(n-atcse., 9):,. u'n, t 1.Y, I,
Drawn by enirre4stiruh:::',iint 4.1ge,
‘Writge.walaiont2,- Lix.c':in.,VItead
' • • .
t1.:*2 N..t111.4bgt 16.I
knew that ihaelillnd$ vouid h d rnwn,
at, the bor-sp of, Mow:Ming; 1.)iit'Ole're,
was :the chance' thatcne.. of ,Alie in. -
mates might be petiiiiigY ,
Sure enough the blinds •*-•!re 411
down, but as, be. Walked (Prickly past
he. 'detected nosign a peeping, not.
was any sound atidible" front within-
ile We.a on. ,:tovafd the end Of:the
E5ta'eet ani NVaS .:negrtng. the Pother s.
when it cah•sWureinto the.
Read and flashed :by him • •• Looking,
h. saw it top. at NuMber'16: A
lady got ent; paid;off the driver and
vanished so &trickly into the betide as
to s:iagges:t that sinneone had, been
waiting t� admit her. Not gb quickly,
however; that *Yfiragge had failed to
notice that lier smart -hat was adorned
with a. purple aigrette;
From" her having.disrhissed her cab
he argued that she. was going to re-
main % some. time. He dared mot risk
rScognition.' by hanging about himself
so le repaired to a public -house in the
main thoroughfare. and 'phoned-herid-1
quartersfol- an assistant.. 'While
waiting he kePt:dbservation On Num-
ber 16 from the end of the street; and
whert- his stibordinatearrived he was.
able to•''assiire him .that the lady he
had to shadow was Still inside.,
Wind. out 'where she lives,
and .repott'tO• the Yaftlditectly •
you have. ideated , her," pad his
strtiction. "Nanie and' address are •all
front you. I 'Will deal Vith ,the•
matter then." •' '
The ydUng.-'iletective, whose spurs
were .yet to win,',proinised reSults., He
lyn,sts : Word. Abonti, ten
lhe turned up1n-
Wregge's- room Seetland Yard With
the *information 'that the lady •of• the
•. BEGIN HERE TODAY. : t "Did you" she Asked,•addiaa. a gen,-
• . • • • •, ' • •1 .'
' 'Sir Dudley "Glonister, 0481*o-ea of erona tip "notice a gentleman Forne
•.the inurciOr of .,hia, cousin,Janies en- out' of the house at Bkixten while 1
iSter; had a st4nge .callerin. theper- was there?"' - ': . . '' - '
S`z11 'of : • ' .• . ' ' • : :" ' ' : • '. ."No, miss," 3Vag the prompt' l'ePlY•
Simon Triehey, whOsebloa.ted face .i!gniy• a. ladY. .. •Sylish .. party; •ancl
culminates in one big red:blob at the seemo in- a hit: of a hurry." .
end et- his . Dose. Trickey's Olin to , ..
- by the arrival of ' ,, ' ' : 'I'. ' ' gHAPTER XII..
blackmail Sir Dudley: is: interrupted , ,
. Dr. •Willoughby.1%lelville, 'and Tarbes . .. •
: Wragge. : : • . . THE rtJaPLE AIGnErrE.,
•On entering the Huse, after ascer-;
tainirig that Lady '.MArrables wa.s 91.1t
r'' • ' , gaclaing as usual, ISatii:leeh rang up
CIIA.PTIt XI,-(Cont'd) Inspector , Wyagge; at SCatland Yard.
/11.0 chatter„of tho-eirlima • abst.i4ss Within half. All hoer he .ns witli her.
, . _
- •• meandered!' en,, but. with' less anima.; 'listening • to hr . story. :of ,IYhat had
eon; as ,if she: had "Occornplished her happened during' her ' call in the .Lip%
",.1)1Mose in concentrating the visitor' S se°,:ohe .Aoad•-' .
' 41-tteritioll on • herself. But 'Still ' the] ...,;‘,.A. bad kinsioess,” waS iiis ceininent'.
-----,iiirobinel-ni---thinin-a-rt-r-„,_of=0.14.71 4411.i.. Trick e,y liat5 been ,Very 'ineen-,
.‘,Fth.firniariel.t-Callil,:uott .0..til FathlAenl.iclOit:T..'" -• . '77.7-77.7".'"`• • ' ..
- reveded ...te her old. • fear ' that the "But don't Y°12 .gee;. --.Mr.' Wi.akg•e,
h d th th ' •;e of further
Master -of the., house, had. been drInk- • . , -
Ing. ' The Vainglorious:boasts of the ireelait'3, 'u.'s is 'verr illsl:ft04;' Entli-.: pul• rPle. aigrette Hired in a flat in Vee-
-',, , , . al her exec,' ' Mansions, Grosvenor . gate and
Parriert-dePeda1414.ek7s.'Aa....9.- " - l'd't "T • •
LAA.A-1, . f h.'
Pked out. The'adrile ided 'hal Occurred PPratiark o'f• Oficial St,O• 1 Y.. ne that, her Titinle, Wag. ' rs• nings yi .
ow ipuclipy, al:I'd J. B1191,44,4(.4 ;1)6 su„rprho '" Pine l ". - Wtagge 'commended ; ,.:.h is
lo her. : •• , . . ,•-.. eys death comes .just- right for Su.
c?a-ir.,--.•,.-. - . - • • • ' Wo inuen't beg the•qu'estion IV.Iiss junior. "Good night,. Peters."`.....,-;.-•-•'. .'
•• • Whatever is .'Sinion'. up tor. '
. • She quitted the room,. ev.ety .move- .
. . ,, ' moment • I hope: I did rtght, sir, in
But the young..,detective: lingered a
1 i ';' ,,T" '. , . „ if be :had con, ri.i,.e i . . .
merit • studied as though in frorit of: N-Tienist<'-rt .))ia L. shall eelta4n Y haYe bringing, this .aleng," he said nervous -
..tile ,.in.,era. and' Kathleen angiouS1‘• t).° -k•6 sthe lOseal,i)ledigal.Than,"..rePli4 ly, iaYing a book: on: the desk. . "She
..,.ttfaiter,.,...2-, . - „ .-4rre discovery , , , • . . „. . . dropped it as she -enttered:the bloel6of
r- • 't• .-16‘161opmonfici, ' r.- ;..-- •.' .- the , inspecter- -IiThe: fact . of • Mrs. • .
;•-,7* flats,1 Teekoned that it could be re-
-that ;TOM -Griines itatightet.was.'Oe •. •
. Wife of , the Man Who;.'had' Offered his •••
• , ...;:...p. , : turned to '•".11e,f 'OPOnyhl6LISIY, through
alleglanee against Sir Dudley rather 4-1., : ..e4. ' the.p'ost if yon -had no nse•f or it. .
.diScoinited the,valueef that aid..ititti-. 11.-- Wragge took hp ,tliesbaume and his
f.fid. began ,•to wonder •it she, was the eye§ snapped li tarst
- lecn suddenly felt tont', of her:depth ":
yietim 9f a consPiracy, ' 'No., error.' there," he .Said, quietly.
,She wished. that, stre had 'brought : ; i`Challe".•YOurSelf ;VII another twenty
he 'Kindness of
.4t great many .peoplo claim afilection
for. the tat. A. yery few understAnd
„ 4t, :says tgaret .r,.,Buseing, in Tim
:Cat' TWAT 1Y, To :tile , who, really '1100:
an anima afticle hnniane treat,'
• for••real love for
..ebythi ,..Mbludes.underStituding.4-10,,,
...can. an,:, ittellig.ent:.wOrnalt, allOW• ,a
• Child to, .r,ess. weat:in. doli's. VlotlieV, to,
,foree It., 0.•wnIX on its hind legs, or. to.
hug if t sufbeation? 'A'. little child
•,:v'ill 'do Alucit.things With 'no' thought et
• the torture inflicted on,the sensitive
animal and tile cat is probably the
' ,1111°St..Pentitit'e creature on earth., It
. is the, hUshiets btgrown people' td cer-
' rect'shildren 'tor -thought ICSO, 11COOnS,
- . ,
• IR., a gentle,', kindly way. '
, l' Sure,, any tgader, or 'f.he.* cat 'lle; i
v ie.* know s . hor.' •.. Mere than:useless'
it, ii to punish a cat.- :IP you are fiot
. i.kloa enough, to shudder, at the •thouglat,
I id. WiliCtiiig, pain -011 a creatate. Avholiy,
kat 'Yonr. merer, .then, for ; your own
'.ealte, . please remember . that . the we,
probably -• knows • nothiritT .about, what
, the punishment is,•tor; and that it you
1 strike it, or deliyeretely ,hurt it in any
..you are ..simply nailing .it as a:
coinni.r., pet 0 for„ show purposes.
-X have recently heard -ot people,
•ethetwise kind, who forget to llavg
The. Toronto ilospltal for incurable*
in 4011100n With' litillevue, and Allied
Hooptta.ht, New yin* y„. otters a,
three yearott Conroe et 'Vrattiltift to
your* wOlAti,111, 00, reQUIred
education, and. desirous at bettosnIng
nitreee. TittivilooMint adopted the•
efkrbt..hour ityetem. The pupils: recelVe
•unifornts . .the Sohn'ot, 4 1400,011Y'
• atlaWanco natl. ravettng i+X001130f, tc).
atittf,ftont ;Now york, yer
Wilson Publishing
t fresh, clean, cooi_xtet where the cat
.r. I can. aiWays find it rwoncier how those
.04 humans will .teel if their :'Supply at
drinking .water depended on some one
and that one forgot to furnish. it? ' ..
When correcting a,'.' eat, speak in a'
low, firm tone. Please do net shriel5
it it! 'Stroke puSsy's lead gently and
do not hold her against 'her Wishes.
t How would 'You like ' to be lifted :htgh
1 in the air and" held there by' a .giailt
against - wham .Your"strugg,les were in
vain?. Watild not 'you, perhanS;:sPratch
IJust a little?. • • - .."- '', • ,. '
. The cat 'mill repaY .yenr ItindneSs
With affection and sweetness.—The
Cat' ,Ilevie,w..
' • -
. lYingge-• with : tier' .. or 'even' dear ' . p,ti•in,ts, My 5011,
een a ., • om - • QHAP,TER , XIII,,, -
etricietis betide than, One 'at all. ,
' Then, -loud and clear from acresS
the Passagt,-. a ' scream r,ang 131.1,t and
way in the back a. the hue an elec-
tric bell 'whirred, as .though it, would
• rieVer .stop. A 'quick .patter of foot-
steps sounded' in the ball; ' the bell
ceased 'liming:and it' ephfused ,clatte,
.tof weinen'.0:;voiCee arose in Ilie,:eppoL
.cite room.'
, ... . . . • - •
. •1A. minute! later _the beftilled and ,\1°
ROYdentsli maid.-aervant.,htood'.:in the •
' .dQciv.'nY, white as Pater. •• ' ._. • ..
"Please, ,miSS,". she , faltered, "the , • . ,
. misiis saki; „vim. 5.?4•Ii kindly .ga away • , . Wragge, nOticed that her smart hat
The Master'S dead"' -' "
• •
. . . , , .
' was: iidoined With a• Purple aigrette,
'‘ "Dead?" Kathleen repeated blankly. ---' : .----• .-' ' • • • , : "''''
. "Seitire Or soniethink Of that.Arid 'Tricksy being a Beechwood girl -is a
1) i.. 'Says will you kincilY 'step Your comP,licaticin Which :Will either add te
enb at Doctor •Wilnon's at, the eniV•of. dr -.1.esson .our difficulties... : ' •
, .. • , , ..
the street and leave word for 'him to . "I nin glad that -you see' it in that 'A
30.4tney to the.'West that nearly drew'
'dr.,.iclelr-headed Norman Would have
Ilis assistant having left him,: In-
soectOr.Wraggc quickly Confirmed the
'value a the, book :which fertinie had
'plaCed, in.his. hands. His first•glanee
had told him that. it:,tnight have. a'
bearing on the .ease; ,It .vrais a "Scrib-
bling, Diary," With the name of :Sirapai
Trickey 'scrawled' on the "...eardibbird
coyett • Further examination 'showed
that it covered the period of Trielcey'a
Mission to , America disclosed by hhn
to:Kathleen.s.Qlenister and repeated by
her to Wragge himself. .„ • /
A .still. closer :scrutiny shbwed that
eix,Montlis • afterwards, 'ilia in , the
same TricItey had paid a second
visit 0. the Montana canip,
also at -the 'instance of:. his employer,
di Glenister., It was"- second
step 'round'. Ire'S'rheen 'attending:the nett," sad Kathleen ' diirly. •••• ' _ .: the insPect.tah eyes otit Of 10 'hea,d• as
'Yen •,,are, ,convinced .that /erd, he perused it
Trickey asserted that her husband ' The perusal did not take long. Mr.
mater for his 'eart.", •. : .. ' •
' Simon Trickey had no literary style
confining his entriets to, mere scrarliy
' f alien but "irleced ' tegethen• it
There was nothing -:for it but to with 'a ma.n, e
' ' okitply and 'Kathleen Patiwd 'out to, 011gAged•
her waiting:taxi, 'Catching a. glim.pse you'saw, a Wenian leavingthehonse?"
. of , the f arneu ,il . ".1Vf aird 13lairi . bending..1n4ujred•th.:InsPectAir- •. . ... . .
ovei a .er:tnnrde'd ,heatt' et human fly (Ild'Ilbt•31/1. Fay.' a. ‘Y°Irlan lave..gave: a Wrid • ri•cord 0; :What .1te had
: ,the ifinin,, roarn:- Mr S'ril T • 'k •the.".1-ww:e of i(aimeer, rej6ined, "f., been up. ft) rn 1 , Wolf Citv on. he- ', addtess your •order to a .L.o op •,. , .
'• The distinguiShed .one-piece---: frock
shown here is smart for all 'daytime
weir. Thor iS a' plaited inset at each
•• "" . • •.
Under -the -Table Manners
• It yon're a 'cat. •
When other talks' are , table
Eating all that :they are able( • •
ou .are down", upon the:mat',
It you re, a ea
You re expected just te sit •
It you're: a, cat.,. • ,
Not' to let therh. lino* you're.- 'thecris
ny acre:telling:at The „chair,:
Or a light, respectful pat
'it YoU're. a eat. '
• 1
Let tis bring you ,
• Success •
ti ;gardening. , Buy
seeds 'direct froth Ait
for best results, -Sev-
eral new/ varieties,
24 hbur service. on
.orders received.
Wri'te for our 1928
Catalogue.' It's, free
BniCe &;�,•u
sw.liesek.sate • HastIlits, Opt. •
th.• mod re hoe 1109,
• .
k: •
. A. Goodwill Tour ,
Cnnadian-Arnerican Motor -
Cade to Visit Europe
kind British bles
-..A,'friendlie„r,qleellitg• between 'Cada.'
-d 11111, Afrieriettni „antl.*,,ptropeoti ..;:dutoM.;
,Isto ,in' turn, will b� trai!8fli!t'
:tea te ;much:, wider ^circles et people
011 the' ,tw 0. • 011ti.n(.111t#,1•110t.,18; hoPf04
'be:eligengored as 4;re:suit:Of two. per:
senally,qcondUcted .tours to, ,•••
Europe .thie..suinmer Organized, by th
White ,Star 1.41„ne 'under official,
pipes. of the:,„ Nidaireal ..flotorlsta•
League, 11. is; stated in .an. -Official
netracernent laY'llie.'White••$tar, ,
:A hovel feature „Of' the .tours
MAL' those..-gqing• Eli
Parties will qake...,their own - O.4.Ya aTLd
motor:. through ,14.itirdpe.; aud.UreatT'Bri*.
• Wlicreyer.,fltey
arranged.t lit thr. nrin'cipal‘,itis and •bt
is: natelPated flat. the- 'touting
Of fratitte•and .the Auteitobile A.ssoell.
thin; of Orettt .the
Mbutreal Maiorlists' League, , ski-.
itlillUd; \Yin tender ofilcial yeeePtions
td, partieg.t,alM; 'tide Way
their. part in,' Pretnoting geodWijl be- '
tweet!, Europe, 411,a. „Ar11,11i-, • •• •
•: • ',
• AlreadY "Otero... tka;',"e,•:btleir.i.e.quirles.-
front,' WiriniPeg; Vanctionver,'".Tove.n.to,.••••
several, cities•An the', pro'vinea. Of
bee, Ontario Lout Manitoba. anti' with,
We' annOuTteeMent of these teurs •• ;
tile :1.1nited' States . it is .e.xpecicel that
there; wilt he ,a •string of 're-
Ili' et tr;
.. • • l'f 9'. ff.. ,
' f 0
Ne*.‘Yeiriiiiion.M II. '
,. (1.0Q:i.o..i„,..Ani...,.1,:ari ril,t,„itits, -. -
Ono ,oi the prinCipal ideas. tit -WSW: '''.
....,'Hilt-ndic... 'of..':,. -Progress .-„,„
. a. 1,ing-these'parties is Ici',pers'uade 'Oenti.,,-
dial) .alid Aliterlean •Meterists,. Who2 al,.
have .much iti,•cOminon,' to: tra-..
...• •. . ' ../. •, • : • .• • ' 1 vel' across" the, oce.,,a1 together it ltd. ,I.:),
Its. ReViSioll:AaSisted433'T ;Aerial •Pg'sorkai e.oritat'4., with' motorist S' • .',fu'.
. . .
.: Pho..ibg- taritiy*: to.: Bring Thia... 1 aCi' r. lei t.'1,,l'ii,L1.1fl.e%iiPtakign.•.(°ii ilf.11,ili?e'ititcfr°',11%,.bblel•iti,'C,1.,:ii;
'• Sectio..4'. Up: t� -date and of' the iieboie, °wow. two continents. •
.. •
Real VAlit.o. . •• .. ' _Tilo.ilys,..t. party, with their Own cars,:',
win_sati Nom Aiontreil, on (lie \\lilt!)
ILI,G1P2t,thiAi'llis: ,Stai• ilili.et, 111cgaithe' on: ,Itily•J2,6 . and.L:,_
re:tali) .trorn. i.iyerpoei air „the :White::
tra,' y el•el:dll..e.. f..6tOrM4loSr:11).trtf.te3.70entl.1::.Stea•la. t)1,1,lee.--......'S,'.(llt'il`rbi•il...1?•ecrle.00tlit(lagrrl(Oit9i-ii?;.Wil4".:ii..i) - fy Om ,
_ _.
.,.- .
ifriort!rve„en.itili.:zlii:gdfitsi:tntliz,mir::nntd4;thei:i7t,,ik‘.•,georpoi.iteic; ,1%,,,l.p•oi,itlitc.ical• on the 'White. Str'34 liner Alf
dtn..Sentptnlier-•.q..•,:a'nd' returii,' '
. , . .
. .
-,1.1 : . ,.. ' . . ' • '•••.144.i tho 'from SOUtlia.Mpton on th'e same steam-
er on October 20,.:',"
; both "thesd parties wit) ...rolioW .. 'pf10.7,
14nd 'and •vieiv.d..,:with dAtluchilt,y lierh,
of ignorance tile straegling parties,of • .
farinls,ct: the next 'generation. • , - : - 71-faiAre.. and ,tn a t.prin g• the aee'4.0 .11.6ti, ea ,.:.
tleally!,,the same itinei,:. landing .at .
suryeyers„..at 'worlt:. oil,:la•ing ont the
• .
' '. '• tlirou'ell., the.' Canadian ba,tileileb„Th.1 bk.' , ,
way .of •Netive Chapelle, Arniene;.Thoul,,/.• ,
letis,....Afra:§ ."Tlity Ridge,'. the eni•frie,
'Ade, '.'TatirnaY,..O.. : Clarribral,. §t..., ..
t. .. . • ... • .- • . . • • .1 -
To -day most of these areas are Ail-
ed •, .WItli;...settlera. •• The • ••sttipetulcus
, change:Ilia* the- years' have b t•ou ght• is
,. • • • • aeol-,•pidture,r fir the\ latest -edition
. .‘•'!a•:7‘1..t..no..i.i.,t,e. 1Yr..011:411.1.-:.71,ea,.t:,.....`,...„.:Iir ••e ...0iiitt.,77.: '1,17 ,N.Vi1(10::71,e,s‘s:,:lfb,t,:7's.. lia....s logne,. Aix.' hichef/elle, 13I•iissels,',Anti.:
:You're eipected. just to. Walt;'.. ' '
'rho! theie's. fiit.Upo. rithe -.plate,
.. 10,0ifre 2 ,.7a.t....:, , ::::. , ,•
.,.. -.,.!.::1:i.liy,-.L.I.,e;1,11,..1,.t..t,(;-..,,.N.i.:',,,s.i.iel.1-)i.ilili(illci.i,ii:.),c,..1:.,1..s,3:(1.).1.1.•.r.41,'faei.,:er.:ti,,'Solollti.::011,fotidt,,,I.11:1,1a,loonahlititotielid:e:,...,
• It ,Y.011TO ' a•C:at - , ,.:1 •.• . • ...
• . , , . . ,
.:. ,Survey, l)epartment ,Of. 'the .Interfer, 'ver5.19.n.; LIP:e.11113°Fg ''''(.u'''..r.rev(3.9.• gq7 .•
.,3-,,,-.11.11..a,-I. t.6. 1410,..;.orn Iltits,,r,01.,,,:„tiiii2p4 Wryii.,Ainsterdoin; The' Iiati'10', ROttd.r.,,. -
..0:0.1Otin, • comDiegne to ,Palls W.her9
.11aIll 'Al.11(1 thttii"V :4'eather. to 11 ,1\ of chateau, Thierty to •Rheinni, .
now. on t hp
p.reo.,.or sill 6 rb.pogtaphio:i......is‘a.a7:.,...1 .,(1,a.y win bd.:, spent,: then: by
You are ,nbt to rilat„9: a -fus .
Bilifikt.lallielaod.. :':.:ei)?:'iji.'_i•''!i•,i'i:',,on,}..,.i•-,Lv.ii',',,':ft._',:..'L,,,t'oYa.'rlel:,t7.,:11_.:i..o:•..,4,T11.,,.:,s6.iofa,j:rl''b.I''il__-.:':l_,_rcl:'.'j.e:..'.:l...i:.::a..-',--::::'-'-'--:---*'!:.Pg'1,.:.:':'n,7—tYd:p..;Llnic..1°17(a'!°:,S't.ell':Ll.'t?:h.:::
.-, 7 '•':,"--• 7 -- i •
. - - . .
;ISSi.: liiitbil.tf1:011ed • by reaeOn .10,...lil•ss, -t€ ;It OE 01,o 'farmstead to the quarter:" AVli.i#EK012,41 . .. rr . Ir -.P ', . •
on( on ru . . . .
brass.; end tinitrithi stymbalS:,. and' ma- i .... The' ..0.4.•;,ii1Aali''y..l be.ot...inealetilable ' : • ; • .., _, ___ ..
1^ ' ' - . . ' ' 'f'Fillin...j• . . tei Ruin. '
most .isini,. no..better than goutiding.. ser'ti,on .in mapy 'cases.. : •• • ' • '
. , .. .
:son beggles 'At: the idea of trying to lase prOspoetire Settlers; trav'ellern * •
language Which will nev'er be'Rpoken 'four • Olnl'elleS, ele- Mariagere. tij Start: •
tetich a I•reifileiss irish selion11 it lire, Schools, rotighlT •• .
change .4. nation'scbusinesS men:: and; 'othera.' Shown on • r
increaSe• Cpat•Leads heatri
, .•
and sle4,44 gathered wristbandS.',..or Understood ontside'•of Ireland• nor 1 va tor$. post .ciffi sem, 1,001s. an( y
. . , .
side of tl*...kirt; a.lOng eoller, vestee7 ' _:
No. 1712 is .for•Ladies'-and Misses, -and --111 .1Telitild, itself 'neitth :et the .Free ilages., . telegraph ,Ofilces, • telephone
• • • • - ,State-frOritieri..• and -.aLlangilage at the Pines and ;re,.J1readg.... : . ' • . • ; • ,
saine_Intil,-,•„_' . ' ' . . : 'lit -era. ture-•-Wly 1 ,-AIT.,0.._,L,_.), clev Ilk iiiilifiate:(1 • in 'd ifferent,
..ethhilsiiiivst17.1.birig,.h.et.t,er than cruelty• to i'coitirs• .fire7.1-b-o--mai Toads, secondarY
' ,•• roads and' lesses travel ls alOng
. ...',...,. A.......4......-,
is in ;sizes 1.6 years. 26., 3.8,.40, 'V and
44. inchea bust. • Size g recluireld 414
yards ' 86teh,..'• id,,, 4/4 yards ' 54 -inch
, . .
materialricl.,...14_,*.• Yard' 2.7 -inch con-
trasting. i'ii-ice. 20c' the Pattern. ....
• Our. 'FaShiou'Book, illustrating the
Rrnid f E ire
%Rome ,- A boyeatt • of blill,boards as).
heen launched, ItoardS„ 'which fernier-, .
ly .defaeed: the landscape with' ituid
posters now. are among4he most, neg.
• wnich • can ers be ubic wit
. .1 OSS Sit,/t0-11.- • •
,leeled ruins: of the 'eternal cite
---.-000t.ra4hcr than beauty wag tile am -
Where ,formerl,t- imfialc. alone
cu tile newest• and Mcist:Praetical.style,.will'I. :Brisb' 'o'..no.' Daily Ma' ' . ' l. ' '
. • , .1 angetl, . . . • ... , . . W.. 9 ..that inapired. theatie .in.alta.gers•
•ra-41,......prieolOf thehOok199, the conyIn1.0
1 the great ..d'oniiii•ions ,' Can da is •tlic 'lyrist are 'the tretigh•iiice• valleys.* 'Oil::: (he i.11,17....1'..iit'ill,ft'arpeoaal'iTann?`tvo'. fneolNin'e'le..',..;31)11,1111,:l..iler'1'.: '
Prebably a all 1 Travenitpg.11 11.(•: res•jort frem• ,,,1,,.;„ i : The ,started •the boyeott,.... • 'Nevcvt-lie-
at seeure, for itai.1:n. iglitYH,nelgliber "...N..or.r-h.Sark.atchettan a- nd the..t.O.rtitous • • • . : . ' . •'" 11'
be Of interest to ever o ' •
, , , , , y h .rne 'dress- •
iiion.,,t,inerar its th,,a.h, at t any, time', •11 .1,`eient..
• '. would 'never ' Cubit its-ind cr(Pihe '1:- ' 'll , • ii.1.4 To, f:.liiall -'11.*Iv.`w•;-..anii
to light .by
the . ,, ..,,, , ,,,le.,..F.1‘4„.spac,es.-wh.,r)1. u;ore. •
umiali):, plastered .wiill .111e.airleal. ati-
..,...,..., ... , . . . . ... . • to. be elm llengPed; A'nSlraline' Pend -1444; .1 le(aranalrl *.c;r:la)t."'waY8'... hbth 'ornamental )eill'"
HOW TO ORDER PAT'PERNS. .: • • .• ' '''
1Y, giving nunib*r . 'and size:. el 'Such', integrity depends .wlicilly- upon their.1 photographs ' of . the . At. ..Snrvey, Iet'l.scn'e"'`'s.g.Te' 'thA'',1)a-i'e save il'U' 11
.stearn$hip atlyertigementtt, . :.
have lie F,Oie.h guarantee..Their land •useful,'.1.)roup;i1t, ..
• .. , . • . . . . .. . , ..
., Write your name 'and address Plairi.;fzealaild
patterns as yeuwant:* Enclose ,20c in associati, on with the,pnited: Ringdoin. 1,.haye been ,InaPpeli.. ' ' ' .
• • .' • ' ' •• 13illboard 'advertising .. has been a
stampa.cir coin .(coiri. proferred;`Wrapl. .:.'•Fortun'ately, in ' *Australia' .aiia.1, .:Thp 1.‘885' rebellion is rrearled: in the. .
priVaie cAnnpall.y.,•' 'The ' Private 'coal-
. .... . .
1,..AN'Nei raltit.;i-v.•Pcitiii V..f, 4'.11...;,.......
31tO t ad .0( ilw ",.• !.•:,:',....
it .careftillY), for ea61 nithibet and Ne* Zealand sentiment, and interest l location of the ttf Frag ,i,ake Y.e.ars,jbvil
ly' illy.niOnOnelY. was fartned ont. to .
.• mi. -in. the el l'(V1111.it(6iCei4, :t (' I 4+,
. .
• Seenieil t4no t:: "indent". 17ti 1;ojd i;r.' a 11k, 11;x1 f of. the r.„1;e:.;ri.t.barotiet:' : ! Wilton 'P.A.lbliShing eet, Ade- is .1101' Prohaillc.. that' a
•I‘rakr feeill, gilirtOle,legged ,Totter,- the•Tits-tiair,e,lind shy/ the titi-of," a , ' .(Tp .be Tonto 11,14.0.) ••
' lulde ,TIttt.toris. ,•,,extt, by 1) 114 0, 21-.1 im-"!.
• f th
halt ciotirt .1:tr,24 chair. His bead lay I-Prtrpl aigrette departing on) e
the wearer •'• stv0,h 41),arty
en the table. . ", ' ' . • .• front deer.. The ta*i-dtriver de.sribed
ikeeli a mail kiii,guise.d: as a ayafaaa.,,, I i.oikdop OWtervor (Op.; : The
1 chine has el:ea tett the. nwdern 'irnitssi'.;
'Wragge ‘ekere4Sed his, thanks and
for baste in seeing' the local .clOctOr.
1 wPae'allttYli clta"7:7.• ist (hi '''t lt 61) 11711.111e1 1,et le4:11; 1)?!.01311.11.eu74,:
hef4re the death eertifleate was kiverhi
'Kathleen' gave the:desired Message
at the 'house of the 'local. p1 a(
afict drove beak to Cadogan Carcleos.
,As She was paying the driver, trf. the
..taxi inspiration came .W her,'"
. .
-IVIchniery and the
bit of a hurry,' But it rnight have • .
took his departure, , aBeging.. the. need', .Itit °••1111°Iit' •
so 'that ineehanteat .effi0#41(;y
caine wed a.s an end 1 nifself. •
''01A ilf;" ,fouD
nd oelor VC:ilson toto. he'
, ',,be a .
. • worker .was Ills :
,r4,14 Sandy -haired veurig :ieotehman, new,
. ' •
ly established ' hut with f und f • Ity r.got 0, be. became Ite • ,
,4,,... ;41„„. ,, , _ • • • _ • t man . ,f, „,n,
40, , , ) "hand' 'that pulled the lever and-
x 747g ,f,n native snrewdhess which wragge, watt 1,3.1-4,e
14 " a 04..' qujek to apPieciate... ,
-- - "I ,riee," he said. Y':).(,ur Interest in
Mr. Trickey's death is ,,t hat he' would
iurneVihe w4tfl. This notion, 1)1(1-
n'arrew, but intelligible enough •
110%eirciivw4iatices..Of its thhe., 113134. : jrn..mesifore
• " • eft ono
. .• ./.,to
ft'linarp 5. Lnn
itent ,rchcvcs Fr.:n.
ft•I'" the•41.1 I mePt:;.•L gks 1).:•••
. .
. • • 110(11 11 (10;;.11'('"1
1 114 111e ;f11•1(:14,'Iin 1 410 atmt)unt.e,
itit' jij0gll,u%) 4J(1 til ,i
•havel-been an- important W 11101.4 1011*.agic ' h
ou ar
ca6ef thrnic you foie P'aire'-and s ri ef.'reVolf, " W.41Y44q,.1'...011.
• '..e;•: yt! .0x9riting SuSp.ictonLah,a.agear
e.,...,)•plt.ttifiR tel
(-; ,otwti econo-,,
diOnb1•1!-'0 mina of. Ansit:hilig "^-f.• the tiv, • -",,,Adriter • 11104 aceept6d WS' 1,1,61,11$1,
e1011;:' h fact I havs, aj.rcady, .f41 pied has do -laved', (1111 ir (Moot or
• •
„?.•-•a• •the • death • certifleate. tiro •
ho1vrPtv int.tertali •it a re.
,• tho.; bed y tO -le-thrtfr.,-ItittrAbitt
eardiac affeeti 6n. 'I Itt;- syroptOms of ss,.firtss ,„tiatt /„1,11.1,1 :)t, 1114 tuid. n„i
. . „.
dovo<(,(ts niareit
• Add to che joy:of tre .1 - • ' ------------- • '
• Open road -this pleasur.ca„..
-. giviiig fefre,shment., _
-'r•4* A.tstrgasi:colifed„ gum tisat
rifords double value. Pip- z.
pernaltil fla.;.or ill; die augak
coating andperinetnalor
.flaVOted gurn
Inside.. '
41, SM01411S
•111$02 ffm ;IALVA
,sinek. .(10,):12(;.1,114);(1.. • ij)kt411 1.).1!!!!,11!..!11C11
• 66.--ttiePO.tot-lumlii6if.' • "fit of int(' :i.lejrfi I !I
•to 'hi" be „said, 1,4 !Tiara's in ied t .lor ma-,
.•••1 r
• ..re,ntureP (1111;1/k ti'e 1NS.11111k, r,11-
(1(1 41 It) itti)(1tin 1,eittl'4s. en as t()
3i0l?li:“•;11. their tiini'S" 1)11/.1.111!'enten3014 itt •
1,4'1 een the letifitimhl
1.1101' rivar.g
ortOtre,tily 143 11t 14.1)1, 4'
EST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING Pies, Cakes, Buns and 13read
Catiatla Over Thieltholti
Prosperity • ' . •
r 144
,..,(s.1.$1atn,attl(,11',1.tt.L"(.....iL...H"It'Jitl:;;',;;YPII);`,$:1!: '
-,47.1-4.2.-0,,.0.3y.;,.., ., 1 'ht 1i, !'4'.ePi."'.i,ld
Aeloci: 0!,;,•:,• 11,13 t.-fli.oi n'ts ,I is p'rort.-?d- -
_ . ::.!.1..._1':.•; • .1''.,,‘,:11:..i- 3:.,'',:',.., ,;:.,111:::'.1:'.:::1
it cri atl,b 1 11314
.1.,` th,, P4 l.,.(, 1
..1,4-1-,:-.441-4a1kig..-.14.431„,. in- .1_,11 a
,..4;...1r4vei11 '1"1 (.+11'1.1).'' 11-1
;',' 1 ) .:',i;sit'l:.:17::::,ii:.-f-k).i:illi:11::::i:4:111,41::::: n(
', .. •
'n11311113 intheal. "ilifil-tTritiqift-liffif.,""•"7'.'"-
Pilt1 ‘clilli .111 Tle • :nil(' it..-Rxr„, 1:6,5...,... ,.
1,14.10 NC rj bea1lP.013/ t10Yity..6'1, rn .
1'.Nno ti a', 1‘; is' :40111;".. tu !if,- "vtraftt a,
• cp. nt‘ft4t. t4K ro.tifty Ili ,.a. position tu
. . roil t ill: a Ili-- --tin tatit*tnyntl't itt--;--it4t)11,111-1',.711.•,Y.---
.-:11tr011girit. .,1,11,!8_„'.7.:,..5!.44144 31IL,1:1:t1.,,,. .,
1 , • P'What do thOY m1 an. ily tile 'witch,: ,
,,ing honor' ")oil 'k
bid iidiv? :iiia' !
i the:, hour . when tb,s,p,*i.to greets yoa
• solitil 'Vtibich, story is it this time?" -.