HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-23, Page 14
• ‘,
• *V
'St •
$2 00 PER •nAftlii* *.A.DVAI4CB.,;: 82.0. OTHPR*ISB.
' • • ,
'0-1-;-0--tter---L:6,-74-04--;0•=--9, •
physician:and Surgeon .•
• • luelinoW. • •
Pleura: ` ; •
• PliOne, 86 "
2, • ...DENTIST •
•Dr...,.ittaeLeod : Will visit Lueicaew.
e4eri., Tuesday, in: 'Dr Connell's
Dr. R L 'Treleaven, Liicknan
Over Decker's • -Store Eittractien
either by•• gas or localWi11be ir
• Dungannon every ThersdaT. Phone .53.
Councilor Robt.. 1VItillin • is. attend. -
irig the • Gr'6od Roads° AS'Iociatlen,
. Termite 'this; week. ••1
The 'choral' society practice will. be
ThUrOde)r," March 1.st, " instead: of
Vuesday, next Week. . • •
S'cotch, ,Aaneing by -tIvO. little girls
:will he a feature at the piay; to.. be
given in the, Ton •Hall tomorrow"
(Friday) evening. .; •
We; notice that at kcaeens Of ;the
Conserv,ative Party members of , the
tiOUSe bf Colninorik, hOd 1st week,
Ole., Spoton of North Hiteort;• was
llected 'chairman of .the :meeting.
Don't .411 'to Seciire a reseriecl-
ot at the ;play, "Cyclone Sally," to
oe given in the Town Hall, Friday
avenieg -el. this Week. •
Mrs, Ala Morton has returned, to.
I • ;
Geo.A. Siddidt „„Lucktiow,.
. and Real EstAfik-M.bney to lend or
first mortgages on farm proper-.
. tries at 6 and 6341 per cent according
;to security. offered -Also small
amounts on second mortgage's • on
farm Properties and on personal
note". A few good farmfor sale.
' WALL PAPER -A lull .line of •1928
Wall Paper on hand. Prices from Sc
up. I am also agent for ,leading job
houses. -R, J. Cameron, Decorate".
" • Painter and Grainer, Eex. 174, Luck:
now. • "
We, the undersigned, herebir," an-
nounce'that .We are in, the market to
• buy all kinds of logs , suitable _for..
• lumber;-and:as we require the lumber
for out furniture factory, ,we are ill
a Position' to pay the highest market
price.S. In letting Us have the mater-
ial you . are encouraging home indus-
try. For Particulars call us' hY Phone
' or call at our office. -The Lucknow
Table,1 Co. -J. Buttoe, Man. • •
• , „ •
, wanted; sisters preferred; for a
comfortable- home in Guelph; all •
conveniences. State age, religion
And wages. .APply to Mrs. John
Sutherland, No. GO McTague Street,
. Guelph,. Ont. / •
„ •
,"'suPdi,W and Monday of this Meek
gave us the ;greatest ,,atorin .'of.„ the
season. nigh Wind, Io* temperature
ind..,reuch snow rnade..up „something
in the way of. a real blizzard.. This'
storm Prevailed Over.. quite a large
section Of the continent,- and iesult-
ech •in a ;good deal of %interference
.with traffic' on railways •-• and high-
Ways.However; it chtd -.not last Jong
-,nough to cause .blockade, and on
Tuesday roads ' were pretty well
opened. up. •Tbe -rural mail couriers
had rather a bad time of it in this
-section,. many of them ,failing to
,rnake the round on Monday. '
her to..ne in, Guelph, 'after- Spending
.i week with her sisters; Mrs. Fred
MacDonald 'And MrS! Ja Forster.
She had been up to Paisley to ; at-
tend the funeral Of het brother Mr
John MacDougall. ,' •
4..cuA$cp TO HELP: '
You bave a fine, .opportunity to
evening to •. helP,. the Wom-
en', • InStitute make their last pay -
inept towards the Art:le:Man •Relief
• Flied: .,Att'end the play, in the Tewn.
gall, help, C• geed cease; rind get the
Werth •of. You.e nniney.: • .;"Cyclone
..Szilly!' will be presented 1;j7 the Bet-,
vie -Young People. It is ,highly hu,
mbroi'is and very peptilar. •
'RAW FURS -1 am paying highest
tnarket 'price for all kinds of raw
' Blitzstein • Phone: 18, Luck-
/ (10-11-tf)--
' FARM.' FOR SALE ,-- 150-aere
farm. in Adhfield., For • particulars
•OPPIY--to,Johri Fermin R.R.Luck
,7, ,
ow.. ' (29.-3-p)
• The Win gham hockey tearn which
• •
can or Friday ...of ., last Week to
fini0i• series,7
pro more.; than:a • Match :for:: the,
lecdt,hPyS,.:and carried off' the honors
With' a' sc5re of 8-0. This was .a..iath`:
or 'severe ..defeat ;with whjCli to close
deW.: of the, brilliant ,recipd made
in the eilg.amesof the series:
.• 1.P.ollewing, the victory...hereWing_
'.ham `'inet Clinton. • at CI intoe ni the
.and • lost, ' . These
team S 1•44.0 again in -tne_tWiiigha.rn
arena' Wednesday night -of :this, week,
but :we to press preSs tor; early to re-
p, ert
.. the outcome•
. . •
WAltant, RYan, for .many years
a resident of near Kmloiigh, died at
his, home. there .on Monday 'of this-
• week. He was in his 64th year. '
NOTES, •*.
'Zion service, was Pretty well at-
tended `. on Sunda* Meriting 404, tho
very cold and windy. bottd;:doili, Pre: -
'Vaned. 011t •worshipper. had to 'run'
a long way •aCTOBS a field f.or his cap
after service was. over; the wind Ives
'so ready to plait tricks. But :any who
had Or walk ,andlace the stern.' had
a 4kOrSe 'tifire. • ',By' afternoonit got
worse„ with, the, result that only a
'A. little over a year ago Mr. RY•an
‘vent to London, and there Under-
went ;an, operathin, for inteinal.trou-
'4le. He came through the operation
all right, and after about' twci Months
4n the hospitalcame home, and for
„ •
a lame was fairly • well, although not:
able to engage ' in work, A few
• menthe ago the trouble appeared to
develop again, and he h4 since been
radually growing 'Nome The fun-
will be held on Thursday after-
noon to Kincardine: CenieterY: ' A
service to ,be heldat the, house .at•
one o'elock.
leaves a widow ..and grown. up 'frim=.
That humoroilS, 3 -act play,. "Bdoli-,
`Eiji ;hr. 13obb,s". was ' ,recently, pte-
4e.iited t the..town of Aefori: by local
'talent, tinder 1 0 0 F otispiees.. The..
Actin:. Free .Press, in giOng • an .ac
count ; of the , •`• perfPrinance;•• '' said
ti e..•the play khocn. 'Wee
FOR SAIJE-The dWelling of the
pashful r.. bb.' 'It wasunder
Mary, A., Tennant Estate, Lucknow.
Apply to. Geo. vi
' sudersi*MBos
on of Mr. A: E.' Millson of.
(8-3-c) Milton,and.'he and his, players were.
•wejl trained. andhad selected splen-
did Mato.rial for each part. Mr.. Mill -
Son, as...a.eoon, gavea monologue,
whieh was f011-• Of .mirtin Many who.
were unable • to ga"in, adniiSsion ex
press a desire to have it. reperited.".
Stewart MacGilli*raY, Lot g,' Con.
Kinloss, will have an auction sale
of farie stock and some implements
on February 29, commencing at "Ode
. O'clock' pon.-?Tolui Purvis, auc
Tire Patches, .reg. 50e, sale pniee
.'4256; , Tire Pumps, 'reg. 11.25, sale
• ,price 75c; ,Aute Jacks,. reg. •,31.115,,
sale .price $1.25; $park Plugs, . reg.
-75e sale price 45c... Truk Mirrors
reg,';$2.00,- sale price $1.25. Allother,
auto accessories at a greit reduction
in price. "... ,
• Also one • new 5 -tube .haclio set,.
, Table Model, at a' great reduction in
price, '$65:00. Come and see the set
. , .
• •••,:.!
1 ea er
. area, on
Ivo rain -cheks hunted
.4.1 for Billiards. You can
• einjoy .4 game night or
'''----Jaii-liViniy-weatheti-- Coy- -
Season of the year -and
--never tire of this great/At ,
•:Indoor Tsstimei '4"PeeiellY
when p nyed 'eh our Tiff&
Writ Brunswick equipment.
ack s Billiard Room
Getttientateit Game
..„ 'MacEen'driek-MeMorran •
A marriage of local interest took
place al: ,First Westnitrister,, Presby-
terian Church, Toledo„ on Saturday,
Febroary 18th," when Miac; Margaret
Mae, daughter' of. Mr. and Mra. D:
McMorran, Of Lucknow', became
the "bride: of 'Mr: John' I?. MacKen,t
&Mc, of Detreit, formerli'r of Loch.
The --Rev, Elwood Roysey .offi-
Ciated.. After. the ceremony a pretty
wedding -dinner !was served at the
home, of Mr.' . and Mrso• Charles E.
Foster, 1221: 'Nett Ave, Toledo Mr
and Mr.S. • MaCKendrick will make
their •horne in Detroit, Micn
'round dozen,tatifeout AO the Hackett:.
,Serlice; •aii4.fh0--:-Bitike 'service for the
evening wail called. off, But ',then,
we expect at least one • interfering„
Sunday .blizzard in a winteir.
Both Zion. and .131ake W.M.Soneet-
lugs were well attended last vreelc.
_ .
The women well sustain their-inenthr
ly 'gatherings. • • " •
Zion League had, •their monthly
social evening at •Jthe home .of Mr.,
ning Islet. The -Canal .good company
attended, 'and spent a'enjcyable so -
The regular meeting of
the League was •held previous tothe
social , programme, Miss Ada Web-
ster and the pastor giving addresses.'
Harold Gardner presided: .
.• UpWards of WO, rnostlY:' yoeng
people, gathered in the Blake Hall
on Friday evening for " their Valen-
tine social evening in connection with
the League, ,sind. had a real happy
team. ' Next :,,Friday night's meeting
is being' looked forWard. to, the
debate between Mr. .Erneast Blake
and 3,1r,. Thos.' Blake on:. the affitnia-
7,-tive_sicle;and Mrs:. IL Horton_ and
the Rev. A. W. Brown on the nega-
tive, is to take place. The subject •
should be One of live interest: Re-
;olved that the (rural church of. 30 to
)0 years ago was a• more important
and influential factor for good in the
COMMunity than what it .-ha today.
• There are some things that . are
more important and mean more to
individual and social :life than are
reportedin this column that happen
in, cdrmeetiOn our •Chureh_. life
and activities; but they cannot :be
• reported here; very well. A visit by
.a• sick bed in God's . name; a Bible
„. .
reading and talk' of , holy • thinga,
with an old shut-in. person', .finishing
up with prayer; the overwhelming •
'experience :of an,,,inotional and spi-
ritual eharacter, a group of people
get round the altar at a. reeent Cern-,
'-in-uniont 'the -kind thougliffulneSs'' for
a sick woman • a group of ' Christian
ladies showed. % All these thingi-dif-
ficult .to ,deScrite, and riot easy to,
pet into cold print, are the very life
of our 'Church; and such • things 'l hap-
pen -frequently or the Church would
become a nitre 'social Club or some-
thing less.
Friday of this week, Feb. 24 will
be !observed as "The Day of Prayer ;
ret Missions," and in connection with
this a meeting' wilt be , held in the
basenient of the 'United , on
-Friday afternoon at 3. o'clOck., All the
wemen: of the con,gregation are, in-
vited to attend this Meeting.
Anima- Meeting.
.The annual Meeting of the Luck -
now United Church congregation
.was held. cn Wednesday evening- of
„last ,,,reek, the business program be-
ing, preceded by a supper. 'Which Was
served in thebaien-i'ent-froni-6,30 to -
8..30 `, q'clock. Abut 200 were pres-
ent, and a yerypleasant social time
•vvas eiijoYod (hiring these two hours/
The Various organizatiens preSenteil.
very • favorable repertS, covering,
however, only the pine: 'months pre-
ediig 31, 1927, the, church year
having been 'changed to • correspond
to the calendar year. The mission-
ary treasurer was able to repot that.
the alloeatien of $1725. haa been more
thari Met, and the W.M.S. had also
met their. • allocation 'of 3550.. -The
4Congregat1ena1 s. treasurer reported a
favorable, balitnee „in :sPite, Of there
being a number of extraordinary,
expenditures of considerable amount
An out line • of a .very:epnsideriihlie„
programof renoiration;anittliriPitVe.:,
mento to the church property, with ,
an .:estimate . Of probable. cost, ..was
presented. by ,Mr. D. C. Taylor.
A •
The regular meeting of the Wein-
" eh's. Institute will be hefa., at the
home of Mrs. Jdhn McQuillin' 'on
„Thtireday afternonh, March 1. - Roll
call -•Hints' Housecleaning.' The;
rarbje4i ,in charge ' of. Miss
M. C. Rutherford. •`' •
.Mrs. George. Myll:eberts was the
guest of , her sisterin-law,•TIrs., 16-
Intyre; of Dun.gannon for n few days
recently.. •
Mrs. • W C. Webb is spending a
few •weeks with':her niece, • Miss A.
McKenzie. .
Mr. Hyde, was a week -end visitor
at Kincardine.
Mr. Murray returned from St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, on Satur-
day. • Although the, doctors were un- •
. able to set the broken hones, Mr.
Murray steed the journey well, and
is not suffering as much as might
be expected. Many friends hope for
speedy iniprovement.
, A very enjoyable evening was _
spent at the Young "People's Valen-
tine Social on 'Friday • in the United
Church. The committee in charge
had arranged several ,interesting
games and contests. An interesting
read on St Valentine, by Mrs. Webb;
a recitation ,by Dorothy, Miller, and
a solo by key. H. G. Whitfield, and
some community singing was en-
joyed by all, •
Miss 'Annie Hughes of Holyrood,
has been a visitor with Mr., and Mrs..
McKenzie- Webb. • 4
o o o— •
The Bread The Bread
,ef: Health IS
' of Heath.
• .4110ditY -Bread is Baked from Quality „Ingredients High': Grade '
• 'fiTour, Shp*, ' Malt; •Shorterting, Salt- anti Yeast.
ealiOCClicierolate Cake, ' Chelseaand
Doughnuts. '• ,•;•-."
"r• • • • • ••
The February meeting ' of the -
Third :Form Literary Society , was
held on. February 16th, and, was 'op-
ened ty ainging. "0 Canada". John .
.Mel‘Tabi the vi:e-prpsidenr, act.cd" as
niibutn ef the -last Meeting -. were -T
'rirtrd., 'rho next riiimb,er• wiiS,'ari
it'riimental by .1csabel Craw, followed
hy a spbech by bo,uald Grant, 'and a
donee bY Elizabeth MacDonald. •A
reading'. was _given by Rub' Turner,
instrumental. , The critic's . remarks
Were -then. and •Miss IVfeLean
',stump -speeches. The, meeting cosed
by ditiging,`theINationaT 'An4ipm.• • ,
• , loving memory of our
tioAr mother: who 'passed away four"
venrs an Fob. 24th; 1924,, ••.
One -pneeleuS. ••our .hearts. has ;vines
'The volee, we .1oVed .
The -Place made vacant in Our home"
Can. 1101./brn1ora,.ba.' filled,
F51tfiiary 1.5th was the day set 'a-
part "for the "World Day of Prayer!!
by the W.M.S. ladies or South
lois. The ;"meeting Was held ,at ' the
Manse, twenty-one ladies being 'pres-
ent. ” The -programme given in the
January "'Glad, Tidings", being fol-
lowed. Opening , '.hymn 270. The'
,president gave a stittement..^. of the .
purpose of the meeting. Internetional.
prayer, day. A number Of ladies took
part. in 'prayer for.the different parts:
of. the World. Hynin. 374, :Was ..then
'sting, • ater which reports of Seey,
and Treas. were', given. Letters, from'.
Mrs. MacDonald' .Ced Mias " McinneS •
-reineintraiices.•at 'Christmas tinie.-.
Mrs •A. Sutherland 'read a,letter ,.of
thanks from Miss Rattee. • Donations,
are Wished for March-fnienek pre-
ferred.• Mrs. Sutherland. 'also' read,
the bale allettrent for the •SoeietY,
_anCgavejhose..present their list. • A
Life Membership Certilleate was then
Presented to Krs.•JameS. Mrs. Doug-
las ,-Grcharn --reaCh.,i'the -address; and -
Miss Kate. McKenzie Made the ,pres-
entafion4., Mrs. 'James ;made a very.'
suitable reply...=, An excellent' paper
was prepared by Mrs, Allister Hughes
-"Mary sifssoe of .Calabot," and,
-wue, r4titi h)/.. Mts'g„.-411nie ringlles!, ;At:
.ter aing•ing:Hyran-•••874: prayer of Itin.e
erar thanksgiving wu MAtie in, uni-
son. Lunch Was iterVid tho 09110
of tho inaating. '
Wedding, bells are ringing near our
illage.„ •
Mr. Will Reid of Pall% spent the
--eek-end with his •parents. Mr. and
hrs. Alex. Reid. , •
. Mr. Ilugh David. Henderson of Ex -
iter, spent the weei-end at 'Ids home
\ •
Misses Hazel Wocks and Ivy Clark.
-of Teeswater, visited -a few days with
Mrs. Wes: Leggatt and other friends
here. .
- Blake has. the . morning'. 'service"
next Sunday. 42,
—o o c) --t•-•
. •
The regular monthlymeetingof
the Union U.P.W.O., Huron Co., was '
held\ at the home of •Miss Agnes Wy-
lie, Laurier, with`the president in ,the
chair. The meeting opened with song
*and „repeating the creed in unison: .
, The roll call, "how to be Happy,"
was well responded to., 'The club de-;
eided to hold an At Herne in Lochalsh
hall. in April An acceptable . pro-
gramme was enjoyed, by all present,
consisting of well %prepared , pipers,
instrumentals and comMunity eing-
b. A
,-A44' and Rae,
The next meeting, Will be held at
the home of Mrs. D. MacLennan,
Laurier. The singing of the 'Nation-
al, Anthem brought the meeting to a
close, after which lunch- was. served:
by the hostess. •
. . .
• Very sueceOsful s,ograls were held
last Week; .one in the United Church
On Thursday evening; and one in the
Presbyterian Church on Friday eve-
ning, All report a. very good time
at both events.
: Miss .Lizzie Coulter 1of East W,a-
wanosh, is visiting her aunt,' -Kra:
John Craig, Jr.
Word was received' here last week
. •
of thedeath of •Mrs : Hoffman in
'Winnipeg. She was • formerly Miss
Maggie. Dawson, and was born, and
raised in this vicinity. She is a SIS-
of Mr.,: Wm. Dawson and ,Mrs.
John Craig, • Si, and had spient meat
of last summer visiting .them .and
other relatives here. She 'leaves to
:mourn her ,losO two .darghters in
Winnipeg. :•The sympathy of the
community is extended to them in
CHINTZ, CR,ETON and, . ART SATEEN are all 'here in a gor-
geous array of pa tern and color, specially priced from
• 24c. to 60e per Ya . •
COTTON BATTING, , 3 sizes -1 -bb, 2-/b. and 34b.
WOOL ..BA7rTl-NO, specially :treated, made of • imported and
Canadian Woo Clean and, white:: The kind you would be
delighted to put into ,our best Comforter; All, openiug
to Comforter size. `.
• Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ritehie enter-
tained the Young People's , Society of
Zion to a social on Wednesday eve-
'We. are glad. to report that Miss
Jessie Andreik is somewhat improved
the past week. And we hope she
may Soon be able to be out, again..
The Orangemen will hold a social
in the Hall on Friday evening, March
2nd, to: which the cdmmunity are in
• The February meeting of the Zion
W.M.S.' was held at the_horne of Mrs.
• • • ••
Mr.' Jas.' Culbert loaded a- air of
pressed hay at Whitechurch, •Wed-
nesclay.. '
Palmer Kilpatriek Was., over to
,WinghamP, Saturday.
Miss Grace Blake wa; .hobe .frorn
..whitechurch-over the eint
and Mrs John -Helm.. spent
Tuesday at Sam Kilpsitriar •
Friday evening of last 'week. tbe.
Toting .People's- Society held a • suc,-,
cessful Valentine Social in he
Church Halt This 'week, the fil'ar-
..estiagjniblect::. 'Resolved• „the
rural chuteh-of fromthirtyto fikiy-
,s ago was a 'more imnortant.
their sad bereaVetnent.,
. The Women's Missionaryi Society
are, holding, a Day of Prayer, meet.
ing in Abe. basement Of the . Presby-
terian,. Church on Friday afternoon
it 2.30 o'cloci.• The Day of' Prayer
is being held in" all . the churches
throughout the country. ' •
, •
Very few turned .ou-'t to the }lack- ,
ett's Church last Sunday, owing to
the 'severe storm. The ,vIreather man
\Vas reminding us that it is February
arid not April, as many of Us were
rheiinnini to believe.. One y bung lady
redorted hearing a robin very early'
one riorning, aboUt a week ago.
Myrtle Johnston, •Elsie. Vint and
• Melda Lane Were horrid' for the' Week-
end :from the Liicknow 11. S. Earl
,Sherwood and Melvin Hackett • have
not ben able . to go 'hack to school,
owing to an attack of the mumps.
We are glad to report an improve
Ment in Mrs. T. A: Cameron's condi-
tion: She has been 'quiteftill now for
sprne time. " ' . •
„ -influential laeter forgood in the
orninunity "tha'n '4•iliat it la ,today."
will be debated. • • • - - •
A large gathering of some twenty
ladies ' of the Blake appomtmenf "Vcr%.,
M.S. pet at the home of Mrs. Frank
Glen Thursday afternoon. thc Presi-
:dent Johniton :Presiding. It
was decided to hold mi. At game in-
atiaa o .tho -Tagglar' meetInf lit
. ,
Mrs Thos Thos. Fergnoon yike,
iterGoderiCh, friends one ',. day • last
The 1V.M.S. will meet. ThiirsdaY,
Joseph Helm °CI urs. y a
with an attendance of 27. Mts. W. T.
Gardner conducted the meeting., The
• . . •
Scripture lessen , was read respon-
sively by •the members' present Mrs.
Robert Andre* and Mrs Charles
onagh offered prayer. It was sug-
gested that the members. .ansvier-
roll call next Inonth•bY paying fees.
It wits decided to reineinbet several
of the .sick by .letter. ,Meiriliers were
urged to 'keep in mind the world's
day of praSyer On Friday; Feb. 24th:,
The 'Heraldi .were Present and re-:
ported.. as follows: • Mrs. John Helm
for North Weit; Mrs, Chas. McDon-
agh, -.China; Mrs, Albert Helm, India;
Mrs: 110b.t. Andrew for . japan.. Sec-
ond ehapter_of Study Book, "Drums
in the 'Darkness," was introdliced', by.
lire. Jack Gardner, and Made really
interesting:. Dass Edna rEitchie gave
a reading , entitled: "The Master's
Coming.". It was decided to hold an
At Home in the •Orange 'Hall here:
on March 8th. .Mrs. John Helm led,:
in prayer. The meeting Was closed
by .the. Mispah Benediction. The
offering amounted to . 11.71 Flower
Fund 29e , • •
afternoon at the home of Mts.. IIar
preSident Weida be
pleased to see all tire ladies Ote- The
Mr Jj1 Sherwood is home • froni
Windsor. • Jim is going no stay with
ns and look after big" farm, which he
'lfas had .tented for several 'Years in:
the past, We are Wondering if Jim
golrig to. run the farm all. Marie.
• -Ittr. Ltoyd Zuui, who halt
Sistino his brother in the store It
Lane, has gone to hie hmos at Pah'
*ore for a. few wonikit • ,
• To the Farming Public
I am prepared to give you the
best": meal that can be had
anywhere in the cpuntry, for
a reasonable price. You are
'always welcome . at
he, Cain House
- Jack Cain, Prep. •
• Drop in and ask for cur
- .
Mr." Arehie MacIntyre entertained
g large nuinberof friends and ' at-
quaintances With , cards slid dancing,
ThurOday evening
• , last iveek.,
Mr.' and Mrs: George Harkness
spent an evening ,last week With Mr;
and. Mrs. T... Hill.
Mr. ana Mrs. JohnRichardson,- al-
so Bobbie and Jim spent Wedneaday
. Mr. and Mr. Peter Moffat enter-.
tained their friends and neighbors'
,witb dancing and cards, ',Friday evening -
SidisstilewYeeFker"gusen (formerly
pver) ababffr
7iss y
cv with 1fr and Mrs Archie
Spending 4 few days at - het -home.
•Mr, Aiut Mrs. J. .I. Tiffin spent Firi,
day 'evening With M au& Mrs: V.
Mr anil Mr Orvai Tftfln Mid
faintly ip•nt tlatod0 with Nv. slut
FRI. Az "SAT.; .FES.24-25
Dorothy . Gish in ,
The moat ardent, and 'sincere
Royal Romance' the world has
ever known= " • ' :•
• "NELI/4' GWYN''
And Comedi.
:. Adolphe' Menjoii ui
'A recent contest put on by -Beatty .
Bros., Fergus, was . won by Mr. Har -4
old'Allin of town, who was awarded
handsonie engraved silver: , cup, '
having headed the list for sales in
the Jour inenths' time allotted: 4
was also thelargestnumber of sales
made in that lengthof time during
their 52, years of busines
o •
John 'A. MacLean, -his wife, and .
their ion, ten year's • of:. age, were ,
burned to - death in their Rime near.
Underwood • village; • .eittlY Tuesday •
morning of •this. week. 'FeW .narticu-
lars regarding the "tragedy are avail.;
'able. ,It appear* that the, house took
'fire during the 'night,and that Mr.. ••
, '
and /Mi. MacLean were SuffoCated
-by ike intheir room. The boy
Would ppear to :have .avinkenedr left ,
his own roomand went into that Of •
his parents; where he also was ever-
.:Coinei-- Mt:- MacLean -bad planned-t4retire from the him and was ..to
'have in atietien Sale on Tuesday. " " '
'Tenders *ill be redeived _by the ,
undersigned for the'; following' werk
for the Village 'of Lucknow.
Gravelling, to be tendered' for per of',
yard, andperson"tvo'§e" tender -is ac•-•*.
,cepted to psfyone-half -inspector's ,• •;.•
."'Grading," bragging .and •tearn-,•.work,
with man and team.
t -
&lbw ploughing; • •• • •
'renders to be received on or be-
fore 12 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, the,
Sixthday of -March, 4928. Thelow-
est et 44' tender not riebeaolitilY aq-
tepteos., •
'1GOOPh Oeika 1441010n