HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-02, Page 7ad, , , Jr Kin's Retainers W011ENI110 AIU WElI1 Poor Found in IIis Grave Gain :New.VitaUtY y , Oil Royalties or *Osage& Are ' v • dims Wiveaand-Servitor.s Had Been •Killed to Accompany the Monarch in Death ' First Hint of ,the Cnitoni Beginning to. .Decline Up the Bleed:, Palairlistfa, Chia. -4-..ComParativelY, haco their days in a constant state of Powell,' ba me to the °tinge In- There'are many Women who pass P diens, for the. Mit quarterly diatribu- iness. • ,TheY nave' 'barely Sullident tion of on l'OYaltice 'Ealre each Mem- eilergY,' • to 'enable them to t° •Pe-rf.arra ber oe•the tr• the MAY *IMO.' a • their nianiteld:':.„.diities.. Often they , The. oil ;wealth of •tlati tribe, is be - how have an.aching head, a miserable paia. ginion* to -decline, and tile Vederal D's6Oir ri s • i Tomb ,!,• , e ,...n, . . . , .., ,41;*(3. Nou, pAid .1441)0 -o.44. - . - • a . • . • •'. et 'al'- Govertment, gu rdian of :the Osage, , Cfialileari•CiviliiatiOn Su- -. . ljoaVY , as. lead.. -.The Whole trouble is • 's. ' ' ' . • " ' dile to. .bloOdleasn'ess•.14.0. vtr-enia.n.,:ee'044. ts. taking etep.. gi, to, adj,nst.their. stand, ,d,, .*:,..p'. 1,•lor".• AO: E.,..:gyPtiAP,). -. - ti, !, • , • . , : •. ..,. • „ere: Of, liyhait to their yeduced, inconies, ..,s."...; , '..., ,5,QpiB., ,,e.,.. :: .' ., ...F5:21.,car,,144,..,phir Q. werr-,1; redi tf, 8-11°Qa0T44Y: ‘P.. tt "., . Which' exceeded $16,000" annually.. for . . . • , • .., .;...ink 1..)r. winlawe piiiii• rina,..ow. tow „iodi.,ividtiol. t„rihe.n.Men, during the last, .,.1,c.4g,,....ci ,, tlt, _ iiy . ..01,6„ iont-rai,,pee:ittion-_, tib:11,ktlest....ii:p •,"the, ., sys, te,m;; ,hell'eldialseli. ?SE*, fad..C.13i1C.:. ". 's.e': Y al: years. ' ' . " ' •..;1;onden.---`.41'be, • repent: ,annOuneernect. Th, blood created• by tliese," ...pi/ thF, discovery::: of the -n. v Th'e,f1rst step of the .G.o.v.oronient la .:, . ei the .Brit,14 Msusemt. and the thil. • : li,..,,,,!_hee nym.pilear,,, : energy . retnrn...4.-:t111$ illrectieli....vies ,.to limit, te, 4li°0 e 49y, 9f, living is ,tot, tine, mcn.m....thei fact Ory.• list: Price nt, the Oevtatte-: ' " ' ' isCoirerY ' I Proof et thase ' stateiiiente ta,,g)...lren. Tn.'°b1.1..r. whic.,...h...'t yia'"liadia„ne.,:•niay,:,pnr-. ...• '• veirsitY of .,PeutsylVe.aiitt, Was. folloWed.,, ,(1 9 ' '., Irecettly., ,hy • ;news,: 'ef." a 41, „ ,'. •!•,by .:" birs,, .Ed, 'Lenore, : Stoney .Potat, chase....... Tires . poYerty affects e tri4sieeux , . mnot.. mere . lnte-resting.._. :Ont.:: *the' SaYs,:!...-4-' "For it long dine' I Pr°41t Ta•ce' NI•itOtil' traveled "Er.6'll :'#''.4t., •bed been • in 6.• very nilserable:Condl:': NO ,Pattot tii'. ex:11°1°v° .'144°'4.1°4' .... ' ' . ::. ScienfilicallY ,alerti• imPerMat , end. in, • ..end ote 71:elt,,throWs neW and griat don; atwais feZting..ticed , out, te i3py. Al Okt. *240,4300,00,0 .to gaS ' -MesepotaMitt" 6,000 ,years figo . bottle woeld leave ine heinieBalY tired. Qs•ftge.s'In .sen year. . leaites and roYaltioa'ha$0. been 'POtt to •' 61N roYal land *Oak,- The Ark about 'the - tle ' irliiilltlaY of the Kilt*. 144'. 14elt.ta ;and nothing that I. did Seeitedto give '': ' • •, • . C. : • . net disegyered. probably, having 'been .. relief. Believing •that 'a• rest 'might do • Nia,60. Scourge .Ended,. Italian . . . , after the burial; But,there Wit.a..evi",. trar.. t x ectations instead. of ' et- . .. • ' • ...;.--.... - • , . , .. • - • ' Offidal8 Say,' stelea. by tomb robbers. net Very .100e; -_z_.: Me gond, We Moved to town, hut, con- . . ' . dencel • in . plenty not only that th_, as. al i tom better I- was .•.growing . steadiay, • Rome 47 Government '4411.eleis' are I Weaker, .. One 'day, while. talkieg . to -a celifideut, that a• death blow had beet 'Artily a royal tomb but that When the , ,ICIng* .ot ....Ur..passed ,•te! his ancestors .neighbor, %he ...Urged :my taking ' Dr. dealt` to the notortotia. mada,..scour6 , be took With him to the 001°B not Valliant:a' :Pink Mit thliing...ine that of Sicily for a. gelle.ratieir:774.1tei 'a only his _:war, Chariot • and the: asses 1:h" .de.nghtep• bad' been itra.,cOndiftwi trial at TerInInt Inierese,`SiCilY4 Wh-loh . . IS•hieh had drawn It, hilt fia.mt;4°Itrd. much like mine. ' This persuaded me and dice,. but also • his gropingly his servitors, hs mesichtts and his *,wives. What t'.• a. inVestigaters, Wend' was *minted relies of .a .massacre. . Custom, prevailed In ,eerliest'days of "s3ggypt,„:..,b1af that. it Was-.follewed in Mesepotanda'was nn.,• knewn :until. the 'spade ...irouittit to llght ttos. tomb. "with:gfild4aladecitett , Women of the itaren011.41 otitis or., 'dered rows 'apart frem,Atusicians' and Servants at their ttelt,;•• and ins on guard;" „to quote the report Of the 'die- . ctiverere„ • -It diaa.aupplied dellnIte in !Orme I on •aliseletetY..new • to -.science 2., and' effords'..inaterial for 'theories stilt nioro far-reaehing.." Works of Art , • . ',A. magni cet1y eart- ind harp', :geld; andf,illyet vessels, an • exquisite toilet 'set • and Variotis 'Other. „treasiires •ylelOedby the..graye serve "10 itustrate•the extraordinary' degree 'f material eiVilizatien Which. IVIesonoz.• .• tataia enjoyed more :than.5,000' Years •.) ago and how. far- it was it'acivance of •contepiporaryi•Ogypt,.. aceOrdieg :to the ' to try. thiainedicinexand I have mile reason At he' grateful that: I ,fellowe her...adiace. After' the use''Of a: few Waxes of the pills. ,there. Could. be 110 'doubt that they were beanbag me; and .as 1 Raentlatied fliefki;•nise' 'MY T health and settength estine back and now. I am doing all my own -work and feeling In the best%of •health. For this splen- did poi:W.41mA Meet give my thanks to De..Walliaine' Pank Piis•, , . The Old are sOld by all, druggists, or. you .can get:. them bi.mail at 50e bOat fr.om, The .Dr WtIllams Medi - eine Co, Brockville„ Ont. ;Phe as meter was anti:92141c. : One. :The „grave was found after an area ".•• 'Of 'some forty by. Secenteen feet had been uneovOred: • • The ,, first . abject!. to tonie .to tiftentionhvas the 'barn; deco- rated 'wtili 'gold,.'7'. lapis' :Winn Shells and plat:Ines „.,...:en.graved": with. ,ityttie- .1ogical scenes, Of ..the neXt.':disettri- , ery,, theeliariot,„ Mr. Woolley 'wrote:: •"We -had iftfver hoped to recover from .,:...- the .salt4adett •Soli..,Of Iraqthe :.tietign. : of things .. se '.01riahable as, 'these: 7 igO*i '.' forthe tirst• tittle, ...We ,...can realize ' the extraordinary riChnees of ' tba-furniftira WhiCh. a , Sumerian Icing . . • ligg*t.1*.a.eist.1,1:-.A• .' , i .,. , • :. 'fourth milleeium. before Christ. . ' ''Tlie• chariet , had been. drawn by ..tWo; asses, ; atd,, at head of earth •' ,, eels lay,the, .groena, as if 'still' holding the reine, while a, thirdgroom lay by. • s •the ide., . „.. . • " • Oodles Are Huddled Up:- ' ''..77he' Winele....groun.jreininded one of . , . . . the. deserlAtiexi:".ths.t`Herodotns gives• of the funeral Of 'a ilty.thien King; ..tti-: . - thetigh: whether 'here' the..antmale. and the Men ' had been : .impaled • at it •• SeythigCor ;merely killed., and . Tomtit: • ted to dein their places there was tie• l ' evidence to..shOW• ,.:..'::..... , ., .. '.- , 'On ' three .sides of , a `ehatheii,cheat',.. : ,and 'ander:the Offerings. piled against 2 It, we, found 'human. ."bodies, .not'''.1arnii- 1 - arty laid .Out .for hitrial,..bni "huddled ' p as if death had overtaken:then! ' .• 'suddenly: 4 . The. body ' at the.' 'theitv. seemed tq.134 that of a person of 'Some standing; for ' itrotnid": its!. forehead . , . . . .. , . , .. wasa frOhtlet of'. beads:.of.gold and . .. , , , lipis and two lengths .of gold, chain; ..*..white gold earrings: Were on, the:etre.. Perhaps , the -keeper of .,. the • wardrobe' carried: oh his "duties ". to. another.. .4" ed for .throo months, -147. reeM4 Of the bend were convicted -o arious eritiegi 'rangingfroni. larceny to Warden Seven were •acquitted. • The:trial was- the • outcome ' :of. a promise. Made by Premier, Mussolini to, free thecountry frer,i1the .sliactow of the-4..l‘dafla:, Under' .the Premier's orders* Perfect Mori began,'to bring in .th0 brigande.. The • were • lodged in the gloomY looking. . jail at Termini' !Merest% , guarded by a. emir& of :soldiers, with - gut: and cabinieri within. The bandits 'enjoyed no love notes no anoty: Mots.: gifts,' .to ardent requestsfor interviews or plittograPhe. They had met the el -Owning, bib* . of their, adl day :fietnet.bdng, Went wrong. I. .venturciiis career -.arrest. Stxty law or .defended • them:4n Vale. said 'mother, "hut!its• wasting tirice. as 's •Ine• re the accused denied t111731 , Peter; s`it4s • suffering from k .0ne told. that he bad' inherited „tbe erimes blandly.' others were arrogant. much• lately " "I km w " said 1 ttle tponbio.i, , . , . woi-ldly' goods that he was accused of stealing •:from his uncle'. Those In the, FOXES•„ Court 'room who...knew his.:•tiacles Past stilled,' for thiS Was the nephew Choice steclt renehed uttetane Petrarello; Whom police Per- .lizieszcArr xituxe AND eLLVERD,.... 'Writh 400 'per beet.. , • •••• • • animal increase toe 1927: April pups for reedfor thirty-three Yekir; trod' finally fall delivery noW reserved at 25 per cent. lower:Price than later, • •BreedeniAgonts. Special opPotunity. Free ,l3ooklet and' Bank 'Refgrences. • " • • CLEARY "BROS.. PO E YARNS . : Empire leldg. , • Seattle,Viash. , •.• . „ IflprOd'UCtIOfl tifeans greater pro- fits. Cut production costs by : using the ferillize,r that gives -6.- 'r DOUBLE WORTH. • • , • • ` i� -DW 2 Tons, 4-8-4. 'Write for s InforMaflon. te• D. W. GUNN 200 VINE EIT, , TOFIORTO • . ,-1.minutes neither spoke. , Then,', over captured.man.y: w itnes'ses apnea -red to 161101 . • . . stolen cattle, extortion, blacitinair and kidnapping. It took 'the „ firrY . three days reach verdict. 011 all of the accu'sed. •• : ‘; 1 'Ark.go-- the • Terdici, was read; the I ' Court t ' p blic. prosecutor ,isked the ..o, ,,impose- these. penalties: hard.' taper clot' • life for seven; thirty. years' pilsonineit for :.e•Ight- and. imprison- .' merit Troia five tO twenty-five -Years., for the others cirivicted. • ' • • • Quebec 'Sports Dig Attraction 4 Y.` • • Beginni4iecemer. n end Dbd °ngi' until the third Week of Marc)?• . • . . • - • and 'featuring .the .kastern .Internatiopal Deg -sled Derny, the Quebec Clt Winter sports is :magnet that brings theltotrists from near,and far.. Illustra- tion shows Governor „A. Harry Moore, of New „Jersey, and Mrs. Moore, taking a hob -sled run down the Duffefin Terrace Just ontside the, Chateau Frontenac .:cif:hoomtithiahtState. . d. over t ar ille.i0W Year's holldaY with a distitit'llishiid,PartY fi, d, told. '.im.a.mixsing istory cOncerfiltig James Barrie, *hese' :shyness is.:Well known, At a• recent 'sci.ciety function' the &Moue. noVelist.toek lute dinner a .pretty but nervous young woman ii*e Threr.gs CilEis;s tiarnibe; .011 Ice, With Customs Guuda, Helpless • 1...tai su 1.1 extra e • Cold weather laas frazien the loWer, Dentibe. betWeen. Romaine,. and .BUlgaria, to thq great eonSternation.- -of. the ,etig- ielna atithorities,, *lie „are 'unable to prevent then sarida Of, .people • from • crossing' the river in' botli..directions.". are, anicfpne; because 0:theY.:talie the •otetter Of •pashporta.and• ! „duties' seriously as Well as -s,u8pect4 • • Ing. each 'other's :sukiecte. of 'itionary actiVities. While on preign .--16,11r-41,-.1111.eY mentp,-4.6. .11oUStchtik re- pdri that recently • efore than, 3.,000 erO.ead tforn. ht Wheel ony' a small • ' hiber eoald be' traced 0.0400. the, :and te.-fitttitip ti16' 'f'e pack, hIlL 11 is . twenty to: ' k and is rising their • or .Y. Cr 0 eg aVe sent- fr°'11. rt10 lid eekus • ,-_ „. ectich r "1-1U:.i b4t 'Tioloca that kin" sre, otnetly.heIng , de,riluitshod iii Pa,r14, but there renlaiit reVor'a 1 score buildings where • there Aro' ,rttolt eds. Of bedrooms Without Voutilaflon Or" Still:light.' 'Grouped Along' --the , "Street, of the 00(4116,-"-"ato teriemeittis that soon are torn down. • , t. . o and, .Putunionia. •, Neglected lbronebial colds are dan- gerous. _Stop them %hist/Indy with Buekley's Mixture: It. action In re- lieving the cough ,and clearing the tubes is amazingly' swift -and sure. Altdruggiifts sell "Iluekley's" under a positive guarantee. •Ibir a• bottle today, and be safe. Vf••Jr• 'ladder. Limited, - • .142. lilutiiel St, 'Torento 2 UCKIL . INTURE 532 Acts Mee &ifs- • • *loge lip prom Is the ,fish course, Barrie. broke, th,e ,s11- enee. -"'Have. you ever been to " Egypt?" The young lady wastoo htartled to. answer .ininiediately.,It Was necessary for 'lei' to collect.,•ber- salf.• , Theo, while waiting' for the entree, she .turned • to him. "No,". she answered in nervons tones:. ' Barrie Made ; no cominent. They went ' on with dinner. At the end of the course, curiosity Overcoming her awe, she turned to ,bim again., "I•lave: your, A tar away expression came into Barrie 's great, deep eyes, "No," .be replied. , Ater that they both :lensed into Silence (Mee" more! • " s A earl," A..8Rtilicesadfully nu III • .tlso •Dr. cittlid's Green ountain Asthma Compound. Originated by 4..11. Guild, 'specialist in' resPir- atory 'affections. Quickly relieves ' the dIstresaing torments,that eause , suffering' and loss of „sleep !Two ' /sizes, $1.60 and 36c.. Alia eijarettes • -.(box of '24„ 60e) at -your druggist or Bent direct „ postpaid for cash: FREE TRIAL. 'box. (6 cigarettes). with authoritative treatise,on and treatinerit Rent MT r041.16St:' I J. H. GIJiLD CO., Dept,. 22, ' Rupert, Vt., 11.11,A. ' Distr. for Carni.i Lyman's Ltd, : 344 'St. Paul st. vv., montreal • • due JO •Acld INDIOLSTIO14 ACID Si'OMACH,. H ,, dARInurei iicA0Aolr' after eating, Slitter intlimliou as they van' it, It is•• avid. Correct it With elkaii; Til(a liest Way; tho ateleiltway; is•I'hillipaf Milk of IlingireAls.It hag remaillek for 6,0 Yeete the'standard.Witn nhysi, , 01.141..spooneul in • Water nextfral- fzes many Mines; its volume -ln &tont- aolt acids, aild At etice. The toms disaPPear In Ave 101114,103, . .. • . ICINERadio Artists of France Unite BETTER MED FOR LITTLE ON _ '`••• For Protection • riaris--voicrwing.the example • .ineinhers of Prattically all other pro- fessions, trades and :tellingi, the radio artiste of France haVe: formed ;the/M- IS *hit Thousands of Mothers tiito .0,•utiot for the proteetien Bsby'S ()Iva , . . . . . 4 medicine for the.bahy or 'grewing. child.. -one.;, that ,the Mother Can .1001 assured. kr.absOolutoly safe as eilitient-As !Mind' at Babyls Owe Tab- lets..••• The Tablets' are, praised by thousands of . mothers throughout the country.Taiga& 'tethers •have found.antual experience that Inereis no. ether' medicinofor little:m*0'AR equal. theta. 'once •npother used them for iher, children she use nothing „ , else.• • CO,tiperning them„.Mrs,,,Charles Ontario, Quebec,. . British, 0 um a, v cotia. . ' 'I. have tea children,. the .baby . .„ ..PiderewSki, the. iambus .piantet,. was •ciatting. with 4, iveft-linewn polo; player and excellent . music.* dur, ing •reeent. visit Sydney. • -"The, differenee lietWeen ain't,. 16 very gi'eat.';' tater all," .he. reMarked: are 1 a dear deti:/..*ini plays: pelo,,'Wh.:11,,e, t ap o_or','Pole*who plays, rte."; •. ...",,Are you .gellty .tot, gulltYr• don't . •see,"'' said the priseiner, and pikanotion: Of their ntrests The' president f. the organization is Julien. de V411ae. ' 'It is said that -vii. .'1gw" oe ;Clqa!ii:-..kighi Alurunwn i.t.Tvihacti!glirovainaidg FicnirpeosrttaPnero6t*eortii)thne I•i CAll:its•sitdA4.117,-7Trtoistmo,71.-19.4u;. iiart:neing Played' by aviation In forest. J_A and' light seWleg at ,hwomore..Wsehnoilea,her ' spare ti..,„01 od pay, lc Y preteethia ' against',.itre7.41).--dariada, is. digtanCe, einTrePee. paid: Send-stitrrip' tor .ehown.by time large part •ef• the, total eartihitters„: National Menufactur,irik Co.: ifyieg,thne devoted toi foirest. patrols:. 11omtreaL. • • • • •Iii1926 WO•to,t.fiilfiying Canadian' Air . forpe, .eraft 'deveteds. toi:, „LI rE.,_''.A t.p., ., NEW 'BOOK OP •P01.71.2TRY i• .'tirire.op.11,Y4 ' , . • , ,ct417:11:,.:Prek,raoffieetbso„WpaoS-ire.s2t7s8e'rhielenre.d.1,3ner. 1":•7 J-fc:ssolintos•4 ity,•:. 1:0GBulislArmel 45ig Son. Box which 1,132,:.110nrS were .req.ulred for i T.,. Recs,wecc. Ont. . .. . . ... , . 6 . ' - pertinent of he Intekio'r. • LOyErt' - HONEY $7.26; • , Minard's Liniment for 'rheumatism. , , . High --Quality of Otir. Feldspar Canadian feldspar enieYs , a well - merited' reputation in the ' ceramic in dustries; being of .higkirade and of uniform:potash Content' analyses ' of simples' from ' a ,liumber of .quarries showing: a potaili content of about 12 .per coat.. • Maurite Landau, and its treasurer he. tually, all, the profesdiOnal radio aPtIste 'Of Franco have adhered to It • . , „. • ' Empire's Chief Talc ,ProduCer, Canadk is the ',chief. talc. producer Within the, British. Empire. Tale, and talcose ...rockEi popularly palledsp- stone,. are fenfid in 4the..Proiinciaot Just gig tionths,-old...I-have- use Baby's' Own Tablets thein for the past 20 years and Can truthfully sgty. that I know. of to hotter •me00bie for. ittle Ones:, /' alwaYe 'keep 'a box ,of the 'Tablets. In the house and would advise ell Other Mothers:- to Baby's Owe' Tabieth are sold by all Medicine dealers', or Will 'be. Mailed titan: reCeint.. of yrice, cents. p. box, ;by the ''Dr. Willianib'• Medicine quito Co.; BrockVille, tint. • ' • • • --;-• •e•-•- jatilY,- "Why , 1 aliould express an SeYen ticensed in 1909 Still oPition and trY ititerfere with ihe . . WHEAT and alownr, mostli clover,i ." $ .,pounclei.' Satisfaction tuaranteedix Charles Pgg,•,,Dublin Street. Guelph; Ontericis ' • . • ' • . ABBY-, JOIN .,CANADIAN COR- RESPONDENCE CLUB. Address! -Box 1738, GelgarY. Alberta. ' Heed the Warrira. g A sneeze foretells a cold. Nip . . In the bud With ,MIKard's. ncludin • Road,Mro.'Menartrs.4etter: Her Experience May 1 -you' how retch' good year. Medicine' has done . Be- fore My baby. came. t so weak and rta- doWn-that-I-Vonid hardly .•do thy . work. .. l's4S, head - ached continually , and I was ' courag'ed that r could•Cry•fronii morning til night I...had:another bah 'ilatoneyear ,• • Paris -Of the firist 101 tient° ; • ' fy as airplane 'pilots' ;and redeiVe With airplanes makiPi the trip from NOW. York to Cuba an eight hour lleenses .frOm the Preteli Aero ”,.*.ay down ' soiith" there..are deyetty-siX. 'still:- alive and .seenis ann,ropriate: . • seven are still "flying. 'Thirteen ,of , . • • . Next to -.6111Ce'rN le 'the' hard. the. others ,are, still directly . . , . „ . :ed M'airplano'nfanufeeturei,,toit ,fitty- est:disease!, cure.: . „,... sirlfareTabandorrecHiViatioir.4• • , • -These-,figtires' have been reealled In conneetiOn• ,with the tivettieth anni-. tirertiarY Of .tbe...first thoitsand-Meter' :flight •over a,;,tireular:tontse,.tiade by ,Henry Parinat Ism... 12;11.908.1' li. was 'in 1.909 „that the first ,,pilotl' , . 'ceases. were. issued.4 . Bleriot received the ",'first one lied Wenn Curtiss • the second. ; Wilbur" Wright, got ;NO. .penry 'Farman hlmself Wa.,0 .5.• and, . Maurice Vat - hies .three,. Or • fenr,l, tittles 'a :week, was No. Among the. flitt• hundred, there Was. . no 19; Ne,'..1.2II'lieing.,substilttited. ,Of the tWentY4flve. Who .died • not alt Were killed in airplane accidents. Some Were killed .1n tile war. and Others, like ..Yirright; 'died:. from ftness.. Hu - You really enter sunny Cali- fornia the moment you step' :aboard onsofthefiye famous Santa "Fe cross -continent • The Chief -extra fare -is the finest and fastest of the ' bort Latham wits, killed by a„lion 1ir Africa: • • • HO* hi Dane . HeAtir.aliets have long been .pusaled is to bOvV. 'the .Partridge. nciade'..the teculiai. &limning .Sound,.. 'entl, the iirobtilal0:reaset. for •it; 'said Harrisen. P.'' Lewis, ,Chief Federal migratory his glitter, .fer 'Ontarita ' and Quebec; This 4pieetion. has 4' new been *Aired laY Melina 'of':'elosse-upmoving plettire Which show that the bird itakee.the noiee • of its. Whigs rapidly. throligh the air'. to:attract Its miteEarl ot Readi3lg Is , ' the 'only 'Mae living wbo.in"„Gle witaSe of :long and varied tareer; alas 'sealed in Such Widely divergent • Capeoltlea Or Lord Chief Sinftice. Englaudi:Vicenrey, of . and an orditary 'Sailer before the 'Meet. He was erigtigeld .in, tb,is latter odenpatiet ',many Yearn when as a yoUblitY0 ran itWay Sea. that ,the r.nOtter,y:.of . thesa'. early' days Still lingers .in 'shOwn by an 'in- cident. Oaring,: voyage. out to India Ono .ilaor a lady patsienger, noticing bin -.gating hiteutlY,orer tho' Tottiug.ft et work for'ard, irigpilred why he was "ao interested .the (leek-ban:die' '"Wity` !nacho -11r 'tord , Bead - in 'BeoMt8aused. 1•0„.110.40,1.e tn47' Olt.'" • "4. •TWO'ijmxWere:dWifferlifii6/0 a•A teaolut t 1" There s Ito .; tlYou will eYe.t. us0•:`eitdc,.P.A.0:16641.4ite ".betWeiiii:•that and work"...66.1d--.One;.• AVInlii you Imo* this „bettor -111011047, And, Toll Will neVcr ,suffer-frorit,exCeea, add When you profeotit thls d'asy' to% f, t'leSse„,,s1O that-Tiot, yany:-.4wa. • Be sure' to ga the. Milk Of .Megitesia proscribedby Physi, etaim-for,t0 yeara itt\.to:tradtingexcess. gkeida." Each bottle eontaina full diree-, ''Re.'41,tiferenee, is it?" said the other : - "We tho diffcrence :he _Seeing - On pay • , ''ho littsband.--"You klear, ' LOW Cs net one Of My fall- ings." Ilis Wife-"No,'.'it OetthislY ut „Kik Estin-f/Osarci's Lirliment , . . . . 'Why do So many,.niany. babied of day escapeall the little, fretful 'spells and Infantile • allmetts'.. that need 10 worry mothers., throughthe day, and. 'keep; them, uptialt the night? • ' You don't know the answer, you heyeat 'discovered pure, 'harmless Cestorla,. It is sweet to the taste, and, ew.eet in. the .IIttle stOmitcla.‘.. And Ad gentleltfinence Beet:is felt alt through the ill* sYsient.' Not even a•dbattiate4, Of •castor i 'ee meat good.; ' . , • Fleteher's OaStorigt itt purely vege. so you mnay givo it .`-ittaily,. at first sign..of Colic;* or t onstiPation; or diarrhea'.. ,614 those 'Many. dines When YOU just don't knoW, What is the Mat. ter,' For red). sickness, 'tali the doctor, .always. :,At. ether •times, a fel,/ dropii of Pletch'er's.'Captoria. • the •doatOt.otton te114, yon to do just that:, _ and • always says .• ,Fleteher% 'Other-preparatiOrck-Mal.-be.luet.-..as-- "Piire, ust an fiee front dangerous drugs; bet WhY ,experiment? • .treskietjh .the book 4011• tare and tetaliti$ ot babies that totneff ^ with Vletplaers.0 Cat S toria tsworth:ft:0 woishtin gait: -Issesimenewnsenkweleninnwwwwwwiwws thiidr6n-Cryfor ISSUE',No. 4-28 Santa Fe Caltiornia ,trains. 1 and a half 0 an .gave e a o Only TWO ':hastness :On the WitY• • ' . „ NO .extra'fare on the four other. • dallytrainig The: California Linio.. • lited,NaVajO.ScontandIthadonery. . ; • and Ing.seatlon Ia thetranspOttstioit world.', • • • • 'BOOT 'Out4of•doors: this „Winter -4. take your family. • catifornia.hotat ; rate* ete.reasbnable. • " Collets Usa Yak cwr Picesiie Matti? ;LT, Hendry, thin.Agent, SantaFe Ry. SATrassOortation Bldg., DetrOlt, Micb. no8ni1idelph.8748'• '-, 4. do... Sai thotight'I would try •i.,ydiu i I,) E. Pifikham'S Vegetable Cornpeimd, f , • ‘• as I' had read so mach. about it in the ! 1 little books.IfOund a 'difference right .1,..' -away al.nlyhead 'wit's: relieved •arki . my tired feelings .gone.' , My. sister, •':' kad.been doing, my 'washing' and she continued dOieg. -it; as she•.[said it might set me bck if. I sta'Wed tie ' ' il'tin• - a I.it again. It sure did heip, me and I , • • had taken. Just two bottles when illy - I 1, baby came. He is a fine, big boy, ' now nearly five geinths old. Tam. . taking your inedidine again and I sin •. able to do nly work all by Myself now. , I always receminelid: the -Vegetable ( ' • mothers. as I. bel eve. Compound to women,•and. espeei to, expectant Mo1 ' they need help at these, times.'_ ,'',-- • hirs,•OL‘VER Mgt:map, 24.11arvsy st „, '.... !• Ch'athanii Ontatio. . IP, • • • \ . _ be..,*.liele• world to,ioiv0 •A'spiriii.:#6 an ;fiectiVe 'an. titlot fp' r,...,,i,. ,..4 _., nr-But-es.7-- 1.ti,SV-Cisfi-htqtOrtei.iitj0-rrkiiditir-ilrit: tItere is. Artly: ogit, ,,, - iguiiii-.41,1iril.t.Vi„.•;tiatiZa.it.er 1,1v,on,elosy_tR,b1eti7And Oil tIlkrt X.: If the .nain01.../34yet..ipipedtisI'it's: genutpe; and.*ifir d'Oeierilt;1.577-1-"--77.--7'--4-4..---'.17. 16 not! 1.1tittlaelies-, aredispelledby Astilrin. So are Colds,.s.ncl.; - -- -iistri ,obitstly ::mitAta., :Oa SPir.itit ;any,- tugsigteililt: - . he,p,aitfthat'go.e.02";,/ith-therni,:.-tr -ild4rtlig)4 00,Urilsi and . rilennial..7 4:- ., „proyewditectionse.: ', ' . . .., Physicians prescribe-. Aspirin;• it. :„.'41006 NOT affect the heart. . TO 4o-tukai kit*tnritairgi.a:smikailtidiy°1041 tshe..s.y.t. vtainatiteuts;._ :-.tylisto• lir , .• • fovea Inie_ten ilist Aspirin Mean .II , r mbinte, a.art th_e'Dtteht asildnit tnitz,, . \•tiotsrlinfTeblett will bi stideped It ill tbStr a- t1,,onsog. • , . ,