HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-02, Page 6.•
• • '
POMO esiilett
Thff:Ta.rmosi S4n, •Nct 140tiber 0; ite
lejate Paaft LItaIted'# °Weer of, Radio Guidea ,onn
Board ef Directote. le p mehibet Of Stirlda3t'S0b.01:,, ,
Board. of.lrade. Member, 4h
,...,,Board"Ot either of t e ether CPI*, Fl. 0*., Paris .to- London!: Air:Field
- J, TY1Prrlson le the
• •
rionce Fits,NOW Head Of the. Unit nil
els . SeeretarY of each Pf 'the first 't,WP
Opeintin'n Company:10 post: comsiges, an,0 lee is te Member ot, the
PPI4PailYt'Llre/ted- ,
" The 'United ,Farnieril Co
FARM. ,poo
'Captain Wilcnckson, AirWaY8 Flies to Crorilon-EntirelY
by Waxeless Compass Beating, Witil'Flye Plesenger0-
< •
Board of The rarmere.'. l'obilehieg rebr4a0 ..8*'-‘ ..,l.esson..-VIeatlir fAl. ' ' cfn PRegiulitr4Chailliel, Trip• ., .. ."
19b4i'• 6.; . 14 . Goitien: Teet-elle. ' Lon ime-eT e degre . 0 . vhie11- the the j u ney .and Si e : ,
came- , unto hIgeown • AO hie. oWn: Standard wirelese apparatus- use& on'..b1 'Pa 'a''' dIreet' 110a le ,•thee e07tIon
. .0ecefeed-. hire ,npt, .134c.as, nial...0,,..aa. •Impoilai mryfoo,, 4.1-- of• ott,iolii liying., aerodrome. .' Thers Was eette break ' 41e
and .rectivee tleeretOr an allaiRie "and . . t . 1. • 'hi , e tO, *Ahem, ta ' • ,.... ebeteteen 'Croeidon and t.te gantlet -sot .
of ,00.4.,avehe is, row lin joli is so,..avvii or iiise:',,exoeri,.. the fog, sbOut toil. Illlih frold egro7"
ftiseve•i'zeliitiliiee e.' 01,41.11, t.1140°.!..leidtmottr.aTa':;^
7 iall':::°:.4.,„•rjl'telp' ',14:C. 9:::::: tgl'°212,S.,713' ' . ^ ' '. 'eeieWaye pilot, whei 'en Saturdan ...No' • hese-re'rhe • ' Tilt fo -then ,clOsed , in
vlAtr. ,ot tho loaders: in; Canada's ; OpargtOO Conilia'ny, •Lliniteir provkies.
a , Ott arg.4.01,4atiptle• 044 omPatits .
, ...i,...,.,,•:,:::k.,,, : the dther'two,conipanies with. ei hone
atOteeiif! 3e).'et, ,beetkr iee!...y., interetttei,
. .
. r.400.0 :,t, O,Orn14.0c4 and fLf4PE)-44..; . Pr0fItebie reelted eonehleration...•
" 'Sixth, The, rarsters' $114-ie',-sTsferW
.,54;Irmt.,,00. eald,itie:apiraie.all,or Meat. • Oa; by ' the directors of the .t.tnitest
, • - er,,, . - ., •
-OV01,4*; 4W.140,0*.' '41*47k Y°,1.9.:*..:r"r` 1":c".. Farmers o;Operative - Company,. . mit
ed, its. best means et -edyOrtielng, In
from', 'the statulPoint, ef.: blIettUesfi„see. 4 ',
044#10.R ' '141.14' the direeters q 'rilin,,
' foi,oiir ii44 44elettey.., in 'iait it, it iiat(i,,),'
. . , . . 'United' Partners • CO:•Dper,4t,itre.•' Coin: -
;that Inatireot Oa- atkelleC.'.hiesiftelefIe!,- .e..,, •.ele 'pally., 'Liinited; jiititifeall; parnerite. to
• .4-,, . - - -, ..._ .: - •
fraternity' OM ihnkhdi the, nopO'tifyik: • ..,,,, he 'Finn. for • advnittsing,,,,.oi otherlree
.. . . e •,.. • .. ,,e; - -; , • • ..- ,a4 Wlseli and SPIllid17 P114,1.0.;,,
. a )!400 ..4"4.0T'.84LPe400a.er., or later will •
s'‘',,t:k ,..,,,.- 4s'evonthe'. ,'.ch,2 dirpletera' ., , 0 . Pip
' tio'; :404),40*,0::**0#14.ii): iiresiiii.::#0.1W.'. •4; • ,;,,
44;,(4404X*440iiiri0*::h(01,7!..• . •pillto P:atlasrs :,,o , : .
. , .
., ,:, , • ,,. ., 7. paa4.Litattetl,,litand area lie the statee
..4°0,40.1:.,. th.rAtPri .,7s..3.'.\°f'!'.4.ttIV!/#fi:. .
, . • Ifa 'Deihl al madhlue Is •ridi
' : " litieelikie0"i''.that'this. menace: to i thieder the . *4W 'PT , T
• he United„Paeme
his .tO them that believe tn-
:enoty et Captain 4.!"'s:,:svilee'ekidn, the'fact ,that 'he Was. 011, the YilfUt •
. • ,gt.09....i*agclin,itgealieltd•:); hi:Ili...4 trio
Z.TTMOnwr011.0, tI,IiXti*Itr
AND fir 'OPP W.4.14e'', e-erovfon. above .a• fPg.bante whieV, - WilceeksenREJECTFDe
that, this. Was 0.4e. 0g.,00 71001
.1141'nePue.rieit::' • have' ..Taready els/Wile Of .the .NO.7.. • • .. • fb h had ''''tery experienced but lid"
eePli ,that NTSS.1%.'W'ha: rejected in'initse 'et .:t1;10. 41,13e4l'eei;Ok'thO '1Hid no doubt 4010K:Ple;*11•91e jour
de* eirelese -The inetancee whtehLfe14, ,4orotiotod 10,4. ney. that weto . get throtigk in
"loWeevill help te eXplain eauses'.0t
journey ,ir(Avio 1 tweati-stx.'.h.o.n„, •.0Q4aro.itt• as his past, oPerienee With'
' I; Ino§,..'Nyotiz.fpg)viN 11.0.0ro..0V ' ILL
:91;1, • ,tueirtheWhtri.etpli firsetea pgpoicOod....tavVe.prpariglot,e71, r,elielse,fieed'iorelepees14a4ete. ahreettpeueutied.ti'• gairiy444hnms ,
. eel" , .start d fr • Bourget bearin 's, ..t4rongh.:: the fog , however
• t.° ' oh
'Pbee (Le • 12 nt 8 a.re:' 'vleibIlity. wee about '1,008' .denee It might -be.:
e • , p mon. was:ene where, as in ch. 2 t eee •i • '• • . • • 1 •
rheeesteerestatete,eneorlo:eet.tealio!.,e;cr.eiwt seeeeachiere • and healing' ire 7hr€10; and the 'Weather rePett ffev.a' „"t. heti no difficult); at In keeping
c ce,einage whieh nee nate .f over recia.C.Of the eente',., except. hie eortuethelentien • with •• at
he save the .eompanY'l ed. :So 'paeked.wAs the 40dienCet 'and patches at deal', weethet neer the any 7tme Neleetheie.71. was in the . feg.
above it; „or Nvben• coming down to the
tieredroree, ettiuld have been ini-
poesiblO . to ', have Made. thee journey
Without ' wireless," 7- :Captain. Wilcoete
, "The apparatus, I was use
ing ;was the ordip.tv A. De 6' apeara; •
• Ws; and'notany • new. la! 61)00.14 ap-
paratus; as ;flee. been, reported!!
There ,*ere IIVO; paeseingets •-in, the
They had Voir-Wipe)! and
.conifortable joerney • and ivere„'qUite
thrilledeittitlfeheire experience:
• Com Link tiniffee,
e s o -opera
'tlielr.etieneeea.teful'ooeratto, 1 . , ,
',.reipved. -H . :, :,..i,;: : .n. '.,' '' e :e ' ''' ,. t ' ' '‘' T
--7..;PerIMPS:',iina;a,".feW',eVehe'.h4ve‘, riotcl 2 made by' tho di
'..tliie• -%, eiFliPaPea'et7e1j4FtSe1.:01:;...t.1*.liso•-:.' stateMents 'and
Front Inihrhetle:
'farinoro.'..epairoAtipii: Week 10' TestO'nto. . (8igned)--Jae.
. 'heat beeenihei ieatise.' to tlie. *if:Winston
'Millen,. V., Pr
...,that',.i.pellOtal ;tette*. had :develeped . .
-": A..Giiroy, P.
" . Mph:, n• tuyisint . ann-mCtlioSe• who are,: ..
...located'. te..;:tor *,,,,104.1igr41*..9q-PPetp." t: . ,
. • . . ''.A):e.r.',At'm'Itesi.1 ..e111.
'-titine that 4tiother- .740. or., tire' would IL,,,.. . . .. • . 4nie.s.- Roan . .. , , ..
...i;*1 .: ;*1**4043,..:..0,00,1,tAh, ,.;:.mniement. rr.e.sideitt .' of ' 9ntiria'''FalTiers C07' '11:9"ot!;.,Ithes:eig4:t
" li,eipn7thn,,,tinal :Wiiimlieint . ofeasseeiaeeePetatiere. Company, •Limited. • He in:
..,,t1,4:0.,.:,,iridy-ii,joiti:klitgiitt.;, :10*bl:et.; 40$0:4*.. -An. PP:001'7..04R the TorolitO .iloal'd Vceiore.,amteoenuge'uth;
f:tiOil-fieNrhtfetetteettl.0.4.;•the:,•4.os-si.611i.g,•and. (it Tra4.P": '. ' ' . '''''' ' ' ' • ' '
•:42.,..,,tell43!o4., 0.em,„„Ahr-figsb•it„t(ittuko lblit , . •-• • -.-.-•-;, • . . . . - ' Its ..;:activities.1.-
many -who, de'
ient:. ofelho::';'9.44,*.erey, 44,a.,-1.9.61Mo, re.,:` work. to the general advantage of sOn:
. eieWied:',Otrength," vigor and energy. ; '' "ta4O . farmers. ' ' . '''''' ' .: ' - 0.8 el°Seir as '.
'Pii0004.4atilit,`.,Re=e841e. '''':'-7.'. .• . ' NO,..Pcill.ticii' in Company.
,,:ttiw,...,iv,04qt:4 jo*o.. „ Ross. Of 0 -.., "Howabeinteicelitice?" Mr. Ross /lose rips.
'00rIbildOiihkAieWil'..iii,reeltleilt:•4 '00 'Waked,.
. ,
'7C,r,Stn:4.:. '.0**Oi•4';''CO:700i11.71#870:. Com- "Tito ,-•”:1V4.P.. (oliiRanYi," he replied,"never
- - .04;4 tewAio*nAmoi•-t.koititea,;„;iotoi .any Pali .Iii 'pelititii..: I . hire al-
showee ,.:n4,..**',0?i.1.,,,,„.2p.irpi,!.(tiiPti-.. •Ni.tor,s,, been.:.'-Oppased.tO'allewing. any
04alif,S*0.4iCattfl.,4.'"4'Weliettea:.:' eelitieal: controVerey to interfere With.
..nnete.,14".i,•4*`,.. TS '.4411tla with the the cOMPeOPS:buelnese; ..1 think eepty
:el 1 ' ' 07.f.),,4:1,',t,,,'50,i,M;p:: "Malabar or :the Oriard'agreei viith' Me,
' ''..."...':' !" .pn this eohit.:: fit,fact; they have gone,.
tot erVael-6; ii-e.C,. . e .'01f,:'-,i000rd in . :teofftming . the ' attitude'
.,-: • •
is Obribilakeedle, always.takeii since' 1: lirSt ;.,.,Was elected,
:Kg:, 01110,40t"Il.r3y.a e:44010.4" eitd:,..1..,befieee.-eincetlie. -ceiniriany. Was.
. e'.;;:kalk an ilfglkial,ileWbrei 'ne.iend4Ort ierganiZed. e • Two, resolutions passed:
1,iii1' sp*.,,Iiiiia;b7een rated among his 'hy the„Boaed:,itt':theit regular , meeting
'n(gilhei*.:)ifor!'ii'-::#44,*410.4n,ti#n*:. 4,...,,-t or: ias,t-,:pneephm, . 'Cover, W,few .pomes
406, ,lvir 4...,X,y40:''.in 'eketl,':_;:ierionb, that haVe.'heehrorced to the front .4ure
Yet 04.i.,; jury'' ' ' 6. . iikovrte4Aft.„,ibg, r000,p94tiid, They do , not indie.
..,441.0, de a "::-.tailVe Otijn.e.Wita•an:Or!'''''cate :;'•' hi'ir ,°:thenge, Of. jAeart . OW -right;
,k(AirtI6Mohile, ti' .:essiitaso'.'got. abent.faee 'Oh•lito 'part-. of • the. direct;
' 4i.-ilielkt lti- to, 1.-4.14,4,:g7c7,:- ors, but eIMplY!'reaffirm..• what ;has , iti-;.,
'‘.• a.-4 ' ' inkins :yenr, Milinoeti intoTwapi-iheen ,trne::..,,„
..-:..r000it4.1.4„,iiTi.., ...4;41;,:'*::**;orloit I .qtere Is :eaj'.teeer2..• 'Of . a. resolution
, 'Whernti4:40.17“':.e.14.0VIAlt_i'''.4.0.5.T,;"0:10''; iii4*ed: bY.R; .1-ieellalbert anti.secended
'Stitaa.,,t4faSes'iMaelf-. 'et' tliti.:„Ot.glA,t.,;Ztk-••' by HeeteeGilroYe. ...e...• . • ' ..', . ' . •' '
:,.. eriirvan.;imOOVelneate itt.,::PPInuWquE.1.': ''. --,'eWheread The United-Patinete:Ce-
4,0,-;,Y4IW44*.,,ii,IS.;cot:Ontit-ilik,.,,lilii operative CO,' .Limited, was organized
aiui40 : • • • • • rar.. the eniteeeeecit assisting .the .farine
fitio •',.X .0,Wityk-Aiatt#, eneUgh. ;ers ,o,f,d(:).nterio 'In.' their, nrobleras et
• -or .onethelitelt•:ta,-•)0.4.1:,11f.'ttliliffsY.."." Imiering And Sellingi.,regardlees•ogcteed
•renierked';'eMieekei.e:•14,"tliteeedItO*, re- ' Me•iiblitice;e,, ,' ' ..; . f.' ''.
e.eth,t1Y•.°"i foOlc,giii*i:.4,04_,(014,0. tE.011i, Pili..!, .,.• 4-i.,',..,:xild„:;wilereas . this.farnera' %coin.:
*60120.. IS7.1011i*itir•rmq!&vigg'-'11:1.10.' 'pany IS deffilitelee and dietinctlY non-
ittielted-'1-*Ifiede 'Pen), 'tit; the pioneer; voieticale
mjerepresentations!. ' ..se incessant the• demand f -or heeling, French toast and at Biggitt Hill.- Pive
Rose; Preee: R: j. Mee „that'. Jesus and his disciples had nO minutes after leaving „Paris Captain
ttesQ;;: 8..D0y;r*uAcrier. 1,,B•I'R°.st;h:neevee.181;.H'IvaHl::.,leweniscvti_atria.e,,viY.e:clitet:tiezt:e..e%4:e'lh:ceLe0::;21i:whdfaget:dc'e:' tmi hAatethtoiIihsee'l.g24h0t00011:*atto e.eoileat.etaybwoaves
Wilcocksen found. himself- in denee ,log,
' , ' iTel.Te s,bterli,nte'ri,,,IP6f.tiel..‘1,313 ..str°r`gth. .T•I'lu.st; flyii in bright sun.shine? and. centin:
. . . • ,
eoletteee Were e4eal.lett _,_._:v.' 21..Thil fa f' -‘e pl i s the well necik'gto do so fat' greater -eart•oof
sted," reiterated- Mr. e; e x a n
ee who have e, meant, but inopperttinee inteeferenee' 146 Jourieek: It eves, hewever, ..iieces-
Peeri •1-• of his friends • Who these were is net eery to •TLY sturity .::hy -tem-ease boar-
Ith Alio CentPany and stated. •• The Greek means.. simply Ing.
:There are, Ion over "persons_ belonging • to his • house. The pilot eiiot eseeci eae,seeei.al 1.)ealeoes
not follow these' things. Doubtlest, they were inspire by con- and :positions ' °from Croydon' - during.
theY Might; and faise- cern 'fet the terrible eXpenditure. ef •' i . . ,. •, .
ix Per Cent.
Increase in Autos
Two.. for :Every Family':in
California — One Per.
Tamilin New .,.. .
•., ..:'York.
re'Tg,liteetre-e.l. were .2!.,6e7y,0e0211210tOr V. shd. e 1071
cl4egat,1s9ev7e; 1.762h0l,a la' 44,.1.1n' °.1%.1V! P"';
ciainewspaper, brings out the ;0110TP
tug pointsze-e ' • • -
ourVeY, ofetkis Subject, !ubilehedi
in the .,."BOston..Newii Bureau: a "Inane
•• '."Motor• vehicleeproducticer ter, 1147,
ii.eettnutted at 340;000. ineicating
'heav,y. feelaceMent., lewdly/se, •, ,
igura 'added .to the registratione-ffe---e
nee for ,g1vct a total of. 36,20
• :64ff'.' • Sine° ,102.7,. regotratien !kettle
, she*, oily. 23.579.00 Meter Vehielee::h4:'.
'lite' the , difference of 2,224841. Nvoithle-
. lndieeto the ,rinnelier , Or nieter-ceree , •
.ecietelied or diecetteed.:' •IteplaciiMentlf.'
during the year' were.'2,4 p•er• tont. ter
. • •
the tete reg1strati8n,
"Nev.•York States still. hOldeefirst
'place In • number of Motor '-'vehieles
but Celifornia. Is ninnies a Very close
second; •Califetnia poseessee A° in&
'tier %Vehicle for every two inhabllants
or ayerage 01 live .pet
'Nviah is figured at .4.6 persbna, •
New York- posseeseO, .ene fat'tor
• every,' 6.2 persons, ore tit -91,14e:one
carper family,' • -•
"'Teking. the 4regittration total 'and.
dividing it into the e.i•stimiited. :
'ton '•of United States; shows ,one „
oar .:for every 4.0 pereons, °Ot apPrOxi-
inately. one car per. The, Pet
registration total , else proe1dee7,9
. motor cars ,fer. ()Very. ',square mile cite
-area •in the United "Statee. •
• "Gate:eine consumed: by by ,Motor
vehicle ' in 149. einomite.d to
000,0,00 egallone, ,84 per' tent, of ell •
:the .crnde rubber imperted .:wtte 'Ogee
.in.maklng Aires aecess.cirie-a' :ter .
the "Moter. 'der induitry.'",,, .,.• '
• Canadian figure's :ere ,not•' available '
• , •
• •
."HoWev,er," c• ontinued :D.IT.- lieste ".i mg cgYar.-pa: wchIch,lesue'. weerk,t wee le. e., 1"—~, . , „ . e• eeee.......--....,......-___. .
' d n but it le el at- hat ti ee It. • - • . '
, . ,
impressions spread gaffe readily - .. 'trier
, ion; of his message might have teen': ' .• •
tun. More interested inimpreving
. . .
did. notleelieve en,,him. They tried to . expected' , at Nasaeoth,- .• But '. OVer
:ketirig Conditions then I am ' In any,
mar-. bring him- home ferejiblyon the alleg-1
r. ,
ecintroViersy inregal.d.:to 'what ehopht velf,7 'in other werde,etha.ttthe:t(Vlee
ed 'ground that he ''Veas eh. eimuii..henidele local orign.: . Ilse had eoVeriteids'
at the carpenter's bench in:Nazareth,:
against this stood th ' 'f t f II'
. e
dreshotild_ net be .dene' •in..Politieal. etc,' Of his Mind. , How , deeply thie ciat:'keee's mother seed eheetheir:4 • evere,toul
tion..' In: m7 opinion , ce;operatiVe..le ate ;11640. , rnistinderetariding .., wounded i. theree,loseph•heing,,'aPPII:relit17 deed'.
ketidg is the :proper system for 411. JsUsWe are, left to ',infer' - • I 14.0esiatees.,weee mortice in .the neigh.
e horhoed. .:The Jews believed that ,the
I.s. " sEetts wRAnticEn ',SY. - THE•.SERIBER;.1
farm preducts. i': Why. 40144...net fai•ni
22-27. ' • •• ' - • . - - • : - . 1 Miesieth would 'appear. suddenay from
ers keep, Centtot,:overethe:,-Selling , Of .. - '
. ,
'the- crops, and ,Ilie.: live 'stock; . the •.. .•, '.:: ''. . . . • ' .• seine unknown • quarter. • Therefere
VZ:::2.2. " A :everkeinlich more serious they refused to aee04'' the authority"
!!,.:0: done .01.10.3.,, arre.tfy., olree.gu•••,th3;; L.thange. •. now folloWs. . Certain eserlbeS 'of Jesus • '•: . • - ' ; •
1,,e_eseeelernealera,_effencied and 3 Oger! d Lv 4.o ; T . ' . ' . .. ' .
*Oa hard te, produce. The 'Col:epee' '
1A:se - Stecle770Oriiniiiiiimie-,D,Rifittniente" s. - -.::iit.1)r 41-4-'7..."'..p's4rotrficeet"le--9-'-f.tefkrieptlfld* . • .
Ontario Grain' Pool, to give the • Pii)- 'teteeitie defeniatory libel ' thet.
the Pig 'Pool; and, the. ir' j'Cli.IIP 614ePtilt .-alrf* S .17-4;.-47‘iql:1*,rvoery.wite
lite Crein.ikry, „ the .,,,, ai.tiatb; enetinge ete„, no 4, t,II•eu-le'v re .except in his 'Own:country' '
•J11 I' and home ' ,Mbeeoyer,ithe general.ua
deters ApreiPer lead:: I'..etn• firjoir",*M-' is iif•leagUe.e,:ith,Satin.-and;e1.:il..ri.1.'leehef treated 'eonclitions' in which *. '
t ' h . the - . it '
..vince&that in. order for farmers get.,ePirits. : :In particidar , they-, declare was empossoei ,
All ihtiet:feausa!)A.tilldr was
all they should '.g(it % on:their cattie; that his. success in expelling denims is . G'od '
alliande"This. aeest-' heal. few infirm .folk,. who 'were
.,:stieo and yogi), they Must arrange..te 'the result of : this
-e *ion was, ' not. se • incredible as eit ' p-,eeie‘ diced .ageeees,t :lie. claims.. For the
might appeir. ''It was commonly gm), rest, . the -Prevailing uribelie.f .acted as
sell' them .'"On the .tontratt ' system. 1
They : •shenid, hand thenuieleese;'6,
,,,te retain control',as, fat .. as that Satan. diagnised himself. as a, hopeless hatriefeegainst since*
. an 'angel of light; and 'Jesue•vitelation ...
We have been worklneen this Phase'. •
iiiinds.of, the setibeS
flieells....tted••• OriahlzatiOn.''-'will alioNt! ad.. the Sabbath law lent ,color .inethe .: '.' • ,:... e ---:-e-'42,--;.----• - ' ' '
.ef the 'fariners' ehitainesa. • for 'some jeans -was a receiver '• . • ' 'Wherever you yoU bide.ia the-. .' '
to the 'idea that 7.'. • NOt . t6 Say' it with I • k '
time, and hope to topresent:tomething I" ' Tia object of this .terrible charge ' • :' .• -id .". • ' - • • world- 848
• .
,01 'n tis obvious; : It :Was, to destroy Jeaus' .1 WishWyene
Concrete for the censIderatioll .. a neoit. on the,..sienny side •
. '
growers berate ',Very '-, long.. - '. Some i influence over ',religions .peeple,'-And SO WI'. nittekle'o' love and .4ttle..O''etire;
ciituitipii- fn'lhe'...Provittec , want to go ltd.. Close' the' 'synagegife . against him. A weeot..,jmrsio.wt,,:stitor .to etnnee,
aheadeevitle organizathen on a. centracti
- "Beeezlebule" "Was. the Mitient Philis- '
"Youe .44i:11reedde. when day IS 'spent
basis,: °fen If the . Company does not :••ime god of .Pkron.' But ' the word,
Ili .,1% *De bWhoueie Wi' hearts'on-
rwhich the' .seribea ;Used, aecerding tO .
. . • ,, - . .as an eqiiivalent for Satan.: -, .
.saeOess Ala.,' --- -'-'•-e.• ...-^,-..--•-- -2- -, .- ---. "Beelzee :' 'tent." : • • ' • •
erganlieeter over °OntatioeThis, I . „ie.., h•n.4.2 i...iiiimpArni.ii was,
,. ' bul," :a word. of doubtful -Origin; , used ' .7/.• • .. .- .,, ,;' ': :':". 41b •
, Itleleing.' Huebene.
think, Would net be 'wise,
liende largely'ouvoluin ' ' ' •
enfiese.ei*e","Cialtylifee• ....'itee• as e --,)Ater 1
:.'iiiiiaiiiiamatitf,iieWith. the,:,a ..'-',. °-14,-,br---ide0e. "that have,:deteloPe• d, from against is th ' general adoption .
• "One thing e
• r''')
" 'And Wherea$ e the • tontroversiee
' ' • l' -1. ' It '-iii'a.. i " etemeae to me,-tilat • ' 1 -~: • - • ' •• ------ee edoling'-free.conneetionewith marketi _ . . . .
of 1 parte ee,
consistenc of su sin -th t Satan
':-711:w4lorapoggti;;..i.Rha;%;;OLlar,41.4.'-eanew- Weft', Of the'tenifiany"taitl. 'Make lt.' dif- ot,. farm commo es ..that, .. . .. . could possibly be assecia with .the
. ; Ocs -...:., . :NY 7, - . • ... . e ' e , regarding' pol.tical aption hamper the • .. .... • , . , -
' fier;„'nfost,:attenthi,..14- i4A4,Woct .t*Lt: 1,fienit to., beneficent' work, which .Jesus was ,de-
hitigeaSeethe volunie. of •iensi- pooled successfully. 'It -is 'possible . , • •
.-Ifiiiightli.e:410.6'.4ePend•--sonse .tins.e.i.iess. ;,.e. ,314.,„ . , . , , . that. in tho. nandling.oe hogs 'the win-
e.-- ' •----",---• ' ' ' . .; ing. .: Civil Wail' are destructive to 'a
-, , kingdoni, V. .g4: : Household feuds are,
. , .
tract iiisteni 'might' develop into aedesteuctitte to'. d'faneilY,..y.'25.' There-. ,
!grin, of .Pocel
a"four, or a s,
most. part, 11,
hOW: the Poo
inatketing of
are too man
I would lilce to Warn .Vs. 22-27. Jesus' answer, given in Clerk--"Semething in the way of
,golf apparel ,madam?
• Lady eyeseeney-husband zeys.
handicap is, too email. Could I get 'a
largdr once. s •
1x .nuniths' epic)]. kor.the Jesus heals and brings peace to. ter- h Electricity is befhg teed to 'produce, Straight or pointed lettene edge, round
ing•perliaps a three,' or fore,. if Satan 'te' the power
owers. Starting,. we. :suppose, c 7 neck , square neck with a. Vr.front,
imp • • . •
bWever, cannot yet see mented , terrefehannted Minds, „, e‘,
1-001(ron 'wan et Withou likart-zfitted
1 can be applied to the tlitri Satan is warring ° agninSt WM-
'cattle and sheep., There • self, :It a very, 'different/conclusion es. 'No. 1552 lain eizse Off, 38, 40,
;-enl: 1 'neni,y. okoa'ntznttoh'qo=•„6' .4: 'Etc:- 1 -, ,; :
"- 'Aed ...hereae there is. room. ref
• '''iviiten"7'ititle. iliniiiitilie.Orgaiiitiation could e
lionest,:differenee ;of opinion as to the.
et,teceS.d.".,-....-,. .•,:•' '• --:, ., :', • • • ese proper .course to ake.inean.effort to
leee this ,cenneethen- it *ight;:be' welt effect deeltable legielatiOti in the Pro -
•e --:' yincial.Legislature or.l'Iouee of Pone--
: to '.polieteMit. thateseven. ,years, ago a
• local.. cooperative_ company Was r meas.*,
' . galIteed-itc:woinliud: . With., the:. Oh
-- '.'!. Therefore be ,he it •resolved,•.tht hi
..,jeet. Of .:'66Miti'Ing`..etcpioinies°.for the, .‘ e -
toe . interests. of. 'the shareholders of
,•;'•feeMete: of that neighberhOOd. , 'Mr. ...
the. Co-operative..Coinpany;' •and ' the'
' Iteas;Wha, Shatt'alaa' 00:4, rrtitIrs,1°i1e.e.al' • farmers 'of the Provinte, the , Beard ot
*dr& ':-NN'hial ..totilt 70at ' the eneces:9-e•12/...Direetorti disapPrOve of , any further
. . „. . • .
controversieWas to the proper course who underta
.thartereand .he ;wee also rtIie first and -
• i•lderglireS4104t 01) tb. the .00se' ef 27, to, take in regard to Political action.'• ' Farmers of
"...whenehe:resIgnell,,,eli aceoant: of the . „.. . :.:. ' to show con
, The othet .tesolution moved by, R.,. .:
. tiiiia. &idea faiutig on hineentehie ole - je moron,. Rae. secoadeqehyl E„ ce the directors
-"vatioit.(e''..the ,,pr"beidency of the.. pee.
, . . , Drury reads: • • • • ... • ' ' *. •'.
" -.That. the .directot$ of The :United
F.'itimerS Co‘c?perative Company, :Limit-
ed, •assert the following facts:
e e, 'First,,.. The :.United Parniers..-Co;
OPeratiVe Ceremany',A,ireited, is Apure-.
lytrading eompanY Andtdoeis not take.
.71hhi.-eiliegience . With • the, Med- and: never ' has taken, . ,AnY part in
bride& »Wet' Scheele& Mr: 110sk ' well poilties;,,• .:: , •".. • • .
!Or:Wittig .4.30a:ee_ ipit the Board.of the. ". "Seeded, The United •Parracirs ,ot,
'prirkkacial.,:comoapy le e0hich he Wee Ontatio Is , An. Incorperated..non-shate
fltst,';elented,;:in;,023. Ile, Neae Vibe- company . organized. years ago for. miu-
',. president for '1.9,25,,1026., and A927, and: eational and ,pro.Pagandist. Pelvises,
14st-e lit:COI:Ober : 'Was, elevated to .: the: and is rttled.V 'a .board of one hun-
- presidency. • Being •One.of 'ethose who dred eeteceie drawn from all peditiettl
, chaiites,::10-10g0 and 1115 action to parties, who have made all resolutions
:MOO' ne* cOOdlt,fOn§' '6,7, 11,0* light on of which there is'any-,cidestion, as be'.
: tho;•,,probiorn .itt hand, he eah, be de ,:'• higyor a; politinal Character,
. Penile& upon, to ...loarrl.., on the'. good • e"..''Third, The :Ferieere'•.Ptibliehing
IS S.2 •
' The Aerating. princess -dress, sheven
here inost slenderieing style and
is. suitablee'fbr daytime and 'evening
wear, ,r,.The • Skiet iS 'shown, With a'
• •-------.7.--C'••:.- •...., 42, and 44 inehee , bust. 'Sim .44, .107
3" grades and dlassifica. ,that eIssiss: hireSe1T draws 'from these
. :.-"Iiitt Jane -t -When I. 'was' your age;. quires `j,k, .,..:nrds ;39.:inch Or 284 :t;ard.
ng IS -Confidence 'on the
, • • .. • • • Ged, • Siitart can only be overpowered but there weren't 'se: many of them 20c the Pattern., ,e; • • , ,
Betty, 1 co ' e • - e, s
. ....
.1:,tuirtsee,:.H.eftiees Pod'working nsightily, ,
,w t Min or, the . downfall; el Satan )r, , pa ne, ail the .I lugs et 511,ineli material; %yard. less 39 inch
. 1
and for the coming of the of V, ligland.". leittle lietty--" yes, atintie, "Material', for sleeVelesse dies ' Pile°
ative.endeavore•of course, , . . , . . .
doperaterce toward' those by one Wheis mightier than Satan. Vo then."' ... • ' •
, Our ..Fashion Boolc,111usItating thy
.newest and trOst ptactieal etyle; will
.beeot'intetiest. to ever"y• lion* dreSse.
1131.ther: Price ,of.the beck 10c:the coley:.
- . „ , , , , ,
. Write your riair.esentteddreas-plitin,
ly,. giring isninhez ;and' site of, snob
'patterna, as you tiieartt. Enolose, 20e In
stanips or 441•1 "(coin eereferred;"evrap,
it cArefiilly)",e for .teieli attinber and
address yout, ordee to 'Pattern Dept.,
Witson Peblishing - Co.. 73 West Athi.
. Giving advice to ' a young subaltern -,
who 'was at • mess for the 'first: time;
the',senier effieet said: •"Noet;. take'
my advice, my .lad,' • tceep 'your, 9yeo
:oo ,those two candlesticks, and wheu
they ,appear as tout yofelleknoW you've'
had enough, :and • thatee --the Mite to
slip quietly -aWAY .------'! "Thank You
very, much, eir," 'replied the..young of-.
•ficere "hut I den onlYsee'one candle-
stick. at present!' - '
a.natla orktmlas .
Fliers 0 Fakiled
• Newly Dii3cdvered.'-Lakes in
Ontario Named Name& fpr Them
Ottawa.--=Tlie memory Of Canadian.'
British and Ainerieen mee and Womea
who: failed In the transailantle flight,
attempts has been hdrored by the
Canadian Governnientz tri the naming
'of Several newly diseovered lakes, in.
northwestern Ontario for the fliers. '
A large, lake in the territory north
Of the Ited -Lake • district hen
named Doran Lake in memory Or Miss
Mildred Doran, who failed an at
Right frem the Pacific: coast
•-to Hawaii. Others . -for. whonf lakea
:likive :been named; :as announced by
the Department or the interior, Were:. ,
of the Glory, who attempted a
ilight , , 7 .
ta:- atas. • :"
Philip A. Payne, tinedlen-born
-.paper Irian, who was With .th,6;ola
"In cooper
the main .thi
part: of the c
ke the organization work. ;27. :And' JesuS attributes his e_e_e_eeee
Ontario have .very rett§elr'Peirer.to;Godel The blasiehemy, of the Socha Guitry's 'curiosity woe emus;
fidence, \lit 'the ability of ' scribes is•lelasplierny against the Holy ed recent:1,7e so 'the story Funs, by ole,
and the management of Spirit Of eGegleafid unforgivable sin. serving. a man 'who was walking
ITT ASCE REACTED ;3y THE PEOPLE ahead Of him stretchieg Out leis' arm'
' -OF NAZARETH • • - ,ehever he turned down a street,
V. 1. The third inetarice of unbe The actor ventured to stop him and
wag supplied bl„the Nazareth' :folk. inquire ,why", he did this. The Mao
The visit of Jesus to•Nazareth occur- made no secret °tee; "Ica all .,tialre
left of my• motor -car," he replied.--
13ciston Transcript. "
'SPite.of the fact that this local
Conte -in dees not '.handle Rite steck.
the tittinover last • y'ear -amounted'. to
.013;000.00. -%.Grain, -feed, coal
•, and .fencing make up this:',Volutfie.;
' twitter AND JEBy Fisher.;
-hte .cLutts
tPJ ts C Lock. wt -rt -t
'nkioFtGoRe\s_ (3(4 : he
Voq50.: 'VW sot., .rtle-
OPelfeft. AT 11/41.gt-tP.ON
No-oN,-; At0:‘ cLo sea
the. farmer?. own company to se 'or-
ganize for the live 'stock marketing
contract that in Operatten. thegrowere.
Will • derive ,betiefits, that cannot, be
foretold!' : °
-Board of trade Membe
The new president or the farmers'
•emispapy ia of a type that ,measures
up to the standard Set' by, theee, whet
-interest themselves in. a .to -operative'
enterprise. He'is armautf few 'Weide
-'--but strong • in action. T1is brain
work best while he goes; Omit. hie '
regular duties. He believes in -keep-
ing in ibuch wiht the leaders' of tins!.
nese and .finance. In short, he "looks,
:Wider than the farm." ,Por several
years he has • been a member of the,
Toronto, BoArd .of Trade.
rt'S,. A otacivt•
•eN1RAK1cE vS A lat.G.
• Nobd aiNtcN l9A1
14%1'6 fist 'Os. -GE .R.mrtmt
ece Ne.% eeiet'�'0
red probably, at. un early stage in his
ministry, though -not at thebeginning.
'V. 2. Jesus Used the opportunity
whieh t syriagogue .serideeprovided
in °Hier te announce his message.. The
grace and wisdom of his teaching, here
as etsewhere, produced surprises. Peo-
ple;ceithirliot understand 'how he, who
had had no efecial theelogical*teain-
ing, poesiesed s marvelous a ,knoevl=
edge.of, God. On the other hind, the
report of hheiniraelesevraii tee Strong
to be gainsaid, and they had the'evi-
dance of their own ears as to hie•
vine, WisdomY
, V..3. A great and belieing recep-
- ,
TIUNK its,..; A AttLMItJ e
Ltsteis4 `Mt) Rios)
7nNeo ortA ttAcK ik'N16
MGR AND 'LOW. AT er mt.
7ret.t.. wliistT "(oul
. Artist: "See 'that picture over
there? MijeU, 1painted tt, and a .m11-
, woi buY 10r ,Friend:
1,'nf one W.' the nitiliebt!"
• BroWn 'am.oking,. a
.terrible lot- of feigare' jatedy." Friend'
• (with •eoriviction): e'You're right,. if
. that's one of them!'
' •
•'Mout; Terrell:et B. 'Pulley and Cept.
Janice V. Metcalfe_ co-pilots of ilts?
. ,
•p!an 1Z dohn. Carling. „,
:Princess - Wer4eielmee
who was on three:It. Raphael eleits
.teeepted „ westward ;crossing ot the. At.-
. .
,' ,e1inehin, and '141$1te
'pilots of the 'Si. Replatel, • • • • •
. .
A lake al.So watepained for L}ieiaaJe
• St. Raphael and. anothet 'War. -named
'far Geoffre,y Fitc1ii, petal**, tieverie
Mont pilot, ''Whei felt neer Sault $e.
'Marie; last year.• . ••
ogi Boy! Tvt-A-c 4,trAs
L itST h!tG"t
A:.Coniole .'of.' Fast 'Workers.
x. -r,wpca The nottNEL
S1.4-1) CC- -IA AM MGR',
Mutt,. ANt. OtAlce .
Pt LONG SI -of,), ,SHoWC
0UstkiC-fee 'LVRONC.:i _
•. :Ns\
• o 4:-.
44"nsr.4... • ' •
• -.1*J1313,11
• '11'.4.1,,cokn0rs-
oor. Ca,r • 'ChaogeS
• "— •
Recent 'Mdibr §. h, aIndie:.t,zi,
Pilsfutisitm... '7-pf• -!, .. ,c91.6rii .
Shorter..W•h6el i3Asp aficl ..
.. ,Gri7Body
i '..'
• .4. conotEio .review ,:of. • the.ch
'changes in indtiiod at the big ,motOr
slieved indicates'that, ell•new inedele
throughout • the Whole 'Pries • range',
shew..a • t;endency , to '' 4. iewer awnng
Chassis,' narrower ahd higher 't-adiat•
otl, and laheeteneil. vheel, bitee.. Lie -
deed, shortot cars, Without eitcrilleing ••
legroom: and ' driving 'comfort; 'r,eent'•
to he. the +agile thts 'year; and • there •
is. an appearanto.8f, narrowness to. the. .
Models, '15 )(Geeleg With • &. Perfeet .
'strewn iine;;'Without •affecting eeetleg . ••
comfort, ,' • ' ' ' , ' • - .'
' ',bite: to recalit ddVeloptito.nt lit 1110
• :ittanutattilL1) 7 •Of ' durable ' 1 nog u ore. •
ealittleandelittecees, ilillihee; .theree--13----•
. 'aitelleyi:inifirsotteei.xtii6c:.pitltf ifi.:11illyciteeet),.nael.Boot110_01,rti,,b.,v110,•.1811.1.1,..it,' 1:;.- ..
_ toriors t9 .1.41190)1Yd.,,,, .. .: ...,' 7 '
4-111-ilig. InalKilg.1§.J.--T„1;42j14:-'„L,,,,,,,,,,
s. .17.
:It:r,c_.11 al fAtt.ne_re:s, eal ,init:romolirlidililt:izsiftn,g,S.1:::.ai:, ..;,..., /:;..
8i-2,..0 of • euPDOrtiirg . pesta and •affor.dini•
'tt, ,Wi(ler ft,lige:' Of ' eisitin 811(1••eaf'ety., .
•',$Italloyr, ,,ito.sprx,t)Tiyo. roliejdra arid fOttv,
,..,:,:tiliOot bral06. Vent to '‘be gonot'al la:. '',.
1 the industry. One :Ts:oddly the :WV '
OilAtifiler, ' AiLtikop its bow „wItli ttlr
' In..e,Iteii, ,similar iii 'Mechanic's to'. thee°
ttaelit-Istr-htsaVY-intiter-turoo•-lcita AU,. ------------
, road too9itto.,, * •' • • ' •