HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-02, Page 4•
III 415010 kIlieffINII; VII
*,trirt ' it* tit'tASII1§Ittit I that tail be. 'done icia b.thit
his* tlet004k-
tt4TNt •titt Ftti:etretwigs.11 inifatif ig
Pokt PlhliVA1111 NI# 1441
vie* or the' .Vaut• espittploa 4,011114 to spread" becatiee-it is eont-,
day torning
()Atari°. , the &Staling. laileineas-in this PX(''', 4"1e woy.muc3vAletWaabout
Y t410. .0.,411OrleaOtt.
*V111.4 W.41411 recent', Months. the fact . wretches Iv. hs ears orj.iobod and
aaa,Arielaz "..P*9.P.Y1w4", that there are h0are imPortatiOna of • for nothing but. themseiveS? ."ThaT
d, EdtOr d t • • a:ea . , . • •
iquor,• liat-Mare;thert a • 094 are not epiato refOrm. and 'effort -in
• • • • Able, quantity ma*"Inlechase
28ht that :•direetain ie wasted.' The. • 004
• ' ' • •
tii?#,ri/ETAll•:0 d a • .19
'Any peessiii who *mttu 0,01‘e,Aut ',1jusineaa'of the erfillinia '-4aw to
fiet*lt; illicit'' I. . preteet;„the to*.
,•-,,aait 0.. tes--aa. • • •
°SaI7a.; T9re,nte tha 'Wender .0f, •thetie not lit ettseessjett
• '• „. • alfOrte ..9, .0.1 "
P. ER' • in a ..iwainp Or dugout* "Iney, iaeitk"' • • •
. , 'Own, the -1)t•cetl'aiitlite*.ar ' Ngt. •BAR1,#§ IT 1.00K.
. r...
temrievitulre int :!klit,'fi,Fiii about 4'141-.1 ;business' the :distillers • baize... In, 4. recent editorial' The 'taitholie,
. ,
Ihnie> St aSnanYaide'' and ona Of Alto TO , be '•attractive - shares . ,mast, he • •r‘ a es the „ fear ;that, the Yeang
a'aa'aall' tic ila. , a. Halt .aatidug mot' -shown to be.,a prodtsble4investment- men of to day are likelyi,V) be 'ruined
. _'.. .._ ea .' •„ . act:2 In 4 circular recently "issued to Inin!-"':/3Y-. the:Yining women„ `. kerbing' the
laniPe.a out and took a 1:paillstrean ane, pe• ttiv-e, btorera,. wi‘.a-tatia. 46.,..,Aillers an chiefest, snare 'Of. th11:,..inedein .3*ullag
ice`y. waterilaelthe•lialte. It Was, great naaneat'.` ,a a new issue of .ahares at: Wan is"the Modern' itiung woman," it.
PPo4 Ilik;diail;t4' ; - ' 112 each, tell of; the „growing" ile-,, - saYa. , .. - , , : • , , - '. " ,' • -
meialeere, we saw ' e . ether 'oar, mend or„ spir tuoui; beverages, due . There It is again- blame the women
e 'prature Writing- Coaple (a ,tOol i'll'.r!-Ias. causes" The ,Ini.,reFder: to i We dine'V'helive',It.tWO 'don't believe'
.•w e pr a eness ,of e• bush.. that the tie' 'are A t ' " '
andf * feminine) m listiung suits . 1 • - n- • hou to. be led a-
T?*ern, ic '4..toYe• the: itike. ''sont0What gIv'ese, the.' situation sway;,' ,at -London,: Ont.,
, • •
• - • ' , • ness'it statedithat the pr ent ea- 'stray and •ruined by the women and
tnjoYine skate -on .1", lee. It we don't think the women show(' be
. ,
wit" or the, plantm000 gals. a dey
was great you may be•sure-essiti.mueb arid with a. cast of 60c. per gallon.
. . .
mare thrhng ,than if- they ' had and estimated selling priee of, $8 O(
clothes em, a 'kalloin averagegitineeprefite, per an- :
• * i •numa,elileidd, .aliPr.intileate well over
oviever this winter 'lathing in lee- , , . , „
water.- and; -gela s*klY bathing' Neliiiiie viiiillil thiiiii thlii. Pio--
.. . • .
held reSponsible if there is anonta
break of looee'liying. Where is the
man's backbone and his morals? '
We think this idea' of the Women
going to the bad and taking the Men
-along. -with; the* -ISAtiite- overdone.
-attire ' fits ,watdd bea aiite handsome, And it .ifacatuite true that there is some
• ' * - ' ' ' hardly blame a fellow Who ground for the:, :contention; and - the
' •
,.... •
hak long -been", earning money iii ;the: alarm, . for there are a lot of feellish
dr ry' Way for tting up' a little- young WQmen, in •the world who an-
ps'i$,AQE szoir stin im Inc cellar.
vel ietime; to, our
p.ear, te: hive •los,t 'all Modestyif not
all se.ase• of 'morality. But. let •any
idpersin, freeing:his mind. from panic,
he Other day*w ich on exaMnin ratleek-aboitt--and-he will ace that the'
• "
'.opening of a. special scribe) a ereir:
teey -in. New Yeork gity, • mlhieh all
traniC'1)0.1iCeVe4. must. "attend. MK.
;Commiesiorier Poircehae exPtessed
hhilaelf a4thinaelitit'nleasecl with
-11 • " 'he " ' -
,t e mariner e akale , eSe Men., iee
.their .and ,direet traffie.,". and -
the,operdag," of. the kho'01-. 'so a, result
of Ilia feeling 'la Aho"nintle4‘
We 'hive Oa' exaet,'ItnnWleAge• ea to.
bow. badly this epegial 06°01 is need-
leas:Imind" tO COntairi .a circular, •all great majority of /waren i•oling and:
Middle:aged are just as good and lit-
he: way, from Bedford: *mare,
Tho-i4O:Stag.i.,.,stgimp showed that for • The writer.in the Pathetic Register
ranstiortinzthig envelop* and- g .• . , _
says: "The aierage young man Of
• • , •
._ • . ,
. ,
. •
lia ,measiire; it • IA, deubtless true
of -criminals As of leeks that they
are hern not made." But eireumstanc,:
.esa environmentasiiid,,the treatinent
'which first -offenders get • donbtless,
teed to he .just good „as Weinea,
em'' England. ver were
ell you with' a certain.
ar:Lovitiig:tetitii0:41ii'I*0001i.:;'041:'404t, '44, Much . to .dO,.with-develeping cilia.:.,to-day will. t
. , . . ., . ,
• ,,,,, ,, -,.. , r., .. , , , , ,,
4Tiiiie;11:c'i-ijki.:;6i:40,Wrii.4*'ilii‘1040t. *fit otitioioies.: . ,„ ..;... ... ;.:;.. tinge' of disgust -.2that• ..ntost. modern
",''IletiiiiitMelit,iiiid?charged.'1/4twe • "Oaer''..„In.:''Wallkerton.',.last,..• week A .girlabeiria' and ',cirri!' cia...loVe• iiiocifog,,
pence. ' 4'ittfiiir:/'::',, .-.,-,... :. ,i,-... ' '. Youth of--v'itieteca;bY the '-name of ,They tete and flourish e their 'Pasha
. •
oiiiiiiielc---„,e,,:,ietV:lop,,.ipilaaeer.dinliir.Y. ...la.l..a-Itiai‘i.144-,•77" 2Wia.---'-' iitretleteda..' Of' ''theft. 'aA....„.; Wit : ii:__Much bravado'a, "any young
-. .,...,,,a,. - ..;,..111a1-:::-Paeet of paper, seateaced:: to three"- years ' ' the0.-7-. ' ca*Vallara-7.The, disease ,, Sex "'Matters
• Wite..*aafiht.'eall.h.4.*:''tiraiiiii.,,'-'14i,:‘,:,:.• '.ii. u01'1.-1.eUiniiiii'7':Iiaiiii"l
Rankin ''atine:ro;. ".aa freeya,ii...aio•:Crord fli::1;!C* Cii7Ci.
eniniiii-ler!ithe'.'.iiiiigiiii'4'charge'to be•a thoroughly had young fellow... their:eigars.at a. formal dinner.';•. ''• s'''
01''ene-biltiieirai,loue." atify' ' ieif ' ".
, . . . C. ''. scale., seven or ,eight time... ' - That 'iS'. ':iiist..'a.. plain instance l. Of '
, • 1
,CtLignite,102 %badly ie` soma ether t-
Certainly, we are sure that trafaz
s�e paleelliee:,.are not „the 'onlY peenie
who iiiiglirbOvp. $0roo, •:the,
help 0 such a: lachobl'either in NeW"'"
Yell; or . else:where-. •
But it enitYbe that Most of us will
aot have the, prtvi1ee 4 attempfr,
'.14..suCli'..a.ChOol,,,anir will r: have to,
.nake up for such lack by tehhm
som hone keSseW..•;,• AMt.' that Might
eot to be, hard to •greenge, if we; -are•
-at all earnest in the,matter. Arid. the
• time and thought aa/iten ta., such ;ias.,
tercets' Cannot fail.told very-gried
• %rid weith-while 'resta„ " •-•
• a An instinct for i.tesy, theemir-
tearthat is'•genuine, and. siiiipIe, had
unaffected, ivona of the firieat
, • ...,•
:meats:. that, any Man • een- •PessesP;L
'Whether ;tine 4,a.‘trapc •policean Or.
a 'ealcy, pilot;" that, fuudainental graCe•
.t.character will .OPen4the. Way tolove
and eateem ',and' tiaefulneei.i,as ' •Very.
. , .
feW othee . things' Willv Sometimes. we
nay Le' incliped•td of it,
--ta7tif -sore-6.e *glace,
. is, 'anythiag.but:that.; .S-i;nietiniee: 'We
may. think. -that, tri*ari'ia a virtue in
he brniqueness., that refuses ..te.,
there eCceirttsk,
indeed, ..• is one Of-the.mest. genuine :of
•4oins,, apd.At is pure geld, arid :passes
..,:urient. at any the or in • any 'place:
•• . •
SchOoi or no icheol,; We blight, to 4;
'teem it lighly and Seek for it, With.,
eagerness -New
c,}ANAL/ 1,AltlitiOPV(101
Canada is Ohe .0 -the 'fereirleetfur
fn'odeeers^; of the World.,
he. Chief. Cemlnereial Wednet of the
wild. , life • ot.thellorthern halt of the
continent and os such represent.the
only economic return. freiro, large are -
..as in the Dominion.. te,reni • ,these •
grew natural preaeteaa, or fi"ora
ferns on-,whieh far:- heaTOrs bre;
raised- in captivity, ever,/ 00004
lind..-territorY 'Of • Canada 'contributes
•to tne Predileticia; At the close.
of -the, let Year, .4.nne:A9'. :1.000, the..
nainiier-„Of :alelts.tahen, was :3A804,4%':
aralliecli at. $15.Q7Z.2.44.". r
Since . the earliest tir4e4 furs fleVe
played ,a Troroinent Mitt in* the eao,'="
monzithe! Peininien.•:.;TheY%
'atilt continue to feral toneitleralte•
„ . ,
item in the :cemmeree of, the cotintrY,
• In , the .lest twenty ,years, trade in furs..
has 'shown e marked" increase.on ;the ,
'North American continent ead.ehariees
ea Whieh hea'ie oCenrred,"dite..:to. the
war.: I-tette:bean .coranicreially 'nirvana:
eons. ,; to , Canada.' -r The, • EntoPealt.
Centei . of pre.:a...we tiMes'oterleasis
dominate, as steong, cenineting fur,
arIcete ..h have .been . established .in
'eut years. :at ..Montreal, . • Winnipeg; ,
Edmonton, and Vaiicouver. Can
Ida.; end 't New •York the; 'Unite°
9tateS.'". of dollartP.Worth of
rera Ate. bezelled annuany at • these
lectione attractabuyeraJrani
;ill pert of the World... The, value of
trade in. furs sshown;,-VY
.expert • and ' imuOrt. figures sunplied
-lry• the ;Dominion .Pureau... 1.:1-t7tOIS- •
!lies. 'Fur experte have risen* •-friria:
ae.18,0” in 1914 t, $2O.6)8.687 .in
'971, and iteporta increased from $3,..•
.755,090 in the. former year ,to
6'4124 a the.. latter, The ,Vale0 of
r"urs -tnaiiiifaettired iriXaMida, in 1.925,.
the, latest' year : which statistics,
ate. availehle, teas S14,142,863; an in-
e•rease of 15 per cent, over the ,prea
ceding year,.. The ninn.b,er ;of ,. fur
. treated in'''fur dreapipi• estab., .
-Iahmenta 'wee 4,190,351:
iraior part if Canada's .' annu-
al .eatelt IS talcan' trappers. Many
persons are „ engaged
',Tee 1.1te., whole er 'pert of, their- time
during the winter season in. taking
:lane of 'wild. finabearete: , The princi-
'spetiee••; trapped are beever,,fish4:
,r; fox, maskrat,,_ mink; Merien.: lynx..
oiCooni Skim's., wolverine wOlf and
1 r farmingPart- I
the "raising.Of,".Silver, Loxes captiva
vices' Of ;the Deo -deka'', and . Yukon"
Territory, ,and., thevalueof the out-
put of pelts... from these Terme 'con-
atitizted ' 1.926-apProximately • 'five
per cent. of the total, Value of ...ra*
fur peodneticin in .:Cariada.' ,AlthougL,
. the fox has 'proved 'Most 1?suited.: to
doineatieatioaVtathee „kinds a of, ••fura
-bearing .animals are,being..kaised" in
captivity,. raccoon,
.skunk, marten, • fisher, . peyote, heaver,
'and. aniskrat.. 'Earakul • iheep' and
chinchilla tab -bite. •• are ' ;deo,. ridged
';auecessfully. in -.Canada: . • •
The Pornmicin,, With its •cold,. .dry
winter season is • Productive of • the
very fineet"fzirs. the yaet .
/Zees: areas ," Of 'Canada liea:„ the : last •
great reservoir of Wild life ,..on the
continent. ::• Great 'stretches . forest
and.: mountain .harbor the wild life
which is the mein aourde. ofour raw'
()patent , the products of -these areAs:
• I • • • •
wlFand by 'conservation end ..deVel:-
'11)tg, PlaX.'aa 'iniacitelatHpart IZ
'Here, we See the advantages ,
efore of stealing .he has already overstating . the., ease. Ita•canhot be
.peration and organizationsuch as done ••tiatie" in • the. Prirfineial punitive ,'•true of more than a small ,minoritycan develop only in what we. eull :
by: .corrective institutions. and a's: le. of the .;"giris:;It. is fOrtunate. that thecivilization. li is part of civilizatiofl. - .
now the fashion - had been. let- out her • averege. young 'Man : manifests that:
' tor,tinfo. • -" 11..nge.,of dis.gii4!!, 'when, he speakspay work 'for a ha1f'ienny - Suppose ,
It7ertoi7ly,..•young..12ankiri Was 1..f these miasies. That. ''t'sige of dis-
"lie,:li4etti4. 'ter' ten betta :after coining out a reforms. it„ good sign and may save
hours' work. That is 400: cents 'for ::teries andijaila than he, Was before the, eittiatIOn.. • • r
,600.mintiteat.+tsiostleirds;."0472:4 cent he went evidently ',Tote As a-...mgtter-pf .fict,these*.bold and
for ,Oneritiiiiaate......::SO.,in"..exchanaka cooly . planned and carried !•nit. his 'raenyoung l'u1ic can't stiit love,
,14st thefOre,gerilless'. Of his ictnutraWngannd carry it - on nith apy
t vast and efllcient organizatiOn,being ill, and in..defiatiee of thellaW„. vauna,anien:bat' the2"eissieat Wian,are,
trao,Snort..4..lettei; :itt three Tiara from noW lel, will feminine "enoegh to feel ,Pleased On
inialf-way-aroand the earth and -he 'Again ,at liberty' perhaps at an being' treated ", that . way. The manly
lwer.it,rie.rtaareiY totheright Phi- earlier' date. What: inSY be expected? Young inen., Will. havenone of. it.
• t -Y., it: it i ProPirii*ditresid: thisnatural:thief and liar be • The: -giele;" it is said Claini, the •right
• That reminds Short time age', • improved • by his sojeura, among .a to sow their „Wirdoats"' as the boys
we pair, a picture 0! natives of hest. of ..thieVes, 'firstly , older ...and
atr,,a :gra aittiSe. hip1Seirt •
• •
7714'1ir lath over the shoulder, 2 It appears, that when A youth takes
to thieving . he forgets that thereare
mabing, a. trin.:of :30 miles io market,' fieriest Ways or making -a living, or
:..,They Weald earry.,',Perlialie 80 or.• 100^ 'be'', hates such . 47.ara: . prominent
pounds; -and they ;Would not make nonce oflicer, .SeMe 'ante' .ago; said
11110ke than 044 ‘_yeibid, trip. in .two tbatii rolithere, were • invariably , lazy,
It _would' be .hard work, too, "'selfish and cruel. That is about
!under. a' tropical ann..' 'There' was no Over: in 11.Pie'V*.irork. State:A fourth
inveation:'oe industrial development "eonvictionaliringieg a j&I term means
there. .These alien *Mild :get only!I that the 'convicted Shall go, down for
-bare by 'their hard Work, And life... Itisassiiined that a" n•ian;
they didn't. need'inach. *noir 40tibiug, after haying' sereed three. terrS., ;q
c911.914,4d of n- `bathing ,, suit. ' not ripen to refiirmation; and all
cience,Has Found a
Fi and .litve been doing,; And some
ef thein are acting upenathat
However that sort of thinghas a way
of ;curing itself. One can't..sow wild
'eatsand, thistles without eaping the
harvest, and the harvesting in 'mem'
cases eeines pretty . expeneive. -The
.010; rules intla go�d. Things that are
reg,arded As wrong 'weald. Beyer have
seal orcarded. if they: did' net ,
sielt ,in a heavy balance , of 'misery,
and the spectacle' Of, wreckedlives
and lite.s plainly marked as failure,
.will not fail to. impress the needed
cALLINGIN'. THE, Lirri,E..rwt.1
- •" .ritcEs,:" •
• ,
.: The....Cariedian • Dep:artmeat; Of,.
:lance Ia.:Calling in the litto.: five -,cent"
eOitis„iWiliert•Iiiiite.se-fleag. beendoing
duty, as : email "change .iii thi•4. eeintrY..
;O -that' lay•;,ared-by' the "1ar4or “rdelle"'
-,kill have the field":llato itself. .'. ..
, e.,, . - .
That the.. eld. Ae-Cent' piece., ..iva.s.
- ',ea. arnall ' for convenienthandling.
has been long redo -galled, .1)14' no s'tep'
vvas tAlcn to change tiz:. a larger cern
until -0 r
iine , the wad., loize..;eti.; ., When
the' V tie.'ofaeliver.Weiit p, -and Sir
-Pine. White; 'then miniater of finance,
decided to save the .silver bYthisuing
•aacheaper oin....in• the form of the
... . .
eiCkle . plece;now fairly .:farniliar. ,
. .. The largee:_cein_.ie not without I
.. , . . .
"lbjectiopable feature: • it too closely"'
approaChes the ..25Heent,:pie0e in • size
'rd .'in, ilini....light - often is , mistaken
or the mora valuable dein;•IioWever,
V- 'ft, were smaller it.eVeuld toe' eles,e-;
IS': '..eaetrible the tenceat cat* A Point
•f-,ilietinetion is :that . while the .0:die
....f 'the silver. coin 'is. Milled, :the edge:.
ef the ,big•-.nickle.is emeo,..h.•, •_. • ,'•
. •The barks have ben 'asked to .1fold ..
.ill the '.small - five-centAneeea •Which
,.'heyreceive., ani to; paY,O, a: orilythe
lickle pieces When thie,; denOinhaition
. , „ .
i•4 a.sked fOr,„ :and 'this, ...My dinibt.
ehay, ill • oas .far./ aa1s preetiea-
:Ile. . The /lethal) ',coins ' wili.,be turned
n to the „1".lepa.teaent; irk. .exchange
r:ir other for ss of curren•iyb, And thus•
:heir : will.: gradeally eiaapaear from
a'Aulat;ori. ., At the goVertiment raint
.they Will .be:rnelted ...dew...1 and ...con-
verted. into neiv- TO, 25 erid ;50e., piec"-.' .
. A few ,of the little- coins, linweeer,a.
. ,•re ,likely to remain in Ciatolatienfer,
-many years. lviday.,of thent,rio doebta
are hidden AWayin.litile, banks •end.,
'Aber places." of eafelceeping, and. for
.-rears they 'will be in,a14rte-, ,their .ap.
• eiareace frOin'..all kinds' et.•riiiiikely .
lace. •They '' will 'retaia,' their value
*n Making 'paymeafs, as bein'r now
.•.esognized ,a's eurreney;, A wbuld:, be
enfair t� "diegtalify. them. '
. -With, the oxception Of the gold
•'pieces, all Of our izietellie money is .
In 'a measure,' tolcen.rizeoey, the cOina.
tieing: ef less intrinsic value than the
004). ‘NV‘
„aae., .0441,
LTO 14
aaaa aaaae....eaeN
• .
It V" y a t m • ago thatseienee found away. of putting long distance belephone lines la cables, Already
the Slat big job of erecting telephone cable (106 Miles from. Toronto to Buffalo) 'sneering completion. Eighteen
pilio Of this cable lira.underground, and the latest tyPe ,of ,metor.dr 'yen tren04ligging machines complete about
1,600 feet of tregeb per day. 7'his job will cot over $,1,500,000. but cables resist sleet,storms oto *bob better than
--open *,frortbatin-theloil rug touhstontiallowlAt will hi 04ettlifi. with mom soured strvice.
nount for which. they ,'piths in
A, .10 -tent .piece, for. exapipIc
is not worth the .tenth of a golddol-
altheu.O.h it passes as such.,
It is said that ne nevi; .Canadian
coins have 'been made aineer1916
• and they' 'are rarely semi'
Th,OST; however, are standard :ef"
value, and ft, 10-411:4r ,gohl piled is
• llweYs: ,worth tea. dollers, 'even when,
lefaced-not however,, bat-
the econOthic. life of the, ;Dominion.
The •tobacco growers silf Western
Ontario, have • 'Paella?... de, "feted
• rangements for a rrofil to ',handle -
their crop. They are following.; the
methods. of.tho very successful West -
e' Wheat pool 'arid propose to ask:
greWers to sign up for five-year con,
tracta.. ••When 'the wheat poor • Was
'first formed there v,raa ' alaiost as
great confusion in the grain markets
of .the everld aa now •exikes . in ,the
tobacco -industry. •Pi.ices'.,Were. de-
pressed" and the farmera were die:,
couraged. • The: pool May not" have
been entirely reapensible. for 'changed
conditions but, there 3S. no question,
it has:hefped, to stabilize the market
and to itiaprove the business situation
ggeentteirhagliya..sciTubaeie fjlerarnier He is
ter spirite:.
, The :tobacco industry is net eicaet-
.1y in a parallel pesitieOntarit,
bhcco grb‘vers. prodege only; a• small
• areportion of the world's crop'. They
lo not •demi:mite: the market, as. do:
"errieet greavers ef the West, but
"le peel should be able to iniprove
,ae siteaticn. Canada. has a decided
•aleentage• today the Btitish mar,-
"cet. The poor 'should be in g position
te,e'ell to advantage; to 'see that the
• ieht 'variety of tobaco' grown,
and te instruct the hendretle"" of a)na
f Fo'friers who liave ;gone, into
beeinees tight' lines. To-
. lace°, growin,..e. has over, night •he-
-or -e one of, Western 'Ontario's big -
Te -t industries; it wotild be 'a thou-
ird pities :if: it should be -Strangled
•-ael'ora it is fairlY. laiinehed.. • '
The' pool cannot, •in -prove 'matters
'iv:, any magic. by a tedden call ef
iretto! lt ean • only „stieceed •by
sound, imsiness-like :mAnageinent :and
by the heartY co-orieratieiz ,, of the
growere.aaLendon Free Piess. '
Two Scoiclitn en whe tier
since they were beys at ,home , 'were
renewing acquaintance • is tlio sat
till the porch of ills 'summer:. hetet.
One had lost an ee and was toryl
t.ensitive •aboet it. Firelly the 'Other.
eeernieg to entice it for thO firs."
. • titre. spid, Whaur yer ither eer
' Sonde" . '
• mitioilig , his eonipanion's "shiny
pate, • Sandy *toted, "PIDOti ti.0111,
$101 SWO 400/ting, fat' Yer 114*."
M. t COA.MICK.704,EltING
Seed shotdd • he .sown evenly and At ennui ' ;depths' to -obtain the
heat 'results, The MsCormick-Deeting disc Or hire, plain. Or
fertilizer. drill is weeMbinetiOri of the two latest juiPular
They are famed',10r, then light draft, ,atreate. tram „and
lent, sure aCustmehts.' rail and see the best ii•raiti 'drill on, the.
'Setae peoele, 'eertaiely, eat far •too
zatioh; and , lots of .peeple eat rather
"c re-thIrt -they need, hut 'his doe5.
not justify, anYene in asserting that
g -system
stervatioa. J4rd. hesidea, a., very
;171.0 „clangor ',Iles 171 'the reiteration Of
Oriopele; n.0ople begin to believe .ita•-.
usual.ly the 'wrong people,, .
alter, all, those we'l4;-'enough to
bytioy gold food, 'and lots',Of it,. Are,
well, or bet re,ie theinselves,130. , They
.10her 'their headi withany
k`,1 rl fir; to the • tt is the Man
had habits'. have: already had
4nd-V.410 has beguri ' to
ply Ito orfte in bigh tension,. Neekk.
neSS of the heart, ,chroniciridigentio
1 Phone No. 10is at Your Service
We Sell tor Catsh-We:• Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stoic
. ,
his axe is made of the
fineat• steal,. specially '.
teMPered,, and correctly
shlped. it is absolutely,
guaranteed: Everyone'
tlifind defective will be "
replaeed. , •
The Samson axe handle
Made ef second
• gro\Vth hickory, and is
the shape- that appeals •
, to an experiencia .chOp.
cRos§-cur SAWS
e handle. the famous' Map e •. Leat hj Premier and
Racer. These' saws- are uneclualled for temper And fast
. . . „ • • •
We have a hill stok
"--A-fall range at prices that will -Suit you. •
Germine Horsehide at $1.00 per pair. -
•Heating, Plumbing and Electfic Wirin
or what -have, you; Who, Allows labia.
self to be deluded into .the belief that
'total abstinence and adid juices, Will
restire him to his pristine well being.
Sarhe gees on a •dzet•!(so called) and
. wastes .proious' and •"'unrecoVerable
iastead. of going .te' his medical
edviser and lening ealictly„. what
his trouble' is, and hoW -it should be
'band knowledge of human ' nature,
oeha.lata arr. Barnum :had •Pro-
and his statement that "the nubile
ikee to 'be fooled" ,appears to b'e as.
;rue teday as It was„ewhen. he-inede
, it, a generation ,age, How otherwise,
van' oneekPlaie the •popalarity of ,
tilts and 'ologies 'which, are Meetly-
• acientifie absurdities eta .• palpable
frauds. • '
• Js'there any..-inore serione
ment of the level of general iatellie.;
genee'than She .faet that 'thousands
Of, peoale rush to the ,ottaelc end. the "
.irregultir" rather thento those 'Men
!Arid' Women ho have 8;i8.nt .VSaks
the patient- and scientifie. study of the.
of thehuman body .ar:d the
• •,ilteent.s froni ":1v,..hich, it toe:. Often :alit-.
There' is no. ''fast" "way le iteetrair
State of health that has 'been, lost. ,
No One, however loadly he may be
te'f.advertiseel, heS diseovoreat•a roy-
al road to the', resteration'Of
r17 f';4"•1+00ratt. funrtione. For
'.111(1 c)mpettnit • physician -Canadian
.ritd; ttog, ' • •
' --;-'-r-b-o-n-aaa. •
.There nre n ,tot -old 'lash.
families who Considdr ji1,;61r.
lttfY to. ;nay tI tutrlynr,f th' be. ir; •
tfir':; PTA the dorter before bu
a 'MeV, autheriOnihile, 'rattle aet.
ee maehitim
, -
Elmer Bankin, :the Paisley youth.
4. Ie. -convicted at Walkertoti.of htv-
stolen 'pa :quantityof clover seed
r an the etotehouse of .Duncan Me--
:7eil.,,g6t a sentence of. three years in: ;.
v' 'Lon Penitentiary,
aid his attiL.
2*.tele at the hearing, wheii 'he deeted
•s'p:oitsibility for the ,dia:ippearzince
' r ri* ba of the secily influenced
?..laeq,...,trate to have Win locked
Ks141“6:1BItn°g'il:b:ITI'dliedi7sri%Istifingaeok.fil. 6tw'he
..iven bags Whielt.he sold re Nt.. Hun.
`zrereha,nt of • Dorhani.. This
• quantity of, Seed, has been, returned.
4r.ICIIII,''Uni\tre.('t79Pi'niid*a,TIRdantthcien ii1O0.C:c*vobulitetlit
been refunded. te :the dealer. •
On t/ec. 28tl4 1924, . Itenkin 1117-
before the late MagiStrate A.
„ .
ett a charge of . hurglaey,
•nd was thranted a , suspepded sea., •
Anco,., In October of 'thaelollovving"
e,er. he weparehentled again and •
Vag; ytya te John MacCsetneY sent
• to the ',Ontario' Reformatory for
18 eienth'i. deterinitiete sad- tine. yenr'(''
"Miettrh'iiinte; tiAn -conviction • en
frilii('‘iK1C10-tc,11 ef _followed
Provincial Officer Widineyees; laves.
tipiatiely Of.. Mr, IfeNelli's- :Complaint. ' *
:The -youth' happened to inquire .
reated. atthaequently, _andoThfs-Way ••
to "Wallterton With Constable tette,
vosfesseil to the 'tbeft,