HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-02, Page 1*
egged,. •••••.1"‘WrI
. 0' :0 o
. •
*•'04; W. M. CON1014.1;
• Phystician and: Sateen:1,
LueltnnW• "
•Hearsi: • 7-8
• PhOrie.' g6 •
, ,
D. MacLeod Will 'Visit laicknow
every Tuesday, in Dr. onnell's
Office: ..-
DENTISTDr 1" 1 •
Treleavenaa" ,Lucknow-
" Over , Decker's ';Stet.e. Extraction
• either by was or ,local. 'Willa be in
Dungannon evert Tharsaay.:, Phone 53,
' •
. •
4 '16*eite A. 'Olds% Luchnew,.. -.-.Broker
and Real Estate...Matey to lend el
•firat tuctitgages ..., on farin proper-,
., alga at 6 sad, 6% pere ait according
.' to aeeatitya 4ffered:, .. lea: email
amotints, on lieco'nd iit ' tgages . On
•.. . •
, finn Otefetties, and on personal
Otos., A e* gal:id, fartni for sale
. . . ,
.. . ., . •, , " .
Teacher . of
(MOAN. FEBRUARY. 2nd 1928.
' •. , ',
Mr. ii11ip' Steward Visited.friends
in Wood..stock--recently.
,. Geed WinteratOitds•halie greatly en-
jvenecl .Werk.- aril •alitiett: Woad
, and saw -Jog. Work is being
Messrs. John; Mesatrillin -andaArtgas
llarKay ...attended -the Faits Asspcia...
'Lloa at Tordtto, Wedaesday. and
Thursday of this 'week.
Friends of Mr. Joseph. Ague* will,
be : pleasad to 'knew t..Nt,th6„is NO an,
the Urur to recovery, after beingcirra
fined to bed' the. -past month.
, •• ., • .
Miss Ii;elia , Collins. and Miss' • Ina
. Intrsea-inattairitng at
WilighaM gyestis• • of
.:dies EIva•J•thasten. gni 'Mpadaka.
-* The ,Pitadri Review:"la; Veen re-
; try taste is tow,. on -.sale rieMaKisn'e
Drug 'Store at the pre-war price.a,
. • • ,
, jack Cain Of the..Caira •House,
. .
dimulatita, th' cnthusiasni of • thea
local .Junior League team by paying
•them .5ac: fet, earerY'e041 they win.•
Kincardine - High • 'Scheel hockey.
teara -will: be here Thursday evening
(tonight) ,to play.. ',ticket,* 11. S.
team. Puck .faced at 7:45 'sharp.
tiesion: 25c. "and ; 15c,-. , . •
;CHURCH Xorgs „.,
.a•Crimmanion, ,iiii he. 'observed in
.fallekneve"Vnited Church at:the:morn-
ing service. next Sunday. ,Pteparatory. • Sra. • I 'Feasible imatits, 313:, Hanors
• rat -7
service will .be held on Friday eve -
Ong at te'Clock. •, •
The aeripturea readingwas taken
fIar Depalda Douglas. Readings were
ivn by AileUe 'Jewitt. Mise .CartOlt
and -Miss Rena adifeiattialil. The. topic
Was , taken by Dave Thompaoaa
. . • ,
ailtraical: numbers „.tvere an instrume,n-
tal :duet by Torn and Katherine Mace
Kenzie, a duet by Lorraine Brabeozi
and Edith Smith,. fked. a :Selo by Mrs.
Phillip Steward: •
The' Unity Bible Claissa--,,Met at the
honio ok,Misa 'Gertie
he evening of January Path:, The.
resident ',being .abient the meeting
010110014w ;Wks. Craw. Mrs.
Buswell accepted the position • of
.Vice-Peesident:, After the 'reading of
265; 'Oa*, vits.,,
276; Marton 'MaeD0aald 270; ,"Zalda
Steward .264a Claiertee Swan,245;: M.
-Bitahi.e .244; Haien, JalanstOne 2,40;
Mary •Strathete '037: .1.ataaa-Gartion"
.Struthers .218; Rtkinin -13-asarell 213;
Jean `Macintosh ' jack )311:atm
201; , j..ean'Str*theisygOo; Donald Mc-
Kintoa: 260. ' Bela* Peat Jewitt
185; Brice MacMii1n Alpi 'Beulah
Black .163; June ,'Collyer 1.44; David
Jewitt 13; Marg et Rae 119; Ma,
Johnston. 52._ ' •
-Jr. I: Pos,sible , arks .,245. ,Honors
184.. rasa .147. ats.Ettit:, Belle
254, J. C. johston 225; J. 0. :Arfh
strong p22;' JeiiiialWari 215; ' Doris
Ritabio, gap ractla 4P4ters9n, 2,04, 1,1.
•Pearlmitra .2001- - Yearn', Whitby 199;
:Weed/ nald 237,4',..,a1lart4et a Whitley
.Joan Parker 189. Vernon Naalor• 189.
Pais-Garden steward 182; tuaraorm.
;:(2:4-6a.'" •
'1WALL -PATE:R.-A full . line of. -1,92?
, Wall Paper on hand.' :Prices from 8c
up. I am also agent for leading Joh
*houses. -R. J. ,Cameron, , Decorator
Painter ,and ',Grainer, Box 174 Luck-
-• LOGS. wArdpo
., We, the undetsigried, hereby an-
. nounce that we are in the market to
*buy all ,kinds of logs asaitable ' fora
•',"-altitaberritatdata.40 requireahe lumber
for : out, furniture. factory, • We are in
„ position topay' the highest market
limes.Inletting us have the mater-
ial -you are encearaging lionte indus-
• try. For aarticulats 'call us by phone
••• or call at out officea4Tha Lueknow,
...Table Co. -J. Button, Man.• ,
••• :RAW FURS -i :ani 'Paying highest
•'• !market price for all kinds of raw
, Blitzistein.• Phone 18, Luck-
•.' now. • - • ' • • . .(10-11-tf)
WANTED -Girl for ,up -stairs Work
at The. -Cain House, . Lucknow..
;4 ,uoto, :f.er.the'aly ',,ef'..laitimeWa,lef
•New York an Jam 201.h .for. the *Wes
ladies cruise,: sailing on the. C.P.S
.316rittaYal: •,
-:.Valentiries. ',The day will ' soot -b
here ahd Our stack is new and -can
plete. • It iaCtudes pest eards, greet
ing cards, table napkins ' and deeeig
tion, and Valentines: The, priee
from lc: to 75e... at, •IVIcKim's Dru
9,1d.; man Witter has been .getting
-down isca business the 'peat week; ap
we have had •what we eall "old tiM
Winter weatherak • They appear t
liave hect:a lot of storm , and bar
fi•ost: 'brig ago.. Well, there has bee
quite a lot of storm lately, and Mo
rlaa rho'ining the mercury ;Wept dow
'In Sturdays Gleba"- We noticed the
'smiling face of Miss Estclyn -Craw,
daughter Of Rev'. and ;Mrs. Craw
.FOR • RENTAL-10O3'e grass
,fatM,. Well watered, one mile east of
the village. 'Apply to P. H. TOrance.,
North /Ray, Ont. ' ' (19-1-tC
FOR SAtE.---GOod., dry, 18 -inch,
..svoe'.d; Price$3.7a per cord. -James
Vitiator. • '
,FARM : FOR SALE-15e-acre.farit •
'Aailifield:--Foraparticulars-apply to
Joan •Parrish, R.R.•7, 'Jackpot,:
• ' (294:p)
"". •
'FOR SALE.Giudi'll'otatehar'Young
born' April; 1927. Ready fof
spring setviee. His dam • gives 280
" • qtraits. Of milk, and .14'.1bs: butter in
..Vilays. He is a beauty. Pride $150..
•-aArchie , • MacAllister, , Duntreon
•Orita-R.R. 1., Simcoe. Co.' a •
• Ateriotq SALE.
Feeding Cattle at Geo. Ball's,
; Fatm,.10th Co. Culross;oo Monday,.
February 6th, cornmenchig at. One
o'lock tam 40 one and two -year -010
'heifers. Terms --Six ineatl•is' credit. -
Purvis, Aue.
We, the ,undersigned, do .rnutually:
;agree that the within Mentioned part-
nership be; • and the same is hereby
dissolved, except foa, the • purpose of '
liquidation and sattlarrient of the
bueiness thereof and upon such settle-
ment wholly. to ' cease and ',determine.
• Witness our ,hatids and seals,. thi„.
5tii• day Of January, nineteen' hun-
• dred nnd tvidatraeight. - a •
•-----L"WmaaP.:Reed,440.hit 'SaWYer:-.
• • In view of the above, all acoutta
Owing the above fitm mutt be paid Os
or before • February lsts• logs, other,
• wise they. will be put in 'other Aiands
for colledtiOn.: • '
town, The pietute was Published'
, . , .
..:annection with. the report of .an or
tOricat .contest, . conducted by the T
ionto Women' s Liberal ChM, •
317111C/1:1%* CO*, WOjd 'first •hopo
She wia the only lady -saeaker,'
:other eight competitors beipg. you
•a 0 ea-- •
Under auspices Of the; ladies
Paraitoupt .U.F.W.O. Clair. an, -
'tilt eidail'ce-will be gavai in. the To
.11"111, Lueknote, on , Friday, Feb, 3
,Danaing at 8.30. Ripley., Otehest
Good, lunch, ''Couple $1.90. EXt
,ady and gallery 25c -Mi C. live
iiscussion Of business arising out oa
he minutes, .Mrs. 'BueWell„read
excellent -Paper on: the
trio01 °West thou Onto niy Lotd.",
The United •ChuiCh of Canada stif-
•fered a heavy lose in'the destruction
by fire,. early Monday • morning, • ',Of..
the' Metropebtan • Church Toronto
. The .inaterial, loss is Put at, a half.,
building with a ntunher.of,costly•Me-
,porialawindetae„ a fpricelesp", ;pipe •
„organ and.,maay highly_valued things
,Which cannot- bo :replsteedaaTheattlusie,
of: -the fires, is • unknown, : Opt there" is
rid,'-ceitajnty that it .""Was'anot of' in- •
Ceridrary It is hiated" that the ,
tirebug.who destroyed: a 'number of
latge, Raman Catholic ' churches in
Quebec. • in the; l'eat two 'years, is, not
bout to try his criminal hand • en
the :Ontario churchesa • •
a!' Mr. Rego Lavia was home from
Kincardine .aver Sanday.
. Mrs. Biggar of :Gtiaraby, and Mrs.
§nOradea-, and sail Ernest - Grand
yalley,..were recent visitors with ,Mt.
and Mis. 'George McRoberts....
Mis.• Cameroa is spending a :few
lays •with her daughter, Mts. James
Douglas, at Mitchell. a' •
, The regular meeting of the W.M.S.,
of the United dburt.haw,ill be held„at
the home .of ,Mrs. John Webster , 'on
Wednesday, Feb. 8th. The chanter
,roni the Study,ftook will be in charge
'f Mrs. Will Webster, and, the. Bible
Readingc. Mark lat, in charge of Mrs.
Gordon. 'Roll Cull -West Africa.,
.AIIm 181; „ Anna :Fialaysors 179. ,Bea
Icar. Pasaaarionald Finlayson
Buswell 124; Keith Collyer118; 'John
K. MacKenzie .664,,a Jack Henderson
36; Fred Peek 31. •
All those avislithg to jinn the lati
now Choral Society kindly attend
neXt practice, • Tuesday, yebruaxy.
at 8 'p.m; in the Coattail •Chatib
Fees are 75cand for llJ stude
o'r Jr, Farmers . or ntembeis of Jr:
ltitute 50c.
After. a. series •of brilliant theto
tucknovea junior hockey team •
defeat at : Winaltam • in 'a Ju
alseigue. game 'Morality night: • W
ham has a strOng. teamsad, on t
Own'ice Pretettea• a hatd Pro.pasi
Theaagete4 Was 6-6 for
In fairness-, to tho' Lack -new L.bey
-alletfld he' said that:One' oa, the -
players Weaa'undor the •weather"
gda redly able..te play .at. all,' alth
In -
Covering et, Wide- field of, oetdoor
- ..tictivitleda-the February -is*he-rif Rocl
and. Gun 'arid panadtan-SilYer iox
New, Ant pablished, is an diteeta
tonally interesting member., Bonny
castle Dale, Well 'known writet for•
•the mea",fazifte,, this month. contribute
an tuanally-*interestiag ' story or
hunting brant On the Pacific .itad At
lantie ceasts,'' An enlifttening
ctuelon of the 'Rainy Lake damming
;;°P°81tlei. e°141"4.0br Arthur
itV4i9.41 :
hi otr
m II
- Sr. ,II: Possible 420. Honors 315.
.Parker ,.378;,
Kathleen " Macintosh 377; . Eileent
Johnston 13724-:. „fliantlie , Fisher 358;
Audrey Horatta;56r. .Bertha BrOWn
6:47; >. ;aean-44.:*-Miteeonald---34-3; Aud
A.ey •Hendekeithr 1,34; Alfred Arhi-
Strong 332..a",dtallani Sherriff '328a Joy:
Hentlersini.,3.27aa',..Reaford Ostrander,
Thomas Somerville Died At'-C,Sagill.a-
,Pieneer Of ',West Wittaantislt..
, .
a The, funeral liete•on MeadaY after.;.'
teen ef the late: ThOnias`•Semetville
reealled many in plei5pow and the
$i.,141erni diatrict , the early ,- days
when ',North Buren apd,SeatlaBruee.
Wgre,still `The Queen's Buslaa clear;
in"0, 0,011410as were in full swing and
eivilized,conditions :Were alOWlydeveloping in the 'primeval' 'forest: In
gays now • forgotten by ,the genera-'
tion which now° occupies the stage of
husineas life, the late Mr. Somerville
was .an ,enterprising and 'active busi-
ness manir. thispart.Twentyyears
ago, when he had already passed the •
allotted span of three score years and
ten;. he watt to Cargill.to Make 'his
home with .a. daughter, Mrs: Math-
ews, and he died there last Friday
night, as the result of a Stroke.
Thomas peneett Soraeryilleato give'
la-s-fula.naMe, was born ipaDunferma
line; Scotland, 93 years ago. In Aag-
ust. of 1841 be cense with his parenti
•to Canada, the fernilY setUing for a
time- at Dundas, Ont. When the
Queen's /WA was opened to settle-
ment, be, with his :brother; James
came to the 'icinity of St. -Helene.
That would be in the early Fifties.
The -Somerville: boya. appear to have
been possessed of More than ordin-
ary enterprise, ,and on a. small 'water-^
• , . , .
newer pear St: Helensthey }milt and
°Petaled: a -Paw mill and grist
..325a "Pasitaatettaarda• Vehatera=:60-1;--
Catherite Hunter 299; ',Margaret
Baker 298*;• Norman :', Taylor ' 286;
George, Whitby 275; ..liareld, Ritchie
!rmicea' Arnistrinig 266*;, Mur-
iel Selomop, '250s; Edwina'Whitley
236; Howard Johnston 195.. • a
Jr, la; POssibt 380; Honors: 285.
Pass 230. Holt s -:-Jessie:
on aPa(04.,...aGitylita •-273;.
'leek McLeod, -268; • Hilda • Twamley\
266; :DenaldSmith .253; Christine-,
Haver* 246.;„" Aylmer Aitchison 243.
Below Posia-Arlerie ° Jewett ' 225;'
Mari Webster 222; Harold,Thompson
211; • Jack MacDonald 210; Jennie
Pearlman 189; Grace 'Webster 1504';
ary elaiari-150TPear1- Swan :142.
These marked ,;•(*) have missed at
• Mrs. Allister' Hughes. of liolyrood;
Weekend. ; visitor with her bro7
tiler, McKenzie and km. Webb.
Word was reeeived on Saturday' of
the death :of .Mr. Thos. Somerville
Cargill.' Mr. Somerville was a highly
a ,
cespected residept of this vicinity for
fifty years, before going ,to lire
at Cargill in lb-OVTI-l-alricletal.--ftom-
• 'Preabyteriat Church,la 'Monday; was attended by many
31d friende.from here...
. The main feature of ' the Young
People's meeting belt! on Friday eve -
Ping was the debate."Resolvea that
is aid edinand did 1_141_ be'o-t.
Canada effete greater' ,opportunities
or the young Mari than the United
States.". Messia. Lorne and Wilson:
Woods upheld the affirraitive,, while
Messrs. Stanley. Todd and Wm.' Cul-
bert took the ,negative. ,; The, judges,
Miss Mary Murray, Mrs. . Wallace
Miller and Mt: Archie McKinney,
tave theft. deeiaien in favor. of the
affirmative: Rev.. H. G. Whitfield, as
critic, congratulated the debaters; and
aave 'a fes ,helpful Puggestions. 'The
:text Meeting to be, .held on Friday
`evening, February 3rd, Will be in
charge. of,, Mrs. Stewart and Miss
Miltray, the sabjeetabeing "How and
What to R.eltcli" '
Mrs. aJohn ! Button ; of a.„. Herschel,
Sask.., .visited her br,other, 'Mr. John
Barr, the past Week. •
We are glad to see Mrs, Tom Har -
vas honte ageih. She is • imptOvitg
Alga- ifeerasTaziep-,anoadOuhaaa'aaas,
Alf Wingiiatr,Midlaiektia* ,A114
tied 'for -first place, home attd,b
games' will he played to decide
tera bf the ,groula.
,Ctaite 'number were Over
'1.'116i:tow to 'Witness. what proV
be the' pi:Vtif,gante aeriee
by ,the Way; It was .a Lilekneut
now at' Wirighsat High Sch
Thompson, who 13e0t0(1 five " Of
goats made, by Winglata:
. • Room 111
. .
Sr. *III; Honors -E.- Brown .97; M.,
Ritchie .95; S.' Collyer ,92; M: •Mac-
Donald 92; .1. Wilson 90: D. Mac-
Doneld, 79; M. Henderson ' 78; IC:
tkiraa,2... ,
ii -d TiiirTir-Arnitii:X6 ertaitaiid--
f,•• our boys:" who • have had, alt red the t.aception in Ripley in honor,
1 ,
Fettle 77.; C. ArMstreng
71 Pass-
ir Cousins 74; M. Johnston 73; S.
Cameron 70; D. Clarke 70; .A. Wilson
70; J. Fisher 68; E. Solomon 68.: Be-
low • Pass -F. 1V/elm-les .49*; O. Fin-
layson 45*; D. Horne 45.'
Newton 80; J..
White 18. Pass -L. Horns. 731 J. Mc-
Call 71. E. Agar 66. Eaailiine: 65. G. •
Ioynt 02; B Solomon02; I. Douglas
61; J. McMillan 60; M. Johnston 60.
BeloW,Peas-aaI. Hamilton '51;, C.. Fin-
layson 56; B. MacKenzie 55; D.
Thomson' '53; F. Webster 53; V,
Steward '62; E. Whitby 52; ' A. Mac-
,Iiitosh 50; C. Jewitt .4e1 Mac-
Kenzie, 46; • T; adielienald 35; P.
MacMillan: 34; E. Webster 34; „M:
''.6tiniev, 26*. •'
Those Merited thus (a) have been
absent for one or more tests. ' . •
1VI. acCallurn.
County. %notate- was engaged in' the
opktation of this mill throughout, his
business ..ciaver. ' Jamas Was 1at4t:aea
tivelya-associated-,with. thea_devetOP.-
ment and the business life. of Luck.
low, and for a ,time he represented.
..;East Bruce In the 'Dominion Parlia-
sINGLR ctr.glEa- cENTII
0. , •e,' Bread,
011,7‘ p t: . * Breade 4 . l t. h. . , . of Health
0u R m 0as,4,0 /a0
. 41T:a .. AND --.. SERYIPE...
a .:..0
Our Quality' Home- atle,„Whole Wheat and Raisin Bread is the loaf
, • , • - 'that's all puta" " '
* - ,
SPECIALS ' - • , • •
, Walnut- Maple Tarts; Dateirriaagles, Jelly Rolls, Iced Rolls, Rose
" .;.... 'Tarts, Chelsea Buns,: litaisira•Pies, :Strawberry 'Tartlets.,
' -- - . ILucknow
Phone 3
IS 'COMPLETE. • , ' ' • • • ' •
, •
,Shirting, light oradark, at 32e'a 35e. 38C, 40c per yard..
Broadcloth, Galateasi'' Prints. On, gliaass,' Sheeting,: 56e,
60e; 65e, 70c, .72e.,• 75e and 85c, per Yard. '
Pillow Cloth, 35c; 38e and- .55eper yard. ,
,Towellings, 25e, 28c, 32c, 33e; 35c; :38c . and '42c•pci yard
Striped or 'Plain' Colionade, heavy and Medium weight.'
These are all standard linea; and the heatl'fahreS produced by our
Canadian inilis. on ,display at Our \Store. ' — '
• In 1863 Thomas was married to
Miss Jane ...aaichelson. She died 43.
years , ago. :., They had it family'? of
nine -two 'ions and Seven.' daughtars,
.all of whom Are. TheY .
Robert :Of KarnlooPs,, B.C,;. Horace P.
•in . Alberta; Miss Mary Somerville;
Rochester, "N.Y.; , MiSs* Bell Someia
Toronto: Mrs. 'Wm: Moody,
Elora; Mrs.. Thomas Halliday, Ham-
ilton; Mrs. Hervey Andetson, Lon-
don; Mrea James Spindler,
-Minn.; Mrs.. Wm., Madams, Cargill.
The remains were brought here on
Monday. afternoon :for interment.' in
Kinloss Cemetery. A funeral service
was held ,iti the Ptisbyterien. Church
here, arta Was attended by 'many who
were friends of the deceased in days
:lore by. ,The Rev. C. H. MaeDonald,,
Conducted the service:
a, The late Mr. Somerville,. a Liberal
of the old school; evidently had ,as
'hobby the 'reading and preservation
. The Globe. newspaper. • It is said
that he obtained' a 'copy of. the .first
isste.of The Globe and of every sub-
sequent issue; and that ha had on file.
..a copy of every issue until. the . day
�fhis death iliraulleatlatiatupthers
about 26 thousand copies,, and would
fill a good-sized room:,
aractie,c_ in Much smaller of -Ora and Mts. MadDeod.--
time •
ed te
• the
Mr.' and:Mrs, Will JaakSon -spent
Sunday at Mr DickerisOn'a,
Mr: Will McKenzie. *tin has. been
laid. tilt for the ,past. three weeks', we
are eorry ,,tct .reportr. is "tat Making
much Piogreas towards :recovery.' •
Rev; xvi MoDOnaid of SeetoSh*
AVIt.:Xerr,of4tratierdilir...,Ja andW
McDonald otaEribro, Mr, %WRY of
,Thanseilfera, Mrs.. ,111111er of Sebrinip
etidaded, the taleeall)f the late
vo, 10,0vons
Room rya,.
Sr. IV: Boit -G MacDonald 87;
Henderson 85; A.• MacKenzie 83;
R.- Finlaysora. L. Naylor and M. Mac-
Intosh. 71; , W. Armstrong 70; E..
Smith 75.. Pass.M. MacDonald and
E.' Thompson 74; MacMillan '73;
S. Steward' 67; 'P. MacKenzie 63; H.
Swan ' 60; L. 'Webster 59";: ltfullit
• -Jr. IV; Collyer 86; M.
Ma -Mahon pass -
Lad'. Henderson 74; McLeod 'hi:.
B. a ThOmPsOn and M. Halt iltoo "68;
D. Dotiglas 67; b. Nixon' 06; E. Bak
Of 65; G. Webster 64, R. *Mullin (12'.
beltaV-1,6670.0., Johhatena 58;,- .W.
--• Adam, MacDonald ,
• One ef the oldest residents. of Kit -
loss Township' passed away on Von-
deY; January 23rd; •in the 'person of
Ann Munro widow of the late •Adam
MacDonald.. 'Mrs. MacDonald. was,
:born in Zetra. Township in. the year,
1834; the sixth daughter' of Alexan-
der Munro and 'Jane McKay, who had
Come out from Sutherlaiidshire; Scot-
land, to 'Zonal. In the. year 1830.
On the 9th 'day. of May 1862 she
married: AdamMacDonald, and to-
gether the young couple loft ..for • the
Queen' S Mush, travelling as far as
Goderich by rail, and reaching Luck -
now by. stage. Pront'Lucknow they
• walked nOrtlite the .Sixth concession,
t0. the farm on .which she spent al,
most' sixty-six.years,
and a •firit "'faith . in God, they
beganthe task of hewing out their
,homp .from the virgin forest: Their
home became known as a home. of
aeatstailding ",liaisagattlitY,. • Oven hta a
. r
Thete, is such a difference in
-;Glaeies. , Our .aint in every Case
IS to give *just the right .Lerise.
not something .near but
just right We. take,. great pains
itith • every ' case.. Our Lease stock--
CPMPlete and of the, vera hest
- a We cite tharoughly satisfy you
if yoti lei us do your optical :worlk.
. . '
You need -good glasses. We have
theM. See us about your eye"!
and improve your -sight. • a
Any broken: Lense duplicated:.
...heir wither. In the year 1901. Jane,
Mrs. Ben. Hughes, passed on to the
1; 1912 Mr MacDonald,
•life, :also 'passed an to his reward,
and • in .1920. John, the only son 'alse.
died N.teiy staiderilY. From that :tiMe-
fOrward ,Mre... MacDonald lived with.
Aheuri.stt;ewroil' ug;ahnesd.childreia. Annie and
• Mrs. MacDOneld was it ,woman 'of
deep and anicere piety. Her deepre-
ligious convictions . were Jived out in
her •everyday life, and her closing
days of life were. just the serene end
of one whose laith had been. unway-
erapg throughout a long life. -
The inners' Service was held at
herlateresidence on Wednesday 25,
conducted by Rev., J. A.. James, as•,;
sisted by Rev. W. D: MacDonald,. of
nephew. .Thar burial
was .in the family Plot at South Kin-.
'."CeinetetY. -;The pall-ahearers
John MacKinnen,.. Tyndall- Robinson,
Gebrge. White and • Ross MacMillan.
Friends from a diataace . attending,
athe fun'etal were .Mrs. Andrew Mil-
anda Cluirlesia
761gPierVar M McKay,
.ThameSforda Andrew Kerr, Embro.-;
Mra.and. Mrs. D. Askin, Riversdale
Ray, W.: D4'10eDOnald, SelifOrM
Artnatreni-661'-lal*In---44437-aiiiciilt-' 'community -Where- hosaltalat,Ya-wasathea
$t°n• 544- r... cousins .52;,.x. oaigern isle' and not the exception..
51; H. Greer 45; F. Steward 43:
it- - 'Id -1)-- diffiCid t 'aa 'n what'
K. mattorrad: wot,1 ! , , 6 3' 1 .;
, sphere _ of life this most estimable
.whatstiev,er her hands found to do,
' In . the beautiful *etas ' of the Wise
man as recorded in ProVerlieWa10-31.
-zeal and „energy • were aPparent in „.
.wom nitd,ailuapia. *as most outstanding. Her
her • whole, lite was. beautifully aum-
,: a
:The Young Peopleuf ,the* United
Cluireh, 43eryie, will present the play
"CyalOne Sally" inthe basement o
the ,Aaglican •Churehkinlough, th
evening of'Thillitlay, Peb Oth, iihdet
attspices of the ,Women's Alas:Mary.
Program "et 8 egoelc. 44mise,mt 366 (1.
11.40 rain Chocks issued '
• for Billiards. You ran
• ImiaT a gam° night • as
day •in any weather. any ,
• rowan of l the- year7-and
never tire of thi's greatest
• indoor pastime'. espoossRy
when played on our mod-
ern Brunswick equipment.
ack.Cain s Billiard Room
. A Gottitnat'f Game
TO Mr: and Mrs. Marl:Wald there
were born tWo'. children, John and
nt 01/B, tisk, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs
Tonsilitis, for Cough, Broatehitia.
roup,.Gaterrh, Whooping..cough
Quinsy, Sere threata arid ta
hies. Restilta good er m6ney back,-
v , ,410,4 both ot whom pre4eaukat4 NclUm's thus
1444 Siam
14,7,,11 •
• :Douglas . MacLean. in ,
n ,bctima-Centeda of _ the
United States Marine' Carps.
Zane Grey's
rowan CON. KINLoss
, idis *Alija' Itobettaim of Purple '
Grove, is spending' a few. days with • `..,'
Mri. 'B. • Brackenridae.
. Mr. Dan Thohipson lost7's valuable,
-11-0-16-1" t-Weeltaa-•-• - , • ., ,.--4.- a...
'a Mr. e'en, 'Rabb is spending '" -the':
week, ipn Teestvatee. .. f
' Airs. b. McKinnon (4th Cen.); who '
has been Very siek • with quinsaa 'in*
:100 .11.110.iii41... - ,_ ._ a
aere attended, the annual sateetitg; of
be Telephete de:- in Rialey, -orilkuts=
.fhe yontga peOplea on the:" .Etittatit'
Rio. pradticiag fora -Play, 'to 'be pre.,
sented it the tear $itute
• Wh..
Mts. Button, o Is here strata the
West, IA vis4ing with her ,' sister.
Mte, John PaVia.
. A number -of --frienda-front:a-Wood. •;_---
stOcii atteaded the 'funeral of " thg •
laic Xis. Mam Xikr,Doold,