HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-19, Page 8Arils Are aVq the finest qt,iality it is possible to get: Listows el" or Sweateis, Scarfs', Capsi or Fine Vat% - ' "Buffald!" is thebesf Scotch Fingering we know., of and any one 4ho has used it will tell you the Sarne. eeling' *Yarn in different' shade§ }lighest . .... 4 I .grade.m.Canada, Ladies' aitid Children's IlnderWearat Popular Prices 'uriply_ Of Large Crock's .are noW in stoc -; ready fp paOking meats: • • GOOD. BROOM IN STOCK* BY'S VARIL3TY STOR ,LucKNoiv,• ONTARIO tTsuafly' you . .• . can tell by just look-. It isn't, the location tiiat make's • a Ing at a intin.that he hair faith in the hick, -but the conviction that his loce- 4:efficiency of•muntard•eplaster. ,tion is the centre a civilization. „4,7„144 ^ • • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL t IfintSDAY 4ANIJ,A10 19th 1928 4,1 rOgnER 111.jirifOrpeeted*bereaYerrient, . DeceaVal was iviAs pi** AT. .woa.er n be IJoited, chtlfcla. ' at .•Caranduff,' where intermeirk, t;ooll • Pn Tuesday, January 3rd, the death place. ,Foraner friendi.here.avill be, of 'George .Wileeo, aged 44 years, o- .Sorry,.,to learn 'et this Yeling. moo's' eurred at Proadon qenerr.1 Hospital Paaslyg; after • g three ,weeks nines's. froM1 sleeping sikness• • }Ie was a former'ii ' resident of .;IJuoi ToyinshiPt. '.13e1*.Canada has one institutionat, least. 'the soli' of the late .Tho%WilsorC6tli; tha-i“Conapares• favorably ..with any, . . .oncessien.':' BUS; Wilson, Ins motheri thing of the kind the world OVer..c It, 'refl"t is that great:weel0"paPer The :Farn,- learhirig, of his illness and was there • • • lie'iaseed 11Y:: :1.;T:.°41114, 44, 4 ,tar left ,Uuron • about "tirmitt.years agO Monttl;iiith ts 72 i'ages 'each drat .going'to "Vancouver; ..f1Q: "From ,vre94',.0„ •,(11•01cOs.t- material„ . , • _ , , , there he returned, to•Matutoha sett i4 and • all or/ One dollar a year !It iS lag .at 'Carancli.,14"abo'st 4' lion's,: low. its .0-'ilifyirs fifl it” 'to He Was a. young men Of fine'. • . ••• • ' • .• - • . • - • pages with such interestmg and val, 'Ontstanding. dualities 'Mid while here, , was one. r',A the active 'Workers uable news stories, farrinews, 'and Bethel hurch 11e xnarried, 1'iis handxedaof other4.641:1=res • 'thek •Mortia: of. Nesbit, Man, They lhave '•Please,a.nd: delight. Ats great .Srosy'.ef: ' Wife, and 'readers,' every "Week. There ..are thou •MOtber; the following .,brother e ,sdlids, Or _mles in Canada •* eye that sisters are -left to mourn his less great paper his been 'd regalar 'visit-. 'Wellington, and William; c,arandufi; or from . generation to, ...generation. 'Mrs.., °J., H. Martinson,'Vinnipeg; r.iie Family Heraldthas been a monog,,, mrs: Burden, Sioux City, Tewa; 'Mtsmaker ate ',.1•••.•••••••;r4,*,1 .,,saver :• to its Wishart, Tanipa; Via.; trs Forres-' readers, in a ter, Waterloo, arid:Mrs..' James Far- year's subscription as the best investrejl, 6th of Huron. To thoethe Sym, •inent any. 'family can Make; It is •Patht•02 a large6eircle of .friends is said. to, have one million" -readers in extended' in their 'sudden and ,unex.- the 'Dorairiion. . • , r Tlli$'1V1411, A PAO ACTOR Tile Wancerten TOleAeofie Ilad the following;" " • .. C4r1e2. SheWell, the Bentine17 fanner, aententedt .three weeks, ago to four monthi in the Ontario Rotor. matory, after being comnetea of an indedent aisahlt ,upori 'A woman Chesley,' was Ifforre. •IdagistrAte- inast Was char,ged with. pnichasing tWo. doctors 'it .0hes1ey,, •a • . • „ ,cp*r.itity f 1iuor and 'pleaded. gull, , " The court him. $10 • : fined and . . .. „, -,eosts, tOtal of $1,s13,50,2'Witii,the •op -o, .tinn of ten.c.15.s Jail: As .the loan- tence :is to .rim concurrently. With • the 0110 he ab nor serving;m9 cash enter - •ed into the tranSoction..• The medical' Who„ "fell" for -Shewell's story abiait the liqUor being reduired by hlsicka .Wif;1We'tondit°C1191se,thse4cle':16.•QDectni.: tetit OfOO• jt -appears that few people have ,flinailiari;e4 thernsoAveir with the Liquor 'dontrol., Act, but ,One of its :provisions 15 that no physician shall administer liquor to a; patient' whom he hos net, seen or visited. pro,: 'fessionallY, and what • was. peffeetlY _ • prOper. and •legal :under the, 0-114t.' has noW become an oirenee. ir!rrrftri jr (Jr ifft[ trrfr ritr oito rrrr riffr rr..rr frrririfr..trfrir firrrf.,rr.fr. tjr tr-ft frurr.r. Lon. WIN A HUGE CASH PRZE! ABSOLUTE LY FREE! • ;T(T HAVE 5 OPPORTUNITIES TO WIN A SHARE �i' THIS GREAT CASI J3OINTY . , ie4citi a doer 60 a dreanier'l Do yoU want.11111oce,ssand happiness'/ Do yo u Want si.eplastantial • to give You 'a,start ,on the tread, to "fame , and ,fortUne?„ Then enter. ,The,.LOndon AaVertisepe Plftilee Puzzle 'Fun ,Game , todak. , Enter and start right:WON.' !Ifled,and freitlY ;to: Will: $1,50000 as yoor•ohifiri•Oi thir,pl1Zefl1Ofl&Y V�uThave 25 OPportUni.; 'ties to get:in Onjth,e.divisiOn. of the cash. The '12 -Word" Picture. Puzzle. la a teat , find,vieible,objectii, illuetrated ,in'therP,icture, ,the •nattiel cif -which, ,start^ With' the elni le interesting edlicatiOnalaind, Worth -W1i116.,'-•„Oash •prizes- • awarded In, .00Zzie, game, wpc.lie oeWa, ded ,to the fortunate winners on..or about March. 10. There are no tricks to It. fher'wila, n'othing .di Moult' or hard.to Understand. The iarge Pictui-e• above containa a- number of objectbeginnin'a with the letter "P." The cibjects' have been , so clearly drawn as not to involve guess,ng„ „You will find all sorts of things•that begin With the letter.."P," like "Pennant," "Pigs," ."Parachute," "Piano," "Parasol " etc See .how man ' you can findNothing is hidden,. and you don't have to turn, ,the picture upside down 6r side- . ef skill to 'wise. Weare publishing this' large p.cture so that all objecti-whose,-names-begin-vilh-the. letter "P..""....- -,:letter--"P"Iwilrbe easy to -see and net require any guessing. TWenty-flve. cash. pi izes wire, 'be , this great., •,•• ' given for the 25 best -lists of words subMitted in answer to this puzzle. Start,"noW-and win • ; , , . , .. , a big share of the.$3,000 prize rnaney1 , • : ,. • , *.$1,500-13.0610:The...", 4. ver sees 3,00 as Prize List '.:f-lere you are, :folks, -,the big prize aWards..•Wirinlag ansWert ilecelve cash Pl'izes ace6rding to the table beloW. flemem- ber-a. ittralified:,WinnOr gate the largest amounts. Alm for the *i,500,a,Wardi • • • . o • • 37: .08} w• 25 GRAND PRIZES 1st Prize znd Pitie 3rd Trite Prize,„ 7th :Prize 13'11r•Py ze.t 9th 'Prize • 7.50 loth Prize 7.50 410 ,to 25th Prize:2.00 1 orronalvei •44a g z 5,4 iNt $35.90 ' 25.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 1().00 7.50 C .t; •-• 10 , .N — - $500.00• $1,500.00 250:00 , 500.'00 100.00 - 200.00 50.00 . 106.00 ; ,1490.qcv, 5000 100.00 • 723.00 5.9.130 25:00 • 50.00 25.00 , 5000 - 5.00,, - 20..00 n prd" Fun Game Today! Now! ULES Thes_e_Easy_RulesiTell-You4hat.Words-tO-Use and-WhatiVords -No-17'th I ......„...,— Use in The 'London Advertiser's, Faspinnting. Picture Ptizz:e Fu ti Gam!, . , a tie for -any' prize ft. er. d • wny, e ' two Or mor c Voir, have the same nUrnber ui correctand till, same • noii,rer • of.' in. civ- rect wo; de., the' full amount of .t..e p . so'. tied for ifil,11. be awardo:A to 94101 1. Any, man, woman, girl or boy ra. , versa. 't he'Words Must name objects seed" in the. picture. To.aolVe the Puzzle your list of . "P.words" MUST name ,only objects which have been so cleat ly Illustrated In ,thd picture as net tcl iH valve guehsing.' ' . 6. 'T.he ansWer haVing the largest and nearest. correct' list of words will be awarded first;prite.• T,he secon.d Mrgest list of correct words '111 alUarded • Second 'prize, • And so ori throughtnit the , list until all the prizes haVe bean 'award". ed. Misspelled words Mr counted' • • ..--:.,.- • . ,Words , of the same, ePelliril.` 'maY, used -Only once, even. though. used'. ' designate .different Objects, he same_ object can be named only, once; ttlti object .to named may 'contain ad .one. or more of its .parts other Ob'jects' whith , may ,AlsO be named. • S. Candidates May, co-operate En !solving -the puzzle,. but only on Prize .„ Will be .awarded to any .ons .household; nos- will prizes, be -aWa rad to'hiere vitt one of any 'group, outs.de-" the 'airily,' Where,,twS1 _or. rfulee hfiVe together. • . . 0 in c5se tie irestrIts in two nag ,MOrds., the list'having the ;fewest errors "lUfeta iVe the prize. In the event Of siding anywhere in Ontarto autsicle . of the City of. London and immediate ' auburba (that Is, all territory not cov- ered by London Advertiser' r city. deliv- ery). .who Is not In the employ of The London Advertiser nor a' member of .an• employee's..family, may. submit An ans- War, It. costs nothing to try, . , 2„ All answers must be 'Malted by Saturday. February.4, cod adcrresse'd to the Puzzle Manager, The vertiser, London, ,Ontario, 3. _ Answers should be.written on 'one side of the paper only and, words num- bOreil 66nifiefitWelY, 1,2, -5:ite.--NITirfa-- Your f,Car liaihe and. address 'on • each ' s ' • page, in the' upper right-hand teener. If .you desire to write anything else, use a separate heet., 4. PrIzvlemess who have Won $200 or, more In any airnnan puzzle contest cOn. ducted., by any publication Irt Canada are: not, eligible to participate in, this contest. • • - 5. Only aLitt•Lworda comMencinci With ` the-I:otter "Prr. as, are 'found In Web- ster's _Dicttonany_may_be _uaed. Do not use_15-9-phenite4777b-ifilptsund' 70)3-15"BrizTeW- words. Where the singular. Is stiacd; the plueal, Cannot. be •cotinted, and,. vice ic;Svbsriptons (both • now and' re. newal„ by. mad ,or carrier., be a:- cepted, Whi re .the',pege,r is to 'be .i.id- livere'd by t,arr,er. tno, prop Iii1, -oarr,er rate of. that, partitt,10 • 11. All antiwOra to this". putzle wfli;rol-• . t ant ci-co t vorr:whither;-' • they are ie.:pail:len:0d ,frY euotertiAtion ur ,12.At the cote.• ,th.e..PUZzie..Ganie, ..The London AtlyfetiPer will 60-tiby ls ria•d tea,,h0 t Of, Lomian, W 10 'w1(1. 4neek, Ail tderdOt ind incOreott words, Prizte W;11 he aWeetted • lerinittlia•tllye'altanswsrs , Ve *been .dhark ch,•••ai,d partieip,ahte•b;• Salidiq0 ' their anriv,erS ' tr.:re - CILJSIVe., • • start chaklng nsseon Frran, of, r,,z4witittkij -,of,-.words,-w•11ee" • publiely d • in The' London AOVertla.Nr, as neon' the'reafter' OOSSihI�.' Extra Copies of thePuzzle 'Picture, Size- 2045, Inches,, Printed. *dearly" On Iligh.Grade E;oor' r"0.--.414113er', ZW4II Ire Mnited-to.Y4u ,,F.teer,OnItequest: A4(Ite-.8g Isozz4 Martat •• • • • ,•• •ALL roowEfor 'must M'AtL.E•b: 'NOT 'L'ATEE TI4AN:,"FEBRUARY'4.- I afifying • b c spt•Oni st , Paid tra vb ce et.$5 a year by. 01411'... IT by corefeet peevailina• fetal ,060,,. .,,v0111 gOveirrn, No oe,peatinaitrire Ceininfselehs: Can be aIowed Welte.11nWitfOr tar& edny. Of the Pule "Plettitre•.tind 'QuapfYleig.-0.ank. • TWO Meatia 'Money td you , , h -Rps LONDQNAD-VggpSf:i:.R:', LONDON. ' "r; r'.. `41 **, .N"". 1110)10) iglOr.ICEr.'•FOIi. THE 1s In4 r4nkrroin,k To*Yrn: Vant Sixty or more $armers.Q Turnbc,t ry, Morris and Howick tewn.ships hs .teiled with deep aPpreciatien and eV! . deilt",tiatisfae..tionto. several .addtesSes, on Hydro ofr 'Forre,#lers!' '11411'' 131neva1e, recent1WH A ieSite. to; btii , hooked' ark w. ith.:*the white. hbcait, to;••be• tenli?0,141t,, is. proposed 'to ta.P., the pow .line' at, thp, foot of; L.01,9 •Piekii.n4.•Aead ‘Wia0111.44and ran le •:-'0uoVale. nna to the •onfSkiita.'6! Wroxeter: 1.1 ;distance - of hhtint • pine niil sill 'requite 'a. miiiinfinia of t*67fltY'. seven •ptitrOns,..4 not impossible thing :when' there are alrekEdy tiite a ,few - signed up,•'.: • , - ...• • .• • , • • • of the . fl. consmas, i�n,,Toronto,niade . Main addresf• c9pAtifpg hibiself t6 l\c idvantages. hydro :offers the. fan -1161'3 . • • and. the concessions made hy the pm, :missionthat,. the fairMer • may' have • tha at a price •,rnore advantageous ,r. • . • " that • paid by residents, Of Urban. Cen!: ,•'•••res. ,Ir4.the first place,' eVery Apality in Ontario' pays a fiat.•rat- jiir-poWer-at7the.'soliree.of:suin4,''fi".• ' `hot it Niaiira, Eugenia, ;or ant 'of he Other . power • /developing eentres Tothis Is added a dhar9;h"'CoVerinp- nropertionate share. of •the Cost of transmitting the power•froy, the gen- ratingoststiOn to the :municipality . . '1,sking or it. TO encourage the. farrn, rs, the 'CoPraiSSIOn pays l 50%. of thr '-ost, of the local traziaMissikin : •I'•veryimportant item; In -other re - meets, they:Are. On .an 'equal footing 'with residen,th'of tiny:urban Centre,he it large ,or•einall.. A farmer is 'asked to .contract for' horse: power,..... the -est Of which -; Would be from $60 to. •8O per yeor-'--aeCording. to .the an••- ount .of energy used. The.rates,would• be -a• service charge of .$4.55' A nionth . • • and .ivehnsitniption: charge. of Sc. and 4.0.t.,OL111%, 1 • being allowed for- rompt paYnient.. Now, What wlirthe. •,!ariner get• feirAliis•-direet.ontlay? He an have • hid ,heriage, • ' yardbarn .'ighted ',will! the •,niinininnt.POSsibilitY. ,.of loss through fire. No Da1 oii, gas.:. "-dine or candle lanterns tobe knocked. • over. just. tnin.a Siciteh .and the place: is,: flooded with , bright; •steadY", safe Tight,. In; addition,: the..;h6rieeWife-can ...enjey equal ,adVantages• • With 'her ."OWh.friend'in'haVing ing''Utensils , as vacciiiri-sweeper. •Yashinginitchine, ttiaitet, iron, -rend a few ease's an electric stove win prove a rreal-TechninnY; • especis I when fuel has t�. be purchased:: Th.e• .three -horse motor. give Pewer to .r.o.m a 'buzz-ziw, :pump Water, turn a .the creaa- epprator, 'Work .the 'churn.: and keep; piper 'and:.tanning.mali••••'4..eing. nut •itis iniabor-SavinqMid safety "hat hydrh pays its • biggest... lends..,• It takes h. let •''of. • •cotinnon. 1rudgery'put of .househOld tontine, as as 'lightening the. •ordinallr• :Work '1?boa1t the:•faria.,•. , • ' • •Mr., .11,...Camphed, ..the_ local Hydro, grilie'.4.:iot of. tisefur.infor,! .ration regarding the cost. of ,idstal•-•. • •'ation in an average • farin prePerty,* N9 twocould' be figured on the .soind owing..to •• difficult 'laYeut.'.of• • ',landings, :and iiiiinher:of1ights and qutlets required; but, . would' be quite . . . . . •iossible, to do all thiswork at : 'an. oVerage 'coat,.'of $3;25 :per outlet for . houses,. and $4.25 ••for baims. Thai, any 'fernier , can easily..estianate. his :apital investment -the 'more lights," •'he higher the cost; • The' rates cluoted.. by -my: pureell • olike • chArge,....of the_eoniplete. !ati�nof thesystem ; the •;,:tolvn, proviCIO.oir its -maintenance„ nd a sinking •fund to a.eplace%it. ..at he 'end 'oi a 'stated period. .In other yordsfit is d real 'co-operative plea, those who use it paying for it The municipalityiinat asked for ono cent; directlyor indir441.-A), their only, .oetion-needed.-..heing to pais a bi,law• lermitting ,the 11. .comrnission, to • utet the pole • . „ • . • o o WINGHAM • , • r,.• hild beenit) p.00Phath4.Ver • inanY years she •Imas 4'fiiithful. and Maat 41t,tentiVe• Official; in. the.., lo'cal post 'office,' when he duties, many a them .eicaeting and tying were 1ullille 1 . with a high sense of respOnsibility and ,With' nnfailing coorteay. Early in December shereturned to Edo -inns, ton. . The. Ornains were brought. , to liVinghaM and•interrnent made In the Winghara,•CerleterYf • , 11.01MROODr, '..1‘fri.! Thomas who, hag been • . . conancil to her bed this pOst‘month,,5'7, . .•. ••• • • • • . ” .11 improViag,., • comminiitY 'oi"'• • 1 deepesi :•.,Ympat.liyiWitlf.m,the friend's and mem- • beis. of the Ddnoyan faraily in their .recentl•bereaVenient,„.the• loss of , their, inether,...Mrs„ Mary ttonevOn. owridotyli .Aoce".it has returned to: ;her "eforral •13,rdiliford,; mr... .and Ernest Ackert were; .$1,uuloy .yisitors•witd:*r:`'Opci I4rs J • • Cntended for last week) '‘ MWs'Pearl congram, 'who wasat }come the pat • we0c, oWing,t� an. at:: :tack' Of thegrippe', has 7resunied her- . duties of teaching. • • '• ••Miss•Katie Kraemer:, who .wai 'itii•g 'her' •ister •Mri t6orge White . • - . has I•eturneff' to London. , • Mr, Rs • • McMillan' is making • ar :general ;:cjean 'Up 'with, his! checker Mrs .Thomas Harris, who is in: the, Kincardine hospital, is doing_ :well, we are gltd,to, report. .Mr. Stewart .I'Mrido of • Ash4e1dris•- engaged, with. Ackert•Dros„ Mrs, McLeari fr9-:11 is visiting her. ,parentsrwir., andMr. Henry. Pierce: • " Mrs. 'Murray of London, is: 'spend-.. • - ,. ing a few days at Mr. Hugh Siather- . 'land's, Allis., Martha, who has. been confined Co bed :with eppenmonia, we bie?•gli'd to report, is doing well:: • 'Mrs..••jaineii•Rose, who has:been' il1; Par' seine time, is iinproying, :though , Last • week , Mr: D. E. McDonald xer,, ^eived• confirmation of a 'reporf that. •te had, been appointed issuer ofmo- ',:or licenses for Wingham, and vicini- a8 successor to Mr. A. G. &filth:" • This. Week. the; licenses come along, 'sr winter inotorists-"-pan ,ifaveL_Witheiit bieaking the *;TItero Passed' aWaY • on Jan.' 4th . ar old and esteemed • iesident,',WitHato -Arbuckle, in hiS 76th vear•':irte war '3otn neer Gia:Sgow Scotland. Ile spent., lie-gr:catcr,..-pait4this•-lite-4h-a•-•fai* ,iine ...3,-,,skort-distance•-from-LW-in g Mr. -and -the,:passing home with'hi daughter,„ Mrs, Ftyfogle.. Word Was ,received here. Ittenday . last week of the death ,of Mks Ail- nie CiuttningS on Sunday in Ed %lung. ton, l,srew 13runswieft. • For „the, .pdst: 3°OumPel.e(it gears ebe had ode : her. 1)with Dr.. and Mrs. LoCkhart 1 been fioine'lor„ severot, months • the pokot soi,onti,? 'OA 'during thAt time epiii7fkrelle116, ge411till tel; ,day: evening.: • • .• . Mrs • Dan IVIacKinn.On ; and '•.little seri Angus of: ,the 6th &no ,Kinloss. . have gone, for h ,3-Vyeeki' . visit with. .Mrs..'"MacKinnon's sister at, Buffile:. - The HolyrOod Women"Institute held their monthly Meeting :at the bh#3tormidmeay.i,:ei.Ja.,.vviiInkr•ls1trPh.iti.A.(jo' gins, on "What offices ..ean a Woman hold , Oratorio:" .A reading `also was given . • by -Mrs.- Fred Thompson on "Life is. more than A recitaponi- `TwO .aides of :the story," Was given by. MrS. J, Hanna and :Mrs...Walter Hod- 9;ins„ and, wasenjeyed, by all, Miss Daisy 'AVICS gave a solo, and instru- mentals were. ;also iven h ,Lexy2, .and • Grace Thompson.. A gift ex- •• chan2V took ,plate at the close. of, the' . 11: oe-T:11,Eitiei.n:";Iri.neteht!nri;:g. ohs%ee dr ;:yyl tL"1, it '1, lweriNa sWered by "Iff•,to_ii could One, more labor-saving'-•deVice, What Would. it " be, and why.?';' The February freetifig will be held at the home of MtEldon Eekenswiller. „ • PARAMOUNT ' Mrs;.MacDonald of Hurtin,',•and Mr. : W. Iteid,..of .Minitoba; w.eie. weekend agusts�fIgr. and Mrs.' 'Eldon }fen- 'cle,;;;is°ns' Amiie Ketchaba» sf Para mortit; is. visitinefriends .in Galt. Mr and •Nrys: Grant Ma?.Diarinid of Paramhunt, vitited at, Amberley• re, . Mrs.:Melvin .Roynar.d .and .Tean' • Paramount, • spent' the week -end with. her parents, Mr.... and-, • Mrs, Jaffee' Dronnan of Courey'„s' Corners. • , Mr. Mid: Mra:. Clair Ilyvin and Doro- thy speut an evening reeently.:With, Mr. and Mrs. , Robert Ritchie of Lanes. , , • Mr.and Mrs., Will Ritchie .of.'Zion spent a day. reeeratly with, • Mr.. and' Mrs. Jo...T.' Webster cif •EitilOss.' FL.olSrpROALE . •• Friends of Mrs. J. Dreackenridge • , . aro v,ery gorry tohear of her seriods • : • • R. Martin has finiShed taking ,a,,t :forty •rods of hedge along his, fklro• ..Now if ;others Weald remove their board 'and. rail fencei Vire4ould Muye agoOd 'load alt theway to:Luck-, • Mt'cs Mary and Den MaLeod mtiornti)sh of :theVi )n17 lnk , 'Tier hente.: •:_•: • . ' kiild Mrs W Rol,b and Mr and. teinig4he-rcoriceif-r,-- irr Lticknow; I'lifirsday might,' and re- pOrti a; fine entertaininOtit,'' 'Mrs, L IVIacrirer.,sPent WedrieSday gf,t(1.14116661)h.enwalltd.litneli eirsister. 1 'il10'. Those, who iittended,t the -annual Mititilig'nt South ,Itiniess Church ell . Wedneedkik reptirt" eveistihhig 1n11".• ' 400d ,lidaddial-tOrditiolt,' • , • ,sOrrY toseo,Stieli li0Or bitch 441401% flu we1 ofPrititot • ' ••••', •?•