HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-19, Page 4N -7-1P
bigh grade cotters at r-easertible pike& The panela
Intiff.,C#efully glued,screwed and plugged, Beat select' gear,
,ing used,. fendera portised to ,hekvi. • thrifts •k•XXX InekorY.
and.trinnued, Steel brutes; ilanged itabelut Ott 'Shifting
bar shaft: pring guShion and "bask tally 'tiinimed with
Wo.aall stoop and ben& sleighs with 2 or 24 "nth ateelshOi,ing,
one No. 10 is. at Your Servlce
941,.itor .C4uh-7yfr $eU Cheap.r Thasi The Credit Store
. , .
LO ING:' •
• This axe is made of the
finest . steel, -..specially
• tempered. nd% correctly
ahaPed.• 'IS 'absolutely
.guaranteed, Everyone
Jound ilefeetilf be
•• replaced: .
:-,The Samson ixe handle
made of second
'growth hickory. and is
• the 'shape that appe,itli"
to. an 'experienced chop-
eha1d1e1tbe _pinion* -Maple Leaf in Premier and
,rtic.erf„,..,...,Theae, saws are .unequilled •for- temper and fast.
ell4'n.g". • •••
• FILE56. ,
"We 'have. a full atock.
•frillrange at prices that ,will suit
nuine Horsehide at $L00 per :pair.
you. •••,
r le
eating, lumbing,and EleCtric Wirin
gossipy 'tinge is a - dangerous
•If itasowner-is.svil at heart;
4Ie can give -whom he choose- full.
'rainy a"stink
• That will.. ,woefully' linger and
But theosiipy tongue 'would , bk
in its plan,.
FOr ' causing ,heart-burnings •and•
if 'it were not helped out hy the mis
guffiteci'inItii • '••• . • ' "
Who pliSiesseS::tWo ,gossipy ears. ,
phi the' gOselpy etire :are the . ones
• that believe 1 • • •
•, 'rhe eVil-reports they age told;
• The' sly, • Subtle tales Whic.h they glad- ,
• 1Y receive •• • .
Would' tarnish the purest gold.
, The cruel, "they , say" . WhiCh goes
floating about • •
tike• a hidden foe fOstring tears
';.Would lose all its force 4jf • firmlY,
• shut 'Out , .
'BY ,the Map with the .roisipy ears'
.....XVItelt 'the man with • the. gossipy
• ,tongiie• ilappeas by • .
• With his stories of evil and. strife
;Vire :outht justi to look him, .right'
• square in the eyes •
;And ask hum his rnissbn ill, life.
•'Wole ought, to refuse him a chalice te
•'T,he• false, idle, rumora be ahears,"‘
ought to he !Pelted up s,ornewhert
• in. a jail. • •
Pith, the man with the ,gossipi
•' ears.
, • ".
'Lady ....ttp in '0AV-en Sound by t1ie-
Perme.,01.11urrY.3v,a.in, al -et -auto -with-
• her htiSbanci'vtdien--fi--,Tadva:-"t'lli;
-jumped out and was hit hY-atrOther
Ca roceeding
Mrs.,-.4I'ur1Y *rad z;
it started t1 wot,ty dud got iii finch
ilhrrY, she wouldn't have had to
'marry; she Wotild have. heen :all right
1Fith Jgr."-flarry.,-;Tura- Leadei, :
TOE 140414*-4.040sTEL .11111RSD4t JANVARf 19th,
L (T9 ENrc!v7 141-mviEL
•ever TitnrsdaY,mOirrdrig
•••at''Xonel.PloiVp. Ontario,
• . .
A,. D. MacKenrin. Pr9prieter
and Editor.
d •
. Aqr.goRitigp.w4.1cING UP
There are Man,y;ritabea•ti°ns 'that
the law. enforcement authorities On
,this continente stfifening 'in.their
dealings with serious .Offendera, We
had an example Of thialaat week
Oe(k eXientior1 Mrs, Ruth Snyder
down hi ,New Yok It must be a goad'
WOW. Yeart3 .since 'a Woman *as Put
te death •f�r•' crime in the Uhited
States.jor,.W long time sentiment has
been, . running • against such drastic
7 .
action 'and every sort of excuse was
Pat' forward in favor of leniency ,aa -
til •onethink that the chief:in- •
terest of a trial canirt.'waS tii..Fet the
accused; Off.at Any COO: •
The 'generation which. grew• Up. un."
der this-Sort:Of proceedure has given
the iforld the greatest "crime Weve".
4Shou1d , we Say "inundation," that
it has experienced in many, centuries;
SO the courts • are, getting' back: to the-
Oraetica".iii'..ettrlier_daya_When the law
'and: the ctiiirts commanded •a
some mea,sure.of fear and. respect..
Governor Al:Smith's • refusal fo
.7gi•ant any stay of 'proceedings -in the
case of Mrs l Snyder is generally, coat;
mended by those 'Who in their .sYni'
pithy for the criMinal do Mit forges
the viitint of the crime, and the need
for_sateguarding :societY.,•GOvernin
Smith elipressed„.regret :that the Iva.
•Man had togo tp 'the' death •Cliair,,but
added that in reviewing the esSe hcd revealed •-it will probably' be', Sliovvr
'could find' .no excuse -7n0 natigating • that the Suggestion that Sir Henry's
cirCumstance. /Mrs: Snyder hi'services ,he ,Came .fronl thr
• wserable associate , evidently h ad
'planned snit carried out the niiirder
Value of th.eae eUPorts' Of 1997 war in the Wes i nra4 enly 3940
sixty-nine and one ,half dal- Ten Years. later, in, 0,16; the
birh. The :Vnlitte of 'Abe 'wheat - and tion war4 072,0.00. tens,,- with
0' tans. A TRAGEDY •OF THE AM,
produe• -
a total:
lieu! •,1927,..7na.., 17014%1101, .Nalna,..ior.. 3g8,2,0Qii.. Th13; . year the
lion 401.nra, .tho''traood.: tAeld'''..$4 estimated ' at 07,009
:the 4nint NVO scarcely' with: a.,,v,nlop to,f!.$0#1e. 'mill
Taallaed-yiba't *as., *0"Mig, s • s' , •
• liaving as. a, fieighliar 'hum' • Tough Corn ,ls Particalarly
and papalOna conatry Lis the VeS..har
lished in the aanthern. 'arena Of -the
'many ' •disadynn'teges. • for. 4CnnadiC 'Prairie,-Pravinees, iii:Sigififipant of
NaturallY compare, the oini Conn--; etPariSlial"Aeld, -sueeeasful.."pro.,
try to tile otiter. and in "the eoMliari-• chiation that. the...,40t, abalF,..ar4S.
Saa, Of 'PasPala,tiNal.' :'',IFie:0Pnlent, of held 10 1923,la ,printo actual
trade, onr" tauntrY• hasdalways Sufc 'inileanOrtli,,,,.Of the later
hoandarYclusion the .
tSio.o.a:.,i.vt;hsaourra;nst:110.67, ,..vvg kei Grow
• lifts . been ,holding eVer•
The Alberta , ,Ctor* ...Grow ex s'
AS'sociation 'Vas formed', in 192'5 afcer
,an° exhtbition,,,, and it ;has been increfi.
th .its..inembership and •Scdpe of its
work since. NOvernher'; Of 'this. year
,-shoWs were* held': at
Ciaa:ary :Uri& Wlapie ,Cre'elc; with).an
additional; shovi,in„,111ettieinet' Hat:•:
. . ..• • .•
;.',•-•Cerrn •:baceriting- A , •,AtAtote eror
;ver an,. increaSin0y: Dove ArCit ..of the
Canadian : West, •The lima 'may come,,,'
when . the l'Alst •nay ,competito':.
with, Iowa ;as o Coin and raisins'
rezintryik ff ;lc. 'indeed: a .changin "
•West.: rr is a lcng cry. from 50, years
i'experts doubted the abifity
to grow even wheat in *hat was re•
Tarded aS ti.fPOZ11•*OSta., •
, toir,s Children Carried Off In A Runaway
(Pn d°1- :tale or :10 r1Biarilgti"hine'd, • bal!0.!xl,
, °A, •
estab. lonl:erbeef 0.17,?letrge tinrAvgeielat::ns • olthtellPae't4,1;
ghout the hystprie Nineten,tb,
Century "M...,en' had been inaking'-crade
attempts. at air 'navigation by .the. use
hallooanak ,Which ' however. ,oU,
frioni• .the ground!' iraMerliately.,
C.ame 'Sthe ; 'Sport ,Whateyer , Wind
Was' blAvVing•
A recent issue°. Of .Tho• ; Detroit:
NoWS, there. appeared' be tfri!1in
Of,.. a hallOo,U • adye tore - Which
"..occurred 'away backin 113r.>8 The' -lit-.
oident .-was. a a 'kind, to sirte'thef deep-,
• eq. human interest, tlie.•:pmiiara.•
tiely•mr all eircle to .whten,infornia::
•tion:pt, Was",-necesSarily confined
tiat in i85
. • .. • •
larrre territory. in -search' of missing
no automobiles bir'whicii'lo :coyer
co'dhil'314111.„:tenthlareD'iet:rtheit sp.to.arp;er:1-1.".Di.f.'oanP'ti3e:ht
.at it because it appear s !Ong. It's;
teally worth • , •
• Adrian, once *as alS See:Oe
!if sens4ionai balloon traeted •that•
in time, aroused as ,much nation.'
'wide: interest ,. did the plight
.,loyd Collins,• trapped', in A ,Kenttielii
cavern; many : yern$ later: .
;:An eXperienced • naVivatOr of •the
clouds,'" by name Ira Thurston,. . had
made a -successful a'sz.ension.: at Ad-
rian, Aug. 16, 1858, and had landed
safelY in, Riga Township,' Lenawee
llowoyer,. sionla ..no feasabli
wayofremoving"our ink:neighbor, ..as
we lnat• have to. Wait. Until .auf,
turn. •cpines,,.," "
, , •
(• Pronil.Torento Saftirday .NIght) • .
Irldle-ievery .intelligent. reader
history ,Tplist,td'e0Oinceit 'of s;the su-
prehie the attempt
• GOvernment „,..of:1V1.eXien to -maker iyar
an the religioUS beliefs ,auct .piaetlees
of the vast majority, of its •peeple, it
does • not fellow that Canada would be
wise in her own interest •or . confer
.benefits ' On Atiexi4n,.,Catbo1ic by
adopting the course advocated by His
.Grace Bishop. Fallon of T_london, Oat.
'and: Mr. -,Charles Marcil, MP. : The
:abaurditil of the' attadk oh Sir Henry
tToh;rarivtisoici:ofnprtheiteccoenacitiint;Oont(ble'.?.4nelixsisciaorr. fi
s of :the ,,werhmews
manifest When -it is Uhdati."16Wd-tliiif .,r.vrrled. in
1:Caalnh: daas p:trrirnd gt h Ingovernment 'a rc;rf! _77156,a,,w,ti&tsbnisipinoota6cr.."(10 sivc6:hf, 7i:36h8 114 iti5As aorilaa'srifnaor..
benefits that. might. result. from Sir
the n tahnt thraaitlofitanY..yr. ,s7,, reel:1.4:e ,Torf:e1:2060,5d:ri8n6,itii56.0.7fierf,:rutsrhees priorwas
Henry's. Visit 'WoUld" acCrOe' to. them mil„1-,1:::'°:it:ht:4;„81,5p.9.i:s4t:efy:ellta'sr'n:bie.n:vioe:1:11ii.auanriid.i;o'ivtnlieviii4.hobin:iie-
.r4 all
'Wheil the *11°16 fad" arr. million There 'W'.ere• 71,979
accidents • reported; to Alm Board in•
'British interests. involved rather than 1927, this being an ,•inereae Of '6,063
Of the woman's hiniliand in order that.
they -should have a • jolly gd,, tie:
spending, -the „dnstirance ,money' they
• .RBASON' 4rIou9it!, puIcEliy
A map was 'one day visiting a lun-
atic asylum and .while•walkirig in the
grounds he _Met, a, patient, to Whom
.che Said:. • ••
" how; did you get herd?"
The man replied:* "Well. sir, You
. see,' I:Married a widow with a grOwil'!.
up datighter, -and then nay fathe• r
married my Wife'seglaughter; • -that
Made ' thy. -wife 'the Mother-in-law of
her father-in...law, and mlf-father
Step -snit: Then' my step-inother, the
daughter of my wife, had • anti
,that :bay,' of ccitourae, 'Was MY--lirather
tiecanse he We§ My 'father's son. but•
he also was My wife's step -Son ar0-
'therefore, he y+ grand -son, and ., that
made:. me the grandfather • of
• atep-brOther, •'Then my wife ,had a.
son, so my, Mather -in-law, the 'Step -
'Sister, of; my' son; is also: his grand-
mother, beeanse, his step;sictei
wife. Ian, thp -brother Of ray own
son, who is also the SDO Of Tiny step -
grandmother. d try; •mother's,
brother,in-laW, my wife' is % her Own
child's aunt; my son' is my . .
•nenhevr, and 'I am iny, atvrr'.. grand -
'ether. That's one rehaoa / here:
• a recent Meeting of jhe God.
• Lean .spoke of the condition of- the .
Previncial 'highway. •Since; the snow.
,nlow had. cleared of show the fain-
ers who had to use sleighs to read-
,the.„JiighWay conic! not t
: 4 -
. Convictions of and plitiiihment for
such crimes have been so' few that
many base characters have come to
the conclusion- that no great -risk
• involved .in .robbery and. murder:
. On Monday night of this , Week.;
nes! the Village of' Aneaster; a ',ear'
containing two , young :Mien and twej.
young women stiiPped itt • the honie
nnharity With. the •histary Of lieXice
'a and(Pe aged eauP'e tbg aa'ee''knowS the contrary • ;
at'llanley'.' They rapped at the deor. • So far AS the demand..that the. re -
and when Mrs. Hanley onened" thc.
door the two. men asked Gm Whiskey,'
Evidently, they 'had, already taken
more thin was gond .•for ' 'them, but
:they wanted -more. .
Mrs. Hanley told. • .1,e .quartetto
that: it was s 'private h nst, and she
ash-e*d' thein to • away.'" All -four
• - . _
then demanded admission to the
house, and when the wenizi.n 'and bei
husband, who new appeared ,on- the
scene, refused to :admit them, Oil
were attacked and severely beateii.
•••$oniebtidt. callted County Constabli
Allan and he arrived . the; scene
While the drunken quartette. was fitili
in. the' bowie, and he placed" the two
The -,two girls- in :the case,' 'instead
ef showing -any sympathy/ for the tin.
fortunate ,Mrs. arged•
'epeorts • greater . actionsickee
thein,on to .the old man, so to say.
If this revolting outrage had oc•
eurred the -Ontario .Teniperinee
Act .was iri•force it nould .deubtless
be. subniitted. as 'evidence o(: the fail-
ure of that measure, and of . an eri-
am ple Was: degrading wom-
en and men alike'
-Well,, this occurred under gnvern•-
niept •control,.•which was 'to he. spell
•an improvement • .on the ,
which was .to de away with "bootleg.'
ging and 'Make for better conditions
• .But then we forget. • perhaps theat
four young reoPle got into; the had,
habit Of .drinking to excess under the,
0•T,A., and that ,they • have mit Yet
been cured hYthe more effective
measure. 1,
•diumTH ..Or TnApE.
•, r.we thoue.ht that Cailida
had "become a, considerable factor' in
the world- of 'trade, .and -the ever -in.
• creasing exports were boasted ofther
as nOw.-•‘4..' Specially by the PolitiCians,
who happened to he in centrol.ef, thr,
governinent; and; Wished. tn.. grail -al,
one looks into theZmatter
cinnIt.,realize`..the: development there
haa be" A16' that O'rre• A gOvern •
from the Mexican government/ •IA over 19,26 and there were fa a 429 l•
. • . ,e.:
So with Canada! Canacilan q..
e. ties reported • ins'. 1927. at yet
Merits In*exitiare nitik'larger
therefore, staads, sout in. 'the history
'than the average Citizen' of Ala -corm. coinnenatien in thifi
. 'for Ttbe.Contlaeation of • theme '-',.inter,
, acilipvea. b*,,,v9iiies .0.4ci,•Nithila.,glve ,,wteilr;..71.9rtwelve.:. a:C. ;191 dolienthts;,, reported„peri o. y lj- to
the •.1klesiOart ' •goYerntnent'. a.!..•••P)FcliSe. C,,oreperisation: Board than in
. es.ts it :yvoirm .b.'e,ifnpossiblz.. to., "S'a . , it44.9..1)netliri4a1,#,!7asOfii;••;allihia "YOar,...ind
Suppose Canada should,-- 43. Mr, :gar.,•
cit„..dernands, cut ..off•:'intereeurs% witl, Yreellrs,a,..84tili. e. .11;11;eiri PI .11‘16'.0i-1.16k;141)1:11,..e;h:'0.c.'i*
727.1i11W-eaTCTi?i,76°143-1,74t4le' P(.741'.6.sree'hu.t1:onze'95..rf ''Ityill.” ..t.'11!':i., pensation- pcierit.',!i•a...han'illed re
,cdtintry,..dOes he or -anyene. eise.,,siip. of .•939,909 ..aCeidentht including •
.Pose,, --that , ' Mexico' ' rWeitild ibe r!ol'ind6t,se• c' sdte•a4h!1,7474.131.117.4'..(;i:1,a:0'.3.,.41."'04.7%d4ed.46
to relax 'its •••anticlericil'.
'...• ver.yene„enloying the:' SlighteSt 'fa.. il,•:.T.,iral•p.i-try,i4/6tn.'?..,*7:.:t1 ':t11,11raettS1:41:4,iien8d!'1.2. I:
4C.Cidaiit ‘..,PrevimtiOn'.. AsiaCiat
- states that , the ...eperienie for
call of Senor. Barron;, Mexican ',consul' *iica.1411tite,7.701..41°,es:ii'do;ciric:t;'6'..pi7et•v%t.ntie;ininw
at TorenOk'h•e aaked... is..
Canada is in no pesition to .t.ake :the•..
'Iclid'er.rled.' Both, emploYer. and 'employee '. . are
keenly interested in indUstrial 1 safety',
P°sitle:n tila• th.'cliPi°iriatiC.; agent
. of and clote..•:ce-toperatiOn will''' prevent -
• c•Ount,rY 'has •pa ; right to'•reply:
any accident:, .11r.. Morley•,States that
,tc,'„,a-ttaek Made .on, that .e6untry bY,,, a
, •
.. .
'be ;has...reports „frant .,plants in
priyatee-.. individual, • tbro_tig. h•,the. nubile,
press. • . One may •:, utterly .,'•,thsagre.r.:,' tatiP•inelnded.,,in the:Membership...9f
With Senor Barron's ,yi•ews . on ,•the. the•:::Indus,trial Accident.,1; Prevention
,COntroyersy J • in ".Mekicp,':but-At., Would Assoc•iations, ,which• •operated 'for, the
certainly be •a' high-bunde•d .07..c. eTl-
ink to deny hfin the -right 9 • fitp.t:e• 'cident. ..'showing - 'that, god '`,,accident
. . ,• ,. . , . !" •,- . . .
• •whole Of 1927 Without:a `lost time ac -
the pesitioni -lot his -government ' in experience IS not a...matter of Chance'
'terms ap .,.st*Ong...a's: those in; Which , but-,,eallp• for '..carefully, .plahried,. work.:
`Iv/i '-'s'ilect .•;13ish6p ' Fil°n' 'a'•: 'r••• -• ••
to make 1928 :an accident.'
Many indtistrieS 'in:Ontario are -now,:
*....sl‘tr4odeegr'.'.aPfn.cih;nileuhr.tairldliAlr'1.°-iNL'tan:'''P'.atidillieirs' 'concerned and' the exiierienc• e 'Of. the
aversiens; on the noli6y; Of :trying tr.' -
•free year so far • as their "Manta are
divorce the. '. IVcd;doan • • peciple fro• m, pa • st Sieaf. indicateS ' that ;an .:inereas-
Catliolirl9:M *0^ "; .1.150464, ,..13tit ; the ' ing number ef,Plants,will.OPerate thiS
principles, ,of : .131:Irish., tuk /.4.7...Whicb . • • •
year, without•-any„loat thne accidents
Compel pi, .tp" ay:avant*, with ..hir'.
PLANE S TO' %BE ,i,..9;ED,'' '• dfi. '... .
criticiSvia •of the Mexic'aii... iovern-
'Tier t SliO1,11d,preVent,ns•from .denying . ,,,... • ' IN; TREASURE...RI:TNT
,46 .the, Mexicann'conspl:the ' privilege •Umisnal: OpportuaitY•..Tp• Gain Big'
..te reply, ',., .'• ' ..''. ".. : .. . . - ..,., , • ,•Money; ,Is Explained.
' So , far ..as the resolotion .• of Ilily'•
MareiVis. ebneeimed, there 'ii'.. yer3i , t veryone' in: thia 'district: who has
Oi4ious: reason , to douht.the •bona . firle;.. '-iee.n.. haying': tronble- recovering • from
. . . . ,
Of 'bit rekolUtion:.,.It. :. is _ 'debcatabie ••he financial Strain of .the •recent hall:.
, whether. its• purpose 'is'•riiit,to. embar-•• ‘ilay season will welcaine.tSaaniiptince,
-,,4sti: the :; Ono idian:•goyerninent 'rather inent on Page 5 Of this. isitie of 'in.
.then the .,Bfe.x.jeau goit,erements., A. o. 'Aikpieue Treasure Hunt, which iS' be
: -
Matter Of feet it cannot • caUse, ',atilt. ing staged by , The Landon ..Frec:
--elc'han:srrnefit to the Callesadmin-• Press. ' • . • .,' ' L ..., ",.;.: :',. '
iatratio . ',If I'Mr, Mardi 'knows • •any,:, . the "freasilt4' Hunt takos the 'form
thing hot /Etbout Mexico •at all . he inns4. of 'a 'Pin* COOteat,'Whieh IS deOgu-
know "that the '.coUrSo. ,11!e . sug'geS6•'. ed. to promote , reader 'interest ane .
wotild merel:i '.serve to Fttrolgthen the. good will on behalf.' of The'49ndoili
hands Of: President Calleal ,for .there Free. presS, ',..and" the ouperfUnity; for,
is .no. sentiment.' more doei,ly rocited., tem:line:. ant' substa,ntial. ',profit§ . to
in theMexiCan Mind than resentment those Who take part : canna be denied;
at : i.igringte,i interference; ' ' • This, unique form' Of cOmpetitiOni it;
.11F;E-H-EA0N'.00-IfiNT"'G"-.: VI‘TE,5i ' features which nitike ,partieipatidn :a;
..',. a 1 il td. have, Very definite educatiOnai
nrofitable matter even'-‘anart from •the
I(FrOm ;The, I,ond.an Free Press),. riiiie money. angle: It. haS been em
, There seems to, be no end. to the riersect, by ministers and educators in
..poe;ihilitie,S of , agriculture . In West- several .large cities'. 'Since. the ..a114
ern Canada ,Soon eyerittliing gto:wr 10,11rieOrt'Orlt clearly state..4. Ithat .• 'all
in, Old.. Contari-04ill, he produced , or members', of any; faMIFY mak co-oper-
iiti7waPrsa. i'droleirsin'. atletisy9..allissilet d!ilbi.::' ii!qt:: '4' otht, rinafill'"'-trokiVrietntOUtirte..''ili's:t,--I'l•oltnkt 'nteir.olts'i
. called • agrictilttire 'experts- that ..eorr these: cold ; and blitst."4"V nights. a good
*NO • ni't We. "ceeisfull-t prOdadee tklan:If licitne ' n1'04 : iln*Paghntit. Ifse
n• theI;...1..).,ciai6n,„.11:,:li_olaiiirstt:6i.:ti.:114vvt,:otr', s a.oPtl .tha: sPsit9.113:1.41'.ine,:laWi i;lela.:5b4a,..lringi!vhattipcifs:•• t,.1'!,,,,,7.7tyl:,;1.pl.
:wat4t;... „E_Oellithents,, ;howeger";:wei:.; heieselialda ,eoatetitrate ae:lhe Trem
'and A ..few• 'enterprising farmers, and •
earriecf- on': ,by• !.okoculfural.. stittloas, slirTehellnfinrtst' 2 otike.:,, jtht.,/' ' .s.5..e• cii.tx_to.4,1it,_
. .. . • , . _.: . ,
....aal,SLrestilt-the4orri lie-Itliai• 71,4-4-71- rtnetince_ntrt-y911..,13e $1,5011:••.u'rith,,,nk-
,:ly........viehed,,,north..!,..°$'6-1ritifitric' .''-''''"',..iiiiii4.• .dehirahie awards, •'-tottillin 1 "
growing .develaned that there' are to. ..
day iitiotlgt, .ProYinclal , ciltii •OroWers'.
asSociatious, ... hOlding ,. • annual' •. ,Orr
,.. , 4,.49.10 the total. epin piOduitiore•
In deflating his: ballon, iThilystan
turned the big bag Upside down se
thatthe brfoyant gas COuld pOur out
more readily into the air. ThUrSton
apparently thought.° that with • the.
. '
escape valve thus open and disehaig-
,. -
mil:iidgabsoev rvdiaimplop.dfly7,urttihiiis_g_fbrilliminedoe:rns_s:n&
f,atheted 40.•, watch:• the ..defl
o the Thuraton •deCided.to give them an ex• ,
any tin thrill. • He .probably figured •thq
to ras remaining In. the:balloon AvOuld
ustrY be just enough to raise kihn intO the
rteen• air and drop. hiin gradually. and gent-
corn-. 1y into a, neighbOring• field. •
Cern- therefore, erdered° that all flie
PO'rts anchor .ropes be cut and ,with the bal-
5,15/ loon in reverse pOsition, he .shot up
• .thO into the: air' merely holding to ,the
•• fabric, Semellow the escape valvE;
• the.
-tent mdilicatinit. '"Naturat Resoure
R;d try's, it% bei,;shies,s.,of_:,t-hi;...?;tLcox:."i_,':ip:;:s,.:_he,,„4.Z,E_tei:n7e---71,Tit;stg:xltiftrn°r;tli - Afhi e.litftaitie ifinfociP;''
I_ ".;hi.._:'84-e.iiit..1-4..et_Lef,c7-0:f7a.:iii;,i:-,wrr:7-iiej;:---;g6;•..,...' :!,::*„'ehpeg,:e.',.m.,g ;Tia-ict:'-rZeiiii• !Ii,
e ew pre- Pri:t.Piyi tfte.„..year--after-----tlie--great
Provinciaiiihroirtier. Laurier, „selininiatratlinv,iook-efisite
problem,:the at , Otta wa---1297 ' •
. •
opinion Was exprested that th ' Another block 114 inehes •ialighy
•"lti inches deep' reptes;inted: 'not Hie
ent method of treatment -ef the roar-
"asInore. of a detriment, t4n.a bee
$1t. 2' •
Wit of 4.xinirtit"to Britaln4 but the
export' of • *keit *1044 Sour only, .The
all $0,000. So; if Chriatinhe left yon'
;•a, hole," our friendly' tip fa 'that
.the .Trea'sure; Hunt' suggest:4
'and ,effectiVe means •of 'pulling your.
self out; • •
Oct, 9,, '4)14237181i, whielfthewr!ite:
sbtaeprie),.en7 laSt • ,3rek th
rtmlmage- 'box o second -handbook
An Aeronaut ,by the name, of WO.:
A.On: had luade .an nseent TrOtn• the fair
at Centralia; Ia. HO rose tato the air
•about two and a half -?diles, goatee'
oot .0 sight and came:to the' ground..
about 20,. Miles from • nil starting'
*51att His bAPOon, fndeeending,
Was:cauglit in a '.free Rear thefarnk•
hOnse. O Bnjaniin IlarveYt ' Ito:nu('
and his farniIy gathered at
dbitentangle the ''halleon: ":":"While"in
tar:Irg to the .
arerOmiltt, wilijn hand a took 'hold 'el-
tbe,' topea and ,4,towev 'tile balloon •
tlwart.t. tir) latrohouie, • HarVey,•, the •
.f trof, t led art, !ix fielita
into ' the.baajcet to :sea if the Wiwi.),
nutted 11i weight pioed to bs;i3,41:7: '
grent..1- • • • , .; - ; • •.* '
Next :HA -Vey Placed his ; threeeb:!-
dieh •
fhe basket' and their
1?ined :weight'. Was also too great to.,
•rern:it the, balloon to fioaii to the
its tether, So 'Hervey 'lifted "
oilt tire eldest girl; leaving two other'
children'. 'a .lail �f3 and a girl of 8.
in the basket. •
At 'lin§ , point, Wilson, the hero
molt; called' etit to those "•,I,oldin4 the
ropeS to ,he 'Sure •and hold fast., His
'words were not *01 heeded:: •Sorne-
bOdy, letthe ...cords and % the bat- •
. , .
-loop •Went op: suddenly and swiftly.
• 'The anchor •stuck in, a rail "Xenc.e
but to it away vh112 ary'. of :hot
• r.er .:hursr:froni,..th3 agenl ted group.
The: 'children • scre':-‘ined , tefrors
ale the piteoins.' •fP,611.inc
down, father," as it grew fainter and
fainter,. Made the parents, and, • in-;
in the .UIight, the
rareats Were' toe -upset, to do coy:.
balloon Soon Was lost -Signt • 6f.:
-thing; lot other ner*Pis qUick1Cdis:.•"..
patched messenreis in. • every bikee-
tion- topr?ad ' the • alarm; ,
of ;plea and boys were search '
• lane• rnt.hb;gl!::vq°d 1.11l'f1e:(feill;-4rindftlCe:tnia;1
bal,lpon originally. Started, the ntw
• arridnee'd, a greater eensatitbi
elsewhere.. •
A .:Man.- bY 'the iialne' S.' 1‘1.-•
BroOlcs,. wile' owned :the balloon
closed- pp and Thurston' soon :found -
IthaSalf, more than waiile In the air
helplessly borne along,by 13,09'0 cubic
• feet 'of. gas-. still .remaining in the
clOth` envelope. , •
:Thelmllead floated up toward De-
troit, ;across ., the petrol •B'iver and
Over into Ontario. to :earth
at . Baptiste . creek'. There • 'sonic
French' farmers: were. on the point of
cutting up the oiled into • dres
patterns for their wives ,when a Mr;
:Marks rescued the :bag. He bundled'
the,hailOon 'up and shipped it te
trait)77".. •
- The ponulation.' of the ,:whole cOnn,
try: got excited over the --question
ilsOn had own, ,issured 'the people .
at the; balloon probably would de.'
end . :i.two or . 'three :liou,rs
within; ,at .most.: 30' c•F the peiat
of starting. Ile also • seat word. tc,
the. diStfacted parents :that, there •wfi.F.i.
no,. 'greAt danger:. tordess the ,,halloory.
came• T.1 own a:' dense woods :••where
,the.children. if hurt, 'Wtintld he hard.'
to locate The natives then expressed
fear', that . the zhildreir "Wotild.
tO--deeth....in- the -high altitudi
This all happened., on "Friday,..:eve-.
"What. happened "td Thotrstoril".Sev
nOrions :declared thei• had see.n
hiSTainging- to' the ballooe at .a dis-
• tance of no. more than 290 feet. from,
'the ground over in Ontarp.
• Searching parties •first /1i:tilted ' tht
area around Baptist e Creek, . for
Th'ursttin 'Or his remaine. • When •c
".trace was found of. him there, rnany
more sediThers jOined. the . quest; via.
iting the whole area supposedly tra-
.• versed in • the wild ride.' • . • '.' •
After several week's , of ;futile
Search,--h-Ope of finding bi:s.bod'y; 'was
abandoned. ,,It generall3r,', was' • be-.
!loved Thurston's handl,. had ". grown
Cramped -"from' 'continnims . holding on
and that his body .had fallen trite
Baptiste .Creek or some other Water,
.if 'so, his • body 'never came,: to the
surface.or-into the sight ,,ef the many
watehful eyes- pn the lookout- for his
: Tharstdn's tragic escapade was • P
live nevvspaperstory for weeks but
furnished Only half,' the excitemept.
ruiptrod by the -antics ruilaWaY
loons. during 'that:week.
• Slime'. old neWspaper .haVe
.supekstitiOp, mit 'of years of
Ikperience; that:lragedie.i ar-10 •crinint
.espeniall'y peculiar ones, usuallY hap
'cby twOa. Vienne,40 prPfessor.
Dr. Pali] ' Kemmerer, Wrote 'a hulkv
honic .to sustain, the sapi 6 ,t,6.eory.; /Tr
• aceounted for this' repetition; , of
strangelyisimilar, evenis, one beim'?
like • quick :echo of the ether' h! -
what heralled the .„"levre'r serlea,"';
A nYho w, Was : a (ricer Coinpi••••
tfOe. that, tilt; ye ry n ?la v alto/.
,ThurstOni,,q involuntary 0,1,1'0V...throw+.
•..prie....tolOutls, -Aug::: 1 7,.'185$3,,,t,w(.)i;.4.tril-
itad" !an A•evcii)
ary hallooififervOn" tu're 'rho, ey_plAna.„.„
Jan -to r-4he:..-C,7411314.',c
„that„-Allattst'Oirair'ii -1.1•66,1
!•sailoouirlit 'hetaLISti Many . fairs' to'•:e.rf,
thee and,. the ' WO' 01, •
(tOhtl. httPperRq to Occur
gether: •
The, Acts are (fraWii. co
Of ,Illostror
4tod ,-.••Viritkli I •
., •
ohserved and discusSed., at • the tithe.
It wag :about 8 o'lock Saturday •
ing'Obatit 17 "Miles, away, fiet 'out :of
'bed., arid stepped 10 bis lront poreb
:to see, the mneb.:,talked-about, .Comet.
. ;
reaI scare, WI en he saw
hotre: spetiter in. a familiar tree of
his yard.- In fact, At1iis2 was: so
st‘'.a.fell:' that. he went haek into .the
bous.o and. tremblingly Woke, his,
•-le-thonght Stranded
, • - • 0 , . -
balloon' was the "comet, On a personai
to bis ,firm. He ha:d..not heard -
of the runaway- .,• •
. While ;Atchison' was _peering' 'can-
• tiously through ,t.he doer. he 'heard a
small and ilteous voiceplead:"Carar
here and lct ns_down; *2 are almost, .
frozen" 'Then. he.had courage to go
:out .and. investigate:- .
Ire it. aWay, s.eVeral. limbs „ and,
the .ear of the lialloen to , the
aretind'... The 'children. wera lifted out •
shivering, but . uniniurect '
The little boy. It came
c.nied • with :cold (It1rifl tbq flight, se
his heroh -sister took off' her aprQn,.
tovered him trud.. pot hint to . sleep.
The' lit, le girl 'lour& a r;ine hanging
-Slone. 'the „hasket,--4,it waa the valve -1
t'irt4nd . she, 'jerked it, •"
;She kept .on; jericiill; it •,becitus.f m•t• •
She qifteiword explained: "I'...cOuld
helr the chickens 'ero* maTesaDiaialv
When it.•' $$he in:tur to the ,
-roan with • Hie balloon beeMne ent
tentrled iyi• the tree ton; 'Irtiere the.
' •
,..11 decided to lie still' Until day..
th.e owner :of the balloon
who, •Ittiffrpiad,o 19 acicansions. figurer!
'hat ,t;htt .ehileiren had; been, in •the
h' _41(f pli(1, halt'hoors tha't,thei,
rro:1, .ho,iff asretuled four and it, lialf 1
t•i1•41 bc fere reining claw*.
.1,-- -- n*6-6....:-._....„--^.,
.. „....
46--11F, BERT S'iLI ER
, Airtirvo MoPhersOn is goin juilmtite---
_L. ..,_
rt,::111:1"..3fr.-.41-.416-itt6. ' 4f ,q1,1,9 '„tells„...all,..:-_,....
..;.,..m.'1?„,hows--al-MITI,'"kidritinping it ought
.enaltc spicy i'eadingl-tOthhridge
I it:raid,
ri-rs, we ate told;should: sleei.
riot bujirs. a day. _That's,. to inake,
no."- fOrl•not -Weeping at .Wo
Pose. • - .up