HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-12, Page 8, IANuARy nth, Ma p Wick, T4110 Crocks Cteek Het Water Bottloo. Cada?' Clif,i,oliait *00 Tooth ROO ,• • Wheeling 'Yarn Stocking Ynrh. ;Sweater Yiirn LS, Vhderwear • • GIENO ocograw,fINED.. '• Of .i..vory interesting • 40000 Ons,419,46:pg0h 'et -hia Witte!. tlise: Ontario igtio:*bieki-stikek.ogitt..t.eaaon :to 'thein,*ere Paid. :One traivr.: the' ,:aame,.size...Shetver 4004 in igitovisoS 9f:.#1,111.0: 211194.,0 _ and HANOVER MAN KILLED ON ,George Eruder of Denevert lest. life, on • December net' when he NVaa •:a• 'ailansginewthr4h0414: iv,a)r. yard in that tOWn:' He left •hie home• near the etation, and .started, the :railWay tracka; i'31it owing to the severe :Storm, 'and his being rather deaf he did hot eee or. hear.the after? •neon: freight': backingdown the Switch' Mr. euder when every -close to' him,'• and.% as ,not. sure •whether he' had got off the track in time;• but be hreught ,the engine to a top and foune him :lying under the ;„ ender .wIth ,his for-o)rm 'badly' cruthed. After being, taken te, theiuispital, 'the injured arm . -it' was 'found -that ht. was injured int '16r, '57:Yeats of age, and was a paint- er rind decorator by trade. ';'CHANGED HIS MIND'. When Jas. Kitchen, who ' infOrmed• :Provincial Officer Wichney.er he was.. ,Dec.'.7th; when theY delivered.. coal at: tlervie•'• Mid.. later :loaded wOod and and -drtinlc, frpm it, and .• gave him :nat.-substantiate his' story, irefore .Po. la-st",' Thursday, the .'ease against ` Thomas 'Welsh; . for, a • number 'died there on Tueiday. i4 last Wee' follOwing a few days' illness years .0t age, was a idoneer of !furor Township. - The .remains were inter red. in Kineardiee Cemetery. ' • OH TLJ Ry-, 4447 JO,OH Oagnt.. _ 4nother of West Wawanoeh's old. pi'onedrs *Ss cailed to her reward, on Oee,• 28, ,the ,death o.t "Mrs, John. Ga40 gceuxred at: ;the hem of ---,hex Tdaughter, 1 s. Sam Dura n,, St; I l•. OH. Mra Gaunt had not, been in goad heath. #or -;some ,years. e The late' Mrs .Gault ' .was° born :in Eiien, Aberdeen Shire,, Eeotlalith ;ir*. year .1040,, ih9Ohter, ;AIO'out 11306.i. ' (Her father ...died „fleotlerld' :days. befilre late: John, OAunt, :Who „, Predeceased' devoted member of 'the - 'Anglienn: Omit' 9.4,years . ago, but her iliries:e iaintlY: of 7', Sh'e else. leavee 22, grand. - children :and 40 greet grandchildren. The :funeral, on Saturday, Dee, 31.st. was ',largely attended bir, syninathetic, friends 'neighbors.. SeeViees at 'he hoUse and grave *ere conducted. by 'the Rev. H., Whitfield ef. the. Unit - :A Church. Beautfrul floral tributes attested the', loVe of the IamilY • and' relations.. The, folloWing friendt reeting place in: Greenhill Cenieterio, Mestrs. John Medaire, 'James: and Thomas ' 4 Fareivell dear, mothe,r, 'a Ion fare ''ThY trials and .71"`iire•Well..clea mother, we'll Miss Yon I And we 'fel% you do intern, But since it .Our Fatheels ,Are could not esk for -your 'return 'HURON. COUNTYi, COUNCIL,: 1928 Blyth-eDr. Milne: Hullett7Ernett, Adams, • Icotk,:have: Ito right to go to the dogs.: If You hit the puddie the 9their fellOwfget...4 the splash. an • the' Sentinel, ht., January, 1003; Ave, reeluttin0 to', la: page, :end ';the seasoiCYtitt then :patt,' to •xet /untried, ,and' we 'here :.repeodeFe Theie•'•Were 'no. lengthy' writePtipe )f the heautifully. AdeOrateCeireene, MUch: Mere- ihen. (he Well, hew' -teeny, of , our, readers redogntie, the -hricles and grooms' :arid the ministers whose name- appejer noticee of' 37 years ago icieliee of the bride's father, Orr De.: Johnston: Of . RDTHERFCRl;i-lVIcLEAN,--At 'the Rutherford . tie? youpgett daughter . of . Mr. Neil • McLean of CURTAIN,SIIELTON7LAt the res. idence of Mr. John Shetten,'IRipley, •''Snciwderi, john Charles OurtalU. CORBETT-ROBB 7eAt the :reg... ." ROSS,Macb.OUGALL-At the .ret,- y.oungest„.daeghter 'of •Aegiis, Mac-, .1-C" MeDoitalcl of Ashfield.,,' MacDONALD-iViaoDOUGA.I.T.; e- At • 1.4-ueltriow, .on tbe 1st' inst. Obet :mould the' bride's father,- Icy' the Rev.' AtUrbs cleace,-of the, bride's Parente; Thome 1890, by :the Strprigman . 'Mr. Thomas lylcIteitte -to. MiSe ,Mar K. Bernby,' sister. a Rev: R Bern .byi, all of. Aehfield., -tlteesidence7Of the bride's. patents' Kinless, on Wedneiday,,, 18th: 1889), by 'the Rey. Mr.' MacLennan, Macj..ermen Of- 'Alpena. Mich:. to •Christena So Mirth for the. marriages, and PA widen emerkencles Prepare Fei7 "such Oecitsion's • np an iiitereil)earint avinigs siccouin the 13411,K OF proteets OF many' ihotisincla. -,4oftanactians From One end ofihe Dominion .to. the othei F MQNT. ..REAL Aiikti Oteeiii '61'4 140;090,006... nd altigi)le'mreteilTitineg9vodo"Mteh:dna etelZ ttli;60*, teetlinge- •we01,51, 'have -,lasted. The ::-Core, 'teat- Vilf,:uadotibildly be, rer,y, eposItion, to, al*: Jelin.. the pre'Sept reeve,. and Robert "..EVelchart.: are tit' the field 'Thenuie Todd, James. Gilison brief newe:' paragraph pays. that P.lie 'old oveai her ems eppear to have onit that ,se far the Weather haft 'been .extremelyi mild and.:sureineielike.. installed' in 'the waterworkt Plat t by. ' There ,were few' had., men. in those, days too, tor ;we read that Dar ,peara that the' colt was seize,d p- ble 'had been brelten and poison,given:. to the colt,- which ,Wat feund.dead the that the accuSed. ' had purchased turned "'home' frorn': London, : where reetored ,From' The Daili:,Tribuile. Detx,641, there 'wee' quoted' ep artiste:telling 9f 'thee -of , W. Berry, .then residept 'o!CIAlexteetlnidiwable....space :*at•dev6ted te‘ ,a. poisoning ease .• 4t Clinton,' 'and: which must. ,liave,--been of local inter- est.' The Jury' had. brought in a ver= 'harninistered • by his.. Wife' shOuld be Prehibited hit Times readt: "In 'the ebseeee :a Rev. McQuarrier the 'Rev, McNak in :: the .P.resbyterian Church on Sun - • 'ICno,x Chtiroh,-, ley, wax the eceec. °rine, the youngest. daughter of Mrs, Annie Murray, was united. rnarrl-• ege to Dr, 1W. ,MacLood -of the ,artiations.„Th0 bride, Who •wree given -away ,by her .1.ircither-inelaw,• ,cIngters et orange, blniornb, 'and' she' carried Oplielia.rosee‘and, ".:,i2t the She Also were a' neelclace: of , groom:: ..Mrsc, Sister The bridetthaid, Miss Mit'sgeret."1:Mec.:' 'was gewned 11* Period frock' ot, pale luatelA and carried yellow yeses. . Ross Martyn i)vas best :mart, am' and Mr. Horace McLaY were life rash,' ..-of the rer,hter Mr. Orah the '.cerettiony a, jurichien Witt served at the bride's, home to :about: thirty 'guests. Lateet:Dr.. and' lyirt.'llacLabct velvet with, geld hat to::match.; On their 'return they will reside' in Rip, •ley, 'where the groom carries' on . r oental practice. Ont of, tewo• guests MeRae • of Sault Ste: Marie, Dr..:and Mrs., ,Connell of 14ucknoW. Miss :Ella Finley vs Kincardine Jon •13. Wirighain at Ripley,. San. 20. aincardip.0 Vs. Wingbarn, Feb. 3. -.LONG AND IIAPPY tIVE: A. remarkable record - Of • wadded life Wag delebrated by Mo. and' Mrs., they observed the .70th" ncinit •:1„C-111 -OF" FiRIWIS*G itO1111,4, wade by Allan ROIN•ile,,,,,na. upiparrlett Octeher, 1.009, end , Ole t.went.t.ei,ghth clay' of Oeteber,',. ri,eAt 41),i.....c,ir..414.1.t, „Nrtf teign.staIttglepeot4Itup. no' Leal isAn ion:(11:e, Situate,' rlying being-. in to ;or .Ashfield 'in ,the .ConiitY IIeDo 'and "Moro! of the S61414 half of hit TWelve, Con= Ash:CEPA' aforesaid, Eastern Divisierh.. whith fell dna. on the: Said mortgage Oa 'the day of . October; been Inita?..izeebrdizie; .to• the tenor and 'Interest to Oct.' 15, 92 'To the abeVe'ilineent -ridded per annual. febni, the 1rith day Of Jan..' eery; 1928;., to' 'the date • upori- Which AND TAKE NOTiCE :that anless, prel'r,tso.,: an, that when sold.,the said :unto .the purchaSer .or purchase in' Cro'g the mortzaged premises. *. be 'pot theOeld, we' will pro'ceed ' ref -tee en yoer part and without Toots end profitt thereof. Red whether • 'Or :Out ef 'possession .ot. the; -same ,te, -make any -leaee. or leases of the .ot to exercise anv or all lid granted: put° us in and by the , r-orttrage as.we shall See fit and said reertgaged prentieetoor any part, 1.." parts tbereof either at..publie -surce-t-me-7sayne When sold unto the,• DATED.' at- Winghaiii twenty- . e,iAAull;:xedraatnyd:BeorofyRdD.oesC.5.ie. ar,be.7.',; A.D. :727, By 11: y.anstope,'their . that. "Frank. Par!Lennan hue, been ene ; for the: year '1'890." .(For the bdnefit of 'the .„scheel : children :,of .today -we - tion schoOlsAn. those that, nod Wet pot improeine..., ; The young- ed;?ple ef direction.' of Mr. Ale. McAuley. 'or at .Lochalsh days', and :it', an-, flounced .a con.Cert, 14.3 .he held: the 1771*::Tililli:irri ;1:7:4 .1.1.1(147;',4';11' ?077-At7:- . • an' to be meri'llened onc-istue of the paper„: ;,,But." the. land:Wet' thickly e'tx.hpoetseodx,e.ye,, and homes and echeol traetees 11..14 :‘,en kelld. -the i.:1a=s4 'Grahati "and canirti,.10. de, reeve :end' couteilore Einliiso!" Jot' Gaunt, -reeve of 'the pre...iouS',year '7**:217i7raii-dicratellr*et but. 'a *he Situati'eri in%Itin4tt• Wawa, 'nosh The -Sentinel ifaid: '"The ?coati Stirred up Veriggant*,, and h can -wren; Win., Wilson', 'Albert White; fatIllt:rs';;1771-1o.l'utgehd 3t1h:rtrisloin.,(3.:1-a•Myyoerrl.,i-t.76ene seriously' hurt when coming out of the , yew ::Presbyterian Church beild- number of eed Ni,§ very, low, 'as whichTfionTithed at that, centre -,;ir January' ;,,sf 1890. There was a liter- ary and njuSical isrOgram and 'a. de is ;Kenneth "W Duecarf- S Kenzie.. Misses A.: Maekenzieland,'J. resolution "That Annexation' 'to the United States7would litN4filurious to Canada."' The efty; FP?. fts taker and A. li,'MacKetizie, (not lhe pres.: ent editor -of The •Sentinely.'' A jury neesed 'upon the debate, and decided that the. affinflatiee had failed to had' failed ,to show. that an xation 'ttoithle: .1' '1; life'eneneld boo fit4tacttr- ti nor; of the Porster: „-P , 'and these iir,crers'Weir. • .86 11 '.11.441. 1110,narld with the ivhale iwy,14An1; IsFieenially" the debate, 'for a the reaidiltree of till Iwitie'4' Toot. titittttb41:1, ii1(0411:11;0.13.4'1T;;VitixfTiTrithcf611:1;:e:11;14011;".Xtro, ao; rktrirmsta: .rm6le7trite': 110' The. Sentinel faatie of the . ah.ftp We righ over broken prom- to 4*.lillfh Schaal, !sit VON, 411 4444 yet—f741141)P,0928)i • --NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the atter ;of the estate of -se West Wee anosh, in the cotiopy: of . Duren, farmer deceased. • Notice ie hereby given that in the' ColintY.'of Huron, farm." day Of NoverOber, A.D. 1927, are quired Send, on. or before .tfie 21.xt 'day 'of January,' A.D. 1928, te*the un; their, claims with•their names and ad - 'if elikrheld-by them, duly verified 13Y • AND TAKE NOTICE 'that after ' the 'said 21st day of January, A.D. • :distribute the ,assetg of the 'estate mon* the ;parties entitle I th.er4to haVing. regard pnly to those define, Of he tlren shall have notice., Dated at Lticknow,' Ontario, this . 5th day of -January, A.D: 19g8. 2 The . Caledonian Seetety, •, of happy ime:rory, was preparing to celebrate 'the anniversary .8f tho, ,"birth ,of re' Porte the' preValenee o'f; jag 'Grippe, which he raid ,had in.. ' At the oonual meeting Of the Ag- portnd receipts...0'f "3805,50.: There 'Wes a balance 'left. ih the treasury .,. Sm,ith acted as Secretary.: , Miss. Annie: ViiilaysOri of' Meier, aiid John