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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-12, Page 7
g Coal Regains WATERY MOD at is MaP Thre..„.:n,...104,..4..s,t,.4.:,.F :- AtIvAyS. pANGEROTS.I.A.Nev'r..04)ai;;;;; in LinP:Nviti 1 , . . . . ,..9'. tii,H :., . ,M,:-.7:IgtuirritoticolmciericaepiprinT.gosp,.or. . - • • L .,'. -•• . - , - If N9t Cor4Tt.e4 Seriotf' $:11,' .'gs. 4.1 Ra4tOndS Aruicralc0.11. ' . . , ten•_.,,c1.,;E:+77A.Elii:.eli. grio:ft..x..;a.Atilok.nel....Etna*,..„,".. :.., -: ,,,,, § tiro., . 0.,---.v.-..(3,117'.0„iw-.::.. 'TT- . ''' '...'.. ;0).'ep.:"w'o,$?..'0..1;e:' ,,t, ;0,' 'b.' osk.1 ' and ..plit'''•. ' .. i t lesSen• 1n.geography :was to (:1.1)Y" A ' 14.-41qH4°14b1"%itat11-11414rE4ii:!4.. map fixOU. the. achoet.l.axt.*0.1(-.W0 , . • , . , * . .:•. • .. . -. .. • .. jai,watery blood...ft a very common ''Y' eli.l.ht• 4c1‘efi:;.:0:1.t-4:0•:.i'.'t';;t'.:;:gitt•....17' Y:l:::r4-r-IP:'' Sieem..PoWeiits Ciiieiiper'.. 14°1re "4"glroPa ' t 'V..ICI.I444...H.4,..lchliit,' haft been reatOred..14.'yoUng ,girts.:'and iti*.perSons„'wbortiro ing. 4 '8QC of 49444'es.°4411e:.414P.14't48 . fo. We' thro.00.10.,AAstila.MOK:C0fil , ' criferwOritect or Oehiliat 'withih:::siecors h°01c," • ThetA;' t*.' 1)41;914'• A '014-4116:r P'e. ..• ... .., ,w1.141# c;t4:017 • ..c,,,,i.v1,04 ...4.40, , valisi. :.'It ''?.pa.hee lite. •approach In'eo•iatealtlit. of Oc1X11,*045 On 1.,Ii0 13,1484.k.'"f PiO:F"'n'','... :Oarg.a: '9.,:i Iie4eplearil•Wk: haY.6:,.1Pit, 'a 'manner .`that It lii,, often:ivell..daYel': Which ',Mir. MAP ',TO:a to '').: dtevillo. *-13.i.' ... . their thrones,... pottiafits, • forever,. KiOg: eilkl.'''1)croffi ille" tivole 16 ,reeogfig"*64,., eOtild, reed.ilt .draw it hi:. 0000, • tlIg,1 •Coal, Who:1041:44. throne .07.100 lin)", ' ,firit "tithen,..in, time the tonic .treat- :a.tal'ines of u'• P p yid l'ecOt.t°404.YttMOO .• .O-.f..04-9.'It.0.1-4,*--.47.' Ment,'Otrengh:.tha nee. of pf. "Vcrililiainit'• .14 '...scivar. 0, .,:t.-14' Ilioi.::8117,t4'te. Ii1177°9t'luslifil;;:i: . 'dfiyfi:baq' re.gained iiiii ,i'iiie- '• At 'leaat . •P.101( 011e, 40...eariellea• the bleed •that .004iO4', .90.•!' SaPil:‘*0•• 0•44-,-:.9"44.14'. the, reeetip;aritibitneetnent' Of il?ii..',4,-4, good health""tind' streng.-th Is speedily e0gtiised-by'•:COPitnon Usage in 13.6.494 .tt‘lan V.ederai iiiiiiroads,..1-4."WhiCh they. regained: The: correction Of aeacunie life, 0•411•16.°14.11 it'iiff .was not thought declared 'their- Intention ...to- ahandoo conditiortri by Tin..""WilliaraW rink rmo„ .or, iNirue.441,ily-,44.•thit,•onpe,ct:1,0/3_ It; . the. •Plaatted Plectriileation„ 'Of' the talk. Aii, as 'certain, as,. anything , e an he. Viten Was :,reallY.. a': eYs.teM. tif'MaP r•tre04c''' ,,Joad at.reteltes„! rent.,•• S.aIthitrii to.. V10. n•-• ,Teresk•Ijeafey, 'OunrtiVen, Rtire.,. irs09:,'4,hig;•• - '.- ' '-.,•'-• . • . • •,: -.• 4' , : '' ' : • ' ex on', 014.--. .., :4,4114:.frc"14'.q1r.-A ............................. et rthe•-elatiy:-.Uhaliiiite: Stiffeners ;what.; Tbo..,04,410-331.400 ''.Or Otftireo .ha° • T7-..:•,-,:.:POnti1reted'a -ifietory. /Or Viii ktaleetY, ' " "- ' ' ' ' . . '1 " . , . . ' . . • - . . has; found '4,0W beklth•tAtouth the tii,se':, !mon 14%4. for JAW- YeArtf.' Rot' 'Mal?' r.e" dalif..-rciu:ifi'di, ie.; P.1,7-::•th,'N1,.iiriep.i, - Vniv90.3. .. '',-':,,,,,..: ":. " • • • . • . , ...,. -; ,., . . .- • ,„ .,,r'' q11.,r "Akoaqiii,P ... , ... SW 44ifi'...,..:1.,44,. -.1eteikoe.• ..iketpeelifi',..t3s.,.. 0.11SiOler$ .9.0 .. . :' .:..;..iu•coi.atii.i.. , ;,' to , : p.4..,, .. 4• 0 :figures 'POlfeertfing.:•the tiliter," iiat,e4,iefie•460' Watinly•io tli'oltilet. gdid ir.joo4o„,0,,a, .0,,,,,r.,,priami, . a,,,4. ... . ,, .. . , .. . ., ,.,. . . ., .:' •,tri end. steartvbaniage, • pace'''. or preeent l'i..rieee biiilitWynto'ael404,-. *at l'pr: 'N.onfailifefi .`.1...)0K .tPins ti*ve.•:: rici:I.14.1. for ' la°4*41eliCe'' "w(*34 .b° . ''''''''':''''..:.°1ilitea Flans. 4adiy. ttui,,d9wo oondttioo,, r io„.,yerr .1,er;. ,Iii,, , ,c,g.mbill. ati...4. ivit4. 0: iiittem,...of , .Canberra. 'I I-1.0 .-.--. he. •arst .. co' in-Pro•-•••":.1b.y' 8. CiWU T?:thlet, Should .be in , 41 4 10404 huol. ,tlene 'ter me,. I• Was suffering. frOni "4:::::deetittated bY a auraher or 'by a nexii._-- - ' -•"sger.,t)r the' Feder41 ItailrOade47-'elearlY nervittia, :had .11410..dealr0 fOr•food, and ibis alphabet -This. noinbinfition would,. .1;:tniVivtiees'9. fillitaiNaleivYeG13.9urin't'e9a!wtal birolitolighill'it•• i'.:.'''''''•11.;.°.-r.Sr'•..144;1.-14e.':•i1V11..,, *.i l''.ii°1"'6': ' • ':sikow that electric tra.ctieni eVen :With ' .the ffcheae hydro•eleatrio•'.posver,1/40a .W9Old feel tired out at tbel.least ezep. :. is , 4,4 04,61,8iy,o. ta:0194, ot,.19coioation .t,r;,..,liyi jii4,74, .piwi: ,puifl, .444.. ), (3,1,9. rifi 4.74.;t:intr....edinbe.y, 4thiraerchtl:ng.williehliii,.trilipesttlE;rt , _ , .. .,, , ,. , . . . .,,A, re Chudreu tion. . In this Condition I began 'tithing to kiistralia recently' by 1" ',.1)0. - Met.:;etin • ".s, • • ' ' ' ••' ••• '-• ' ' •coMPartur With, •steant Power, .... . • '441.1114 them very letig''fonad'IMT h.ealth' 61:4.113°"' hi tlie•.°ther (11"ti°11: .cQfirli! theDatp:r7McVatQ/witone geleirericelsa%4Ter*e:Ineriest fiTtoh:ni)d6-frAtettii4e7:10`c.iwit. T.(.31.11).1t)ftttal,‘13;,,f,..°:::yil .';•• -. ' ''.'..totiked. toh'Etectrielty•... . , a' niiniber, the ,s, tinare, s„. 11„.av• 1 11.8. -10.1011-t!;0-`.; to, the cOlnoionifealth• :ill. order that, ar'--(1.40Y hut ' th • gin.....r ' aid . , . • • _.grad,tially improving; ' *Ina. hn. der t.belr Agntit'ip'ns ;40.. A7„. .D9„ eta. •-• , . This 1,„ -.1 . ,.....i..,....' ' tr..,a. --k:x,,,4,a,• ' eip,.. 0t4..,010,"eht ww,c-ti,-.),:e.g401:7"'telite7);ovieleiZow' -0' e'reil,l;' In,: tbo -day's .when, "after iris war, Continued' use Was .. completely re7 . . . erqg'n el..were-' Shaltinfri* °nutria; Eur.: -ittOi:eil:. , :For thia• reago,q4• 1.-..earrieeiks,4•_ :Inbeeet:t.:',6.1,71:1;1,13..,;}-1..,u$tl:a.13,,:iMalial,diel.3"ae:'Ugireld4Acert47;4'."'N''''efs;"(1.1.4-inti:' tO 6?titielletl,nO7. et6illach.:' . driVe. Out'yonatination and, '..'4*-44,04*"wlic*I'M'Ititkg-fthrliliitTeal, '.11.4tge ttli Weak.,...girle to• .talfe".these." in .gr'Egt" convenience.' to •ilie'niap User: tioll,s by,. th.(.i. 4uitraliall . •connoqu, pje reiets,,...41,4.. pro*ote . healthful re.„, der. mandate front -Abe.' League of Na- indigestion; , break ' up • colds and'Slinfi , .. ',toe ''• These Oelltral. .a.ratiean'''Otiun, Pills, feeting'iure!,that.they will 40 for •„..- • 7-71i'le.S ”Whica did 'not il.9e2estit Utah' 0*.n -004438.T1hat thay,.4$4 f6r:v[A#P.. . ..., ..1II• eider th. at,. theY.• )21., 1-0frPe. ?a. sPk.'.;'w.ealth . Government, and . tIto .q.pInliii- freShleg ' !deep; It 71s... iraperinible: for .fiend•your.oaMe. and address tiillie, '4.-qt!°1- " for .0fo:e4g0 . purnoses:,;• It De7 intration Of* the, Mining' operations...1a Ilaby'S Gv.yriTablete to hart** ev4sn ;the .,,,,, • ,• . ,. , . , , coal depesits„ 'Such. ,:att • AuStria, 'tab', ".."' .."0*itzin,Tialtd- and Hungary, . kut•flpily .Dr. 'ti.:7'.1iliatne' ' Nledialne- ‘P•i :tireek-.. caure' a• cornfaeli practice • '. fOr. O0 Iii thia .41ande:•• Of....the DePartRient of „new-haro.' babe tie, thy are-absoltitely ''''• -eli511eiWed .-ti-if rhie Of Mack coal. .,In *Me: 0,rit; and the Will. •nia0 'Yoh' free: grili.hieal •,triap ' sheets to be squared i , • 0.,Home an ,er tor .es... • - , ., . guaranteed free from , opiates.: or , any . tht.00:.aayt whit9 coal,:. 04 is.. by41.0. .a...:tiep4 4.ttie wok , on ,q34,ibloig .iii.) off In like. manner. ' .t'or ' purposes . i ' eleetil0 POW' WP regarded, as Life the .Blet4'!. The 0110.• -can be' Obtathed 4d14finIstration' and ' fin' . . Other' 'pity,. Y._ ierci of 20 ()One** to ton. Eatlinated OthceotrilenrInur,niegtiatti..dt3riTiga.bieSts.t. 34, i;..it• '.10.' '4,i:t;" --tantkee. for ih0. eeeatittiie' cliflicultlea. throaght. any. druggist 4Ir by .nian at 13(3.6.-E;'i.t",1111.,1:11?8.,i.kil.e.6.;iir.a...b1,13. i°' h_air....Ii... fle.Slir aet . t:ilhe';'.•eMnte.'•of4•41.9437:',i'll,teht. (-.i:tallititehr.°1;`- J. • F.I.iriti' '. Atlantic,. N.S„ •Writes:r..."1. caused ,partiy• ,i).3: the. laek.uf. 6/4 .sup. ..5q centa'n hoz from "I'lle Dr.. Wil.lianis'-. system 'silen..toat when .a name :la. working .there „had Wen 'Mere' than ahrii3re..keeli riabY'S Own :Tablets .in plies and partly, ityr thef•.itigh Oat • ,. giVen ..there can bp ne'••ralataling •tho, •••• • SI' 1(71 begatt:...during the,'Weir. - 'prices: '.;• :, , •.:- '• .'• •, ' • : • . l'dedialake Co, air.; .. • -,------------*----...:„,--• plaee•••or feature that •le • referred to. t.g•. 400190, t,:i.),wi: biiiia..E. 44 :.. °Orr. ;aIt10.7c1;16 4g. :,: to)Ilde,;.1•Iatri..... iti9h.tueut.144,7,ountshe, ee,. .ir,tif t, ). ,.. 1,.thpe.,(4re, :got dt r...ezo.n.e.,. 4(ii.ce. i ale: have:ii -." Co nada thor.rule,"of: hlack ,coa.l. ',Un- Ni)lact,Wolii. iin- .'"ii If • you • have,..a. map' Which' la , aiitared.'face ofunder Etithy:'e „ ID.W.n.,, Tablet,s . aro-ibid.. by ground '-W'thebrk had yet been. attempted, ; ,, . • and wish tO.Write to sonteoneWho h. • , ; .„,• . ....,. .,..,i.,..„. ...,. ,., •,,,,,„ ..,, able Jo "obtfiluflier 'nedeesory co4.1.-sup. .a.,. • a...* ' .._,_... • a similar. map;: tilet:e•• can • co liffue -pas..., •• • • : medicine. dealers ...or by ;Mail" at 25 .... .• ,.. • but aline of reef 80 feet In •Width had. A0,...dee,ided,:to...electrity, all. ho; , . OW . , .enriptation, ''Sibilliy 'of. a mistake If YOU (Mete the • k • • • . ben traced by the'' ontcrop:/Or 'Aye drefireT7Cii- Broekviir Ont ..lief.16 'Claim' .fr(int, England: of Germany, tents a, ..be.11,...,,o,m_y_be,..D.Willianis' , ainindmist, r. j)Qwer,.op ihn tOrrents 'F. .'1.•IJ:)'.'.'j.':'":;'-nst-77t77'''ef'' '''. 0:- 11*-''.0'-1§1-'-ti":•',„P .i.. .. Erne:. afn:t 0.:'...1•19-n:gr:ii:oeit:''' "1....nile"rt:aeil.tbteu' eircite'u::i:111, ci't114.• :8111:431' ;17;: . aCc.°rCling •'t° Iti.;•11414ean.s.;r?"vrt' the . . „..., , ' •' • . . . ., portaiip',"-Iireati Bites? utilizing ,Alin. •ualles: •kt''''-d-coriserVative estimate, ....,'•,. • ' ' and ilver,s :in ihat •i"npuntainolis coon- ' ',• •*Ide' ... for !, Breach. s'..-01: • ' .012.ifitousitY;-11't-e.-rak---Lt40-----aretl v1ValmiutiOr.14Y:2:27°,1s..4).•114".0,„%ilIede'ilt'h• VreCine.' , ... • _ • . . .,_'-:. Synthetic_ Rubber Oa.--441144-3,:ffooaitItei,,,,rtirtr mined squaring • ••sYstem , is.'.that!the • -: •• . :.• • .... •-, „.• , . . of. • the.--,:. •rainersH had --k. expressed .: the ath ...., . i' Ny,tte•pwtged..to ltripart 8.0.:;p0r,.C.ent; nunaberaof the squares.nre only good. 'opinion., ,with •which,:hecould I not .Of: of hcr 1eqU1renier4s .in ,ebal; regnrOod, '.• "rerente,----A.!Speeial .disp etch Irritn: for OUP.Particular,:map..' If yen ,10,:,,,i, . . . .„,. ..., # -ifeiany• :ioatitirk :„'hitrt.self;" ,:that there . . . . ... . . ••estaNishinent of • hYdro,eleetrie. P( 1(7 ie. a .Tbrente'PUpor Says';' -.- , sevskal;difforeht: maps.''of the, •,eartip. „ ,• ..., . • • . . . • . '..Synthetre---..fitb—ber,' 'already. •prodito. ivae--,-.412;000;00.5••'•-iveraiTtit,-g-6Id' 1,67 be' :stntIons.'as tp . ()toy moans tp Sare her ' l'"Irt,' the Chilatriaa7relOtiiles.gKings-- terearar-differt. sealeS' • then It 'wotild ible 'in the AabOratery '•hy,-'-inare-'•-•thati obtained.-.:.:' '','' • •. ••,' ' • •••••••:,:'', ... . • ':- " - trade 'balance .:defielt,:of 'the inontent ton. Pcnitcritiaryi when .1f...111,111OP, l'oron- 'he„ tkuife poseible:that•the eame• Place, ,,ori.p.- method. ,,..,htit..hItherto kept, front . • ous iteni ."Coal imp.prts." .-. - , • . r. \,.; , ta "eit-inaPeeter: .0( Prikme, 'Wee , Per- Would, be in differently: . tygrobood• ' '.irl..1,e-.reet,'11°i'ti'l.''''''':flins.' l'br"gh the • w.orld's i...narkets'1Wtnitiritiritt •Of. . . . preat..E;,9Mrtsioni.flegun..'• .Oled,'„Ivas ,a' yew* womait:::.frOni..:Bob-. 's,,:i.uarei',.:oii.:..‘h6. 'd Affo'ront -Maps, .•.,:1.•1 •.;• t,;„;,04.gi'll:dill...t...ibitona'flat'aian'aclid..:°,11usb.lcie,.,:otila.„ '.q•hality or .eiceasireeCOat,. . ii no*: cat geon, iiVh.o siX,yearS age Was •glyeti ,' Tho. • e'si-celled '. I"Grid" ,,SyStein 0,8 • • .' ' ....'• - . • . . . • .• .. .: again reported. I • 'lb ' ' B.1" • 'rt. ' ' ' ' • ,.'erlitts,'. an, .electrifittatioa .,era,.liegan; dense, thiber Mossei.. and:fat-. •::If-'•"-------'r.''''-'9'-'-com lig... an article-er-;•.•cifeoin-th'etevr9eleaD.'°r; ‘,..4shttii oxi,i,.: ,itictoilsd; 1.1 .,.13,1z6 aild '11) 1. 4, Jon r ..te'rin ,; alld.'a Man Who.. had *it- . worktql: out '15y4lie.r...TopegraPhica-141it,' et1'...rtt4 Meted Atte necesSery parr .,_-...,..,---,---7-7-. • • . • • len: treias." . ' It is a' 'Seven' dayS' 30 i' Of •LtdAY•O-4t-3- Department.,..of ' the ,Iliterier.;; • : is • . • .*•• , • ..'• .. • • ' • ii 7 A: Itio'it '''..W00.40,.....'4.4 `'40'ribit, ,•-':PriVy... -. ortance- '; during '•the. ' inflation -(ltit's... • riiy ott,.. foot from:. .03,o ,ooait„, .0thoagh . '...wlioo. A the 'AUS.tirlanr,currency' .' was: Year .fornile'r..1mrglatT.. ' 'T-110.• xvit):11 on .r.eally nOthlog.7n2Ore :than 0...•'national... . olittine.,,,18...710t -,:it..ei„i..g,z4t,...,E,,,,,..couhei)er . 6..4, a "f,lirectOr of the • riye • • .. . . . . . - his. Way west got...eit•iit }b-11- 411e alr-ld; ited.. .eyt.etu , or squares, •• S6 'ar'rEtaged, the ' Syn'tlicate,.,Stated_recentlY,..a.t.,a izieeti . • • itipidly stetting, le a Iraitta 1)014' 1111 (7 Is there Is an entre ;absence Mg of the. GormatiChemicaf••11/anufaC:'. ., • 011,110thing.i 13y• thd,end„ of .1;•.0'ft •tira' .W.as '54P,P1.,lefl'' f?7°Iri l'ililt9'911'rli, '''thlt,•fi-'ee-,s :edit if any' place ie. retail:4'U by its with 4..14 rell of .hilla,a0, a••-,oOttle- or .1.*4,„ gil.(1 ... .niibil3iirs "turere! „ ,A:sencitition•-,.. iit. • Frankfort:on ,:• 06 .7 lo': hy•fit•O-ele&yie Plail.fe•!' under' Whiskey. ', On Saturday 'afterrioPn the, ' (.1:tAqr.s.,....0..t..t."„:11'..qtrit:aaiiheidii.e.trilye at itffih!-•fil toiled. i„..• tionftlt_thhals'im‘hieria' .::Canstriiction. with' an aggregate:Ix:4er' alphithei...nOt .being,, ,tieed, • there . • ati• . • ..• . ,.• ••• , ... • • ., ..... .. . y' ' •-: --- the-Wfain:. that. It . *Ili 1.•iiiion be inatii:: -...44.'g,500,000 'horsepower. •.'`" • - .•: ' • ; ... .'' NIontreal-Terozile.eXPreisloi the Caniv--- . be".••nO •Inlatake ,•:- as. 10 i tS•,, lOcation-. ers anis. only. the :moat, primitive . met,h; factOrOd:. in: •derniany :and enter• -•.the'• _Carry .' 'through:. their,: eleCtrification if theZe.are seVeralinttp sheets 'Of the- .... 1 naine OfTitty"parti-,•'644'4Px.e.:PeOu..licasthia: . •!••..• ... : ,." It Was.,:during.ithis period • thatthe :I•vhether .or not the • The'linig,'.weariabrae 'iOtirney' from •„. Atistflan'Federal Railroads started to' Miler Map 'sheet .is -mentioned. : .Thus; ther-coast to fusyl..ia..,nevI,,;,hoWeVer, netng .-0•Vercoine 'to some extent by the ''..Schenree,...,, The most 'ImPortair.it:•thie settle area at different 'scales,. then. . . ,tiae f airplanee. for :carriage of , they • , intended... to a:lee:010, . 'Villa., the noder .••thts . • national; grid Systetn, the. ' '' • ' • '9: id peasengera and-,-Storend:JOr!treas.. Bludenz-Viettria.•'-iiiretch of the :Main' 6'01 re,feren0e. ,inittribers ' of any ._:. square would 'alWays 'refer •precisely P°!tt.ilg theyg ,d ' iiiiiir ,....fx_s_ xmii_A31,„ Lest„An East, -011 61 rrom.. the...teld.. , Et. . Avikiph..thik.Orintt and .Aillierk"expresii-: te the. ea.ine• lticatlen..on tha•grontid; forts ..being. Made to .the lige of' airphinee 'by Uri:Mg-them •to con; _ . ,....V# ' are' keeping '''.up ' 'the '' continuous 't'or. all, ordinary:, PlirpoSeti.., tii.. !lay .tiacl."1Mt.,b44 A.10.6....4bo.ut the wornan!s Vey inaebIneryle" the'Xilinei ' : H-7-7tandh,:betW.een,':pcchleat. and '7,prieot,'• ,i that a' ,point lies lit. square" " 22-112 or 4his... 1..liiig.,..,” leading from, •Calais . yia 014.103e. ' -''-' '".. ','' ' :• .• .. ' '' • • In the nerthWest•'quarter. of0' . such' a - 'Alm‘.6°t. Pi•erY• • :Mine"1:••thel'e'• ' . .., .. pols; • .... :i.iric4 .,, vio.0,!0. ..„!311.44p•6t.,;1301..,, '. • ••••"EverY now anti :then the • Man • re. •. .._, • • • • .• • , .... . . *.ii.bbis..bot. square' le. einfiefent, ... But if .grea:ter !... One cOtapany Is rePOttd :to • he .ah-' grade' doyvit. t:' Oonstaidineple, : ' ,. • ... , tired to the. 'caniavatati '. tie,' and •on" hie:..retifrn ;:beetitite; Mere preeisto , Is lea , ired, decimal • added to , trip . reforeilea •..iiumbers•-• to 11' he tabling from England iiri.,..• airplane. capable of *.otrrying ,• One Sen .dead il niero•efirele.sis in hie. talk with.the • , - ,•,' vv.' the ulttitiate••Pradtical l'' if 1 im ,. ,.,so .as• .o parcueo. gaf. . rte. showed her his. big ,•,..., • •• ' -•-• tit the pohltilactiy.. 4 14161•6.,Ilirer, bra.11k I•011 'find tried, to ,her iltleP--,Y.• t?.,a'conniq41.1.rt"..hirti_:„..1,0Ghicago,..'Aff-ei,"3 r . "I? Y".1°h.es t° *..'' 14-'7.:::.t.liba.01:::::: "Ing.: 10 prOvide exPebse.sThe., we: .! t•h°-.'. i''.4•Lern: .6f.: gri4!.'840ares maii,,. reluetant.',..for . tear • Of; bimse- .•.tin • accarate, mans .of obtaining. •,:the- providee ganeke, on. ficeotint of :her:Parole, de.• .tilita:1-WP. '.al.iti • direntioi. 1 ; f..rexn., elle .,pOpti.tp anether,. And clhied .to :consent' but tool the"..mattun ,_ ...11 iaet mentigned poksibility is alit .cte, 'ae.dols- cOlfilderation,. • ,, LeaVing 'tem. trnin at 'Pert' 0.olie,, eii route to 'flood .to two ixdrith."shOWO: tiliOn CaYgeen;, she leek ale man's ,filiteago ; t'll)' s'ila .13tit, m Y alsee he. mOSaeyd.tee up 'pointa' . ' 'will' h • : 'b (78(1 Y( anti, preinieedt0 Write later. ""e•oull,ee.t Off To Scout • I V g g PING •A WEATHEE:t grt otimA plane' take S off via the 'cai.4tilt or' "cut!' route ..frcila'h, warship. oi the• Yangtte river to,see 'what is. going on hetwee4 the warring, factions ashore, dian .Natipnal ,Raliway carried... from worwe r, market's Ifi'0 '1 "With. ' • - • - - • • - lOrigsfoli the ,BObodygeen paroled wo: . • • . ,... . . , the shattiral. Product...lt WaS. announced tile released .20-yeer• term: ex••epnvict, • -- • . , . . - •• - .. •. man,' She wits met .at pelleville' by, , , . . .. th4.t, a .ne* .:catal.yer had, been: found, WhO'.sliared a, seat •with her as 'far as Oi/l'ixtlilifeil- !,:i ":4:O:tilli•t6\al.:.°S. ?.3,8 192734etit Fart H2Ope. ',Tv:ie.:hot '„ kb daffi'lltiw•,be rlin earrespandont.. pt .1.he Nevr,7*.r*: was. iic iiii______u_itcsL.with her, '.but the pre, Tithes, in a:dispatch: . ': • . „,' '.•...' ''' sumption .!hi",. dint ' the,. ever-present • ' lir. "Weiiiberi>•A stressed the part sYn; :-grepevina.. .perilten 1a,ry, telegraphic. 7thetic ',productien 'is .', Playing in• ...the present chetnietil: indnatry,,-e-epeolally• In 'the' fields: of " a•rtilicial silks, teeth; er," born;. shellac, 'wood :aleohaf;, oils, and 'glycerin.... .' ' . ' ' • ...L. ' .‘ .. '''Wlat e 'before': 'the War .Germany's •,•, ' pq. Loan From ..Leaatie:: . . . The .• 'Finance. . Committee , of ' - the. weight .. antt,... When this is,..ii•vailable jt... 6bensiee,1 ,indtistry ;'nel;fer'.,:cotribined . .. . . •,, Lague of Xatione granted a•,,,consider- is expected that it •Will bespeasible. to with foreign ..ititeresta and 'Preferred able part the League's ' lean for .the --lati•at • the scene ' - of be opetratiViis to • mai-titian . - monoptiliesi • in many branch.es„ new. •trade ,developMents are. Farts for the, erection of a erg -slier:. ••;,.ptirpages . Of -,furtheir,'-eleatri4oation . Plana,. and *ItIr.thie.: thatincl 'aid the, .In • this may 'the absence of roads will along . :0,it.t.13r,.'Idifferent 'lines"; . as ell:, - :•above-mentiOned 'inaln 'ilne.',Was" :Wee- ,be. ovf3reetne;,' It ;IS .iintiCiPaled, ., :.; ., ,denced, by the' variOus..ollaprgers: with. • triffed,froni.the• SWA.iiiaatier. to Selz- " .:Mr.' MCLean ',las ..e*pressed ' the' English,",Freneh, ',and,' AmeriCatt,firms: . htirg'.." A.cin;clin'w to. the ielectrilleatiMr gpioloo that NeW. Guinea 'is a' cinintry . The 'It/Blaster ef'Tr'ade•',Ifert Ciirts. ptag•rair.,n,'of the. Austrian Federal :Raz, Of.. great ' 'Mineral .. Wealth., ' Allmost Pointed out. that. the organization of rends; the • SaljinirVISene . etreteli eve y... ir.ahoi.ai, ,haa.'bp..sn.'•fonad • there,-) t-115(-: Perman ' glieinleal., .mant4acturers • was' the. next .to be cleetritted," ,This, The 'whole .cenv,ereation,,,between. '116,1:s11.0w21 .141011 nOteent; sheets or- upon.,est, 'Minerals to be diecovered,,:...'whilo visiting Producers at the Pluladelphia st,i;et`eli . IS 206 nines .1Ongi..., apnie-xi-• • • . mately...norreSponding le' the distal -fee' twe'wee .bi*d' JirY people' in the ,ear , sheets 'eVelt • far remelted, ,from 'one there aro niarlY" indications 'that'the :Ex•Positloe.ia 1076 got •the Idea ot•or: seat imulediatelY behinirthe ex-bOard-' 'artOthe'r, .. All that Would be necessary :ceitittryAs.•cil hearing.: :,' • • - ..• ...'.• 'ganylog; and tWo „years. later formed : betWen; Now Yorlt• anti Washington.. ' : . • .ers..at PortSnionth,•peniten.thirY: 'This. :4.9 Mahe' this "torriptitation . would "..be.; to . • • The-neares't •••:pert . to . the . o' regent. the Present., a.800Clati6U.,,. ' ,‘. .• , .. The' -,.' Anat'r-faii , Federal.. ItailrOada • toiN illustratOS the..trialk and temp- .1.410w. t14 !grid' Square reference n'urn. gol #elii IT saisieea,,•ahout :to riffles; ' :Another-oisPateli..by.the As.Scialated , nOw have definitely giVed Up• 13)6 1(117 „, ' Presa;; from Frankfort, 'tinnoutioes , that' . to • eleetrify ,this 'StretCli.'rho roasou 17 --,•-',- , ' Of - the' abandonment 'of -ale ichente 1 tation .of I,,a .1i,•(matt.....rieastl , on; •. hero, .'d eelnyals ..aud .till,' be. the 133(3 ''31 rAwa,l'i and. 'slime: : Pc: Mining Opera- llic. ,Greinian ye .. syndicate. . has . suf.. • — ,. , , ........ ,•. ,, •, . ,po , .and.' also . ertlie, final' point, .the twits • ere , begun Anland on- a com- . titly7,4iiiogres-aed'*Ith eXperimea, 7....1......„.„,;,,,„:,_,,,,,; .... .. . ,i 76--,---.. ..,, ... . . "... " -. Iest',..-150-ng-.:7-a, M-sTr.,:e-Hr7:70- - siMPle- •Pa-rativ4IY large .scale, it .has been4 the • 11cie • .. A, 7(1)01 t) ,Jut:ge.s,,, m a place ot•inatheinatios;. . •• : . „. , - - ' • '' . f ' h i ' ' t ti ' it ' . ' I 'i ' ' • h ' ' • ' : ,,,. scene p , nine • ; acti- 'Reports of . a, en 1 igr mite ng, synt etic rubber honor at'li a, recept)an, . • As a- yoliog - • ' a . . •. prOgresS ere awaltidWitli groa .iil.tef., to ai).01y: , r *Orld. patentec and ,the't ^ R�Ong�Nkoe the best tea yo n clean, btight Aluminign van .buy solitoOl' because' other, countries; since 149':•in‘-'14--had4reeteid:-almOst. abis tradif harriers , in the •forni_pf; taTiffa."' and --.1rUPOrtant, .In, his Opinion. It be a long tinie bef4re....ettial.Shrioni Wad rentoieij. • *I .,-Clasaified..:AdIrerkispm.to , . -6-4; AND OulaitY* WANTEL04. we , pay highest' market pricea .and gtillSag14,44ZPItAAIIItita=14 St., London. out, • Carl Duisherkr,.: et the Fatheaindus, ' tile, who iirebided the'sesSion;'sald,1* the German chemical industry. -.was DOW" producing Producti annually': valued at 3,000,000,000 marks (about 000,009,000)., constituting one•seventh of the whole of German industrial pre- ditatiOn. ' . ; .. a3*•4 URWV t- anueun I h T. 1oiet • of ,41Arented Invantiona" . and Pull .Information Ileur Wes on Request. . ' rE2.11UPAISK.S." 470., Milli, V7,.. . Trade...,circlee-genarallt--regard-- the-- . g es ,. m'- portaxice ,beertuse they. consider it its offsetting one of the. postwar sone - 'plc handicaps retuning from the lees, of the German cOlonle's and with tient de t wnpre Sourcee. •. • ,, • I cording to the Associated Press, in in, lined •tit. view: With. okepticisin. the German report M937.e.' than a dozen lirdes in the .past :decade,. we . are re- • • 'minded, the trade has. heard sitoilar: reportsi• but always the product either has failed . to ettuar. Virgin . rubber in, quality „ or the ' knit ,et produCtion • has hOirl s0. high is. to render'',Its:.'mann' facture impractical. ; Atinanils Liniment for. rheumatism. • :Canadian nay for 'Britain' 'tr --.7''r;recv" -1Jr-anSWiek--441.17.1 I from the farms ofthe---Provinee, NONV lirunswicit 'IS dema-nd by Brit- Ish, Miters:a:4:d .it is, • expected aub- . I . • stantial shiptnerits.. will' : be Made to .Great,•13ritain this whiter. .Afi eider for 5,000 tons. is being phipped this, Mon& to England, and an:inilulry'has been 'reeeiVed., by NeNV.,.'13ronswicit-1. hay' for Orites....61,,,ail-ad . 5,005 tons of goadAballty :hay for. the, Brltfsh ina'rket. The bay 18 , being `shipped' in ".•-untforitr.• bales 'frerit John, :N.B.: coarse? .Rub. throat and ..thor, enibly. with Mlnard's, !Lint-, hunt. Quick, relief aistire-d. To -Morrow . Where art thou,...baleved,. to:merrew? , wheannay041:44.,m1",. Rich .and 'poor, ,through joY and Ser. `Thy sweet..sinileS AN:a ever: seek,--• In thy place -,---ah! well . fiad the thing' we ' • -• ' • . • , I Agatha: . What mikes Bettie want' ,a diferce? Is it that, htteh,and df • hers' part -lett:, that hushand 'that. isn't hers ' ' : platinum' baying heea ilie • lit; inliOt be eredlted:to Atnerlea, since, *'as the cariifitl calculation ot•costs of -electric-and "'steairc: Agilres liaVe ..revaaled art 1.ainazing , . , • • facti. "I Electrification in these parts was • eXpensivn Inxitry. Compared. steno power., •. • • • • ;.; • „ The .careful S,ealeulatione ,have. Pre \fed 'that. elf etri flea halilage In this -iittch *9111d/cost .$1,8004100 "more per year than •stan.i. dant:ion: There *ere two ,develegiinente in • 1,4eeet ,yeart. •'.. haetened the tiefetit white' COal, the. tWo factors ,heing., flrat, .0.04 gradual decrettee Of eclat PrIceslangr second, the 'teehnical IMprovententa 1.0.1biettru,•haulage; , , ' Waterton 'Lakes Park .10' Popular • Afikongh for Over' it 'quarter of a , , Waterton ,Lakes !lath/nal :perk MS Termed, a, holiday' tor reehlelafs. Of • southern ' .Albertnt. , 01111, reeeit, years it -haft tbeen ablest• . Mikno*li • te • thb traVelling World. • With the. advent of the metOr,and the • t):',kood. reiC14'. cOnite.cting" the, park With.' Main 'previnelal highways. , ' reservation 'has cofne luto,its bun mid each year an inCreas-: ' Ing number df visitors enjotial many attractiOns,' • lady o( dozilog ohain:Is' Walked 1141,..Str' The; pea, paid • is ;.ix touiiSle'. loader.' est In .kustilailit••' • . ' . ' '..' " f ' sYtithetic• rubber Will boon, 'aPpear• en . . tic exclitinled • ini011intarliY, 'W -hat. a, inSpection reveals. The. gas is 'Pdtired ' .. • .' •-•-.--.--'' ' ' •-t.----,' . .' • th lirorld .matOcets . ha a ,counnerchtl. •beentituf• girl!" ,--The,•;Aatiogweinan . in -via . a -cap last hack of ',:the hood. carritnoditY. , We, read": ... ' . , ', • •.., . • . . . . . . , oVerheard 'the' : compliment; .:turned;i'or; what , appears :tel.' bo no good rea,. . The sYnthetip prodect: is declared gave Irini, It' radiant . snipe ,al\id . Sahli 'sou, , Oast. of the hot argitinStntS' 'in : to.. he the eqtial of the ,natural rubber "What an exceilent .judge!" ; : :. • .s. America during ' 1928 Wilt be between ,And. cheaper', ••in 'cOfit or Production; „ ' ' ,, , ::. - .. • •. ' s • . ' ' ' '• 'gasoline station attenilante.••,:and Pord. "tints` Perthitting,ite attiv<0 en)WetitiOn ,thjnich)g ninyei the worl,d. in Which. the• -vie. w1,-thent, rerneiring all :the , ., . I' ' 'Out 'of • intliff,erent extelhal 'Matter, 'ownero tryin$'•te make, them:pour:, in ml,th the':.ntatort-il pVeduct. , • • : '" . . Dr. \-.Veln,b'erg eXP.14140(1: fil. at -"he SYnithetit. rubber ',wag 'obtained . by . *e live.. ! ' ' ••• ' . , .', Varnish frain 411e -1100,d- ' . , •:"Centact'''synthesia," ' a Procese Which. , . ha.,t, been ;under exPerimentatien eVer, since the yvar,.. •fie declarod that:the progress of ' ehentietry., *as " itit titter, national ,affair, , and .that • nettling' Wei - mere pernicitnis thanAp: felt. lato.iithe error ,cit 'calling. Geri -natty' "the Country •of : ch.ettlical illduetry,", 'rakardiese :et ,tbe aehleVeMelits:,ef-ethera.',', , Vvestern Heinitick .ini, irtitia4 l'Tegotiatibas are proceeding,' hn The.. loot.er,o,lioinioa (Tooga hefot... said,. t,o re•establisli international pen. Ophylla) lir One of :the Meat; linpOrtant taet between' 'the. ehentleal intereSIN 'trees fit British Coltinible in regard to ,,it)bte%1061,tretiiiithatlisl."•et:iii7.4,Celi.),yll't.baittin.- 11:Itit.4.,,Iti14..f . libtlit.aVailable .atippty and prodnetiOn. • ,, ta a: ibovey, 4 th, foret Tt,bortlis_,;c.f -relp%i:s wtri.,,,t1:;00 :ii,;naleresslea, .whioi eli. fOu't Iiiev4hce Oe tiliaitit;'' 0 stati(1111g .ilitited State's . thailti.°i'id.'(111.06fliiiilietliiiinfrokiiit' • `:' •tirlibet'ot tlill. ei)eTeS wil eti-MatOd is" Tieing' ''eodil.iined in- EurtiPc, itgaitia t" ' c).._,_:.1)0 .,..!•41,00,0.,00„.(1,000,„.!e_e ,,,Iii,osa,r.d,,. rn.eas .Ameripa, . Ger.roa,4••••indtisiry.... he' ,...iiti-J1- • ore"; .01..1.111,s. sortie, az,epv,uvp....top.5;,...ie,01.,•, ,„„laxild., . :wool& ,,,,,,t04...,.....iortni.ziksik.#4,,,, ,,L _::,,'.: '.:', “. ,. .. its.."---raea4att- r the- . ii et. re 140, -The, r• -•1: -To To • • „ ' •-•.. '' •• ' ^ • • ' L'14";)E ° ( ''' S a"e Id' 14'i: tlt 6''''. co nI1116 : (A..c.'61•:).1:111.03 ftg,v114ft0,,i1I,,:ilt".144. )116.-Itatlit'' Prf.gillat.11'. Ma ..1 pi 1,Y. 9. Lila 0, t titaC., .. •f•At(c.0 'tho :pa ,agrt•timeniz; v, c.,•. aro ' " ' - '.: ' :. ' I . - : -T"'''''''''''Vi'l '' 1 1 i ' • '• ' ' - '• Indlgoittirin ; i 0'1 v-rc-':- 1 i--.:iilit. ' it,6-, ,,ird ti4cier:f end itk ntetinn IS only. a" stnaIl :Part liaiing ...btl'til eta. .reuek, y 4 0,,,,,,pm.a(,,...wittl„,.‘4111.1, ,bi•tinri•t,' .4.0Unve r 6 PHILLIPS MAGNI* tOe'fr0431/14 due *A 1 INVOLST1ON ' ACIO STOMACli 441EARTOLI" 'HILADACHE 0As3.6NAUSEA. ,•••-• - , t Iv . ; s n pa 1 •., - .• ...(...ttigwor-Xlve`k. ic-:',..CiirgAil:\',-W-frr ti, o .soitinif r ),..111>041; t IN0 )1 till rs .after,oal hitt 1111(1k°-,-..-.1.0,13 77 74.1 '33(111: 'r•el.Y 'nit' '011,40 •rlie t!ll,t...ot' 7' ("-''(31 lit,1,1..)1,(:5.,(41' ',1!tli,11)4, r, t (;1,3' , Of '.,'i 717 111'd 11 P1 r -1,., - Iird) ill A -iltilf „It 3;71goroltA ijart In the. ,exionsion of ,...1 ,i, 1. it.,, ..,,,o,,..0,,,,.14.01, ,.4,yiklitt., ktolituth4;_„,"A.,0..,.,011t.n,ng . (-0. stiftel‘f 117', ;ter *1)11* 1,$'.011.1.3. It'Velagt,t1 annul ., ibis' eiak ,soon •Wjll dawn when; (;orman ' ..(4.1,p`..n4,t,itillet.1 1)103,1 (1t1 40 't`dAn'aiinv -1: '1 1(1 ''''; 4 ' 711) e " , , *lion. Yo,d,loar,d li 0 ‘v 0111(041y, • how ' 42,000,000 • feet - a nnintillYt. _ Term it i g c.f7,01,111,...a t ',,ilidailtrialist‘t in ay. . c x p 0 i i ' ng 11011, SO. ser!'... •01' niniciP'4111 '31)3(1 1' atl.tilyel! trelth .111•0•.best'..,61'"., p1 7531437(j7 11148 Prelnier' Iiiethod aciO,.•• aholti '15..per• eent. .0f. 'ale,. 13)' 71 lit;In- tairov (11 3111(3(1 0.1 (1)f. itulids of pi'• - TV ivqq Iii*40 pritill0:30(1..blii ,:now r0Ctil'o i -r; Iliillips% ittilk of Int•flisia,", 11 17(3 let i3. slieW '011 Pt . , !.(,),z.„ iimiboi, c.itt, fii ,ottuatift, , ., , 4.Nolle.,,i(41),,,..;,,,, lie. t„aid, ... ,. , • . .. oper . , • • . -, ,. I .(1. 18 1)1n 1311 t '1' '1') l'aryti, 1.1.4(2• 13(3(3 (1 rl, 6.,1e. rit'b",.:,1114‘,1.1.(1,)60(1 .1;:,,,a.181(19!•(1, w iitl<st, ipi;i.YE,8i,'.• , 'Ilot, Stir.o. to get , ill?, .g0,111-111yectlii:IIii3s',-,r-,-. -. • , : ---.-0-;,L,.---0.", -7,-1.-----ti, . '' •, , ' . . v,, ijr , cur tilts . . p.,,-1,,,, 1 Mbilttfpr '6( • : • . 0at•q r 717(31 4. l: •fitt .-, Tf• t.1 1„..lann ). ) flu.. .,, al ,funtf tIN ,),.. , Nlill of Mag,rmsla I), OScr-bot. 7:S" PhY14,. '11° }(111`g '0f ' 441 -*N° 11.41 t.'` Lill -mien(' ,i; ' ' -- " — * • necto •thg; i'as lo'011:). ilvitIon',3caglic_uojL. , , , • . : . , , , . • , ,,;; (1 114') /tor 60 . yo-ofts, in •,..,61.1.01„ -ting, T„N.,,,,. .., j . .'' ' ''', ' . ' ...''' ' • v't.'.°11°111Y' .8A16. th° (1°11171'111 tile'll11('411 ' Will liaVe a,, /1edt ' of 1:,.. lir ,tirptancr...te -oho klmor, fp of Ph:1111'1'6" Milk of i•,, r•os,9 ae.108..- . li,"'aelt inIto-e• pon.tiftfs• fun. '.'.• croppi (1317 ii 'Tacit. .aud, .yoicii be .• 1\l'agrola noutraliie'S Instantly' Many directiOnt-hay drug .8tore. ' ' . Otilltad int; " ' ' .• - - s'i„rt ,ty,ith. - . •• " - - 1 FRESHMAN NO LONGER ' 1. . , . "Isn't he a freshman at -college?" t 'Wu, but he's been In that clue* so long he4s.g4teWetsile." , 4 13eaiaty Of pHresaii;irvuod Skin ' ittictir Seett-tioactitnite •, k Ointment to. Pleat foR LOLDS • .• eett•tdaeht far„itaze .r..arar-arid These Two Fo'Ind Rcikf by Takirig Lydia E. Pinkbanes' Vcgetahle Cot*Pouu4 er's .Quehez-.1.-- Tax() at ,f he end'of • the year always 'feet, tiredisncl "haves rib • appetite., was a.t.vd u 1 sick each • 'INI:174N":803:111;11ihblii":::::.thAd:hYthfa.rbvSia:kt:n:d' • fLh. eaymed.o.s,i n‘4.:ivmEe:epsntidateiide_. 7*. Ceinpc...tind to , and khearcimany•woniezi•tellin rho* I thungtlt It would •he!pi,. . me. And •it' did. : Now I take. six., ,bottick every yeiir arid recommend it ,...,Atosieort,shee,r3si,ff':•--QuDebt17?...L. divc k33,4, ' "Linable to Work" Noya:*Scatia'.-.".t had ir- regular peri dd:s and gTotit suffering • • at those time -8, •the paint. causing: . vomiting and faintine.. I was ,teacb-: • ing school and. often for .souie 'bear*. Weidd be unable to attend to my .WOrk. Through advertinernent•in the. papers I Inew Of.,1,ydia -; Areke,table Compeund, and it has been of 'greet benefit to the • JefrivgAtiTeoril.,111c.earztOtiV4.0liejendr:.:8?!....1:71,„___. County, Nova'S'ectia. • p II • " ' • .To bieak a cold-barmlpsAYibul .luirrs„ 7.-';ftd‘ior,Trentlikrie'. action is very .,ca.ies of neuralgia, itettritis, even Them7at:$111."4.lukt bpirbzo,i!„ - -Metes zo Atter doctOrs ,give thiteirork-m;ffm , • tfiere's 01 4Vq)itin., The ..:::;•:nnino Aspirin has Bayer on tic boy: mid 08 Arv„vy tablet, All e"ctr,Ti, , proven:Nlirethons. •',Thysidatis prescribe Aspxtor i , o.NOT affet the'ler IitiOs tryhad iisfe(n 1:11a.t , • .Ae13plti'17 rot, (tegtAteteit in O71311t:0 ittarigtikee'llnetr 771.10 it: 1SUt Vitt. t • ' ' t,P 1;01 3,7477117 3)13.1 :Opal% 1116114 Illy.rt Ifl,lt,1l(5,tlir,t 4.47 nfttlift, 11a" 71$1 4.47)1 ' • " , 110D8, 111c lablOttivia Sitk 00.0" :tritiotank, • '1 • 7 ,•