HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-12, Page 6'
ding CitizentrVoic Signfficant Opinions
- of the Calendar
remit". -eats ainannted tcf 6000,000:
fittaWS:,,,,,..Pfender • 4 .0ed' r. -• "The most reznarkahle progress has
, sa •
` • n .14eW Year Uje.ss;t .1 been the dominion of electric power
"The,itorn :9f. .63 it% aaelat .anIlsin the mining
1.4410ga/ice for pawl to,*itica. "4Tikia inatvelous hydro-ea.tric,
'Covenant, might be IMPPleatented With _______ bot10,,414,10SUit,reePOnda,44 00n. It .
; was, an einheardrof 'thing fOr a..„.reli, Piot ..in °Alsace:.
'a view *to,. the settlement of nonlegal
disliatest,L.elteluarig,i_nataral/Yi the.„
. SundaySchool...,gioue teacher te enter' a
ideciainn of internal quSeticiiiii:*.'----v-
That io a wonderttil. lead. to hav.-"e. ' Les -son. down .o.t. 1„ ta Ith:. such dornpony-- -,,,----,- ._
• given the ertipire',. and it is very.beart,
. as aro- 40W present, at Levi's. .board, - ..•
tehale4.tt-'''S4h.071.74h9psiere-17,44;74.1*epetrlaP4alcttiv; . • • : , Jegia; ,the ,purest 'Saint- wham- the • ,-„,
iluelit*.eueb--413ixed----gatborimol-'-but''--- li) Give- Alsace Anton910:- :
for peace ' ' ' ' , ,.• '4ailar7 15. '4ast11i -and, 8inaarat Mark
world: bite ever peen,*joins Mein -with, (mg ....‘colrOyritmfat\,1,47 „
:- '"If atrifter great war IS' allowed to • A: 1417.: ' Golden" Teitt..••••=1: came not, out liesitatilin.. ' •• ,• ,. , • , ,
. . ,
7 . .dicates European' ."
oinne It can only mean the breaking te'OaWthit riiiiiia040,• Out 'sinners. .to '' , Va„ IA,' 17.* Onee. again,a-41.sus' he,
. , . ,
Of receveriag frPin;:euelt.'devastationsi:., .; ;',': ‘: • , stiff:14cl , .. tex,LpVoetteyst.ntoi,11019. tigzpira•irilliailio, ,,,..„..p .1..., Unrest
' ' • •
, • .
Up. Of ' giVilizatiOn; , Nations' powors • l'Oeataricii.-4Nlark„21::1tJ.*-",,, " •tion 'offends*and •ontrages the'*.enit;rfin-
are not unlimited.' they • haVe no ut-, ' i T" 77' VO
K, rOncilY401 the laxity Of Jesus.. What right has, ' 4 " ' GERMANS PiotIN. IT
0idiaustp:A0 :100,00,;', 0f. such pOiterS, • . ..,.... . AND. a ' -PE ' ' ' • - r. • . he to %hreak. down the ari'lere Which Vt'll' 1"414;-re411°444t°411:14488tac° i.*Wri": t..e4'11•It.'
..,!,) A.W.L9' ' b - . .. • • •
Illik".,0e 'thing they . 'hit": ,Pt :'*ithi.,n : ' pi.i. T 'n,0 D til CT 10, brt,r,4110 • amazing strict Piety, has 6e1 up' IS. he n•ot--,• ,i ' • d. • 4 .t.'tv .a.a.!r 'tFr st,7.
their Teach. the IneaDS of..preventing ..igAiohoriti of Jethte.,,ppvi. c014es. Mt 04:i prOO!$1111 ... religion .. by:, frequent- ed. , '• Anleng Ingle. ,11. a .Prifiet,Abbe.
future Vara 'b7*. the P„eaaigal aettie,' in certain state.mentg.,regardligg,fer-. pig, immoral societies? • •.T•asIIS' anenier , Fashaubr.,,-, and a. WoMam Agnes V.4,'
merit 'Of. disputes and the 1'449064 Of 81Veness and the necestity of saying is vary reMaricable. I -le compares bim-, geinann. „One:MOO-16'4M ReltiaCher,-
armaMents by international 'agree- sinners The religiotts,teaeliers•Of.the self.'to a *physician 'whose tiat3i, Iq.,,t0-,,,,,Tre4SRIIIir ' flt: ife'llriIIIIIMII(f; . or • the
ment That..is..the 'great i task, -WAhic.1tnxilf:adrnitted that there .was forgive- Wards' the sick rather: than ';,to:.•Yard:..,,#ntonoinist,Leggtie, /101entilf.,..restated
God, -ey• attaelied .80 the strong. Fin the sake of brin
0" • ague as to f ce • n 1928 and- mai-WI •' sinners to God and to sprritual'health.:.'.
it to achieve. ..; . .,
Which piiblie O.pii., i_ion, alone.c...,,a: enable 7 cOOdons 'to this forgiveness
• in practice they had no conifort- he' deems it Aght' a*'g ' .' • b ' ' ' bli tio -* of
•• • no authors liter ded 'several lour
gatherer's bowie • and etill'more' aif . • • • British sh L.pabor ..E. ff rt
Judailml ferbade the religious,. to re- plot tco promote inaurre,ction Solve
Indicates Condition , To Join Capital
• Meet Tgether to
Employers and Weirkers---to
n u tnal Problems.
en .iiiexhaus-
the close of one 'Ire!.1°P112617it' 411atitut'°9**
IOW the, heginOing,'.ar,"anbther; Be- '°).1°''S9111*°.
14i.114. Os 1i 60 'ears "Antited; w*eeit'uhr'eefilipnaing eY'eg(1,eearai• l;eaqvte;:et teciableet
jia:-.`this time We have built .steanilY the ten !oaths 12086 elaineS
• .1104 .the ,feandatioas laid, at canted- ' staked and, work
• . • . ave
t a d extended ••Itkanced in *several -.mines Of incal-
• dariel• Of the 'DiMiinion. from 'Sea to ea a
..***Torty- :years hence 'man,* za4 Duerliga.'-le9it • our -. population. has
tion.et -100t4 .nnnitenetT;y, of, those • neble tra , lens
federation. The which. secure it the adrio'r
PPlness 0, that foreign .• • a .9a.°
:',001). depend in[large, "v4.YrOate. everywhere
..upon Our labors ;* ou•s•-oew .year. and f; confidencetliat
-ageeoef144 years. '• 'we-S1i1Ota the-,NeW..aar and if la IP-
• etimbent. n *.• thank
. s a resultOf the Celebrations of Pon US*."Pcavi''
40 'Oast, •Yeari' vie nndergt4id 'den°*" *
, . more .
:Clearly than., before the greatness of • ju: •
the task of building' a Canadian: nal- .1.10va ?cOtlik 8- 'meSSage
tion.. "We•••44OW that the dreitiii,ef, the Halifax„ Lieutenant-00er-
'• ratheri, omigedergtifm- was .net nor C. Tory gave a•Ne* Year's,
*eali'4ed •Ivitheut eniirage*.and perse. nieestige in:Avhich -lister..a..4inmhe
:rr.a, age. We know, .too, that- national .of irensons why he believed the people
:41. a 'eQ111.1tAT of dillerent'rfteea of Nova Scotia slioald look fOrwarcl_to
ii.,,,,nothehieyott., without': ar prosperous,New,Vea Among.: them •
• .charity and fOrbearance:4.* trael-werti-thefol,:ewitrcr",- ,
•;*realthCanada Colieists, leSs. in the "The favorable repoEt. of- pun -
Otis °Ur-. inhterial: :poises. Can Cenamiesion.. ' • . '
'"Silena''1,'' than- in these , "the .sympathetic attitude of. other
and'habits'. of :thought "*bieh, have parts og, Canada toward. the • Mari.
• 4,447191, AO: Oa', inheritance „times. . • ' . •
from the ptst•Inthe:neW .peiiint of I, "The practical 'application of the
before us, it,- is 'recomiaendstions Of •the Duncan Cern-
our highet
-445t;to -,epAsflive this In.. ,rnissionS.by. the Federal' thiverninent.
„ell'i•taiice.,,f,tir; the benefit otthnse,whO ..4,`The efuickened interest of the two
-ik,SOMil:".:Vey Stant •places. great railway systems in. Nova See -
o May.jt•be,-auld im as it .wis. said ,tia affaire. ;. ' • . • '
of ' the -Dereinien;' ;• "The: 1110„y"*. stimulate .tourists'
Providence being their guide, they trade and to. 'aceorimiodate •visitors
fided. better than theY...)tneW„' : and the spirit of:courage and luop.
" L:.•,h12ACICENZIE KING" : alley which, permeates to a very 'con-
siderable extent the business • inter-
eiroift,Ferguk•o. , eSte.,st•-•the.couriEry:".' ,11; •
London. --,7,Itemarkable .entlaunhulOt
characterized- the. ,meeting of the.. ow
etiit couneil.ef,the Trade Union Gen,.
grees . representing 4,000,000 :workers:' .
olirbeeli, has decided: to, 4ccepi..-an tar • •
. • • I
, .
Q00 000 eaPital to -amuse ' industrial' '
, peace:: ."It was, -the, finest. debate -,1
have heard' in My long industrial „ .
'I wild. 'Ben' Tinnier; ihairinan of the gen-
eral council at Its conclusion. •
,PCnIhr hoPe. in' .06d'e Jesual" "' ' ••"of Locornotitie Engineers with 58,900 ''
k. '1 k "There • vieg to Reaoo,all,
: q3y
They insisted on all kinds of 1e'aI usages "-Iltiund;"--..:1/44.,'.4.01.11'..1.3.P.MiPY-,:',getileral,-
- forms hob* observed be'faiv 'a Pinner 'seek out ausl to redeem lost souls. furniture 'rnalfar;.a.sb°1:44ikOr. and'4. secretv.ry the Amilganiated•SocietY. •
• 0 4;Llii.oxi.04:,..rr..74494,_.4.4.7„..en.
01, Ontario, '''ISSued the
, • • :„ , ' •
"An head trie Government of this
P40Ple ef
splendid crop. and on
tlikl•lii„r44.4a;in!tgerieral:bneiness activ-
the at year. • VirOtii7..e4ty aide'there
indiCatien,-.,Oat:•the year 1928
'Will. t. progress
'...proSPerity•tor.the:Pnovince. The
inekensgd ,"iiitereat devOlOpinent
, Of the natural reources". and the re-
7rnitricable.:eXpanSitin of ..the' great iii-
'Aietriee,' Of Northern. Ontario :assures
to the there- a rapid develop-
inent .'greater*.:Pro4ilatiO• of /la*
Wealth, which Will add to .the general
• hi:01'0s' prosperity .of Whole;' pre-'
-Ninee:".and. of. the while' 'DOMinion.
..",-"The,peti-Ple.ofitil :Canada and par-..,
'tic-lila:1y those of ' ;Our Own..provinge
May, leek .forwards with `COnfiderice to
• Viscount Cecil
London; ,Dec.:
.'former Chancellor of the :Duchy of
'Lancaster and, a Meniber of the Bald-
win .cabinet, who resigned the chan-
cellorship following recent I. tri-
, gave out the folloWing Nevir,'!Year's
. --L. •
"Canada :will doubtless enTibark npcnt
the yeitr 1028 with, a greatly .inereits-
ed • biterest in the activities Of the
League- of ,Nationd. •• As a MeMber of
the „Council of the League. she has
undertaken . a great and honorable pd.
sitien: She site* one'of the 14, coun-
tries spetially, cliersged to 'advance
th9. peace of the world. Hei repre-
sentatives -on the Council and e
aiseriably Of the League, how -ver ad-
mirable, can pnlyk,he the moilthpiecee
of • the. opinion 'Of 'her people. On
thern rests ' the "ultimate., respoiiiibil-
ity, and I trust therefore. I shall he
. oiled if I venture- to remind them',
of What the League of -Nations really
'stands for, and the problems with
which it ;is •faced_•
"Briefly, the League ' Stands for
world peace, social improvement and.
justice: These are tremendous: ideals
and can only. be achieved .by placing '
thein above the sphere of, party pol-,
itics' and going `ail/ out' for them.
That is a point to be morne in 'mind
by all League -of •Nations - societies.
Their: One Must be entirely non-pol-
itical( as is that of the British League
of *Nations Union. •
"It is a great encouragement. to
know that .there active League
of Nations Society in 'Canada vvhicli
is helping, to build up a 'public
that not Only believee in the
League ideals but is actualic: wifling
to give a lead in sone of the surest
ways :to peace -arbitration. M. Raoul
Dandurand, the Canadian representa-
tive at the League Assembly. in 1927,
iL'etriirided--,-the-delegates that haat:in
1925 the, Canadian Government in -
Yenned the secretariat of the league
that Canada was 'still firmly convinc-
ed that it was essential to submit
international dispute's to arbitration."
•He stated that Canada Was 'prepared
to consider the, coropulsory jurisdic-
tion of the Permanent *Cpurt Of In-
ternational Justice in legal disputes -
Subject to certain reservations,' and '
also 'to study the Meens whereby the
• ' clesirarti
Wikih• everybody great 'happiness and
" a. .rneaeure of :comfort and pros -
•',per* during the yearthat IS open-
- '
0 ...".......4., .
Premier. Tiaschereau . •
. .
, , ,
Quebec, Que.-,-Premier*,Taschereau
issued' the. folloiving, New Year's
• message: .. ,
' "The year 192.7_lias narked a .11eli
s . ' . , Province - . ,
era of „prosperity, for the ni-
Quebec.. The Federal, Bureati of, Sta••
•••tietica reveals that. the figure of.
out -
population has grown to ;2,604,000.
The number of :Students' • 'attending
our ,echools , new excee*de 660,000 and
the tund reservtd for Public itiitruc:
- tion by the GA•erninent has practic-
ally attained; this year 'the "figure or
"Our agricultural • domain, top, is
, increasingly great.: ' Leo undo
tivation in 1927 amounted to 6;867,00'0
Serer,. :The value of' harvests is esti-
: inated at inere than $147,000)000" and
grass revenue derived from agit-
culture can lie •eitimated at ,$275,-
00000. ' • • . • 1 ' . •
. "The. Minister Of Highways has
uilt I;300...miles of new roads, and
,has, repaired and maintained 7,809
miiaS„ . ' '
."The year ha`e Mit been Prosperous
for our -fishing industry, although, the
'latter. represented revenue of $2,-
000,004, _ ' •
"Revenue from the Land and For-
ta from a grehi: og .46; ettiPloYorai
controlling 159 concerns w tH 41 000 '
sin :God's 'forgiveness . 'Was. at Mate , ' - . .". -
' 1-lowrooi mooted ' ..." '
.,pabPrii.,1,t.:17:,,Itc..a.:..Ocotripi., ..mocti:iia:rdcli.e9e,:e.'e,rd.i..A.i,...:::,ruzi,708,...:,.'. .
, I, A • • • .
that' wherev,er there ;Wee ,sorrow.for
InAiShed, theic aside, , fert.".:he. taUght 1 - .. ' TA.. ' . oil-% ' ." • ri'ao: • .
1: assiured: , ;Moreover, While:, the reit-. ' . ' ' • • '• .
gious.-teahro of the,„ day waited .for.u. F. co., orgarazir*.,,to• con„,. ituat .10tdttei avif407gla.4unu4.41:9141 ''Q'i°11 04 on The. milleritk Was-iled.,JitY Ar. :
Jesus went out in. eeeren .of, them. Ho .,,,, .trol , the, _9,ntario...- ...H, 0,,,g : . on:tnvolis(it...trriiroesPt _.„0.,,.1.11a..1?a.e.c!,t,O .psea.lie...::71.,.4 ,t4Eaudre'rja;t''Clonok*'(76,07,10,e0t0a..FYine6int bthelirii)M;111WerhSo'
'sinners' to cOme, to God Of themselves -,
mingled 'with...gnat, and, .strove. to ' ' . .• . miameSs ', ,,, . . ,, .., , Thc,uo, ,thieraumber or pi000 lovoi, declared. that a conference with 16.'..
FivE . YEAR' CONTRics ved-41•
the autonomist movement -is dust, • • • •• • , • •
dividual,eMPloyers would' not help in. •
.. •
. awaken in hthern ' the •stirrings . of. a I . ' -......,....
. ,better life' . 'He coynpared 'hiniSelf"to .
..•a• phYaiciaii whose work lay 'antinig.,"! '' ' .... . • - . - . ' • ., 'mall, - it 'apPears the OrganizatiOn - - "' ''''''' • ' ''. . - • - ••
. .„ capital's Offer ApPreciated;„ • ..•;._ • 1.•
the sicit,:•not..antonethe,strent• • • , 1'It is new announced that pans to which 'the **nirreeted 'men were build- . •
I. THErFortG"WgNiasr '91*SIN:W 3'.-1:t ,•:, . ,.. l' foror-a7: liveeteek peellit,."ontarta„.1,,w,, ing-,••npr. weft?' WelL planned:" ' Lists.. at The • emPloYers• village ' • iiivitatiOn'
' . VF87„resu‘rie Preaching-lit-a-'1,iduse, tifa riiiftki'4' •Parraara'''''. CoPerative.'adlierente, aluft• the-'nuirics,=;0fr.tireti .Araffn"Oxan.*0.:(1'2vrtnozonfneol4gnatl*Axn**...!••,/„..,, '.. •
In Capernainn•when the incident now 'Company •are nndai" way. . ''For the atiPPlYing funds itte' In the!Poiniessbni .1tuon941. The *Chief organizer is sir' - -
. e rslanding, As ' • • . • '. ' ' ' • • • " ' • Alfred Mond 'chairnian of Iiiipeilal
ddncrlbed takes Place.. The roam,'"time being Pool will beeonfined to of the 'authorities ' . e''' ''
erowded,,and tlie• entraikee. and, Stair- 'h9ga' . . ,„ •,
CheMicaljadustlies, who •recoatlY in-
.:' Way also are so blocked,. that itnone is. eetiniated to , bring '82-0,06,0i000, .a. CentlY, when ,tbe
Tho . hog. business in Ontario . Discovel7 Of the plot Made. ra-
which is: on th fi t '*. ' * ' ' . . -
year. to the producer. • . ... ' '. • heesee , :of • aoMo. trOduced the. far-reaching sOheme • for
Itakilig the, veorkers of this large'ltib7 ..
•can Pans ,either` in or out. At 'this eiwdeninty, c.osunsppeeectfloe:..pweirtshonaa•ti•otiereei., rtarliadi.
Idertaking Into 'tile cOrpOration,'S coun-
moment four Men' appear carrying On! TheOO. Plana' are still .in the initial .. .
a stretcher* 4:paralyzed man. For the stag, but a eonferenc,e. of a -represen., whiett was in progress. • '• ens.' ' '•• - . .. .
• ' Most, ,Induetries Represented.
natentenethey are nenplussed, as there tati*e. 1 frtnia. each coutnY has been,' .',.' ' ' ' ' ,For:Armed ConfilCi
is no aecess. • to lespet by the .ordinari, called fOi• Jan: 24 in Toronto.. BefOre,. ':What is ' meat. serlinni ,Is' that. this • Two peat, presidents,1 six vice-Presi-'
.w. avy.s...,4. Deter, idned,..not.. to. lose th..e. •:ii, Ithat '• d.ele . t ia. , Paalted.tow, hold 770:L.'. tilia, e tke autonomists. were not mere.' dente. . four' other directors • of , the -
, othpepe:,:t007..i.,tpy;oth4eliirwrieis:itirt:e trh :a extra -.._td. lier.:es'd.in...7,,ehaecl,l'fierttohcf9.,thhfet:p
• 'ordinary eXpedient of • getting.. uji . on ' • • .
1 when the representatives' 11. he .' da •but were' actiiallr 'organizing. their the •ehairinan and Vice•chairMan. of 7
ICI:tint itniegss, : Of ,, engaged : , la. developing proPagaii'. Federation of Bridal). Industries,piiszi • ,.,..2
reue*ers. Into • battalions for armed the :.'National '' Confederation, of :Em-,..,,,„
. .. . .
. 4
001Y or 8', 'Organizations are included.
The most of. those arreated. ere na-. The industries,' they - represent -em...-- -- • --, . - -,
titralized ' Fieri8breen '..and Gerinaiie;., brace. coil, Iron, steel, eboinicale.;• rail,..,
and not of.. AlsatianT• origin., • 'The ways end:transport; blurting, gas,. rub- • .
Abbe. ,Fasbauer• . has. beeti. an An,,tiVe bet, Itgineeritig, .insurance shi.PWag •-:
i*tirker-...,against_i_Prench interests for 'oil, cetton ;wegl, j.4.111t. and milling.,:•. It
have . beeti - .transferreC ,t0'.:Mul•'-; of. tritishTndustries end the; NatiOnal ,
nonae.• , • • •••. - ' • • - ' 'Confederation .ef.Dinplover&L .Orgalii-•.• ,
some years.- ' . Ail of the: nrrested• pee! .fe also..ezplained: that the' .,Fed-eidlien '
.............-.4.7....... zations •have .. only . beefy .pyavente.d . •
. , ,,, . • .
.. from ..particiPatiou, 1;1 ...the 'cOnferetiee .
P*triotisin.,in - their 'corpOrate capaetty• bettlude -
. , •.. , •
, *their, ...conititiitiOns ,do not einpo;ier •
loWering the... paralytic theugll ' ,an was held recently in •Petrelia. • : " .
aperture -Made PI the tiles. The plan The hog pool is expected to be on
is no sooner devised than carried out, a much *larger kale than the'Ontario
• • the :paralytic on his • pallet -bed :is let' wheat .pool. It is hoped to, not only
down :right at Jesus' feet. • : - • :' leontrol the . marketing on the eit-
, • V-.,4;--Titkia_ *tt.aPtdtIka:iZ_•',1444,aa.a-Pk...dharige,';,but--the-_._--export-_-of-•-live-liOgs:-:
. the. *act impressed Jesus as a great :as Well under •a rigid contract'
.., preaching about God's iminediate Will *Producers •vyillbe' askeclte sign
. tIlustration Of faith....liad. he not been' tent
- hurnim • up to 'market their cri,tire hog predtic-'
1 • to' establish his kingdom in
lives, and about the necessity of faith; tion for tile .next, five years through
s...as the means 'of. obtaining divine for- ithe peel. '.'" N.' - , "
„. giveneee • and • power? And here, right • . ' SUCCESSFUL .IN WEST:1
. e 1 •
before them, ie an .rexample of what
.. faith .ineans. ' What difficulties the
• -men have overcome in.,Order to :get
heir ..friend , into Jesus' , p•resence!
•, Jesus 'accordingly turns to the para
v... lytie, and says, "Child, Your sins. are
forgiven 'you."' -' Ile doubtless saw in
the man's masted fora and .exPres- iince' of.gradee. Definite Plane Would
. , 6E:41 the traces al a" Past: life of Sin* be made at the gathering on Jan. 24,
• : PARIS INSPIRED.. ' • The leWS mere femillar with the .savr .
,..• • „ ' • '• - • ling; ."Therels no man ° healed of his r e sal .' - - ''•
: One •is iminediately intrigued ' by The' peel has been working success -
its Texquisite femininity. This 'stutig..ilie,n lino." • But Jesus always sought l'flillY in the. 'Went' for nearly a year,
/ling Parisian model, No. 1,702, fash-;•to get "down to. the roots, of human i and shnilar principled' will be fellow-
ion'ed • of , Creme • de' Menthe chiffon; i need. Ile iiity beneath the physical • ed here, , Mr. Morrison stated.
derives ' distinEtion from its •detail in , ravages'. of Blau -legs,. the snirituali ' Backers of ilie.Pool. cifitim that bene -
cut,•, The „bodice. fits sleekly over the ' damP-ge' YI:rrou04' b' alnp.an,d,-.1qa-,fi.tet.1,fits a the GOVerimient gracting„ficw:in
hips,: #dalog, loot., flat bolero at
back to vary its, smertne.is,_and_saveil_
Metal shoulder straps, extend aroundj
the deep open neckline at the back.
The skirt is Made in • three tiers with•
the selvage used for the edge Of each
tier; and loose hanging circular 'Pan-
elswit h picoted edges' 'furnish the
new side fulness to ; flutter' to dance'
tunes No 1702 is in Sizes 19 years,
. ., .
:96; •• 38; 49 and 42: inches bust. Size
'86,2requirea, 6% ' Yards 36 -inch, or 51/4
yards 40 -inch -material, and .% yard
1%,nrich lace banding.; Price 20e the giveness is.necessary„ • And .1ae .knows
pattern..' that • his right to declare forgiveness
. . '• • is supported by hi tonscieesness ,
HOW TO -ORDER PATTERNS.. ' God's power being: With,,,,him .to 'heal.
Write your name and address 'plain. This is the point a v•'9. If •J,esus
ly,, gi•Ting number and size of such has power to hear,... they may be :sure
patterns' as you want Enclose,20c in alAsol, that he is coramissioned, to 7for-,
stamps' Or coin (coin preferred; wrap glve
it carefully) ' for each ;-..ininber and :
r101 12, Jesus putathe matter to taken and since. then there has beea
iiddrelis your order to Pattern' Dept.; he test: He commands the paralytie • gradual increase •in.• then uinber, of
to rise. At his word the Mental, and l• a
Wilson Publishing Co.,. 73 West ,Ado. spiritiml forces • which have crushed , Irrigatedfarms, so that in 1926 the Ir -
the man's life are overcome, and he rigable 'area• under the' schemes ;in
• rises , from his coach: This ainazing Operation totalled 1,181,000 acres.
A Real-'.. - . communication of .'pciWer to a helpless ., • . • . o• , • .
ly 1,iormir Baby! cripple produces a profound impres- • • . . ,
-- A-_-_thOnster • 'baby ' that.....w_elghe as sion. But Jesus draws frcirn„-it the ' Otte -via, Ontario -*-Plans are , nder
Much tia a Mau is beiag worshipped. in 'conclusion . that he is. authorized, way in the post-011ieeTd'efiartine Ifei.
Jolo; in the, PhiliPPlaa Islands, . Al- though man, man, to declare Sins forgiven. the "substitution ' this winter /Of sa
Aough .4:gib; ,seven months old, it II, 'THE RIGHT 'i'0:„REDEEM THE Leirro. weakly . air -mail : service for tlke ores_
Mit ten-daY 'dog team . map,' to Beni°
ited' Lake, ,•WOman Lakei.. *Onion
A 0.
• 3. J. MorrisOn, secretary U. .1-% • will be '
the -4-igtem now, empleyed by,, the ritamGets' -Gift of this
.next mon , .0. .
This conference, which
wheat Peed could not. be. applied to reat
I 00;-000 ToWarci Reduc•! held t th reolirded with '
F. Co-operative e„einpany,'atated that
tioff:of .. hopeful , expeelation 'as . a' i•eal 'attempt
able -nature of the Stoct and the„var- National Debt' ' to. geT----
away froni 'ol'itiliiini-s--itenerali----
liveetock selling in view of. the season- • • ' ' ' ties and down to . concrete propee:;:le:
• Great Britain is . pondering about applicable to individual busineoa...
Uie• identity of the mYsterious indt. : •
...Sir •Josiah Stamp, chairman of The
London, Midland 8,5' Scottish ReilWay, •
.says: ' "If the 'conference means that .•
Leber, will io badk to their. Eepa.rato
industrics• to deal With 'ep-operation,
indiiriclually , it will be well NyOtth .t.
vidual . who has ,made to the Nation k,
large ,••and • weleoine gift, sai • t
amount to £100,000,• which is to -Etc-
curonlate 'coznpound Interest : over
It. long. :i)erie(.1 .to','rednce the. national
•.. ' The fact .-a; the. ,gift; theugh not the
fence. ' • • • ' --'' ---
n evil , con-:.fOrcawill go directlyt the fa "."
• ., ,o e .rmers '• ' one an fail noW, to recognise ilie dif- • '
, concerned has Come telight owing to •
donor's name nor , the :exact 'amount
Austin' Motor •Company, says:. -"No ,
i seaa is , o, minis. r, to. ,
-„vn- bs.., 7'7. But his decyararion. Of for , sibin t ye t 'i , 6
o 'pre on 'a, gat on. ,. e •TO.
...4.. a clause hav,ing. been inserted 'by t ie .
1 - ficultlei barring the;Way to nitos erity, • •
. -•-• --., -•-•-- ' .' ' ' . • !They also' ,state that it will, he p
:Onto market;' and, Censkinerit drop .1u overnmen ., i an .6 genre cerner -of'. • - ..- -.../31.;•
price, •while, a Scarcity, exists on Other 1.'""'°-' so the cards Wil be.laid on the ta le..”,,, .
scribes who were presentin the rooin:1 a,,,n're,,c,e:n.tlyenacted.leazr. i,The .relantse. . The Fi-noorg. pirae ,
.of •sitch bequests . accumulating to .;tfie,,t.ifgeolrery and *oXPleratien:et
a- hitherto-. ist ng .p eh bi..„.
the 'deliberations- should' be 'confined
advisee, that .,.
1 giyenese, 'without, ansistence on , arty:
legal 'conditions, shocked a number-ofi
Theip•.,crities had •come. early, and ismarkets. . They eXpect•also to do their tign.
I were oeCuPying. 'seats.. ' In' their' eyes ' own exporting.; tOthe ,. States and. •---,' ' ' ,_ .. ' . - . • • • avenUes 'which ehall Induce a .:iistalli-''
mtoorionixtleian.9201:1•74rpsecand. is understood -
itillY deSigned. to •
give. this' stricken sinner.: 'He caanot • ' .. . • .
. ,
knows it to be the will of God ,. o fer
allow 'that:, where, there ist. remorse for
- Ys: .8 9. Jean's, on the -other hand - , • - '''' .. '' - • ed. ' • • • - •• . . . : • • '' : • • ,' . ' • ; ' . •
, have. prevailed during the past year • • . • • • .. . • ,'" energies- by representatIves.„of thous- -
they state. • . ., ,.. .
would •be removed by the new plan,
ST' on tions' whioh
. The : Treasury ..has . received. ma47 ands 6f ;milieus, pf
enable Ithe preeent. gift'•to,.•be ae‘eep j Ves(1,1;hra '-rter. efirdIall'e7 bY-hoth *par -
donations amounting in al e nos, ,ve: . adding "-the d'evotien of iheir..t-:
capital and the.
;the 'Word of ,Jesus was ' sheer blas- Great Britain. ' .• • , •
qiiteriiy. God. alone, Could forgive. - • • •,„linsatisfactor e di '
,...________.,.._ • .... „ • • • • . .. , ,. „ • , % st body of eraP.03ed labor to the...
-Irrigation in Alberta the „debt. Stanley :Baldwin,. It will be olieratien,, prenthee. .tioder pr-opor..
war to .over.,a1,000;000, fin' 'reducing. or e.,_,......ea.
. . . . vuty,I . a basis fer„..Willing '&0.
in, any-a-ther*Ondtion of divine for- „
.. Irrigation.,.. on Modern. lined' •in AP recalled, set an example in',thiff re- • . .. • . ., • , , ..
• gipdance; to be a notable contribution
belle' dates back to itsi". when cons .ASPecte,by surrendering .a large -portion
. . to the caiisa of 13ritisia„ Prosperity,"
erable 'tracts 'of land' •Were reclaimdd •Plar''''.hP1:6-°711
. id_ ,, • •
Pereonat fortune for this
by the use . of. waters... from Sheep . have been .in ••the form/. of canPelled. I
Most of the _Igifts I hitherto
e7xeteilikns. iv. el4dat.illeelOpinsilenwtiangie' eYr6eart.imud°err°- war bonds; .. „. . ..• .,, . , .., ,
With the 'law as, it is .now 'changed,'
Str Herbert Austin; chairman et the
• -77-
'*-11,1upt. ANp:JEFF,By Bud FiSher.
. ,
weighs lOst. 10 lb,, and eats ten '
Pounds of- rice' at a meal. It has to . V. 15. After the abe,ve. incident;
Jesus calls ,Levii the tax -gatherer, to
be carried to the table by two'men. . .
:The natives of the Wands have -de- Join his company as a disciple, and area of Northwestern , Ontario, • A.v.ia- e,nghleer'' .
Levi obeys.' It .Vas an extraordinary ti i h b , -, • - -4.---• ,
on compan es aye already sea h
cided.thrlt so great.a. persOn must be net for a business -roan to leave his.a.-'• It has been iiald that ,fhere are two
Others aro ;expected to. foiloW. the en -
named donor's example. •
A photograph -so mill that It Is
inst.on'the verge of is.be-
ing exhibited- in London, The ideal
'camera for nowipaper is'7Per-
hapi of,inany who 'dislike
' •
l` It *mild nattiral ,for,thOse whe
favor. Mr. Hoover .for the Presidency
River and Narrow Lake In the., trifling to Paint out th•et,the rcOmplex govern-
mental -machinery of to day needs an
proached by the postal authorities,'
ll more extraordinary. is the sides to the ' prohibition question; but
but still desk•and paper without ftirther ado,
and it is exPected that tenders wiii,ho
in tlie Stang of the Youth of to day, one
'. • ' ..
MesSiah ia Infant. form, arid they
ere already :worshipping' it • and of-
fering it, gif;ts, to. Secure its •favorsequelLevi invited Jesus •to his let Oortly
side "Is 'ell wet." ..
- - And Now It's as Clear as Mud to Sir Sidney.
• DON'T M.I83 THIS •
Co (lntroducIng):. This" young
-lady" has Jut boon' eteCted 'to, the
-4n/war House of Cinigress.•
a 'Mies rcpresentative, 1
vt0t0110., v.,c.-T9 .increao Atte: ship:, -
'inent. oflumber and 'fish 'front Yfiii.
couver Island. In a, big., Wak, the Caua?..:
dial', Government will proceed lid.
MediatelY . Willi' the estabfielitheitt of
a large 'assembly •plant. at Alberni on
the Wand's 'west coadt. Itere 'haulier
and fish Will, be asietabled ' for Ship
liatiiit to all Parts ot the .Warld„
. Tfi purpose of (ha 'c'elter.tp is to re'.
..tince.. theragveritont, audr, to::.criable..
' ,Stliall Ititabor 'inIlia. to bike .ailvantage ..,,
.: 'cit'the- ovetsdae Viiiiher ti,e4e., .'Thi. :
; step, . f011oWS litroeg,l'epitsentlitio,„,
;, „.....„ . . .
by .. is1an.4-AtisinesS.: wog., -who
alarmed.' . at thetoevanienLef ... fli,ff,_
yifilfght4"Iii--*Gaaitilifilinitiiirs' , .te'lliiir
Vfilted -States :for .dietributiOn.
, ,,,,,.....„..0„,„_„.... .
. eitavenaii; tiai'rs a' JOka eideyed, in
Common. binds „frierida, ' Eugland- and
Amorlea, 'Should bo thankful far' Mit
tlite-„IfigeretoWit tiorald, .
' -41tho.eftert to take the Weed out of
ROlitioat,tihstfOntis Might • alto ,1501324*
' 4,401#19,.4. 1010 tO' .t,ho Tivigilii, .
; .1 •
' `1,11,9 v'keRd.;
...ye,,,O.c 0 L Go, •
uKiir*Ob ` triii-c, • -
. _ . _
catts ''Ii1 •"1/4v" &.-----'"'
..t1 f VT' Pot It C...T. ,
---• S'itStvev. '
Bc-Rel? AL Tk-vioat%r
'-f0ii SAIIS•TlioSE , •
'''''GR.E °' °I"1
--------- l• otA: •
• ' .. '
So ',s(ov Re
-.‘,urn4 0%4P. . P
i' S HALL' • J ot.LV _ - 'Tito ` • s ft* A t. t.
WELL APP(teoll+Te - ", -4 '" '
Cola+ IS •A, .3I'T
Youtt "raovtlet.e.1 . , •
Atuto ,TiAr LAR‘e
PR°C0E14 'cow' I i. 114.$0 -$ITS:
\--7---'--,. •••••
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CART wAC-el.: ' AL,So.,
OR . AN) I WON. MASI.. 74,7
_ .
. ,IN :FACT ty • s 'ALSo
cAt.4:e D A. BRNO,.
OR A; imastie2 on
A sianoudoN:
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.p Two Otrs-;•,s '' . r, •
rtua TIMES .rsiv .
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'1i.,,•', ...
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'6"t'A 11-AttirKi; -
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vto.,(4 t Ti4OuGtH
409V14, . I., vaik_i. ‘
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,..Ill.... . -.1.,..1
.•. ...i,.'.'/ ..
. ....'
• DON'T M.I83 THIS •
Co (lntroducIng):. This" young
-lady" has Jut boon' eteCted 'to, the
-4n/war House of Cinigress.•
a 'Mies rcpresentative, 1
vt0t0110., v.,c.-T9 .increao Atte: ship:, -
'inent. oflumber and 'fish 'front Yfiii.
couver Island. In a, big., Wak, the Caua?..:
dial', Government will proceed lid.
MediatelY . Willi' the estabfielitheitt of
a large 'assembly •plant. at Alberni on
the Wand's 'west coadt. Itere 'haulier
and fish Will, be asietabled ' for Ship
liatiiit to all Parts ot the .Warld„
. Tfi purpose of (ha 'c'elter.tp is to re'.
..tince.. theragveritont, audr, to::.criable..
' ,Stliall Ititabor 'inIlia. to bike .ailvantage ..,,
.: 'cit'the- ovetsdae Viiiiher ti,e4e., .'Thi. :
; step, . f011oWS litroeg,l'epitsentlitio,„,
;, „.....„ . . .
by .. is1an.4-AtisinesS.: wog., -who
alarmed.' . at thetoevanienLef ... fli,ff,_
yifilfght4"Iii--*Gaaitilifilinitiiirs' , .te'lliiir
Vfilted -States :for .dietributiOn.
, ,,,,,.....„..0„,„_„.... .
. eitavenaii; tiai'rs a' JOka eideyed, in
Common. binds „frierida, ' Eugland- and
Amorlea, 'Should bo thankful far' Mit
tlite-„IfigeretoWit tiorald, .
' -41tho.eftert to take the Weed out of
ROlitioat,tihstfOntis Might • alto ,1501324*
' 4,401#19,.4. 1010 tO' .t,ho Tivigilii, .
; .1 •