HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-12, Page 5•
• •
'VIANIC1.,.. A14S0•:."1.‘14,PL CF(?,SS put sAw,
Pf:IN N.Eb:#kl.,kc:ROO,.,01.7.,s4tik:ri,..'cirki,•:..PAY it6u;
1,6oi.oviEg.oikk.'itws..Eooitt powitAmit4;
• 'Al.:WA.YS'-.01`4I'
' "`••
• • •
CCM SKATES, Putits ANDgoct4'gir STICKS
:•FoR Holvtg WITBOUT El.Ecr.RicITY...: • • •
lumbi.ng ,Tinsmithuig
•••7iiinghain, • t
Plione 74 •...phone ,,256
lioriument.41.. Works
.latJaiNow .and WINGIIAM
7.1.7-04-7-44-.1arges--(7-iiiidT'iliiiSt: complete,
,'.•• ,atockirT-the. moat beautifid deSigna
• • ' '
‘14,1arh1leo..:F,Coteh,SwediSh ad
.e :Make,* :apecialtY
• Moininienta and. invite4,ourinapec.,-,
•. • • •
• inicriptions Neatly,' • CayefidlY end.
Promptly Dbiie.•, ' •
.Douglai, 7.Irns. I. • • R, A. Spotter
• • ' Luchnn*; ,
• . • -•
• L,O. L. NO.: 428, ',Lueknow, meets.
the 'second Tuesday ot, every '.nionth
, in hir hall„
:.W. Cart,er.. gee.. Sec.... • .:
• •
There. was One f person. at. Zita,
Sunday.morniiig :who' linc`
never been in Church before. ••.,
• The Preacher's -therrie last, Sunday
••3.`'the reality gf_ God tipd..tlic glory, of
Revelation,";• • ,Was. far :.reinoVee •
• .frOm::the itinusing, :nonsensical, .
lege ditty he Sang,* the 'Zion Screial.
just. after Christmas; But. there
no aacounting for the iriariY,•,varie
' demands'made . en ' preacherS,:" .theso
daySi. , •
One of our Ranger
:wrote in laalt Week's; Montreal Week-
Witriesi the -chapter ,the •Very.
interesting 'serial' iatory. that 'has. beep
Written by 'boys; and'..Which' hstt hcn
. . .
fellowed tip eagerly .,:bk` groat I1U111:.:
, hers". of peop14, week by Week.
. The,- regent . annual, -meetings hnw
little change. in the ,iiatte f electicia
'nf. 6ffiCet.S. NeW. League:. Treasiirdr.
. at Hackett, Thos._ twaroi,ey; nd
Veet, ;.neW SS Treasurer -..at
• Palmer., Kilpatrick 'Wits ele6ted.League
' 'President at 131alce: The various. re-
• 1,•...ppris on: . organization., 'numbers'':of.'
nomber of„virrfoua clonartments and
•finanCial stantling.•.and,:reguitS 'ea re-,
'..gards .rimniag. expenses, sa Mis.
si�i1ar and Ilenevoient ptaidA wev,
nloatly* $e•ry .1enceuraging., These an-
nual meetings keel; us to .a, late hpiir.
•:..buf -there. is 'deep and solid arttisfac:,
tion When "things, melte • alOng hare'
, • .
Meniourily and 7 tilt VVOrit 'f ethqr, for
the. geod:Of the ettuse,• wtv I
.4.unted..iii. the. gatherings. last week.
tri. older. people or::
"ttliVireittigerf •••"it`it`aano"iii `C•eabletbat
•itien...,Witit, g-rek Hada-
The singing., Seati Were .0.041
OCCiipied: at each :church t8unday„.
• It is .e..00d. te See it so, but there
:Wag no 'Angela' ..dontrihntien, by anY.
• ;belt'. It MAY be said. that 'peuntry.,
;NOY othootr tins? e'peciat
"her of that kind.; and ,counfry cefoir
•are very. capable" of givini„ that -When
Lhey. se ,mirid., •,
plalse has the...morning service. ne3d
Stinday. • , !
-.-/k.,,pfeffy--..-•-weeld'ing took plaeecat..the
Parseriage on..Menday.. af • noon, •the
i'rinfii Of January, Whey!' Thomas
Glazier; sem of Mr.: and Mrs..'• Jahn
Glazier Of • Ashfield tonshp, was
tipiteci, in „Marriage,. • to . Rena May
•Angus Nicholson; , also- .4 if „Ashfield
townsbi,p. 'The Rev A W: Brown pei
formed the ..Cerenieny. ArChie
Nieholsen. and, Miss Eather Glazier
attended.. with th.e bride. ar.a oroonl,
mugNiT LAIvon
DOnald McPaydenof Tiverton,. was
/fined ,$1.90 and 'costa .at: Kincardine
'recently; by 'Police Magistrate \Valk.
er for .having, liquor illegally: Pro-
vincial 'Officer .Widuieyer searched
oreMises on Nov.: 29th; 'and found. a
ottle of branily in. 6 trunk in On's
so..the 'bonze was not • nur,-,.
..Chas'ed. legally ,by him. McFayden
Ilaiina 'that the brandy was .Part of
shipment procuYed;„ bis
and Iiiinselt eight.: Or „nine 'Ye3TP
lVhije tecliriCally
2,1a.i'lyis he Was ignorant rif the ,law
arid is appealing- 6-7the :Liquer cern-
jnission_for ,remiSsionLof the ---fine.
• .
.. The amazing capacity f Money to
'Ticrease :through. the compounding of
:nterest earnings ,iS shown n:s.orne.
zolliptitatiOnS made1r. the efficera, of
New. York bank '• in connection..with •
onie antiquities •dug ,np .an the Sits.
A, child's, 'pottlry:,
• bar*, found „there; 'contained •si* cop:
nr coiriS., driti•ng back .atleasf
ty-five..hundred. Years.
Estimating the' voins "..Of the 'value
Ot, ,ee.nt 'each,: the , officers of the
bank have;imdrttkEjn fd :COmpute
hOii earning power 'in 425 :eent.urios.
had:, they • .been: ,placed . 5„1/2 nor. cenk•.
interest, compounded'. semi-annually..
.fta• computation' that rens' into..biii
0,garas.. BY now the, 'six cohis' weak.?
'iacgrown to a Sum ...Many. 'Ones
'note: than all the money in ,the vvorld. •
imaiber' involVing a biflien ..eX.-
.preased by 19. digits, bit to state 'the
accumulatton of.. the ..Uticaa coins re
luires 613 -digits representative 'of
It is Written..,$,660 With .57
ilphers grouped • series; followiag.
Tin, sum; is •so vast.,that: hUrnan tn
• That:soma Child ,centurjes. ;ago,. had
Saved :Sri, Many 'pins indic:ateS that,
thrift was not lAnewn even_ then'.
No tine ever placed money at coin-
poinid :interest, for. 2,590 years, • . and,
'polsibii, neat. eVor hut -the coat:
:Tiattition reveals, hew money at intgr,
et grews, if .given time, .• The main
•„difilculty lies. in practicing the ineth',•
requires. a Whalyear. for h.dollor
eint 6 centS." May ' sOein thbesh
'lie- 6 cants'.
a104Mr1 t14e Irre.6esa• to -kept np-ter"
Years,,the,l'esult. i•..stnnewhat
•aniatAg. Th `e• loTse,lor tiaie:and hands
acetribulation atethe reqUiS,
itta a deministratiaa .ntwhat a
,!tretit clisepvyy.loolley!itereflt :waSaia s_
, d .
Cgtadiai-ObattrOk4 •'
eSioC111y' i
If t', eoinpoun ed•-«
•A, CITAyca •PPi TI19.0 $91001‘.
• • :STN -PANTS -s----.-
Caliediail Coal, Will be, the ilidireet
c4us°-44:-.Militi9nAininir-4P4olifitts• for
seven Ontario ..gfgh, .Sobaat •attaleritit:
aeco4in b an •anneunCeii'le0t jest
ninde by tbe Prechieed in ''9aiiada•
CoMinittseOf ' Ontario. • •
„.',With the approvat.of the Pr'e.47,•-
,Oial ',Depottnaeat o. v4401011; the
ProtlaCefi in canadk..oinnnittee jo
•2kaigurating an.esSaY.'eenteit. -for, StU•
dents. in -C011eglate„ • Institirtes,
fligh SehOOla 'throtiihont,',Ontarin' on
the,.' general .t'opre; oheating Cana
thin hom0 %%Oh 'caiiadh coal, ,Stu7",
dents are .asked to discs th d‘tis;•
ability, of.thi&.i esgaya of frem7:1000
to 150Q\Words-, '
Ado° will be divided between '' the
writers..ofiihe• seven...hest papers ,On
4q7,11Y• Canacliatt
Heated. :With...Palladian'. : Wittk
the ::surri of 0106 going' to 'the V,' blnei*
of the 'first prige,...".,:„ The -secomI-.-Ito-sov':..-
-gall • -PriZes' are as tollowisiqp.'
$75,•460, $50, 4:40.' -and
•An unique feature 6f the Contest'
according . to the Committee's /idea
is• the ',decision' •to •honor 'each school
Which boast a a. prize winner...bY'; pre-
• senting fri the school librar,y pan -
:thy 'of, Canadian b�ks, the titles to
- be, chosen by the ,Schoola themselves.
Ther baSie, idea;underlYing. the con-.
Ttnt.;•-•:sayr7tIttreermitittetriir'it 'letter'
'to. all High School, Pflacipale, is
• desirability of developing • in the
Mind's 'of "the 'younger generation an
appreciation of :V#al ,Canadian prab-
• lerns And of fostering•the• habit, of
studying? ansl investigating ;them:. ,
• The C•omMittee's, •announcement.
states ,thtit Canon II. J, Cody, former. .
Minister of Education for . Ontario.
Brig, -Gen, Mit e�,: Dean Of
the Factilfjr of :Applied Ocience,
versity. of: Toronto,and Dr; A. H. IL.
• Celqubnun:'Deputy Minister'. rit •Edu-
caion have consented to act • a• .
judges. '
The contest closes Thursday, March
ALL.alisL: announcement,I.rvz
winners will be made. as poen there,
. aftey;a possible. " • "
. .
. . . ,
. Twenty-three .thouiancLper.sona--will-
13O-lcil1etrafid--.1-96;60,0 injured in ant&
mobile accidents in the United: 'States
:in .1928 Unless the • accident record
.showa an 7unexpeeterLirriprnvernentr
the travellers' ,• Insurance company
The estimate, "based on,atatiatics‘
of the pasttwo years, ' Makes no il-
law6rice for an increase in the • acci-
dent rate experienced each year
compilation of Statistics.' started In
•192.6. Complete reCords, for 1927 were
not available.
- • Records of 1926 and 19 5 showed
.that 'eorneorre. is. either killed or
14 seconds. • For each fatality • the
.records showed 100 •injuries. 444' that'
rate, the company estimates 400000.
will die in automobile accidents in the
. .•
next 20 .years..2 ' •
• STARi.•TillE ./CEN'sr°i;A
• ,4 .
•. Any' home wishing to provide every
'Member .of the 'family, old and young,
,with a few lours' enjoyment ,every.
.-day during 1928, should see that The
-FrimilY Herald and Weekly , Star Of:,
Montrefis a .regular "weekly viaiter
For .two tents per: Week?..or one 'dollar
a :year, 'every member :of .the . family
will receiVe treat 'that will ,be
• predated. It 'ia not'`Otry :a wor1d
newspaper, but :a great family.niaga-
unequalled 'on this Continent, and
farm journal that 'will bring valne.
an. hundredfold during 'ffid Year. The
..Fam0 Herald :is. read:. already
-One' inilll�nCanadians 'each liveek., ft
is surely wonderful value:: and, every -
home -redeivineit :is'''..1)dnefitted by its
weekly' visit.- 1928 will • he. fiai)Pier
:for 'yenr..home if' you send One dollar
for., a year'S Subscription te th4 big.,
72 page paper '
When the. Barrie 'Papers Were ac -
:eased of not, reporting theprieeed-,
ings' of the • recent, session. Of • the
CoUnty Countil as 'Telly as they Might
have, The AdVarice retorded• "that
Was net beemise the papers didn't
know butbecatt§e of consideration to
• that b'ody.” The 'Examiner ta
a tTrit-iSphere-Tif t e 'Warden's: banquet
where the criticisms 'were laudehOd,
lent itself te.the occasion., A , few'
vears '"ago • the Vattlen'a • banquets
were leVe feasts., or mutual adititra-
'don in fall operation, SW Where crit.
icisps, were untheught of.. .1f papers
nublishetl eVerything they Knew, half
the, periulatimi would, likely , Chang!'
)kr..)Ii.10-1:PlIter$ are: Born Other!. • Criticized
ler ptiblishing -articles' they Shetild
;given -Infinitely , More • :tredit ferr-i&
training frOmL:pu.blialitrig ather:ar
their ‘Vety .* -•'
If it iSn't an evening .gown or
.sirerpla 'little -thing; • -it probably
safe to •crlit a Obit, dreas.
• ,
An 'old tinier la -One ..%00 :Can •
'member Omit: gtria, weren't auppeaS4
ove'peeti 4do4Otit 4040 Isq.
SIONTOM., 4.411,UARY Jth, 9.28
'1IMM217 1TC"--tE
It was P;#14: S'eArfo-. ago that the
• present, calendar lisett-irr-Great,
alit and on. th19 .Contipent had' its first
anniversary,' The ri 'hut • pystem, gf
• Coating, the Oayswn'i.spoifen of ns
the -npYr 'calendar,. and. It Wasthen•
that. ft...began •celebrating, January ,1
'as NPV, '-Year's DeY:- it seeins. hard
to 'ioaiize that ...heforel,,i7oz:, New
:Year',s Day WaS, Xarch• ?.•5 at.id :the
'inontivo Jauary
600' e e v
• '
'enth.montli" instead of the Oat.: The
year 1102
periilexhie legal prOblerna',•tlai . re -
?Olive peedy 'tuneridatOry 10e/S1OM:,
It must hay,e ereate4, epofils,i0a, tore-
tire, as all ;did, op, 'euteinber. 211,1752
:arra, 024 on , a:Waking' in t114%nieruine
that -it ,Was .SenteMber 14: `;
Babie beral,on„.Senternaer, 1 were
.'-eariaid-ereci;fiffeert, ;day's:. Oct. :•kozt..-,,
'eight hoiira• later., an Were ;'..peiplex..-
din lii yea•t6. 7.diSOV6r the, ci4te•
opea whieh, they beednie. of age:While
th ciikj barn. on. Septeniber 8, 1751
had' •, Celebrated it twentieth
birthday at the time. the child born
• neprly a year later; on September
1752, was celOrating` • its twenty.
first. : .'• .
An. t in• -,fact one. of
,the: •first of the "new ...Calendars" so_
an& is . now Preserved aniong ; the
treasures, in the ,Long Nand „collee-
• tion. Few, if. any, op- :this first form
.ever ireaehed• Ameriea,' beuae of th .
aniendments. Which nriade' : reprint
'necessary. Th0 c1enc1ar which we
-new. 'and. mid* in. Great .Britain,
• was callea,"the new Calendar'? • 175
ietirs -AM. IS the gregorian .calefidar'
,. which retained all: the geed features
of the Julian' Calendar,. While correct-
ingi, its errors. •
... England- ,Took, 166 Years. ••
. When &Illus. Cmgai• Undertook te,
establish the • alendar in the; year 46.
B.C., there ;Were almost aS.'inany ide-
as of counting„Abe,:„.-daya-_,-aS.,--la's7&-;
gently, beenauggested ,,to the :League
, • • _ •
• ...f N tions. whose committee? report
that 185 plans ha.,Ve beep: pre:seated
"for their consider.ation.„
The: Year' bythe Julian Caienciar
Of the tropical • Year, •according to as..
trOnOnoidal ' deterfninati.oni . is ' '465
days, 6 hours, '48, ininUtes and 46. sec:
less. • So satisfactory •was "The.Juiiir
Gregorian,„the rmedbeing
'tTlii• omission.' of cOrtoih lea,p Year;
1900 being onei corrects' the Qrep,...ori-
'. an table to: withiA.:2.42.
toial yeaz. a discrepancy „that wia.
not a6104.4 tQ' an :entire. 4ay iz 3,000
years; „ .• • •
•' That "there, ie. no ,new:thIng under
: the sun!" as. • the .pregelier.deCiareti iij
• g'OPlegia444•
eoriaectien with the :Calendar. .
.thik•feett mopth ealendar: •q one 'of/
the' earliest. ,forina; ;and France"' in
tE4.0f- nia100i,
pew ealenAar eacji my:1'0;h' with. sin
eqUal,'IninthA'r 'of. ilayS, /And ,Phe
paning days reaped. festal ?days,.
It.teolt 'thirteen' years *them t'K;
•,CoVer that it :WOUld ,:•nOt 'work and
then:. :in .:.1‘80:0' the-, Gregorian", sYstern
'I't .att :a -EutUre date tFIV, Gregorian
Calendar444-, hi :Ota•_PPO'ke :
'caleratar• propeaeuhy,.,0,4ea. cote.
werth;Dii 4piollg. those •that seem tc
coraeneareSt:rneetirig: Present day: re,
quirernerits. I It was Only, thirty yeali•s'
• ago that the Idea, occurred. Cats -
worth and Should'1 it continue in pap:.
uiarity the. nations,' might. adjuat
theinselvea te 'adapt it witimithe-neict.
centuri. • Meanwhile they"; will, dis,
cover perplexing, -problems
that ,,,rriaYnccasion an' indefinite pea- ,
ponerrient.'• • , • " • _
, , ,
• A .recent nurnber of the,: IVIInneap•
.olis , JorirnaLeontains • an interesting
item concerning • Mr.' jeh' W. Schnit-
zler, a •torrner:-Brice County boy .Who
is now president , the ,Fir,St State
Bank of Froid, .Montani, .n State Son-
-titer-, and /owns and operates , ,8•000
acres Of farrii • land.. "This kear .he:
harvested 1.36,006; latishels . of: wheat,
on -hia big .frirmand .whett 'he:. gees
out to oversee, the werk .farni
. , .
he 'deis if :by. airplane.., The Journal
'cOntains a .picture of :Senator Seiniit.
zler. flying ',acriisa.his farm while ',his .
His :farm: :ahotit five mileat agnate..
and the 'proprietor hal- derrioristrates),
thnt..he',.•can' a1<e agrieiiituXe paY.,
O•na Sehinifzie r.• is a • son
Of :thlate lYfr,". and. Mis, LaYgerice
re-s-rder-ifof s-
• ".. . •
Plias gas,* Douglas has retnrned.
40-her---SehoO1-4V-Manifield. -
A few rani Frowerdale attended
the dance: at ,the thip ho*Oe.
evening... • /
Miss Irene Morgan apent the week-
• enCat, her honeCd
•FloWerdale was certainfY well rep•-;
reseated.„Lnektiew, ,$g.turday•
iQOp Whothe, xnatter,W,ith,
1p -
ley? • ' •
Mrs.,, George Kiiiray is' spending
• few•-weeirs, at the, home of ...lobo Mc -
pod, .grat •Coo., helping :to 'care
their' On; Who has 'been ilk for alodk."
time. 2.• • •" • • -
• Miss, , Frances 'MacI'Ver went .tdneax
Dungannon laat'FridaY': t•) suPply for.
,Miss 'Kathleen Who is. not well
Misa „Olive .,R9b,.170.2.9f_Infple....-0,reve,
spent he ,the weelc,end at hQflie
fiere. . •
rAos *In
'We" chop that, prof 15. ePiintere.-•
It takes ,two days before. he kriowe
Tast, Whet 'each hieriagylphic
fijInihiOLarg-thuse prInters. •
The job's deliVered, Sonie relief!
To know We're through with
• „and grief •
We ought to thank tile 'Whiter.
•Hut no! 'Theoor gfilk'p ,out et,•ti
1,1e'nverelugqd ns. One •whele cl*
'Once o'fore ire vow thelirinte
-.-Echeow. Do
• 77777'9 97;4 41,47:
Edineri,tonNertherir • Alberta's
biggest -lam land deal tbis',year Wa4
•completed' the etherday vviten•,the
, well-known Trent Fart Was, sold to •
a telopY. of Mennonites; for; more "
,than $126,09,0. The.,
possession ,
on' 'Year's- :1„)aY, - The ":fartn• •
: wkidli is -ir the •Tptiod 4istrt4t,;45'
.4.641 .agres.. •
;RAPID CITY:, 'Pa'sieni,ers• on th
- 14, Gordon MacInnes left on Sat-
urday for ',Detroit, where2he intends
tol, stay the. remainder of the winter,'
/Mr. Alert. Goner' left last Thurg.,
clay to spend .a week' with friends-in-,-
Mr., and Mrs.:. 'Joseph. England-,
,ifvleiee:(''Is;Visit With Dringannon friend: •
• Paid a aveek's visit with Rapid City
Mr. Mose Martini -on Luckliow
Don't forget' the soelal in tile
• ee ; areorrfollowedyiosay
at da Les
er MacLeod, 'who' has been sick art
Winter • is net recovering very rapid,
. ,
Mr. Gordon, Roy and Leonard Mac-
innes, an r. ona . ompsor
Spent Thursday last With 'Mr. William
, . -
i:AthlffrreideRd.istchlieiere:i.ient last' Min-
" PSCHOOLLAo e's: REPORTST941. .ekj Il4-°9;,•u„.
S Latin,, Geography. -F, FinlaY-
'aon. MacKenthick 87A
layson 73; MacDonald 69.;14Roar
IV: Geography, Composition,
- CREWE MacDerfald '69.. '
_ •
, "Sr. ill:- ;Arithmetic, . Geography.
Clifford Hackett M spending MacKeadrielc '87; J.
style of reckoning that for ()vex' 1,6.0Q. nlont „, at Bert :Treleaven's.: .
Years it 'remained, undisturbed but in
1582it was .41scovpi7ed that ,theerror
of nibre than 11 .rninates ayeat then
aniotifited: to .ten, eemplete. days, and
to: correct this, Pepe -Gregory xtti,.
with the assistance of, • 'astronomer
4 ,
Calvius," figured out ,Onr-present sYs-
In', SPain and Portugal and a part_
iy-itwas ithmetliately adopted -
In. f585 hill to adopt it' waS brought -
before. the Parliament •'•ef . England
but it: got 'no furthbr than a :second:
reading ,in . the 'House of Lords, and'
there ternained for 166 -years; • when'
in 1751, . intlie reign df ,GeOrge:
there) Was PasSed. Act
lating the Ceminencement 1. of :the
, '
Year; and for Correctin4'4m
dar Now hi Use."' • "
• •
.When the ,,Tulian Calendar was a-
dopted the cOmmenceitient of the
year was 8..k..e&en: the. day , not •the An-
nunciation • Or incarnation of Christ
was placed. on March '26, and
so-' continued •:in •Enkfand arid her bo -
!ruinous tAll, the alternation , `
style in' 1752.1; Before:. 1752 Eng-
land,where the Julian Calendar ••• was
in Use,' to. preserve a ,earreaPonclency
ofdates with -Other nations, it was
necessary: toim
. give a . double date from
January 1 to -March .25. . because.
Whiet in England-IfTWaiill: 1750 Un-
til after Mai -ch- 24,.. it wa 175"1,.',after
januarS;'1, in the countriek usin,g; the.
-Gregorian,' 'sYStern.. • To, '3..D.lite 1751'
.might Mean ,1750 ,JUIlan style or '1752
',.Mr. and Mrs.. Joe England 'returned
to their home ...rInchnowl ‘. after
spending the 'paq -Week •with their
clang , Its. John• v.r a.. • •• -
Miss Ruby McQuoid snent the past
Week' with friends in Winglrain.
Mr., and Mrs.„ Shack Rivett enter-
tained about' '40 :of their . friends on.
New Year's, and a ver.Y. enjoyable
Mrs. Raymond Finnigan , and son
spent the holiday week iti'. her home
• 7
at Belgrave. , •
We are glad to report 'that Mrs,
Ball, who has ..been seriously' ill at THE PRINTER
. .
Wingham .hospital, has .ao -,far re-
MacRae 85; L. MacDonald 35*.
Jr.lth ' J. Finlayson 73; R. Mac-
Kenzie 39*;,ll ' MaciCenclrick absent
from aexaMinations. • .` '
S. Pinlayson- P MacDonald. D.
MacKendricki. D. MacDonald*. .
I: Ress 19 stars; A. Barkwell.
18; M. MacKenzie 1; F. MacKenzie
• 41. •• •
• er:-R--Fhilaysorr2j- wir—ark.7
well 18; K. MaCKendriek 16; K. liOss'
9. ' '
• (t) Missed examinations. •
*eover'ecl• 'as to be able to tette hoine, It may be gad, butstill' lie 'true,.
*We,,are glad:.te• „welenine, Mr.' .and There's. One thing that', all at hinnins.
, . . .
Mrs. .John_Killiatrick, _Who.\liaVe been
spending . their ,Inaneympen at Galt
and 'Kitchener, and wish theni.'many.
'37.chrs Of, 1.1aliPy. Wedded •lif-e ••
• But ifthe mind is; open enough to
lei sides, ft frequently is too
open to 'liolci':a'
• The liardeat job a.ldd facealls that
of :learning ,gOod, Manners " withthit
;seeing- any, • .' ' • . •
Still; the Men, who knoWs . it ;all
. 'be Objeetionablo if he'd
kecP it to:himself.;
-thinit•wernen better qnalifiei3-
:th an' men to Pick ' the heat,: candidates
• look whet, they": inerrY:
..,•,He • had a face that only. a mother
6°01 'love," .but •if was. 'lits,t ta
be , . •
do .
•. And that: is, blame' the printer.
He ipee his lest Without our help
For all Fe do .i's stand' and yelp,• '
Then ciiSi and blaine tile printer. .
We Write 'ntir rnaniscript by pen, .
To read it is, beyond our ken,.-
• Yet we :expect the. printer •,
1\0' dope .it out anti: get' it right,
iVd think not of- his time or. sight;
• If Wrong -:-we blame the printer.
We hold 'our Stuff until the, last, •
Then try to `rush di through tee fast,
'The printer gets snowed ender....._
ann3 upon .hig 'trail, ,
id prod him. on with woeful tale,- •
, -Or 'rant Or rail -like thunder.
He shoots it through, the, proof we
Hell's bells! that job' is not right t •
e '':`Empres's of
• Australia' now touring the world
had", a. memorable experionce when
thy, witnessed 'brWitnt military •
• rnanoeuvris near the. Grand Pyre -
:mid initiated by King Fund Of 'Egypt
• In [honor, of the visit of King.
Aman'allab of Afghanistan. :Some
of the passengers weresubsequently
received at King Filed's. court. •„
anthills*. notw,th•
regard to the market for Canadian `I•
. bacon. was ' struck by. A.
representative of the British Min-
• istry , of 'Food in conference with
packers here. He expressed. the con-.
viction that Canadian farmer s would,
•he very -poorly advised to; slacken
•in bog, produetion • at the „present '
time,, stating that an, improvement
• in the British, Markel Was in ,sight, •
with many Of the countries which ;
• had b-een floe mg Britain:with bacon
during the past , year.: being prac-.'
tically. -put ,of. the busineas.-: • •.
• With around -a thousand guests •
seated in. the Bill Room, the • Main
Dining :Itoein and the :Jacques; Car-,
• tier Room of .the. Chateau ••Fron-
• tenac,'Quebec: City, Lithat famous- ,
, On the occasion of tire- New. Year's, •-
Eve festivities Among the guests.
: • , .
were the -Governor �f .New Jersey
• and; officials of :the state, while : : .
purtant -parties came :up front Neay.:.---.1
,Beathri,'Philadelphia 'Haiti- , •
-More, .C1-feago, and ether .Aties. of • •
the United Stahea.
• A "handsonie New Year'sgift to
:the peoPle, of' Canada is indicated •
• in the announcement of redaction of .
rates •charged:---1*---Expresi-7Com:;•--7
panies , of the' DOrninien for: ship -
mein of Packages up ; to 15 -lbs. in
Weight - and not over 31/fi .feet in
length; ;, width or depth, which has
• n leaued and filed with the "..
• Board of Railway Commiasioneri,
• fer Canada by C. N. ,Ham, Chair
man,- Express Traffic Association.'
• The, reduction went into effect Jan-
• uary 1 and it includes ;Xt
tier, . of . the . arrangement under
•'which the- Express: Companies -give
protection againat loss and damage.
up to $50 witjaiag_eictra_'clitire :on
Toronto. -The, Exhibition at To
ronto 'led all the -fairs on the:con-
•tinent last Summer with an attend- •
ance Of 1.780,900, atearding. to a re- '
port '.bsr E. L. Richardson, of:. Cal-
gary, President of the -International
• Associatiqn of Fairs ' and Exposi- :
rions.„• He ,states that fairs each year. '
e becoming: \ more popular • and
' .more Successful, ieducationallyand
More :than • 89,400:000
persons :attended the 2;368 fairs in .
•the United .Statt.'s' and Canada this
• year, and attendance has, in :fact, in-
creased each year since, 1.010 by• ,
n')out Inrnwnts` • in
rkbui1ding...5 and ground.”, is „.put at
g250,000,01,)0 And prizes eica
Amount to 43,4C0,000' ' •
has a soothing effect, scien-
tists say: That. is especially true 01
the greenbacks.'
, • "Have' ,youever thought seriOuslY
of marriage,.. sir?" • "Indeed I have; .
1g%rr. since the ceremoriy:°•• ,- •
if the graft is a "perfettly• won.,
derful dander," they will make their ,
home with the bride's pax'ent J,
Apparently , the only eomniodity
that can't use 'a 'pretty' "girl to ,
trate its ads. is chawiri' tobacco
apanese Oratige 'for
• R „tither fou,r4raties for every man, wornan th& child.. in.
Canada or a total of:0,12,000'boxes:of this fragrant trait Were landed
l'ier "11-6", of ihei bana' dian Pncifie RailWay at yalicoo.iet'inrie'aein•
bee,: arid' were rushed' through ,the,'priiirie Provinces aild te the east. of
• comda_for_tho !Cliristinas trade. .Plotogitih shoWs,tbe 'first Of these
itaiga 'aer0411 'Canada itav.ing tho. liter 04. Ito rooa jitric
• Cana, la
tz:40-s, tolleVied it ,at• aliort intervala. fonthe 'pier, and, hi all.
seven Spebiel train:ft We're used convey, • thiS .huge • cOriSignment. The
likelilidocl IStherefore titaty strong that Many' 91 the oranges yeti nair
tree -hanging from .,5hEistmas troo4 or pooping out ot`'Chriatriiris stbeltingi
Were ,l/roWri in the tatiti o thoRWng Sun. It it tirttter an inclIC'atlort,
t-thl 0411 Pak. Ots(41.01#0.0 eri‘11