HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-12, Page 1a
KNOW, ONT ,1:1;11*DA.t.„-
JANUAR fgths
19 28.,
0 0-70-0--0-',0-:0
•• •
04. WCOI4Nk3.4,“
Pbyeician. and Surgeed..
• • ; ,Lireknow''' •
• nourSi, '1•80-;-7330 • .7-8
Phoxie 88 .•
. ,...DENTISTI, : . ,.
,.,r; MacLeod :''‘vill " visit. '1.4tekti4vv
every .Tgesday in Di. .-O0nnell's
Offiee.''* - :•*'...- " '•• .. .1;
Ur R L TreleaVen, ' Inic4newe--
over Decker's Store,: Extractor,
-either by ,44.e.....ear**1-e.iee‘411iglibe..heeein
'",:••'-featrgatilion every Thursdey. Phone 53,
Geo. , 'A; -Siddilr; Lucknow,;
..•"and Real Estate.--Meney to Jend•
first mortgagee, on, farnr proper -
this at 6 and :0% Pee•cent according
: to security s'effere.d.
amounts on second mortgages on
farm Properties, and on 'personal
notes. A' few goad farms. for'.eile•
WALL PAPER -A full line of 1928'
Wall Paper On hand: Prices froin 8c
Up: .1 am also agent for'leading job
houses. -R. J. Cameron,- Decorator
Painter and Graineri!Box 174;.Ludir-
We, the undersigned; 'hereby :.an-
nounce that we are in the market) to
buy all kinds of logs ' 'ealtable for
,Iumb'er; and as We require the lumber
for our 'furniture factory,we are in
'a'position to pay the highest 'market
privs. - In letting us have --the inater-
You are encouraging
•try. For:pexticulars call us by phone.
or call ,at .0.ur Office. --The Lueknew
Fable Buttr, Man. •• . _ •
RAW FURS -1 am paying highest
ep,arket price lot all kinds . of re.*
Blitzstele,:-Ehohe 18,- Luck -
OW. " ' • (10-1.1.40
.A.PPES FOR LE -Also genie_
•fetithers. Apply to -Sam, Reid Luck
lioW, phone 69-r,2 benganoon.
• ...
WOOD FOR . ALE -500 cords:
short wood or eord :weed, .• green, or
dry;; also, tops for sale, • and standing
timber.--Godech Mfg.. Co:, God,
erich; or • Ellfott Miller, Box 245.
Luelintivv. Phone 70.
. • 2 Bert. ,T,i7eleavn„. Let, 7, tcen.„7,--.Ash-
field, ,E.D.'„ will have an ,auction sale
of farm .stock Und, gtain on Friday
January 20th,'.corranenting •at . one
o'clock P.M.' Everything OfFeted' Will
be sold. Seeills.-John •F'urvis,
. •
MrSi'-- S. ,Nicholson—er-Tuxforct,
is visiting, with :her Sister; Mrs.
T. Roach, who was.Seeionely ill. But
is •nnichimproved, we L./re :glad te
Say: •'
Miss Catherine' Baia . 'returned fc
;London; after spending the, vacation
with friends here.: ,
Miss Frances MacIver has Time to
Dungannon to teach for a 'few Week's',
' A pleasant' time was ,epent lest
Friday night at -the eigh,..,.bouse.
Martha•'•Sutherlabd,...who suf-
fered ,an attack of pneiinionia; .is im-
proving nicely. . - • . •
Mr. and Mfg,. Wiyi *McIntyre.. and
Archie spent ;afi evening last'‘veelf at
Mr. Br MacDougall's., •
s Mr. :and Mrs. R. Maelterieie of
town, apent.Tuesday evening at Mt.
• 'W. 111,4ackentiese, . •
January sale of Mill Ends, Rein-
' ,nants,. 'etc. -THE • MARKET.-Hor,'
nell-Murdoch' Co. •
. ' Eli
4, Snnt 'ancl
d auglit er, Eli -
•nor, returned to 'yorento On 'Satyr;
• day, after spending a few 'weeke with.
her parents,' Mr. and MrS. John'Web-
ster.: • ' --• •
The ,regular....theeting--of_41164WIM,S-:-
., Of Caivin ,-"held
.• ,Yrs, Gordon's on Friday afternoon
at 8" o'clock. •
' ..Mies Durikie. of• Puineh. hag .hecri
visiting with her cifiraine; the 11tesara,
MacDonald. *.
visitor with her sister, .Mts. Joseph
-1%rr;." Aterhenon.t. of :'"Gtand •••Valley,7
has been the guest. of her sisters,
Mrs. McRoberts .and gra. Wm.- Mc;
The next- meeting of the Yohng
-.People's Society •Of the enited Chuteh.
will be held next ttinclay 'evening.
Mt.; Ileillith• MeFerlinie, who Spent
thtet. Weeks..witit •
and Mie., Jas. Moratlato 'At Illuetalo
yettomed' to Work •with Mr, 1, B., Ruth-
Men's and POYSt Sleatie:e. Petite at
gozt At W. .L; Little's She Store; „
„ Mr, :LAE. Agnew has been confined
1,0 the 1701ise the past Week With a ee-
:vere celt1,but is improving. '
Dr An00......$1.0holson-left. 'Ad eweek
'for Northampton' • Mitesachuseetts
_where' "s1e-has appointment to the.
Staff of Striith•College. • •
" Messrs: Epee Roberteon and W. H
Armat•rong are at Kitchenthis week,
in harge nt the Lucknow
Table Corn-
Furrdture Show. • "
.1*1016W---W,INS ..PROM"
'Mrs. M. • White. Who has been here
tioin Hi-Le:and the peet few manths,
eislting Ifer sister,„'Mrs." IL Parker;
• has -gent -toe T'erentier where,shisqles-
taken ei *position: —
• The 4.February meeting of the iWoin••''
en's -Institute 'Will be held on Friday
afternoon at the hoine,:of Mrs,. Miller.
A good attendance ..1S requested, and
ell the quilt blocks brought in
Mre., Albert WhitelY, her on, Cam-
eron; and .her mother, 'Ore: 'Turnbull.
also Mr.'Elliott Little, MI of Chicago.
were' here- Iasi week to 'attend .the
'funeral of the late Mr. Albert...White-,
, •
•A meeting' •oT. the .„Ilinnior_rarfners
and.' .Tenier' inetittite.",yiill:he hold, it
the .Council ,thamber, Town . Hell
'LuckneW, ”the' ey ing
e a e•evill-be-"foliowed••bY• bor
• social.. Seeial ;open to members Only.
. , ,
.Insfdlia,tion. of Officers of .Lpeknew
Lodge No. 112; Independent, Order of
.Odd Fellows. Will be ,held ' . in ;their
1odetoom on FridaY, Jan. 20,,,.X92,8
.All nlemberi are'requested to • attend....
All''accounts owing the "Liicknow
-Maeseyinarris 'Agency 'meet be:prod
.on :or before •Fe-brnary• ',Xst; 1928.
-otherwise they will be put in other
hands for collection:: -Reed & Saw-
Yer‘• :. • (19.11 c)
. —0.0-0
All these wishing- tnparticipate ni
the tucknoie Chgeal:SOCietY'or in the
Lueknosv Orehestra, '313itIC'd, it a 'Point
to he, .present- at • the next: praCticei:
Jamittry -241.11, nee week froth 'Tires -
day' next, at eight.,pan: la the Council
chariber. .1Kindly. note 'tile .fMlowing
rules and regalations of the society:,
' 1: That -all me/libel's be fifteen
Years, el' age, 'or over.,
Th't.practice he, 1 eld each
Tuesday evening al! ...eight' o'clock.
• (sUbject to ehar)g.e if .nedeqarY), The
cheliges of date to be are/on/iced at
previeus inecting.
3. Feesl, • High 'SciicioI students
members of Jr: Formere and, jr. In,
•.etlinte 50e.; Othere' 75c. • r;
:That,the.. secretary call the , roll
ateach practice, • ,
5. All applicatinfis ,for •1 tneinber
ship reeSt.be handed 10 the eecietary.,
EdWit. Smith; on of...before ,Jan. 24th
.• .0. That • the sOcietY reserves.' the.
• right te.accdpt or reject npplicatiens
;far membership,. •'
7. That ,the fees' be paid to 'the
treaeurer, Mt. WO'. On or be or ,
IhnintrY 31 1928.,'
. •
EdWin Smith, ,See!y:
• " linunig the• hew bookS reeently
, ,
placed on the' Shelves ot the Publie
.T.,ibrary are the .follOwing:--Trader
lFrn,-Mespage' Of the Carillan, Ad
dresseS' by • MacKenxie TC g, Revolt
in the besert,. A kligrirnaa'e to.kales-
tilie7:.-Posdiek A People's
venr(ee:' besies 75 good 'clean story
boo!for Old and young; •'
h 'very' reliai
:b 1 e. insttoment When- •ft • elimee 'te
tratieinitting:neines and_ liguees.• Tide'
Only Why. We dio 4.,,eplatyr
,.eottple.- oferror e which. pecurredth.
eur repot_of the.-Votieg .14 Athfield
tepOried M Canieioi`ne.'having-
22.: Votes It shpula hav*P1:11
from .318
to _338, an,..eVeti: ifi(ITbeh»id Mi Hack 1
Thei4 Mi hetwooit.,Waa -•CreditAd •
With eely, 38 Vette, lit'Siihdivisien No,.
'2,' 'Whereas he received. •Dd.' This.
Changes' his 'total ftont -241: tei 461.
"rIgnres Were .tedeited , direct
• 'Irani ; the ,IntriiShipe1eik"btt"thOrt
*wee_ ce dad' deal of noise.en th0.1100,
llnd unfortunately,. the iota% .,were.
not tivem nol),/tor400tt Qof
By score .of 3.2 Lticknow 112x)lof . 1927 Business pooe-t,1
Ileckey. teana :W04. from KI-Ooardin! New Year. Started.
in the Opening genieof. the Junior
Northern Series . playedhere' Tuesday' ••••LiiCinew ri1Igc Ceeincil,ae•Ceneti*
night.- As the•Pcore suggests, it was tilted-ter:1927 held its closiNreSespien
a good game,and the visitors Preyed :on Monday of,, this week •hi the fore -
themselves •it lot of. good sports and noOft. eleSing*sesi,
strOng payer. :. .Thered,tvaii a good' ;Morn. •the ,zyieetin,g ws. brief : and
erOwd ; in to• gee the game, .o so. theyboys, ' •A • ritutibr ae'oouritS•
Jr), :connection ::with, ,136.4nese.
.11he. next tame. .in :the Ones for were PeesOited:and, passed Jar •pay4
LueknoW: Will be Wingham ,on Fri, ‘inent,:felloWing which the eotincil, ad -
day -of this week; • • ,„ Pinned for good.' •
• Line-up' of, the LUcknoW The; council ..elected for 1925 in -
as follows:" Goal, Arthur: Andrew; ; emediately ofteetoolc ,the Oath,' effice
-defillOoe--,‘,,,T?•ite-eGottY;Oni 'Alex
elersonf,. L:.""•Wing. Gordon Fisher% .Ore:•P• , ouncibi
. •
-Centre, Campbell Thompson; ' ors, A. W.
• Charles Webstere, 'Subs., Bill }lender. R. . 'Rae. .•
son, ,Grant MacKenzie; Referee, The nnineil iminediately adjoOrned'
Leckridge of, Winghany„.velieLgive,all,, until:. 8 o'clock in. the.-evenielgisee, ,
-round- satiefactione-e ' In 'the absence, `through illness, of
got away to, iteg°°4 O,!art.
the elerk, -Coenciler* Rae kept a ree-
:)rOtING womws m. S. ord of' the proCeedinge- both Meet-
• 7,
The annual meeting of the young • Meeting flt '8. o'clock; the "council
Women's. MissiOnary„„Sobiety of the Was, organized. • into tho following
Presbyterian Church' was held at, the: committees,the ,.,first: named •being
'Manse recently. The. meeting opened „chair/pan/ Reade and
with singing ''a psalm. • The Scripture Rae and lylilison, ' , •
;reading was gieen by.„Mrs. C. Cook. Property and Supplies; Rae, Mull -
Miss D. Henderson led in prayer. Tho in and Hai -Union. ,
Treasurer and Secretary.:-grie their. - Fire: and -Light: Hanifiten,:IVIillson,
reports .',.for • 1027. • These reports Yollim : • • .. • •' • • '
showed -regulat..rneetings,' geed:. ;at , Petitione". and By -Lav: Millson;
tenclance, and the *ainig oflincre: Hamilton:and Mullin. .:
than. the ',Allocation. in collections. Finance: johnstona.Rae;-Millaon.
Election of officers followed: Pres.. • Hydro/, Johnstone, Rae and Hama.'
Miss,M; - P. Stewart; Second Vice,_ Mies .PertL, •' The -.matter of appointing 'a con,'
•-•Rd0T-Corrcoonclii*- and 1 Recording. -stable' was refereed to •the connnittee
Seeretary,'Mrs. Harold. Jewitt; Treas. On Petitions • ',,,
Iis Fern Ileid,;• • Convener of Sop- - Mr.': Agnew Was ,. re-engaged a.s
eliee,•, Mrs •Ce,'-.CooX; Organist, Miss Hydre secretary at e salary of $350.
Mee MacMorran; Lookout, . 'Phillip Stewart weS••re-appeinthd
Reid; Pregrarn, MrS; 11. Anderscine meter -reader it $10• Per in onth, ac-
, •
Peess Sec., Mrs. H. Aitchison: A' 'counts to be delivered. 3'4 T. Douglas
meeting of the,executiye•will be held- Lwas--;•re,iippeiinted'assesser-Heat. 75;-
nt-:MissT. Ciifrkk's to arrange
the and Bert :Ward.-eni'aged .as „tewn,
new programs, and the Jennary meet,' handy mao at .$10 monthly. John
ing will, be held at. the ,honie of Miss 'Bell wit% ' re-erigageeiel-Waterivorka.
Fein' Reid... "An wety'• rerainded that ,begiegerent•.$55 monthly. •
,the fees •WerO..to. he • Paid next meet., Appointnients to the Public:..Lib-
in, and after thse:c'elleetiCiii.'end roll rarY Board -mere made
and the Lord's. prayer, , *re. Mac, ,two 'years; AndersOn;•fOr three
'all the Meeting closed With ,singing. Felt. One year; Rev..:R. NV.:Craw; to/
. • .• • , • -
Donald 'served' refrenhaients: ",• years, A7•1). MacKenzie...: . .
ANNU4L iviEETi.6. or THE Spenee •was .a-Pl)0,1,0ted .11.114dical
• Health Officer; and recalested to make
-report,--tirt.' he,•iouneirki,:the end 'of
the, year..., R. H. McQuilli a wax aP-
pointed .member. of the Board of
Health. -
Fence -Viewers for the • 'year ere
AleX.' Rose, John .Spindler and), Neil
MUrdo,ch; •and the engineer .,at the.
Waterworks will eat j PeundlidePer•
.1:•E. Agnelli; is again epgeged
as clerk and treat.urer
, The, inneal'•mieting :of the :United,
Church W M S was. held Xri the Sun
day Scheel rooms on 'January -4. thin
'meeting Was opened In ' the 'usua/
Way, w.#11 the 'president; prisiding.
Officers were eleeted for 1928 as fol-
lows:' Honorary Presidents„ Mrs. :E•
Smith and. Mie. Craw; President,
„ , .
iMrs,. Vice'-"PresiddiTt- •
Mise Saeah-',Mallough; Ree. Sec., Mrs.
T. Alton; Cor. _Sec., Mrs. W. L. Mat-
Keazie; Treasurer; Mr. 0: Johnston, .Mise Thelma Macintyre, has one
assisted by Mrs.' T. purest' , SiipPly to Owen 'Sound, Wheee she' will • at -
,Sec.,. Mrs. John Button; • Strangers' tend :Business 'College. •
Sec.; Mrs..:, SpenCe; Finance: and
Christian Stewardship .Sec., Mrs:
•Miirdie; Sick' 'Com., ;Mrs. IldacDiar-
mid and Miss Mani:nigh; ...,Missionary
Monthly Sec.,Mrs. Martie; Organist;
Mrs.' T. Si 'Reid; Auditors,'Mrs. Mac*
Callum, .Mrs. 'Crailt; , Mission ;Band
President, Mrs. C. Decker,, assisted'
by Mrs.. W. p. Reid. , Members were
.delighted to 'learn that the allocation
for the nine ineriths:of $550 had beer.
mere. than paid. The ,Mission Rand,
report shelved • the/. same ',encourage-
ment. Everything points to 4 prom',
iting,year ahead:
Miss Myrtle Ritchie ef Toronto, is
spenaing a nionth at her home here.
, Mrs. Albert Helm arid Mrs. Charles
McDonagh returned 'home ,on, Thurs.
day last, after spending si week with
friends in Toronto. • ' •••
Mre. Caesar of Dungannon, ievis
iting ter eiter, Mrs Ri‘..hard Gard-
• 1,We are. serr-to report. theAliness-
. •• •
, and ltirr. Trank. ,Crifiln and
babe of 'Betrait,0..are '•visitirg.
Griffin's parent. Mr. • and Mrs. John:
Johnston, and other Ashfield •frionele:
• The. January' ;Meeting of Para-
mount • :•be held
Tuesday, .Tariaary 17th, nt the-: home
of Mrs. McAuley. 2 '
slight' error apneared in •the'
Aphfield Notes last week.. The state-
ment was made ;that fte township.
boolse,'Were being auqited 'at DttliK0-
Sow.' ,'Iriste.ad, it was the Fire Insur-
ance COnnitiny's'brioke, that, the audi-
tors were then Averking•
We regret to soy that' Ms'. Gordon,
Ritchie is still -.totifined in bed: We
hope for. a Speedy lrecover'. .;
A very pleasant leap year , dance
Was held in Kingsbride oe' 'Moe -
day ,evening' of this .week."' Quite a
large crowd Was ,presentc tind all re-
port g .,goOd. time. Mpele; was fur,
ished by the Hogan Orehestra,
Mies Bell Ross, of Kie.eston, Who;
was"visiting her 'sister, , Mrs-. D,,Mac-
,liellrian,....hes.. reattne4.....to-Abe.; ay.;
:f: Mr. Richard Gar.dner,,L, 4fas-'1160-•
. • '•visiting friends *in Paremoent, , is
' Mr. Chas. Tooke!' of Seek •r ; called' siiendi0 a.few days wi01.fil'Ods• at
on old friends end_acqUaintances in
the neighberXi..end on Priday,',.. Viva: Pine, who spent. Some time
, Mts. Wm. Hunter ef•Ltiekilow, , ie4 'with• Wft's'
viitin. her niece,
c..-1!fV.eLs•it:eYk:: n.ft.,011;t;
• Mr. I-Iarvey Webster
We are pleased to opott that littic
sportt.a.. 'day"'
Mr; Fred
• regr'et, that Mrs. Gordon girt_ , . .
e. -hie is not making AS rapid - a r6 ecr„ Aitlia aittent ' .- -w1i0'• a•14,-
•try as her -many friends , would like. served by. mali rout' • no. tucktto*,
• TheLocalOrangenten, are present,. will reqret the fetireinenf of Mt.
ing their pla.V entitled "Poor Zither' •3aek' ilahilitp,n, Who has been, cout-
in the hall here on, .Oritlity: evening, ier this long roAte. since Ire
./iitiunry .20t11, 'A bet Serial Will be servidet'hitan layears ago, .TO he
iiven in .eorinection with Ala exact, hati'l•ean ,on the
route thirteen years, less two menthe.
1661_9_61 nt took charge March It
tants, ete.--TFIZ MARKET1..4tior is a thirty -Ave nille drive,' aad
4al1tall',..00titaatae that ha drove as
Presbyteriait Guild. -.
At the neting Monday. eveningthe ScrIptare-.7-'reading. Was taken - by
mige 'Margaret , IViaeDoeihr- and. 434
•Mipp, D. Hendereen., topic. was
taken by Rev. MacDonald. Musical
numbers were:., instruMental. by
Miss 'Davison sole'by'miss Aitchi-
Son,..and a duet 'Mrs..' P. Stewart
and..misS. Aitchison, .
Presbyterian Ank. -
January .6th was the day set apart
for Women's,' Day' of Prayer. There
-was e large attendance, and the pro.
tgranune, given iti-•"Th e **Glad ,Tidinge"
on.."Roniutfee as Applied to. the
ritual : World" was given by -Mrs.
,Jam '
es from ',,,South
This Was very interestieg, and en.'
30Yqd"-brall."-.- gra," IfibMT'Aite/118014'
was elected President Of the MiesiOr.
Band for this ''year.
United Church ,
The meeting of this week was .in
charge of: the, iocial committee, , of
whieh Miss Margaret MacCallurri and
'Miss GertrUde Treleaven are conven-
ers. Gordon Statters occupied the
chair. ••Mr. D.' G. .MacKenzie led' in
,prayer; Scripture lesson was, read by
Katherine Hamilton; Mrs. Thempson,
gave a reading. Musical numbers
were; a duet ;liy Miss Belle Roliertsor
and Mrs : Ioynt and a piano solo by
Jessie Mackenzie. The ;meeting closee
With a spelling match and a social
The Week of prayer.
The nnnile1,-iyeek of"praYer, by the
LoCknow' protestant churches and air-
SOUth kinlosS, Church be. held
Tonuary lGth to Friday, January
,.'20th inclusive. - The place;iof meet-
ingland the 1)ibaoher'S will be as fol,
lOws; 'Monday, in the United' ;Church
the yorms people's eoeieties____otth*-„er•
yarioes, congregations will have.
• Tueaday; at Kinloss,
MacDonald, Wednesday, ', the' An-
glican.' Church, ',Rey.; R. • W. Craw:
Thursday, the Presby' eiinn 'Church.
Rav A F Traverse; ,VridaY, the
United Church; Rev. J.' ;A. Jamea.
-The7eGh-rietinas-meeting • ot•--t117
LucknoW Centinuation.School • Liter-
ary ••Seeiety was held /ni Deceedis..
22nd, 1927. 'After the "opening_chor,
,fte Brave, Ye Son' of Canada;"
;the. chairman gave- .a,a• 'address, and'.
the minutes of the leet'ineefing•were
read. Instinmentals., the •seheol jouri.
nal,. the .Preientatien of the School
medals and:: prizes, and 'playette ,
"Her .Aunt Irein'•Califternia," by FOrm.
XII girls,' madeup the yircgram.
.During an iptermieeion :candy' watt
.serYed. The Meeting closed by .sing•;.
the -National Anthem. • •'
. .
bout 1.1.1 thousand:Miles in handling
the mail. that time there* have
.been :all kinds of roads' and all kind
of • weather', , Much the greater part
of the travelling was dole with . a
horse, althOugh. during, the Past feW,
Summers,' one of Henry ,Ford's farh-
"ous "Lizzieisi.'has been ' used. ; Mr,
Hamilton was very pbpular along the
route, as he ,put it 'himself, ,,he had
a lot of' friends when he began,' and
he had More when he quit: He was
; .
entrusted with all kinds of business
and :messages, arid as obi -men said
he never, was asked for a receipt tot)
anything although 'Often,: entrusted
'ivith 'considerable sums , of money
.and thousands of incOnsiderableines
Think Of ell the,measages he carried
hesitates to speeelate.
there' would be messages Of love' and
hate and, sorrow, and just r.Iain bind,
•ness. 4ticl then think of ,the loaAs. of:
•eittistmas ' parcels, • those ' thirteen
'CirristireS'eeesoti. ' • ,•
•Mr: Hamilton,' we believe, is going:
• feren,,On-4-larger'.icare_rtlitin
tofnre, will tearn'how'it
feels to. have that • daily visitor,' themali.
, •
. courier, call every day.. ,
The itew. than in eharge.,is Mr; W.
J. Douglas tpeknow,`' He tom.
Merced .his duties' on January 3rdt
. •
The'llome OT Mr, and Mrs. Williani
7-ii'..i-ilk"e7..SZe'ne 'of a -pretty, wedding on
Friday,. morning, December 3Oth, f
• 11.30 'o'clock, when their datightert
.Anniet -Was -Amited 'in marriage with
,Mr.: -John vS, Kilpatnick, Son of the,
late Mr. and Mrs. jOseph
Ashfield The bride, who was given
mattlage by her father, looked.,
charming. in.A ...dress of phitc ,sattp;
'carrying a shower bettgtiel of rieeti
and lilies of the valley. Rev. Mr. Alp
of „LtonnyhrOok thiltatbhureh; per:
formed the titarriato natenteny.. Thar*
were rici atto11dant0., .Tha Altsj1414
he. Br
of Health, • • of Health
mOitiret• quAixtv„ AND.'..‘sEnvib,-0. •;,,
• Our Quality Made,. Whole Wheat. and ,Raisia, Bread more than
• . , ;
'" • for Bread Batisfactien,,,
..B.PRetgos •
• Maple WalnOt. tarts, 'Ras Tartlets, : . • Raspberry
014.18;• Fruit Cake, IpeeRalle,'Chelaea*Bund Oatmeal COokiee' 'Cote' ,
. , • • •
Tee Cakes, . - "
2 Phone 36-: . ; •
dranimmiminimmirmitogiontir' Ilm!It'lnzli!!ttmtaritiok
• Phone 75
6 6
Lucicnow, Ont
rr 199
Corset Department,- •
: Brassiere, all sizes, at 38c:
Corselette Brocade ;Cloth at MOO: ,
Corsets, -Low Bust, ,at 81.00: •
en's Dppartine. *
Fine ,§ilirts;`any size, at .$1.49.
.,,HeaVY Work Sox; at 23c.
411 Wool Underwear, at $2.45,
Ladies' Department -7-, .
Silk and, Wool Hose, at 95e.
36 -inch Mac. Flannel at 38e
Silk and Wool ,Vests, at :650. „
' CLEANAJP-tSPECIATS'-or-rawa-7-T-flsr7,3-IONTIf;
lfre uswe
sic was played by .MiaaIraprniRobin-
signing of the register. -Mr- Wilfred
'Robinson Sang ;..."Because.,'!„_f The
groorn's gift to the bride, wee ,a bean-
tifulstring of 'Pear/S.' The gueste
were immediate etlatiyes of the bride
and' groom, kr. John Kilpatrick,' Miss
Susie Kilpatrick, Ashoehli, miss vi,
let Kilpatrick, Waikerville; , Mies
Ruby Kilpatrick, ::Seernbridge; , Dr.
Harold, Robinson Of Walkerton...'The
pretty decOratiOn of the rooms -aras
carriedOU; in; a scheme of green and
white. ;- After the wedding dinner the
young` couple left on the afternoon.
C.N.R._. train .fronri',_Belgrave,-- amid
showers of good wishes; on a ,trip to
Kitchener, Galt and other points. On
their •return they will reside • on the
groom's farm, Con. 1,"Astifielc1;7 and
will be at home to their friends after
January 15th,' .Their -Many e -friends
here wish, the, young .'cierpie a very
happy future. ,
(Intended for last week)• ; .•
Mr. Dave .and • Hector MacLeod Of
Auburn, gre-sPending the 'week vie
iting •their cousins in Ashfield.
. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Phillips ane
,fareily have moved to, their new
home on the 9th con. On Thursday
evening their friends, and neighbor!'
gathered at Courey"s Confers, Cliih
when an address was read by MyrtIr
Johnston and Ewart jitniosOn • pre,
Sented them, , on -behalf., .of ; thei,
friends, with a purse: • In a 'very fit-
ting reply ;Mr. Phillips thanked - ',the
people. We are indeed 'very. sorry
that they are, leaving,' but 'wish there
-success in their nevirbotne.: The reSi
of the eVening, Was spent in gamef
end'daneing.., , .
. . . •
Couiey's Corners X.I.P.O.• and U.F.
W.O. held a joint meeting in the Club
House on the evening of, Dec. 27th,
Mrs. • Frank Johnston acted n"
chair/nee for the eVeliing, and Della
F,'arrieh as secretary. :. The meeting
Opened. by Singing 'The. Maple 'Leaf
Progratp-A duet by. Winnie Lane.
and Isabel Alton; Myrtle ,Terinistat
gave , an instrumental; Jiinrnie and;
Jeiin ellelsoc.4 each gave- recitations.
Melda:- Line and: IVIYI7tle Johnston
.san.g, a duet, humorous reading I
Was given by Mrs. Cameron. Mrs.
Nelson,, n delegate to the .1.1,P.W0
convention'' in Teronto,,igave a very
interesting report of -, the '•
Mta.L_Gpoiget,-;fisine.?1-667gave'a'falk- •_
on the convention .setting forth het* LADIES "WITII BOXES • FREE
view of the Oonverition:',., Mrs,
report .;of th!, - EARL' 0.1BsON, tee
Co-operativif Co., the difNr. W. HELM,
ent .peoling systems, and ids° Of The
;tarniere,Siin-ineetitig:' was tot' •
:10* -04 4610 by Mr. Geo: Lane. At
the Close Of the meeting lunch was
u. 10PM
dA ME of ;
ellaied-witlewerm: ode • -
era Brunswick equipment
in the congenial ear- •
retinilinge of our recrea-
tion roolna•vrill effectively
vanish your:blnee. Bring
'the hom.,they'll enjoy a ,„
game here!, '
Jack Gain's Billiard Rion'
,Gelittiniat,e's dame.
JANUARY 13 &.11.4
• • .
You'll love this one, aid 'leave
.• with the feelieg•that.,all's '
• well with the movies.
•Wiith •Coatedy,-
EnmAy; JAN._ go. ,,,,
-A1)mfsg10ikf-3e-'6iiir,;rinEi4 26c.
. Boys, Leather top ft:liters, 141
.011,i to .1tVe; W". 1,
tittieta Shoe Store,
.1inuary in4a,
tiant4, MASKET,,-410r.
hall -$0$49011 COI
, en'january
128 to Mr ,and Mts. Harod AIn a
SkSen-6:-At Windsor, Ont o 1an#
nay 1, ihs, to Mt, dna Mrs.arne
Skew Win gittti--1140* 4104 _04
lett* fietteir (Mrs, BIWA Was 1'04
nisei ghla 4444 polo of tfookikow)i