The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-05, Page 8XNF T`- V
impp, U T
I Owl,
A Al
AT that��Aig;d 0
v5Z l!"M
4ve, 0
T4q: glectqT W
daY�. I# ArqcQ wa '-��adjeR and Go0lemeii:q 0jnqqr
�§4,0w, 4 'a EA
Tice in 09, groinA'An'. 'thp, 6a fl" 'I -
W` I I . 'r, Ion
ia lest
#at fj� 00 RoQxr-�,
_4*e oil�rot *0
the.lolce por'U"A ra up ort Yqq�
Ili e ne. q
.Uch as Port ,tgin. and
pt ln� ��p tr� Js,46 def! I lecting, r
thq�!,b 11 '' iii ' Id. , " l, I <
to oilt�ftmpton, , I . I
, , , ;;., , ,j ` ' t6Wns
I k
X, -
U h
ell$ find �P-evoiV o the ra I, way tb r.,
-ft , in., ':NatU'r'at, Herbs
B -4
0 Kjj1bRv.h4 We t in, c�
Y i� th be
9 $ r OW and PQ d
ing a rA:,
-UP'to;Wiarton -.04' 4 0",east Ade; 'Yerpretp
44 my quept on witii
e J. urfln
0 n:
4,41 Wa ran Th- x
V Dear Sjj,_f
1 n erwear-r rnar Ceti .,t am, b6w. 'I"
py and�
t t YV Wishl0k, 1 0 all ;a--� hiij
Abj 'ro
t 10 1 0;n e N. IPA fil thb b Jni
. �k_ au�jr6s,
_,t;on t
-ttl woilk'
e, IPA 'Jig- irL ft"ca'S6.0 a Par.
q now
.:,q grgel- V1 h aVillg7 b'd H .,ta d y7O
man 104 wrltre.and let yb' Duri. son, Who
09 'qattl 11"0
who,' Y jent -Sbi A c I
'Id .4heir t ..-b 4 'vi
On" n4 earhed, Q:ving.! e ihad, ur A.1f.
-7. �p;ira ypis, is ;Mpl,*
1)qt e
led �.:tbalt "0
th QI710d.-: '
Week, *hen h4 eduld wa liq 'thre�
kg had
ToklOt Poa 'a, h.aTidib& itiles', te:
ie fit, bt, Ii n' all" 3" otoid�,, He he,bg4 his father,_*iih seddine,
16 Uttle
lk tfi�xe 0 The Elei es k,n An. jin ell gaining,
. 01.1
d* We'dertalilly ealinoi praiseT
OQ "as q our Me,
Need e etc. Thji:_ pbuA y., earY,, Lic m K in relp y. pigue, F. P� tots o Kinloss't,il'. -the vote dicine -_J1I9hIY;'f0r- wbat,4 'has done- tot us, a I We 'do
'Ttie :10tid �4,7. 4 , ,
6ol" Supplies a brothe sincerely o, t 4yllc
Sell Xariiet y
�he hea sf poi hip 6 p
t 1'Laulid�ySpap:' ":Of� 1ng.,finb,,,'O1jr, Aughter is aks6' Ina 1
v a; leaving. city, I 4ish kplyi buvi, 6. still,
00d-inhisr, roon�-,bftd be� "I 4or. d
9 provem is
b"" the clec. YO4r npqt
No e� 'a
tl t o.
4 P t bee f too,
eputy .a., 6�n9y- 10: think ther
serving e, m
''d 9, district An4;, b M q,� anyi.medicin Atko t: so e ective, �p �qild_
Pro UPlil ooday�`� Aftej
By ''In ing- e. On tb
way $_A ""Golid �O,
...... Alk,for; A�e yea,rs, as: "cout.icii,11 all" 1.
9w0:0YAvm a4l-Mr.-Muiaii's, 'Natural `Heib','MedI0
qhoicet, 4 u
ell i to,%bur,,n,1ojghbors 'and friends.!�_
Which Ve. '!in y 'Pal Dm t
�"A 'iegiilati6'
-is Oe'last pen, Sr 44 b d'
ise t at J shall give ..Y d",
r, rac6'e'Qpifit'': t e Board, --whIC4 wol pernilto '-of 'my*'V�TY be R t
1!� qId tt ni h
y bqd� first 0 At a q tign: +o -t e it 01119 O� s�g 7.94, soon,, w6ren7AfA s
71 -Ti.0, Mri., Win. C.,
tarioi# - e: mar. e p 'cattle.' f', ',ofthil,owns� p, a
Iving f I' "t,
or --g
ty b� p
EInIwood,. Qnt-,- R.' R..%.
4 Y,
A Dit:�Id Carrvithers
-STO E 0 Is r1o, 7
FY st��,s',pver �,,00 h tinfiO,' son wfi t permit, bolOer. v
also Stbod'fl Y -A erpixt..,old t
I - 4�_; quan
the .16arketifig tl h
SIM "i,
10 in �thq� inarketi der I
,Q 'Oe 'whp 1V, TOO
rsom pp q peirm; t hol CAN
. . . . . . . . . . .
Electokol Of,'Kinloss.
any. rlght� T. MR. MURFIN, THE. PROPR,' Which p .oVe It IETOR pl? TV E
�a feed
the i .'t ' k he
to Pllrehase, 'Or .-consurn Ilqnor ',I g couni 4 Oc ex ;GARDEN
gh �to k "' . 8
t4 e this .07) J�IXPBRV IN HER T
apprec ate PoTt"ity, to h4t: 'sectlon C
n.4 loodevr',show if. thAilk the momers, SE' -1 "CKNOW'
t, .4 scc'oi)der
'Ither gent,,bu
aassvi�eop#11, w to, a YOU a.
my'nominatl6n. foj. -coun
te�qj�jior 61ect;ts. �vbo gav .0
been Iand are the", dlfflculty��'itl ftAnijuji itori nd -the' CAR(AW, U:
a 6,e,, iiiiinber of *7iM, brc
me their '9up pit..
'in Bruce an all
thei, A thiik�y And A eXmanL d th which w9uld allow "quor'tq be Over, D' On
ne ay
lj�r so'producq a 'goo'
dW cat, x X_.
ill 'br All Day:afl& 9V,ening'
64 Ted -the Fores. nu er,:'.bf r's
t, bkeoPlIng or -s Or ale Is tb
Fr 0�t rs owever
'The, pineer'd-r owt 1ee The Ejet6
Vil6re- was,g ven'Away and aot. so
The, BoArdi-.:
d I Out� Opportunity to..S; h.
eand gqQ. � s rOs are incer6l�,
7 closely akin "to 'thO.-e of -`th6A"btheV
p 0 t an per4tion Asthma,,- Piles, ; part Troi
es Re " d.-
11 St6 m0e W
(RI, .'and: so �mowe� of t 0,� more, -a so-. thank ..Olierai6n,, Goitre Xofn�veil WA
Ciall" drlri� Oil or tile- -splendid sup ort� u 0
Westein' ao 'gie5ilve. far bi ed! H Pres'
h -pro. off0hce,,as'gIvtjIg
'Ie, like hiirdshfi and V IleAt - Is,'11o.j Owe wfiieh Disease.'3:' in ileia Election Day,
n re n reg.,
d vhile theyA you.gave in
'sure, Stomach Trouble, Skin
istered cattle. o thorils'not o I'
Sh Ire tc It Was,' greatly appreciat:
such A
I t and itis,, RidneY Tr
't on aded Nyith pq.!:
t oy ppe, h A
t e and lot Troubles, Co al Appendi
pr n of ; -c ouble Par;aly
e pipinated. ino ex
as,reeve or
is, iab _99.Mrightis�.bisease, Lung and� Rrdii lad.
spirm, Q cQnq .OU Prve :You tb.Ahe'.,6c'§t of'
tier the, foreft "�f
bu,t Wer6 'f 1928,'
�4h :hiddi assure you:tia
clusi)tely�'bree or'' -4 t me..- It w Id hial' tr
,,young my der Trdubles
h 'q_: finf�qssiblo n 'an: 6ftiql red paenlia, Catrrh Diro'
8 ab Gravel; 6�eitfatneq,3,'� p,�;-
b rn an i0to ap�ea
t I' �eng r
& e of h s, week. ago,.: ivas,, fined 100- on the .11 1 4 q;
by. T oubles, AT
ey p"RS40, to g�yo'creditt6!*411: the'breed.,� Yours Fait fully,
qmp, th at ae
t 1': t fence nevertbe"'' b
kpss this njav
a ordin Y ta! fit .,to the It' hsit47 Shorthorns who, �ojjtrlbufedl HERB DOCT RE �convorsion of ie �mprqyqm
ners taking; �H'erh,Tr(-atn'iejjts.1 T
tI Ok' B06K. jil
ion' Ill .. �Qi)lwe
e6lly and, a charge of. hav, 6ur.cus oi
9: C4 tle nBruce
119 h
ft"Plerally' go rborna
Indfit v nd g,q eri"ed, secrets of our"
e . or waa:dlsn
r 4 t issod. :� " so �and great herbaii§te 116 at chief" vXhiAe *asthe to e7 Cul�e0or.and."Pi I r
qqtl4po;yto--se. I�hlve Mai gro faqted into cultivate lie 'quar ot pure a5�d ,�;Over 25 rold !me: 'his book',� cont,vjvs
a 0 ulasi, the
erh te Kinlosi
ib afnoji� e
p ion o 4sto,
Hemir:� thf 9AAAct, press, ,a preclati f
Lhe go Kneipp, ho, lived 1hei�i' with
Vr. ve fit greaf. sh6cessf xM , f� 1 e., on
n, 97, 1RINO OUT TUE. 'or"'
tblp 0 t rl LD
ss.*,,�ouncl orjol
0. %e
y. r JU28 I sl%tt,ll* �T-Ilt
Ring 'C
k allk0d, e, Wild 9k
a t t
protpo,ei in eres
grain cra le, or,"Ji C61 nio s for W DN)PS...
d ' `0 .0 t
South'.Bru_e h' le flying ost ',ligilt; tow sk�p
of 'Greenock
AdAm.- WQueeh'
%is Ayhig in . the
h ounry;- 04
-:r Year'
Box 513,.
win er. -hc cii, �anig� on 6nj Qh
a egan:
h .0 Dqnaa's,� 9i. d*
7d bi reedin
r ng lil'the'hp. th
-were-the n�Avh
librthorh c4tti- in., 6' Out. the - o oTito E ectors Of Ashfield. e se 1, e Herbs the. Juice
mod4s+ Ring
edd ;ajr� C cis. pro
oi-th-- tss ir e
ery. le to �dw, cis t 0 0§1re to.,
tells aro
h d
Thq. Ybar Is: wa, �qitid,�W.: D
s � . I 1. 1. 1 Ahtidn, of
tie V�7er;_� jn ' ti jbe wpport
ipor n�- Ring ililse, r 'the rAe 66.-Moildiy lasit, And-let."ie as
mer 'OF EXERC e Ot the� -,s all.' diveect or��iip
a h
Scotch h' �h6th '14ibse t riv 6. Of � Halillit YPu g4ve
st "SbIlt
5 brthorn
"'Of um ,a ai ..You j at, -as: cobild -�hill'do- my4 po tit
M h' OT E' El?
0 -Yere, e.,tteilsi I
ibest -to: prointo DA ED at: Wifigham
a1� eVe untd the. e, ve y arred' I] tie ho,: jntore8,js'6f OF SALE this' twenty-'
in 102
r '11 thj'rief 'that the our TO,
r�businems, :and �he I ni*- ber b bqcA A lar, -`Ale:�audet -Ross,,
all ay Zf December,
trely,, t n 0 Albert j
si, rom� -It woul'i be difill: V. Ma
lived' tb,�`sec his; own -For -th6sel-tha we sec ii
ni4 e
0 Rdbert.
ps, an(I :one, of thr, -to �stlma 0. just:
mS aid, t All. othei'-pe
r6ut-,the.,fued_'qf rich,, '0 mo Sh &e .,of tt erwood.
nq. P;Orl �vh Dlu' it.. may �CO
zyp:;'in,. is, 'x
iri'rodress: mankffid., 7
t YO E
cr' i: terif oil prult "In -1 h li d I REQUIRED
d fth'
e Ring, To. TheABI ct6fs. Of- As
iIj,s cont�ibiitlod t8'
s 0
vs -�n, act, d,:_contri uteii. t6 its im,,,� .�,Ring ut tL n for the, pa3�-,aent of the 'in =7 :7"
thcpi6� lient o. live,. sto' fng out^
pk in,Brucd old. shape hfiilil-'. TO TAKE N ht a I
I� I , t, t OTIdE'Ah. ef tilt 'bx'
t b he' na oVin .6 a
-than'the; o'. haiik you be6n.liiado� in
ond #11
�-Iust Of
Again: noting, me With the ffice o w" YEAR. RES
e I th h " ; ` 11
tercist 99eured by' a L;ertaiji Mortga-c
e6 e xlye i5ntarib,.,,ias�bulls ve dRei . �olve . d th .- �e Whole 6*, ep�err Ilan Bow e�, -an arri60'
'out from' Car sand' -wars. nf eat
ree '' , of the town nilide,by, A
aIng Au.,Sab] ghip'j an&I take W1
wen out th u leXander: oq_q
old. , I
this7,: iipportuiot Uaug ter wit
1. to.,4 head. sbll�e of this. 1.�est Jntbe� thousdu .a
A e 010,
nian � to -A
rs of pea e.. Trus.,' st), t at'. no
9 ss r. u r d MacKenzie and Albeit Bokd
yea c
in a
uth W 1*clnei,, kindlier han&
The, lar.-'),er belt 'the a' 4 e' u
t 'e'T'' w6rk. rt,
eal. c .,any.. 0, fell6ws,': dated.,th6 fifteenth' d ky
'Tot h 'I b�r 'n, of my -a iliti.
—bn -t 0 crossings
brought �,.!6js ta9c, red: herds in the Provin'cei' our',: t'- 'hip* 1',-Ahe very tdes�6f afid,for:Lu�kn6w Lcdg�
e :A 1:0, hes,�O b ffiall Be
In, �th
r,�, aTmsT,uA, er-,, cu tiiafi e
aL v4 !ant, roan ebei - 112 -1fiftend6nt. 'Older of -Odd'
_y of' thes, 909,
.0 [ty .0 en
Yourit Faithfuilit, turday
:1 . 0' "1' e
0 i�dtt e At 0 sii Ociobe'r, A.D. 1,909, and v-,
to. tho th '� �,Ows, arid"
_y that,,- the� pi,63 e daitkil.e9s:,,-OZ� tbet land ift oil I,
AM et OM66 fok 6-'Regist
In t e Christ to b-
ry Cargill Was at the smal" n
n C, 0.
tal se. t drs' To 'The -Elect y of,11-urmi'" "As rs�,n
A_ e- the 2-c roa th iihout. t6. 66", i IfTed. Lord enhyson, 'October r artietilqrs,116* oln
!)!vision of 'the,Cou 7t rV e -I I Ith " . � . L pp.
si� an �.,:grap, ons,ot e of, these' hills, bRored, e.
'7) n" in. many, �lie�.splendid. thin s:d6no by Mr. I. . . I N.. ack' t' gister& n at'
tli� g 1 Hen� R' the.. Regiii Y th . li , 4
r I er,
tl inateriATI, an�d�l,knQw, Qf 92P 0112h," . ows rou ors --Of Lite ow.�,, menty-eighib day- - of t 014 -y t- at', fii'li'de,* erc ;,Un
wish to th you one-ai 190.9'. iii, Book xxjx. Jor the'5 er. Coll�je any'day.
of- these Every-. ra
t ei, eopli'dende you ba4e lshiiw Lownship Of. �,. Ashfield afd guaranted .'a si I tuation,' S ire t
p Pys �saw� or.,tbe'rirs line ir link I ill 16r
n, in ino 10603; to,secutp onzr -the, ila,'�s - o:f their- I'd - the task' of,. U6 to like, Jame's Tolton, Rjcb CA
by Eight,
axpensfve� flo c6n�;truction %fnado ttlee'eo ''me at tl)A� �11 ad. ot:the huildred, d young_xan--AoAI1 bigh-grad&
be brp'u'gh, IS, f
ost ard. 'VejrS,' Wjh�.-J- ollars. llifficipall2nioner b tions. Begin now, p Iwheh'c6n
eWer t eL;' iteen -fetess of nlot6l -101-1ful reedei� in 'the world. Mr." r can assure. 'a't�a
by,the jhe g the' t � a s. p1d.vided,
t it will e r, witb.'interes
reeding, 0 4Y
l� , iprns in be 4nY ca"rAest dAik�, to,: , F:hovir that' '*rite 6 -day. to the* Gold idzil
........ b Short! th6nine:,
eat, Bruce 6ourity lind. exicollent gr gill., aj, 41. the said Mort.6-age upon,the f6i
o7; th lands afid,'pr*mises, najnoly:� W: CO -
'these da, 'sold his bull No5,rldo 'near.: Paial' wl inih4jjj- :13uAn ss
le ys lost a I ng 8c�obl�.
-:,a, con . I . . I
�V( first by'that inuch a, I built dence.has' no be
roads;'built,' at eon,fi
�-:ndp,b zfigelf-1afr6bs en mis ege or to T&ontbla reate
. e- PcKf6rmed ers dyl e their, o rth6�n, bull, of Business, ',the Clinadn
th I MefulI37 m6ny'farin wniril foi.
pop' I" fi� b.0 _ye�y U atio by 6
e.t,, tain 0areel br trAct o0and and p
V or so; the,
t'-.,SY telli of,, V'dtute, la.09r, -pprtilnitie§� fter:T tho -afte Fifthfulli Your�'. sItuatc,'IYin and being in,,Ahe to). adina, Toron-
hip., (5-1-c)
'o ter -it. the Worldl�. F air" the C6iinty
S'ome o known an�if do�crfbcd
.1 - thr! uron d'"
�lom fo nd 'evidences of ro�d
'lg a, -o it, 12, ihdn., ato R ettt jj��e,
and Sp'
ty, grints tireli disa'p
peared, TO s A&eld in
40is of
-li Cattle: I; ucknow.
[t�e D' ! , T'oi L
urham road;* the f'�Ae, best Shor��,jj# risAe The Ve qs the.rorth half
o ..come in. Th b lid a�d tLe. 30th e -was 'a Con� CE To CR9DITOftS.`
er& Ave Sa`tig� on, ofthe'solith half -of lot Twelve,
i. Sid road were SouthI Brdeef'. 'I,
breeder 4�,.usei6 oexpress apOr' i In'Ali inatter of'
I C�ttl elec ation. of cession Twelve in, the Ttowsbip the estat* Or
f jfie! 'cry goner Aslifield o iiilii'eg� -Aitdh
F16 i5 -now s666cded . V ous guibpor whi * rh- J)ivision. isonj late of the towns Iii
or b i ell, you
n aT u
J6hn Scot id 1, 4tssure, yo, f A At Wdwino�h, in the unty of
9.0 Oave me'on And as p4ymeA thi� t �f We
Mo (lay inter do
a neighbor has,
�i -on, farif
-g,�,od bree I er Which -felt -due -on �. e said. mortga&j�e Hul, iek deceased.
t I s all endeavor to I
th Noiti'de''is- ere y give'
ove N�iveal been o6k after on, tfie� 15th day of 1, b
8 Culprit nsstill a. 0Aob6r, A.D n that,' all
I *cry., the
an that datc� has" not hers having claims "a'
',.; j.,40 . i6. , a] - ab.ou' J.' ' interesti Of ilillq!z'e to :the J 926 and.since Qt
t his peiereds., cred
"very, my ability., Agai been. inalic acc6r4l�w to' the ten orand e. of Jlimi-s Aitchison,
p;�on Aritick townshit,�
G. best tI16. e�tt
u Viso
in Wa'wa-,
1�.q (I M r
ce 061d� - -lives. Mfttgake dontAhAd y6wla�e All.a., County, of. Hdron,,fainili
o herelik keqlAr9d to take.noUce, that 'whol'-died on or tut-'�the third the said'
-ect' bf� the pro -for p�yhiek
'ate of th6 township of, West
thanking y oe tle� and always 0 nosh
e of Nine ovenibero A.D; 1921,,are
'hundrdd_z�fid th and -ired, to Fen
Stroi)r,, of., Culros�. ba' -f ahsr Robert Atillih doma d
13. Arni
.. ....... ay -of ''N Of n
Ile, gh ar. d, on. qf,befor6 th6,1jq
Irty e
o ucknow tleet�'rs. Venty-tive, ceAti 'an 'I e,-e,,;t
yOPdnvaryt A.D 1928, to
b. they ar'r ..- I . I
hereffiafter. niebtioned, Whi cutor,A statement'
-'-Vod farcr8 'and handle ib' -lane 11 ell sunv T sh to,thank who.
eir up rts follows,,'
Alitfirs With - thlir names -and
their L
v6ted4or nie.oi-Vonday, and beg t6 Principal' $gog� 00 1 and the value 6f .the ssurb you:all that it
2 75 -C any,- held -by thein duly'veriflod
tlJV - sbol;� n,?, as, -school trilstee "to work - in tb� Tnter6ft to Jan. 1928, Win, Maclnto'sh of Arrin 'I m i
ian be my. I Jnt�rest' t6* Oct'
900, calves, a a affiddvit,.
.5 0
v n erest-of tile srhbol. AND TAKE-. NOTICE
p r best I that after
when he Wag tmvnget And, ]lad, a goo(' t cost' 0
daY Of Jabilryo A,D
he said 21st
tl�Rl of .erb , well Cani4r L928, the. executo Wll I proceed. on
!10�6 �bY, ' W, r jil , Bfart, .............
Pai'do interest at the ratc,.of ig 'tbe partiei entitleI thereto
To flie iboVe amount added' distribute the assets -of. tb estate a-,
per, cdlit�'
bN choicq 'bf, herd 118 Per annum from the 1�)th dy havilfg tegaid Only,td those cljjjms�, of
n uary VZ8, to the date upon., will li he the.,n .,Qhrll hzivo�notic'
bunch of ealje3 At th-�. nf,6
S an of -the ttpW Pirent is. Made. Lucknow .: ontitti e. tj
Dated �At
'131' e tr wa.-i-th Id fit'the h6ffie� Of miss M. 1 1. 3th I (lay i-qf jaTivary,, A.D. 1928.
N 0 T C E that
obn - iek of A"7alief hve
-crowd sai(f`lnorcys owing iii, EXecotov.
William,, McQ�jjll
!r)t 6f edttl,- li� �wa g bfve 'ibd Any (19.JLC)
inee Ing op-oned 9110 coq,tq oarh
ed or , y, us or
i n E Lordtc Prayet� I n Vnisbri,. Will' -Wr66dcdto
r,ranz ?5 'DIP9 �and Iffind 131aek.,. now tho..'Map.
presenti The
Ung the
-is th, pr 1, 1" the m ortgrag .3 1 MOTOWSTS 9111IN No., ja�
'bu� be 'The btftineis part of tbe� and tlint'w`hch, been . r� a ing was , 1116rrkA96d'prepli,�cj will .f.o
t ken up, Ith the.,olec,tiol be' 11) Tfieke'A 'ear II
h 4 T% or1i Pv
ng% in IA pl"tteg'Whieh b
nera lon .'of
zutne- thereof.. suppos-!�
and -Af, Pros" Ml"'Maf j1AA LSO' T�
b; !!ihd;,. Vi y. finber— thirteen.
e gtiu b XE
in- Or rced-� Y N acMaeXefizie- ;,n'-caSe the 9sid, AlortVged,preiiii d
s6mt�'Pb011lbi accor
-A IJ.
. rocklo Carruther� it without any, consent (ix,. do,,.
f fb q oth iiie b r ei OtL lon!t ta e a
ter' or th'
R we C andr. elf
busy fjx=,1Abo for a deep, dt�rk 't'drim Ofais, oy; Alx, iddlaqn. g,, CIA III, have, nolo of
e. One f bls� a I
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