HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-05, Page 7,30mperiVie •
',Vilala Deeide
• Er4riaa in 017'111)41d to be
• at.14 in Switzerland
IVIOritrevi:Sceti#, Of Test
•• tlentreal.---The ereatit.'ef.Canadate
ki JOIaPOr4-..7a'Od tkiere are none bet-
ter fOi t,h1S',alo of Jho. Atlairtre--•,-wil'e •
met in •Merifreat on Jantipry :21 for
*, Ulla; of the ialbst'.'sPepteanler, eentpeti-
.: tienp:t13,4t thq devotee of tvieter SPerta
, cetild' hope to Watch the • OlyMpiC
trials which Will ?*l40 Panticlu'e.x9R;
• reseatather in this branch of sport at
the 01..YmPied at Bl..11foritz; Bwitzer-
„lend. The;Canadien ,Ski • A8oeiatien.,1
geverniag '•body ,of this olltdoor sport
'in, Canada, has Ordered ,elindnetiqu':
trials te lie "herd; 01,3116 'famous.” cote'
,. des Neiges•jemp on that '
Wilhniile' Ph* Pas,lligltly
• Praised h)i',.ft, gtiehee L•4tly.• :
David Theterd„.*IneS ,
clite,...giv.es trostinted praise t•o/".•,
Pr. Willieite_Vihic .for the6geoce ••
the)"..'haVO. hee,..is.ratiy:.
Logan •Sayisr,.."I';beve• l'oeu-U,UPer*:of ;
• Pgx•
.stwnya: fand" thew, a:. meet,
, ItUsband, Vito. viap"re4
-POYOrlAi.421rOlO• 'atta7•4 Of •-•tYPhold''1••
.feyer,.. antleiees.:,in. a very weak ceedi.
took 'the pills; and 'thrOtigh then*:
• gained,-/' health 'mod . strotig;th, ,•1$0 :
daughter Vas in a•ron-dowo• nil'tr
,attd•.wes ..foreed • to :discontinue; r • _h.Again Dr. W111am;. PILLI(: •
resorted' 'tc:i ankshe, was .00.0n...rOstot-ect''
162 ex e 6114a .e.;?;1141:: Volt MY •‘0.,1.(1.:,CPt.
••• had • st 01
: • • •
" C node's 01 jumpers will, be ' reetprints. ...
Fet o1: ,...Off, haret 'ts; • Stilio for.' the ' honor! of '':•Childre'rt -gettlicg.':4n," a' street ear, .. _,, ..
iilOr e°'•"141 in' 016, l' -in-• . •:•$11001.4 '1'.3'e #igd9. tO wipe. their' f6et. ede,00ld.S, • Which let, 410 ill • a wea ''''•
• tcllti•luno '• - ' titiOnel ' , .• . • ' Or 'they'll alwaye, leave, tol-tind. thein cned .donditieli.....6nee. inerg. . Di, 'Wil:
'Skli.11 has had a reloarkablo;grewth' ,,jotprints...onl'Abo„ trolley 'peat, ' ..1 bents' `pink pgio'.were„Vied, •end' .11.a
4t4,..,441',..fAidult.taby:74i111-7:-Conadd vAtira.11011,-„,.....e.,...,....„...,,,,;*,.....e0L........4,..:-.....-„..,...-.1eas. 'soorr-trit-i&e0 i-lrealth • $e • I
Iaet.•fole Years; and thriving ,ski, elobe oWhy, ;Np,c, ' y ou've lost,I•our-stut, ,e•alt,-,...tretysarkharotoTozr_thanse.tts-
"are fetind in Montreal Ottawa, ,..1.re- fer!", - ., . ' . • .... • 1 taetion bas. bon ,Obtained by the :USe
: ronto' find. 0:111' Canadian es. . 0 'y.. ' Vvki boo • Aoin' a. 1.0t.. 0" long of this inedieine.•• The 011ia have done
' taVia, in. fact, has one Ski club. which citstanee••telephenin' lately.'" .... : , ; , more good,in.my honae than bundreds
trailiti,r° out fioin . the:to the ' ciive to be happy-notlaineefnat4 gestieni• correct the. leeeitoder-the-,pal-.
- potinea, gills, Whiep.,30,:grith)n a few 4ers very mueb. .
Pliles, 4:}f 'the oity., • ... 7 . . ' .„ ,...-....L. • :' ,
• te '' 'Speaking of the' high edit, of living,
has the largoSt inemberehip-Of., any ' ' ' - ------.., • - : of. dollars Worth oi more. expensive
:Torch be!..ly in the world, 'end each 'Sun- •otne . rn'en are down 'ant out ami...modtaines'." ' • .' • • ....,:
- 4t.ILY--'-es tiloassuds., of- Pitt- 'devotee's others. are low down, and in. " ' I Dr.; Williams' Fink Pills' assist dt.
, . , . .,
pitation: of ,the heart,. shalt.), . nerves
and the pallor, Of .the ;ace and ifpa
that -are- the results ei thin • impure
. .
. "Montreal perticularly, fertuna
in •this regard also; since wr
corifinea of the cit.y there . is Mount
Royal, *hose steep siones. afford excel.
lent -Ski -hills. FivefY day; in 'Winter
finds hundreds of hiontrealers and
visitors., out on. tile 'motintatn.,:_or sitt-
ing and 'ether Winter sports. Theriot*
des 2.:NeigeS' 'where the Olympic.
,eliminaticin contests 'are to be.heldi.le
on the -neethWeSt side of the
tate., end' ia,reached within lyteen•-•
reinnt9 deiVe •frorn, any ;Of ;the hotels
in the city. .The 'visitor has choice
• of either- horse-drawn sleighe, -taxis
or s r •
That there will he plenty of beth
' i414:411-7EtTid7spii!.53--is assure,d,..,fer-the
' • " -the 'old fashioned dime. novel 119w:
, Cote des. Neigei hill is one of themost
. year; When the. Oanadian-Clinitiliton2
'..spectitcular,en• the eoritirient, and each
dollar' and half, pee ge., , ,
The world. is amused rather. than,
. .
impeaed by , the *Mae who Cleesal:
knew, when, lieitc beaten. • '
Mee. be •paved With geed nteu
tlonB4':but• who Wants to go there to
fled (int?
iv ships. are decided,: produces sorn-e--
' ' • . •
"Motor Oara. hoie been 'increasing
by, leaPs and liourids,• arid the peder'-
'401,01_,Maans,_.,, ,•-• • •
Rev1vaJi -"Ali, my brethren; here
the 'church .staria,' offering .to Save
you. and what Will be year ansWer?'?'.,
shIldren first!" • • ,
'trians .have • teen' surviving by the
• You can get,. theSe from any
medicine • dealer; or by at N.
Centita box from The Dr.. Williams'
dieixte 'Co 'Breeltville Out-
Foras: 'Other
ord jurepleg: • , •
. Canada *will send two jumpers and
two runners to Bt. Morita, for the in-
tereatiorial comPetitioni, and :each
club 'affiliated With the , Canadian /Ski
Aisodiation has been. invited*,etewend
repreientatives 'the eIlinination
trials; Which will enable selection si
,the best men to 'represent. Canada for
the world's ,tharepionshipC.• This
be the first thne that Canada has been
represented in skiingcompetitione at.
the Olympiad and the first time. that
:Olyinpie -trials' for skiers., have been
held in the DoMiniOn4 •
- At the °titillated there Will be threo• .
events for skiere. Races 'Will boxers
. over diataneetr'-of and-. ilfty
respectively, and there 'wifl also
be the juinping c�mpetitiofle. Canada
Will he entered in the itunpink and in
•.-the- .groasecountry „rate._
NO 'entries ire beink.;-inade in the
fifty -mile crosscountry 'event,_ since
• .Cariaditte skiers do fret train for istkcl
a strenuous contest. ' •
--lrBOOk • L'Ibra
• jeiaantee. Novel in Serial:Form
•• Still gunning After
' 1.2 Years:-
sc ut st eel's earth le re -
lien* WOitcler how lex% be;
fore It will he eld. enough, to knew bet -
Why don't. they melte hinged wind-
shields for drivers to go through with: -
out breaking- the' glass? ' "
Irate Custornefe--4Say, you cheated
; 'Grocer-:"Wliat•do yeti `rneari?"
, .
-10lO.Lost_EOW'r,97-1:, 11A09T.13A9...1)1.7.#.-
. been 1Vot no:Ort or the immeriS'o#.4.91:0
Napeleen, ',when be pro-••
PeSedto '"unite Spain .for ever 'te• the
• destine Of Franco," .quoted the pro.•
Tech:of .:A'VrenohMan, after
i,s04t.p.yeare:tiresidence IA :Engle...Ad, 004
that as applied, to the, peatre. Of the
British Brepire -"the' expressipn, is of
course POrgb.,' tnetOphOr cal. ,
•Aacithet of Napolcien'it: xtenexatlpaa
the silying:.,that :there only one
• 'etee,
• ions, '..4 .seerne ebeni7. tu,lgar--.
mpotendthen in'..thik: notorious Tem
• •.r4in 'Who*,
• 734,4liartO'Prehably,pt .it.. "ge:401A. Oh'
...repeating it (hiring ' tire retreat from
which' his tirileeicy Grand
Army Dioboay failed te gee .the
. •
Side; ". • '
lles, had a._ eueer
II:lab:try is:. pAo a lieto 'tcr-
valet:de charehre."-, Strveral, Preach
Writers, incleding, Montaigne;',are 'caret-.
' • • '
Airmen ASIEMg; If ,Ford Plane
Is to Follow -Newl-ModelCar.
, .
••••Washingten.-The ertgari aVra-
e'en. „industry, :as:. reP ented at
Arai general. conference in: ,session
here under ,airspices.. Of: the Cominerce
=Department,: is. ashing._wiletbOr a /IOW
Ford airplane ...Will ',fellow :the -Tile*
Ford car.
• ! AcCoi•ding to, William B. Stent,.gen-
ecora,r1p- aa. tnisonge. Stout tAhierprlaonrde
ComPeny, who was was .it'the confer -Pace,
the +.1(tril airport , ,Detroit .,secondonly -
in,‘,.size, to the: ,great TeMpellief
Field ontsicle of • Berlin, and-propesalS
for the corning year. Will ,.isee it the
largest in the. world: The. Ford • air-
planes are alt metal.. Se far the
mobile inanufaCturevhas not .gone into
.airplane engine •prOdnetion,_ but is
using " Wright 'whirlwirid motors' in his
.19-prisseriger'nraiehirteSi. nnOng r°Pnd. lions of people ',have been t n g,
trips °daily, in' goad. or bad Weather, to talking and Writing ter thousands "And yet it reovee,-eof ,the ear. ,
„ Yeare,, it. is net likely ' that anYone 'but it does 130t,..flingtdall 11,1a • aohleVe
CuStOraereliy;, darn •ft,man;
Ordered:ix-10i potatoes'bit your driver
aid the .Petatoes he brought to the
oriSe :were grown the 'suburb"Jt.- doctor, .
-declares that • kissing
shortens lite,' but we supPoie -there
willeentinuete be *those Wile prefer,'
short lite and A merry one..
ing two bey friends With. you" S.
Guest -°O11, 0111/alto carrYll•Silare.".
. World Famous Bronze Buddha .
,_ , • • ,
..: pnd of the most taineus and supposedly Peweriful Buddhks lithe Daibutte,
13114'Wn . above, favorite 'deity of the . Japanese, :stending 49, feet ' high!. ii
nsade..entifelrof. bronze' except the Pedestal, this beteg of stone %earthed With
the fanciful words " of visiting, believers: At: a level with •tlie • covered feet'
Of the Statue Can be seen a, container' Wherein .a few .iciss stielcs .are thre(fvfi.
AS the SWeet7ealleililig, ‘e'inolte. .curls toward the 'Lurie head' the. worichipper
kneels upon the stone;ohanting the Prayers earved upon a slab ei stone nearby.
sv...ta4, Loam snyithoro, to, oiedrossf,
rola said eon eireerlaes al new,
Xiaoles• 'Main, for niWiPtiutral. ' •
3104= 240,1*.4390• 1101011119
Osefubless of
People Are Realizing
. and: More .Their Value.
'When! the aft .of printing was' .first
Utilized Or, the Publication. or books
only entail proportion of the popul-
ation in !thief the then eivinted coon, -1
tries of- tho -world could road and in •
fact -waS a long tints afterwards
before ,sieople -;.-ceuid- use '-
books.' for tberaselveis • Nowadays
mere boPkit ere,beirig •Sold• than eVef .`
before but- people buy "them to -read,
d he rig 'said semething 1,lre ' I nil info. With batter.- general ,edirea-
44 e ,ats .
•Be the epigram is poes1hlr.1niPro”4..ftten ' the; *rester la the ,deolancl:19!• ; ..
when'. We 'add! ,`"This., „ . . . ,„
however, Is 1.113k1sOoks Of all, Mello. • Tneniase'.403'. 136 •
, a here, but because the valet. .
i ' 624d q ha' rue of. roaP4 1 Ite•MeTe Pee*
valet". in tirli' ferre 11 wee first 'writ-, •
ple leant ;to. use there -so .does.,:the ,
tea: by Hegel (in ids. Phileseehle des
-demand- iribreasa;and it it .equally• .
(1esebielite, la, 40); • Goethe harroWed :true- thet.*-ous:4threi-eleitam.-to - road. ,e; ...
it,'-frcim 'Hegel, r'e4107:1e, frow•Goetlie,
• I, xikap',.eficir-be•-,..able.:tes;:rere.....
and Disraeli, a great collector. ust learn* to :'read
' the prieted liaise' in:a • any Og4 ._-.
e!rteereropieginro,'eulgotos, utlio:wine.gose; rifoerawiaC;tlytl.yul;,. 1 A
map 114 not a Word pteture,:nui.,Xe... -
fair' te.neroes' end,. to veletr. • •
-• ' a Photegraill; although..• le- boatalio, • -4.t.ti. „ .
"The Cup That Cheers" , .•,,...
eferneete of betly.„. Bspeefelly, Is this ':.' •-••"'
• 4, . feec miscellaneous Plightilame j true of the,topograpido:mani.which. ii
Ma.Y• be added:- . Pray'n- "Illeivin-.0up.;,tue,,ittest".-. Complete- :eater:We- ot.r:. tire. -i-.::::
aelieft live their • wonted fires." . cornea -1,Xtilriertiake'f's ,iiiiill • and ..eereee .matar''.
front, Claineer,--yei in our aidies cold .niirposes.: - .It ' II ' the record'• of, the eia.,:---'
is fire yreken..". "The eup\tbilt• cheera...tarat and .:ottiturai features, of. : any
but' net , inebriates," , 0,, used by Cow area. and 'one Of the •means of aiding': . -4••••
per of tea. 'But if 'Conies fromBiehOp I., develepnient: ' Such' 'a, map slams the' •
.BerkileY, , *fie ' Uses it of ter-Waier,-;70..rable lands; • indusitrial ,areee;.,...foreet,..: ,,,
which 'Is ''ef..'a nettire. •eca mild and lareeP: •mineral . itreni.•;' 'water ipoWer
sk• •
henigin . nd .PrOriortioned.: .. to the hu....1 Sites . arid., Storage. .basinsts, . melanin- '
Man colleti tution; OS to Warm" •Witheat , titan Jproleets; . irrigation' areas.
lieatieg, „fia ,cheer but not 'inebriate." i ,face :conformation.• 'tic.; .,,, • -.•,,.. •
Tbialsttiii the Siris, a treatise*hich 1:* -,One ...RI .08 large man trialen.g ore' :.
hi divide r \ .bet*494.: i .t136. ' • 8 oY el'e 1 gll, '0,11i •ations •Of the Deen'teen 0.07er.tt- '‘
Merits .Of tar:water and .tliose Of 'tli.e,„ tent '.' is . the • tolaperaPhical• Sv Yeer
NeePlatonic philosophy,. I. aOree with: .Pepart Meet *of... the .-Interior. • p•tring. •
the, ': latter; tar -water .: I ,,- have.. liavar •, recent Years :tni's ':.service' bas been i
tried.... . . .,'• , '''‘', • ' , . ':' -,.' ' "1
inning :no *TelAdlY' an Possible tOpo- i•
• !'lle--Nr110..'fights alla. rtutti':a107.rilaYl•graPhie .,inaps . of Various .: areas
. Tokyo. -A noVel-thaVliati teen run-
ning ssosny -.far the . peat 12 years,:
, ' arid' thet„is notly.et coinpleted; hi •lield-.
• bag the atterition Of- a large '-seetion
.:of .the letielittle. nublic:". , The, nevel,
which Is called "Del • reas.atsul Toge,"
...bee alreadY7-reached•26 volumes, thus.
eurPassthg We ffittivieua record in..thie
. 1 • .' . , • •
co -Until in.riettit of -Size. ' . , • ' •
.''. Its.. author; .1(aisen Nakitzate, • was'
- the rOipient' of en. ,enthusiastie:41-'
' :itionstratitm. at Osaka, organized by a
.,• .eediety deVoted.te the reedilie-cii the
aciVel and simtriberitig among, itss nitre,
.; • bora sotto'. of Japan's greatest writers
• .ried peets„ , . • -' '-.. ' .' _
.- The book' deels With ixteri and 'we',
men living' sante yerris helm the We.,
erial Retteration Of 1868, And is in
ealitY.".an .eitheustive. StudY, of . the
Charectere '' rctid eenditione -of.- that
' perfecto the nation's life.'. 0.40 073
one here er•heroine..-, . I ,••• .•
: Whet!, 121yeare ago, Mr. kalcasato: , ., _
erst :began to Write it he 'adopted an Baby's , Own• ..
thightai.,404 .moderit • style, do:myth% I4eatRinit
_., •• front- that of the: elaSSichitit,' 'Old'
'created. a tenes.tion ,in. ;o1pan'ii. liter- •''. 4 yoilit
..tity7;wbrld. .,_, ' • , . .. • • Ganailfaii•reet
' No dateriraateterset-for•itii-enditag,4.-019,•*93",.. gi"va
got. lila. any 01.010..104 9e. 14.0 -sive hialtri Of [hi:1i
guarded 'and. Ili
...--..-.--44-•.--e-, . We' ItsakpUt for: -
been. annouticed. - •
ROOSSySttfl,• ti0085 it4 .,:t4EW . '110inutiod-at'th
, ,,...... • , , ..2tM.,..ANM 1,, ly 'Ottre,.. friOlill
. . ,
MeeSer the deacentienia. of ite att.
, Tablets --Mitt in
!Mind teleh IC r
•• inals presented "by the late Preeident
lug ebie'fOr the
. IleogoVelt,ere. increasing. in the region
Oriel.' Alifeng
, of Duslcy • SOtted, .00111111411.1. *Two- ek
a. erterteieat:H-::6114110317% -.,WhO. --trekits4 _1(t_10191",,,tictrit)ofngri;yr1,1,..);(,)
,.f. threagll thal diStriet , reeentiy have
rePerted'that the herd IS Well -eliteb...
..4,..11041.1';*Several InOefie were..:eeen •ats-
• cleae rangi'i-endinrentir rimpie---evi-
' dente lif . MAO Med. In din .6poor -Of
. ., .tito .-06tood• .6tiub, So (1080 13id the -,f)
tbseiTeit 'get, that,:titcy. Were siblo to'-'
titt6 '. Ototogank6 o't two . Watrgrown Mo(' ii.' C -6,F1
bttIla•-:-0. tWolTe-PMIttnti. arid an. eleven.,
reinter. Ableb. veto Steeding .itt s.' ' Yclli411 seil (
.. oven, rft drinkieg, , 'These tWo hefty anon his rasa(
beasts `tkore: , -ando ,otivirvation for 44nowing..ildr. .:
•abotl t a quarter bt Mt 14011t 'befere thpy won't, telt° 'e
became Otto of the nearnetai of hu..
- „ ..„, . , Seep Wear&
•Mee. lelitge.,.
• • t • '
• Dean eviews tfifir..arias;":So ',Often Quoted,'
- Arrive 'at'SOurce,
Itve40..,;11ght-,:ianother-dax,r4, which -we thionOent: Canada, ail heir*: eo,ordin- ,
'knew is Goldent„itli's,, , trove., ao'clent7alga-,riii tire7Kiithrull-'7TonegraTOO-7-'7.
Greec,e;- and. !Acre •-tiveir7boit-,,. series: Thies, ,eveatueny "the 'Whole
Ogee: fortune" from . country be moped „with oat -OVer7. '
"dedimusi tot••Pignora fate." I lapping or .vithout '44Y 'fiart,
ieWs • Map .indnetrious,hivesti..:..,misSed.:. l'',.111.P01.g; is, he wev,er,a. plov! •
..1'What is .;.saighialiti? ;,1Indetected' atd.nat• die, and In the, second _Place,
plagiarism- This hi prehably itself wive did surrender." • .. This did not pre-
Plaghirisria, but 1 :Canaet' reirieinber vent' the town of Nantes frernengrav-
viho (mid It before Me. ,. If. Origiaelity . Jog- the wordss• on .tha base , of • his
'ineinis thinking ler' Oneself; and not statue. And ma. Wellinngten isaY,'"1:1P,
thinkirig clifierentlY ' fern other Pee- Guards; and at them"? It aeons -more
. • 1 im th deubtfut..' Louie XIV wee ha
Pie,' a Platv'tloes not forte ,
to It .by SeyinetbiegS•which heVe-O0-'
.curred• others4,•writes Dien Inge. in
the London Evenint•Bteade.rd. . •
In fOct;•,whela , we .6otteider•-that..,M111.
heard to' saY; PL'etatt c'est nat";
though Ott% .no doubt that zie
thought ;se. '
' Shakespeare and Seneca ,
Laetly; Galileo. probably' did net•saY,
. • ' .
"Are you doctorr anked • a , lady
tourist of ,O young man atAbe soda.
fountain in• 'local drug store •
madain keit irleiielan."
-7, "
Itesolved: That
deaver not
or ever .shew
I'il not allow the e
. to sag,
For.1 look hette
heileeforth • • `I'll •en -
to ,ntig, ••
torettsoning heat;
orders my mouth
• . '
r when -I'm sweet.
Clevelted, Buffalo and Chicago. ..B
ni should* hit :upee' anything • ,e ., I merit .•that-.2his;w7i,s,..antielliated in:: his
freeli, unlees '• ""--•eTle-iitaiii-fed7W-tit ein-dFseb.el---vf-Aristareuee,• 'and ac.
something ,eithei.tranieendentlY wise cordinCtO Theophiestus, by 'Vete in.
or mbstabtormallY foolisli.„' , his Old _age,. '.1.40Onairdo,••WhO. enfiet.
,.. ., . Still,..soine'writeie ,have, or deserve Pated,'lliolit disco'veries, Wrote In large
ly.holos for industry. Ho is doing..this to have,ug4•3at gut:oil:41- -dereputationiatriti-ease;, poc,;1-1m04.ttoev"rae.L.,,,,in:-...his.,d.f...ary•-• "11 sole ,.7,,..,.,
-hinikelf7Ot-wliet modern oration.real.-_,,
on. the largest' scale Yet atteinptea by rival h hl ' ind-ri. Autolyeus• SeVeral•fandmi-Sayings:in aid' great,
a private individual.. Even those who Who,. according to limner excelled all.] poets lucre been, traced :back to the
know ,him best are not prepared to
' other. Men . in ,thievine and :the nee, et. Greek arid Romeo. 'eleseies. •'.churten
the 'oath.' . . .•- • '' tlOon pins eolleeted•a long list of perCtlIcils.
toreattet• 'bout Seen „he Will: throw the :
-fill., weight of ' his -resourees into the , •
- "Whet haat thou' • /Wit • then 'lids •-- -etween •Shakespeare Orid Greek.4:trag--
. . .1
airplane industry. . ' ,' , • : :not receive?" Oaks Bt. Penh'. '. It Is a' edy;, .Either .SlialtesPeare was bettor
,Theie has been but 0110 aCcident• le good cerreetive of -Vanity'. to 'reflect read 'then' :is:- . natutily•-' snUpos•ed, or
a Ford aitplene for : twe • years, 'Mi. ho* completely..W6 are'. the--.Clindrea• "greet'' wits. juinp", -with, aingular•. fro-
Stetit pointed out. : Thin one, was .net. •oroui.itie ' A
all. hew 'Most of the giants , dueneY.' , Out alp :queition" cannot .be
gater .inighT hunt down ail Our. geo4?process and it win be .naany •yeara-ht
Wein.' But there Is anainiestAinee.: Iiisnliceldudmedo..i.e..pAesc'precba...r.enetwiittrt\taeed..is
plored field Or jiltit00ea etIlle/catraii in
tbe .proverbs of Chine.. A iee; EPme:1-..;,iothradter.t.t.:rteo. ainvfabiri:bilefeelnle. .4;:ifdetr or the mono •-will .shciw liolif.'useful, they
be. i"Dee.net rentove frem your,.:Tarioappo.starph. ..,1;!/;.•ehret,
frieid's.' forehead.: With hatchet,'
• 'share,' it' both', erids„., frSS , upon reggest '
"ee. sitters grimble.most at a play.
"You cant dap' hands with:One. palin.'
lnitlter of idolS. never; an idols.,
tor" "He Who rides on a tiger' can
. ,
never dismount" (a yarning to rev, ,
,Heiiinr-7-Passing Show (Loa- „
tionists.)' • "qua dog, harks'. id tome- ith
thing;7.• the...rest bark it hire." . 'When
neighbOr -is .in • Yetiregarden:, ,-09n•
phaelsAs put on regularity, reliabil-
ity 'stud precision 61-perfcirtnance:
Those Telowest. to Mr. Ford declare
his whole •ptirpoSe so far has 'been to
rnrlTV out a first-hand test to ,satisfy
„ "Mamma, can, T borrow
troeser-press?" • •
"Whateeer. for--?"
"I want to play Spanish Ituoleitiou •
„ .
• • .•
Inattention. the truest Petiteness... . A .constent reader of, the political
-"Ever orie-214urriling..-10tcP"
Mina' rd's Liniment for eeicht.
4Oci, furtheirtiore,.03, tongue shall not
.• • .
, In gossip -wag.
,Mout my neighhor, or his wife;
nriteep reY Work up:ea
let ft dreg; ,/ ,.; ,.,, •
• •Since, it's a vitat•thing '
. ,
Ikly care ter- eirnPle,ewerthWhile 'things
shall neVer lag.; , • • '
try to' keep My idea% high;
Of Pieces tithigs; I h'ope, to do 1 will
not hrafir '" :"
7. Nor heast-=,--.-X Simply 'sae, "I'll, tr),..1',
T110.111,Sittng. NOTHE48,;
8.11,10, 0111E4. I,IEPICI)E
each generation. aee..•tien of •mod- '1 discussed- •witleauf.••qaciting the Greg);
duet to faulty - aeronautical .eons ruc- ,
tion, but to, a .c),Clerie; „Which wiedlced ,.tivite ...z.,,, -..
al e standing no the shoulders texts;
,a-iehoolh0us6, in addition to. lidering ''''
of those who have,,tived • before them. 1 in-1"'Mapbetti, "Censt thee, not me.01.
' ;IL; -
anee, bee been kept UP . With :the pros-. IN4111:f4mtybgt:111:' *hit 'iv° . ei° /w436.'•"4 ter A° .11..mi'4.' 6.1seaseCL"; °fl:i •ii417417
We. Machine, The , smooth .Perfo-
ent 14 •airplenesono* operatetl; ' , ..• • tion-46eorded. it.t9r1441411: ttillta170:11rr‘oerrs1;r'ittldele-:, 1,3
pollute -.(fileat• '0
6 independent , ef $4ifiieba's, "Nernp
Imo 'inede•ri.” • Bei
. "I' Will net forecast Whet lir. Fard i ....„. .
a .i.e.. lucky.ehota: - : ' . . Jansen's' pitons: song,: "Drink ::to me
will do,' ill' aviati611'!""' 'OK 10,'' 'Si°ust' , *ten We talk of literarY plaglarisinal Only with thine eyes,' is a ,Piral3nro-so .
'etaere.,,is oily:Otte man 'whe'ecre ever we thixiii; . not .ot .Whole 'systerds of :la Pilostratus. ,. Milton: 'on : Teino--,
speak: for •lYit; Ford's' plans,. and that ihoilght,. whicts, • loak...., bo... littod ',loth ilhat... last ,.i.noitaity , or toblo:,.1oftid,e.
Mlire.11SrYt, 'ouFt°,.rPc1111..41i.Ofsetilif.e7 Ford*'Venttire. gii3thri:71.1.6114.170ir 1:ituhtelCcifwilitea''atiii.j: EtZliongn,:i: let.: 1.1)(6/../TriZai.'-elis Ilinv'e.., 8; 611„tl•Dile,rnht•eliketrtiellTliaii661twt
Art litenir; ie 6.* Mechanicel -engineer 1 ' ' to' introduce' one of tWo;‘,/ do tot iiko. yotio, postal, rellp Is
. • .
Cancer Canmja°
, • .
are ready to provide the first sen-
tence • of a , tWe-setitence • Amerlean • •
statesmen. with-conliCtione :they Were, '.
Politleal* Tragedy: ,"Once , upon- a
tinic :there were, sever,s1.. AMerievi
wl11111; to StAke. their careers- Mu"
The only Ooneletloes aineag the prem., .
en -day politicises are those bawled. •
British .• octor ..Accomp mhos down in the criminal courts.
1TY, Lowest pricce. 011 calars
furnialted: l;arges. Mel ersi 1;le,
—. Remarkiable Ones, of In,"
•- retted Rats .: '; -
tOndon.-Valnable, addition, .to the
eanipaign Eigainet cancer is described
in thiS ,week's "Lancet" by„Dr: Thomas
1,OrnAden„, who has accomplished soine I guarantee - • eorePlet.e. satisfaction with
remarkable cures of el:nicer in rats: 1 tatd,,hi,torna,T.,:to'n411'4, "....‘,'"''',",',1-.4..cu•'* sing
Dr. 'Lunisderi conducts his. research ,
WOr, in the. Lister Iriktitute under a • ,.....--
grant from the Britis_ir'Bnipire Oen-
der- Campaign. ,' ' • ' , . , ' '• '
.}le says his experimentS' prove thet,
the body of 'tlie victim deVelops. 6. re-
sistance to the cancer' , frifeetten ' but
usually too late to 'resist its'spread.
'His ideiyiFt to force the Cancer to re-
veal itself' earlier in the, stage of its -,
.devolopment. For this purPOse he
jects into the growth a Solution of*,
-fornialin which has a - destructive,
effect upon the cancer cells. ' Durin
this year he 'has treated tuniors in 70.:
Vets and. has • Mired. 54.' Of 26 :rata.
similarly treated altice. October leg.
'2)i:have:been eine&
, 1 . • 1 .
,o.onea•otrinit7e0m7pattanyh,seadaer,opnaute_ moste,rnithge,sewithoou'btrigshoote'tifn•gourtit.se.-syseenaternec• 44e,.* pnay.bc.:suinfric),Icteoremr:lidacirlec,rHoe tyan. tura.
brarteh. -1-10 belieees,the airplanes
et the intuie Will he' all metal. ins )'. the' 'entheriis "es S' - - ( ' . 4 -
9. I posSUrii dtdere, 'non . eine „0,,,, ..Dti.....-
chill'ing Par . .. , ..:
-Corperatian joined the'rord group 911a30 s'i.itil.' An !3xPee.°'1"it: livin'e'It'Y' deir's "Great,witi are sure to madness
n ng itself between bratkets or ' ' . - ' ' . • ' 4,
lisatrafeetute, has Centieued on this --- 'el.°11 * - near allied,' is from Aristotle•t-tough
bash'. , , . . . . , . I . I ' b ' ' ' 1
in feettiotes,, makes Seek a' dull. boy e• •. -
.,; „. eneca, .. t . cc_ y no means a waYs
Mr. •Stout fe,tinded Aerial Age, Wits ' linyerified Spigreeas ',„ • true..A:Very close ' parallel betweed
chief engineer' in deeigning -a• new car 1, have ' collected . a good, many ' Of „D'utiis and Cittudlati' niust.'be a niere
for the Scripps -Booth CoMplitly; De- these aPp.rontititions; Some of Which 1 coincidence, since Bites was not ti.
trolto and divekoitled his a:ire:114Y corn- lila,' be -mere eofneideaCee. My first. i Latin 'scholar. "O .rpecirlie. eittild and
plex: exPerieticiis by. deeignieg an :all,, °line will bo of'notable sayings, Wh'ich irestleiiij:'1OVe; yo freck 'iny peace' bo -
metal tOrtednairPlano 'far 'the` navy. . era .cOlistantly; eu.oted With the names Mien ye. Yet pOortitli a' I could for-
ty for Babies and its ts: the anther, toe, Of a•hoisoe hebk of their. XUpposed authors, hut Ithich I give,. kri•••li/ere not. for nly' Je4010.1.'',
g .Childrett ,A'„i;
. • : .. i on fricchanical models,. and has been A thore is no 'reason. . to suppose were 1 Plaudisti hes, Patipert•as,, me *dove
• _ . ye...Opel . tdviser to the • Aireraft uttored by " their,'.. supposed authors at. ;cleniat,' *-diresette• . Cupid(); Sod .tolar.
• . Board, Vitaihingtoti: • • , ' • • 6,11, . These' ore. iiet strictly plaglar. ' arida' faineer hOif teler d ' ' "
an us weer,
hera..are•nOted for the •
Tablets the
'their little Ones -the ilkihsi. . d&snst 0014, tyisAti•,! Lis „:4.'il iliors, but they" intistrate the lere of 1 By'a ettribUS fatal*, neittli ell'the
abI• iii-niciat lialeffelY 'iiirplaiw, '-e-14-1-4.4i-e--,•,,-. -7
on, o'rviie-!.i.,4f,f.quotipk- eplgrante•Lvvithout-esrifelee,44e.t4eAmemeLLateLe_way itioii,
theta. .. . . „ ,
0 ?Pother Is •al*AY's *On Weiner With .Mr, Ford's interest in * ,lepurieueness by eoriteliting'..tionae Ole:
a -reniadY 71.1" 41-.nitt;..''AVititien- was 'recently ,aSked, at -the. :-.-.P.14t-9.; nov,er said, ' . "God geetnetiteitito. - A ty,pical eitatiriple is, "QUeiri
ands of 'tethers halts , -"C4iVe liirn *a .ohan6i don't; 'On'ilIO:vy !Intimates, (tintiaj. are i The:nearest original is a um. et.. 1,110:- 1
6 Same time shatdute-iivironaufiesi orderonco..,-..„..:•-• . ...,• .; _ rises." William of 'Ocithare (t-tliluk): [Den's -Vat:- Perdere;'.'lifidlt-dententitt"•
OniOdY • iti Piihii.'0 Ow2i Ow his ;been ' lanay tim 'peat •Year tet' *not tO be multiplied, tinneeettittrilY,'" i line "-BrrUS, "Stfiltpre •, 'ficit Pertunal
ta:nY: -,0f,,Ittent alla-netattowout tt nirk_thojelvt„,-*Aslthii,„„roiy, .Numeittacis not, likelY to have. cit-liad,', itiletn Vult pertiero!'• •'," Pe Monte t" IS II
• eileiblits- of theft little ... ., __-..--,,-4-..4e,-1. nett) 'tea "Attle.•*Moltei,'•"--,, 311116ii; 'Calf -itiOt 'a 'Cliffitedt'Vefd7-"-•Syrull, iv alse
Wein 'la Vita, ,}10Warti:Ald- to Fond iyittner -.".' 014ialy. have said00fits. ,dealli.hedr[respensible 'for "S. 'beautiful face Is al
, 1`1,•,: who '43aisr . YeUtig goelagist • (vibe: hlia.,, been 1"Thell hat ' collgilere& 0 paiit4440'..tall.to reeomtnondliti
hers 0 t youfie .611 ildr en i emia losifike:, oree,_ ., eeeeekithetigh, gent Padab t haat- have reins's d'tira t I.: wile fi6i ei1:16,PIf is ',worse: than - et-'-'
nothiog . to. eqniti theta i.viiiii,ots 14y, :tjes ILitetaiii, inv:1- :tool •ths -se.;,carted-CetiVertileit bi- unniu-An' Crime.... 'it IS tiThltiiiile?rwir-nt
, _,_ ,... . l'"' tli:**g btr .3„mi aletei." y , 'be fourth cenittrY• Vas' a Victory 'of illo gorle„a„,;.,,e4i:oLy.gz (tk.,.z,1.,:;5,aztin ,,,.*1,1,1,41or?, Ilion 't ,f1,4Y,„1.)t
Titlilag'ilit' to14 . llY' 'll-'11"""---',Khd-imat'Vititir'7It 'tirl'Ir'T,- ekt116110,,Pkiletli..iwor the •Ntriptr.e...•net,;.•,,i " ' • ' r u. . d. , If ' Vac" JO' '' )1 • It -
I. . ar ng--- •
ere :,,of .hy 77fiaail ,•.iit .25.: ,fa)out., 4,14 othelii• ‘, .,.,. ,_,,,„, ;at ell rt 1I 011 .or "the' Gil:11100" Over, e-eally a e'rnehttl and t'eltelie Vim '
."1 .1116 ne' WIlliithi* ti 't ,en'ni ..,ZOOtegiSt;,Fre'Aiig .. oi na: the feres 4,1-fli!'il '.bre'aght 11 111 to 'the ; elm qi'ed It, ' Th 6 0,. t:sv 0 . /mil', eeoeee.. .,-
trOcitArille^, Ont., 1 Croto,- .., , ' • .', ! !rto Uiliil 1.x.thvig, be.tray6a,' Ana ' , •
...,...,.....?....E..„..--- „. •.,. •.1 • . .. , .• ...........4,.:_:„.....,,,... ,
,ture,•.-7-pinehr .:•
ItoZeintita: did! not. !i'.rim,:•"011(1 of ritiii.cd. ".t.,"nntlienit ' .'wlid kllevsr '...."Abotr'
asktd,q15,10dttctO,A6ier the,,,wireleee)-0.i..#2.41-1_at.,Pllant lint not vorY itellhaear;" eetr,veyed." : I
as I know -et
for:little Ones;
roedicin`c „data
to shoe clerk. waiting, 4ifettieit is ralSad as to the rn15- Volithd," Tho Bnr9n (in i"-ni'n'br'nnn''e " treacheryi„ but cottld tot do wrvilont
ilotis itotkotlt "NO, use erity:,,,Iii Ohicititi's erecting it mon* did yet °say et '''‘,`-atorloci, '',1`110 duard them_
the, `!irst ,t,pn:,-04ar),,,:r,!00„i':•Ment to . .......rrs,„ .0,Leartls COW,. 4tit • diqs, but flocs not surrender." Cam-' , , A eiimous ehriss ;
: . , Who fifst'i'ald, 'The int' never ere.
in.," ' ;tioyilling to take 'attention Awqy ty.oin brpnne iiiinself, • ti'venty• years Tater, • ,
r ;atit. Thompson's bullo,--Albliny disitviim ea ;in saying, and tt (led With
s,Lintment in the lio`tiee ooker Preze. ' " vont konetty; "in" tito 'first ,Placo, iv*o ) 1St U5 '
t .
FrostBites .
. 61Inard's will quicken irc'ulfitiort
and nrevent,turther trouble: Also-
•easestho hurTite<- v.v in,
' ' •
•-/ ' 'Oh thil.34:‘,,tittiftil
. . „ . .
- GULF COAST. ----:''.:-
14114,. 6ftit.fmAd tiiipefaidtt, -hey., 160 hot, noir too ota.' X. rana cit ..
'binary arid toznanee, Beautiful foliage"; inspiring Wattr NiCNN:S.:: °eV :
' . deer spells under perfect condi ;ions:Ivied triti r. evi4 l'ot elk; S1S6- IttSiVrtA .
iterite-arici-obttagesi.:-Trredne'Aenteitlei-,:21,1,-PttlItnati tfliio_w.5f*at.A.il.,::::
--titc•enlmeclatlettgi.roatts 'Ciricinnta daily at 104,011..-I.1„ reog. .
WI' Cosa points 'early next rapfnilig. Otilit thr,•,:t:;gh ft:11;0 aikily.,
Iti Glortotp
, Nevot more teelltifol, never molt nifuttng +Anth1 v inter, $*e,ial ath‘l 1 troFTehl
wilteripplav 0911-,,te tints. pold .liov -fluptr.tt srOttf tttlit‘thri in, et.
fotra of tjeflghtftileatettdinmcnt awaitsWititetviltc:K1-11rii‘llarlekvotlicillfloll3f,41%1 •
tDerneit And tlieritinittlea The ileThitige,tirid ::o11d Clacifin a I on, tsn4:,!, /yd..
-WY IN for frOg aelerllstivie itreraryte, or re: 1 41 f0.1trt'AtICAV*" .
If r a 0', ,Ngret
,....(Npt.'s7/1„")"(„4,‘,5 TeaasliottAdo V40011, • #
tOtTISVittZ & NA81'r,itittr