HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-05, Page 5r
.a.4.***SKAI*S; PUCKS AND HO'c...,..tY••'..SfIcK0'..
;•. ,"
.• .
•:,t0LENIAN. claMirs..AND 1:41'00313Na. '.441cist. GOOD:LIGHTS".
Lucknow wingham
Phone 74 .
?hone 256
Monumental Works
:i.ucKNow and WINGliAat
' Hind,the largest an Most Caingiete
ltdch in the asosta-beautifil•deIiik
lo choose - ' • . , _
Marble; -Scotch, Swedish •and Can-.
&ditto Granites
We :make a specialty. of
-Monuments\ and invite your inspcc-
Promptly Done.
See us before placing your.order.
Douglas Brod. ft. A. Spatton
• •
derson '78; ;Winah.red Blake'70; Bea-
rice %Culbert /69; Dorothy Carrtinj .67.
• Sr.. III: Keith johnit,on. 71; Verna
Kilpatrick. 64. '
. Jr; iII.4,--OUve Blake 55.:
"Alina Curraii0;. Clifford
II• 'Jean Culbert 75'.' •Gordon
Anderson 68. •
Mtiriel Blake 66; Chester :Twann'''.
Olive L. Anderson:
efe'and tthere
THU, 14E10401V egViTiTEXt TP,ROP,A.Ye Ii#NUARY 8tb, 192�.
'POTS, ' •
I!orty-six'out at.,!/31ake. New, Year
_service, • twentyasev,en Ilackettal,
and Veil -iiiiver" had eliapce to „Pee
• „ . • •
*bat Painhei 1d cinigreOte for
the Pastor sent the folksword there
that owing to the.,drifted* in rOada
and the ,severity of the .storm 'he
• thought .it.*itiest for them and -him
and .''the bast that had
plunged. aroand in., knee-deep, dOew
-nearly aU day to remain. hoine
.,-annfort•for the night', Jiad th wea-:
• ther..beea !anything Ifice,t ,airaye ,say;
there swonid dopttleashave been very
good congregatiOne at .0aCh ,point to
7e1ebrate' the NeivIrear aaeaaloa.;,'
Sonia .ahnedt .desarVe a cheek for
facing the,: stern" on Sunday., after-
, poen and getting to service: • ‘T.:0,90
.families Where there are httle chit,
dren, battl'ed,with the storm for
eralinilea ana all got there:',PreelselY
at , three Jai: Dnckett was On hand;
though of course, he as not do far
to • come as mast... But it is to his
credit, that, he has. neYer,'. missed a'
Sunday when the :present. pastor has
been Preseht. . .• • ,
- The Annual Meeting's of. the Sun-
day Schools -Leagues ancongrega-;
tions are being held this- week as
follows: Tueaday, night at ...Zion;
'Thursday at Hackett; Friday at
' EyerYthing •was • splendid but
weather- last Wedneiclayr night for
the Chriatrinui Sunday School social
at -,Hackett's Church. ! excellent
Prograinme was given by the children
and, other members. Of the Sunday
• School.. Mr. and Mrs. .Alton' of • To--
faVeied the company with.
dome; fine: singing, • The children .get
• the.usual Christmas treat, 'Mr. Jas.
Hackett' making a good ,Santa. Mr.
.and Mrs. Cameron ' had provided and
.decorated• a large'Christmas tree .and
Made the schoolroom loOk pretty for
• the occasion..• Home made candy and
'apples -Were; served t after: the enter-,
taining pregrarnme, and funny cam-
petitiens were Overt. Then are buttoned
ap-ourcoats lind-turliednftiOur-e*
lars,.' climbed -into- our • cutters and
• Xit$' IfCtty WItivi,vi
CO 4 dailast. viee'a at har. hnme her
sorry report -the-.serilaue
illness of Mrs. Robert. Ross. W0 hope
ra., 'Carr and Agnes of' Wingham,
, visited a few.days last week with ,rel-
ativea here, • ! •
;The Wenseres, ,Missionary Sogiety)
tbe Presbyterian,: Chiareli will 11914
.a speia1 dei of payer OnVridaY• af-
terno.op, jinin4rY:6t13; All the ladies,
of' the congregation ldre . cordially ,in
vited to attend,: '
a Mies .Conittinee Wet of Dunnvi11
,spent the week -end' at . the , home Of
,Mr; fleeter Mae.Kay:1 ,• ,
Mis Barbara.o..Inglit (4,Belincire, i5.
visiting at. theborne of .her : 'emit;
Mrs....Fred ., •
Mis Harry Tichberne of `God-
, erich„ is vinitint at ,the *erne be
Bpss:- 4044 PaPard at Winghinril
spent,. the', Week -end 3,alth Miss :Clara
`•Purdon. '
. Mrs, Fred..Harris an4'ohildren4q1
St. Mary's, are visiting her parents,'
Mr. and :Mrs, John .clubb:
British Lolumbis.'s forsi rati,;;:eri•
and patrolmen repo.it,..a r.Iduction in
. forest, fires costs of practically 00
per cent,, compared with 1926: The
to al 1os4' twis 'year w• a4 aoc4•21
% .
000..• '
. . • .
LJ0. 4. No. ,428, • Lucknovc. 'meets
the second Tuesday of every month
In their hall,-.1is o'ciocs. C. Mullin,
'W. M.a. P., Carter, Rec. Sec.
• 77 IN '-1V1E5TORTA
• In loving memory of • our dear
Father, John Carruthers, t.v,ho passed
away on January 2nd, 1927:•„
We miss You, dear Father, a,t a thou-
sand turns, ''
Along life's 'weary way,• ' - •
For life has not been the same to WI
• Sine you were called away.
And when the evening shades are
• falling, •
And we are all alone,
There often conies a 'longing, .
If you Only could come home: ,
• --Wife i4111 , Family
. • .
Naylor -In loving memory, of •Jes
• who -passedroway-ixan'..---3rd,--t09,71-
Ooe lonely year has pasSed,.dear Jes,
'Since angels came for you., .
•• Yet through •the most el: this long
• Your face comes smiling through
• Each lonelyhour that we have spent
• Is woven through and, through
With golden -threads of memory,
- Dear Jessie, just for you, ,
•, •• .--Sadly missed by Moth�r ,Father
•Ond Brothers. •
. SCHOOL iinpowi's
Chtistmila Teat Exains.-.8, .S.' No. 3,
• •. • • West Wawanush,'
Total 61)0. Donors 033. Pass
•Sr. 'IV: John lorttn' •.
Plirderi• 632; Floreace •CrarittOn
• Milt4Ontild . 002. • •
_Ji. la,tiChtirlie..burnin 471; Itnr41d
.dld not yilin
total 000.; Heili".480.
fl4,I1/1.4enn A77..
831 3,..P.n.ss '270,- .
_ I, tr
84. Joe .Foran Ea :70Wler
O.beent... •'
fir flottif:fcAlitstor-.-374-•-;-11r.
•-Vowler •3144,, grnest...1)nolin 252,, •
PrimOrt Relon Fowiori Helen Dur -
A. lit:•,e bel,Aticert RalifaX' and
N."‘v 'city- for fre'ght e-v.press
•sn"d •heing considered. • by
1.,:r.siness • interests,' accord-
• ing to !a:report-made, to •the•;United
DernArrient. of Comrner,ce by
10.14u1 • Krie. W Ma;innson.' -
The .' Canadian Pacific 'EXpress
CPi'..ipany has extended ita•,','service
info the „ile••,v. gold field ;of'. north-
Nvo:gtern 9riebec, 'reaching'. Rouyn,
ov"ef':- the recently 'completed •ekten:-
....sion of the .Nipissing Central Rail -
Way.:' This. extension Provides, a
, noiv; and short•raiite•into the rapidly•!
,deve:opirig •mining area. ' • -
, .
Turkey raising, .is a coming, •in-
• dustry in Alberta • as a -nuniber Of
• successes nt,various.fairs.would in,
dicato. A. recent -Move in. this Con--
metion• is the •formation of the Al-
• berta Bronze. Turkey Breeder's' As,
• ,sociationi which 'is now .activein
promoting and extending the turkey
. hieeding industry,' '
, • • - •
Aceordingt to •Dr.':.T. B, alacDou.
• gall, •Assistant: Chief Inspector of
the Ontario Pro*vinciak Department
of Kaiication; ;the' operation of the
• Canadian Pacific ' school car in
• northern Ontario has pr da more
sucosaful Venture tban:,the Depart-
ment .had ever expected.' He' stated
that the progress of .the.pupils dur
• ini.the year. of Operatien..has been '
-,-femarkable. •
_ The Western 'Paraide ,Grain Pool
Contemplates spending, $5,000,000.
•"daring the •coming year in exten-
sions'.t� facilities in country eleva-
• tori and terminale in Western Can-
ada, according to George H. ,McIvor,
. General Sales Manager .of the Pool,
on A Viiit ti? Toronto recently -The
building progranime included 100! or ,
• 150 countbeeleVator.in Alberta; 150
In Saskatchewan and 40, in Mani- •
fella. At present there, are 166 in
Albertai730 in Saskatchewan and
50 in Manitoba.
, •k
No. on r011 14. .
'A. T, MeKintley,
13ehoe1 Report—S., S, No, 9, .Ashileld,
• Sr. IV:4 Tont An era° 72%,; rl
• .
went fOrwardinto the Pouring, pour-
ing .rain. '
Zion has the inOrmints service' 'next'•
Sunday'. '
• 'ST....HELENS.
Happy 'New: Year to on; and all.'
Mrs' Joh Bennett and 'son Hire
of Port Albert, Mr; and Mrs.. tJohn
Lane, Misses Bess, and Jean; Lane of
Kinlough, .were wisitqrs during the
•Week with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rutha.-
Mr. and Mrs. :W. E. MacPherson
Moved to Lackliow last Week..., .
. Mr. Haraish MacFarlane spent
Christmas with his 'parents at Blue-
. .
' Mission Band .will hold
their regular . meeting on Saturday.
afternoon, next. , '
• The funeral of . the late Mrs. John
•Gaunt, whine death occurred Thurs-
day 'morning, was held to Greenhill
Cenietery. on Saturday, • a • '•
Those who*tended the social, eve-
ning of ;the, :Young People's:Scicity
'on Thursday 'last report a 'real good
•time.:, Many Of the -teachers, am?
• students home for the •holiday were
preseati..and added much to .the.. eve-
ning's enjoyment: The next meeting
be held Friday evening, , when
.the subject is in 'Charge af-Miss Grace
Lockhart' and 'Mrs. Whitfield.
. The Annual Congregattonal, Meet-
ing' of Calvin United'Church 'will be
held on 'Tuesday evening January
'10th. ' •- ••
• Mr. Frank 'Todd is receiving ' •con-.
ratulations upo,n his success talie`
?lection on ,1VIandaY. He headed' the
list of ,councilors, and, received 'every'
Hall. Mr.' Albert Johnston , is again,
reeve., Messrs, Frank Todd, William'
Stewart, Jas. Forster and W. H. Carr
;are councilors. • . •
Close On 400 miles -of . branch
eonstrnetion In Saskatchewan . and
Alberta have been virtually .eonir
• Meted tip, to' December .1st by the
Canadian. Pacific ItailWay, iictord-
ing,to h repbrt trim headquarters.
On' •282:: mileof this ...conatruc- •
tion grain' froth the current year"
harvest...4i being . takenout,. and
Whilo Work -1st elated.. doWn. at thi
date on midst of , Viet% there',i,re
tifl some on Which bridge and other
eon strue atm. worts is being proceeded
with.' • • .; . • • • •
.About 800 carloads of Christmas
:trees will lid, delivered to the trade'
from the Provnce oC Quebec „flow -
the end of November. onward, ac.
eordflig to indications af tralliC
caivd t Crinadiatx Pacific ,Railway
.leadcallirters, .•This will niean. about
. M:10,000, trees of a value of nithotit
' $156,000"te the,farniers of this pro.
Vince. 'The Svorake 'site 'of 41ir
trees for :the Ntvi ,York. and Dos,
ton friarltets is about .0 Met, Thev
•• silotmo utor
; It id•ssaid that a Canadian vinegar
coimpany has been forded, $21,600, ex
else duty On.,$4;000' Werth of atiolica
which was stolen 'from 45. WitrehouS'e
The theft has • been proved and thr.
tiVO men convicted, but company
."mit". both' the alcohol and , the
cluty A, months ago there WO:
a somewhat .eirnilar ease; Wiien
ril'otk. ear • Vizent'over
' mountainside and the owner was told
..he- must pay : day . on it as, an...import,
AA' he .coold not take it" beckt�. the,
united, ,.States -and, this •'filthough
• had Adel -reciuoed to a -heap o junk'
-Surely these are 'coos 'Which the
.authorities shchild "haVe:n heart."-,
Mr. and Mrs, I... ;Maciver, and
three •datighters spent C,hriatnies. .at
• the, honie• of. D. ,MacDOnald, at Purple.
.GroVe+z, , - 'z •
1'. M. Cecil Robb was:, in Wingliam
and TeesWater �na ,." business trip
fait Week., ,
Miss Mary B. Douglas', '• Who ' was
. •
, . „ , .
,nursing . Miss - Martha, S.utherland in
LucknoW, :has returned ,home. '.
4 . number of.. the 'farmers 'of Flew-.
erciale helped' It.'.Martin. to" .ciii 'down
Part cif, thp hedge along his. 2. faiin.
last Friday..Every fkaveller... on the
4th 'Cori; will:. be pleased when it is
all taken. away. ,, , , . • . ' •
, ,Sr: and 'Mrs, .,Dan,.. Mar#n.,. Of
1WhiteChurch, spent a couple of days
hist :week With the -'s ' sister,'
• , , ..
Mrs. R. Martin. ' , .
-7-'71Wisa7H-Elen--.13.iftt-l'rLerle fil-irvv, was
•a :New,. Years L'visitorin -Fiqwerdale.
• Mrs. J: 1VIcMurchi. and. son: Newman .
spent Christrnas at the borne of .-A.
.- The ,people of .. ' FlOwerilale , were
pleased that they, .did 'not :have .t go
outa-ony*.day over. .bad roads
'to:•vote. .1,, :.,' .• ., : ,.. • \
. Mr. and Mrs. Archie 'Cameron held
a .family re -union at their home last
Monday. •' •
° Mr.. and Mrs, ,Angus ..draharn and
fainily , spent .New' Years (Monday')
with Mrs. 'John Mckurchy. '
In connection ,'with the 200th
versary . of. the ::Maryland 'Gazette• ,.
which was celebrated' at •Annapolis
few weeks' ago, some early copies .of
• that„newspaper were exhibited. '
• The •news and •advertisements of
that day were 'naturally quite differ-
ent from what is found in current
newapapers;., as they renected the
;customs and beliefs .of their time.• ..
One of 'the stories from Vienna told
of the burning ofj seVeral persons eon-
•victed Of witcheraft, among them ,.,"6
.midwife who had baptized 2,00Thil---
; Alen in the , name of the A
'peal item related the experience' of
,, •
a negro slave who struck a white man
in an argument, over a dog 6glit: The
negro was senteneed to, have one of
• his ears :out off "pursuant' to the, law
in such eases." , •
• Among the advertisements wai 'one
announcing the airival .)f'a Cargeof
•"about 200 choiee Slaves; which :will
be exposed for sale on Thursday the
• 2nd, of thia instant."
In its issue Of October 21, 1162,,
-the --1Vieryl an d-Gazettelitiblialred-Ilicr
news of the birth of; a ,sor to the;
British Icing: :and queen, - which. had
accurred•on August. 12. The' story
bore the headlines: "Great Joy to the
ration!. A Prinei, of Wales is BOrn
God' Save the King." This /was •thr
'dissolute and notoriOns character
Who afterwards. became' George IV.'
• The •Maryland •Gazette wai fre.
quently suspended far varying peri-
ods, •but is still published and •
credited ' by the Librarian of Congress
with. ,being "the dean of present-day
American newspapers," •'
Mari never: objects to ft wernante
1ogie'llligif-,R11$ siva him her 0-oopts,
:for ,fiiinking him great. • .
Spine 'girls. have, -their...own, way S�
muth :they :can write np,, their, „diary,
wlek :aheita of time.,. '
•'Via° 'id the Man. who tseletts the
obedient daughter of a geed Mother
for his we.
ingly, the great 'wheels the tre-
merid0Ua Ford., assenably plants late
in the spying Conie to a sudden halt)
and the , plead wers r6toolett for •the
'Maas Pra(ltietian of the "ileNV mode
The flivyer-maker at length yields to
-the-natianaLdemand Jar style.
Accordingly, the Ford, thesymbol
of *it dietinetly American ..era, loses
its , 'unique, eharacteristics, •and be,
• conies one oa •gratip low-pziced
autemobiles. IR a business. 'senaethe
FOrd. Mater. Conipany.!ateps otst of.
the nan-cempetive elasa' IVO. 'fierce
coninetition....In 'spite.o denials: on
bothsidesthat anything like: a trade
war 1.Mpends;• outside observers ihre-.
'pee, particularly in the early: months
'of -1.928, -,cOrripetition'. on .a gigantic
scale, betWeen`•ForeandAhe' Chevro-
let diVisien of pelletal Motors,' For,
the' first, tittle' in its.'llistory,-, Chetrolet
seems certain to -have the distilictiOn
for ,,the , fall,. year 1927 cr,,, having
niade and sold rnere:autainobilea than
Ithy Other .,manpfactarar. ' Thei•series•
of delays bringing' out the
Ford •••Mociel placeablamer, in ...the
hands qf 'Other I'm -Priced car--inallU..:
facturera,although, it is estimated,
half, a ;buyers were waiting'
• for: the, new and fashionable, Ford,. '
• , In tlie laorning competition between
Ford and General Motor§ there will
be :more than a: Clash of products,
'There will also be- a cOmpetiticrii •of
bilsiness methods and themies. pen-.
eral , Motors, represents the quintes.
serice of modern .big. business,. • Witt',
its' vast array :of „skilled executives
its powerful banking alliance, ' ana
ifs sponsorship by the wealthy •du
Pont family, which has sought the
• partnership of employees,. executive• .
and 57,000. outside investors. the
other hand; Henry. Ford plays- a lore
hand: He regards stockholders .ras
parasites,' and has 'shunned profferp
df 04Si4e hankers to co-operate: In,,
stead of dividing auttioritir with his
maior.executives-Mr Ford has con• -
centrated it in his own person'. -if
Ford, the,..man and, genius,. repeats,
his phenomenal . success he; will more
than ever be an ideal anir lessen'to
-AMU stry,--4.-It---nOw-neenrs -thaa,Alio'aiii I IF
Irepeat. ,
An exchange tette a vemy 100d
one condernilig a travelling man and
a pretty botel Waitress. Te yarn is
_tboviese drir:orn4a .ct4e:yorreetr .neeral .:ladtui
commercial drurnmerii sometimes aeek
• In this' ,inatalice it is said that 'wher:.
the wilitresa,„"a0PtQached the travel-
ling inan'stable to take.his order he
ht o -.meat seductive smile and
remarked, "Nie daY,:little one." She
promptly agreed that the state. oftho
weather, was.•4atiafaethrY, saying: ,
, oyes, it 'and so WO 'yeaterday-,
.aild 'My name is nna; an know 7
. a little, •peah: and 'haVe", %yeti!,
aaPd4" 1 have been :.:eg
toou ni tit
he PP
tq be woikingdiere. d don't 'think
there is a dance in town • tonight, and.
wouldn't gp. with, You if:there, were,
a` respectable girl :from, the c:ohn-
try, and mi brother is 'cook here and
he IS a *2Q0 -pound football plaY r
Last week- he nearly ruined • fr sh
• tr0velling.nyin Who, tried to.:flirt With
me. Now, what'll you. have -roast
Irishstew: or fried
• . . , ,
' mere lack 04: foresight
that -makes so -many your,ig pi.arried
people buy .a .two -passenger car.
•• Blessed. are ...the' poor: A poor WO -
man Pays .$1.98instead of $25 for a.
. hat. ,
Personality .is .that rare something
.that 'enables a: gill -to get by inspite
of awful 'ankles. • ' : .
. In the school! of experience the re-
port cards are made out nri sand
•. Even, in the old days girls • left
honie •in their teens and 'got 'a hard
• job, but the arraniement •was' called
matriraiMy. _
• What is your favorite thing. you
hate ..fo do: .•
• (Prete The- World's Work.)
' „Wheii ., the
manufacturer -brings' AtIt. t netit Model
the event is as. spectacular as the
''printing hf. a freali•edition-a
• an- ov-
enhig..rtevirspaper.. 'BIlt When . HOMY
'Ford,. Sage of DearbOrn,
an, for tht first tit! since 1908 Va
ies his basic :Pattern, the v;10167-Werh.1
takes:notice. In discarding., the' fain:.
were sOld.'iri:twenty Years,' Mr, For,f1.
dramatically .Pays trilinte to the ri.52-
ing.stanclerd. of living and, ef Pub4'
taste. 11 has at; least Mon, evidence
that the:perennial appeals of econot,
inY and efficieno were no . longev
enough*, liesuty and style too must
tilde Blake 70. jack Curran, 68; MarY ,ete mostly white spruce ntid hn , Married nsen 041'0 Mores tillstlerthikn e011aidered-in automobiles.'ns in
1 tnni,of.411.,.0"welPft tree" vt.-311041.. .114011019rat-,11.11altalt.i. ja Alia motk top of, .'-atiter 4nand. • aetu. r'd articlut Atsord#
1,tVi Mflrlrre Jean • A.r• . °J Pt° ' pbtinettryt.,
Attiot COM1'..sirArgi41VAWlio •
' • . . .
Married when the.year 14 new,
'He'll be, !Dying; kind and. true.
When February birds do Anate,''.
YOu.*MaY werl.,ilor dread' your fate.'
• IV'yOu ;wed when • lvfareli winds'low,
JoY, and sorrow both 'yoU'll .know.
Marry in Abril if you,. can.,
Joy for maiden and f� r man.'.
Marry in the month of', May,
And ,yoU'll -surely. rue' the day.
'Marry' When Jilpe
Over land and sea. yeiell go.
They wh� in July do wed,
• Must aldvay labor for their bread.,
. . . • ,
Whoever"wed in August be '
Many a change is sure to: see.
, ,
,Marry in Septeriaber. shine; „'
Your living will' be' rich and'
, If . in October you do 'marry,:
.LoyeS.: will come, but riches tarrY. "
. , •
wec,i,n„b1.gsitensl30, • '
Only jOY will :collie, 'remeniber.• ,
When:Decerriber anti* falls' ;fast,
• 1Vlarry, and truelove' will last. .
• 6'mrrn. eatiodrYmiosf7A4taci:
was suddenly called
liao.hvv97.:ithy:PotdenHunter,ar'u---jgaIllnnwtuehalro9r vy�iw; 14; 1924, at :the, age
. _ . „ .
l:°iv'elrY'daar4.hodr; th.r4O;t
• TQ a grave not 'far aWay,,
Where We.laid our dear baby: j.
.One long, sad :year ago tociaai.•.
The flowers. we .place 'upon her 'grave
May Wither .and decaY„
But the. loVe for her 'AO sleepa be,
• ..hor never fade. awaj,•
' -Sadly; :missed - by Marna,.• -DaddY.
and Sister, -Rena. •
ere anci
Reports received from various
pgua-rtidreisd-gine-sIslheawieBinricirn:awsieedk; mstapotage. that
• lentiful and deer greater, in. num.,
T9rsbi--tqutaan,-iviaeart-beaye;;r: aOreninthoreeTLxliutnitle,
erous this year, but not elsewlvare
• Alberta's ;Wheat crop. is so good:
4:tohfatwDes.teCr.n Coulneemsarlif •Vt4ie:-Pcreansadideiall
Pacific.' Railway, •believes: it Will
reach1.80,000,000•biishels, The record .
crop sq ,far. •166,900,0(10..,blishe1s,,
Prodneed- in 1024-'
:8i'Sons,,of WaterdOwili Ontario, has ,
just scored a Canadian :and a world.
.recrord for milk 1h -eduction,' having -
given 23,641 lbs, of „milk; 978
,fat with average teat of 4.14; Per
cent: Iler 'five 'years' milking racqid
is 87,843 lbs. m1114.3,633 lbs. fat., •.
. •
• . Aviatipn" higtOrY ' being, made,
nowadays Canadian . Air ' Heard "
officials ...announce, that enquiries.;
`..haye been received from 10 cities. in
„Canada 'desirous- of ;forming 'flying .,
dubs,. At the same- time Sir,,Philip
Sassoon, Under-Secretary for, Air in '•
the British Gotmernment,„ reports
that • the , first • of • the to:* huge
5,000,000' cubic feet clirigiblealbeing i•
• built :in Kngland for inter-Iniperia1.1.
commercial Communication ;Will be
completed in 'about two. yelp' and •
that the maidei"tr1 ill likelY, be to ,.
Canada. ' ••••
••Nova 'Scotia his won the, 'Agent,. -
General's Challenge Cup at the
penial Fruit Show' held in Man- •
chester accerding' to Official advice
by .cabie:4:-. Nova Scotia obtained the '
greatest number of'pointe in the,
overseas section: of the show, :the;
• bass for award being 4 points for
each first prize, 3, for. each second,'
2 for each third and 1 for each ,
-entry receiving 76 per cent. 'Nova,
Scotia had 48 • 'entries and won 7
1 firsts:, 8 seconds and 6 .thirds./..
/ The establishment' of a. game
sanctuary in -western Neva' Scotia
was announced recently by W. L. ,
IIall, Attorney -General of the Prov-
ince. . The reserve coveri 'din area of
approximately 200 square miles .and'.
'contains fine scenery, majestic• „
rivers and forests and lakes in
• .which trent and 'Wild life are aura,
to -thrive. The' ne -NV-sanctuary-iv-AL
• take in the chief waterways of Laks
•.Rossignol, Shelburne River, Jordan,
-Sixth and Fifth Lakes.
the Bureau of 'Agricultural Econo-
mics; Washington, Canada ranks ,
next to 13ritish India as to tobacco
pr,oduced. in the', British Enipire.
• "Stimulated by the preference' grant, ,
ed Empire-grovin tobaccos in the
British market since September tat, '
• 1919," says the report, 'the produc-,
• tioh 'of tobacco in Canada haus in-
creased from 14,232,000 'pounds in
1918 to 28,884,000 in 1926; Ontario;
furnishing about 75 per cent. of the
product and Quebec most of the is- I-,
,. ,
'•'Fin., six years in succession the
MaCIntosh Red apple .has .won the -
highest award as a dessert.apple at
the Imperial Fruit Show held Anna.
' ally ip England.
anif Winter Carnival Wili- Be C�lorful Event
p• _
n miff, the Capital of Cartada's-Na-
• " tional Park of that trinket. is
,•, known tO the wetkl.as one; of the
most beautiful andfascinating of
- suminer..resorta, It IA, hOWeVert
not !generallY, kneWn that tariff in
I:Winter is equally delightful, and
that many people prefer it at this.
seadot, especially during its Can-
• - !liver Week: -‘,The---clates-for -1t
colorful event art FebruarYA-11'.his
• The,tOwn is AlwaYs A. blaze of
,,tOldred.lighta,;_inclinn. tepees are it
•'Intervale along the marrilitreet, for
'the StoneYs also,"take• part in Win -
1. tar's' pageant. Fireworks' learn
•.on,the Ice Palate, from which Many
eVents'Will otart. They move quiek,
•.ly 'and are kaleidoscopic in color
' and sWittness, spOrts are varied and
-0148Caterlideli are an. additional ex-
cise for more excitement .and
OFRA. SY/ 0014#4.4
Week,' and Wen sportsmen will have
their fun, for trap -Shooting is 011 the
Prograrinne as. the Banff Gun Club,
holds ,its annual competitiaa at this
tiine4......Ancither-noliet..earent.joi. A,
Winter Carnival is packing, making
and 'breaking camp, , and alici the.
--fairieffe'diaMona hitch is "'ataged-hy
• Mernbers-of*the- Rocky Mountain
Guides Association,.who evidently
are not afraid of,riVals during the
neXtamnial meet of the .Trail Ald-
ers of the ,Canediail, Rockies.. • '
Skiing is nnasibly the Most popu-
lar sport,lincr-ther'vetta_try :affords
all that -could be desired.There are
competitiOlitein ski -Jumping: for pro..;
fessionale, amateurs tirld Young
boo;ak3.rae1n. eitiloring • Meal,
44,100 Imoit4 gviaiNg„wimitot,104044,105#
• ret/a/a;
Hockey! Canada's -greats-- natibrial
'game, is one af' the drawing cards
of the Carnival. Teinis Come from
all parts of the West t� " compete,
as rnany thibs• enter, for the, speed
and figure 'skating;--amerig t ern
"the' Winnipeg- Skating .Chili. The
Banff- rDerby is ono of-the-nut.-
ntanding-e.voiltS,wbichshould;;'be z
mentioned, '".‘The 'course,. from dal-• ,
gary to Banff, is 84 Miles. The -
'annual bonsPiel Of the'Banff
ing 7Cliib Willbe held: dtiring this.
week. Recreations areso thITAIST.
ArillitOre an find the
form ,of diversion that Pleadeld. Ona
great noVeltY id 11W1MMing in this,
Government anlphlit •batthi in
the. °yen Olt ;with •1111411.11�4, 001%