HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-05, Page 4A TTERS igh'- grade cutters, at reasonable. prices, • The, r va !els. easefully glued,., 40 '470 ;and plugged,'. Best se'I`act gear:, • tiled,,; fend mortised tot a m, haftsXXX; hickory, trimmed.. :Steel ;braces,' lunged . shoeing 1404'.sht f ing ol►aft;pring cushiond baelc•-: fully trimmed . :with: l ►s'h,'; Vida o. i' 'n s. el hen ell Silogg slid ;bend sleigb.�a .wfth; .2 or �ih.. i elf ., td s ..... , g•: • t0► 1 Q iS' as `' burs-Sell/ice e Sell>for.`C*Welaf's Sell"Cheaper.. Thar' ;The Credit `Store SEA iOki "Elifir 841,I'eitEi` TfiEGC7+1'1'K''„"71. 10:NY'', 1TI1VE YOiT. WILLNEED'•`ONE: OR ALL OF THE : FOL -' THE SAMSON AXE L'hi Gress .is. , zu t ofz th'® ' !finest steel; *specially +► tempered and; correctly• r shaped.,,It is absolutely guaranteed' Everyone found defectivwill •be. be replaced. THE.. AXE HANDLE The' Samson, axehandle ,made' . of second growth :'=hickory, . the°: shape _ that `appeals: to all experienced chop- per. k an um Oaf FILES WINTER /Inn' tot,liac::lltiriehlde..ae,fil.00- per pair.. r le eat lumbing and 'Electric Wiling ;4, sthethSealipiale ,ziever .1 ep bet some are .yust- with bo way of Say-. tE ; KNOW 'aS NTTNbL 'ublished-evory •-Thursday 'morning: • at Lucknowi Ontpirto �.. _�; . "MacKenzie,.F roprietoi. w B and Ed£tor THURSDAY, TANITA i Y , 5tli, 1928. GERMANY AFTER TIE o su . h • 1 t „• s �a e h an a b W '• Germ... y w s . ; o. prodigious , ilitary strength hugh out the • four • years of the Vdild War moble to send;'mighty Grimes, to (vie sty . front,: • producing •unlemitetl sup, plies •of guns; 7 and 'ammunition; and, other equipment; and showing' , little': weakness. until' the very .I i t, •tbat we often .wondered just' what were 'the •cciliditiono- prevailing• Within Germany. towards the end;' and wi wondered too lust ' what .4h9; German people; •thought, of 'the war and how , they.' took the final outcome, �' Though; thousands visited Germany :soon after , the• conclusion of peace,: `and...inueh'�:was ^written • about 'the' -eouutr�' 4Oir - . tu04,0, , until the other: day -did we discover, a• writer who. tells in' a 'convincing WO just how ;things, were -the scar city° of -.food --the- degree to 'which .the • Ijisei jitat to • look an,, or at, most to ,.pretend to eat., Long Tines of pitiful beings, wonie„n and :children ptedon►- inating,, Sled by the: faintly steaming kettles, elieh ;carrying .a. tMelt-recep... taele;'. into `which, the ; attendants to,sed:.p. ii►delfui-oaf-'colored 'water, sonietilnea with a Piece • 'of'. turnip;, or 'still” more' plebian„ root in it. The, needy "were,, lucky to get, ,one: ;such "bot. Meal' .a day.. ;The gest; of the time` they' con umed,`the ,dregs .of; the' markets, or things that were fed only to hogs before t e war" r ea , s o • first e man l •�tra My wnm .s a `breakfast" in: ase&ind class hotel of the kind with which' a]inost^ everyone, hegau the day:,In:`the Fatherland There .)*as set before` me with great formality : a. cupful of lukeiyarm water with `something in, 'itwhich made• • i' faint effort., tie pretend •it was coffee a very thin. slice -of.'war bread and a spoonful o:)~• . • sickly.; looking.purple mesa :'that"•: masqueraded `under the name: 'of '"marmalade'•,' .•Its appear- sneer ;suggested that. it was , made:' af. Bruised "flesh, and'its taste reminded Oneafgrrotten 'apples" .. `•`I •:tooklunch, that uay;;n a work. nti's•=; mai r• ant ;There'L- gut e"-1111 ing; 'though, not a very lasting „dinner of beans'end potatoes,''s4..'`Gerr beef-steakesembling ' our . ;. `Han/. burger', hitt` possibly made • of horse country- had been stripped of, 'every-, meat, a slice of salt pork and. two. titing•W that •could lace • sit}'' • uses... ins mugs}=oft„, i eak .,bee -i'. N ; bzrea was • •fajnlly clothed.": It appears that, the common . peopte of. Germany ,nevec had the slightest thought that their country' was ir -th*ie wrong oXnething-eve . are a1:?_ very' :sure of., -This good Old lady said»-"•I-crle;wl enuthe-arntistice war' si0.aed, :for itmeant,ti',at our enemies had done what, they set out to , de Many_ years ago.; They 'deliberately planned ..to destroy, Urs,. and, they suc. "Ceededl But-.they,.were never' able ,tr defeat oup wonderful armies in the, field.. England :"Starved. us .otherwisc;. she . wouldnever have. ;Nog, .Then she t'o3tered ;this P+3lchi.risi�i eiid; the wlcjr ed', revolution .that undermined us at the. rear.. Ont tour, brave soldiers ' nt' @' front; never gave way; they would never have retreated it y ard:• .but for, • "lie breslidoien.” at home„ ;She' ' wa€ dull of stories 'of, atrocities. iy •'thr Ernglish, `French .end:' • Rt cion; . • but never ° one was, committed aby ;'the'' carrying. on the .'war,'and just, what asked• or given. The clients ,ranged common peaple 'thought of, it a11. from small ;,merchants to hackmen." the , ' This ;we found : in a.: Book by: HarryThis gives an idea of the food of A. • Franck="Ya ;abonding Through' . the • workman and: ose o business Melo ' Changing Germany," recently. bought -of Berlin.at'the� close of': the war, ° • Mr,,' Franck •describes a, goo3 •mea?•' for the .Lucknow `Publie•,Library. Mr, which. he and three 'com.panions had Franck has written 'a •number of ex-. together. This •meal was. given"at an cellent. travel books ill: which_ he ,dis• plays a . remarkable facilityfor• tell eating, hoose carried 'on: in .defiance of ing just.: whit thetireader ants to the. egovernment's ,regulations, `and cost ten dollars for each. in Americas'. *• *rt. Franck foetid' the rolninoi Pep,' ',le 'quite .iteivinced that, Engleed war at the hack, of the whole troeble. • By eitelreardeffetallrelteeoPiriterieSeetes 9414 Germenye 'Whee asked, how; if' „Ragland had 'planned the: • war, she (England) -hid' onlY Mich littte ar- my. rendre the ,reply wes' that. she ex- ,pectedkes..,Uanalte,hayeA.onienne: else ce.eded. When ..they were -almost. Aineriea to 'Pull, her cheitneti out of "took 'this emit easuniption that' Eng-. land was ible tO, trick the clever Un-. cle Sam lute 'Winning the Wee' Air busincei all;round,;:'and the Allies thought it Made had ,:tiMes for them, peePle of Britceiteteffkr compared with these GerMente /who gave UP eheir :houselioldeutesils, their farm; mp ony onsole (Model 200A) bout the establishment sufficed te ,Ple, Yet theY adered !hem. aed looked - forward to the day when Williate •the people, Who invariably :took hiin • f°r fa°w r°h..htrrnan* — whether ',tee civil population of oar. should come back m ail his glory„ .They -apueared .to. want' a,.golden calf hardships due te. the; • ravages Of war and. the bi-:cicada. The t° ' - ANoniER ATLANTIC' FLIGHT rationed to some, extent with a view the breheri Panes of glass' in the lie; beds hid, not., been •replaced, farm, wagens suggested that the. ifWner Nat that ...the habit. of 'kit; ceasing laber had been lest. The fain' ten- to four. But. the War had reduced -theaSapattle • helping ha blockadn'had shit Out materials anc! • which none hut -the wealthy. could the goiernniefit (or the , making of. regeli. handagea. , Paper napkins' ana teble "Inside the house, particularly in covers were the inveriahle rule eier the kitchen, 'the family: had .heen savitigineat and bread; but rem' this; "Befere my first trip ,oet of the' ter more.. than an ;leaser in quest of, me, and filially 'paid six 'marks for an eeg-and-sausage- sandwich that went appeared, at least from sight: lit wa- tong Since 'been cominardeered by The latest attentre :to _ cross, the 'Atlantic Deem by aeroplane,that by failure end the. whole' creW, given ur lost ,They Set out'the .day before Christmas ex ecting to 'land ee?.. CoUndland,, and' from there 'Make fresh start hut they . do eM,' appear, te distance.' A .greht 'storm Was regime in the ,'Narth Atlantic 4iHi the Unfeie the time that; it :eyes learnej that • the plane waS - in ticuble diligent search *we -one of the :Most feel-hartiY attempts to, cross the,' A ttaetic , ye- - in , the most expOnsive establish- duced to almost as rudimentary . 2 When,' you tell' elie truth, yeu inents." life as' the countrymen o,e'Veriezeela have, to remember.. what you_ I To.,qu• te , the, -rpoet. sp teany ..were, the -evoyaay apple Tfic ehnich, has. too many seVent,h 'thinks he can .enduee -it • e .wisb tO ancos that hail ,been cenfiscal:ed or, •t. Modernism: A man with thin spots Berlin, where he may see and taste se few the. foodstuffs that ,could be in his pants feeling very.proud: of the i for himeelf. , The firs,t rine is in e obtained. Thouih eater ,fizel was al - way his family dreases. 1 Public sonp-kitchen where it :will 'be Most unattainahip, gas could aniy he e epligne Girls Sh9w True Christmas Spirit lerelaphone girls fa scores , pale lure that, far as they can make it t;osisible, aeores of burnt le haueel, olds at ill experience tiOr4e ef the joyi• teeether and • had from' six te .seven, clevn to twelve, and 'seven el): eight 'Electri- city was turned on from dark until,' teie•thirty,. which at' that time. of the year Meant barely an, houi. All the ;better ,utensile had long sinde 'beer turned in to the. gevernMent Wher_ Made. , 'All sound ieformation and son evidently thought that some sort Of geed lucic. might attend her, and that they would. someho V get thin course, ings do not ,lhappen that The women who have ventured up. I unearthed a bar of soap from 'my luggage, the family- literally fell on my neck. The only piece in the hoes, was aboet the Size or a postage stamp; and had been ihnsh;nded for —,7"1/T-thiniry each edult member of thie lands- Prine-ss Lowenstein Wertheim. on long-chstance fliehts---all of their evidently :in a reck103 mood—have three -vanished into tht, unknown family got 125 of beef per 'who undertoOk a flight from England. " 'get", that ,inuch per month.. Those.,Who There Was really' ' 'inatifitatior -emild bring themselves to •",eat • if 'tor any one of' these adVetitutera awl might get horse.fiesii in the markets limited 'quantities.' The :breads. 'Med° gaining notoriety. ' of pottiteesp turnips, and Go6 whet all .thee," threw Into • iti! WWI far, from' sufficient. .TheUgh thi Rona a'q' THAT EANift,riliictill. 3A,"11Vii5 ingi the countrY-Side they Belden., brought* 'home enough to make one *said:to 'him:. "Do yOU see the stagin*g nietai 'the teepee that .Waa taken frour the steeple arid the'.eaves. , EVen the week': la 'Practice theY Were leehY t° -"td Ottawa: and -noW OraYsoll lit panty/wit' With 'Many other town fo disgrace ;alut. sent 'to prison: along 'with- Mr..' treasUreila .,The article 'referred to was pre, Ott,,thettl., all Mit- ond that ring. paPers by lormati Ertend4 of Jar, • itpt'liow';','AchrWhat Werhave not'sae. vis, wit°, ever. ,since hiS 'colirictian, have itOin.. out .WaifiSh• enemieSl crime,, and to e`Ostore him to hie for; 'Ter social standing, f- - 'WAS largely -of &dun- oommen, pretties in', eannection with provincial . and it so. happened th% Drury 'roiyitite, end gave up our ,gold `arid our silver, then niekle and bur eoopet, even. our. and 011k lead, our leather and our ruhher, down. to the, last 'bicycle tire: the horses and COWs .are gone *ted—:` h.ovi etaii,, /Oats', to milk now.' They ea radio for your home You do -not know—you cannot know--404ay's Possibilities in ' :electric radin until \you .4ave beard 'thii 'superb ne* Rogers . he receiving unit is the. same as the, famous `'Rogers ',°220" (the standard model. by 'which all electric sets are jugged) combined with the Rogers -Symphony peaker in' 4 beautiful for test and gemOnstratiOn...• If 'it'does not perforni to YoUR, pike, complete, $410—Lon ternis: to'. spit • yotir . congniencs. S-4 mese'. pohtics_there . was an Although invOlved in' the irregular- ities Mr. Jarvie-was really a fine type of patriotic citizen: Ile 'Was a capable 'helper end :liberal' . giVerle- connectien with many Worthy charie' :there...appears to: have 'been nething mean about him.. Theee :is, 11.itle wen. 'der that his frithds take so mUch in. .CRIME. AND:PUBLICITY • The 'recent shoceing Murder' of ; it his beefi. reported the , neWs- papers ,has. again brought uP the sub., met of, the, wisdom of publishing ten gruesome ,detrils of Such tragedres. there is little use in. either con.' of soot newe for the, good reasori that nothing', can be done ,al)out it. Whi; may not he puhliShed. It is-• just r that. will:appear ist. the peeers 19 'Or' :news that the editors find...Will-sell, ,Thefie who ;Ito 'mot watt details' or' ive Ina?! well. reeos:nize that the Maas of the reeite who enable Ur,' newanaper publishers to report 4tsda of thollIsands Of circulation Went to, read this gruesome stuff; end how are, we going to 't'evetit it?xand hnlv; we right to prevent it, if we.enuld,? On this free continent and hi ',1.3fitAir and Prance, these whn! read will get what they'? .whet to read, eVeti Phoula intoxtcatino 114Uors are ;tint width' ...There 14 4 10.1110 Men -preVtilOr' •a feeent IlennhOe Spec.' assprne the thought, :that they ray have teen clod enotikh or.r, .sephisticated '-fo'refathers; 'tin intent; gent DertOn• Carl .take eny stock IP, them , today. Iionesty is the host . moral, stand-hy_s_iike .,1.117222 to lose their Appeal,. ia to be . ,feared. •„, Rumcirs ahmA corruption in high Place, the notion that businesS sn'.6eS's the- reshit °f sharp practieei,, the indifferenee: : often regiuded7:hoW do :the timely ",Pro,ver'0,s' :4'PoPt holding :,:to 'the 'harrow path Of rectitude fit in with these ug.:, :that' are• amiss; .they are- foreirer right.,,Anyene who thinks. that crook- . the large :or scale; can Perma.. . !•espits --but. only for. a time. The day, .)t* reekentrig. alwitys :comes, sooner or 'later. Nothing cen coins -mit" .'-of ' ;wrong -doing ,but ultimate io§s. Re as.. suree there 13 only 'one Was, to achieve' Permanent: saccess 'of laity sort, and • ` :that fis :he :the godd old methods of -,,r,,,rsonvi integrity. Everything Whleh ,,,ithhoeohaabrite: 6' nib 0:tbfr usl ocit: lei fae; They",are eteaali And no change in j)ossibli affeA. their validity. 'use Spahr4 is 4 State 6f inind cal) ee'Y the 17ifIg re! 11.1t6 Classes! lower. iiPtAerg,,:°t°.tilnr16611ff:''Shibr:r. tiliSereeeWiln°0;litiat' 41; ' .fdlinieris that 'tends people laid" •