HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-05, Page 2,F• :•• 4,,•• ortPes Foie8! k )3e4iities Worth 300 a Pair Such is the HeaTd.of an Article Appearing in Pearson's Weekly. , • A GQOP MARKE htimortil- ee: Love A.0.444 Sister's Friend8hip The- pions ..Austenite, than. Whore 11°4°"ItOt.: Pvt311 tb lielgeOe Stuatt,O, or tbelkitirboilS4704 '• be • MOO falthful .tO t11,0troitneee • will lieen ...eve17:4017 vco's4o7.10arlok nion the' Soddestis Of , Icenden4--Seme•" peci le, •in ', hi ' •- ' - b ' ' ' -will recolloct, that •, .. OS liVIM t00,4Y. ,. ,i.i..;:elfOrVe...a:•bi.f.!t"....,,woh.,i,sre..x.04:$0,r116. ,..rt ' so that 'tbeY' May he jitiated.. ()there • the , .,,,,,4tUtoe..!,17, eetoie, . at. filteVeUtOA, .. , 4 : . , Y preeerve foxee-.7the red yarbaty,..lezt Decerpher '16- 1775'Jane ** born ty try 7' • ' .".. il-• . . • t. •,' .°04. is ideiatilr, ond„he • . ., .roctin.thr owe, ,..into. the title; :0001.,.. -,,!•we. liect; better, love biei:i.,•a •goo4 ,litigif,"at.fe*Os 'in. Ordei 40'i-7/tell 11641-r. Pasi,n/Cetelte; was mirremidod,;PY,'„: 31l,OlkittitOr ,Huglfilt.. big'', • -:'re' s 91/ 414"1",-*:. '':' ';' ' ''' Ire e ' black _..,,,,Lit -Zit AO" flea* Of 1.k.oOnsin,)•ia Su* st#rt;!' IMO *nthleell..., ,''.'lie .14.slirO ta:..."tb,a,c.:"1....tEr 'at'..Plleeb fitly' 6 p.s„vroolt in ,e9id...., 9..?1, .!q4111:g •eljpill, g -m.040ews•:.',(011 APrinitlee• "witb, '..,..- . ' VA trelig,i'lwcr wkth,p..taytY •h:edgerdws.:. .. 'ixt.vd. Of the *Order of Ibb'consinby leave the house by.the si.cle,:eiltr4fiC04 4-- , ,AA4tbicfig', 4194i4teer,' stoi'.,0 ',the throe% ibe •eue.,roomp • ..: ,•". fortonefil'. have been Made . 'Her Ave. brothers, Tames'''E W 4 ' '' ' ,-,;,,,.-•,-.. • ..- ' ..°' . srvtiler pee- es•bleCk .:bealltie ; .known as,,lfenr-y,, praae'tqi, uUtt ouor1.08:aidct...4hex.r ktc‘• crew drops .skei ' ' x , pa .accoupt touch of.bite, Sinter casetunita,. made UP- her ..00 4 ,ribearnur, ei,Vret er'w.a.iguet ,' , , . , ; •,eilver in ,-,,thQ. .1:417,. , . 0, ..pone :.p.4.,;-tle . World, , 'Cassandra ' d • h ' : . ,r,n* 'inlbernidSt'Of O picnic:Part ' ''•• ' ....01tAVTNII Til, ' '[ , ' ' ' "'" " i'''''.1. -''W Bli."' 11 ' ' h .' ' • ' 1-94 .,.4.a1,040,,,i,f!,..5,1!:.,,v,,.410,0,t4, go, ; . .. pf, /14., "xist_s. Or :*11, ..`,,ikti0Hirl'.' , '.: . 71v,... a, 1;.,, tt jeland ;kr.' Instance'," fur -far Mini „ tOgother and ahare0Hthe."1.1s4mSe• leif'ba'nPlit.: has Proved ,.aa -amazingly .40141phi:rig, til death. •• •; ',,,,•lidra, 'Vefroy, Jane's aunt,' jo'i'OitltotiOti. iif the Rifle '' • Tile-reeen-hnd..--*ted*Okl'iver . ..industry for some' fiftje:years..,;::: •, ,, '.:7: '4OSeribee" the 7 tO0i4 ".slalet's:'..:the fltst the •., kede00., 'obtaintitgevidenca to .soOt: ,. Sees surrounding...the ,g. ,t1:..j.i' • I . it .io.00lconod ••tlii#,..o.ri the :American .1rerniens• 'of ''`iSense and ..Sensibility."' 4 ..0k771),,1$4.0'..4.:'.. - "..;', ''''' "'".. '' - . ' CMeW had dropped its nlende. rl berciaO.:„. ..Continent :the: pelta • Of • 111,ese..-feecee,.4ad.•411,eiqs,-pdA4, .17:el..o.(lie.o.! ,,/.ere..'.04.m., ..;c07:924;.zwITVsiltoRT-.: 9, 4 leaving the house by the keWiAtint 7. • • ." bring, to;•?thone In .the .7businene.tten Wind:. : - :7.. •••., ',* ' t., ...• : -,•„'.• ' ' „ •.i.....,:,•'., H,..,'":--..,7", ••• . ,' • . -.. '. : . ..neetr;'llathlteo:.abd.beiebrapanioirhad :,„ cm g diey.,00.1ister;.....c•-eeeogn4, ef:dkillatS..enntiallyi, .:,,,' :•:''` ...' q rel,noroher. the : 'connien,., tooting ,. el,n,..r; ,147;a1;44.74fgc.it';or.:•etliveri• tr1141; ,Eitl,,t1.110e;iftitldlgr' td:.1). ou. make., for,ttis, .101..te Prince Edvyard `?eland is tbe. tit'ill•st' 'with' Its :c31°"'late- grslisii; 'aiia •strohgoold of .tbx:fo:roling;,. fOie•ranchee, the:painted, piens with-shelves:above' ir Pn.dieiaddreatsed.Willengliby Wt.:pia:CO of.evil Omen'. There they -would • • • • • now .exist ..in every .province 701.. 'Can, or ••hooke,' and ••• • Jane's 'Plane' and an -410.,...*Ii0444,'.'41.110t• the zoom. "My '0:'. the 'better ableie"gettheir.bearinge •-1-.,,,..-„meeLLBe..._ : •77,..,7._., - ..',.. , ... • ... ' - . . • • ,. • re..., ada.,. and or late ;years, have been el, filiatifleekinklese that 'hUng'bet,vieMi #e.N..„.„ Doctor,',e.v., 40,7nou'ogen Atone As tuAlte. direction' whence ' the p I tablighed in the'States wherever: the the',windoWn. • But the Chernis o file .;a,,k,,,111..i?•,:...-4171tO,FLY,..,..On. 1!:4, ,J;tiL.:0 OfdetO_...117._ bir,,d_171a".d. -: fl,0WO-...''' :. ' ;,: : .'• • ' climate is telltale • , • •• •-•-• roam, .With its scanty furniture ',Must' ,,,e.,w9e.fla.5.47T4r.7kl!.LbWo On, .."tlava So they eame;te the borders of the ' In the 'last few years at least. live. have been /etre' those old -.0ofid.:enoilhi;vt.tiot, MlX,y•ot.Port,;q(47ntr - • • glade And. iii....eager;:expeetanei peered. hundred :eaaoher'ir bava taken up wbai., 'Understand; ' ' - '' natural` „, .,••• , into the open space • ,:At any Oiler .% „coned. i_ 'the 'new 'etai of eatintim,e. With all the fent • and 'ncennenne ef..a. :Pt* g• time they.;.might have been heen.,qruck by .. , , • . Ther have their own , j(ntinal,;•,fheir 1.art.e..7'aud 'clever family." • ' ,4t....;,„.;.. • .• . the) Contatatbetweenr thkeariter'000110: own association. at. MianesPolis,:.-,, .'anct-,+•• .• '.; , -' • .."T-i'er,',Ointlir:; Vottd,1-- "."-.'"7:-.7"-• " • .. •',714-41,10 'profuse ;l0nolt table,:Y1 - • • old chAmpienship shows. , -, • : .. At a very.carly..ege-Janet And efts-, . . A, A!,7. crowd of 'chattering..IgneSni, 00. Otttl::":th, e, Prom. America, /Ur -taming , has Sandia were . sent to spend a Year. at , . . . .. .. i •?•)A r.;:se, r9°414the: ' *d".,a1;itef1)1i4e'lilibdoien. of chattering tree-Reg-girt,,, . .,,t,inf:scerailc , spread tO...lapiiii oodiately•to.•Francet Oxford„ With the Widow •of 'a .PrIncipai. '4- 404,''44' „ 0.:, still ' henget ,. „.,..... „h . . , ,,,the ... etl.wil,i. re, norm. anan. .:(t:ri.c. :11,5,T' the . • Scottish, Highlands,' partmoor, at ortiminpoi..tirbo • was . it eeery,..stiff Itw;144 ' early, -for ' ht '" ' '''• : t' the'tle -: ! ., . up8rtythe, night . . , . .a. „Pe:::nn..1):00 Kathleen or al,. and a &Zeit ,other places in .titiO eeun- mannered .periton,"'but. pehciol .life Was: oi ',.;71.1 ' 7•?.::,:ia‘hti*tv,4,, ' ,ihit.iato*4 fe• •• ' 7: '...- - , a ' eihi:h.4'fli::litttielt ,sui.,breathed3.0 'till:I.:I:hi:4g: . tdy. • . Our Pioneers belleve,-that?fur- brief for letne Austen;•.ohe came bonier r•o. after dinner6:,.iiii041*. 4:1rdr.'i' '14'. ....,,, , :.,4;to(laka.i., that ., .7, .. .,.. : , ,.,. ..1,4..r___!_g 'farnlini Will become :an important In- it ' nineYears eaa, . she. had ae]t-cul- me I Un.Strailnit "14,..,. :,:i.,0,1101r.:".4,74,,i.„::,..:1.‘04.0.,,,,ihnig....,,:,st.,,,hve 1:4ettiiilhrle;do.' e trunkufas stg'•xvin9iii:41.no:w-u;:nO, climate-Ilust i437if'7:11.1.1°.1.1:307.1 t'lltabYee .4PoitixOv.ttevtlient bet- ItualTiiana..1.dTher* 4viniila r timnii% and, family ii- n-deil'i; - . , to ,• 0 ' ;:"..:11tPl!..3?•.:.„7,77.._,_„:,.tiw,,.,4&4:iiakt%i • ,,, ,, i or , h. _. tiir..tai. their :71Z:i.••.P.eitte;.' eatiringto•i'h.7rer'' '0..";4T7i,Phik;a:iind. n• .,.. , waiting., over 'the writer , of stories, but there - -600.ion 'Whieli.lhad great' •infimence was /wirer 7 diiagted14ent, ; . :.- iit1 ' 1::0;; . '•!;i' ii;*4.i: fi ;ff**..b.re;,. Ott dde& ' "Shall ' Th of t,.lie Sliver fOx•is long and openly accuse him, or go Sg k y" , ' .1vith .e' bea•utiful silvery•74bi en; -'zairtior 'Painted her at ettateyeara old,' •a ' eilarminx, dark -eyed '.', „lively" 6.,.t,peocese. oOeriged7' her .tsehiotta.: .ind .•abinit,*-Yeat,lefere, fikiekt's:: ' .',. •:.. .• .,., 7':i . . , , ..,. .. ,.• aed le; alwaye.,likely to 'be- A ' •faiorite #11”0:!04i0e*:,'.1*r /:: But Norman Whi: tdOw to reply. ' ' • Pr thl'''' t milling , I "Os' ' •• An aver• ' Child. *itli .11°14* riug142. '7'4°11:tik life het -Slimily loved her.&th'.- .,. • - be t 0 i e_ There :had :1404.4714r4)*-0**4;':1. ''' 'That, in net . Sir thidleYek! be said Ofie ,Pelt 'his' a.: value :: of ahOnt:-fifty ., :Of lief love itte there are &erre.; ,1! a 0 'eerii.iiitelt baron- at at lengtht':',"NOt.;sotall by six inches, " '13:00t1S;': lint an eiCeptienat. one May. 4 and )ns cords: •,,,, ...A..pretty flirtationwith Term s :•$-Itaratisoz-Of."*.hl.oli•-,;:aiieli*..vg....tiriag_.aotiyei..aess:tate tot0-4.A.krettt.•-syell•itert-timee_tite_priee.,. Lefrol-.4t--tw.en-ty,-*proposel she re et0e.f.011Y,t4ilideatOltalier. :.--4. Thing Vden't.Aielieye-;your cousin A record. was .set up .in ,London some i •Jeeted at twenty-seven, and .an • affair 1.07..4 ft:•.;;I:ithel'O*Anife•in high vessesses2' • -- . • , .‘ .. . ',, . • :, - ' , IiJ:tv. years ago 741m1.4.'°1!'gle'lie4'.*48 Which came to nothing witiva "Mr. H. ' n •...:,:aT7terider•-.,farewell•Of.'; .:'''. "Doctor Melville has got .ate- itiver7 .til'47for g514. ';'• .' ..''''..... ' • ' E. Of the gitgiileers,'•'' who died.:„ We ... . i _k41.e.i0.1*:,:161110it..het;;Atat 'nes,a:!'? . t,sioined 'Kathleen 'tentatively, ..., It Is oli'eiljenslie- blis.Mergi.to,Afeolt' are.dented"Many,treeerds.of Jane..Ans-. . . , , VO.O,•g10:40 ' 41'.‘t4-'040.kg::4 It isn't isn't.:V7eli.ille,":Skild Norinni..,•, .. A,Tantlx.Wititsllyer foxes of 'pedigree, . . ten'a lize, for her prilate letters .Were : - ''!---:,'".*4.-,.:. Motionless as '7A grill:en' irnage,.'the strain, "7Pedigke0 :hitlicatlai'titit they destroyed by her taster, Cassandra to , months'.:later she .„ ad,,,had:* let- man 'en the 4ttiMP• watched. their' ad- have :64.3.°O tall.° /?'red ' • ,taP :Aix: gtittOra- eavutienni ..fierti Publication; ' : ..1 ••• . „7.• rom „ttu.:7.00:04.:.frotu:::i,,,puu!f. Woe: ,.,st.oce., as,,0437.: .3,roke. cover ou.4,eraergL tient?. 7Peiligree pettier the Pi.. ince'. . , , . . 7.., .2. Publishes Lack of Faith' O.O.,t,E!..#Or,IO,40OfItg::!!•!4)!''''°,1•4:P.i .ncl :' trite . the nidonlight: . Ati,"seen an Edward Sbloji"' titt*I4' is ,w0tb7tbree :..-eaue Auuteueot.taieur_..waii._2,.id ,..:tlie eitY4.104*404..4'.•.)4,',1#4114.30 they were near enough for recognition hundred- pound* :. • , , . , ' . ' ' ' , meet ,dehestte7,she'. knew her powers o1d:;''''''.'•*t4til'OV.1'00*40.rett he 'rose` and took ',off his cap.; .; • ..-, ---••-•'. , ;}":"-Vts'itirigH.:O":?7,00ll::"`On:7-Dartot4or..--tao-- Icird7-her-liniitatiencishet_L_• speaks .. ofhad 7.SOI.I.Mi44blislitttO"te•7'7,",-.,4.4.311es'Oletiliketir he 'eielaiined. : :41 "vit4ter-',k°und. e....igere ei.. kates :14' ' Ilsi r • "the little bit (two, ins. wide) 01 Ivory e, lie, ,.,,7 eme(,it,9va..,..._S,;Ntiniyite--il--'" Vatt'yenderling*hoivaii abroad in the itonty •runs, .. iii 'a sheltered weed, Mip- on which: i work • :With so fine , A 'brush er:':60•Ost. , 4iPtA'''.''''"‘vheri•:.lie ': lin. d: .w..o. . .. For some litt* Utile .;I. have, Ood. with.''oelnfOrfable.heuees. . as produces ; little effect After. ,mitch 40,k-itt.' at Beechwood heard Ettiiio one iiiiiviile, about:, ' : ' •., The ',silver Mlbs-iPoPs,.. the ,farniers 1,00x..!. ,„ But Blue ,t1d.oi..e.f4troate.d tlie .,''' '..• . r i.umth.„:..itti,:mi,.:colner ,,oidlciw.I..,:, callstbent*see light .in APtil;‘-and.itte effect .::. of . ,.1,:rfoo ou42_...,:gio4oefloop,, .61,,,Wfir • Sii,':,•Thil*„lia4•,k40,...,,,wo too hoyo ben .,70,70U,aeriug,...fulbgrOwn: 13y late aniiimn.7, • Y e "13- . til. :(Which WitsedivIat. zio. in 1868, and, 0- il'ci.1,11i *Ini...eitii1744e.10.ese, , we, theiigst . r.:...e. were_,,..:p :.'...f.'., •;•.'-,.., .. •, end .6;-,.tve.ir aist:yeer..theY.SPort 'Oats, the publisher did niitventutoite 'print 0: .1" .1*Vint.:Ihi€4.40Yei and -'•.'gh`'..;....ddetil '''''' . • e. broke off. su y .iii4 the ni• ideal aimlity, for, the furrier. When tt 1 .., . .• ._ • i __,1 7, iti),_ "Sense -and-Sensibility," :"Noith-;7 #41..-4. been too -.Cabingt,-;'Minister.,*--taCtf4' ily;_.phoveal.t...::t „ . . ho-fa:tal-.7-day---o pelting-7arr ves„ • he ny,by. way ,of 'anger' Abbey," "Emilie," and '"Malie 1 ,ti .,.:',SOtt".t.1014444*7-1/:. .7..:.;:•, ..; .iaeOir.'briiiiiigerqtion,''` / .' •,,,,, . : • : • end • coMec, „inCceitu . .„,,, field., Park,' on „the. generations ,:tb tiMe..the ''' l'elitOelYi: 014 :'' • •• 7: :','' *mile ' after' her.' .: -'• .' : :. continued;) . ... Chibrefeirra..' .. 7.-. . , • Apart.. from: the high • value of he she. dieivAtt. her • iiiskei.'s arm ed el.7. .*10,1147":Utaadu,u;444,7sezzt "ii.,trU-eaiirred.- • ',•jg,`1,,,.....' 1),..(:1-1,711--.. b. e,.....', e9.. -7~,n . r • at; . : ,p-afe;:the-14.mei at present ib :Mire wioeeater, ;la • 147i. and ,Wain;beiried _..01;#7"*b.10,"klitt4.i.lthel****delikYo.-::: UV' • ''..1 ears; of •.vvire. of o. good profit from selling. his live-. in the Cathedral. , There May • not. be "bliitbeet"7,'. *e•fSet-'44; George•Gleitle...;7 .•:.:' ' '. - ' • ' • i.' : ,':.••.:' - ':..:' ,. •,atock... .• ;. , , .. ' : •.' : • r•'--- ' ' • '' intiell te7teciird„ :of startling' paesien deLh .. ni.':.!•:,ii 1:iiiitiv::::.0"thoy...;:..,1!_ar,u,. ,:e...t4:, ,,,. - '........: . ..:.. I.. ,...ellig. .r,,. ., • ., i :: . ':., .:. .A. ..ti: 1-0, p'4Cttli:i.n, ii..t..ie.o: :iliip.utit,,O.iibbto;'t.:.,1,0 ,.for, but td ..,4geariabkos6ekvegnitivleu, ojilapaae4d Austen' she' .proveslife, h "•4,4.n.iilt,''S'Ilitttlerge.. How''''..the•Etier,i4P- „. , , , , Leg' :ii*t.„?...,,,,,i.i,,,,i0,),iiintb,iii,.u.i.,,lierr ,0e. .. ;co... 4.7... .. hilitopf.3 ik''C'fri".P.' '''...1''' . Be' an-' ' . Yoroin the drum -tap of,: thetri esm..,.a.'' t'iura.,':'iddre„ ,and black at the.:tip. .The genitie.Charles BrunsWiek...•••• ,i••• . . capti.tr.p ,.. h ' en The' heirs ,nre. black below, bele*, • shiver in neSS are not an essential :'• fart of 'to,i. is' that it .defiee the !eher, that eccentricity '',and tielt-Conseloug- ' ' Tlp::71,t,'' .7' tis,•••,h4'' w... **On:et:lint, on African .. to the :magical re- .feeker,may. stick :white hairs .61 to the. :thi' t;':441,erel7v1,0*F;11,7°,14:0441410PIOn.,..itlization of teleristenthat,' in. a sen- 'fur 'et a red fee,. which has'been.dyed, - . . . . _ . :•.4.01hieli'She'•notin• tibtleoVe. It i'.4. Ali; telicet is. the • ePOP0 of. '!.Pleneern of but.eanaot 'innate thA•gentline silvery . . ..Watchec; .T00., I.,Onigt, : q ..xitinit had llociii• ,thef -.tali all Wireless." . • ,:, , ' • ..„, ,a • ,. . . shecn. :, ,. ,, . •.. .... , .• .„ oie 0. th..e. ii,04,, ;pt. iiany. .io.nd, ''''ilhie,:.baid'' inifi..-inn'self.•Inider the ' It Is a .singtilarii faSelh.atifig. etorY. .: In,thin climate, the. fox has Praire& stories told 4y, mi.. .a:y.0,, mode c6a., • ., A.,' . -..,„,..___ .4. •• ‘4, 1,06:.4f' 110 4.°,41.,th'e•aVir;a1,.ar*'- -which mr.,.pllison Hawks has , to tell. remarkably bardy.,, It le. a ,good ki4--, IL- t•erne hie; old friend and: colleague, the: i.o4*4.;11114-gone-tO live with ths4 It Mike up Dr. Gilbert, , Queen . Eliza. ent; and .it has been found, that•tt Will late Sir Charles Wyndham. '•.• - • ! trie'''•dOWOker in COdeit.M.. Gat' beth'e.phYSielan,' and. his researches go 'on, producing ' cubs for a. dozen .. :Sir' 'Clia?rles, Used :to Airing' a .dog to , .. : ' ':' '' ' . ... • ' ' . ,into tbe,,;,'• Properties of :the. Magnet, -years. '. ' • . ' '. : • ' rehearsals, and it was a stage, •Jest tivetild•Thidleyle next mOVe he, with nihraiii Franklin and .•his kite; .:', 'The: cost. , of „keeping a *pair' works : :_. .., that the dog 'anted is :clue •eron Mr, tHaithlee.O..asked; herself,: if •he , 'had with Thomas Iteting, who forthulated .Mit at about eight 'Pounds a Year: L t • . .., Maude once told this . story to.. Miss.. •,tatur Jr , George an - t . la... . 3' the 'undulatory theory of ' light, • with They • are. fed. •,on rabbit, 'meat,. cereals, . . , . . , . . ..i0.,Iteitlye•bkideni:ebet :a carrion. bird Gititani, Volta,l'patitdaY,•„ArePOree ,and ,bisc41t ..dna ,rop. ., .. - . . ..., . ,T4e3i :bottoaughed. at the idea, and Irene yanbrugh. and Herbert, Tree., . iionld,71indeet: it ' .' lie would go out HeiiryIend se ''bringsua to •.:the first .' . A return. of -Capital -fa not long. de- then :Irene. .. looked UP sweetly in Sir ,illiOt.:Llier$77-itight-'7and;. under cover of recorded ..'oxperlinent .,,in '.eignallint. iared after tile founding Of it .ranCh, t= ; , Hernert's .fatt4 'and' said', "And' do tell 'e darkness, hi.,34 it More,,Off‘Nto413' *ithOtit.interyOnin* Wires. , .",.; • , . since..thetniP0 May....bel;lel:W4k, their .me, Sir Herbert; has Lady 'Tree train: ' . e ,one by the ':.' it ban. scarcelY be said that any One 'first .year.. '• ' . •• ' . ' • .... '-''" :". ed A.:little...deg; to:tv,atch •over.yeur ice te, laborers and the. other..6s- the, man, dineovered ,Wirelese telegraphy :Owing to the . Cost. of .bitYing .:,Or ings'Oree,..--.7-:: , 7 ., - . . , . . . . . . lieTie4;/h.iini, On ...010.111.10TOW77.110 must aie we know it to-daYt it; was the mit, •biriegfenitable • lanet., initting up Wire . .Trea :gazed mi. at the. "rafters. of the •ildther-'1* prevented 'Or•:e41140.4`:4? t)to 'atime Of the :accuthuiated experiments and 'houses", And buying stoek,:taitob..e.0' 1 act.theatre' and, stroking his locks; geld: . -.7:•:•, - •,.i ..., , ... , .;. • •-• ,.,-; . „; •, of the pioneers, Tana, some .•Of these . are -Often owned" by syndicates. ' .1.70 "Ah..--;•-it,'died for Want. 'of . sleep !.:: .''fictViinic .-c-luinod Joie. outdoor gar- originally were net even scientists. , found a ranch with twenty One.Paire ; . • I , : ., . *. ..-..7' . .... , • • , , telialitt74intr•OnfeObb boots and iit• ,•There.was'Williant StUrgeon, for in- of titre'', foxes deinando,a! capital • of . • . .1 ....77-+.-- ,,--.-,:-. - tweed cap, she 'Opened her . bedroom!' i 1qm:tee, yylio.ws,s first .,e•cobblr, then •;-iiitier •IY,,, a ',lei*/ iliebeS, - The light. :-.0.n,i 6.,:aolillOr, And then becenee A .,cebbler. :. yfiiii.linding • had -IiiieniieXtingtiished,.. 8 awn, because . he could •not live on his Pension of a'. shilling' a :.day.•• : :.• , ,'• ' is' - Eve •of inset:every, , • • . , .. • . , . Sturgeon, however, ptitaiting scien- tific) stu,dies. in his spare time ,invent- ed the....electro-rnagnet,:, and in 1825 .. won the inlet :medal of the ',Society •Of Arte.• : : • : ' - . , Henry, the :iambus Atnei.ican;, died In 181.8, after years of teseareli 'With - Out reatzlipg ' that. he WAS on the eye 'of':. tiie niOst Wonderful discovery .of his �r any' age, ' Hertz ,teed Morse :took up his Work, but if was not until the • discoveryy .1*s_in....i.stks .Of _the elec trontaglie tic: waves, foreshadowed in 1864 by Olerk- Maiwell, that wireless ,heCittne Mere thala a dreamt:: .; .:..,: ., ., .' Much, had been, kocointillehed 'le the itteitri:While by, Other.,exPeritnentera,-,all travelling: encenneleuslY• towards the, 1"..hat -5•4•••••r•••,••••••;•; • 15' Is the outst&inding leader in . „ . . 5 Swan Boats . • . Generation'Ago his grOoni to bring a horse he wanted to try.. to the Fifty-ninth Street. eii; tt'41:12Ve, 'et ten o'clock and and' tbe grobto.., had net appeared.' ' ..7HO waited, • as 'long as; bis 'dignity ,Would and then tploiedn, abl.44.1t4i1,0e4altne3::: 'aloentily";it the LOltengrlp sewens4;with „ lqddle-Wheel •attnclintent • that •. eirbie around the lake. They ntruck " bine An the meet Idiotic, inVentiohn, he:, T55' hod ever seen, and he . . the :people, , Who conk' find delight in .,, • having solid. One •paddle thttra around• -. an Artificial' hike • ; Eri 1. h Nit Vir .T,wo little girls frem.ilie East' Side, n ._• with a lunch:be:Wet, and an 'elder girl ' • , : I Wilson Pul?lishing Company 41436 , litgN?§. AND YOUTH'S HOUSE ` 00A This attractive house coat is a steart and comfortable: ,style, ,and Willbe foundLmiite •easily ashioned_bythe home mediae. The two-piece sleeves 5 • What $houldLa On .,:GirrkPe#a rgizad at • ' •• • a) beech ."'besid.o hto.1 arta'. " with. her hair down t her back, sat , swans. , " 7oxi .017 it Pays to ; said One cif the, two lit(la about time someone said a word for ' • , • 1boats that yea°can't See fro "therc's 106 to See frthn't116$e Sweh am beginning 'to ,fear that ,PayMOre-;-arid Spend Less: high?. •vOi°°!". it Is ?s, .M the ,the. splendid . young work girls 01., . "Oh, lots," assented the girl with .13ritain, :There is. all this contempt the.long\-intb., • • . sous talk ahout.the,"fiapPer" vofe,. The If Yon :walked 411 the lake, Government • is engaged,just ' clear all •the -"Way round. You could . now in cnttingthe t.inemployrnerit , pay ,see all .there is to see,"7 said .the.thirdi-7•-• ,.-- •"exeept • what there's In the middle. Where7-thror-islanel7.144 • gtressit;17,kaiglirivitd.O14#4.* t. . 4,piodio coso,, he Molt .a. trip • around • . the lake. 'on. a% swan -boat. the other ter -gloves, 88: 11%d. or a POI'. °I. said yonse could see'fishes and ducks;', •day.• Jle said that it was grand. ' I•Ie stacklaks!•aott AVG gnitleas• a °oat', arid that it rooked- ine,t; as if there •If ill these ; people •, who criticize? . were -.snakes and thinge ,. on the ivOrking,-girle•would• take •the 'trpuble..land," • - to get to .know conditiens,"oft their 'Iles, they, would them, to .tiott'Oot 'the. "'What sort Of thingS?". 'asked the . , • , , other one, ,in :A; hushed. leiee, • .dincOv,er Whet-, liereinee: Su many'. of • "weii,'• • wild ;things," explained .' the them are. Their' ced:rage in the face ;`other 'vaguely; "bears. and animals.. • Of,diffieelty, :their • ipgenttity mak like ,thatYthert'groW 'in •wild7placen":.. Ing:ends Meet, their' (010668's:to 'hen' "My, but I'd. like ' to take: a :trip, leather, girl, in. time of. need, are :ail lust ,onee,•• sacd• the Y0,1,1n4.4t , 4.5 �f the younger ones from 15s.• to 8e. Now we have a -learned Judge de. livo ring!' serer 1ecture-04 the•-wiclne • extravirgancee-e the • ereattnvisi. A :working ha,e. actually had the audacity to 'spread a pound on a.speir of, Abe& '4s, 111)id, On a pair *of win - stig,gested the: yeitegee 'IIUU hidden 'behind ,the:gey and rather. her breath. -Then she clasped her,. hard exterior thatpany Of them nhott? fingers. together and looked up anxi-, to a censorious world. • If' Judgenusly at the eider.._girb. who glanied. Crawford had knOWn What he was at her with severe repr,oach ' . Tr, wen'Id not have •Per- "Why,' MaTie!"....she said; "Wt -you petrated such nonsense, . - ashatned! • Ain% you having a good , Clothes Get Job time 'sluff without wishing ?for every- • . 's • , , . , thing you set •your eyes tu_mOSt-trades-Women's wages,are bber wond'ered „at this -why may he finished with shaped cuffs; and rough kind emPlo ers7 11 t ri Van Bi leW, but unless the work is of 'a very linmans •thoulii want to ride :around on the swans in the first plebe, 'and ' why( if' they had ;Such e wild' desire,. they should not ,gratifY'lt.: "Why, it costs itern'n• ,cests to come all the way up-towo in an open -car,14.Added-the-eir der gil, as if in ans • wer to hikotitspoken question. NV. he e - there are pitch pockets And 'a:sineWl' gage,a girl:17i 'she Is notdecently Clad: collar. No 1436 1480 lia•in;sizes 24; .26, 38 For the 'Cleik„ hop assistant and 40,7.42, 44 and. 46 inches breast..;'Sise • W -ere' a good 'appearenee Is 40. requires -syi yards 36 -inch or 2 part of theftccessary.,stoelt-intrade. yards.•.54inch ,material, and ::ett' yard [too. shabby can „neither keep her lob 86inehcontrasting-for7Vie*--.4:-7-.Pribe' If, her'clothee becOthe 20o the pattern:. • net get another._Par to high •al pro- . ; Many styles of smart apparel may portion of, the wages of these girls has be found in our Fashion Book. Our. to be spent on clothes:in a desperate tiesigners eriginate their patterns instruggle to keep up •appearancen, .and the. heart Ofthe-Style centres,-4'and these clothes 4Nyheri obtained have to their creations are :these; of tested be Ve1ycarefu1lytonded- pOpUlarity,-brought-within-tiwineana 7 The Judge whoblames:, the Working of the aleragewonian. Piice of the. girl. for ,aPending five guineas, on : book,..10e. the Copy. •. • ,, coat does not realize- that. unless. the HOW, TO ORDER PATTERNS. wearer happens:, to be one of the lueliy name and address ilium. ones with a etenforteible home behind her, .that coat , ..have .t6 • be 'made LT,' giving. nOmber and' On 40. •do 'duty till: the last • possible mo - patterns as you want: kne5se 20e in meet, preened And sponged, cleaned iittinicaprseft11;3111. ''fitccailticiPtintarebt'ivaknaPd.withi benzine, and b'Ylatitereedinl7th;edua.'• that Address your order to Patter:- Delk,, Wilson Publishing o, 76-• wait Ade. with 'a ilaeddy two -guinea coat • that: laide St., Toronto. isa,tbiris sent by 1.°!es'ht.q shape the ji,.r87t wet. timne it gets return :mall. . " ; ' • I 0, The Younger sighed at this, and • •nodded her. head in 13ubmiseiOn but blinked: longinglY at .the bie'swans•, . and the parti-colored awning and the 7 • . • . • red seats , 7 • . ' ' • .... • "I b,eg your 'Pardpn,"• said 'Van Bib- . tier, addressing • himiklf -urteasilY to the eldest . girl 'with the, long hair • 'bat ,11 the little' girt would like to .go round in .one of these thinge,,•and--- • andAtasbbatight-f-the--ehange. With her, 'You know;,.I'm' sure 'I should .he :iiii,e,eign't)*Ctlienniter the*Mae '.1164.CiuneOptib.hed7.' The girl closed •'ter Aber • tioisselelIn* And: tiptoed **eir• 04 thick carpet :intei„One of nev•-• imistigeii.:thati,hrattehed'4,frona 'the landing. She ditiiiiiiiod;!' lightly • but lasiitentik:Otietid4.06 ilottri till it •4, id to her by ;Meter, tied; And , MOking a cigar& glance at. her .face he stied her to enter, and gently shut - door, .t.urned the key. look se seated;" she -*Ala- not'•yeti that's up Grundy ,if we're spot- Dahl- ask tinentionkheit .•put -ore .•heota and come to mY reoh 'on Jading." . .•• . . . Ing that his ladylove- was hence for. atgnineot; with •solilleeli Otnessa-;•in-ftice-of-sii emeigeney- orrytan did ttie be was bid; and. they : stle to Kathleen's zoom.There In • hated , tones •she &planted .wliat.she --tountedw-,;'-tiudley-Wetild Aneek•ont,t6., bide the trades ur crinle, And the • would fideiV and 641:Z5n-rid ' -She ,*(1' hardly P.il4shed,the, breath- ksa .recital .et. ;her project :When it • was, justified by almost inaudible kiund 'aetoso the landing. .Probably theywould. not have heard it Atoll if :BieY had. not been staring` in Silence ...at;',each• ether. ,•;Xer 414citiom • ;.The *EMU& Was Unmistakably the cautious opening and shutting of a • door. •, IttStit. '",4c, 03-47 something like ten thousand Pound& Mlnard's Liniment for Neutiolgii: ; • Plunder Graham Bellihitifliereitt, .ed, _the_ te)ephone And. David Hughes Bughes, the microphone, .While •.-Wiliotighb,y, • •• Smithc.?14d"'stteceeded-in“:1A.-fig'gifttiiye•:!".7-7"-' Signals by Induction front Aluin:',114Y.;; • ' ' In the Isle ,:ef melt,' to the . Needles. . ., tranlio, the Prenehscientis4 le -1851. produced his. "eoherer',."' and bridled the Prilletple which" 111 he ratlio!teje-: / ‘,, .....- •graphy •pOssible: , • • ., ., ,- . Then .. ine the. seXperlinents: of ' 0\14 6tifer-.Altrliditeri''insrl ;•ahliv(0/1',IS (11,16ailat'is:..f.:116.6;airiv.1:; . ,,, Chinese ,snipe•rs:7Cit,e'4eNpEil:20NjaCtIlc4.7YrTf, 'N'T,,Atis97--Y17. Z"ETh.T.VhEa.'174i7Intide of. hatmll'Ooki; litureeni . i - Iliii5,--tha- tuning- tiyatern was. tie' dompliatio,de ' •' 'lends safety to the dance:the sailors a're IlaVing• ' . , ,- • . -• 1 1, "Ware ,Snipers 1 •:40! HOW LONG? • ---Fielgietherinrinfermationii How -- • long, demi an engagement usually ,• continue? • ' • She (sweetly): Until the man liccu.mulatteg courage enough , ' marry the Wei 1••should ' Fish, ,With Three Hearts One of the strangest fish known to ecienee' Is : the itagfigh„.1bunO in .Mont- erey Bay, California. It is, blind, and et is so -voradinue 'made the five,gninea coat a' pesniiiiiity that 'other fish are not lund. in We to the glrl,who Can • only affofird 2d. 'flame Water's. • ' ! • . • : 6d: Aweek for adreies allOwance, What HoW.4 (Ups it'mantige to !Indite food?' to the judge in n trine he mighi.apend 'en, a cigar after dinner ' is censider;. able sacrifice /to the Workieg cheerfully borne net Merely ter len- sake, but also; to Preserve her self-respect , and her . Place in the World. ' "----7.7-77-TheY:DiServe Their 13 ha re • Wise secial :Workers Among, git1S• are always trying to persuade ' them' to spend''ss much its they can on hoots, coats, and such staple .elothes,... be cause the. :'elie,ape.r,.• the 'article the more • extrayagant in wear It IS one of :the tragedies- 'of poverty that one cannot' afford to. pay for • the things that Will really •stend 'hard ..vrear....The judge Objectee to 45 113d for *Intel gloves, but ,good 'heed , leather : ones .at le: Go. would Wear:mere than three times as 101i0;.Ethi,Vbe , real' saving of money 3s 11d, is Almost the' hien Of .cheapness •• for :hose ..that are • to Weer any. length et time .end net lose their shape after the, drat :washing. . Taste in color and line '• is a 'very rhe • lOve, Oi.,beautiful things' is ,often, telnined for leading girls astray:: In the entered' and on 1,110 stage the old outwarn conventions ,seein to die as hard as on the TudgeS' Bench : But In reel ,life the. feeling feit.'gOod taste In (hens ,encourages slend-er Mean to . practise careful ,thoitght • and real self-discipline; • ' '.• , .The well -rue' clothlyg- cluh • has eiWaitiagettitablo,coraniont.4rottilthO,. .. • i • • .very. glad If she'd 'allow. :Me .tre send ter.arestind.7 : • , . • • Ob' will you.?' ..'eiclaiMed the lit-•• • _tie -girl, With: it'..JiimP•,,,and se sharply and: in,stiele.a sehril voice that .Van `Bibber shuddered: But the.eider :g1.0 objeCted • • "I'm 'afraid 'Maw wouldn t like: :our . taking money, rom Any . . knOw,". she said. with ,dignity;. yoter0;g0pg-anYWaY, and *Tani' 'COlti..7:r. : DaitY•'7-," • : • • 4'47 • '• "Oh; nak, no said Van. Bibber hut.- 7 rtedly. He tried te , picture'. hinteielf • riding round the lake behind a tin' the.. East Side,., atiO a lunch ' basket:, "Then,' -said• .the head of the trio, , "we can't go." ' " •.. Thero was, such a ..lonk :of ; unCorn- Plaining:Aceentiece of thte,verdiet On , the , 'tett' ofthethat"' " Van 1:fibber felt tniComfortable. He iooked to the right and to the left, an then:. said •desperately, • "wok. Ceme.,•': Along?". ',The' y,eting man In e blue itannel • eltirL , didthee paddling, : 2tiniiied at Van ,Bibiter',04.1ding,hreech- • .0S, ikitich'Were ..so Very loose at one ,. end and so, very tight at the ,other,, and at his gloves and crop: But Van 'Bibber pretended :not to ' .care.. : The.;, three littl girle..Plaeed the.eWfulheAoh basket on the ifront serif and set on • . the Middle, one; /And Van Biblier .tONV-:': • .ered., in the bank. TheY were hushed .' in silent entail when it Started and and gave tittle -gasps o pleasure z•when it Careened .slightly .rit turtling: It Wes • .shady under the awelng, and the MO- : thin was: pleaeant: enough, hut Van 'Blither wet? so 'afraid.' some ,one' would ee hint that he feilefrie enjoy It . ; • • illut as Soonas they Passed, the nat- 'roW straits . and 'were shut in bythe bushes And We're out -Of sight ef the, people,' he relaxed, and began to play the hoat He pointed , out the 'fieltes among the rochefat the dgel-Of the and Ahe.nPariOlin and: robins bathing And ruffling their feathete.. In 'thq shallow' Weter,• and agreed 'with them abbbt.1116-peenibillty 'ef beers, and. ,oven tigers, 111 the, wild. •Patt• Of 7.-• the Wand, ,•although .the glimpse ot the gray.,helniet •Of a 'park • • And it really teemed BB though they Wore, 'enjoyingIt more than •,ho ever enjoyed-,a-trip,1ortlie-Setinel-.41rit-' yacht or across the Ocean 4n a rederd- breaking stettinahltirrom "Van lierArfel•-•othersq,•?by Itichard To compensate it for the? lees of ',eight; the. hagfish heti been given t.st . keen% sense of touch,and .unknown cheml ci sense -or what :seems to to exaggerated aene4' of melJ It hitei.,been noticed that When food Is -drepped -inte--sen•-•-Aquarium -where theraten---A-•hagfishi-the-lielr tnstantlY7 --..c4:blibuid the girl-wheyWorlce hard SWIms' towarcis Although j•Jijndi Ir. all the Week, And, who gives 'service Las rudimentary 40.'oPots; they. tO _the comniuriitY, flie. defiled her not, hewever4 in the', leeef ,inneeir thn. pretty things that l!gThhije:. hagti.shr. , pnrnifsh.4)lbe our ilottliseSLietliiveresile°e*?eifIl '1,8161OPIvellertyl' in color, itaries•in.„-filze.lrein OboUt...18 gerteriti-OIP' -Working. girls on the ,e*travn... peAtance, it resembles- An eel, .• • gauco. of. tuoir, .ounigo ti•ogeie„ theie Another PectitiatitY in that it has three•hdarlt,'-goNgog.the'imabt, tooth.,. nnother it; the. eel, inn° in. 'the 'tail+. were 0'47'4'. Ldn'tbieltil..k-'‘iii.u&P,Polertiiiid- • te°: am still And id :Additiott an:ether sPecial 'heart I.o..,,r4•11ie portal eystein veins. Making' Hiking a Luxury ,Poothatbe for pedestrians paralleling the motor 'highways ef.. Ontario were advocated bY llen.-Oeorge oniy; minister of' higliwaYs:-Pretti, 'fotd (Pa.) pePet, " ' • , Minard'e Lirilmens or Grippe, learned, jUd'ge Omit •drelns bills of 'that. magnttnde -..Girls'7will have o,015,, Tb4 older Onee. have thent alreadY, ',TheY will' base a yoke In 8/sleeting= the ernpent *Welt fixes -.and isays the.sa14,, Arlen' Of lea cd fudges. • It think t should atiViae. certain inelnitetif bf the fraternity to mend, theW ma4.. nerd. , • Wii]i'(colting i11 trent hook) --- Where doen, tt-train ot thought tahc us to, Pitthei-vve, georaulyar- rFto'L Mk. son. • Wetlen t prciepetIty,? to the honql./. thoo, are ',generally brea!tos.,--11t: troit Net* • • ,5,555555