HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-05, Page 17.-71 • ER YEAR IN 415.014cEi ,oTTtER*IE 'DR. W. M. CONNE4 Fbysician, and Surgeon LeOknow " Hours; .1.303.301 ' Phe,r1O. 08, OUN'risT - Dr. MacLeod' Will, visit Lneknow every Tuesday, in Dr. Connellrs Office. ••••„_.„.• „,„ • • • ORNTIST br R.'" L. l'releaven Over Decker's Store Extrsictior, either by gfts' or local. Will be in • • Dungannon every Thniaday. Phone 54., , _ • " I O EVERYBODY'S COLUMN 40 0,1 0 Gee': Lifeknov,!;•;•.:-.Broker. and -Real Estate. -Money to lend first tmortgages . on farm proper.; tiea at 6 and 6% per cent according to security offered' • Also small amounts on second mortgages on farm• properties and on personal notes. • A few good lanai for sale 'WALL FAPER-A •full 'line of 1928 Wall Paper on hand. Prices from 86 up. m also agent for leading job touses.=-R, J . Cameron, Decorator Painter, and Grainer, Box 174, Luck - now.; .JOGS WANTED• We ,tbe- undersigned, hereby ' 'an- hounce that we are in the market to • buy all kinds Of logs suitable : fei• _liunber,.4ind=as-werreqtrire_thallumber, for our furniture 'factory, ,we arein a position. to . pay_ the highest .rnarlcet prices, In letting' • us have .t.he mater, You are -' encouraging . home indus- try. eaUus.,bY phone or call at. our offiee.-L-The Lueknow Table Mitten, RAVir am paying higheSt ,market price for all • kinds • of I ram' fnr —A Blitzstein, Phone .18, Luck - saw. " • (10-114f) WOOD. FOR SALE --good body Wood, 'maple and .beech, dry or green; • 'delivered, at 34.50 per,.,cord.-john• ; Joynt,."1fiickpOw.",„:. „ ASHFIELD` NOI HS 31r.__Michael Kelly 'of lucan. .is . visiting his sister, Mrs., Win. Hpgan. • ,Miss .Marie Lon of Landon. spent • • a few days ..of last 'week at her home here. • • ' Mr. AlexMacLean Of .the. 12th Con, is', home, :after spending two • months in Chicago.; Mr. Jobn. Hogari' 'Spent list •week with, his SiSter in Toronto „Mr. 'Alex. McNay of Paramount, is spending a few days in Londen.... We . are sorry' to reP'4it .that Mr Mi McNamara is confined to • had .• with illness.' . • Miss Delnia ;Culbert, vim Is. .here 1 from Sask., is visiting,. her ' grancIL parents, Mr and Mrs. John lJohnstor and other, Ashfield friend, ' Mrs: 'Charles McDonagh and Mrs. .Albere' Helm. are 'Spending • the .wook with friends in Toronto:• • Mts. Sant .Sherwood is visiting her *daughter, Mrs. Lei,. Ritchie. The toWnship. auditays..ire at work auditing the township hooks,' The. 'Work is being done, at '.Dungarinon. , Candidates: for, municipal " honors' 'arid electors had ,a strenuous• day .on heatirciads 'adding. to the difficulty of getting out the vote, • However, it all passed: off •smoothb, and Mr. k Hackett is,',again elected' pa the head of the coimcij o 0 o 'PURPLE GROVE. 1VIiSs Ethel Gawley returned to • Greenocic this; 'Week. • • , , . Miss Mary Walsh was home last.; ,fe week. friml: Kincardine • Miss Olive •Thorripsdn visited ' her, sliter,..Mrs•: Will Stanley. of Lucicii.mlrecently .: . • ' • ' .. Mrand,' krs, _ Peerge.:, Emerson .• spent .a few.. reeentlY • with :friend's, ;at Walkerton.- • • * • Miss Marville Scott' retnined to :to: _ ronto: this Week. •-• • „ Miss' Sadie 'Cu/ler of;,7'oronto,' iiisiting s. "'elatives' 'here •• - Mr._ and:, Mrs.. t,1am4:: Fowler-- and babe', df WrndsOr,SPeflt ast-weok the,latter;s-paY,entS. .Weregret the s,eriens illness of Wite-tyani-who-116.8 -bee n under the ir,1octOrt,S-crtirefor.soine..time, • M.iSali`P011ock 'of , Fergus' 'spent the 'holiday with' her brother: here. • Card. of Thanks. MrsSain,Durifict and Mr Julm :Jamieson Wishte thank the 'friends and neighbora ''•whe Were so 'helpful pod' sitmiathotta at the tinle ot the ,sickneils and Oeatii 0 thele" , " , • ' •"0 LOCALANI) OENER#1,.. o o -o ; miss, Jean Mg:Rini Spent' the past weekend- at heel -inn -le •in Delhi. . :Miss .Norma..'•MeKinley of Midland •-..spent .Hw weeic-end-.with 1Ii. -and- Mrs.D. Iinston. •• .••••• , Mr. Allan '...Td.rner, spent ,a,'",few days of this week. visiting iiifi-niothei at Toronto:, -. , . • • Mr. Kiri:veil.' Treleaven of Hamilton, was New Year visitor with Mrs. T. L. •Treleaven. - Mr. and Mrs.. Clare Agnew of • *WindiSfr, sx‘)nt theholiday week with - their LnelcnOw friends. , • , . „ Nil...and 'Mrs, 'schpli of Toronto; Were :C,laristmns: visitors- with- ...their -- daughter, Mrs. ;•(Dr,) johton. Mr. Andrew • Huston of • :Toronto'. Spent the -Now. tear holidaY with his parents, Mr and 'Mrs.' D. Huston MiSs, 'Mynona Palmer of Kinear dine., spent the Christmas holidays Withher friend, Miss ,Stella ,Steword. Messrs. Wilfred and Lovell • Mur: doch hwere home fronn • Toronto to spend New Years' Day Avith their, mother. ; .• Geo.: Hai•-fli of Seaforth, visit- ed the past week'''.with • her / mother; Nix& :Johnston; andsister, IVIra,.• • R. --Rdhertsnn, • Mr and Mr,s lar1:5>• Logan .and ,danghter..4'f teeswater, . Were •. New: year...guesta • of kr. .,a04• Au.SS• Robertson • ', , ' • • .' • ' ' .• • • ". Mr. andl,„Mr.s.,_;* Rebert...JOhnstort-and, children were'..over'freinGOderich. to s•,end the . Christmas: :;racaticin wth Lucknow,.relations..• ' • • . • . . Mr. .andAirs. :Gord.on 'Moore and children.. of. Rockwood Sperif'„Cbrist:' maS...and :New' Years. DPy . With Mr• MoOre's. mother'.in town.. ,• ' • Thc: annual Week 'of prayer'11 oc observed in , LuelcnQW Jaw ary 16 tc 20 7 incInsiVe.: Further andedricernen4 will be • made' neXt w eck- • • Mr: JiM 1Vliteha11, 'Who .spent •part', of .hist -.week at,..hi%'•hciin.,3.'liere.thaS retnrned to st.: ThobTas, ,.where he is eiigagecl irj contraetork The,Ripley BranTisTti'C--Corsipany:will oreSent , the :play,...;`,`Eyes of Love" in. the TOWn1111LLticknovi on the eve. ning.-01.7:Thursday,....itintiary 1.2th. .4.1.7,.; Harold, Mp.cjirtostr, has gone to London to take a Position In Silver woods cify.splant for the remainder of the winter.' '•••' • , The. Choral' Society' wi!1 meet for . practice in. the Council Chamber' on the evening of Tuesday,. January 10. The Orchesta will, also meet for practicel'that evening. In 'view of her. intended visit.' to her home in . England; a number of friends of 1VIrs: Fred- Stanley. met at the •home .of Mr and Mrs. Hollymen„ Tuesday. eYening, and in the COUrSe asocial hour, the ladies of St Peter's • Church presented Mrs.' Stanley. with -- a pretty gold Wrist Watch ,and ad- dreas; expressing good wishes and safe ' retorn, Mrs., Staoley • left • this (ThurSddy) 'morning, 'going,by, way ,Of Montreal and Halifax. KINI0Nir, 0 kr• •''''911111Pir",117-7-4 THURSDAY; JANUARY .5th, .'49 • WEST WAWANOSK ' As a result of the election, held on Monday, Mr. Albert E. ..Tehnston is again reeve of the township,• --having run well ahead of his two opponents• Mole and Naylor. ' • . The council for 1928 Will comibit of • • Messrs..' Frank C.- T644, Wn,. J. Stewart, joinea B. Fd`,rster and Win. H. Corr., The, vote by pollineaubdivisieipc is ; non; 2, Manchester; '3,:;Tov,friship Hall; 4, St. Helens;.' 5; Patrons' 1411;,. and •-• • 0,• St: AuguStine). , • • • • . . • . • - • ,, • For Retire, , Candidate.' • Polling Subdiviiiien . 1 3 ' 5 ' Total Johnston • 45 31.- 46 46 21. 31 2_20 • *ole , 12 • 41 14' 13 13 ',11 ' 164. Dieyior , , r • r'st r•t;.., 17 22 . 27 71. 46: 166. For: Candidate. • „,„...P011ing Subdivision / 2 3' , . Toti Carr ,. ,04,' 227, 51 20, 17., . 39 .•'28.6.. • Forster- . • . • ." 32', 21,-• 37'7 '242- •-• ":•Leishinan 759 • 29 25 as • 32 • : 2/3 • ". Stewart' ' ; • ; , 107 85 • 63'. 31: • 25., 45 • • '856 . . . , • Todd .... • .56.. '30-• 68 88 97 56 - 395' , • ' .-THE ELECTION IN KINLOSS There was a stirring time in Kin- loss Township on Monday, and the , election, preceded ag it was by a vig. orous campaign by the candidates fON the reeveship, • resulted in a number , of changes. Mr. J, J, Tiffin, reeve for the past five years,. suffered defeat, and there are two.nevirmen aii deun-; -eilc-ir--The--neviTinietr-e-Is--Mi.--.1. Colwell, said to be the.firat man re- . , siding north of Helyrood eVer elected reeve of the. township.. Macintosh: who polled the largest vote, is a new Man in municipal .;:iffairs,- 'and m.4leen comes. back after two years at li-onne. ,He Was :.„councilnr three years before that. Below are the correct figures o the election by polling..subdiviiiens: Number 1 means Kinloss Rinlaugt,LIce, 'Second "COn.'; No.. 5, 1,angside.; No. 6 -WhiteCluirch. • "•• _ „ For Reeve. t. • •• • Candidates• ' Pollinc" Subdivision 'I"' 2 3 • -4 .Total , • • .• .; , 5 50 74 86 49 38 332 iffiuj , • , 11 28.46 52 46-46 • .• • , or CowiIIr, Candidate. ' 'Polling Subdivision 1 • 2 3 4 5 6 Total • ,J30V11 •. • • • • 35 50 43 58 31 23 240' • Carruthers 14 04 75, 82 59 56 Macintosh 21 45 89 68 69 46 338 MEQtieen, • /, 8 27 60 so 38 30 - 262 Ross .................................................5 27 56 71 48 257 •=x -x -x- . • THE ELECTION. IN ASHFIELD Sherwood is, a new man on the board. •with a .in - rajoityLef. •_•70__avver' __Jd'hri- polling-siabdivision-areiven-Vet'. ow,. MacKenzie and Sullivan were coun , ...Mr. Alex. Hackett, reeve in 1927 cilors in 11927 _' • . , . , is back in the 'same office for • 1928 . The returning officers' figures „by year,. The 'deputy reeveship 'went by 2, ' FinlaY's. School, No., 3, .Zion; No. acclamation this, year to 'Mr' Cameron,- who was deputy reeve last Numher one means Thingannon; No • • , Tom 4, Port . Albert; No. 5, KiKgsbridge• Anderson,. councilor, in• 1927.%, Sam No 6, Lochalsh; No. „7, Laurier. • , For Reeve. .Candidate. ..- • Polling • Subdivision 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, Total Caineren .': .... . .., ,......V..0,:.........%;. 39, 29 31 - 22: 38 67' ,92 318 Hackett " .,.:..... ,.............,°:..., -.. 71 $8 102..38 . 57 17 :45 388, •• -, Per ,Coancilor. ' Candidate. ' Polling •Su,bdivision • ,1 2 .4 •.' 5 6 7. Total : MacKenzie ... ................'..., 66: 58' 78 75. 36 55 „ 69 437 .McNain ....... , .....•........, ........ 49 30 .84' 24 52, ,41 ' 79.- 359 ' Sherwood, .....:...: 81 so 78 22 46 46 . 38 347., , Sullivan .... , .. r.'....•,::,::,......... 48 5.1.. 65 34, 83 ' 44 41 371 , 10. • . ., • ' • 'PRESENTED WITH PRETTY • GIFT • On the occasion of, her retirement, . . • at the end of the yeari•freni the staff of the Bank •of Mentreal,,-Miss Lorna Tainphell was presented With a pretty koid. wrist watch, Ingift frorn :her:as- sociates :in the bank. Miss • cOto, bell' has been on the staff of the local .bankfor the past.nine years,' and during that...time her efficiency,, help- ftriness tiVe Made her a general favorite. It is regretted. that the condition of her health' has'inade it necessary that she resign her posi- tion., o *co THE, FRONT IN ZORA Friends 61 Mr. Alex. Frasei, who until a few. yeare ago resided. on -the 4thCon. .Huron Township, • will be 'pleased to •know that he Was this year elected reevCof the township Of Wekt....:Zord; getting the_toi440n. by acclamation, West Zorg is one. of the,: banner- township of the great county- Of •Oxford.. Fraser --has been councilor and • deputy-ivey,C, the jnst four years. lie has •also ,.been Sec.-Treas. of the ,Producers' Assecisition for. a. number, of years. Praser 'went to Zorn, seven' year •nnd, hut is an alinual4Isiter-liereto - see his friends And his mother', ..who; lives in LiiekneW, OFFICIAL FICLURES In •Einless, ANL, perhaps in othel; municipalities. there ' may be misun. deratanding aSte:' the election ;:figiires, given Oiut, These published ;in The Senfinerthia week' have •be.enstippljed by the retortiing'•offieers. in each caSe, and have been carefully 'Clieeked to avoid".ertor,• . ,DIED AT DULUTH ,Mis J s; MacKenzie:o town, re,, iVoil-Word'ii'sr- tlg1tin �n Triqtak „'tlle death, at Duluth, ' of • her'bret; 'there Ale.10Mler. MiteKaY, Who passed away,--:on''...Satiirdsi,, Dec. .8,1at•- Mr, MaciCa WaS hornand grew to .yearig and'.will, be re membered. by Many 'in the toWnahif T1.•uient tre,.• twin tn.-4Q- years age,and has -resided, there sine. • , • . • INT' Premier. Ferguson made •a• sttd- rncint at' Toronto at week to the. "cf. feet that the Seuth Brriee by,,,elcction will net be held until after' the next seSsion of.•the. Legislature. South. trues will, -,therefore; aented in. the Legislature at the next Session. The Premier' stated that Sentiment in thirc riding *to opposed tO by,eleetiOn being' hold In the of winter, - RETURN THE; LAI)D'E i,Vil1 the tarty who 'borrowed frOM.-tear the :United -Church a. 'hout 3 weeks agd'..kindly return.. the'. snne., This', laddcr is town ,property• and is 'needed connectien with the street lighting SYsteni,-,-Bert Waici ' -, WINTER STORAGE OF ' • BATTERIES • 8tateries takeifio for storage ciU Itig *lifter itoutini, Moo battery leo pairing donei, gutito Gloster .40.1040% WEDDING BELLS Overholt=Itedley. The followingiis taken from .:The Brantford .Expositor: A very prettywedding Was :solern- • nized at the bailie of Mr. and Mrs -J.. E Overholt, • ,when _daughter Of Mrs. Alex Hedley, Luck., Ont, was _united in the .101.y bonds of friatrimony to Albert- Ed ward, son of kr. and 'Mrs, J. 4 Oei holt. of Brantford, Ont. •• The Core- niony We's perforMed• by the Rev C11 . • . •• Scbffield• of ',Immanuel, 'Baptist ,chureh, in the preSenCe of immediate • .relatives of the bride andgroom, of.;• ter Which a reception was held .and a• buffet .luncheon served by girl' friends of the. bride.' The bride entered' the drawing room, which was • prettily deCorate i, • with ferns • and rocs, to. the strains of the':wedding, *march' from .LOhengrin played by, Miss Hat:-. _tie Qyerholt, sister of the'veom; The „bride loOkea.'eharming.in,,sholl el:irgette with trimimings, of silirer lace and a bandeau of 'silVer lesVds And carried Columbia roses:- She was attended: tik her sister, Miss. Vera -Hedley, who Wore a, frock Of peach - georgette: with ;shaelearici "ina'teli, and :carried- Cinheiliv,„+ToSei,-•The -groom' VAN-atteritled .Thy•zirt, Tin era OF Harrison Of Brantford. The groom:iS gift tor.the-brideStiiaid,-Wa,s-a•0--.silver• :compact; to the: best'insinsgold.zciiff- lthks.1md-to the -pianist, The lialipr couple left" amid, ghowera • of gnod, wishes and Confetti for Tofento and other pobmts The bid's travel- ling dresawas, powder bine canton :crepe With 'hat to 'Meta, and she „car; ried a 'French beaded hag", 'the gift Of „ . .1.4.,ticKNOW •-sTAogs ' ELECTION., CONTEST lrilpriefo the results; are as foil's:mg:. For reelievi'D M Johnstone -re-elect.ed ; majority over Hodgingt. 79; , --Couhellors-Carne-in-the'-folloiving. order: Robert Rae Was high m411, with nexi- eiMe Robert-Mtillin.-"with 2,10;* A. H. Millsen' with 229; and A. W. Jfaniijtc,1 225, and. that 'cons'ti7 tiltes the, deltheil Beard for 1928. ' Details 0, the polling ;011oW: For IReeve. _Candidate. -North,Poilth ;Total Hodgins 125 , 78 • 203 Johnstone . , .••, „ 183 -9.9 282 Per Councilor. Candidate, ----North South Total Buswell ; 140 79 , 219 Hamilton 137 88 • 225 138, 91:' 229 Mullin ....,.. '146 94 . 240 Rae 229 137 366 Robertson 186 77 203 Spindler ..:.... 128 74 202 The Vote Per School Trustees Candidate, North South Total Anderson' ..... • 211 - .1 9 340 Andrew 225 132 " 357 Cameron ...... 138- 90 228 Oar's' 134 71 205' 'Rather- 'remarkable features of the moting for eouncildi'0', 'era 'the large• vote polled by Mr. Rae, He.aPpeari to have inanY ''friends north 011a. 'seuth: .•The -'ethei• feature . is how -,eyerily-the,---,6thers- :polled; -ranging; frOni 240. '• Nobody . Was; ridi. ;Intously lo-.' • ' • , ' • • ' WHITELY- • DIED IN -CHICAGO •Only last September Whitely was here M Luchnow attend-,: the funeral.:.ei: his brother Hirry. yho had died suddenly at Chicago on he 16th of that Month, and fie* his' 1.e..;.n. body has been brought:here:for inter -Mont • frOinthe same city. •- Al- •".•-ert died on Deceraber 30 as the 're, •taili ofa ,stroke .• Word that effect vas .received here by his SiSter, Mrs. W J Eittle;•:-who Was greatly 'shocked 1.).,v this second uneknected death in her ,family. Although he had . been quite A .numbe of years in Chicago, Albert Whi • I ier', 'where he 'had. spent. his boy. 'hood,.,for, he was not yet.sin,Old man' being only 53 years of lige • The funeral was :On Wednesday ,af- ternoon, a, Serviee:heing conducted - at the hOme of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lit -tle, at 2.30 in, the afternoon Inter Inent was 'made . In Greenhill ceme tery. ' ) FORMER,' ASIIFEILD MAN ' • kimpERO IN FLINT, MICH On Wednesday, Dec: I4th,'..„ John Drown, aged 26, sou of Mr and Mrs 11OA BroWn of Flint 'Mich'. And for.. mer, residents of the :12th concession Ashfield, near Amberley, was done •Iiisdeath in some yet unknown •man - tier. Mr, Brown was a valued eniploy e in the experimental department of, the Buick mall- company at 'Flint and in times of rush would' work • ov- ertinap and not come .honie ,for his • He ;had' iiot-come home that, 'even- ing and at: eleven o'clocic. the phone rang. His, mother ansWered and D veiee asked •lgra._ilre,wn if ,,qaelo. had arrived, home yet She,. replied . in the negative but the person at, the, ether cad' of the wire inSiatedthat he had • as he •sairvhis car, out in front, of the house. , • . • • , MrS. Brown went to tIhe door and on opening:it 'found the body of .hei son, lying, face 'downward on the step, She at .once .secured help, but the dee- tor stated that the piling %mita: had b.een-dead at least two .liOnra.' A gap- ing Wound Was ,found inthe neck Which also, showed signs Of strangu- lition, and on eath temple was the -inarli-Zt a bloN74 Withoutla doubt thit '.'.3791.1ng, Matt was 'Murdered::: Tb toe phone >call , Was, tracedand the move. ments of the :murdered Marl Were traded.:uri.:67. the time he Mitfor his': supper at u pleee,bp'often .frequented, TWO inek have ' keen placed 'Under: ar. rest, bjji the osn1ts of the .intinest,,, tract...investigation -ate not yet knOWn,. The • funeral of 'John Breven took place .in Flint. on Priday. December -.16tlarril-tki-larzeirlitttended;:'eS; peetally by the :Buick eniplOyees, AS he WaS...velir pOlitilar among 'his. fel- werkmen. Mr and Mrs: 'Thomas troWnf Ainbr1iy, Attended,' the hitter being a Slater of „deceased: .tgort.1",8iAn.'4,1t.Or 'bre:OM-0'f -A4064ey,,,,ia..k,i, ,—o -o -o -- the grogni. UpOn 'their return they , 13012N • Will reside In this: elty, The young Ilarbour--,-At Sttherland, Sask.; or ,u couple wire the recipients of many December 20, 1027,, to Mr. :end Mrs, Oreutiful g!tto. , •4'444•BollouiAyin ;1.10, • SNGLp COPIES The Bread . rr ' The Bread ' of licalth 'rioVIS Of igealth7 , • Our "QualitiC"j17.emlile7M.rro:°;I.NSV:hs!PlUeE:W11:4IVOLiYikst' eATINPfteisSE:Bv:rleCaB•ii ".....t!Alis_the..hor...foir--Bread Satisfaction. ' mor thai-i .. Roll Maple. WO,holt Tarts, :Ra,ePh`erriP Tartlets; • '1,t,A1Pherl*,' , . BrinsiFruit Cake, Iced Rolls, .Chelsea 'Buns, Oatmeal' Cookies, Cof- • ..fee Cakes: - HOLLY4ANS BAKPLY. ..:Phone 36 Lucknow Phone 75". 'OUR • LucknOW, Ont.' '.1ANUARit'' ,SPECIALS Towelling 28e. . .. '•Heavy Shirting 380: , • Linen Towelling 30:1 a , Work Shirts $1.65 '2 Flannelette 28e. W ,.. , ..eol Underwear 4.1:49 • ' Pyjama -.Cloth 45c. Heavy Sweaters' $2.75' • ' Dark Bloomer's 73c.. , Overall. Suits' $3.00, Knitted Gloves. 65c. it, • Boys''..'Windbreakeis' $3,35 , , -:-:-.------------7---------------- :-., ----,---, --.,-...*: - "-=•-•:- JANUARY.IS OUR CLEMPUP MONTH YOU WILL . 4 ALL THROUGH OUR STORE MAN1'r , SPECIALS wUic'it. .. , . • MAY JUST SUIT YOT.J. , ogpi3 IN Dip.t piEs,oy...„,„ lfred uswe t70.-:41 A GAME of billiordii .(1. played with our mod. ern Brunswick equipniont 1 • in: „dna ooagooial, roundingu. of our realm-. lion room. will effectively vanish your blues. 'Bring ' • the 1207u, tlisyll enjoy Jack Cain's Billiard Room illiar A Gentleman's Game .vimealsimiassme FAMILY THEATRE I JANUARY • 6th & 7th• Special-. "THE FORLORN RIVER" " jacT(Heit-Sirid-AileffalargliiL7- ' Thrills,- romance, , wild riding,.' . shooting and adventure in the •• -.wide-open cattle country::" • And Comedy: . Price 35e. & 20c.' ve 'Em And Leave :'Em". , MARRIED. AT. WINGHAM The marriage of: Mrs. Stella •Ren- k of...-Winghatrand- Mr, Jas, Kir-- -by Or Teet;Water., was soleninized, at the United Church parsonage,. W,ing... .ham, otf Wednesday, December' 14th, .,at by the'..B.e.V... Sidney. Dav, ,ison,-Advance-TiMes. •"-:!!EYES OP LOVE' • 114." the title of a !P!dY41:411.be e ttb;7; Lucknow, the evening of Jan- uary 12, by the Draniatio„. Society, of Ripley:They come here under aus- pices, of the local W6Metes Institute, The play, has been .given twice in lltipley,-eath'i.time to a trowdectitouse.' Between acts solos Will be given by ,Mr., Orah Crawford and by Mrs. Munn, and the MacKenzie Orchestra will also lornish ninth. This, ihouid make up svery good eionloo oter, .441inne4 W1to.+1941 fo4 10100000 " • music should be corth• the adMission charge; besides, it's for a good cause. Proceeds will go to the Armenian re- lief fund. Admission, adult's • 50c, children' 25c. Plan of brill " at. - FOURTH CON. KINLOSS Khn's store. ' Mr: And Mrs. Wm: McIntyre from the West, Are spending the winter months with relatives here. Mrs. T. Rozie,h, who was critically ailrle lgaslatdWteereportelCismwe he concert elnypbueti ar sotfnrowbmeye thekhi1 re hytiel young hnt t is) pt 1 Ripl • great sUccesi. • Mr. P. H. MacKenzie is up from ' Toronto • for the ChristMaci Mr. and Mrs Tindal Robinson anir- family spent New Years Day with Mrs. NVm. Fraser.: . Miss Sarah -Maciver left for North Bay On Monday, after spending the holidays at her home. . Mta: B. Chesnut entertained the Program .Conimittee of the ;U.F.W.0'. hist, Thursday; night,,where,,,p;_wgisam..„-: tint 'evening was...inent.'7-' • • Murray of LOndon, is up fo see her sister, Miss Martha Suther- land; who was very ill, but,is intprov- ' Mr. ,Cecil Robb spent the 'Week -mid in Wingham and Teesvvater.. Missntured-toMiWitoidiestMacDiarmjd re..O r, after apending a few days with her sister', Mrs.. W.. rietr MacKenzie. 'uwnienk. ttheir o , The teachers And scholars ' are all . George Middleton Jr. returned to, High School, 'after 'some weeks' ab- sence With. a broken arm. Now that the people have spolcen , with 'regard to Who shall be the rul- ers of the municipality for the 'coin - Mg • year, we congratulate those that were elected. • biirg„to,a.,,goost„,suPper and card .Miss Alice Thompson is. -spending her •Christmak Vacation: with Mrs.. party t the evening.. , Mr. gild • Mrs. M. Gardner arie Mrs, Joseph Eriglsod is Viziting Gar4iner Bros. ,at Zion. ' , • , visited on Saturday With the Mu Mei!NM"' .at:Tavistoek: on Monday, _ '" Charles' Theripion4liad. a ' very.mr.. .011:A.CP10°Dk, 'Cwrrli°11 h. 4s' been - her daughter, Mrs. Joho Swan of :visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Saturday kat with their degettilf, Dungannon. :Mrs. Win. Cook, returned to,Iiis home . .suecessful- -wood - bee. -'-last treating the boys--andgirla Of the Victor Emerson of Langside.. and Mrs'. W. it Cook spent