HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-12-29, Page 7• JIW, .t • Irmr'•-t'.7.:7'7,!wglaW7-!'"!";`, * • IN THE NIGHT WATCH , ,at` boat -feeling curiously sick at. "1.00404 it..W1-41411,," ,B,214, tin - heart. As he did &I) the. companion- grammatically, "That's why I saved '•e••Rernance Way doer opened; and Lord Breadley-. hini-4er_yowl.gutr-.1111.,just a sailor.,", • . • , andiV°I' And m just a woman!" she said; A Yuletide Storjr:of Love *and Peril' on the High' Seas ' ShalYaderniherroTydn.!an deck kk Over he with a Pale ladigh• 'If were as You ' wimelreat. chriatra* aa .weather tA, she cmne•oi„ei, the eyea, eveningfrock;' bptBadley was coat- !most get dry -you'll Catch yout death Then he,4. •-• . of cold!" AlreadV she , 'Lat. 14' deg. North,, 1-4engi 20, deg, had met -and lingered. We t a d throe a nortli-east gale bee ivil ed to h 1 he ith Lpitg a "4ve at• the jolly Old possessive, 9 • ; a g 11 Pr eg eP. r w snoW,Ahe '1;leric bored a tiimultil- hard. Weather began; and ' thai'd g c e ;c4ce. Y )YL t'alr- au( en g' ving' E'Ve it was; and the'rin'ay• that taash'''' He didt•I't then that she was the deck lights alynVed his face vvbitening,• 'going to. a?k She` said, and her triaMPhantl rested with blinding' troubilesome d,ok chair, b fo the night! • Merrill heard'him say in his Do you. thean,--:--?" said 'Verrill, aus, way. ight ,0,46ek chrism -4a grzken kof, a. dozen. wordo together. look here -.what's har.pening.". The "I've beet%vondetrag... when ,Yea were ed' • te ' bl over the' ails of the^ M'r C. 1 4 1 h d d. d • his rnoath Opening. Merrill tr ade itnile• was no' longer Rale: "Arid this •' •6-.1 • ' • . ' quick' leap, hia arrnioutetretched; but .ehild Perisil of Shelled .• liner froze' where it ;e?I, so 'mat al, :Chicago finct' left her a COO' trifiliet,k he 'iniase•d the l'abjait-fAped youngster bel9W' , leaving Merrill ;g1it-mi./1g: `va"' T'CglOr*the clee_ks'•Were idipperY with dollars; was glad he had fallen:in.. a ,dashed 'be.ck iritti the cable.:, -f gently into tho snow -filled nigbt. iCei.and the -lifeboats looked like. weird Jove with her 'before he knew 'fhat. "I• a3,-they.'re• clearing '"ToPPlati Chilstiniis!". he reioiced; • hunnilecke: ''.Robert Merill', second offi- KM his feelings for the :girl a" the boats' aWaY.1" ' "Oh 'topping.'" ' -From "Ideas eer, dragged the 00M -collar of his during three bleak' hourS.of ',driving • (if la f If" ••• greatcoat atieluj Ue. oars' as he,bnrriedsleet and hainmeting;aphadthr with !•,• Merrill; and . turned to. meet . vra S • "-past the '' gleaining. port -holes of". the the', Angtneric - rearll'ng through .. tbe,.; p ., 'sateen' :accommodation.' to the ..rid,ge- , sail:Aber.,like ar44Plae eln.P. °Peasien;',14a,"la there ?". abe aflicet. she. :-. Wider. ' • '., ' • : ' ' ially she took water'ever,'...fer*al'• eerrietl' agifil who cpu1it. bear' the ;•\"01:1, YeS; a very MOrY •Cihristmas," she hitched, Uglily, and,she'slimildered'truth, ,11,p_grctiVled.I I* Spray cut him ia., the, her purposeful way:througir turnultit- ' ;.ieeth;6, and, turning his back, hefotind ells' waves, Which toWetdd high,, and : alVilght' I'''' he nalt.t:' e:artly. "I'll . - look after you, though..Beat ge,helow,. :himself' 'abreast of...the.:saloon•scut.tlee.: Poised, rind fell.With monotonous Pm,: thcrit.hprityrof:,,,,timer! ;„zi.e, 4•51,..,,,J,, • „2,.r.hey.--,w-erehOldingi_lar Y-. reVplry,:.--iii'41Stence.: •-•Ile-got,-celdenand-more-rrit'S.-:•-t•ho- , ;•-thesecelebrating chri trnah ve in '.orilvi,4',,t,oith. every aueeetoin!g- Minute, .h.e,wc°Z7Eti..:rtils‘tv'aLlec;ri;:t3.1Fit(lididen11; ,'old-fashioned -..style• ''' Since the 'Prim-l'and his thoughts grew g1eetiller...TNViee;ii4ilieked ..rifais, af..,hyinaloty;-.; led by ., riry Objective of; etiOi as conProl the -the ,caPtain Iliad sclitahe•ci to the bridge . Bilidley:, '•There is nothing. so,. con- .. ; Atlantic I'einpi is ,to Make panipeted* and remairieil them for Jong spell's to , 'big allattment ha been dererated to had -gone back to t e Warm, lit saloen, ' it:itt'stt:it:bX4fieig7i1Pl4int:4:1Z1Lit:.. -.passengers•forget. their are at sett; the yarn about the goo',tinaes below; then ' look as little like l n.ship's Faidoh as to*feast 'his eye •Ori Myra 'Carlisle's' he. said; and burst his 'WaY possible., • There *ore rate lloWers in radiance, if he so de red Merrill, felt tothe boatvteturning With some blati-..:,...., •''. fibundance; there was Much hunting-- hehatedeveryone so • privileged; ., .blit',Merrill had DO '!'lyeg for thedecora. 1/4. is,,,s she. doirig now?" :asked, the (ifrje .csia' cared",twtIli.aic..h,h.dra.lied 'iLli.ou't ' ll'er' on,t "nam,„ she -:..,,,.... . ' eFleadv.-fer• th e -h el Idays2-13 i I ilo-:-- . litnris: ' The swunig-back' curtain Of -the- sk:Pper, One:67-tiiiffe-nibinititig tee• the i,, , : , • , •senttle Permitted him to oce tho face look4itit. 4 . ' . . • . • ' .1! i, n.t4 I" She looked' a arely at him "Holidays 1.7" eye,i'n! Jen ge•Ittifis' A FAT.' MAN% TROUBLES of the rIVIistletoe,„ "We'll -1-W.ta6 'the -fresh'. green., Wreath - Ie I. matbe Yule log 41-.nd gather gaily underneath ••, The qkirstening inialetoe." olly_oe.,_plays a •not 'unimpottantpatt, ve turn ,to itsngUsh bistOrY; tt.. bsr • doubtful wbotbor. any Plant 401.04 ;been regarded as having : so Beed •Calpepper 4AY,ait, is good . "or the grief of• the sinew, Itch, iiitTe8,. toothache, the bitingof mad dogs, and of 'venomens beasts"; And before 1411.k '401meeo! ..,euether h9rha1lst, ,VIrtiieS.; -la 'quaint •fashioel"PwfIy" , experience,. sheweth. thirt •phipt" to hive no Malign„ 110T pOir3C140103,1)14- ..1.040, ,a .tfolitah•e,. iacultie, tinently.-,u.Shd in:medial:ma Against the, epiiispise ., • it ft bct used in out ward .appliCations it draiveth tinnier' from ,the 'deePest 'Alerts of :'the heart': opreaeing -and' ...diSperalhe • them digeetieg thein...' It 'ripen eth..;hard ' swellings..behind• :the '''..eara and .Other: JaipeetUrcee, 'being, temper- ed- With .,realt ninta ltttle quantitY' of ' It hath :been paost ;cred.4 'Ably tepOited:tinto,",Mp ,that a, few of the-herriee:*of,,thii.aniatletee'. hritiSed- and •AtValtied fnto o.yle• arid 'Cirtinken haVe -presently,' and ,,fOrthWith tid of. greviens and Sore..stitch.,". • --•.. Even Bacon testilles to its medic- aL vittnes, and pir! Thomas Browne and :sir 'John • colbach. (Who, Wrote :a learned • essay on. the,miatlOtoe..: both• regard itns a .remedytor epilepsy. : • . The latter ailka•Pertitiently that -the: Almighty . must .have bad- SoMp, "no - the heautlful •Plant, time. barely to feed thrushes', and he. A plant that was . the object of venef•atiou the.;Iirtilds' before. ever ihe fkorrians sq• foot, in Britain; that ".tvaa later regarded tif5 ,te panacea for all that was Worn as an an:inlet against Nyitphqr4ft, and kin- dred eVils, has :certainly claim to be %considered. ,romaiitiCV.:!,cp.ilte° apart front Its'preent-day Significance The days of: Which Sir Walter Scott weete , when: " •"Forth fri'..the WoOdgi,a14 -merry, ineti!ge mistletoe." . ••••• ' are over as •fer„, as 'Meet , us are eerapd; for the geld bough conies. to • us from atar.....to, crates 'of,n.,.Inindrect• ----- weight each :'•.it-,:qis-qi-caiie'-ef'-faring forth to :the.. market; nowadays -",'.and. hdrgaining'for a bunch., of -missel," Truein geed inanY parties �f merry... . hearted young iblk, get a -good deal. of / pleasure mit of their' .Chriatnuta Eve ••• eXpedition. to buy 'seasonable 'greenery but it is nothing'..to conipare...witli the joY of ,cutting it •fee, , Alas! for.a romance of the, .mistletoo,.,this. a 6. fan' prosaic ono. and yet perhaps • 2 • . • •aftert • tliere7 ialrittltriernaheirleft" In it yet, for 'quaint 'custom.. servos as; steppingstorter to, other, thingsr-i,Thia; lisseefeepp,eSSO,bY e modern, Vorsidert . . . • "ManY,A ManlY heart is light, roSe4lecked • bosont heaves Putl'er; the gleam'...of • the" berries bright Set ieria .v•teh.8.7 cht.ster .n. f.,spear4aliiiPed What•is .the use ef. the Mistletoe ne*?. • What .Can •PurpOse be? •Only • :•,1* 'Honor ; the phi heugh,.. 7 It giva suo., a. charming 'ex .of:Ini.:.kailts:g"et.he'r; • the id.,•and Norse mythology, in *high .the of Myra' Carlisle quire; clearly --and "It's . .na,.-:sheL-spoke-;- and,- something in her e'f• • -Iihinediate neighbor; who was loaning thin, scared hail from the bow look - .; • tArards her with.a lifted glass and a out; and following it came a sfick'shud- gRESCUE smile on his lips. • • • • (tor that Shook' th2. ship throughout her ..A child ran blindly past, •screaming "Blighterr gasped e "IfIr,ou hurrying }nth, hs, seethed to pause -__a of. humanity overthrew it --- -ready for 'some rect Work."' • - :-.!".Vreparip• osaterA,u4ksta-i,,tp: down?" ..'• • . • . , 4Yeh;•hist 0,i,ery,year.lpetta play ..s.ni.a.:.Clins.for. the :Charchilf ' , . . . were Another.%scatter of icy- hi her Stride,:.stagger, and then race...as the ship .roired.rit tewards: , ••• • • .• • ••• . . tsPincl'ilft'nattled on his shoulder; and, f orWard with addled inipetus as though the side where:the boats .had hung. SAYS'LINDBERGH'S FEAT IND tO a lureh ' the. Speeding -hul., the aagrY.at. the ,chec . i p 1 , b li, . • ' ' . rikli Port-cartaM svv ng. baCk• into place, .• :"`.iWreclager'canie 'from. the :Ileolv.: gaP. 'MYra Saw it -7 -and casting Or''„ . . ' ' ' '',.----.--0`... , litiing.. the tanta rting ,glinipsio ef•coin' out ferviardi ' That gave an:Answer to ....her hlahleets, She 1"*a.a, cau. 'it the Mite. erciriatILtic8 - : ie . . CritiOi..zeg . . . . . ., :fort and erifoyment.: 'Merrill Waited, theArnmediate pr9ble4.;;It couldn't .be 'juSt as .it tottered On : the ... brink; er.-+- r ,T, •r• i• 1 but the curtain rernained elesed; fires- floating -ice-,--the *flees and bergs were; hrouglit'•it, back •to. her alcoVe, and ' rrees rOr. YnOerelnPna61?-.• ontlY • he clninb,ered • uP the, ladder ' tO----------- n the' itehonnli ArdtiC: It cirapi41,it' in th.e bier -Ace*. ' '•• •••• Ccistes and telirix Mount Mir•ery, and r•?•P:•n'tcd lilinDolf to ',couldn't he an prdinary collision; the • "0-h,, good .girl!" etted-tier.rill,:endFligh . • • • `' , t • k. his senior thate,• , , , limpa•tt was hot.halsh enoughkdere1.1 dailieel•gWays to help restore order, • "Bit late; areT,t„yO ", grunted- Mr.., stealthy He sawBradle tternpting to oirah Paris -Complaint . that the Frerica- • Smailes.• bella, went live•inin-,-"erAra underfOOI:.---2 mo•uthLwide open and. rieWsPaperenre giving too Much pub." • . , , but iting,:ngli it N' -vent under,. t,o6.7 For 'Ilia 'eyea staritig. , .He Saw a qiuirter- .ihilty to Colonel Lindbergh's'. rithieve- .,- ute.s. ,N'ortli 80 (.12grees the • ..cenr; „ ' and. •.w.e.'re steamIntx:. throtigh , the' riot Ofw,*So,und earS master. in ..e ,• • • ,..111 I th' boat jiff a streteher ments, :and. are disregarding ,the • . • iglItto,n-lineti-L---,I-CgS-IQWo.-ca-l"-Ic---eal,-.:d.4-',3ticetlYA3earel,the."-Seree.ali,of-•-•-thrtateningly-;-----azif/Alie7),nenaOe:-Or-t-the th .A.merica. • Poultry . toff iheiletlt>llilda. PrOhablrOilre.frthe .iiinet.„annaTing things the 'poultry 1.4 t119. frequent laying- of eoft t4elled 440 * bY ,•PreuP or hells, or even only'- on0.' hen, It JO a ifign that something is unnroff4bly and radically wrong wi the. hens -something taht should righted 'immediately, . 'And,* for ,egge' theeiselvek t hey. are perfee • len8Q;e6S080 a' 10 lu. nine caSes otit. ottene. a hen. sett Shelled:eggs beeanse• lacknf calcium carbonate in ..t:Jr diet. 'This mineral Is really pure eggshell inatpriai; Therefore, its -absence freni'..' the ',diet reitilfs! in either tali ehelled. eggs" or ;egg's, With no...shell at 9.114,,'.;•Of coupe, CalciUm.,earhonate.litilreitei.altY • . tiiiteeTetillittilitatf6he6rt..ainfidawel4dte;EIPI4naghl°. to;Satisfy • tioodo„. • The tiost and:Only way to make Wore; ". fleleat talelOn 'eaibonate 'I* to keep • crualtel' Oyster !hell hefore , them • the time. If ;:.the hen e' havo.. been lay.7.4, ing cleft *shelled eggs, correct, ,this' condition. and- result :in • 'market, ' able eggs • With. thick, teugh. ',sheik'. • If the hens have beep, producing Only , a:normal number of' eggs, It. will Pro- fitably increase the egg. yield,-40.0gla ,or More is th:e„ average .anintiti •cel:Yfl•ethpee'r*haek.n; the -fact that' no sov'tt, :hung up superstitiously to c.:Irlie- awaY'• eiholled-',. eggs have, bcen;.perceiveci- 1.1,.• evil: spirits..: -,....,...,.--.4.1,.....,.._.. - L. . , ' not..,a-gnaranWo,-that,-onple-hener, " ' • Mietletoelia!r..beeir used as 'Christ,: net 'been lying them' : MiLOY hens.' anis, :decoration for centuries, as Coles and rooetere, toe.: seem :to be. pOsse.ls- in his, "KnoWledge.of Plants, !' publish- ed ..of ;'CanulbaIlailp instincts, . and ed. in 1:66, ,writer3: "It la carr -yd Many have -been-knoWilo: devour soft shell - miles :,te. set ' uP'' to • -houses about ed eggs directly after they were laid.. ' Christmas -time: .when. it . is adorned straW Loft For .Peultry • Hauge:, with. • ri; white, . ' glietenirig berry.'" Ono' of the interesting dev.eleprnents. Though It was, usied, by the Druids .for in ,•petiltrk; h6tietiam,48 . the . japici 0.0,.. sacred purposes, it haa,riearly 'always gress the. scot* loft ppaitry, haus,. has., been. baanedi.by. the church,,. e,I.,:en ,if, .• , mane . within- the . last 'year or two" ' Gay.Ida98 Isa47;14 lila. Tri -via' ' have approved this ,tine of hOntie•itaii • .- .: •:. . great ;many Of 'the. poultry 'spiclallste "I.Y0vi With bright holly all the temples. i•• is :44,..._'--.i.41,1g.. In ii...ii9r.'./.''apid'ii.,:.pgknat vi laurel';and '• • any shape of .,heiree can be.: atilpted, „With , green .,.s-cred .m. istle- _i r .. .., .6,- - - to., this type,- the eSseintial>.thing:being. .'.'. •.. Loa. •'•'• '.. ' ': .‘ to "have en .oPen. ceiling or mow a oat ut,. is es entsl, ire nilused, then, Our., in the _ ata..P1N iLO helling.lhot- ,Simpaer.'thirtY add a pint. Of milkyand; thicken vvith a...little •.: flour. and' iiiitter d'esirett. Servee. ••• -.Walnut • Loaf. .01,,?2 to 7.Yd teet,, aboie the floor and have this opyotod: with. 12 to .13 inchei ot rrt.1 iilion.c137:•1•Acra, .••'.. " frojp•on,tailig bl.,±w • ,Cause,..a... Bradle. 9ael) .9?1.1c, n • : , . ,,• • tight 'lleor •fibeVe„ the roosts,. with . wCatber ebristrn4s E.ve, ,byl • 'made .bY Arthur TOtitent, Inspector Tlrls is the tine 1111,1-5' straw loft above' the, rest of the -floor. - A -a -dere , t miss h s ol he e tted h high iges.!" handeg.Ov,er ;ths de,sttny or eaptain, "see•irwe'l-e4ainaged, •,p,itiShed. shriek, 'Land. diSaPperared be-' toRebert M.:sr:rill, Mid jailpodiately •• aiL1311eil.,:tWeen-tlic-ho • • • . • . Director-GeneraL•of-Areortautics and 'The heighyef ;the 'nut. seaSon 'brings The covering •of straw lets' tire. foul', after notify -mg fhe captain' cf-7.the 'fitinself---te the, engine -room -telePhefie doviiii into" the Atlantic, scream • change of Watch, stkilDed".heinw. to dnd .serit the tri.are quarterrynieter to_ pierced the taniult-and' Aerial Transportation. M. Fontant, in a lette-r-7-to-Tranz Reichel, President of the,Assoclation rZe sont;the carPenter. With action glancing round, saw Myra's face,ashen of Sporting. Writera, says: . ,thav! opt, . From a ventilator not,faz. diskant i from the bridge . came 'Sonnets ac il'75.nd, he was. the keen Scanlan; no White lit ' the.ilOW Of the 'cleekliglite. ..iyhile . numerdas •.Paris nwSpapers She's holed 'for-inrd. of th.. biAlerS,' ' • "So that it,' he thoUght; ge•':everheardi 'are, Printing On• the ••first.. liage : the 417411..L..,.! v'ely interesting and 'deserving (it is '. efrinusic from the saloon beloW:. .i.t. 1.4n;zei„ the drearne,r. ; , . ', .., ,.. :I:She' hail ',.seien' Bradley' . 'was tatitaliV.iing.. . Merrill „thrust'. hie •...2i, ' • 'hands :deeply. ' into :,, his pockets and • , F!,...i.," ho reported. ' Music still Sounded' He didn:1,heSitate: To the, guartei.,. 'title) 'flight ef '414dbergh. from,. wash.' • commented a':•stelidiince.in' time .With ..fr'o i w o ha :t rea one( , 0- ow - • • . • .. , .. , . , Ingteii tei..Mexice the 3 600 kileniieter . . . . . , .. . , -a , n . a , p wi ,i. • a. mas er • , • . • fii h • f . • .i • 1 the ve til ter :a d '•'th - ' ' ' li d bl 1 • Peens chestnuts ,to• air '.antl. nteisture • go out slowly and tzii.ttthdS 1151 in.ar ous,es. •escape throirgh gratings or louvers in a crisp; frosty this 'dish is" ?the ends Of,theattic aboire, while fiut- weldeme for'pbreak t. ',gat ,togefker Solent fresh air ',,ceirieri through,.,:.• cracks and -other- ' parts- Of ..the straw D. ; . a. cup g s a nn s.. a to.. them iNV9 cups' of bread 'crumbs, . . one-third, of a cup or butter•Meited hi . one cup.,..oT :'cornmeal, half -a -cup of half a cup of hot water And one Well , "fine• gritsarid,..a.scarit..teasPoOn o ...,. ,. bp . . egg... ,korra into a loaf ,and left :',P.nd•' this ':'0,.. very satisfactory -- then scatter gradually lute •a• (inert of hare 'la a 'buttered 'Pan belt, an ' boar,. ainotait of ventilation is obtakiledant;.•:' fast boilint water- • Stir 'until 'sinobth basting with' a*.jableaPeett . Of butter, still. the house'kept , a,iittle Warmer '1 and cook In a doable boiler kW° hours, and a .half• a: min of Water. Remove than the Oiliside air, User* hare. ob- :the rnu•sic,.peering with•Nit.ateting.e3:es , hargt, of . happy' laughter: "That'll be he: yelled "Lifebuoy! ' , and, joining. . ... , , . , then , stir' 'in one Cup" .and • a...half of AO. a.. bet: Plate and:turn 111t0 •tha Pail; sprv,ed...that .' the straw left houSe.:.1s_ '. -a ...7 : Santil . Claus ahowing, ,up," ..said, the ". his hand -4 lie dived. overside.into the •:d'aneiro - to. Santiage,, Chile,. including Chopecl. nutsj-peintite; pecans,..chesk . two cups o c us , e In, apple. Wile ,. , or e . in ,,w inter, and cooler in, slim-. ., ' ' ' ' ' --f i'• .-11 d p e ' 7.. e :'W -va •i, • •-• ' ' ' ' •• . , through the driving snow', , .T1 went "Midnight, isn'..t: it?' •Vunnyi.-..11101SY ,SillotiVe:i.; The .lifebtioY'srilackpc1 'the ,•• creasing.: Of :the Andes :range, , is flute or wainuts.. a/0 ••pc,..0'_Into a it is browned lightly seive it ar.outid. mer• than. where it.- is'. not Used. and ' into ii.* wheelhetise. to attidY the .ceni; m.ip.1.30... , in ,the ..,s• . d th h • 11 t ' h . t ' ' '''t ' 1-1.. ' ".1 ' .1. l.' ' a •th . g d f . ' • .dispoSed of on. the, third .page ' by .. a greaied . Pan' ". Wheti 'told and .flim tIte loaf. .Serves' 'four 'Or '.five: ' ' '. those. Who have tried. it are. quite en, -pasa,' rettirned 'to. Ilia:position... . en e an . 9. ;oat s, atone qui-, t..e sea: lesice iim s. e pmer c , rom , inserted . . , . .. ., , 7 , , . . , .. . , , f 'It • . - . . , • . . _ • • " f salt aten ' " Wirtg,._eoninuethis• danee. ilennett' y in case. .No--panie s•ee? We_can't: the' dive but lie gaVe it iio iinmediate few nes between the police slice and fr.Land serve' it niece of • „With Meat thaelast-tc„ ,,So far . no tremble • has. • • -------- • . sink. all' at Onee-p- tinie ' All heed.4a,w, s' • •"- - •?'" • fried--aliPle:-on. toP uf of. tes.ttusai 'elided:de. roast-. ixeen renotted las.. to ' harbnring, ' . junior' -------- oied' ,• . an s-17-qule• y. was a •gooi man, t„e.,•• rc..1•• .; • le .t,wam, owar s t , a._ •. • • . .• • .. enough fi've..Or e.r• foNVI or. ineat of any' kind 'by Whore ;the: house is Sprayed' . „ there with an eXcuS'e..,'Cmrmion- h • d.. ..t. f . d Francs s aeronautics,' suffer from • • . . "Polionous!",.'hlurte.d• out ;Merrill, 1 ri:Lielt. 1..-..erib ly desperate. I -1,e• was Brielley'claWed at-liim.wildly-;"ger: .. indge• ' what Inipression. is:. created "" • • '' ... ." • '.' chas t...U.li i a ' 4a Lf ' an: -1°111." ' .-skinning ''''''Itli .:e ' .geri*jeide .• end' the' stra*. ig abroad,. Uy •the appar.entjudifferehee. . '.• . : • ..,. them; 'then. 'Putting ,tbein.,,in .the Meat' . changed, 'once a Yeir, or .so, It is. a' - speaking,,,klasoini_ly. `.."1., ok out tho old in. - tnid-ktlantic, With a ship' whale'. rill hit "IiitU. under, the 'jaw so. that he. T A , l'i,.?, Tin ilz.d him 'Ana 'of our large ,ilaillea to the:great: deeda, ' . put%enOngh. rintsliiretighs`the food .,.., . pecen....c.utlet. .. ,...., pan •a0 ...roa.s tin g -them until, bro.wii. varygobd • method ' for ..remedying a man. dOeeri,rt-tVitg you over here. X lee hottein-"-lilating _had, been lora,' ,rii.Vay fell.. '-'• ' _ --o-t-,,Ottr,tti-let-S,"-,' . 1' ..... ' .........____..__:• .:., chpriper -tO Mike •••t4i.o.' elips,•, Add ,to I Serve- around th e ',meat or fowl. '.. ' . it.6.,:ise tbat -is daitin or colder for Cep- ' l'ook-ont's,, neces.eart-• tonight:417yon 'like . ivet. Paper ; it, Was blearing n'iiiii.- '4eWarrt .. sieng-ly fUr . the .nieblo, ' t - , atIC1 a state of ,ad ire. I leave you in co11111.a', of the .it• tatiol' that criug 13 • 1.5 s o'n u ' 1 ship "Rotten night!" he vouchsafed ' ' ht adley a gig under . 4 to six servings. • • • • 8 6 , Peanut Itrattalea. • •• o bulletin Into a Seth. - can t see your band before 5.-ou!"'and down below I.- ' th' d h, h • Lt h d, The Prench Aeronautic •Leag • equal qudntfiy of bread r Peanut timbales, are. made by mix- factory' poultry house; • • • • w,e,e a •ousan w ic was fl• ac a me. , .ey were • , • w ' d • b • • ti • crumb's twe beaten. eggs, one cup''d n c ; openp a su scrip on. a . ew• , • • Pea .P eventing Scalr'-i-ega-, "Old man stopped the'fog-ho clur- human beings relying *whim for con- bellied aboard nntidly-amid Cheers days after N w Y rk to- nailk 'or cream, a teaspoon of salt end .ing- one , 9 911.9 coP c . ri . , ._ . , . ..q o 7 t'5 Isti"16•te Paris e • man w io sue- -...ing dinner -said the paiscageit °eat,' tinned existence: . AS Merrill slipped frord!.thoi!e* calm-. enOuen ' flight for `"I'll ' -I ' plained of the d:ri.' , I Was a ..,..., -tway , e captain gli to enry.tt• t a. •reectie a its wor n. , . , ceeded and also. those who bad filled, • .senger. s Merrill had een wishin "Go below, find *the piriler---tell him i "All right---Seeure those -boats. , paying with their: lives," announced that all the :voyage.,. ever siiiee he had to keep %teen Myra Carlisle. board the ship lin, the fun geing.".. On his Way sounded;,from the bricif„re. It waS all ' that: the flyIng 'celOael. will . receive as li ly.;;•r 13enr,:ati ' '''d il . ' ' t ' ' hi• th louble botto'-n 'was bolding; PL elver • to taite•.! . Make into. ' one ilanaiaCy P of cream,the yolk lis,three cups o scev,. ed, ....s, of twetomatoes, . .,•., large or smaller cutlets, flour and .o.00k, in hot. fat. gerves, five .0, eggs and the Whitee •of -one- egg. Beat I sorve ;with everiapphig%aliceg of 'peZ. 'wellseason with salt and pepper and r etid 1"ed '. orange previously heated. in the„;lialf a ta.aaboan 'eacii.‘4)f. ,, . . 1•molels• set in -na-Pan ,.?1,nt water. Gar. e passe le carpen e.r lig , e t. • a. Christmas present front the Frendli, . New York. But accoi cling to..the rules , .. . . . . . carrying his, ,,ounding-red • ' rthe pimps -vere coning -witl- the in- ' • • i • officera were not eabourhged•.to 'ElSSO- ' ' ' u ' ' • ' ' I ' . ' ' ^ -. ' • ' , -"through ' the , Ameridan ;Ernbassy in • .c-i-a-te. with pas- sii.14,ers abo'nr..d,..the A•rig.1.. ' ' t'Stokehcde's- already • av„ram sh,". '. re-. all. Onl„v am ., sallr',portiori of the. ?aria. the Grandinqc.1116. of iold. or • raeric, ,and. 6, through force of ch.- P°Ittd, the tradpsman.: •Already • the plating had/ 'been •torn -away. Care the Aerottaiific League of Franee,. and , 'Myra Carlisle ..rnlight ". engineers. on watch b4d. started .the fully handled 'there. wns. nothing to .also a geklieri book bearing the Signe ciimaance- puhips ; and inWere getting. prevent the -Angateric,cantinuipg her titres of all 'subscriber/3. .•• ' ' . , Well: have been in -.another pilanet." ,which , . Y . . . . .; The,book is :several inches thick. "Lerd, and tiOn't I?" .gminted ller- • - - up. steam on the. donkey 'boiler ' vo age--' wi h• one .of -"'the • hurryina , . • • :di , , , • . _ . . , i• rill* He needed. an outlet for his feel- bele,v it •wouledroWn out th 'fire....c... the deck towards Myra who still hug-, • • .. , • - minced. „onion. /- Bake in timbale pan, in. w .c t e•cu e was. coo e . . NUL), C,howcier , , • . . I nish with' choPped , ripe , 'olives. • Sis' Put' half , a ,Mind . of mixed nut ServingS. meats ,throngh the food chopper incl. .. . French Chestnut* . . allow' them to., slinnaer in 'a quart of . in ,France. , the land where chest- ater for an bour:•and a half- :Peel nuts are so*mneh they...are often: was situated a' deck tigher. than the rescue 'ships standing by emerg-; After deditetion of the coat of the ings.' ."It makea rhe .sicic--to see that xilain tilikehole.,. If the, water gained ency. ' .dragged Bradlev. across book and plaque, the rest 'of . the :e1.1C1 dice three Medium-sized, potatoes served :this Way: • 'Shell, and blanch and turnips and ,a good-sized onion... oue pound of 'Chestniits,- then stew Money collected will e used- to build grinning . beggar maltin.g up to the : . NungeSser and,,cou, T4--aYe ready, two of canned tome- in stock ,until lender. Melt one heap steam was a vital necessity. Present- ged the chit. her I a nionument "to . nicest girl in the world' he storined. ' r,the. French aviators' Who were lost i°e'e. Strain the mit, .meats, saying Ing tablespoon of ,butter in a Pan.,,.frY "After her mor.eY,i of "eOurseLL3vith his ry, after getting tW c'arPeriter';s report; . "There 'yoti; are, then -The si , safe. title And all/ Seen. him." just lio'.:.L"-: the captain stopped the engines; hOii.„ he eaid, . ' • . , : ' ., , . “ ,. ett.:n transatlantic ' night shortly .be. the water in which they 'boiled. Line With: it. one Small ' Sliced onion, one . Making :eyes ' at her over a glass of trig that the beat, Of the • pumps Would A,Don't .be. silly!". said ,MYra i _ "list fore Lindbergh's feat,. and •to'•• Pore: the 'eotteni :of .a kettle with :0; layer small Sliced sour ...aiiple, :One table - take the place.Of the thud c,,f 'th,(5 triaid doe his safety ',matter to 1.oe.7 u. t, meoitet.- ,moinityree •aila ' captain ,.si,. Of..petstoes, add a. layer of turning ,and „Spoon. ,eit 'ourry powder • :and ,a tee. iest.; „sicitthlinioip:, . ',.... : . , , Machinery. and lull any suspicions the. when ypu Went after him-" Merrill Romain-, 'who .alSo. lest/ their lives if S, onion WIth• A ,oriniaifig, ..g.t thyme, speim ' of chutaeY. . Add One table- . . . • hubby-Christnias wi6hesjarid ail. the .didn4 foar •the• 'sea 'hilt . lie did., feat 'might have been sornething in her face ••• ; • ' ' ,L...7.,,,„...1,...!..___ .•, passengers mig aye; to rest, .fie was a sailor "d an: oppor urns , traneatlantic .: nt ' :sweet marJorare„;chopPed parsley and, spoon pi'llour'lileaded with. :One cup "I'll bet her. money is -a: niagnet,!! salt, then a layer of tomatoes and last..or stocIC'end cook, the apple 'AO sympathised Bennett, who', .vtr,ae of all' a layer of nuts'. Centinue the soft 'strain. and itda. one tea'aPoon of ready tharried,,•' , • . 7'"Not to. me; 'lid go wild, over that ' She hadn't a red Cent..But Whet Chaim has a man? Get over to lee-. .13ennetttttrudgect_rieress to the lee *jug,' just in for,,'the Captain crane ' from the chart-rep:in arid ,jeiried Merrill. to ; windwird.:, • He stumped from feet to foOtlOr SOrnOirrie; htirn- ming the tune that came up' the ventill, ator; "eVidently indved by r.a -Christina's • .pulee, said: "ninny thing: I've not:been hoine :far ,Christ, else tor 'sixteen years, (lust My hick!. They're having 'it arty the cabin •:t,c,,riight; so we 'won't WOW ',the Siren. any. mord* thart's neePtSfiry-paSsen; gere• . get 4 reared when the 'whistle blows. ICeepn good look -out Merrill , nip .down " and .Ace them enjoy themselves." , • ub.rstN Merritt -envied him outrageously as ho Went down the ladder, Christmas Titt7666-*its n,:totben -businessi tty -right the Angnieris, Ought to have been at. 'zholite; but. -engine-twin :defeets had peatilened her Sailing,. Not that ..Chf,istrfftte'ittAterie Wasf•-an.ything: to, brag about ,either -seeing how things Lbood: .a_man_loPeleSsly in love 'With tate tv,to condemned .tioota.whether ;'..."BOn't be a. foo1.1": Merrill ,chtded hilliself, "With her;.money and eVerY- -thing;' -she .,?i!s.sailtski--souiotlAtitg- bettei. than you, Forget _hor !" 'The tretiblo • was,' he ceilldn't. 'forget het neVer in all his life seen girl to hold ' Candle to M'yta Carlislot tit Was One Of those criees' of bwo at. first eight, As a pallid; 'for he bad seen one before, , that' encouraged him -drenched. and -Christianity is not a philosophy hut . • ' religion; not a doctrine but a life,' when /hen. bot their manhood a d cold though he Was. fought: like" wolves about the ' boats. • The chief officer came to the, bridge. and took 'ordera-77-the other, Officera Went to. their •Platea. About the bat* the creirs • gathered ---and pieks Were 'brought. into play to, free thein of. acdtannlated, • ..Pailing off into' the trough .of the Sea the Angrnerie• began to 'roll Wild, and the, ..ealptain,„ ordered little headway te, lielpothe ship ride actorni thecenibere, Iri .obedience, to his coin - !nand the WitelesS sent. out an Urgent operator. reported on the bridge that ;it had been -received by „ six ships. The nearest was ..)eiglity Miles -away--.4.• fitteen-knettee; aho was already hurrying to the Scene. allowing for -this let's hope. *We: fleet letig.2eholigh.," Said' the captain. •!'Wish it Would clear!" But -the 'bliZzard• seemed, dispoSect. to •irierease in violence,. and the .sne* R04!I 1,111k41: than / • • .' ,-;The lifo-benta,tinder Merrill'a con- trol rut -vied. along 'dot deck qbretitit-tho, saloon pettliOlikkatitl aa ho - let !c dairit fall clear- he ..glanced lYt.LyTa .qUite neat. him-raImoit withifi, kotteliirri.distance.,_She :had:.a, fancy. ulso wearing ii tap; was -grimacing' for her benefit, • Yet--ttliirl'face,Was 'net m:tiling; it was .§Pritaisi, and her era Merited 'to 1,ie 46oltifiriate far distance. 'rho ..morriniont, within had tiot!eub sided to. any •degreet,-,pparehtly tho4assengors. had tie ittetoalbat was haPpening, • TO the' 'Situation .• . • ' • :Ati. 4roei4.•,„•_744? tofned to his biome& , , • • layers In'this Order untii the ingrea., , .o.m44;•,..„. .7................;44•4*.i.,;. A Spill At'450 Miles, Per' ilatir .. • -- - SENOR. :F.Olig0.1; .OF •IDALy, FMLS TO L0WEk ..SP,SED FIECORP • ... . _•.. . , , . „ . . Ite. was trying foi‘. it, speed record at Pendito,, Engl4p4,a„gi1i'n, his carskidded and turned over.. It was com- pletely, wrecked; hut he and his methic escapedwith ityleW Stretches and bruises.: leman -juice, half a teatipOon'.of Sugar and simnaer the chastnute in thie un- til they have abaorbed' • the, fleVar, Serve mound lurromaded ,With• boiled vice And ga.rnth with *Prigs. of peteleY. flYf f,etir :Or 11#0;., Creamed Wainuta • , , Blanch:One pound Of shelled ,Enw lish wainhite, keeping"thena" in as per.' fest, halvea Off possible'. '0Ook the nut. Went, siowly for twenty 'minutes Iff' Water to Which has been added a small eliceoof oriion;.a. Clove, ,a bit of bay leaf; a stalk -:of celery;Peppor'und riot. . bron from: the • stock When themeat are tender .and cover 'with a rich :create sstico,' Sarre* fdirr or , . In, Salad. Ohastaut and grapefruit le very at tractive,eilpeciallY if ,made with Freneh 'chestnut:1i. lion the blanched 'Mita,' twenty minutes in salted,: water and hi1l. ' Then mix with equal 'I kalre flock of thickens, that have: :terrible sciirvy I' would like to know if thero"is anything that. coUld* ble...cleaonlie..".it.sog:sC.itarre'el.tc.-14eEse.-dUrb.y..• parasites ; which ,barrow 'under the:scales.ini the, hen's legs.. • The irritation, icauSed by their bitieg prOdUces Brian blister* • which break .and the serum in ills blisters drips oh the • legs. • The cork.' - stent Accumulation of .this seedy. torial finally beiges out the scales on ' the 'legs ;and gives; the enlarged at. • eased appearance. cetumen„ reniecti. is to. take: , teoth,brush and..!scotir the legs irlth warm soany, water to rednove much , as Pessible Of the thertistatioit. Them ;rub kerosene on cominercial 'cost tar dip,tip ender the scales to ,destroy, the parasites. The scaly :leg mites sPread from bird te: bird : along the .! • roosts and 'when. the, toesta are een- stantlY proteeted. from red 01088 With oil or -disinfectant, •:it . seems to retard or prevent the "appearanee sealY legged bide in ;the floCki . , . ' ---cs chi. 0 .Ikve always reckoned When the chap that takea‘the tickets' When the local' ' statiomnaster . holdi the trainback ono more second, And thus -,enableit me. to catch- tha - 'As , a saturnine", old' image --i. ; nine -fifteen. to,,town;., t • :::,'• , . . , •.'Clood Morning, IVir: Brown"; ; • P?i*tenift ' -- 'r :, Whew. al; .my itaiihOws'luiren.fle decide' :to drop n card to me, ' ' ' , ' And sewn' to Show about .My health W,hon 'my dear wife beglne to serve • :', ' up "delitealoibar-red:0 .-.11iti. " ' .SolicifouS • alarm; •;, ' know,..thaY . And , SaYS, "The ,doctor needn't can't do . alli harla" - - arileitipts of grapefruit' and chopped . , . . , , . • _ . Celery. , Serve With mayonnaise When liftriient and doniininidenairol dressing, flavOrod -With tarragon. vine* '• ' in, Oudtiri ln • , This; elicieolatO -nut piidding is de; Sett -tread; .e.rurabs- tIVOT cups of scaled --add-Lono--•-•cup-.of. chopped :nutei a teaspoon of salt, two 'w4li beat; en: egg- y iii=fourits :of *OUP of Sagar, tlio luice and grated rind. Of , -one lemon, the -stIffly-ithipPed •whitos ofthe eggS, tlitti.tdtiattia'Of molted and on tablespoon of cream. Pour Into a well buttered' mold, bake half Ati• hour And ,stirve eireeti; ene4.*14.ppt4.otiS.,„ , , •„ beef: .t� jahow some deference,, And Wen the copper On itin heat will pass the time of day, . And 'Walters will reserve the seat, for ,which_ I have a preferencei..„: daiins upon mer suddenly Yitte Pal. 49 !V. • -Daily'. fihroileie.. "Doss my hen' fnaufied the parent 'seern -to have a liaturs.1 bent in "any; "413.' .111restAciii?" air."' salt tOtteliet gives every indication: 'Ofbothga oaptain et Industry' Some, , gate. tha,other boy to d�% f11i1 Nior)t, ter hire.7. • , 2.