HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-12-29, Page 11.
• $2..00 PER 7qA•R' IN APv.A.?jog; $2 5b OTHERWISE,
. • , ,•
0-,-0.ro-0.--•• o.-..o—o-:ci—o-o . —6...0..•-o—o.-,0-0-0-=4:-0.a0,
:•PROFESSIONAL CARDS 0 .0:,LpcAL .AND:.0N.O.Ap„ ' '.o • .
2 .8-:0-0,-o•--o4-,,7-_o--o,--o:-Ii-Lo..'
', --o—o—o--4—p—s—o-•=4)-,=.
. L• . , ,. . . .
• s pm V, M. ooriNgi.T.,,
. Physicianand Surgeon, '
e LeekneW e '
• HOWES; 3.:30•-3.3,0 7-8.
••'. ,Phone 86.* '
•• pr. MacLeod 'will •11eieknew
eever y Teeeday -•in Dee .• Connell's
• pr.. IL Trelevetic. :.,Lackinow7-
Over Decker's Store. .• ExtractiOrt
either by gas or local, ' :Will be in
Dungannon every Thersday, phone 53.
• •EVErrepoprs COLUMN ..0
Gee. A. Siddall. Luckeow, •--e- Braker
and Real Estate,e-Money to lend 'PT
first mortgages on larm, proper-
ties at 6 and 6% pe r ceet according
•to security' offeredAlso small
emounte, on sesta-id...mortgages on
• farm ; properties,and on personal
notes. l,A 'few good farms' for sale
'WALL PAPER—A full line• of 1228
Well Paper on hand. Price § frOne8c,
rip. I am also agent for leading job
houses —R J. Cameron, Decorator
peinten and 'Grainer, . B0x,.,14;
now. ' • • '
After •Saturdeet ve,rite, it .
.yvc •you ;a ',1-Capp57.:Nevy Y,04
• Tile Weather 'nan djd diteeleest'fer
Chrietutee, 'It ws tine. :
The ,,railways el"q1leXt.''Crilijetrnee
passenger ttiffic. heavierStlian, ever,
bbrirad:e . Decker, • s Pent the
e'ea're-d "With efyienda' at,: St' Helena.
.Everybody .appeared to be ellj9Ying
eetest after the 'Pie-Chitetmes rush'.
Mises Isabel, and Elizabeth' Mt (1'
, Inert Christmas .with friends in Sea -
Mr. and Mits.-W. H:Karnsof Osha-
wa, aee eseeeteof,theelattee's parents
brearel Mrs, Spence.
/)fir. arid ...Mes; Wareer. Begley ',of
We, the uirdereigned, hereby ,an-
snounce that we are in the market to
buy- all-kmareofeslogs---esuitableee-fere
• sliimbet; and as we require the lember
for .00r, furniture factory,, we are irr
a poMtion to pay the highest market
prices: ' I letting us have. the ,thater-
iii1-461e.eareeencoura gt•
• •try. For particulars call L13 by .phirne
Or call at out offiee.e-eThee Lucknow
Table Co.—X. Button •Man. •
RAW F1JRS-;-1 eve paying' highest
, inerleet pricefor all 'kinds of raw:
futs—A BlitnstOlfl, Phone 18, ••Luck-
nowel • . ' . (10-11-tf)
• • . •
'WANTED--Ilensework by the sley
or hour—Mrs..W. J. Ward; tat .Mel -
yin Ore's residence,), ' •
eare gaesti' 'of,
'Mr.. and is Mo.t,%S'pro:al'ir-,;.,.
•Mreltviii Denning of the tank of.
ornmerCe staff, was at hise, home in;
Stretheey foreCheistmae...
•Mr ; and, Ms A G,: Sniith .motored
-from, •Teeento mid • •spent • ,Chrietnias
With Mr. and.Mrs. Jae.irvrng
Mr. and Mre.e'Prise Naylor of To-
rie spending, the week with
• Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Thenipson.,, .
POUND ---On the road . west of
Lucknow, a parcel; also, e• driving
•mit. Owner may have same on pay-
ing for this advt.-1. Congram.
In spite 'of .that eurnettioue Christ -
men Dinner, you will still) find a host
of .delicieus sarprises 'at ,Thoinpeon'e,
- jiis: Howey, WiImer, s and
Marie Holriheck ehd.her mother spent
-Christeette-ew•i th---Ileressancl-Mets.;;Mureaye
"Ross of Brussele.
. Miss Marie Helitheek, arid hermo-
tbee. of Chicago, aresneriding the
-Christer aa week- wit -
'parents, Mr: and Mis)%lae. Howey
. s
The new Ford car .was on erchibi7
tion here en 'Friday of last week and
attracted attention. .Although.
the new etree are being tu'reed out at
airent one thetisand per day, they. are
still se "scarce •that all 'the. • agents.
cannot ha' e one permariettlsr on ex-
'hibition,. go the car thet Was here is.
beingnaeeed eroend from agent . tc
agent. t 15 eeeested that agents'. will
be 'suriplied with a line dernonstra-
lion tare in .thenear future.
. TEN DE.R S • .
Tenders will be received by the .un'e
clersigned up to Thursday, January
5th e 1928, for .100 •cords or any part
thereof,•of',four foot wood. to be de-
liveeed at the IeicknoW.:Waterworkl-
pumping station, and 35 cords of
short wood or any part thereof, to be
• delivered at the Lucknow Town ilafl
Persons tendering to ,state kind of
wood. intended to be supplied. T
lowest or anY tender mot nedessarily
. • .. .
'accepted. • ' .
Joseph Agnew, 'Cleric, Lualcnow,
. .
1 •
NOT so Duma to suffer
from Sore '. Throat, " leroneititis,
COrigh, •Bronchial Asti -line, Catarrh,'
Head Colds, '.Adenoids and Tonsil
,troubles, when GOOD results are
guaranteed by using Mrs; Sybilla
'.Spahrs ,Tonsilitis, Try it.—Mc-
Kim's Drug Store.
Many NominF#ons--Prospective Candi-
datesDiscuss Town Matters
' TWO nesninatedfOr the" reerahipi
tc 'notninate'd for the, ectuncti, "•"and
four for school .trustees was the'.out.*
"come of the nomination meeting theld
Morichey,'AVenieg. All ef these were,
perhaps, not intended to .be, taken se-
riously, bit at the', close of the -meet-
ing, jetiginge by the reMerici of ;the
eemineese it looked as though
teses•fer the reeenehiP 'as...well:es 'for
other places' at the . douneil board
were:very likely.. "
. , .
• NOrninated for the reeveship, were
M.. "Jiihnetene, the Present reetre:
and r N Hodgins •For councillor
the • fellewings:were proposed: Robt,
Rae, A. E.,Baswelle Robt, Mu11ifl, W,
4.• Spindler—these-being ". councillors
,for•1927 NeW names proposed were:
feess, 'ef, the towns' ;t:He'.....referred 'hisa..•
to ttlie:helpfpl sei:ViCeS"'•',Of'•the clerk
with ,wiromett was a •pleasere tfe"wciek
was alway ready to'h°1eldpfWalhe° ••g'biAvele:
'pray one ,year's experience. he -siroq10.
'Stand' for , r,eselectiqa; " gricl.ey,•nesleer'.
successful or not he Wished a•hap-
py and prosperous Ticev or
„One,' of office .hp',Nlipulq:. ali whai h
-cOuld for. the geed .of the, Own:.
Councillor Robt. Rae. • •:
'Haying obeerved, the advent. Of'
two ladies to the meeting, 'Me .ReS
said: that he was obliged to cepirnerics
his address in ,the. time -honoree way•
,"Mr. Chairmen, Ladies. arid Gentle
'men." He said- it is woirderful how
the yeas slip by. This was the fourth.
S. E. • Robertson,- A. Ks •Millsonee pletform e .
G. Armstrong, • A. W. liamiltims. A.
Finlayson, A. D. -MacKenzie.
• The three retiring.' seheel, trustees
ee-J. G..Anderson, R. J Owner:lib W.
G. Andrew were nornineted to eon-
. .
stinue their seryieqs, whiee Temple
,Clark Was prop -ed as a. new man.•
Nerninetions closed promptly at
8.30 'o'clock; and the clerk, Mr. Ag-
new; who had presided, was elected
.ehairnesin.• Of a meeting at which the
reeve and councillors of 1927 were to
give an account ofeetheir, servicess
and other candidates should tell _the
electorswhat' arsine they, had upon-.
theire_suffrage,,er. day , whether or not
-the-rifiter-di ed-teittand7
Reeve johnstorie:
Jolinstene gave a•gen-
e,ral review' . or the year'. work.' He
that • a :insters ago he had na,
:tention whatever of being a candidata.
for .the reeyeship; but, thee owing to
the , retirement .of Robt. Johnston, it •
•had Come about , that it was: up to
him to accept the position. He had
rather..enjOyed the work .and • had
found it very educative to hhieself. It
,bad been said that the' council • of
1227 had net done much one,:wey-on
itnether, bne.folloWing the .heaVyex-
penditure on the streets in 1926,. the
-coUncil.Thad, thought it wise to adopts
et policy of economy. - The Board had
pursued that policy and • the result
Was that. the 'lex tate :thie year wee
down' one mill; and everything here
been kept in reaeonably. geed. Shape;
Referring to the 'paving of Havelock
(or Station) Street, a publicemeeting
had pronounced in -fairer. of :this being •
done; but :he •(thereeve) had consnit-
ed engineers and representatives ,of
.the •Highways • Department, .with the
result that he and the councillors had
cone to the conclusion that nothing
would be lost by leaving ehe :paving
of this street over to anether Year.
while the street as it had been built
would be tested out., In view ' of the
heavy' grants the town .hed received
,in,192-6, it might seem like 'overdoing
the thing to be -aftermore in 1927,„
So they•had decided to postpone the
Work ,for at leastlense year. Ile said
he thought Hayeleck . Street had
Mood up .pretty .well • tieder, the heavy,
traffic. It. Was said .that much could
be saved by haying the Totyland Con-
strectien Co. do. the.:Werk ,on Have-
lock Street while their. ), equipment
' was here,' bilt the reeve had bean as-
suredthat Kincardine streets would
be, paved ,in 1928, ,and that •the corn-.
parry that would do the 'work there
• • • ,
When you became tirea ,of picking
theebones.of::rt.,he•Christinns leekeyee
Wliete the poddhies "and the tints and
the sweet meats belie lost their lure'
When yap , again have the primitive
craving .:for
You.. Will' find just Whet you .want at
Thom p so e '5. '
, A -western „Paper gives the infor-'
mation that Mr. "Sam' Miller, son :el
Mr. and Mr. Jake-Millee .pf -Wynn.
has been elected eeeve of his eitihici-
patity' in • Salikatehewan, near Saska-
toone •The ,paper referred to says:'
"He certainly went fryer the top with
a hang, winning Out by 265 vetee
,gainst. 11000 0—
A large'crowd, attended the Christ-
inas tree in the school lioute last
Wednesday night,, and report a geed
• -time. ..1.• * o „
Mrs. W.' Robb eturned helm rei•r•
Henfryn •last ,Tuesday. ;
• Mr. and Mrs : Pat Baird of Detroit'
are epeeding the winter Mentlis
the Inneeea Mrs Baird;
. • ,
Miss Ceesie Douglas bed tis Olive
• 116bh. ere sPending their holidays at
nomination 'meeting; he had served
three years on the Board „ and the
time seemed ver si Shert indeed ,The.
council of. 1e21 had •)'neen ••,a• Very e-
• greeable. body.• -Might. 'think
that was not a good thing, .hat he dice
. not 'think' that fighting ';ever . got n
• ceminittee or ,a council sor an individ,
eel anywhere.„ He said there. Were,
perhaps, things they did nee 'do that
might have .been done, but..thete•
nothingof,importanc tbat had beee
neglected. They hadseteut with :the
idea „ef economizing as .the eight Pol-
• ,
Pull Course meals will be
served: dai1 '.including
Dinner "'an Supper in-
clude Soup, • Choice of
'Meats, Vegetables, Pie,'
Pudding or' Cake: •
• , 1
Qiye, Us A
All you can eat and good
Radio Music :While
You Eat.
ew Star . Cafe
. Harry Lem, Prop. -
of, 1926. /The council .expected eritie
eeisen,..eba be, thouttlit it -well that it'
ehorild be constructive eritieisin"tible-n
'would help, the council: end not Mere
lestructive criticism•
eselteseefereenge., Se the firrepi:•;Ote'etior•
Waterworks, Mr Rae
thing would:have to Le 0,6ne in this'
onneetiorr ;before ?eatly years,
that it, was gong to cost a lot ol -
money.. For years it hes. cost. around
•Amont those ljonie fo the '•Cheist-
ae.. vacation eve note the following:
Miss :Pearl- Henderson, .-Detroit. Mies
Vlartha MecCalluen, IV.indsor; Messrs.
Steart and.'Elliott,Butns, Detierit, and,"
Windsor; 1ViiO3 .Rena Gordon, Detroit:
Mr: Eldon 'Reid, ' 'Toronto; IMissed
Clara end:eierna McQuillin; Mr.•
tin Reid, •Sinicoe; Dr. Alvin AiCam-
eron, Peterhore; Miss Johan MacCal-
turn, Hamilton s Mr. Walter and Miss-
es Helen and Evelyn Craw, Toronto:
Misses Aleente' Ruth, Dorothy and
Mona:Mitchell; Margaret Ged-
des, Termite:. Miss Freda ' Aitchison,
Westen; Miss • Dean Geddes,: Harris, -
ton; Miss .Frances. 'Spence, Preseett;
Mr. Ford. Aitchison, Ottawa.; .M.eesrs.,
Wm,' and AndreW Thompsan of» To-
ronto and 'St'retford; Mr. Robert An-
drew, Toronto; • Met George Douglas
Torapte; Mr. Harry.' Alton, Wallter-
ton; Miss Alma Alton, innerkip; Mr,
Thomas Alton, Termite; itlisees jean
and Jessie . Stewart .,Toeorittes, Mite'
Dorothy.: Dotreas, Toronto; Mie!'
Maine McClere, Toronto; Mr, Arehie
Maellonald, Windsor; Mr. IleTts.
ham, ' !Parente; Miss Mary MacLean
$600 a year to Supply** feel , at the
:plant, and the •engines did not werk
more than a few hours each year. Al-
so the holier, was constantly burnieg
'.ent; and in fact, the _prevent. One w0s.
gett,ing in had shepe., Desil- eresieee
for this kind of week are highly. rece
ommended. These can bd • it-alle•
for around one hundred dollare net
horse power,'they'evill run •fOT yens
Without repair, arias, the. fitel would
cost. only about $80 per, year. But
there Would have t� be new pemps
Jhelr; Iletries! Vlowerdale,
'Jessie IViacintosh of '.Londeri"
-spent:ea-few-do:ye of --last- Week;Wi th
elierephretitPeeesseeserese•e; - 2
*Mr., kusset Scott, a
.Scheitl, is 'at fer the helideye.,
Vlowerdale- was V,ati! rep4sented at
the Nomination 'Meeting hi iliplay
• Monday.
Mr E HodgItinsOns are entert'airte
Ing cernpaey feorn Blvth over, the
neriessee -
In evritirte' ell the other eleetion
matter` we had• aeettreed that .1:lick-
eaw's .three school .trusteee Would be
°Tested, ae.hae Iong 'been the cuetoin.„
hy agelarnation, But the totexpeetee
has happened and at the last minute
;we efeern 'that there' are'sfounecendi:,
_dates for three places,
-Tint etiirdidatejsar
eerte..A11101Y;. Careeroe
Tem rrl Clarke -the: Ihiee gra
nahied brIrif, the, trusteed whose
terni , expired fh, this year
It is said that there has net hen
a eeptest, far the poeitim' of echo&
tetietee. In pichnott siti0O 1005-1-2?
yeare ago,. So wo tire ee heve all
WOUld-be-glita te,spick-uper small joh
epuneil of-.1.927.shad-beernerv-v0Ty
like the' ;work. proposed . here, and g eeable,body, and he belieeed thee
weld be sure to do it at a•teaten- had looked after 'the •afieirs n.weV
.able rate, Ile-•polated out that ,thc:,
villaeefinances were in 'geed shape
and the Hydro. System was more than
pe.y.ing its way.Some parte of the
town Was not as well lighted as if
might, be, and , he thought that
view; of the fact that •the • town 17/8:S'
piling upn a credit with .the Hydro
dommiSsion, it could well afford to
improve the street lightieg: Thie ho
et kid of
oUr Gloom
A 'G A M E." of billiards
.Zi played with our mod-
ern Brunswick equipment
in the congenial sur.
rounding. of our recrea-
vanish' your blues. Bring
the boys, they'll enjoy a
genie beret '
Jack Can's BilliardRoom-
. ffl-r
:Gentleman's Game
DECEMBER 29th & 30th ,
It i and: Ford ger-
Welf as a new 'engine, Erne the cost
would, be 'considerable. ' • e";
•te• Mr. Rae alseia:Vored eirote eights
on the streets, and thought. this
e.o.uld be Well afferded. •
Councillor W; J. Spindler.
• :Mr: Spindler Made. a ver) shore'
speech," saying he had mijoyed thc
workat the .council Boards , There
was little he cpuld.,add to what' had
een•Saici. He wetild be a caedidatc
and wished, all theeleetoes a happy
and' prosperptis New Year. •
Councillor ilobt. Mullin. '
It was Mr. Mullin'es fifth time :to
'came 'before the electors, hut be fePe
:that he was, riot improving finish es'e.
• platform orator. • He had Leen chair.
.men of the committee in charge' cre
Roads and Bridge's, and hod given .r.•
good deal of atteneion to the:.evorn or,
the ',street These he -considered NV l'r '
in good' shape. He thought it would
be helpful .if, nhen there is anythifeie
wrong with the , streets, seeiehade
knowing of it would let the eh:linear-
of the committee know abeet 'it. The
as could be done. Ile expected to hr
in the field as a' sandidate. are'
wished. the electors the comelimeite:
of the seaSem. - • • •-•
Mr E.,N; .iledgine; , •
: As Councillor Buetteell wrie ,
preterit, the chairman next celled or
Mr, liodgins, the only other, nomincre„
foneveve. Mr, Hodgins did net tale"
the platfOrM as he :had little. sny
ling in
With Comedy •
A Zane Grey Picture---
Adtnission 35c. & 20c.
extends to you ail aeHappy and
Preeperoes: New Year:
, Reid's 'Golden Crust Bread.' .
it is real bread.
Perd'food and. nothing else.
Get it at your ,grocer's or ,phene
• 68-eReid's.• Bakery. \
wish .yglA
Happiness, ProsperitY
Good :Health
-1horie Your Order for Alievi, Year. Pudding.:
Phone 36', . l'A.C11010Y1,
he New Year' eap Year
may it be .the Year in
which all your dreams of Pros-
perity come true,
Our Sincere Wish
by acelarriatien ,since 1923,, •
The ;feeling aPpeaTs pretty
geneyal that it is better to have ail
election by Way of clearing the air,
There -noes not appear to be any rseri-
ous charge against the council of
1927, but 'very phase of 'opinion ap-,
pears, to exist from a desire ,to return
the present board to getting,as enuch
new material ' as possible. Electors
cereainlyeeinenotecomplain of having
a' small slate to choose from.
'Kleetores should ,think 'the matter
over, inake what appears to be the
best selection; and vote: If. you don't
vote, don't 'complain.
We may expect an ective personal:
canvass throughout the week.. '
Yttu will find it easy' to • plan your
Tew Year's 'Dinner' by reeking around
the ell stocked shelves <in ceir store.
Wiellirig each enti all a'• Happy and'
ProsPerous New •Yeay.-eltobeit 13
U'tt'r Year. :of Quiet, 'I,ucknow
: Battle' Royal. ;
:Following are the candidates for
The ,reeve had ' not much, to , say a. eandeew•Qu'nerel;lt plakq' fcw' •::,, to u11111611.a). wi1111_,e°T;le'seei_en
thought should be done next- spring- •
• gestions. s Ile thought 'It a mistele
bout eounte matters,. but referriag te
thesi-Iouee of Refuge, he .said that iri--
etettition Wae -a- Credit te _the.:.county
and that Lucknew residents, when at.
the County tOWni.:'Ohiinlds'iake tech-
eion yisit it. ' Much had 'been 'done
this. year to intpeove, the retUge, If
dict. o ..test,,a.r.great deal foe.thoiti,
tenanee. , Twenty cents per day per
-inmate---covered, eereeythin gezeende the
old „neeiele there'. Were conifOrtahle
ana'.'.Welt- a -re& fr
Road. eonetrectiori, bed been
betivy item With 'the vcOutitsr, but the
iraProved roads were popular,: "
Coneinsion. the. reeve. stlianked
the reemberd, Of .tite eotniell :And the
statepayere . generally for their 'helpful
'1"atle.0 ri .1111e hi1
not to haVe gone - rarrrr
of Havelock Stieet. :eveen it 10'
in 'bed. Sharie, ttafficeevee .einerted
the tote; streets AO the. wee': 'of it, sent
theta, Vveta three gtreet4 instead ef
one to be kept' ufi, in.ottrp,
had favored..paying, thie etreet,
the therienee-wereethetreethe=-,tchete
nrotird iose CAA. g IT the 'do,.
For, Reeve:, liociginSs
ti M
rot( cotmeill:Or: A. .E, Boswell; R
Rebt, Rae; Spindler
W. Hamilton, `C.1\LR, agent; A`...
Mi1lson 5. E. obertSOr
Ashfield, West Wasianosh
'kiss 'Will Vote :For iieeve .
and .Counpiilors..
Catididates in Ashfield hie:
For Reeve: John Cameron; Alex
Hackett, '
For Councillor: James Machleine
John A. MacKenzie; Sam 'Sherwood:
Thomas Sijhvan
ThOrnas Anderson, whet:. was a
queen was a member in 1923-'24-'25. '
Boyle and Macintosh are new Mein
Mr. Dan. Macintyre, who headed
the poll last year, • rather surprieed
the electors by refusing to • be a.ellrts
didate, although his eleetion seemed
asssured. Mr. Melvin Irwin, . aft
serving two years,, refused to be
candidate •in the present election.
To The Electors of; nte Vailage
, LucknoV.
Ladies and Gentlenien;-,.
At the nomination meeting on Mon:
day evenings -I exPressed-a-*sir
.retire from the School Board at.the
close of the present terai. However. s
atethe• request of 'number of rate- .
payers, I have decided to stand for.
re-electiOn: . • _
- A very important qnestien is likely
to coine up for consideration the com-
ing year. I refer to the Proposal to: • '
"Change the presentitetus 'of ,cninCon-
tinnation School to: that of, a High ;
Sehool. After giving'this matter the '
fullest consideration, .1 ,am convinced
that the proposed' change ,should not :
he made, without first giving the •
ratepayers of the village' an oppor-,
tunity of ,voting on it: If a majority
of (Air •ratepayers are in fator of the • s ,
change, I shall certainly do all I can ,
to 'eaerY out their ,wishes, as eecineniii- '-
cally as possible, but let' not close
per eyes to the feet that our present
school rate of 'taxation Will be auls:
•stantially', higher if • the •proposed
change is made.
Wishing all ou' eitizeris Most-
liapfeissa,nd le.ro*.ispaeirocerfusihi/sieywouYrser:..
J. G:, -,Anderson.:
councillor for 1927, stepped up to the,
position of . deputy reeve without op.
position. ,
• Alex. Hackett was 'reeve for 1927,
and hie opponent, Cameroes was dein.
uty. feeve. Carneeon is riow eneking
a bid for first piece.
Having a ' deputy reeve, ••Ashfield
will have enly three .councillors, and
there are 4. candidatee"..... MacKenzie
and Sullivan were eouecillore in 1927.
.McNain was .a candidate last, year
but failed Of election. . Sherwood, was,
not a Candidate last year:
esel1eateis4wee-ferethe, reeveshiereari.d
Prven for the our pieces "ee...eoencin.
ltiSt. The aniount of money cerevm.i.de,e Tor,. --jolsesseereels Lhe'-prdtent;-reeYe
.Onsehee.U1Skeepeit:40p:,titeceeesteee.ts.ecied the Tout harneg first' , given as
would goes. long way Itt 'Rey nee inT,er.
est ea, the money ieneeted in 'navies' beeedr for 1927 •
Heveloek 'Street'. 140'".1ilellti"1, *4'1 * -For seine years 1.,uakironr: has beer
item a ;1,67'Whittr ..baol 1VL1C vieg it pretty quiet in the Way of
tear to /.0111'',TOIrtc*•:tort etreicirial 'electiori; There 'nett Vet
eereeteett Itt eorecentoe. :e•lth eereet esee• eeeteet. foe the reeve:ship for
Wee Wawanne.h..
*awanosh—three, candidates for ,the
ree,veship and fiye for the council.
Albert E.. Johnston, reeve in 1927;
is a candidate for re-eleetiqn. , He.is
opposed .by iteS. Naylor, a former
reeve, and by William' Mole; who has
•had four years in the coupCil.
Candidates for council ere: Wm. )11
tarns.James ,B, Fotster; 'Richard
"Leithrnan; 'Wen. rfank
There is a li ely .cqatest en in West
-politicare atsfeverlieat . _
Mr., John Button reeentlysreceived
-vrord; of the death in California of his '-
brother, Williata, who for maneeyears
was engaged , in the furniture mania'
facttiring business at Vingluttn.. The •
late Mr Button was getting pretty
Well along in yes but lied been in
good health untie.a. few heure before
his ,death. He lied been out for a e
Motor drive Witt): One of his sons, as
wasseized with cramps; -which- in a.,
bot tvse hours, proved•fattit '
• The lite MT. Button went to. Cali-
in Kinlote. There was h very lively
time. et 'the hoinination meeting on•
:.1VieridaY sifternOon, and tie lese than
ten Nvere preposed for countilina.nie
lionoreesbetsbnly _aye -haYeequalifiel •
Joseph Tiffi-n, who has been iteVe,
for A niiiiibet -of y6altr,' hal ms
.. ah
pijneht, Vo.:1! Colwell; who has 'ilde
seiiii-gtediTexperiende- in the ceentell"
These who qualified 55 candidate!
for council ere: IVIalcolni Rods; Adele •
McQueen; David Cannitheet; Weelee.
13oyle, end, Angus Ate.e/ritosh.
Ross and Carruthers have: been in
eestes neve netre 'F„,r)rnt. 7e?trl. 014
fornia about 18 years -ago, d'ri
s Cif
that time has 'resided at itt erside.
He ie survived by his *widow and twe ,
torts, Ernest and *Stewert. Five bro.'
tilers also dueviva--George and Jag
of Teeeeerater";;" of 'Liicknow
.Watektresof.DeleNiew, Streke, and Jeatie
of Wingham.
.All those owing the undersigned
please Make payment'ulthin the next'
two ivealcf as we need the Money, ees
' '•W tiartkok