HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-12-15, Page 3' oitnsBrn-‘ InOven 1' Kist. Be Biscuits $inPid LawEnforcement Can -Cause a Lot of Trouble , • Vihen You Are You Aiut Mr. I3umble .was rht.•' ."Tho A , T.liree Yearsago • the GoVernment of Canada senflrites Laniontagneto glum, aSits representative 'to advance., • internatidrial trade. His*Wtfe,atran'ge as it. might 'seem In riollywood, Went , with • him Mr. Lamontagne was, ineffeet, upon (Pia% tliPlernatic*. service. .Ile and his wife are ,nati,Y,Sern• Canadians. • This month, Mr. Lamontagne Was beekta to go: to EgyPt, where he has, • been `Seedrided by the Egyptian eminent', for 'threeyears: to work • out enough for a single cord Sine° • t :• • .1 a,10entle• tariff for Egypt. His Wife .there are abut .90;060,009. tires': l'n . .• • When the hiteit the' jungle. afid"the and theiV,thirteen6niohth-014 • Sen re Iiire or lees,' Constant uso In America :Pla!ltlitt°°;•bi°115t1t $26 4n4.'evoll 454 .turned to Canada., , • . alenen,,the -;ennoiincemeni 'Aot D. • A. P.•.Thatind• blOca.ded Germany BYfl- , AP:lying at Quebec by the 3.1104it' VOD Weinberg, .0ne ef the directors thetlq rubber at 07° Mrs.* Larnentagne was notified of qerrrieliy's gigantic cliom1a1 irast, :..Germany's• interest in gYnt1.10164.0b*.• bit imiMoTation inspectors ., that she that ,the *erithesis , of rubberbar Is largelY die *an :intenBe na- aa raw materials are concerned. no tropical plantations... 4 her own, withnew uses for, riiblier being found immigrant. . • „ . • : ,6 .• ,optimidni re- eTerY daY,.Germany has asanght„ to re - 1 There is Only One Time- Tested I3atteryless A-C*Radio —and that set is the •, • :10.,CktV1140 S 1.114py,4mi,,,tac iti3G. Buy • Rogors,..-' anct:Pe..Suie. ',.Ask:YOur: Bade Dealer For Free beniOastiitlen Yonr;, NOM. • , • • , geey ,•!sYmenta Arrenged"'. • • ' ' t" CAN/WA VIP;.; TOrontO*- 2#: Ont. • • thetic adilitien. Of eXPensiVe„Aelagitleaters."! . The faet that ,74e: heard • so little Of . •,. 'synthettc• ribber , ester ar-SPeake It • taken year's 'et two inn*. 'NY itee14 Leverkusen, 'credited...with: 'grown' lieVea 'tre'ett, produce 'inblier ..eaPitcitY., of 11„09.0 tens, a: • year, Sue, ' • b to the price of natiirarrubber,' . tional desire for- independence, so far That` the baby would have to prove to Inany to 'Wonder Wwliat will 13econae . , , . . . the inspectors•that he was a fit and of the hundreds of thousands of •hevea n ' • 'preper -persen to enter Canada as. an trees which have ,been planted: ' • . • • could lona in her •native conntry, but :achieved chemical' fact, • will, cane° • s • d ti s in s nthe: • Dr. von WeI1bcrgS RI) 'EsTABLISH, • calla the Eighth Internatiorial Con - ,peat her rama c. succe s Y Ti• - - - • sizing nitrates dyes and „dregs... But • ' 1.Tnder, .the regtilar ritrharole-he APPlied Chem' 'tr fifteen • " • d • years age 16 ,Ne.w.• yo•rk.'' en- Is Juin of the natural indige'rn ustry •" would havato establish that he wgis of , .• • - is not likely to he duplicated There good innilth and reputation,' of 'sound livened by the somewhat• acrimonious aro still Millions of acres that can be rnrnclable to read' and write, and a desirable:individual for Canadian ,ah . . sorption. • • Mrs. Lamontagne and the baby were sure that he was all these things, but, ' at thirteen nionthS0 they are ••rather . hard to. establish tO the satiation of: immigratien ,inspectors. • • Mrs. La-. mentagne. coafessed that if the baby '-eOuldn't 511ter Canada, be would stay • A,Way herself. • • , • ' iomeone with sotrie, Comyrion • sense was locate • -4-and' 'then Lamontagne • junior was • -ticketed for admission' to the country • of HS parents, • and for which • ; his father,aves....NiOrking_kv_erseas When, he was . , INS,pEcTok ,EXPLAINS: Birth' andparentage have no hear- . trig on the right of the individual to • enter • Cariada,, according to E. C. Mo- .. qnin, tDorninion IMmigration Agent for .the Port .of Montreal'. • • -7(21.1eStiOne:d on the . 'Position :-'6f• the •child of Canadian 'parents berm in a foreign country, he said: ''"Theugh,in child's,parents,are,canadians at the time,:ef its „birth elsewhere 'than' in Oanada, tho childis teehaina.11y. sub- ject to the full inimigration preceduie, , according,. to the ininiigration Act. It • is for all purposes an inunigrant. This • means 'that it has no' right to enter .Canada, and may be refused should it • be .found to be physically, morally or Mentally inacceptablitr-earitititTlie -•'claimed for such •a child that because • it parents' .are Canadian it has . a' • right to Outer the Dominion." 7A; • • BRITISH SUBJECTS. ' Regarding the status • of British subjects born in the ,old..dountry; .Mr. • Voqiiin explained that these had right • '• Of , achnission to Canada, providing the? ,fulfilled•the moral, physical- and ,inental requirements, and had such 'rivalry of ,Professor W.,11. • Perkin, at ,Manehester,. and pr; cart ,Dpitglerg; 01 Leverkeson.•, The English chemist prcielaitned;that:•he and his ..assistants lied sticceeded In producing: rubber froxii,'.pOtato Starch :'"and that they could *neat their,labOratory.suadess on a cOmMercial Ger- man capped.., by :exhibiting:::a pair.• of •tiutoinbbile tires ;VihichNhad.run .their thenSand.•tailes and whlch had 'heen. made 61.:sy,nthetic,rabber; and bYPie.' -dicting-Atlie„. appearance of Synthetic -rubber ehtlie market tort tinte."• . CI eh e rids t , would assertthat a til- stanoe the; exact chemical Counterpart' of Caoptcbout .ha.s.' ever been produced. n he futile. -.•Jut •; asre-Yon has Only the desirable. ,qualities ot sllk, se a ;syn- thetic •ruhber..mnst have only the , cle* sirable'propertiee•Of eaontelietic.What the, organic' chemist seeks t is ...not .'"kiihin ,ber,"', but "rubbers," 'each et*:•.which' will serVe. itS Speelal purpose and eenle of Which • may provete be Oren more useful than the rubber Of nature.: • Commercial .sUccesif 111 synthe.zing theseruhbers le dependent on a cheap. 'Soiree: of • One of three' Possible raw . Materials', whichbear the •formidable na,atiegi biitadeitt„ :isoprene and methyl, isoprene. Petrolenin; „Potato'. starch, Caleieni carbide.andedme coal -tar de: -rivatives. , itra'; the,:..Lmore• iprendsing. oases. ..• The process of Ohtaitiing,eyn-.. thetie- lubber from 'these. is •well • un-* derstdod, the; physical qualities Which ,industry.• demands. ••The ,sYnthiatic rubber . that. erreany-prOd.uted.•-iluring the!: War had but usefulness. It ab:' ;sorbed oXYgen ,frotri the gitr; •ac.,04 ' lunds_as to, prevent their becoming a puirlie-charges1--this is -a specie:14re Visien, fer *even ."preferred national- ities .are subject :to rigid regulations in regard te'employnient chistifieation. • • British ',Subects become Canadian t'sitl- . ,zeris automatically 'after five years • domicile in the Dominion. .,"There Is undoubtedly *infliction between the Nationality Act .and the • Mataraliiation Act and the Inamigra-, • tion Act:: the agent ' Said in conclu- sion.: ‘IThe. foriner both recognize 'children of Canadian parents born out •• of.Canada as British subjects; but the • Immigration. Ad does not recognize • them ue 'citizen's Of, the Dominion. It is to bo hoped that seine ainendments •• may • he made td bring the 'Imniigra- .tion Act into line, as it 'must un- AlteubtecllY happen from .time •tiine that. the, existing conflict ecomea evi- dent." ' • ' A National Need, Ottawa JoUrnat (Cons.); if Canada , 't, is going to retain her. standing- among • the 'nations df6the world it Is neces- pierY that a National Regieareh Insti ' tate shotild be established, to that ou'r, ••: natural resources may be eecinomicak ly developed!tand• algid that Problemil - . the sciences and in commerce may be 'Overcome.. Almost every Worth while nation la the world 'has taken action,in:this direction, .. cultivated for rubber and the produc- tion cost of "crude" will long remain at leas than 20 cents a • pOuncl,. More- over; if the plant breeder ., has int - Proved sugar heap, *heat and fruits; why may he,. not increase the yied of an 'iacre of rubber • from 406 to ,1,006 pounds? 'The Germans know' all this. They will have achieved another chemical triumph if they can merely compete with natural rubher. . , • , ' • N. • • •-•-nt `.6". ..`20••••••••,...,", • Renew;ng Their Yotith- rtU'ItW rt • y.l.s.vW14':LE: ICI "."*.i d' '' * — rtvs) ed .4 vernse -<.ento 'fl? 1fI.JJL1AJA&I&1 11 K , Tiiere is ,4z),.00,,,_ei.nieole.in t9 equal I'meeonptleiolenaolt•eitoCanabe dilia;:dbeca4cv'tei.7-4,:".--411P;rupt41013F"), ''t:., Te Ji4.0Lnoi7171-CAte.,1.8.0:4:.pc.6"Fotithi;n441e1.:SN4S;13-02.10,711111• . for Id • , "="""--.-----"' fc--*---. --I,- -... ,--.-c-r--..---,-----•11 For Either the Newborn Ba . - - The, °dull . • , .. the Growing. Child: Toronto Mail and .rapire (done3e Baby'swhetber°1wt7berr.ifobriettshet°nrewlitt-Ine.ra°11, 1 Pitlils;Ymto ent can be obtainee'lbere. :7'4' cle the `United States- becau-6 GM- ' '- h - babe ' •_,_, ,.....' ,:. • w' ays4e. ogrogwo,oind! ,ct.hbiled),,,th. a•ie.i 7, 1,411)ThlositsatLyt• • Ithobe0"71cifst parttoilithe way' ianrec faonllaozInbgect:uesi: their industry here has been left with- , (Mt Protection, exposed to Ilie. W,ia.IP14 etryrl13 ign et hcq 1 le PUen it i t't IX S °tar t. ePor.°t7TeteheledlIssulikl!' , theiu rad e policy Statescy:_ati*between t. Ci:Iduae..1:va,41: against Canada, costing this 'country the leas of much of Our beano market and. Coating in ,coneeiluenet the lose of Ogre! Of thousands , of. oar DOW* .' tionevery year, . •••' ;:,. , '. ' . free' •from,:epiateit or other ,harmfu. ,drigtit;udfiitx.ibgo •Inuotath.p.3.40r...eap71.,wayt feel s4 . 'Concerning -0e Tablets,' Mrs. Sohn Armour,,ILR: South 01-11f • PEOPLE' LIKE' 44;nm Hottr, n'AYs , hare :•.tbre0, :fitie,, healthy children,,,, irhorc, when.: a Medicine Is 'needed, we c have .giyen only .Boy.0 • a:" . the A.•:'filoireptti: that rpviv6d 'rite rei) • b• it4t''mTea011ebitnse::;T°h‘t .natnal)kittssi; at919any ;ti of. thecgracluatee ,Of .forater-years.. ilere.a.itgreup Of the old boys anci:girla"`of •aoine where there are ''..young..ehod.. Eglinton; 04°161; T. orento,are. '.ahown-tat*.a** reunion, • ' A • • ' ' • * Baby's Own. Tablets are se Mild but thorough :laxative !!whi3Oli% regulate' the„ stomach 'and. bowels; banish conti- i)ation. . hitligeation;- break; iip• Colds, and.•." sittiPle fever *, and • Make teething' eaSy. ',They , are Sold- by Medicine dealers Or 'direct by Mall, 25 .c.Oati a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine, Co.,*Brockville, Oht." ' 1,11D-14E010N. Errors About This Trouble Into . • • Which People Fall, ' • Many People So far .misuiadergitand the Ailigeitive eystein as to tre.6t it like • a machine;*. neglecting ituntil. it ,worke sluggiehly;:then irritating* it In- to* ;fork again, by the use of purge-, tiVet(:!' The stomach needs'. helji at, all thneS, but a stUdy ot the process • Of digestion wilLshow that piirgatitres; as cdmmonly taken. are seldom, necesr . , sary and often. harmful.. • :: 79 safeguard' your digestion' the diet mast be controlled. Over eating ,always 'harmful, but one must atf-: siMilate' enough food to supply the needs Of the bleed.: ,Remember, the •-•7•72-.- AOPLICA'aiT's FOR THE MOVIES 'Young jady havo_you filled out your form'!" ! ' ""Say, firsen kld you'd- be ger-. prifed,7! • . ' • Consulting. the• Oracle TibetansCan Give Our scup - readers," Palmists and • - 'Fortune Tellers SomeHrnts Aro. you anxious .about thi1ne of a ,,,blisiness transadtiOn? 'Be nenchal. alit; Consult an; oracle, IWO In Tibot, you 11 find One at the nearest miniastery;4and'althoUgh the Tibetans are• becoming • modernizedf In,. Many waYa, they still ,seek , practical, help frOin the, angels; cleiniens, elenientals, and so. fon, through, the: m,edituriship Of-MAY:Men who Make It :their busi mess ' to deliver Market or other tip - blood hes to•carry..11,91Arlshmnt 'th alt for'''a Price: As a writer' in the New Parta,.of the bdy ttod find fuel. fpr ita York Titnee explains • * • ,• energy. 'Hence , when the, bleed • be •For inatance;•a. trader wishes to 'find comes Week andfails todo its *emir,. out 'whether a projected:.traing Ten-. indigestion arises. * Therefore the . tUre will • be successful or not, or sure.remedY for indigestion IS to build. Whether the time. 10 auspicious' for un- Airthe bloodif you-TfifferlForn. anY: 'dertaking It He betakes himself to forth' et , indigettion,enecise. yenr, diet? carefully and take • wholesome nOur- ishpaent. Moire. all, .start building' up your blood,, -by taking a course of. Dr. wunieriw.,Vt inlinence • of ' the new"- bleed 'slimily: .yOur. digestive : system will .reepond naturally, your 'apPetite. ireProve' and your food will •Cto Oil good. Bo' begin -tcriniprove your digestion hyi-starting- tolake Dr. ,Wilulams Pink Pint now: - : YOU Can. get, these pills":.frem .your the zieareat.erticle,' to Whom he.offers presents. . Of the presents are 11Cee14- ed; the , oracle,. clad- in gorgeous robes Of Chinese* silk 'brocade ,amf wearing' *stonns'.Zett...hUinan.z...benee,„;takes' his eekt. on 'a throne facing the suppliant: While. he is In this state the '.con- . . , trelling.Aenion iasUpposed to enter into his body and through his mouth anifiver:questions. Oraclea'•,uauallY give Vague • replies, capable..,ef ' mere' oeca- . . . . than one interpretation, but On Fire Menace Follows Devadating Floods • Many:, Cones Ot., SpontaneousCeonlinsti'on Reported in 'Vermont Hoy McN.. . That.witer is not the hest agent in fighting, fire indicated by present conditions! in' Northern, Vereiont and (Leiter Quebec 'Wilkie' 'floods inundated the 'river valleys, few weeks 'ago. Aceordifig to ' A bulletin • ; from the. Dep,artment of AgrienitUre , at Wash - j ,ingtott newel cases ' sPonianedua conibustion 7have been reported froni the stricken -Sections-and- more. are feared,: In. the 1bWer valleys hundreds of barna,. • hired with hay, , were covered• or. nearly ,Covered 'with water and the fodder got soaked. Since' the "-Mit* ; nreceded this..hae started boat* bad - 1v: and aectirdition-s-Wire'elhat Canada .and. FOkeign. Trade' . Naniteba. Free Prose:(Lib.): (An ap- peal is made •for more trade rePro!' eentatives• In the United.' States);;; The' ; develepreent of ;ilia • trade 'services. : 00 :colintty, are almost certain to be followed " by the development of Canadian•cliplomatic and Consular ser, vice, because the latter le•required to' give the; former its full driving force. Trade has it difficult cOUTIllo when. the international contact is not:, properly' ; adjusted, such adjustment is the Work of the diplomatic agent. He k• PrePkeee ter international. -commerce: .t.. The- cost is not the -66---0-16----6-:6- vital concern.: Lint ' of "Wanted In,yentIons" and Full Information sent Fret• ..un. Bequest.. , ' • TUB cltAMSAT Dept. • mask- ist.-, -otta-rafmt. • u icura e • rip Send for Setrainlea b000diooDeoot:"Outieuray.n.nrii•ln,Weetc.”1." right,,has , into:" flames. la many instances it •has heenicfenncl necessary to. Ten:love, the hay .Wtile„ in . . . . • 'others a 'careful watch •has had to be , maintained over heated'' areas. 'A epee's.l squad of cbemical eng neer,. druggist or bY Mail at 50 Cents a box sten it is surpriaing.' how nearry cor- froia the .tiniVersity- b.f Vermont, is • from The pe, Winfama, medicine CO.. rect they are •their.prognostica- stadying the sitnation with a viev Bidekville; Ont. ' • • - tions. . • ••n,• toward outlining aTscheme of 'control 'As stain as a 'ilbetaii child is born; ,Over spontaneene com• bustion, such the parents. emasiiit• an,4iistrologtit-, Ontrel measures', hi its opinion being, *.liet;•-draVis • a:hop:scone., de- finitely aeCesiarY;Yiti little. study .has • te•to omnin t • • ' 11. • ' • •' • ickens. • - . - .. - . •tailing tlie Main eyen . , c he been ma e . oft this, very frequent, . . . . . 'life of the Infant. : . .. : :. 'Cense of barn :fires. ' '• /. ' Found ' in: LOildOn Famous WriteT, Twice Chair- deeds committed In former - lives, . • • _ :. ' • ' n ' . • -.,—„,* ,:•*.,.. '• * ' • ‘.• wpahininesii'I.,Iii4niaridi:dePoetconuanibit,eineestxpraLliilsteatntf9ornth. mthi.:. 'iv1i:naindta.'•:1:1-ni.f"orC'elds. ' Man*. of .London. .Orgariiia-. The St: Lawrence .Waterway 4‘ non at fnterVal . of . 2 1 Years. (helloes s metit Caw* be. acquired Such., conse. May, •haviever, be avoided.13y Toronto Telegrain (Iiid:.,: Cens..): - ' ia edbefore any 'Every : .mtui . who •a,,„_ Mentes. which ham): to .bn performed that ' •the Waterwa,ys TreatY , ',,,,vould be 'Pei.d*,f.b.:1;* 71m7between. Canada adair",.. the United ,.Re.ad.. . . . by other Priests; who must their services. • "Say it With 'scents", 10 the nevi slogan adopted at the perfumers' :con- . not' be readily vulcanized; it . lacked :mitten. In folloviang • this advice, elasticity and•,PlaitieitY in the soft' however; . the. perfumes in turn ,will state, defects. Overcome only by the expect one to 'shy it with dollar"i". vict. A. 6114C1,f-t , Recgdit: '10..qtn.;Ettiti 1 •ihaventi a single thenolit, • '••• MI5 o Sharpe': -She tclia ine your •trOnd ta ft!!! Of' wortlage all tho .•timo.- n e or r Live*.Stock—Field, Crops—Dairying--Apiculture=Drainage —Vat;m Mechanics--Baking---Iforticulture- • Poultry KeePing. Seq. for circular_ descriptive of Courses7 3T, B. REYNOLDS, A:M. PORTER,.B.S.A. --kresident. Registrar. . Guelph; Ont. •• • NAVY TISSUE is soft and absorbent andi 'like all Eddy tissues, is manufactured under the most exatting,sanitary cenditions. Each rollo NAVY." Tis -- sue is guar- anteed eon- . , tatn oo sheets. Quint), a ad Bconom With the reeent changes in iveve- lengths., last Mars radio log 2 ould. take goad trev • -._.printer Styled' "Friend .of the • perforthazice,' Of relighnis cere- These columns haVe never believed' • London:' ---The .- debt •L . of ,,•gratittlde ' . Woe betideany layman who ignores. States ' has worked Out. Advanta' ., , . gee whish was ce4 by oieiroles. j**ikess to, the Cereinonielaid,*aeWn.iti:hichoro- that Vnitad • §t4en*,•enn... eiannmider. the ' Journeyman ` printer, •thrdligh ocopei He is told,tliat he will .p.roh- 'an Anglo-American treaty are. aiwaYs. whose, skill and industry Dickens's ably be ;,reborn in, his next inciting, • eolleeted.. ' Advantages that . Canada .tion,: as . a worm Iiir a , pig, or will , be • might claim:uader an-Anglo-AmeriCan bf37.easit,4, isys4Eleiiyeat:rdtl..u-•nths:ps.tr.dldly' ' bas tion, 40.6,*(1 to suffer wins of torment in treaty ,are never collected.: ,''. •:- . • .played through tt. iiimi. discovered _re': , ontit of the sixteen hells of Lainalent, . . . :: 7.,....-.,, .. ,1.-*,,.. ' • • Bunty. Wag ,told et scho.or that :Nol-' e,:fd-T-----g•i-ze.--•ft-u---•---de.e../nat-ir18-6-4-.:-.-.--Tt ' ight.et,whicharessliot An li : cold.' on . „no • now 7 at .ear mean hits turned . up. during a searth.of. the • The astrologers draw iip:•horesceneti , ' sAi . ,archives ,. Of. the 'Printers' 'perialOn :• by' consulting ' the stare, by, dice, ,or•L'''S.1:11Y insiO'.' -she eaid; "'Why •didn't Alnishouse,and Orphan AOhn•dorboapeo or by working.Out the .viirioila lre eak: I. 1c: . . ' • . 'potation.. ' ' ' ' ' • , • ' ' ceinbinations„ en :,sPecially-d • 'prepare . ' , ; .- ' Charles 'Dickens - Was tWlee chair:. charts'. it.°Oitit'tlk.:to:h°:1;itfitt. "Cl'd" --sr. "i-i.aaufnumes:inat.s.... .• man ...of th.i.w.organization,in 1843:ed " ' n . .. . of birth. . •, •• : , ist4.- , .4'Ath , was n e, PreParation. of• ' • ° • 7-7"--,'"'.--•:7-7.--. • Material. • for the'institution'S centen- . To those Wile talk and talltand talk. „ • .• This proverb should eimeen* arYthaf`.the diseevery 'weeniade., . in accepting his second chairmanship Lar: :The .steam that blows the'.whIstle' ter the laPfie. Of yeart;.. Mi... bickene ' .. W1.11 *Yet' ttira Ili° *13;eel'it.. - .' • ' "• Dora --"Don't you think it woiiiii be 41 have served three apprentice- ' - ' • ' a good idea. to have my face, lifted?" ships to 1#e' since 1 last Preabled over Delia -"Clean • off, 'my , dear, *- if ' you one Of tlie.festivals of this.goeietY. It, ' • - o. • • .;.." • •• • Is 21, years ' since ' gist .oectibied this ,,ceuld get another. chairs have I.taken eince .then? 1 Might, , in truth, say tt•' 'Whole .pantechnicon of/Chairs; and in having:worked my way rOund,, I feel. that I, have come:home again,. - • , ".,the printer is:a faithful Servant, not. eniy pr- those -connected twith-the butiiness,,,bnt Or the public at large, '• and haS,•therefOre, "Whentlaboring•U11- der infirmity and"dietress,, in ()Special 01MM on all for support. '',01tliout • elaitnifig for him the ,whole: merit of ' the work prodneed.by his shill, labor, t ".elidUtitrice, and int�lhjgoncc, Viritlidut .hith what ,Wonid .be the state of the 'worldat large?. ,Why; 'tyrants .' and ,humbugs in all countries ',Would • ha,ve ,eVerything their' e'en Way, . *:..s.ur Mil certain there are not la .any .bratieh Of Mainial dexterity to many reMarlablo",.inen as -might 'he found 'Satisfaction Guaranteed: . -amount F.03Orr 1.gniidi4cann:ecses„.serid 70.11 Da,3cs, trial my and wiliingnesa to .oblige, I have ever . able you' to tend -the-,snialTe'ST. found the cOmppeitor.Pre-endnent, 'thread the flnaat needle, 'see fat or near. ,If you, are•cn t aniated .and• nriiiief Is Ole titer hiberty,x)tift11.1i(lruegelditOpn:17:6ifS:ItahW(%friltinddeet.±, Yaot. nly t":08:cgtlU1 • edf, elsewhere at, ;15.00,, send them the' printer ia the' friend tit .every Man 'to be the solo Judge., liundreda of CLOV.Or5";:141..W:WhP,-'etklf:.1'&14'1, . who is the frientit,ofOrder—the frieffid. send; your name,,,and, address. and uge thotaands now in use everywhere, DeaUtiful ease inchided PILED, .111st' - on ther.coulionthellOW.. .how to rot', a calr for YOUraelf without cout.. OUT_AND MATT, COST-, CTAC 30 Days. Ili Nonareakahio Clear .Vision •.. . .• • - win 'give you a younger and. yet Mare - distinguished appearance. Built for 'Strength, CiamfOrt, Beauty. Light as a`feather, with smooth, Mai& polished. nose bridge and. gracefully ' curved temple bows that cannot ent the Meat tender none or ears, .A wOrk, of beautY and a delight to the wearer.' Send No Money -- Perfect Many go , not know that einong Dickens's unpublished Works IS aLife or Chita which 1i wrote. for'his Itlenew-in-the-pos,segion• et !big sou. Sir •Ilenry Dickens, Com," Men S.erjeant of the City et London,' jt, was•Charlea Dickens's •visli that it should never he ,published for gencral circhlation.-Christion Selene° .Moni- ter, •••' . keeP in the hott00:n X'ON TODAY. , • • Cravfn, Spectacle Co. Dept. W191 • 430 Wron.t at. W., Toronto, Ont. • 'I want to 'try your SPeetnelos for 10 days, This places the under no ObIlpnt. don. AlF...o please fell me now to act pair for myself Age Street...and No: .IleX er„v,r CitY•••• •.• • • • Agents Wanted. 15E2EFN . • . HEAD NOISES Relleiied bp • '• IMONARD• t. . EAR 'OIL . "Rub Back Of Rare' 0027_ _ INSERT IN NOST2.11.2 At All Druggists. 'Price $1425. Folder about uDEA.FNESSh on -roguish; 0..11011A1111,1nr... .IFfitli Am.. New York ' Cold . Itelle*ed or Stoney Bask "Everywhere men, women and children are finding instant /relief from Coughs ,and golds of all kinds by tatting. Buck- ley's Mixture. Everywhere druggist,s ar41 selling "Buckley's" under positive guar- antee. The first dose proves hOW"dif- -'-'ferent-it-cis-ind-tbere,are-40-doses iri a. ?s -cent bottle! Never ' be without this' proven conqueror of colds. • 142 Mutual St... Toronto 2 ' W. R.,Buckley. Limited. • ICL. 1XTURE Acts like 4 flash-- $ **isle sip War.' it sae • Rheumatic Pains , Gentle :massage• With Minard's :will work •-'out stiffness. andt drive' '• away pain.. winter • • tnelo4ing TkeCIdl You realty enter sunny Cali:, ..fornia the moment you .step aboardoneof theilve famous ...Sante Fe • eross.continent • trams. • , The Chicf-excra =1fie,finest and fastest of the , Santa Fe California trains. --Only TWO business darts on the way. • • •. NO extra fare' on the fourother t: ' daily trains: The California Lim. Itcdolslavajo,Scotitandliissionary. trectliarteY dining -car and din.: 'Ing-sfationiteriiittiefitheetandsrd Lc in the transportation world. r Enjoy oldiefddef this ivinter— •takc your iatnity. CallfOrnhi,:hotell ' rates arereaeonable.111 , • 'tedllawidotogr.dirand Canyon Line\ ..20/101'401a youctir.bi,durc folders? •Iv. Ifon ditY,. Gen. Agent, Santa Fe 01!_b•unsnertationiUdg,, Detrelt# "`• kii.1141; 4aLat.likl• ST4 . . RIIIED I E Suffered So She:Coult1 Not . Waik. Restored to Health by Lydia Pinidiam's , . . ...Vegetable Compound Miriesing, Ontario. "1 am a prae- •tical nutss, and I recomniend Lydia' E. Pinkhani'sVegetable Compound to • sufferingwome,n. For three Months ' r was . almost :helpless, and could nOti sit at the table long enough to drink a cup of tea:Many a timo lipi. hand carried: Me tobed, r would: be • • so weak. Then he read in the paper of a woman aufferiag as I did. Who got better after taking the Vegetable: Conant:Mind, so he Wenrand got itfor me. Whin I had taken three bottles', • t like a new woman, and • . havhidsi1ndid health ever saiee. • Wheal:Tie beeriripdowfrpama 1 alvigiye take it; soine,timort.a halt' .. bottle or - wbatever I need; It is. Tinc' ority..mediCine and rhave told.many a , ,one, about it. „ Any One Wantihg4 to ' • know More abbili:-Eydia ••- • VegCL•ible COMpOnnd, I Will gittjl!y •. write to her. .1 do all 1 cap to roc- eminend.,it forl" feint, 1 6,,ve rny life oviztvr,' I tlt. 1,,Min0.f • Do yeti -feel bOlten,-(lown, iier\„•Ons., • a"lid Weak eom'eliinePl- MinAmialerhtfitOf fear • tiiiiegi comes towomen v trki • • ' .• not Well? . • Lydia FL Pink ban) "s etable compound is ex eellent t Wktits atiOh A ti1110. It always. help., ''und, if taken. r0g1.1 1110 y a.id te.:914Letitly r,ellevo.this condition.. 0 ' •