HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-12-15, Page 1•,• :744 • ,, 777-7-• F.rt v.. r IN ADVANCE"; '32:5Q :OTHERWISE :4-.4-44,444••••• 4 ONT., 2-10IURS,DAy, PECEN9SEir:15th, 1927. Dnt be mialeacf • Prie. You. ofilY , 'pay for,' •.• • ' what you ; recei'ire.., • Itkies , perweek ;Oa' ieclUeete.:' • - Always - geed • whole.tonie meals •at • The Cain }louse ' JACK CAIN, Prop. TOR. vir.41. coNNELL• PhySiciart and Surgebn Lucknow• , Hours: 10-3.30 Phone 86 •, • DENTIST , •° Dr. MicLegd will visit Lucknow every, Tuesday, • in pr. dmnell's " °Ali% • • 144 • " LQA1•4' ANP jiBlitgAL '• o 0-4-4)-4 '1Viele4 444 ;159YS' Skating )390tS,'at bargain price's •at W. T. Little's, Shoe Store.- • .' • Just' a reminder -that. December is Ole •best Month of, the y9az for ie- newig ,Sontinelsuberiptions. .• KChristmao, ' and. NeW ,Years • eoetirr ring, en, Sunday', this year, the.day ' will he .ohaeryed, on the ,IgondaY .foV Some people enjoy miusc, .others, de • • not. ,If you do, call at Arnastrong'e and ask -to hear the Radio •with thc svireetest. tone ever known. • • '• 'AFTER SUPPER SALE ' • Conimencing -Saturday and every night 't • nntil ,Christinas. 'Hornell -- Murdoch Co.-TIIE MARKET. ' Mr: MacPherson of I-lanove is • assisting at the. -Banke,of• Montreal this week, in the- : absence of Mr Walker, who is relieving at Exeter Christmas Shopping is in full .awing, .and already ,an increase in ••the quantities of ,mail andexptess..being. handled is 'observed. These slogans about shopping and mailing early are having effect, „ MAMA TALKING DOLLS , With the famou Lloyd Patented tiklei'IST, v . - Dr. llt• L. Treleaven,: Lucknow-• o • Over • Decker's Store.' Extraction $1,00, $1.25 & 1.5U.1at ; Mc1t1111".S either' by . gas, Or •••10O4 . Will be in DRUG sToss. L Dungannon'oyery Thursday. yherie ta; -.--:-Ittinicipal-politics..L.ha,ve,- been , so ' (' • ' very quiet inour town that one might t):4.10-1:.' '‘ think . the efficialS had forgotten . all • Call Dr. -Newton. ` , a ' Make ' appeintaient .d An.'I.oiRce ' everyday.. _. elec.- Every 'voice guaranteed., See or Dolt cars, • -Price's 'from" 75c. to 44;•44.,44 Gee. A`..• Bidden, ..LueknOw, •- Broker and Real Estate. ---Money to lend oi • first Mortgagee • on 'farm proper- ties,st 6 and 6% pe,r cent according to -Security .offered Also small . *Mounts'. on second mortgages • on 1 arm properties, andon peraonal nOtes. AL•few goOd farm! for sale • . Earn $25 weekly up at • hoine • ad- - dressing envelopes. No ca ivassing„ Everything furnished.Spare or fv.il . tune." 6eful St4alped addressed en: veloPe for Particulars'. dillies A/railing • Service; Box .9, Sydney, N.S. • • WALL PAPER -At full. line' Of 1928, Wall- Paper on hand Prices rom. Sc • I am also agent for leading 3o • , houses. -R. J. Cameron, Decorator Painter and Grainer, Box474, Luck- , . • . --- LOGS WANTED •• • ,•• We, the undersigned, hereby • an '2nourice that We are in the market to ;buy .all kinds of logs suitable fer lurnber; and as we require the lumber for our furniture 'factory, we are in a .position to pay the:highest market rices. In letting us have the mater- ial you are encouraging' home indus- try. For particulars call us by phone • or call at our office. -The Lucknow Table •Co. -J. • Button, Man.. • bout .an election. Qffiefial nonuna- ti ons, hoi.vever, vil1 be held , on the aY observed as Christmas, apd elec- - Ofl if one is necessaryon the day ohserved as ew ea -re: The next Meeting •ots. the IAerarY ociety-Of, the -Lacknew .c.:Optinr(atior- ' he ...three . Literary whia ill' take place in ,F6rm. 1 on'; Dec; 22 • egintiing,:at 215 pin. To this Meet.' g a number have •been •Ipyite4, A. pecial' programme has been •prepared or" this ocda.eion.: •-• L • •FOrtMgft ASHFIELD. RESIDE -NT DIES IN LONDON EOSPIT.AT., . • . . • ,Kenneth J. 'MacKenzie, until a few years ago a resident of the 12th con- ' eessien of Ashfield; 'did i. St..40s- OPh's Hospital, London, ,on ,Wednes- day , ef. last week.'lle.:Imd undergone an operation forAterma and tater de-. volopedy pneumonia, Whieb. in a. few days' proved atal.' He. wasparried to Mips 'Maggie ' Grant, also of Ash- field, Who with one 'daughter,- , Sur- ,.ives, ,Th:e• ;late" Mr. • MacKenzie wai for a time with the Western Canadr •FloUr, Mills Co., of but'..of late•years he made -his home :ir .IIANK GRIFFIN PASSES. ON b• . It is well to .shopreir• early , food ar ell as other' •Christines. reeds... D- ill save...y(56e e and patience to, O your Oshopping the wee efore the last 'big' rush berdna. :Busy our Christmas Dinner at this. store urkeys Geese; Ducks,,;Fruits, aisiria„."Xigs. Dates. Boxes, of Cli4V,P r tes and . a hundred :and One ,gthe. elroacies. Cart you • imagine anY, tore So well prepared to supply ,your eeda 7-ThOmpstin's Groterit„, • , BUSINESS CHANGE " . • • • • After long rnontlik of suffering Mr. Robert Henry 7Griffin passed a- way at his .home in Lucknow on Men; day:Afternoen of this week. Hid 'Oil- • •clitiPTI',hiirbeen very low for -some -.Weeks,-..i and the end was net -unex• neeted., He had 'been. ,a sufferer from, fiangrene inhis feet ever,: aince com+ frig to Lucknow, nearly 7 years ' ago from his farm 111 Kinloss, andrne, thing conld be to check the dis Cia4e, but everything •• possibte • was done for his comfort by his wife and niece and, kind nenthbors. • • • Mr. L Griffin was 60' years of age and is Survived 'by a Widow .and by a 'nephew and niece,' to. Wheat he and ' his -wife, had- been as parents. The L•farieralas on. Wednesday afternoon AO Greenhill'. Cemetery. „, • ' THE LATE PAUL SMELTZER Paul Smeltzer Whose. death ,at 9.0d- Ctieb We• briefly mentioned Thst week; n . , was - ,4 id to rest in Greenhill:. Cemet tery on Friday last, Mr. SmeltZer was al ite i'old timer" about Mick,- ) now, having. resid, ed in '-thia...yirinity nractical, 11his,. _life ,,7e_was.,_-:borm la, Goderich • Township; • In „thai,•:,,,ear ;1341, .`ar,0,..Was.Lotie of .a ' faMily ;of ten oons , an& danghters• ef', Jo.seph., end NIT.§,-L'S./ifOtzei'%. 'AILII.TA.'snow..L.,pas.s.e.cl.: away birt-rit brother .`ldwar4,„ of ..1U"da-- - ford•anti..4 ,sisteri-14At's,eWilson,- of Brantford At the; 'ige--:"-of :about 20 the • late •••Mi.' SmeltZer ' trap '.rnarried rind seffigd on: a farm' in Itiniess lat- er moving, to a farm on the, 8th ' don - 0.f Aqhgeid..-- About 30„ years ago he left the farm and Purchased .a beers, iust south of Lucknow, ]ater roavillP into the vi11ae.:6 where he lived until '. going te reside 'With, his :daughter at, Godetielf.' Ire is Siirvived •bY three sons. ,Teseph' and William ip the:West and John in Detroit, • and four daugh, +ere: Mrs. ,McNevin of Ooderieh, .Mrs Savage . of Dungannon, Mrs. TWaraleY 'ef • . AAfield; Mrs. Risihussen, . of --Bloomfield; New Jersey. , . •• • 'CHURCH •NOTES ' A change is taking Place- at e Ford Garage ibis Y -eek, Mr. Cherie', MacPherson of -Kincardine havinr boneht out the 'interests kr Strutherr, . and' Winterstein. The forn,a1 trans.' fer Will be Made before the .endof the week. , CONCERT ANn CHRISTMAS at paraa-oant School, the evening of Thnrsday, DeceMber 22nd: •Prograir .will eOrnmenoe sharm-r splendid play. "His Lordshin's 'Niece Will he pnt on by' the young: peonli • ,vf .the. section. Admission 25c. ail dren free. ; ' (.22,12-P), I40494F1 SOCIAL •,--21F,VENING . 'Lucknotf Lodge I.0.0.10, will hold 'esocial evening' in Ahe 'Lodge 1100TV' 'the: evening • of Frideir,' Dec. ' 16tb, Cards at 8,15 Sharp. Rebekah. Ode•,. fellows, thei;- wive q . or lady.' friends. 'cordially invited.-Cornmittee. - Card of Thanks. Mrs. I-Iiildenby and the fitini1V Of the lats.:Matthew I-Taldenby 'wish' to thank their manY friends and neigh: bona forthe sVmpathy: and kindnesr" shown them &nine- their recent be• reavelrent. ;a1q,o for the beautiful 'floral contributions. , • • ' RAW, FURS -4 am Raying highest market price .for all kinds • of raw furi.-41.. ,131ftzlitein, • Phone -4.18,„ Luck-. ' 'now.• ; - • •;(1.0-11-tf) , • , , ,STEER ASTRAY • Came to the_prernises of the under- • signed, 10th Con.. Of West Wawanash,. on or about Nov. 20, 1927, a ,steer, apparently About one year old. Own- er MaY have same' on proving proper- - ty and paying expenSes.7-Wil1iam • Woods. - _ • ' .(22-12-C) • • 1. -• /AUCTION SALE • ' John 'Shiells, lot 21, „eon'. 4; Huron township, will have an nuctiOn sale. of 6 horses, 25'eattle aud a full line. of farm implements on Friday, Dec, 16th; coinmenting at .12.30 pni. See hills for , W. Nesbit, •••• 'enc. . (8,12-15) • • AUCTION SALE:': Richard McQuiIlill,; 2% .1 miles east of Lucknow; will have an. Lauctior sale of ,farni stock,, itrirdernefits.- and hay on 'Dec. 20, •ebnunencing at one o'clock Miller, Auc. " ' • AUCTION.' SALE.' • 'Frank Irwin, Smith -1/2'10 •6; Con 11, Ashfieldi will have an atictibif aalo: oflive stack, .grain and hay on Dec• ' . 21, cOnsinencing at.' one o'clock' John Purvis, . Atm.. , , MARCELLING '• „ . Have ,your hair • ,freshly'"inardelled 'rat curled for the; neXt, , party' by adelyne McMorran. d•Hours' 2 to 5 diteaday• ."afternoon 01 teAidence. ether4aYs. or nt yinix pointinent. . , Witlythe test of our Ss,tisfiedcue,. tomots now using Golden, Crust •- Breed. Why not vla it now? You .ein gee' that Bread that is different froir • all others nt YOUr 'OrO6ar's ' - Deitinicin Bakery. :Phone 68', • ,COMING! COMING! , Santa'', Clans *, is coming to, Iteid's Bak. „ety'next. weeli With a largo sumily Christm11 Frult Celce, Puff ,,PastrY . 'Cakes': Choice NutS,Ttalt. LAISn.tlin L tisurielerge variety o Heine Made' Candy, Lowe 'your, orderaLcnrly Phent 8. CHURCH, "ANNIVERSARY ' • WAS HIGH1',Y SUCCESSFUL • FertY-tWO:t. "yeare' •ago, abfait` this iinie of. the year, the churth at the , corner„,eff'' Campbell and • Havelock ',vTlifio. formally opened for rag - •the anniversary of that •:,,event "elnlY celebrated on :Sunday aneMondaY Of. this Week. It was•theq,; a Methodist 'church :but since June of .1025 has, been known as ' • Oa Aluirsday :evening, December 8; the-, Unity Bible Class met at , the hame of Mrs:. (Dr.) Johnston, ',The. weather was Very unfavorable, Ow- ' sehuently the • attendance wassniall nowever, there was a sufficient mini - :bet to , carry on the business of the ,.rneeting, Which was electipg officers qnd planning. work for the coining ''-year. • . • _Presbyterian Guild. • The, Devotional .Committee had Charge of :the ' program 'at Guild• Menday evening.. The tonie„ Kindnesses :Ourk,", was given by• Mis Winnifred Douglas. ' Readings 7.vere given by Gladys. MacDonald and "Donalda- Douglas, and - three . short_ :prayers were read '13Y .Miss Carrick Mrs: 'Jewett .':and. 'Mrs.. Thompson; Musical 'Mutter* were: a duet' byMiSP AitelliS9i1 and Mr. Watson,.a number of instrumentals by. Miss MeMorran ..and Mr., Henderson. .and ,a solo by Alta. 'Horace Aitchison, Rev. Mae, Donald „Closed the meeting : with' Lucloiour- United :Church. -,L • . % Anniversary setwices have leen an; annual' eVentevLer:'sinee the, .fitst.:op, „ , • . ening, when, .as custoinary,„ spe-7 eial effort is. made to raise 'funds ,for. the carrying on of Seine. feature • of die church • work: . • „" • ' • • • The preacher on the . Sunday e Was •the Prof.. A. J 4ohnsten of Vic.. toria.,. College, Torento, Prof.: John- ' Sten, was at one time minister " in •Dundas Street Church; .Loudon,. ,•,and .aas for .yearalkeld.a7high place in the Ohurch., • He was greeted on Sunday by .large'reOngregations, .the church being . picked • to capacity in the ev- ening, when „s.ervides.. at the Presby-• ,teriair...Church. and at :St: Helens/were withdrawn. • • • • . , •Prof. Johnston,. although recogniz- ing ,certain • unfavorable sopa' phang, es such as the ,prevaience' of diVorca, which ••threate6S, the home, and disre- gard of the .Sebbath Day,' which „threatens the church, is Still an • op, and regards. the world, as ,he-: '.coraing life. In. his -evening. sermon. he re- ferred • eSpeciallY to the great:im- provement 'ire MtiinStrial cenditiena: of today as ,coMpared:,,t0, 'one ,huralrecl yeai... ago; wben•,..in :large. hidustrial. .aentres., ebildre'fr and:. women toile4 twelvehours a day for. •La 'pittance: 111. Many ways Iivi.g is better. toddy, and ure in accord . with the Chri-tianit •-Lthari:: it, wa.SL,a. .hundred years ago. • . . , • ,',Lhe Rev, C. II.. "Ma cDoneld:, oechpied a ,seat inthe Pulpit .at ''.evening service, -and'. lead. in: ,prayer.'. ,Thete wasthf--iisual• •S•Petia"litOi• c--bytira- The; church was •again 'filled• at the , . church eatertainMent Monday -even-. ing, :when • the- Rev. " R. Edis- Fair,' °aim of 13e.rvieL, gavo a delightful trayel4alk oi Berniuda, illustrated by many lantern Lsliclea... Mr Fairbaira ,was for. three year • (the first three, Tears of ' the.. •Walq .miaister to 4.1 church' in Perinuda, •so • the; informa- tion hehas to, give is first hand, and the pictures, , many.. ..Of , them very .beautifur,were all taken by' himself Life in Bermuda; which is semt..-trop- •ical, is Very'different to• what • it.L. is • here.; The islands are, hut "19 .miles • in length, and L,SO ' narrow. ilia .eVery'-.'. where the. Seais in evidence. The at: ,.mospliere is' 'peculiarly , elear,;:but.very fact which • makes the heat, .all, th-entore oppressiye,-T-he:-Poptila tion is Made up. of white, and colored Lpeople; : but •the-taalared.peoPle :are not: black., Rather dethey.rangeall the Way.,.from .a..chocelate broVni 1.`white". scarcely distinguishable froir .the • recognized .whiteS.A..The colored neople,„•,•Mr: lairbairn found tobr. the'7 most pohte,....ccinSiderateand friendly' Peonte he ver ret. . They • inay: 'be lacking • in the , energy and" characterizes the', More northetn People, but:. they are -tnest: • agreeable and desY., to get 'along With, "There are 'either imilreitdi nor auto, Mobiles ,in Bermuda. • •The.'ealitemebile is forbidden by law .because of • the -narrowness of the reads,- 'Which: were, not built far the inmiern ehariot, and anylOwil.Lthe _distances are: so shell. that .a • high-speed conveyance is not.. •nedesSary. :It would' not fit• in Witt,' '-the easy, leisurely life of • the coni- munity. - . ' ' , • A most, enjoyaJle feature of the 'evening's -program ' Was a number ,of .shios, by; Mt. Orah Crawford of Rip: ' Mr. Crawford has a- moat pleas- ing 'baritone Voice, a good ..appearance• 'Ana is an artist of, no Ordinary:, abil- ity. Needless. te say, :his contributions .Were *ell received, and he will ,be as- ' se red- of a• cordial: welcome when 'he. again' • visits ..Lucknow' • as we hope,' that, he Will in the, notdistant .future •.. Thechurch. gaVe. . a .ntunber of' eleCtions 'iri•".goLLpit,• "style and -,VITS joynt and Mies „Robertson COetribul ' FIRE COMPANY. DANCE A ,dance under 'auSpiees of ' the Lucknow Fire (fln'riafly will be elAietr• in the Town ITnll the evening nt Pc- «pr'h»' Pflth. The Cornea,* ,will also, hold their,annual Rurbs,Rall on the evening of ,Jantutry 2phi, 1928. •••,. CHORAL- socniry :ntrrs • L • GOOD. .04!trr • In spite of ,themost dighgreeable n'eather 'More than .20 ' 'gathered at the Council • Chamber Thursday night of lest • Week for the first Choral So- ciety 'Practice. Doubtless' many more. Would have beenthere hail:the night been at all fit • for an Outing. 'However those: who Wete there. atd -.the „future or: the organiza- tion is -asstited,'PertieeIn Orested,..are.,. .reminded - ,ef "another,' meeting tht week ..-L'et thc Council Chamber,. r,:on Thursday ,evening.„. • , • CLIRISTMAS----TREE-ANDCONCER -,Si��I S�ction �. 3;" 49th, . toss, December 21, 1927 ••• . t9.„Vatrclaz.gi.: ; 2' As MUM 0.$ in 00r -power The entertaimirrent.-:iiir:oor-Sehooli-,'••••• . _ . And tett to have the plaCe. Jammed Onr faithful 40,n8her ii6eS her best, • Let's ell 'Pitch. in • and dothe tett -Adults 25c. Children free . • JR.. FARMERS ANtl INSTITUTE The:. December, meeting of the Juni- Or Farmers 'arid Jinilor Institute will he held in the: Council Ohainber. Town LtmitnOWL:,, - On Dec;L 20ththe Thursday hetet° Christinag.' PRESBYTERIAN -'11he Annual business meeting was held. ton the, 7th inst. 'The 'reports of the different to•minittees were give and all ,showed geedwork being done, An ' excellent • report :Was .read. Atm the • ' "Home Helpers:' showing that 15 'new members had joined fluting I:he year. The ,ofFering from the Home ai,annod to 34/.00 and from 'the' Mission Band, $72:00. The „olficers: ':rov 'next ' year'were then elected.' Miss Murray resigned the Presidency and ,Mrs. - (Rev.) MacDonald _was elected Pesidont. Mrs. C4, H. Donee's', -Was elected^ Secretary and Mrs. T.: Watson Treasurer. • .1 ,• LAYINp:,* SU:FM.1ES 'It s ecIniforiabiefhirk Ihere's • plenty0ri the- 'Let* us 'Put in your sitpplies...--,Thernkson't Grocery„., Full course xneals•A%illbe served daily, including Sunday at 40c,. Breakfast, ,Dinner Supper. Dinner and Supper in- clude ,Soup, Choice , o , Meats,' 'Vegetables, Pie, Pudding or Cake. Give Us A Trial. •L , All you can eat and good service. Radio Music While You Eat. New Star. Cafe Harry Lem, Prop. ILY TI1EATRB. ' Mr. 1 C. :Ttiyior was chairman; and !•rt 1.3)1. lntre)ote7 told the 'inee'reStint, stetY of, hoSvrithe 'church 'cable te:he hallt. ItWAS, P igtmder. taking away 'back in the "Eighties" whenjleflars werE't •dollarS.. Like other such enterprises...the .cdst had far ex, 'Ceeded eXpectations, • but, 'the com- pleted chureli,.,,at • that time had few ecjuals in this , Par,.. all opnomma, tions were ;still •getting 'along" in the old frame churCheS which had cony after the pioneer leg strictures. . The building: Of the new Chtitsh Was thc outcome of a great, reviVal in the 49igious life of Lucknow; due to the' enthusiasm Of " a you n rr inister by the name , of Turk, and the efforts of the Sitiv.ation ArMY, then Itiew in thit' Part of the country. 0 • NOW FOR-_-4.114,ISTMAST„i. 16.4&.,17.• 'B,EBE -DANIELS' - " CST:tt ANI) IN vviin Cotndy „ COMING- 41,iriD411/41 anIs,; 1V0 'rain cheeks *tied 11 for Billiards. You can enjoy a game night -0T day in any weather, itay season of "the year -mod never tire of this greateit • indoor pastime;:especially When Played on our TAO& ern Brunswick equipment. , Jack Gain's Billiard Room 11111 Gentleman's 'Gaits • That there should he- 'snow • fm, to• 1)0 Mi . VerSal wsT ni TT 11T0 rortffcrneetiliV 'tries', • In' feet. it : didn't seem. like ChtiStinat tinieSa thcro was .snow and the linglelef..meirtv 1�iah,he11s. .erVbedy 'Wanted ,V.114*- so that the driting with •sletoh. • s and entters would:be. gOocl, and: it worild, be .ant; gotting away : to Christmas.. din- ner and heck ,agnin. • differett new, and the main zwl.ah•Li for ,Opea.„...".roads.._1.and .• geed. whaelipo'. Spelt' IS. angler: •chane • Aid) Henry, Ford Ls a fent others 1,3'av,e offee.tql: ' • , Thainpson Grailene Arly reader interested in a Ring any Lady or Gentleinan bet: - 'ter not, decide .upon . anything until you have seen What We have to show you. ' "Buse -choosing is --m -- ' much easier by the suggestions , which Our Display -Offers. Yel;Y Gem represented, Mod- ern Settings and Just -Out De-, ,praterrial Embleins, for the Men • Be your'. Wishes Whet They: May, We have "Jnst, ,The Thing ARMSTRONG JEWEIAER • LUCIcNO.W.: -WASes r .., .. • •••,,,.• 0', -•B ' read . .;b1.*74 of Health \ of Health ops,Morto,Is "QuArrrY:.v8;4Ic Our gaillti Home Made. Whole ,iia4, Raisin :Breit., hal. the Ilavor'' aid - KeePhil ' Quail -ties- You , 1+4filee," ' ' .0011gh41413::6'0'i;eil: j11/; .:;4,..EaSOPPE4.1'14...S$4a;'*:e11;:''' 3":".afr; 'andt:' 411411eL4.*".1' Cakes, MaPle.,Walnut Tarts, Fig Bars 'Paris 7134as;-' Iced T;oilti, !Toni ittolls;,Choeolute L Min,shmallow .Calce,;, :Christmas • Will'•snon be with ti's. We ' :sire • akoh ,..raitking "those choice thristriai7 • Cakes..and. Chri..st7a, s. ...:.Pudding_.__S''.. that „found - ad.. -intich favor last Christinis for gifts:- Place • you Order. : We will pack and 3nsed .r.theva for- you.. A . . • • . • • 44, , ''' ••• , •‘,' 'Nei'', Fruita' for', Your ' Christmas 'Cakes Now ;On Hand. •. . ..HOLLYIVIAN!S .BAKERY Phone 36 , I '1,pdatiovi L The regular meeting of. the : Wom, en's Missionary Society .6'f the Luck - now United Church was held recently with Mrs. MaeCalltim presiding. The sheeting was . opened by prayer, by a ;Trim Old -tke-Scripture knSOfl., Minutes of last 'meeting were reed by Mrs. Alton,' and were adopt- ed. The topic was very ably taker by MrS, W. P. Reed, and 1V.I,rs. /tug@ -Rebertslin-2gave- a--•spiendid, --reading. 'A --number 'Of- ladies; lead- in , chair prayer. A ',very oaillent 'number on -the vregrinn-Was,,a-Aiett-brAnrs.-4- , Joynt. ':Robertson The 'meeting ,closed ith hytinn and prayer,-;--SaY. - • • SEED., POTATOES: *Carterid Prince Edward Island' 'pot, tatoes to arrive in Lucknow Friday of this. week. (Dec. 10). This is a •Lear ,of lbeautiful seed potatoes -Irish Cobblers, Ceiritet and get you supply. Price 02.06 per hag. Intottot)ort,:st • : onPhe 75 55 Lucknow it L. • . , . YES! THE GIFT PURCHASING SEASON Is .HERE, AND IS , IN,: FULL SWING AT OUR 'STORE. EVERYTHING DIS- •, PLAYED; EVERYTHING MARKED.' EASY SHOPPING- : TRY OUR, SYSTEM. " • ,A Gift That Lasts. --A--pure- linen__ damask table set, 90 inch dinner cloth,' Ault- • able ,for either round or square ,table, with -dinner sized -,nap.r. Ains' to match. • ,., Breakfast cloth, either fancy color or plain. k;,.Luncheon Sets,, Oystar linen, plain .with embroidered pa , • tern14 All moderately priced for -Christmas • shopping. • • • , MANY LINES OF ,,FANCY . GOODS OUR NEW SALES FIX- TURES ARE FILLED • WITH FANCY GIFT SUGGES- TIONS. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR STORE ' OFTEN DURING cnnisTmAs L'snoppirm. Li • • • 1.'111' 41c, II 1,1111 1, • Have Been.Githered Together and'A.te Now On Display On Our Counters and, , In The Windows .GREETING CARDS -For ' Christmas • and New Years, Each one in in envelope match. BOOKS -From juvenile hooks for kiddies to, the latest fiction., for the grown-ups you will find .�ur hdok shelves well filled. . WATERMAN'S FOUNTAINS -f-Singly and in Combination Sets in a variety (,f prices:, $1.00 to $8.00 " YARDLEY'S TOILET SETS - From Old Bona Street, London $1.50, $2.00, $2.50,' $3.25, $5.00 • . DUTCH .SILVER -In odd pieces, ; such as Candle Sticks. Pepper •and .Salt Shakers, Pic- ture Frames, Book Ends, Trays and Pitchers. This Silverware will. not tarnish. • NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES - A fresh shipment of ,Christmas liackages. just in for the holi,.• • day. trade -The quality is the' --same-The very lest • - 50c. to • $5.00 • • CHRISTMAS ' STATIONERY • . -Boxes of the finest linen and lawn finish. Attractive Christ - 'Alas ,,packages, -popularly priced 25c., 35c., 50., 75e.,- , and uk to ,41.50 • oc, lOc., 15e„ -*5C. CHRISTMAS ,DECORATIONS --Tags and Seals, -Address La- belsj Holly Wrapping Paper. Red and Green Cord, Gold and :Silver Cord, Tinsil and, Tinsil Ribbon, Gumnined Metal Tape, Artificial Snow and Tissue - • . CIGARS', PIPER • AND •' IG- ARETTES-A1l in attrit*ve. • Christmas packages by . the = well known mailers, "Tucketta" 50c. to $3.50 .a Box, LADIES' 'HAND AND SHOP ; - PING BAGS- • - ' 65C", $1.00, $300, $3.50 MANICURE SETS -Some in boxes and some in leather roll - ups. • $1.04 to. $10.00 TOILET CASES --Brush; Comh and Mirror 'Sets made in the, popular 'Shell Ivory ' $8.00 $25.00 LucknowPhone- 52 . The Rexall Store '1•11,1' '.• 444.4 Come and See The Wonderful Christmas Gifts at B. Peailmatfi WE'EAY0-.A.-SPLENDID;LINE- OF XMAS- GIFTS -FOR-EVERY- , • . • ONE OF .YOUR FRIENDS , We have lovely Bath TOrels, 4004 heavy, quality, lovely,, shades •with beautiful , designs.. for 89e; Also a Set of ,'To•wieAs iq Fancy Boxes' . Set cOntaing One Bath Towel, One Guest Towel), One Wash Cloth, Price $25. ' ifr -;•• ' MEV*/ Cases,- embroidered -in -Butterfly and, Basket designs, bi ` Gold, Blue and RASO shades, f.or 01.49, • Also 'pillow Cases with: • LADIES,4N113,1EN--;811kPijitro.--, as, Silk Nightgowns; Silk Vests and Bloomers, Full-fashioned Silk Hese and Superailk Hose. • ' , '• ," ' Flannelette ,Pyjamas * 'Rayon Silk ilandkerehiefs, Ali shades and Wool Hose, and Silk Hose, Arm Bonds nicely boxed. ,Phone 85 J3 PEARLMAN Lucknow 441