HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-12-01, Page 1• .•
2.-00 PtIt *EAR IN ADYANOE; $0.59 4)THERLY613i---,
i hear :,tber are putting on' a
. •
igkell Dinner ' •
:fine; only *fifty ,cents.'
WeH Andy, , 'I haVe, keen wat-
to gothere' fer"••uiay
Dinner- What',do 'Yon illy We
go •thisSunday? Let's take
Chester along and see nO our .
• 11-0-0--0-,0--00-0--0-t0-00
1 ; " • '1 .
, .
ao,riNELL .
Physician And Surgeon
•.- .-Lucknoi.v
Hours,: 743-.
Phone '80
, Dr. idacLeod \will visit
every 'Tuesday, in .Dt,,
Lucknow •
. DENTIST-- . •,
Dr R. L .Treleaven Lueitnow,-.
(1)ver--;:hlaecker's tore. EXtraetien•
either' by gas 'or local. • ill •e ir
'Dungannon every Thai:inlay. Phone 53.
.Call Dr., Newton. .
Make appointment:
In offlee everyday." '
GO, A. Siddall,.•Lucknow, -Broker.
and Real 'Estate.--=Monear to lend ojf
-find mortgagee on far Ooppit
:ties' at 6 and 6% per cent according,
twieenrito offered' . Also .„ small.
' amounts on seCond amortgages on
firm 'properties and. on :personal
- notes: ' A/few good, fern* ,f0T sale
WALL PAPER -LA full line .of 1928
Vali Paper on hand. Prices from fic
up. I am also agent fcir leading job
houses. --'11. J. Cameron, Decorator
Painter and drainer, Box 174, Luck-
RAW FURS -1 am paying highest
market price for alt kinds of raW
furs. -A. Blitzstein, Mote- 18, Luck -
now. ' ' • '-(10,11-tf)
• 1"e"../..7'.'"
Lucknow,. girl's Spec-
tacles with broken nose -piece. Find-
er Please report to The Sentinel.
•LosT--4 noir of buckskin gloves.
Finder please leave at. The Sentine)
bffi,ce. ' •
Aucyfori. SALE
' Wilfred 'Fattish,. Lei 3, Con'. 10.
Ashfield, will have in auction sale Of
Cows, Calves and .Yearlings on ,Dec.
3rd --Commencing at one o'Clock, p.m.
Over 100. bead: 10 liolstein, heifers
with calf; 23 heifer calves (Holsteins
and: Ayrshires1; 31 steer and 'heifer
calves,, Derham and Polled. Angus;
47 yearling heifers and steers. Terms
inoS., credit on approved joint
notes 'bearing bank:interest,--J. Par-
• ' N. J. MacKenzie, Lot 9,* Con. 12;
• Ashfield„ W.D., Will have an auction
sale- of "firm -stock ldimplements
• on December 13th, commencing at
one o'cloolc,p.rn.' There are a . lot of
good ihirharn cows and young cattle;
and a Hereford ,bull on this sale.
Some implements, grain and hay. -
John Purvis; AtiP."
• ine to the pieniisei•Of the under:.
signe4, 10th Con, of West WaVvatiosh
on or about Nev. 20, 1927, a heifer,
• , apparently about one year old. '9wn-
:, er .may have athe on 'proving prop-
' etty and paying expenses. -:-William
• Wooda. (1542-C)
, ,
. Robert J. Elliott; died Nov, 27th.
1926. ' • .. ,, • •
Peacefully sleeping, resting. at last;
• TI,e worl 's Weary troubles and triali
, e oast: ' •
4 111
111,sile ' . he Offered, in pet/mei') he
.. iiiil Cod, calleinthita , home to suffer
no more. . •
-;-0-1.Beinembered by bis family.. '
'IoVIng menvery of -my itear, bog"
Jalicell 'A. 'Millere'whO passed
•aWaY NoV. fifitlh Ifige.
Those willing • hands,' that tender
, heart tit_rest from toil and pain
Sleepon, deo huilhand. n heaVenly
• „pwtca, nntit 1 :neat'. you there. ,
luissoLby hia 16filng, Wits..
*Pat ,nie at The Walker Store. It's
the, ;Big Chriettnior 'Sale this week..
• Detember now 4 . lot of
'little! %Oho will be counting the day
uhtir Christina:), • • • • .
• MrAforold,Wallter. Of the Bank of
Montreal 4itaff,'-iti. thia, week 'assisting
in the tr*Ce it -Exeter: • '
Witham Connell ' snent., last
Week: :with hla ftiOnd;t•Mr.; Peter H.
MacKenzie,. At ,Toronto.
Christrnas .hopping will seenhe in,
64 aWi* ,Mr419kit ,.017P0400
'delight on to the....4`019P.'earlY" idea;
• .
Mrs. Phlllip
st4.**rd and aon 1+10Y0
have returned ironi a tWO.I.Weeksi vio-
. •
it' with herslater, Mrs. A. E.
nolds, Toronto. • .
, Mrs. Wellington Henderson return-
ed home 'yesterday gfrom Bamilton„
having pretty well recovered from an
Operation •for goitre.
Mr. and. Mrs. D. Murray lossand
little son of near Winglurna, Spent
the week -end with'' Mrs. Roses • par-
enta,,Mr. and Mrs. ;an. kewey.i
Weare pleased .to rePort that Mr:,
Janries Little, who was in., Victoria"
Hospital, London, last 'week,' has Suf-
ficiently reeoVered to return home.
Storm Nov_embet 29 sornebodyaaid
Following that . electrical and rain
thOe would: be ne real winter weas.
tiler 'until. the 'Sim, starts on his re-
turn trip from the south, about Dec.
22nd. ,
The recently 'organized Choral 'So-
ciety Will • hold its first practice 411).
the COnneil, Chamber,- Town Hall, at
8.15 O'clock, the evening of December
vited.Alf.. Andrew, Pres. .
• It is time to ,"be thinking: of what
you will give for Christmast_j_Artn-
strong's' .Jewelry Store is ,Weli pre-
pared to solve .the gift , problem.
Gents' Signet Rings at $4.50, Ladies'
Little Finger Bins,$2;5(Vp.
The family of Mr. aria Mrs, Ben.
McClure --Will,„, lee, Jean; Margaret
Slitittaand Mabel '
home list .week, -;on account of the
illness of their ;nether. .Friende -of.
the family will pleaasd to:• know
that. Mrs. McClure / is improving.
About 26 inembeis of the Weal
Oddfellows ,Lodge drove to Goderacla
Monday ' evening,where they' paid )11
fraternal visit to the ledge of that
town.. It was a.,:yety enjoyable Occa-
sion; the: LucknOw, visitors exenzpli-
rug lst•'. degree work; Seaforth
Lodge :putting on a 2nd degree, and
Clinton, Lodge a 3rd degree: '
.Jewel Rebekah Lodge will hold • a
soda evening in the LOAF.. ,Hall
on the evening: of Tuesday,'December
6th. All,rtebekahS; Oddfelews, their
wives and ladir'friends are . invited 1
Carda. 'at 8.15 :
The LucknOw Public. School will
give a concert la'the .Town, Hall .this
(Thursday) • evening; commencing' at
fi ,o'clock. There has been mei' prep,
oration and a, goOd piograni is in
Prospeet. The school eoncert alWays
draws: a good ertiarct.' Reserved seats_
re on sale at *Kim's Stotei at 35c
The regular meeting of the Guides
was held last Friday eVeniagi,with a
„very -good attendance,And._. _onel new .
• recruit'', /
, ,The SeCiatiClOsts. Onides are busy,
at Badge Work and Voysanalting. The
Tenderfeet, Guides are
.and • find the 'Morse Code, quite ditE-
‘e.talt. . • *,
Captain: "Reef knot; please.",
Nightingale: •"Knot the,' knot, , not
."KnOt • that, knot,c„tot
Canal*. '."Knot any knet not 1."
.• '
.4. ciiicisk.:6ar with ,Percy , Mar.!:
merit and •Wm., I/dwell...in
' mALOMA - OF . l'ilk:
Sot.rflt tgAS',- -
Sharle infesind.legoons,".trOp-
ical , steroanst
ls d a -love ory
.--- interwoven.
Mite 'Gutted,' ' .
eoniffig, flpeelSi
'IRO, d*INT.01,001"
40§Eon C ityrosits VIED
• .‘.1
• •..vAprc9Huvog,:,,.
, I
Mr- 4011.04Moithere ioar'Peft: .11mst.
week �f' ;he death o bis ..hfotheri
Joseph, at ,Vancouver,
and two brothera, . George and - John -
had r4swea;tbe.,00* 3il7Y4r#,' *1.17'
,..Matheredeatb *is due' to '041*,
Ite was in '0:i:hi:a:ling'411d ,,roat.eli*'
tate hipinesse and.. was engitgedln.
Pni.riingthe.,reef oferk Of iiialiOusee.
He fell :rem the. roof 744141, evidently'
.alighted on hio heed ..and2,,Aantitiers„
;as, .he *offered '0Overa,:ittluty .,:hie•
'head and one shoulder, :and a numbef:
et ribs . Were . broken, • Ile' was liken
to a hospital, but„,..' lived .• Only
'hours after the 'Occident. Be Was on-
ly :partially conscious, .but•-regrignized
his ,.Wite and A brother,.'Who hurried,
to the hospital on learning Of the AO-
Cident... •
' .The late Mr.. Mathera' Was 58' Years.
.,.of• age. Ile Was i,rii.irriecl:11v#,Ot. six
• years ago, but 'there. aTe.no
George had left the 'day before the
accident for California,',Where he. Was
.to uPeinl the winter: • "
• The late .MiT,.Mitliers was one of
ten brothers, who Were reared on the
Mothers' farro,. (mat • of..taieltnew.. • All.
grew to Manhood and ..attai-ried
sue -
cess, each in his •OWfl line. Joseph
is the fifth to *tee. away. ,It Will be
•renienibeted, that .Juatice,':Idethers.of
Winnipeg,. one of ten,. died .Seineviliat
suddenly a few months •ago.... 't
.cmoya4v4,., ,
Malcolm A' MacCalluin,:reeeritlY
Unseated Mernberaf the. Provin. :
cial-Legislature 'for South Bruce,- ir
tA be .again the. Progressive
Iate when th; by-election is held
,Thiswa.s2_fleeided_.:4 a contention. of
the ProgreaSive --
Teeswatei on Friday of last Week.
MacCiillum's name Was 5,the . only
one ..iiibmitted convention, Sf
that he is the unanimous choice
his , party:. 'addressing the • meet. '
mg, Mr. MaeCalluin .said. 'that he
sought , re-election mainlY-aS,•ridica-
tion of goOd riatne. It is generally ac-
cepted that ,the irregiilaritiea, which,
beeorted in , South Bruce at the *0, '
of the list- eentral election, and
cause of whieh,,Mt,'MaeCallom was.
unseated, '- Were .eaminitted :through .
ignorance .Ofthe law.
There is now it good dealt Of, specis,
what the Other . 'parties h
will do,' and iii.to,Vviien the--IY:elet4
Oen will he, called. There appears te
be a geed deal of sentiMent-.in'favor
..of letting tfacCrillum have „the elec-
tion by acclamation, on the ground
that the. finfilic can gain, nothingby
his defeat, thathe was the. choice ,of
the riding before, end:that:in accla.'' 't
mation would •relieve the ridingof e
•the Alirmoil and expense of an elec. ,a
tkm. However, thee* another story.
swat corm mix"
. Mr..$91.1,n
from thn., West on $atkrx*.
• Zieksts McDonald- all4 Dornin have
..0011,10ted their: "Seitsonqathr.ealling;-:-
.-; -`"'"vi,4" •• "
,e4 jqbn' 4rerh011394'.:has returned
fr.Ono..thn''-*Y*Ste.Ond hriat'Mr., Will'
Rut,herfordiro'-''..• •• "-
Mr. and Mret`Will`Tayler were
itersl. with 'GOderiefi friends on , ,
• ".='•. -
Mr. and Mrs.: .11:oht.•;T,ayior 'ef
AU -
burn, 'called on-.`liteir .614 :friend'a;• Mr.
sanrd•;.!", en Thure.
• , . •
'Mr. and Mrs; Be,ngetadeff have 'tali,
en up their 'residence in the village.
,BengOis,ciOft :,exisp,loyect With. Mr..
Joynt. •
• . ,
Bruce Garninia and children
of Elora„, were t,14 kl4sta of their
Mint, Mrs; R. J. 'Wdot14 and ,Other
Mena, here 'last week. '
. The. regular monthly, ;meeting of
'the, Harris* Missiork Band • Will be
held on •Saturttay afternoon next at
Durnin •
Mr: Elwell Webster has been dem-
onstrating his .neW., Split -Dorf Radio
in Miller's., Store. LL:Vii.ry' interesting
'programs...Are heing eployeA.
' ''PreParations., are being macre by
the teaehers.and,pupili of SS. NO': '4 1
for a entertainment, to ,b
held .t,VChristmas edneaday evening,.." Deeeinber
21St,' • :•
Mr. Frank' Todd and son. Torir,
riYed, heine, from the . 'RoYat.'
their :cattle on Saturday, ...bringink
with them goodly sh are of the.
• • • ••
ter: Mts. Fraaer Dickson oi Granton.
attended' the funeral of their. cousin.
Mrs: IVerS, at: Diingention, and. Visited
McRoberts.. :;' • ‘, :
' The next meeting, of the. W.M.S. of
the 7 will or
Wednesday, D,eCernber 7th',ot 'Mrs.
ceOrge'Wehli's. Wellarood.,"
expected to preSent. Not that
the date. is. wkweet earlier than usual:
The Young, People's Society Of the.
United. Church held •regular
meeting, on: FridaY' night, •with the-
PreSident Mr. Loi:•ne ;Woods- in the
chair.. . Mr. Wilson .WoOds *read the
Scripture lesson..Mrss ''ea Todd
gave an interesting talkon the Life
f .John 1,', Paton, and .Mr..McKinne'y
id as his SUbiect, The Life of Lord
hafts -bury. The neXt . meeting 'Will
be held next Sunday eVening, , when
Rev Mr Whitfield Will 'a charge
Mr Albert MeQiioid • and dough:
.Freda of Crewe, Spent the week1
rid. with their cousins, kr.' :Georg.1:
nd Miss Ido, MeQuoid.
.Mr. Harold' Snarling aftende.d' the'
eekeepers'• Convention •in Toronto
nat eek
Mr CeiJ Foster Came. honie °from
he West *kat aveek.:" ,- • .
Mra. Harry Tiehhorpe nf Ceder/eh
Pent' the week end at the home of
er parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Day -id
- The Annual, ChristmaS Tree ',P;l1
e Presbyterian 'Simi:lay .c....choot.,
e • held. on. Thursday . evening,' De,-
mber 23rd! Everybody welcome.
1VIiss Irene Moore visited -fast week
th relatives in Toronto:: •
United Chureh Y.P.S.
, The meeting MondayeArehing was
in charge of the DevotiOnal Commit- A
tee, and the topic, 'Row M"ich OWest h
Thou to God?" was taken bir Mrs, IC
Buswell. The Scripture' lesson was
read by 'Jessie MacKenzie and Mrs: th
Harold ii:rete,aven and lulis-Oertrude
Treleaven contributed 'solo's, and Win- en
'nifred Armstrong in instrunientaL 'A.,
iiiimber of readings bearing on • the\ ni
topic were giVen. 'bY • Mfaa ' Beattie
Murdre,Lena Robinson,.: A.tite
..diew and Bruce Martin.!.,, • a
•• h
• t.
The Conveners of the Vatious',C9m. it
Mittees, of the Guilt/ ''pranated •
program .for •MOndaY .evening's Meet.
ing; As a substitute for. the'..eustoln- IS
ary topnc a excellent,,review. of the
year's work was given by- .1disa Car-
rick. • :Readings -weire' given' by ' Mt,
The C.O.I.T. 10 -Cont
• ,and. are selling fancy, ' flower.s
nd Scriptureqext' Calendars, On Sat,
tdaY,Af,ternoon.at 0o'eik, at
e home of Mis..hob,t. 'Murray. Ev-;
ybOdy welconie
The Walker •Store Christmas Sale
Worth While, •.' •
• Smith, Miss Rena MacDonald and .
Miss Elizabeth alficIver;' an A rOci.rio
tidier!. by. Miss .Isabel Craiv:4 , •at
• Orogen i5ARY,
• Liicknow United. Church will hold ga
simiverintrY serVieet:'Ofl Sunday, Dec- -ittl
1.1th. ' y The preacher forthe. dityr
:hethe hey. Prof., A. J.: Johnston -'of ne
Victoria College; Toronto.
On the Monday evening following
church entertainment Will be given. las
:feature*AB 'be, TraVtii--: A
• ogua by . the Tie*. g.EdisPajrbairri
which he give an ,lidiOnnt' of 6
trip: through Bermuda, illeatrated by, hie
to be Vets,- There an
Will he 04041, music,
.'OrhiCeravifoia Wit smut -at
• dth
Mrs. Charles Baker, who has, been
iting her sister; - Mrs. R. TiOn„
artect Oh the return trip last Thuts-
y, to her hoe in in' Gilbert Plains; •
anitoba,' • ' •
Mi. and Mrs: Ittissel MacDonald,
ve farewell'nOrty to their friends
d neighbors. We. Understand ,Mr,
aeponakt has purchaSed " 'a fatm
ar Blyth„ ond. intends moving there
the near future. „
Mrs: Wm, ,l3rown:Spent a few days
£ week, Visiting her relatives' pear
mberlei. • t't 4' .;
Mr. an4' Mrs., Johnsten Conn ...en-
SOino of . their- neighbors
t with dnnchig
a, cara.plaYing,„
All report o geed:time that Wpre
the Party tt 001,, ,laseltihnontei
Con., aftcr a successful • after-,
• Christmait.. lfts.. re not hird . to
cheese at The 'NTlker 1004. .Z10017-
. thing, tar iivarybetly 61601';baby: to 4141
.04)64 ,. '01.‘
noon's work 4n taiSing Shed.
W.ttre glad to See 'Mr Ber Hark
5$ in our midst iigain,!inving spent
`ha ntOntha in the West.
Fulrcotn-Se' rneils will be
served -daily, including'
• SiindaY,'at 40c:
Breakfast, Dinner
• Supper.
Dinner and Supper in -
chide Soup, ‘• Choice of,
Meats,. Vegetables, Pie;
• Pudding or Cake.
Give Us Trial;
All you can•eit aria good
Radio Music While
' You Eat.
New Star Cafe
Harry Lem, Prop.
1164ILLIARDS'Pr""te. •
sportssnanshap a n d
skill. If you see a min•
With * keen eye and an
optimistic outlook on life:..
it* a SafeT--beiThe's just
.played a game of billiards
on our modern Brunswick
• equipment: •
Jack,Cain's,Billiard Ro-ont,
4 centtermo Owns
smem'amenian. •
- 9
• What is 'a home
• without • music?
Music that Cheers,
:tetti? ' The new
.trola is .i Source 'of'
riride and PleaSure-
in any home. It
gives the , latest
and the • greatest
musk, marvelously
Played. • •
Or if you would" sooner have .a
hadio, hear FADA. clear, ringing,
true,. Mire radio: reception. That is
.t our store and Make your
selection ,for immediaor Christmas
Ask for, ..deinrinstration.
• T. Armstrong
Jeweller & Optometrist
Tbr..0e Pay_lale at The Walker
Stoke this week,- • C.6iiie and-4Ve.
• Mr: and Mrs. W. J. 'liall Of Ash-
field, visited at Mr. 4.. Little'a :during
the week. . ' • , • • '
Mre. D. McMurchy spent last week
with her •daughter, frs 13 Huston,.
large crowd attended the dam"
at, Mr. Dan: .MbEinnon's On the 'Sixth
one evening•last„iieek. • '•
.`• We aro`glad to say that Mr Jame
Little, :who is in the Hospital in
, London,- is getting along.Licely, .fahd
. expects to come home this Week,'
Mis, „Irene Morgan spentan eVen..
Rise week st 1fr Wm. Robh's.
. Mrs:.L MtieIvet 13 1101i3;akain,. af
ter a Visit withfrieeds tn.. Michigan:
Mr Woods and son, Arnold Of St.
Heletia„...•.visited ittAr,._4(.. Martzns
Sunday, afternoon. '0
Mr, Mat: Getnitet :was a Caller On.
the line thin week.
, Leeks. like Indian''puininer„, how
:that butterflies and dandelions' are
out agan
Ifava ir01,1 hard a real radio? V
ribt;•there• is a •teat awaiting iou V
you will all at Alit iittOtira theritil(
/017.s., dersonstratiour
e:Iirea4", The Bread
ofHealth-,1 of Health,
•Our gnelitY,Moine Made, Whole Vicit.,:an4 Raisin 'Bread
is *ways Defielous„,., •• '
The usual aesortment,of thniie *baking.
Chriatmais will Soon he with OS- We are again. 'making . those
Iclioice. Christmas Cakes 'end 'Christ:nee Poddinga. :that, . found, • so •
much favor last Christrnas„, for gifts. , Place your, order., • We Will
• , littek and Ifnaii the* for you. • '
New Fruits. for YTeitar ipiriattints' Cakes Now ,on, Hand
Phone..36 • • ' • ' • Lueknow
Phone 7$,
The Gift Season is at hand, •
If you look the whole world over,
, You will not find
A more convenient Shopping Stand.
ae-Our-Dianlay -Of:-
Cushion Tops
Table Runners Y
Ties' t\
Cashmere MnfIlers
Ali -Wool SWeaters
-EmbrOidered Pillow' Cases
Heavy Bath 'Bolles
Infants' Al1-WOO1 Sets. •
Everything on 'display,
gverything marked plainly.
Your trade is appreciated. here.
Alfred E Buswel
Here is the plan: A „beinitififl 42 -niece Dinner .Set .will Ile
giVen away FREE to the une purchasing the , laritOst. *mount -0
good at Cash Prices, stirtinc,Saturday,` Deepaibiti ftd,:f and 'Fon4
tinning till January 15th 1928, Now is the time when: EnTeryane
needs winter clothing; and the Christnuis season of 1927 is now ap-
proaching. Maybe your neighbors or friends do not need a set, of
dishes and have 'a few articles to buy. Co-operate With them and.
get their:orders, and see who will get this wonderful set of. dishes: .
FREE. A display of this set wilr be shown in our store window-
, . •
Our chief 'object is to reduce our stock to the smallest quantity'
and • get in freshgoods for the coming year,. so every ar-
ticle will be sold at a greatly reduced price.
' -
A Few Specials
• Penman's Wool -Underwear, reg. $2:00, for 41.29.
Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, reg. $1.25, for 89,c;
Flannelette -1 yard wide, reg. 35c.,• for 17,e: Also,. sOnnt
• Flannelette. for .15c. 'it yard.' '
Men's Suits, Overcoats, and 'Ladies' Coats at very !ow
. prices. •
See ,who wi1 be the winner:of this 42 -piece 1Din,
tier Set offered FREE at '
Blitistein's% Dry Goods Store
Phone 18 • ' LucknoW, Ont.
• West of •Central Garage
Mr; Matthew Fattish -•and his son;
Douglas, and Mr.' W. J., Piper of' De-
. , . „
troit, 'spent :the ,eek -end tne. guests
of Mr. and Mrs../Kenneth Farriah.
Mrs Lindsay -of -grirnia,- is- spend-
ing a few days visiting Ashfield
friends. • • .
Miss ' Alberta Beckett IS ' Visiting
friends uv Detroit:
Mrs: Geo wan returned home, af-
tEexrseprenotindgCilin*toneej!'"7ith friends
Exeter .
Mr. Alex MacLeod of B.C.,'is visit-
ing his wither,' Mis. John lVfacLeod.
tochaish. 'Mr. MacLeod his been in
the ,West for the •past fon/leen. years,
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred 'Fattish and
MI'. arid • Mtn, Russ Bissett attended
the Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. Far-
rish brought home Over one ;hundred
head of cattle, Width he intends dii-
poting of. at a sale next Saturday,. •
Mr . Allan Grant arrived home last'
week, after spendingover two Months;
in the West.
-fs Kerflith Ciimpbelt-and.Mare,-
lyri of betroit, Aria Mt Join Menary
of Crewe'', were callers at R tamP-
on SunclOY." . •• '
The keirsheir,
are laving an At Home in tocknolv,
halL.PridaY; Dee. 204,, and have
invited the Paramount Tier.W.CL. nttd'
to jein the*,
tha .Paramettat 1.10; IY.r.W4:
h414 tkoSY 41111014-$0* '411100t
Thursday evening. • The supper was
abundant, and, U enjoyed the dance
that followed. ' • -
, Miss Marion " Langdon of Emligo,
was guest of Mrs. Hector MacLean
last week,
:nr.' and Mrs,. R. L. White' and Mr.
and Mrs., GiirOin of Chicago, left lor
home Tuesday by, motor, after spend- .•
ing. a week fhe • guests . of Mrs. '
White's mother, Mrs., K. MacLen-
• The Paramount -Lt,P.W.11: held
their annual meeting On Tuesday,
November 22nd, at the home of Mrs;
Jack llenderson, with tWentyifive
•Indiel present. The roll tall was an-
swered by "Useful Suggestions for
Christmas Gifts," and some very *me-
nd Suggestions were received. '• The
officers elected for 1928 are its fol-
lows: -Pres., Mrs. Wm, McGill; Vice
Pies., Mrs. 13. J. Buttinr; Se?y., Mrs.
Mire TrWin; 'Trees.; MTS. Grant Me-
Diarmid; Pries Seey.,. Grata Canso,
Organist,„Mrs. Grant` lifsteDiat-
rnid.,FolloWing the 'election of ale=
era the following programme was
given. Readinge ...by'. Misses ..Lila
Rheiiirdzi; Miry:040s and Mrs. Mac-
Aulay; a solo by Miss Margo* Butt
ton, 'After soine community singing
the meeting adjourned. There will 1)e.
'no• meeting in. December,' and the Sitivv,
uary „meeting will be ,held ,at thelome
of'/Mrs; MacAuley.
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Chriatntait Solo thisThlimort
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