HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-17, Page 8PAA* wary 1" THE LINKNOPf BENTINE14 THURSOAY '1•19 27"'"7-71"1711,11WHIPW'r"k :Axe, e ER 17, 192,7' lr.-tlf' 00 REtU#NS. TO ' XOREA ..••••7•••"••••.n. . Our realleTs 'MAY 'he tiet14444 *love that -Mt, Choo, the (0; te- Jle„, ieetrent, tne Ken•,! • ee • •• ea Agring. the SlIkOokeir motbs o1d minum Ifaie in. I*: district: ed ni#ve land, evi- tit ‘the porpe,se of,OntOring: 10300, -chtiotiari: mieeieneiy '.,theire; Before leaving heeie -land, hte;.;chee. 0.,.?"0:iewelt. to -the people qs Can, *thi, to 'whom he appe,nris ite have, felt ver Y grateful for theeteeatineet he -441eer,44./ie*.:,...14.9aPPearii. to he P. Very' enthaitiaptle •• convert to tirq,, Christlan i.eliidc,11,;.and is now to de- ; Vete his' lite to extending 'that ,faith, iimeng hie'. eelenteYineffie The tepeningepaeegyiplis' of his let: tereuggest.'that Mt. Chthe iSie /flair ,O.;.Ordimoy.:,11141ity and . enSrigy.. ter e in which his fateviell letter,. appeared, .he ,.wrote:. have been in your country. fot the pait_thitteen Yeats educating My - graduated B.A.•‘.. froin 1. Delhoueie:.tlnivergity ited • in 'theology ..frOm, the Halifax Presbyterian :CO, lege,, Halifax, , 'NO; X4Ster: .of, Arts ,from the University of Toronto,' SUbisequeritlY sPent several winters . • • at: the •Uttivereity of 'Chicago, taking peat -graduate Work toward .the de- . gree',44 Doctor. of -philOSophy:. . .1 Mit .new: leaving, Toronto- Or My bome land, Where 1 expect to take up. life: work. Six out . of the, thirteen, years I have spent In Ontario but two *intent over in the States.; As./ . „. . , hive 'Many. friends reading Yenr !Pa-. you. to publish My' farewell isve;r: in *me paper,"; .• .111e 'Style of -expression; for the - , graduate of a ,Canadian college, Unusual and inggediathat' although, he' .beciinie 'a Christian, and ,.secured . , _ an_.edueation;in Englisk-his:'..senti- .Ment and .Manner.reinained,'essential;.., ---•Hteeekirientiti--e-----Resid4hiWf,pieeettitrepleie ,"Faewell, my fiatet brOthere, A-'' ;step.-' Yes, .net a theuselleleYeeirs 4M7';' 1r..1,911 4.i•imndred, net fiftefi net twenty-five, theeel‘keed.,914 silly. eteor raireeitheaC.,Were'ina...tete '0aXed•With, 441094 new einelle' in which, We live and rnve andhaveOr. adopted sister') ,,1 cannot ifeinii,:departUre front you Without' heenett...iyitteefehealt tho.dndm and. -gene011iter YOW.°. tO eine dithng niy .sojojere among you. • y9,11.; bave opened, your beautifUl' homes to . *Meanie 'Me. 'Yen have lavishly ex7 teijded to 'me limitless: kesPitality., Sontite.ef you have opened even your heart to to Up. inealuabl , . • friendships :Winch silver , ,and gold. ,:.cannOt.buy..: As the indomitable ` fate takee einee: Ante , yen, leer f0471eShii, .beeomerse dearer, and: . the ,,e•ehetinory of., the lest ten end- three • eventful 'years' Surges. iii 7 mind producing .a sadness In' my eyer.beat- Jai heart." „" • Mr; 1Choo's- many friends here 'Will, wish chini; a:'pate journey, and Many 'yearsetf,health andestierigth in which •to:,carey'eri the'work :to which -heile Pe "Wholeheartidly •deVoted.. It took , no ordiinatei measure of Intelligent .' perseverance for alprireiiii'wrth little • 'means and without a knOWledge of language to win the university. degrees which .this man. Carried ' way. with 'him. • '; • .h4h,fge' " The world is betterlodeer than ever it was the people are better, and ev- erything about ns is better. The. great., rtion and tbitivpor the Past stand out premmently, of course, as the, great aleneeed-thiyigs 0' the fresent, 'day will, 134t,, taking the eopiposite, whole , ' this: Old 'world is a great pleett toil* In today; and .greeter by far than "these "good old days" of the brainless and unthinking folk. ' NOW A.IGUE."TII/S: OUT THE 'GOOD OLD DAYS • (Almonte.GaSettey' Aver and anon, we hear some per-, San. talk of the goo a old days with enthusiasm,and erre' :wonders at :the • unenlightenment of it, for the truth is that What. Are popularlysUpposed te,he ;good old days were 'really very dierii:e Here was an instance oflhat kind of talk recently - by • a .gentleman in Ottawa Mile Ought to ..kney better.e History lute given us outstimding facts Which cOmPel our •-admiratiori biography ,/!hd story, have 'peesehted .tvith glorious paged, and tradition • has. earriecietrremetheengee-tlig7-getietet e • 'HOW a reverential, ove for ceytain peqele And things.' The great -events Of "the Past are still.great and always Will be 'so; hut the eIrcumstaneee *jell sueroUnd :them are little under - *teed. : , AleXaridee the Great Wes a bestial Young butcher, and we C An only ima- gine the, hafrowing scenee he left be - 'hind him in hie • eictarietut Marches through counteles in which he had no heSiness t� be. ' ' Welove9chivelry and patriotism in . -"all 'ages, but Who -would notvadays ex, • 'change the .cenditiOns. ber camp Soy the travail which -nob, •• ert: Bruce had to undergo? • • Wt fthII. orG6Od:1)ifeen. Begs" And iiihriiee' the ladies of her train—and • some of the geetlenten t09-4allit we forget the geat unwashect m • perfuined thernsei,ves to' kill the oiler, et their stveatreaked perigees ;a few et the thiteee he dirk arid whiele ha eine eiCorturiete .age Made it rieggible for him to do. • .. • ' •• ' Theee' iii eliegton. et, In, the. • accenipliShaieets o th4 church their the ,cdtittitlest!ydf-*e fergetthat not -so lorix .ago,. tot 'SatterdAY. treighto be" Oebiuoiiiiii with wiiiskey'ancl, slim* :lilts his ptdpit next day: .witk :40,olittg •bra Mut iltutoody toot.' , Ater!: ,ciet't afford 'to' buy more.. than er4 nd There, . . Eeteiblieleng ‘ellei is Itelleved to. • be a world' reeord, H. flooeet,' of Battleferd. Seek., •reeently deg a total 4f 171 ,potatees from one hill, =" A new reeerd for the Port df' 4entreal,Wwe setup aterdaYi'Oetoe • .e!). 22ride with 1,045 ,ocean-going, 44"Attnirs hav'ne. 'enteredthe pert, 404911. ,(with five weeks or:so, • :et, to rue), es• compared with 1,042; fer.'elie whole rif lest season ' wheaterelds in a eeesop of • Lineeing eeturns eeent by the bulge .0 Oetote-e 26th ,Whesq: P. Cook. of• • vingreth 24", Miles deuth of Leth, !ridge, Alberta, reported a return ef 176 bushels. on' a. piece of . fal- :liwed.iand' ineaseriet slightly �ver two .acrs. • 'Hon. W. E:,Poster, Chairmate.of 'lie Saint, John Board of .Harboil .two of, shoos in a ' year becatise• Commis Floners, announces that plans the women Wear'.5..U.cheeepeneive „ feet - .un!,t nla, rged : ar or • facilitiese or, Saint John wear'. thatthere' tt no money 'left . .• mould include four newsteamship the family pureeafter they . get 'berths and an elevator- of 2,006.000 ' through. • •. , • bust1,,,!aPaelty And that Plans for That's a fairly brisk sort of a state- ' thes • woUld be iprePated at once. J be located meat, an,d it did not originate in dile ddeThey Of th' harbor. on the western 'ofice, We yealize that it' t a very del- icate subject to tench,' aft* for that lecreasin interest is 'being ', man - reason 'hasten to add that 'the •state-. fested throughoutthe countrvjnthe • ' . . Project sponsored by the • Depart- ment was made by the shoetnen them- '• ent of National Defence regarding delves in convention. light -aeroplane ° clubs, and two The ladies, of course, mnY dispute queries have been receieed formally' ' requiring the Governm;nt to fulfil. the fact, they may clairh that they go of the e limping around. , week after week • its Part scheme- by 'shipping , we . the two' Moth planes promised under waitingfor.a .c ance to get a !tele the provisions ef the plan.. Mont- pairof shoos, .or boots, or slippers • real and 'Edmonton are the first two or whatever it is that they wear:. • applicants while their husbands, go, thumping Inaugurating a direct Mail service around in nevi footwear that is sub.. ' by air from Quebec City to Ottawa' stantial/ and • dressy. and bringing British mail to 'the Capita) 48 hours ahead' of- regular But the feet that the men who train schedule, a seaplane.with first made this. statement have it 'all fig- class mail from' the Canadian Pa- ured in a 'very scientific way. They cific liner alVfontroyal" landed on, have it reckoned out.,...just exactly the Ottawa River near the Parlia- ment Buildings. This is ,the 'first -•how enanY pairs of shoes are sold to,- mail to reach Ottawa by the air, and each nian, and what's more' they Put is part. of a. more general eePeri- it• all on one_of _those- chaets. When' meet' on the Part of the postal • .• r .fiauthoritieserres eny sort about anything at - . • , eall----,arreclueedeeto.e.aeeehal.tee----1, -------Manitoba-184-- use 'to start.an argument. The ave- held from November 30th to Decem- man does no now/ what the age ' d t k' - - ber ard in the old Hudson't Bay store at Winnipeg.Eyanit, charemeaes but he imagines the Man . . Depute Minister of Agricultu 11 wha-dtew it up ••• -be,superintepdent, end *Y.. tEreboWylle So there you are... , The Women are general . manager: There , will be wearing the "good fOotwearandthr -•eight-elasses including onee for the best pair of matched foxes; one fov rnen are taking what's left to go out groups• 'or herds and gee for' the and gather up. some sort of poor Coe- meet desirable" fox from a , 'pelt eking to keeiethe feet from being 'ex- • standpoint.' Several' championships win be aWarded. -all 7of,whiph-ere paged to the changing. vilThather; -' . There ought tt, be 'enough . in this . open toailcla,ises to start a good argument at the sup- •• What is said' to be the most valu- per table this: evening.—Ex. able shipment of 'horses ever to ' FAM IN NAIIIE 'ONLY' • • , , reach Canada arrived 'in •Montreal 1 recently aboard the Canadian 'Pa- ,• cific .freighters "Bosworth" and "Bolingbroke." The owner,.is W. 'Acoording to the localpress, the J. McCallum, of Brompton, Ont., and Regina, who . secured these' prize • PrinciPal reason for eancelling tie • animals —in 'England, Scotland, school fair ink o• ne of the garden spots ranee an Be giutn, They include Ontario was that the s' Childrer the famous "Lord Willingd " for •tvere-rnaltine_a_pr. _adiee,_,0e:. showing whieh Mr. McCallunV paid °$ai0 000.- • Peoeucts not grown by fherns-elves horses wiil .be sold throughouti. ' the West after being exhibited t From More- than one locality a ty comegi• Toronto, Chicago,, cuelph and Ot- • the report- of prize-winnerA admit:tine tawa. ' that they had , gathered their exhibit • from professlonal .gardeners or. frow Canadiaris would be. considerably surprised they were given full' de - neighbors. We. all recognize that lit:- Baiiatinsh ,dinavnensetineenl eometi,mes .have a very -ingainoto'tCean vague sense oflenirie ;and .thine;" .1314 Present • time, according:. to aE. Re. when we find that these dishonest ex Peacock, director Of the Bank of • hibitors were aided by their parents Eieeland fled 'of the 'Canadian Pa- cific •eteiltvayee The'43-rieisher does • It:seems • rather hopeless t� expi ect riot seek publicity n his •business the youngsters- ever' to leurn to play. ' deals, he stated. with the result that ,tee eeee.e of life fairly ,ene equeedy,, large sums df moitey were often •Placed in the Dominion and never We would be eery sorry to believe heard. of. • A een iit point, he leen_ that 'these are -typicel conditions, hu!. • tioned wile the investment •of •him - we do -fear. they are miich'too preva- etqf and five other. ' capitalists Of lent. ,In eowe cases 'the motive for f200.000 in timber interests in Brit. the disu shonesty is doubtless simply Brit- ish Columbia five years ago, alid -epee the eeess. of the. venfure the meecenary. • 'Parents caring Only for I u :tear ivcthiont of £300,000, ' the. Money value of the ' prizes, tn. courage -the children to steal • niece te they cannot Merit it. Occas-.ionally a child may. be' naturally lack= lee. e sensibility or emesually, elee in arriving at the,•age when he be eprnes social beirig with ' eonscious- nefie of the rights of others. • But -eery ofteri the fault is simply on,e 'mote ereeidenee. eof art generaleeleCkeeee-- .thinking and living,' which. undonbte • edly is. becoming far too eominon.--: Farmer's Adveceite.. • ci 'clockwise direction (to ' those in the. !northern • hemispheee.)•,,.inakipg the complete 'circle in twenty-four kitties. The belie heed of the wa4h thaltes a • revolution Once:in twelve hours,' or. in other 'words, Moves twice as ,fast _asethe,eaneePpeere toeireVel.• Asreitne ing that the sun is due south when •the hour limed of the, Watch is at .12 noon the working .of this simple Me- • thod becomes, quite apParent. aft.0 consideration. • •• For two.. reasons .the,. method is eot absolute. One -is- that at i2 noon • the ,Watch, except on :four days in the year, the- sun is not ; exactly* did south but is constantly varying in its position. Another reason is that , eine does _not 'reeve around, the bort; zon. on A level *ite the heeds of the watch but slantingly, moving up in theerearning, and dew:fin the • after; noon, Thus it is the sun may Appear to move farther -during an hour near,. :the nMdle -eta-thee day; thaiduiing the. same period -of trine in the morn - leg or the ,eyening, Atenighte the, !Positionof th. Pele Star, or Pelaris, is an infallible giaidoe This eter, may readily be ,,Picked. Otte, tilty-ebieugingetheetwo-'pter • tare of -the Great Beer Constellation. or "-hig dipper". as at, is often ai" fointeede "'The 'North 'Star •ialso *Wine the end' star of the handle of the Little Bear constellation o 031 "little dipper," but this cannot. al- ways bo .roticle out even When the _Steel See' -shining en iteetintitene the efect•that they aro .of witch less Mag. nituda !OW TO 'TELL DIRECT/ON • Iratimis Methods May Be treed, Some More certain Than ,OtherS.:' • .wbOn' traiellinsk.: in euefitieiler coun, try', it very often hetorned tecessary . • to determine directioe, ,Mbst people are able in a' general $0,,Lor way to 'itrs�iithe daYtioie by. if-tea/le of.the !ionIr it is shinine-, • or at ,night (speaking eve particular! the •11-6-1-,l'5phofe) by means . Alio 'north etAte ' . Sonee people gee) to possess the Ateulty".-oft teffinge'llirectioliebyenieolue • of ,the ic,reina,eltribl:c dogrel ,•ef a(-"etteaile. To those who have' diremt1ind- eriegleyejp,ethiseeeger'd•ethee.wellekt (iVVY 'o f Whiting' use ef ,.the writeh in ,eonneetion with ethe .eve'reetie .40 effieleY&L 1iil ieffeeted. by . •Ing the *etch level 'and pointing the Nair heed A.tLhe_ sun arid ficeepting 'the line midway :hetWeen it and • the • lieere 12 on tho,•iiial m fly- 'tine south Aireetiitie _ .eT.his...evi-fleette.orve,iiiietetinweeetriv ately, but; will be goo'd.',:-eneugh tor • In fw......;•••••-•-.....;••••••••ri"•••••••;•• •-•-11!""`" STORE BRIBIF'U PRIC 111 • L 'dies flat,' Sale • -These hats are from. our. regular stoek, selling tee.. $240, $3.49 and-. 48,98i Th 4 ','numbers are liniited. We • wish clear these out this., week,. and this isaegood opportunity to ser ewe * Valuable, hat." et a, bargain -.price, pome early; ;This Week -end Sale.• •'• '• • • • • •''• • • • • • • • *, 1.95' Warmet-,SWeater... :•cOat0-t".00:./41en•- Be generous to yourself, keep 'warm this winter.: you linty de so at a low cost by taking advantage of our 'Sweater Coat Bargains. A big pile of them at very. low: prices. ,Up- wards of 298 ' • en weed Pant ale .• • 1:1"his. Week we efrer Yott our. entire.; , stock of : men's ' tweed pants, selling reghp' te .$6.50, Sele..peiee 2,99 YARN YARN , Colder weather and longer eVen- ings,. is knitting time. , Secure ypur ya.rni at this big ,store. Scotch Finger- • ing, Wheeling, or Finer Sweater Yarns. • They are all , here -for Yell, Don't buy- haw quality yarn. We halm _ the bested a low Force. , Navy, leiC6-#, Linecl BloOmerS*:. Newly arrivedifloi.t eider days. Vlbece-lined bloenterstfor the girls. Elaetie eyelet and knee, strong cot- ton ,coVerieke • well- fleeced. eA IOW Prieeefer Werml Bloomers; ;.. • • '• • • 49C' *lid 49e 'Children's Woollen. ,.StoCkingS, , Troll. Blazer Worsted svintee hese.- They -are, streng and sturdy for -that • boy of yours, at 49e. And up. ' Heavy - woelleh rib hose, :Much 'like what' mother used to , knit, Splendid • for; school on ;cold days: \ 49 and Other learin Lines We have attended the big Close -Out Sale of John' MacDonald Co., Toronto, and have secured some very exceptional bargains. These_we are going to offer the people of Lucknow and district. Th savings are far toil numerous to mention here. Come to our store Frilay---a.nd-Sallirday-and-8,11-next-week-for--values,youll never -forget_ Flannelettes • . Our Staple Department „holies forth • • a' host of: iiivirigs fer, yOu in ..Fleenel- ettee. This Warm •fleecr'cloth id the , housewife's friend:, .It's :economical, e too. • ' Just 'think of: the warm., gee- menie that can be Made up trent' our ylanuerette. • 'prices- very. low,' -1.7,pefiliqs ...of, per yard .' 1,6c • • Collette and Corset, Special • - Here they. 'are; A great big heap of thern—iiEuable, well -fitting Corsets and Corsettes. • "Get them at ' this • Wee -end Sale. Very ePecial, • at each • • • • = • • •,• • • • • • • 89c plearance. Sale WINTER CQATS Ladies who: need e Winter ,Cot wilJ de Well to take advantage of our epoat Sale: • We h -re offering. warie . new Coats At greetle reduced prices' 1295 15.00 19.50 22.00 Ladies' Warm. Silk &. We feel. it is a pleasure:to offer ohr friends.' these exceptional cosy Silk & Wool Hose. " First quality, and in colors of Peach, Sand, Brown, •. greyt etc. • Special valuei at per pair . „...... 85e YOUR - FAVORITE ••••••••• nappene that one Wished to knew .the. directiOn 'hen. the 'sky is • overcast with cleedeee:orne people Who, are 'familiar , with the woods can read the signs from the eVidenees of .Na - tura, •, Thus: the seuthere •sides ,01 , certain kinds of Popiertrees: are "Contmonly whiter thantitneethere .eieclrtaes,in..deteite%,thiiie iictiori of the 'sun. In d in tlie.Lnorth,side than on. the .south. Some liidlans, it is, claimed,. can tele direction in a grassy couhtryby tie way; the :grates lies dim t6 the . pre- '•‘" • , ' ' vailingwinds. 7 tit Jilld Se enotheiiii, :eaten- one:- IS lost on a. eleudy day in a strange dile= triet �r paktieularlY in the • woods are more likely :than not to add to one's confusion. How much better Would it be in this case if one Were futvided wjth a good magnetic corn-, miss' and a 'kopd. map of . the district al -well, and knew how to , use them both. 'e -TOpegraphice Tl Stirtrey, Depart- • Meet of the Interior, are eilgaged in the task of publishing such maps• , Ole aerie; that known es the° Na- • tioeal Topographic Series; is iritend- edi.everetually to ex. tend reoria..P'ne end of Canada to the Other. They, also have ollgete& it- gratedeale Of -infer- watioit. regarding tbe tette 'direetitee . of, the magnetic needle, einee the magnetic needleedoeit tigtePointe,etrtir, 'a -Teeth -lett vier' east -different Places., 'The Map •sbeets a= *tmikod and' eublieatietiketitie, -1-eid;friialie-infarniatien tolleaed re- eerdieg the magnetic needle are wadable to the public,,in eaeletage' at nerninal cost, AMAZING "RESULTS hundred i et' OPeriitiohe avoided, treat., litteThoti1iitis, ,Sere-tlieoeis; • Ilead- •eased. Toholis, by using Mrd, rnPSt P1'040011" P111,0008. The dun ap". 'Wilen.,triteelling in otrange041 dour, SOibro", Tono!itist• OucctOi , or money' Oki .10' ,nrOliticli the .141 tittouilt.thstitoo4i, 404 , 0 ., en7s. 1104yy W091. Flannel Shirts",. , • We offer yOu this $2.00 Wool Flitp riel Shirt, ,at a price' whieh You. can, .well-etiff.ord totake,e.idearitageee.of _ ' Our eeeelyat the gale Price is line- • :ited. Celers ,of Khaki, Blue. and Grey.' , Sale vice e;59 Men's Heavy Wool Rib Underwear Penman's All -Wool •Ilielerwette- for e• • Men.. theLlettedy soft -wo011ere,teetuie realtee thie underwear a fivatite, It's • A' baigain at our lotw -price. Per gar- ment, ,1.49 • SHOPPING. CENTRE ANION111111111• HALLOWEENEItS HAD TO PAY FOR THEIR PRANKS The men and boys. ireplicated in the Hallowe'en rumpus in McKillop town- ship, near Dublin, were befere,Magis- teate acid Cie Saturday afternoon' ie Seafortie to -We hall.. 'drown Attei•ney Holmes .Was present, atfid the accused' were ,represented by R. S. Hays' of ,Scaforth. The charge of unlawful 'as- senably was presented .egeinst thirty- five personsand' :all pleaded ,guilty. Nine boYe. Under sixteen years, of age were allowed to go en euspended:sen- :tence,- and the .remaining twerety•site older., boys tied, Mery were each, fined $5. and coets. Those ;concerned . also • have to, make payment -for the dam- age 'clone ett the kerne . Of Albert Krauslc011f; where the disturbance oe., curred, • ". • Another Hallowe'en distUrbance which occurred in Colborne Township is likely to be aired in elmit at Gode- • 7--0 0 , • , , ' GRAIN THIEVES At (won't' • Jos, Weber of,„ *Concessiori„ B:, Cat - rick, had about fitty bushels of "grain stolen from his barn one evening last week.,.He hag a considerable Arhount” '' tedi the' b Of the if pain so e n barn . Hoffele bent, whieh 'ig about 'Writ& from' his houle, and the thieves could operate '.,thera-- without- nuiph -"danger- of detection:The Padlock was pri'P. 4: arid o. 'considerable nmoune or. •reixtedegraiw•-elndeeelerickveheate±ew0- stolen. :• Mr: Weber • at Once goe, into 'communication with Provincial' don - stable Widnieyee, ected an eineeetiga:. 'tion • yielded a clue that will almost undoubtedly lead to he deteetiop , of the 01'16, parties. The suspects are also given eredit for wholesele thefts of -Auto, tiree.and, puts in . Carrick .. 1 Atiring the -40a- stimnier,-Untl-if Mr. Weber euedeedi In - 'teeming 'thew . down he will he dans hhuoielf snd ' O. soma! publIc, I; ;rest rerviaso • . • • SCHOOL . REPORTS • 'SS. No. '3,'West Wawa.nosh Sr. IV: Taal 500: johnee'oran .430: Donald 'MacDonald 317; FlerenFe Cranston 297; Willie Puidan 249e .• - 'Jr. IV: • Harold'. PowlerI. Charlii,"; :Duel -the Beth abserttl from most of Jr: ' Total ,200. • Jean pardon 'Sr...11t.; Taal ,200.•, Eivdd P0tt1etz- ,119; JQe loran absent. ; • • "Jr. II: Total 200. Robet McAllis. ter 179; JJ Fewier 1:9; tineit Dee - Alin absent. , • 'Priiner:4Ielen Vowler;,-IIelen , No: On roll 14 • Archie • T, McKinney. Arromem••••ismmr' CATTLE ON THE ROAD. Cettle 'grazing oit' the • provincial highway were • veri nearly, responsi- ble for tk• bad accident On Sunday ev- eelng..A Mildmay ,motorist came un- ".expeetedly upon a number of ' cattle. a few 'Miles south of 'AfildmAye and triandevering his car to • avoid: a collision lie nearly went • into the • ditch. As; he Was congratulating him- self on hie Safe escapee a . big. 'car Whizzed by at about 70 miles an hour • just' grating his machine bit a hair's 'brpadth. Cattle owneta era again re- • mindeittlial- it -is runtheir stock on the provincial highway, un-. less tire Aniniale Are equipped , with e the regulatiOn. head and tail 'lights. • YARNS Now is the .time that one has long evenings at knitting. We have Listowel Yarn for Sweaters, Scarfs, etc; Buffalo Scotch Fingering, the best yarn for Children's School Stockings, Wheeling Yarn from Newton Mills", the very best we•can -find, at 30c. a skeim- 'HOSE ' Ready to weaf:-Children',S and Ladke -Silk 'and Wool Hose, latest shads at 85. Children's 'Ribbed Ca'shinere,;Brack and San . • • UNDERWEAR , For Ladies 'and Children—At Popular' Prices ,worth'your while to see these. ° STORE LUC:KNOW, OlVT..81121.0.