HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-17, Page 7N • M1 • „ • •In the game of like, too Menr,people nra tTYing to pitcli..and .tbir'le* are . , . willing to play iu theoutdeld... •.• . ...The doctor gazed at his patient's . You yoit have trouble• with it," , , he said. '`Tut,. there's ,soniething 4. More. • On Itielting at it, I see signs li-ver trouble, of anemia, and,• I Mar a •chronic affection," ' .'Look at the ether eye," 'said the p•atierft, . "this is , my ' glass eye, you see." . . • . • Orten,Nybou, We command Satan to • get behind, us:•we'pecretly hope he'll 'Path us into What we want to'do but 'mightn't se's:IVO can ]ay theblanie on • The iMm who gets up in the world must also get, up hi the'niornint'n • . . • . pitedicted: year, radio with.- terYieSs,'-4.• he -Sure, to get the typo that out batteries, ehemicalp,„chargers, at.. lp completely ,batteryleps and 'built, to iachinents, eic., are rio'w.. the •standard. 'beo.. ' F lln ./nnothe1,. year or so battery-eper- Of thiS, type ,the Togers- Battery, ' eted• he ,Olidelete; • almost' lege Is • •the erntr ene:twith- any record "Wertneloss, Wherever .Ourient. PreVen 'Perforniance behind. it";.Con. „ „ „ , ,•• able.' ' , ' •.ceiVed in 1923 and introduced in 1045, 'These crinshiering the Intif'411Aseof, a.' it • irk the,' first , and only- time-testeck- radlo• .op'erating, •Withtiat2' *batteries Itt 4.4010 e1,7.,`. cOMplete...in .orie elhinet; pear„:thil . ...there _are:Inn/4e, one, facter'Y and operathig. • 1.rp' t "eleOtrleir : rridie(i) 'Ydirent from any niteinatipg • current l•POSe• that Lite 'rbuitt4e.:operato, • di,reet, ,'soltet' (and in niorst..cases:it nee4.„09 frein, a light •.$)eket,„ Made in.tine „fac- ueiIali. • t,orY,k ..„PelitPlete'. t.1141 MCir et) VP1. tke Rogers was conceived, r.4.4).! PpOrete, .ordiehry:,:drovoleivA, v2-rfeetert and Made...1404 :elected' Pets .that; can be"' "adriPtetriin: was the world's _to,,lig-ht-socket operation bY,114414140g. Petterless•AX radio set. 'a , se:edged pover unit, li1ch ,power proditeing anal a set that will •glve unit generally. conelitaTor turlf9irra:::per.foepiarice lU tIl localLties. Inater, Storage .7 battery and .'a-nader...,All'eonditiond. is. net easy. The, 'charger. You .still haVe,:the ,A!' bat." itrpt year. or;:two.h.rings. gripf. terr," 'You j.tiil have. oliemicab, •but in its, •thirdyear,: with thousandS of the charger.,,ie '•ccioneaterl'Iri *. sets in...active ..operation.:frOin .00o-- socket:- and se '• they ',are teraied to Codet the Itotere has, proven its "socket-power."Thie latter type Merit, '• • ' 7' • • '• • • servos verz weIl for ..iliose:.who al, Don't experiment. Itmay 'cost: YOU 're.adY. have 4. batterroperated Set, but dearly..Lookfor the name “Ftrigerer,' 'eannot Afford to turn it in for a new look for the' Rogers .Tubesyoth tormin,e Batteryless• Model, but when thelop clips and be surd then; you'll .huying. a new " radio supPoiredlY' haveno.regrets.later.---Advt., • •• To small girls were out plaYing • „ when the doctor, ,.who . happened to 'be: . 'Passing, , Stopped and inquired. hew . they wo,re • : • ' we' died better tell . you, said one of them. " 'Why, nett?"-Ire,askedT-'-7,--",-----.•--.• Vve1'Old. replied, "Daddy •told . USItitet7When-YPu-ealled---the-,other--- 7v.wertieltl.3a.n7d:aelredhew We were, it vest Oid:Gentleitian. 'On Street 1 Car).- !glee anyone.; ;here :dropped. a :rbit of bille it, rubber...eltiStio'; Around, • them?": • • • „ • ' • .!!"i'es, '1 have;" :dried tr,dozen. at' .Old Gentleman (calmly) , ' I've just Pickeanp the elastic." - •, "My wife," ,said, Brown, "has. aJte- rlb]e MemoryShe forgeie. :eierYthing." . • • • "Well," remar,ked Jones, mlne used .to be that Way,' but l found .a. way to • care her." . • 'How was that" ''If there Is anything I: am. anxious •Mr' her. to know and reinember. I „write' it On a card and put the Card inY trousers ,pocket." ' Some people : bold tlie key to cess,' but are too laiY to turn. it, - • , ' Clothesmake the .man, but, when. It comes toa woman, clothes- just serve to shoirfat she is made. ,I.3y the ,time .he pops the'ques she has.•already. doomed what . . she'll wear; at the wedding.. .. • crli, I'Ve,'thoright Of Marrying ,.rvo moot of It a lot,' ...Because I've though - of:it 'SO 'nitiCh; .• .• Is just Lit4iy .it have. not... • "Stick. it out, •old rnan said • the ..said the .eXiutioner, as he prepared toeta off the 'iriurderer'S head.. ' . . INely'hrrionit. sweep clean; ;hat the new fall dteSSes are in vb. danger of doing that: V.. • , • , • A dapper who is airXieus. to be list:. brei-rareff0.0 • er ae•a pprepher, . • . • 'CrazY•,. Quilt: One yoU can't; keep ever yotir li•ead,'aiict.feet at .the'. Same .; ;time; • . Near y all htftbaritis-'-and--Ivives_ think they are martyrs. 100 Ships Are .Chartered For. (.:antidtea Export Grain • h yanconfe,. BC --Moro than 100' ldpe have been chartered to carry tr,000,606 bushe'is• of Wheat from VaO- •, eptiver•to '`:thh tThIcd4cingdoin and the c.?erttihent,„ during 1,1overnhery De- cember :and • j'anuarr,' according tr tpaco fIxtUrca. Of. this great, fleet, there will be fOrty vetookr loading.' here with, grain during:December, Hat.. ing,apnroxinirtie,lx 10,0000.00, bushels. TO date, very little sp'tee 114s boon • tirken for . °lieu ta 1 sh !pill entf, ;1iI r11 'are at Preterit 'Only small, pareel- During,: 'December and SthiriArY, "h0Wriver, it is expected that Jar:ducat, ruItnt will begin ,to Move': in volu ' Nattital„ Re s o ..1.44n I lo b a n rvil ti y c y...e n don reWiTYeirflifif- -, the •triree. prl,irio pthvlttt cliolilil4.ic • 'ircantef 't1id1r-fmr,11,:ti-4osortrtrarrit04 go011 -• -SOTtio:,rlay , Abe , 'school- lauds fund, crOr'..r.t6d. by the fralo of land whhin this ivoiPirree,,Will try' : transferral to,;;Maniroba; ),,Vb do Wit. ilme,1,0110 6 t W 11 1)0 tflifiSf011td. ?riot- • out. ,ecildif.iplr, other thaii 'the •perper., •trati0n. ,Of tire trust, or there Will, e • trouble, ;the- rieeiaratiOil rif""the'lloutt,,- Isentior-:that fltl %limitation' or tido hind. , oboulrirto 1;litioarJr1 is''rirrirefOre of im- l'Ortat4. Or, „kilo rotc New Zealand's - Apples_in Favor May ,po Made Direct to Continerit, Not • V.14 England • ,Auckland, 14.Z,,,Fralt greying'. for eipert fir quite al Minor -inatratrY, in New Zealand; but a gooddeai of capi- ta s triVelved,•the%quality Of, the th10 Is high,•• and..strennotia. efforts 'Call*. settled. A Provisional - agree- are,..beip4'. made to putthe beeriest' Ment .haslieen,drafted, .and,except- for oi it better reciting. Export IS strict.; ••ohe sunall point,.:18 genaria.hi' aliPtaY.ecI'• , ly.:CoOttrilled by: a beard; and great' agreement , provides that : 'the' Pains arktaken to 1'011*a:high level Uuilon leek 'shall always: fly ,Oflicially and 'atiiforruity. ; itirigeide",tho tatienaLfrag .and bu re:. ..The•rePolTlit-the-P.Ort..don7 cognized as One of'. South Africa's trol.,Iloard for the season Elmiati-Mayitags. • The ''PrOPesed .neWr. debita,' for .1.;.,jbi':followsr..the 'design: In Englatirl. The ,:oniY .S'Atisfacteryembodied: in'tlierlag,.W7b-crithe •.reatirre was that the'pdatticin.cif...Ne*".. shield JO retrieved, and linfir"Place_lhe Zealand fruit on the English ,inarket tuba 'Sack 'and the .tWo-, old. 'remit:a:- was retained, and..:thnugu New Zee. :can flags are :placed side by: side in realiztene were peer,: those of the eenter•-panel;%„. The..:::three-40.1414- • ite, Ceinpetiters Were \worse. • •otelilly..,4-e-,nintli:or-..the. whole, Dtiring :the Season 449;00., case's surfa,q.;., . Were `.-Slapped to to .Tielniati'llcios.; Minister .'of. Silence,. Smith. Arecries„. Starrier 'Pippin ,Was: s.riya,the country is indebted.:tO 'predenairiating; 'variety,. of apple •erals.' He'rtzog for agreernentt,' Sent' to .Brititin,• buf:Deliciens, accorint,:i,thongli ' the feeling outside parliament •ed for in'ore: than half..the shipments is. that General Smuts and :Mr.. :Roos- -to :South ' also -deSerie niuck creflt.,',• ....At, preseet.,'. trade with:. EuroPean. Sinee. the ;:.Setith African Govern. centers Is dealt"with,:through-Englioh nientat. the • beginning •Of• the ',special ports, and. the • board.: 'notes the . ; .eeesien.. Of Parliament 'agreed not to creasing .0entineritaL' demand is a .Proceed wilh the Flag 'Bill ".' mail a. very. 'Satisfactory .foriture, and :•thinks final'effOrt.hadrbeen-,Maile,to:4rettO it it may be • necessary toship direct to peaceful- ,•settlenienti private discus - the „continent.. ;A schezno by which, stone befreeir•the Prime'•kinitter, versals . In New Zealand • . can ,Send 'General . Itertzog, and General. ,r,nu. s; fruit to friends in :.England. ilia been' the .leader of. the South Ari,icen 'Party, succees,' and ,is ' Considered •,,,,:airrahle have :-,been held. daLly The. ,eormtrk as a means et 'adVertirritit: the New aWatted..„.• the. result 'with .enXiety,• the .Zealand "., product; . .. issue -being .regarcled •a,s, ,of • the 'graV- The.inclpstiy,‘: however, is still Work- ,ebt,iintiortanee..' • '," • • Ing .undef a•goVernatent • guarantee,' The, 'Ping :the :COveinment and ".a.' result . of last season's. •• Mw.-.proPosed t ,S uth Afri a., should . . prices was that theState had to .foot •:have a flag' cOnaliting of: a Ted verti- a:heaVy bill: It is..belleved that there Is , little or ...tip • likelihood' Of the State .having to, pay out 'this year, hitt:. the imiustrY, Will, not be.. in - a.. ' really healthy, condition until it is able to. •Witliorit this ,,government help outh African Flag• Dispute Now Sett ed Draft Agree;;;; Provides for • t• • .•-• RUND9WNINllEALTJICoLLindbergh S WilY ManSr Men and Woman Are ays Credit Due •BadlY Handicapped l'gane; Not Him Men yea are so ran down in health that it impairs the ,efacietiey of your •work as well as your power toenjoy yonr leisure hears, or „obtain rest, it 14 icinked. to the cauuse. If you de not-, a aerio,us breakdoWn Is , Most sure to reenitt: In pearly all .c4sgacondition, do:C01'& ,11f3dalfy a.S' general debility, Is cirtP„.,•teA,Mor blood,•,-bloed,,thail• is. deficient .4i1 Ted cortiusaless, When the."' is Olin and wtah your whole .SyStent" stifiers.H. You loge a,Ppetite; have no energy, .your . •nerves trouble_ Yen. and y4rr 0561 restioBO. 't.'•''ViThrt.t,•yOu need' Is help ' to. build TIP youiblood end you shoulkpril$0,'•at onee to Make your hicied • rich Aral ..red , by 'taking . ,Dr, Williams'. Pink "Bills"; you ;will -,sreortnotice the ,difference 111 ,y_OUr heath, by a .hetter aiMetite'ansf, iriTerpariett, The '.:reason. Is that tho riosKT-ttoott,_,:created :by liams! Pink Pills .Stlinulates alt thiir• organs Of the body to healthy activity ..r/nd So the system gains.netrishmeat and Strength. . If you aro weak.or out Of sorts,,.begin gaining, new :Strength to -day by taking Dr.' Williariss' PInk • Pine. was in" a badly".,run 'clown' .condition;" says -Yillrs; .J. Potter of Whinirred, ,Alta„, ”when I ,began.,,us: Pink :pills:: andthey frrily.,.restOred ,ray heaitb. 1 strongly' .reconiin.iiid this, medicine to all Weal!' ,Dr, .Pine-Pilter.re sold by ail. medicine dealers or by Mail at 60 Continuation of tliOU , . ; . se • . cents a noX. from The pi: Whiten:1S' Medicine Cob Brockville: Ont.' • • of Union jack . • . . , Cape Town. ---There is' reason to be- lievi3 flag 'controversy, is no.w• preen - cal, stripe next,. the..staff •and horizon- tal .stripes" Of • greeti,.".yeilow:. and bine,. entirely excluding the ,Union ;Jack.- Tlxia prepoSal. was Met-...with,oppost-, tion from a largeportion of the 'South Afrzcan population and 'Many, :at- • tempts have been 'Made, to reach' an . . . „ • • • • • amicable•agreemont 'ou what i ' • .• They.,say• that this football .season • • , a Nita' questionOtie' proposal 'made' was iri full et upsets: , • we should that. the 'Union: Jack Shoillci be.floWn.' say, of se:finis, • • "'• The niah: who 'introtinced Mustapha Nemal for that Six-da7' OPeeeh'' Preh• :South African' Should .include the. ably „sal d YWe , havWith u ;this' russ o St.- Qeorge.'. • . .. • on a feW special occasions, :as an evi; dente Of tile, countryconnection with the British Empire, and that the What is wrong with the Jae? If this question is ever _asked at the table you may find that the Atha you are using Was in a poor package. Careful experiments ha ye proven that Alumintun is the only fit package to keep itt9oti tea in. YOU should try Red Ro&i Tea and -see -how --- fresh and brisk and pungent it is in ,the Aluniihurn pack- age. IOT ...Thep : followed • another,. proposal :to tlie effect that the flag should Coin.: Write ,the, Union Jack With the °old' re- publierinflags in a shield in the Mid- dleof the honeeliOld flag of the . old Dutch...Roues of:, Orange. ' The Senate, •refused: topada:the pai-Bill-filid7a:,:. 'deadlock . has continued ever • 'Since,. With an atternpf•On the part Of' both loaders. as :stated in the alioVo CaprO.„ Ito r•cach :a Modus vivendi. :.. -'•'',i . • , . • : ''Give nre,your hand, I•arii roarrie'd dB, welt." -Der Gemutliche .9,hcbs,e, Lehi.; zig. • More Russian Bunk. • .'‘•ryylet 'iceCtites Three as Spies for,Britain; Final. Appeals. for F4-WilIhonaireaFaii,:, Moscow.L,LTwO.', brothers, 1. yia;din4 and Cyril Prove, and -their brother-in- law; M. Icorepanoff, once Toted AS Mil-. :Connec-, gone, and One of therii,'' prig; a "kited: sportilinitif;Veii-rtetlitAtirte-or:= der.l'cif:".the ••Soviet •court. .They 'paid' 7tife.,,aripreme Penalty, ,.roT •alleged es- pionage. iii-birhalf,•61, G:iU l3rltaIn.' •, The, :Soviet -Gevernment nioVed s*iftly-,,.both, re the: apprehension And exeCuttort o( those Whe:WOUld betray. the Secrete of the • 'State, the'ariny 'end .the enemies..Tn6 trial of those '.Whrise activities aro ferreted out by the 'pollee is usually„ -cOhcludetlzWitit-ttiLspeed. and no nate Is Iost in ,carrying out the • sentence of csiti.l . prove, weeping •••.bitterly, beg- ged for mereY,'',Vlitillinir :tried as best he Might to hold up drooping. shoulders 'When the4;head'ef the mili- tary•• tribunal :' of • the :Supierne.,,.4eurt 'ended All hope of appeal •tiy'declaritig that the death sontence wouild stand. The ease, however,was • annealed, but the Ail -Russian ,Executive rJeet- ed the plea;' declininitto grant 'dein..., ency':to the convicted nien, who had hoped ' to benefit bythe amnesty Whiell. eenie tate 'effect with • the , . . commencementof the• tenth anniver-, :eery. •celebration of tho founding of the Soviet Repithlic; ••• . • :Attorneys of the' Men held out hOpe, last minute; but their efforti3 Tailed. T1e Executive : rating, Waelliat 'their' offense Was faineilg• the gravest .of..all offenses', against the Soviet ,GoV- erninent.. .• • ...• : , ...,:•The'twe brothers' turned , State's .evidence, thus .hoping. .their lives .WOuld lip:. spared,:•and...M: Kerepanoff pleaded 'that. lie was not :aware of the eapionago.-• Character" f ..cpiostions pat Or 'hitn by Edwatd Gharnock, ,Seeretary•.'of the ,BritiSh ,.Misstert at Moscow: .. 'At • Ilto time, ROrepanoff.,, though 'Counsel to the' :War Corrltrils:: siariat, tran.,4acted mainly cry/I.:Mat- ters . and.' he declarect.::,he knew.. feW Military Seerets. . • A• delored, man " being" interviewed l authojjtrs In regard to a shooting affray-. 'gave to ., -the world, thia bit of 'philosophy: • "Ah. didn't Senothin' SO, ah don't know *Able!, ,.•You all thoW,, brute, l' spends' six •toontlis of every Year 'teridin' Mah , ()ivy]: busineaa and all spenda..the..other ' six •.:inonths, the.,,Year tryin' 't6,-IrdiffiTfrOirrifterirlite- othet. :people's, btrairiesS; so • 'All in all, I'Se n husy:ina•n„"; ' outhful Energy, for Canadian Farms Rrargingili-tgrpfronviourteerito year e; thus party of sturdy hay!? 'recently atriverl Crinada"m Isoardths Anchor ErOnsidsoa IiiteruAtherna," to take up farthing itt ( inath iJtr till hu1 frth Seal:rod •and wee keenly onthtittiastie to,takit they rip„their new life on the lan4. Prior to being placed'enin fara- Were entertained at' t,lloii.000l ter trots iticintruned bytite X3hti1iienlgtation and eOlornzation AssociatiOn. Vptiet Tfra'n It Wail .Vihrt Declares, At E.TO ' of 22 350 lour• New' Yot-k.---I3acic`4t': the ''Startint point of hip flight to World fame 'and his tour of the.' eeniiii.Y, .691, Clzitrks A.. Lindbergh, Was ',wet,' coined' hY."..,goocy, persons,. int:lading" 114117 • F. .:,01,10geOeira,: -prirs10114: the Kinggenheinl ii'und for the .17r9riprQ7. thin of•Aerrinarttleir, 'Under' the miuis- Pk's • of " which • •colenel Lindh,ar.gki -Made his ioUr.• , • • • 'The Colonel" shifted the •Conversa- ,troa•of intersrreworl fjont httnoekt•to the; hiovito• Rtithe Piano Alat4ad iu- ilod hfm throng -1 • 356 :MUT& . ItYleg 'Since' he left San Diego.: Onlit., :Opus' tobis hbp; ..t!) S'Plrit, oL St. Louls Is in, fine shapa;.! he ear. sorted, "It Mere -revolution's. per *Mete' noW '• than when. ''it .• was Aow.. Rut tbio:1?4elilre a Irma time to, do it,' so.I'm going to have it Coin- pletely. overhauled. ' That's never been :done sinceit, was bullt, . knOW. No, it rata destined for : a• Museum Yet,. ..EyenteallY, but • not,, He said the Jettr had, preyed' :115:e'. reliahillty of .modern equipment. •"Others..Ayill have to .say ,whethei, the' tour was 'successful," ,he declared: ' • 'Tho. '''others" dId'i :Statements by Met • Guggenheim,' • Williarn P. ' CraCken,. Jr„. Assistant .Secretary of •Conimerce for AviatiOn. end, Earti B. New, .Poattnaster-general, „told • how the :term had stimulated interest In flYingi. in the air mai,' and in construc- tion: of 'airPOrts." • : The is the most severeseason of;Ltbe.444r:„jerL_:_ooldeoue .,day /s ivarrif; • the next .cold: and Wei, and ltriT: little'.ones are rir'ilied,..31,-ftii• eOithr that May • hang on all Winter,.,- Baby's- Own Tablets are ,,,rriotherie„ hest'. friend 111 •Ortrariishing. colds. They act. as a -gentle! laXitlye, keeping tho hoWels; and stemitelf. free. :and sweet. Anopeasionaltio.oe of:the: Tablets 'will 'Prevent, etildg',,. or., if 'it , does 'conte :: on suddenly their prompt use will reliever the baby. The: Tablets are sold .by .medielne•,dealers, or by mali at 25 eta. a. box •froin :The. :Dr. Willientsf.,.Medi, ;eine: Co.; .Breeltytlie„, Opt, ;.. • ,.. Safety coin -e• .an4. 36e your: daughter if she is . Sovirry ilf; but -What ,church do you attend?" • • Caller--"We:.do not go to. clitireh; we're chapel 'peoPle.." . • " • , . . -f•Tieer---"Theo why; didn!t. you send for your 'OWn•Miniater?" • • Caller -"Ws couldn't scarlet fever!"..' . General Obregon irays- the. ,Mexlean revolution is: 08;d; and if It isn't.it's Only ,because it could run taster than :any, one, •cenriected' 'With, it.' • ' Minaret Unithent.fOr'Diatemper. • ..• Now packed in Aiuminani. our grocer jdiows, when you order 1Z.D,ROZ.ORANag PEKOE yoti are a judge'of fine tea,. • .rirates or Wound :Chinese Freeb�oters. Rob Pas-; Yangtse Shatrehal.-Sixty persons were rd or.,wounded in a pirate attaok on the steamer iCianglitlit-.O4 the 'Yang:, tse River; says :a 'japan- ese statement. , • : • The 'attack took place.. soon after the irtearnef:had lot folang.;. r,thItti Clulitose pirates tlitheellIte iti•:ll al) fierce a!eli- y dght With the crew and a dozen -guards . attached. to the . Governor KW gi CP . fight lasted`arr henr and resulted in a \fietory••for the ates. : '• ...L' .I.The bodies- of those •killed in the fight were thrown ,overboard and the passengers and drew • Were robbed .of ,their., money and belongings.•'.. The pirates then , left . 'the 'steranier., and blade; a landing with their booty. . • For aII !nerd's. Liniment , Fair Customer ; The color:on the pilloyer will not fade quickly?" Shell-, ..anitir "It is ae fast aS the :roses': on yir cheeliW':" Fair 'Otritcither: "Then- you had .better .show 'me scrthe: tJlng '=Pe .e -CT; -ar 8.; 7- . .. • ' You doan :stan no chance in dis fight;?'. Said',one :coloyed boxer to; The .Otlier.'• •Ah surewits ' 4;71 •witii: de 'gloves on." "In jes two Iuinutes you 11 pure die ivith deal 'an,' Said tlae•othee: AND, TINTING are SO easy and perfcct IF you use the same kind ofslycs Profes- stonal Dyers use. Dyes that are , put up in higluly concentrat:ed, .finely :powdered; soluble fem. . 'No• workto diSsolve' .thein.. Never arty shavio'g, acraping`or crumbling thent:up.. They ate:, DYES. :DfALERS...AND:ACENTS, . , . , .,Writr our Free Illnstrateci.Cata.- . legue:' Complete •,:selection Of Sete, • Pe.r ts, Sneakers and El nn 1 aat 1..ow.est prices .1n banadit,, G. C..PAYETTE & Jaa St. . Oatberiae St. Went, lito4treaA• The' whole ,warld , knows Aspirta, an effective.antidote for pan. 'Euti'sjist als'..in,rportrint o know,,that: there_i$._orrly one De ;ruin e Aspfri Th-e'f‘iririte-BaY.ari dfi 'every 1'4104,w -id -On the , - box. if the fiamc Bayer', appears.', genuine.; ,and rf,it deesn't, is not! Ireddaelidt are displ1e6 by Aspirin.---So,te colds,:and --ttropaintirst-goes,with tl rear ecti neuralgia, .11rarittg,...g.tis.).rhetima Advertisententi •;11nroloAvzzioxitulan7s. r...;.4•!sienreAePtillonQpNi.i6'65?0ROA4IfolrQt5H5.Q0.0N,B' nellert: . anteed. POIheg4,. 34 9. „340).:n110YEII gal% • •' CAS AROU IN, 1113,01,1 -N busines:f making uhlireak'able glagit " subStitilte on wire base for pou eheSt•. areenheuieS, benhousss. Sample, rofort, • matron .ient. Box 2S, r, Exe.tr, oat. • • pri •0 t :friloyr711S0I NAr neloS nilosrt eNleo7;;;Sul; rb'In'N'hY:0,017A • , . 40.E .1_4L'o • P' zs, Y ,9-3,•ir 'VEST Plnket) ',cello door grip anchors od. pin on,;a11 floor surfaces. Endorsed: by renowned players. • One ddllar post Pald: C. De ,..Tai;c1lhe, Po/LA:7.nm', Ont. L ES ABLE 'ernployment, weehly paY. 'teeelidoingua.littry.Toesl"el'anld Newest aYgile'Ngwraen-'." and beet' Varlqtles. Thie Is goOd tonney It jor youruusttnteci up,to-rhe-. nInrilniuEtse,Real PRJeA en-onera- tiom • 'The:Preacher.' was tal ing • ltbout•• people Whottttend cht : c for ao, bet, ter reason. ChantoShoW. rtfr their belt .• clothes He ,cienchnied with tii!r, tijbulte 1 ern '•than. kful to. • See?. it i, ocyrions none f yo,i have '6•Entrc here. fbr .,that reason.:'' rto • OXR,L13 JAY'S'P'PIIN • Simply cell '60 Sets- ,ar• our PArnous ,ChrIetrilas -Seal2cf'f (it-r7f0-0-'is.:TgPt---_. sold,' send us 43.0,0 and k,estr $400. We , • , 7tIttirekt.", • :" • 0 It( Co DeP't• AWL!:BrObitlyn.' N,T„ T E.N T .1,1,t or "Wanted 'Ink'entlona" onni4RFecilluilesit6:(ar6r. :THE Ramsay CO. Dept: • 273 13auls, 'St., Ottawa. Ont. uticura Talcum Is Soothhig For Ba.I3esi Manion* Titkisi* setti tierywhete. DEAFNESS' I-IEAD'NOJSES •Tileileved Zp LEONARD' AR OIL Doitos—,• . • ' Rub. Back of Aare' INSERT IN NOSTRILS.At All•Druggists. Price $1.25::.4 Polder about "DEAFNESS".:ea request.. Y.A.r 11.1.(01100,,1nc.; 10 MTh Ave.. New *orb "•••*•-•-•., ,St()I3 1-1:"'ailleri- 0 Hafr ,. • • Treat yot,r toicalP wit,li filir,tard,s fotzr• 'times . a 'weel.., l'revents , • ti a nd rti ff. ' I - '- • • • - "'KING' _ - i• - OF PAi2- - • , .te ;.r,... stg. , C IIRIED/ WIFE TO • SuffereaSo_She_Could"Not Walk. Restored to Health /by Lydia E. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound Minesing, Ontario;- "1 am a.prad tical nurse.: and 1 recompiend ,Lydist E. Pinkhant'sVogetable, Compound to., suffering women., l'or threo.frorithr11. I was almost helpless and could Sit at the table long enough to dritt a epp' af, tea., Many- it tirrio'rny hu0 hand carried Inc to 'bed, I would. b ,ao weak. 116, he read in time papot of a woman suffering as I -did wh ot.better after taking the Ve'?retabI nipound, se he went and got it fo rhen I hadtaken-three, bottle I was Just like a-noir:Wein:in-an have had-Spletiaid hoalt:h.nt,r Whorl 1 feet any bearing -'down pain „I always take it; sometimes a h bottle•or Airhatever 1 iieed it 5.8,, only medicine and 1 have toldmany a -one about It. Any ,ond.Wanting to • know More about Lydia E., Piz/khan-1'o Vegetable - CdttipOund7,1 • Will - gladly. _ Melte otnrnend it for I' f&:1 t owe my, lite klid,'..Strellgth to it ''''77`_Mro. NAta )3bWelmt, :13.11.11; lenesing, Ontafie:;/; '--,--3)0*.youltel-broken.;dcrwry'riervousi4+.1.4‘ tisinlitiororstly -totioted. :pct ...kspirigt,at any dr,ugstore--wali it 41nd weak tometirrieg Do you have prqcn,chrectrons. „ • Physiciaiis lpresi1iie. Aspirin; It does NOT affect tile:heart tis e vrinelli.(tr4100.014.ro Chesil's) Indlentleg ilsokAlSett,Seturto; tiot,It en krown ow Ain al spirt,A,r9 rray'owho r ursoluro, 10 tovuto 1,tilinc rigslost)bults. U0420 Oat Islilets Will be stse4Ctl with, their "DaYer OtoW Int (q4.1rair. , this horrid feel ingof fear Which seine' l' times comes to women When tileYavo, ! not Well? 7 Lydia E Pinkhath's, Veg- 0.table Carripound is excellent to'talto I tit such a time. .Xt, tilWays helps, rind i if takerr regotsrly and -persistently •I ,v,11):tariavethia.tomutitex, CaSUC • 'eo