HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-17, Page 3,
The Irish.Elretions,
Coagrave. With Cood §tates-
' rnanship Can 1-1914 the
Country and ,trengthen
1143 Position
. 11010.11t Unsatisfactory
Vrieltde.Oc Ireland both ,in England
and. allAiyaiere =Mt 'inSi 1381'00 418"
, :aPPeintment in 0161'131'MR./
oral' Eleregen in thes;frisil, Free State;
It ,is. snidsbY non -1,1,10i 1.4.41".'rerS, Who
!calk attention to, the ;fact 'that prep"-
•:'493:itt • COagrave appealed to the. elect -7
' ors, for.a real majeilt7 that*Oltid Uot
•' merely" -.10ePo' tint in °fate, ••lAit In
Power, and -ho did not, get it, Ficim .14r,
Lindia7 Crawford, Trade ,Begreeenti;
tive, of "."the /rfsh Free.;Btate in Ne"W
• York, 1v,a havebin- r.,5,110Vzig, figureli
..showing tho. way' thp 'Voting went at
the .eleetion: • 7.
'ClorOrnPiot :51
' Pleafla 'Yell (De Valera)
Farmers .
• Independent
National League „
, 2'
4-414301 ,,,, .„ 1,3
CornMunist (James 1 •.
12 •
.., The Government, DA, varrotts editors
advfe us will 1040 the support of the.:
• ;Independents' and ef the Farmers,•
,making.. its Veting strength ...in the
Ohaniber et DSputiee 79... Akainot it.
the. OPptialtion, cOnsiating:. chiefly, of.
Plating '63..pradicted, will have
the support of Labor. the National
League and Mr. Larkin; the • One -Com-
, .
iii,unist In 'the Chamber 4rhis gives
the '.Opposition 73 votes as agaluit, the
Governments 79'. ' ' .• ., A .
1,AJOOking at the ,election•frorn, north
• erit 'Ireland, the Belfast, Weekly' INOve•
: pbizita ont, that ,Mi Cosgrave.. will
• inivn. to .deP0nd or/ the the support ,•et..the
ladependeats.- and; the • Farmers, but
• eitin . then .:`"fits MalieritY will .be: a
small one;ann, he., will b faced with
the Prablein of 'shaping his. policy :•in
accordance , with the Wishea pf his 'al -
Ilea." • In the .fleis; 'Chamber .of De-
.,;PtitieS, it is ,noted, :the ..Oppesition; will,
1t1mot- as stiong as'tl 'Govern-
ment ' and M Cosgrave Wil hayo to so
pip.41104201,' •oyotenk and It 440;
xtr, Vegorgye'a majority is not only
a relatively atolile• One, but it 'reels on
an. Panall7 'Stable: and eleatlY escer-.
.taine. ' lettieritY in .the. 00.11.1:47- In
ljniii1.;•;et 40, Vs ,ParlianientarY Posi-
. 0941". 14800 et being • AleasitrOusly
feeble, is, fairly strong, pt cours,e he
0 114ble to snap diyAgone. and to do -
teak. on '41140er laenea;;...: but .Anoll '00-
reate can be ignoredor redreSeed„ .It
is .a. Pure. snperstitiek Of our .parlia-
!inentnr.T.'ilfo. Ont Ii. glaYernMent. *Wit
reSiga „it it. le eeeKenfaliy. defeated.
,0t., 0.0"IrSe.. Mr.; •aegrave"0.. majoritty'
Is MO* OalligaitAt /4191'10; 44 A
remainto .h0 seen. hoWl•far.thia may
weaken it!„.. '.XiUt.; it ie ,a 'grave 'mistake
to suPp,Ose that he 'can net' feral an
effective. :geVeillinent. or that, with
courage ..a.M1 resource,: ' • he May 'net
:flia,k0,.a•Oolgt 'thing pf. it." .'.• • • •
Result a• Surprise. •
'The Irish 'Stateernan (DulilitO, s,aYS
that Me surprise Of theelection is;not
the ,di8appear4nee of inaily ,TOOmbot.o•
of .**6:4400p,a4too.-4,o,bor, .F4rzifer'
N4tainn1 :Lontinn. and sioxvrotn--44Jut
tbil.f: the • two. main group 's into,which
the. country inta divided itself are se
evenly,lialatice'd that • except for the.,
evaporation of 'the •• en:Miler parties
nothing is •really Changed bitibt the
feet. eiectien: : .Thia "weekly co ntionee t, ;
'. i`The two • groups _practically ()anal
face each -other ',1n.;the DAIL% It • is ex-
aziperatipg to these !Who,desired , a suf.
ileient majority for (Meer other party
,ttit • erieure •4 ',Stable' goiretninent for
.some Yearn," It As .efi/iale, ...WO think,
'that . the, feeliug...in the Free. State Is
against. another election,. . The • couh-.
try )01.1 .expect the ,deptities to .carrY
.on. the buainess of. the country. It
nittse:b0 reinernberedthat: the' Dail; tif.
PrifitarilY ;tr.:Committee. 'eleeted. jii the
PeoPre 'to 2.manage natineal bealeeee.
Thie is " ftiridametitai. • ,:.Thie concep-
tion ..,,Is In..,priority -, to 'the • idea:" of
'parties,: --Mr. De. Valera Said.driee the
PeoPle 'Mast. 11v.0.first 'before' they can
begin ,to live ha . azik, particular kind
Of !Way,. and-- the "Dail 'zinist 'Arrange to
function •as'tlin'inanager Of..L.the zieceit-
sarY bast:fleas of . the 'nation In printitqy
:to party...bnSinens,.., When, jiartieb 'are
so e'Verily balaziCed that ••the.• aCcittent'
of . filnesa 'with a ,VerY few .deptzties :
(Mid 9111ft:the balance 'of: pewei train
• '
' :,',. • ,. ..A.,,, j, '. '
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, • The •Waters,pont sea is often - reati, of had seldom seen; This. one Was •
PhotOg'raphed, Mlles ,Off' the ;coast of Sweden when; it passed the ship' at
, little' more than ,i90 yards distance: a.n honr later it was. seen aiain
h the
diStance. A. ,Ii•eaVy- disturbance whieh threatened the safety' Of. the ship
Was eXPerienced• at ,close loarters to the phenomenon.
.• ,
safety PeOp,le ',truth the • people
have 'been Itrat.•-ciinsulte,d... knoWs•
that/. a- two to one nialerity .a
LereligUei----agatrOt-any-TOmr, • cbillict.
Wftf,enalite them. to escape' iroin their.
Paet,•:and th.eY-v,:ili,:how.:to the People'a..
wii -lap& henceforth. they will ;tend
More and :mord.to, be.Oottio a group
inside a political. brgeniSiii Wliteh they
accept, and they will be: diatingulehetl.
trent...other- .•groiips.. only 'by 'a.. little;
wider' rfietoriz.:.; • and. ifyinuch Mere
terinined.adydeacy of high'.preteetion...
fit faet...riannat, pail:has ':trieil to p-
its : policy .to.. the sentiment
Which kept. ettmenn'tia .nGeedheel
in -
power, it, is 'potind. by ita..Pleciges,'
made, Voluntarily; and. we assume that
ltt..40. got thrust God , two feet away'
; when it • •Made
"The..• fact. %that,. Fianna -:.Fail has
a*.4 to ,Ctinianki4a:noi.ed;
hale "..iiiakes it 1);ossil,ile, .
*?`Sotne. agreement. to, be inatib to carry
on, ',the' necessary .and uncontroversial
business of the conntiyVevvouid
be a very bad, position•if we'werp
in for a 'series of, partw•
in which the.ceuntrY wotild see two •
s ate on the pounce watch-
, d
ing for any ppportnnity for out-vottng
•AcrOas the IaWn•th0 Alger 1,„,,•14nEn:.*.a
Seeking an a•Mlinsli.ln, _the' efo,pit&e!
. . •
"' •
i) Be Australi't Finest City
Is Ambition of Perth
4 rig orarn, ein4 Taken .t.ip tol'ovide . Ideal
ENPansitin Over 25 Years, With Avoidance of Costry
_Changs-:,-hoportent Air Junction Planned
Perth, laanY' ways ' ParliaMent, and ,already the various
Western AuSt.ralla is forging ahead,' to local . governing authohtles In 'the
:the achiernineilt:•eta commercial and metropolitan area are devising it ,b04
aesthetio';prestige which; te likelyto ordinated seheine of improvement In
equal, In a 'reYor, years; •AnY/ other. Por-; the, capital clty.;;and ertYirPtle; 'Train°
tion of the OcznimonwealtW • Thero Is
abroad in 'the land a -deterMiaation
Way.' prog'ress that ,liai the,rneat,,dra-
Matto bear:, ofty
Planning and 'the,de•Vainlireent of PO-,
platy Industries a pal, has 'been set,,
and a Purpose iirganized ,ip a mannet.
which is awakeifing' the hiteropt �f
the other Statda.• The. 'Immediate in-
sox...gigs is old, approaching cora,
ar er os mill be laid down,. recreation
ps.ees'alletted.„ and* extensive general.
improtienienta carried ,4141' Ob. e •,sokio
kif '40
'The State Is is ,claimed;to, he 04 tho
..eXparis ion, .
44c(.1rety COstiy,' the earliest, effort,:wili
Although Ang new p*.,phinolog, 104
, memoratIon af; the.- teetee'er of the teilli°2304d06. Oa. 4vntiadiiitilads :el •
.rfoundatien ' Weeterh. Australia. . Sydney; • hi ate fielatea.,cerroettoit:,ef.
,MaY"0,•I.29i 'the 'British 'flag was errors. • The : iustiopois • of ;.Westiorh „
, .
144804i formal 'possession 'tali* Australia is Weepy ,aititated,'and the
of: the:. country In t40 • 'mos :.of ICAng.era .q.*Fialla3164,413',01,4t
'George* ly,:pf England; and. thd'ilrst da*ningi •-•:1"Ortkaild:Ita.Sttlittrha
bind of et settlers. landed a 'Month later,'kiw •bave population of .
The capital • eitY, nrth, ,was feended 25 •Yeirs it is..eslintated. ;there will
on -Aug.• 3:a Of that year: . the, history in the *vicinity of. half a. People,
o the ., State, palate out the the leading •: •
newspaper,. West. Australian, is sto.• .
.#1.111dings._ -
Anent of early .tribulations, ,end .;the. Exports.. draw in ..attractive. picture
.verge otrfailure; the trials of. thw. con; of -Perth in, 1952, conceiving it r to be
vlet -•dayi;',, the struggles: of • the pion, .sinokeless,., :and ,duStles, distingnieli•-
eers penetrating, the.hinterla,nd'O•win, statelY. buildin,ge. and ..b.eanti7.
,Prod.uctivitY froth the soil; the grovvth boulevard, with majestic Chile
of•'political independened.,:and the gra,' centre,' • underground railWaytt, and
.Les than
etinhri7g.te4apee TOefaialinreleviraper.eromua%Sstab.t:„ 1 elvieiiirihe ibmaprgoe.rtileorte 13 d..,...tc; et.
fere the centenary Of, the fonndettionsciection of pertil;• as'. a Tini; in the
ePie '3*(31'4 11.3:•:th9 4.180)7..°f 1.1117\ .Clial4 Of an EMPire•
cottatiT, as •• • it does, • .the na respect..it will :thus • become the
so Or. or Ats .exisOnce;,..aucl the':
fithipap.4 of. a.. oeter.oiliod 'front doer of the',CoMmonwealth..• It
. • .Will•setve as the junction' for. the air
" ,Aboriginse' to, Take Part. lines, to the east * of ,A,listralia,' 'the
. .
,cir•ziAtusinegn,gthtehec,c1"PnrtoePno4sr;Thii44fnorn-e'CO,tniotinethit=, .IN:nratshio*f West, 'ya,' S.ingEaaPsott:e Taiiltd, t. itt;:haiss-
perinanent establishment an estate Of 4509:acres at aity Beach,
and : libiaryf ,and'.1Ogreised ' feciliti
, 'of the *uni•
EIS , , . • ' '
places recreation spaces and gardels
ve.rsity by the building or a el:eat hall 'lending itself, to 'planning of' watering
for .research '• There is .iii.e a nuelens;
4 lake in ,the ;vicinity of ' the . estate
the; ,bequest of sti Winthrop.Hatkett, wilt• form a, picturesque 'centre for. 'a.
lirst:., ChancellOr of the universitY, of Pla3rground to consist •of 100 acres and
£150e000., atitI generous donations, will decorative landscape trdatteent.:*..,
be forthcoming i :-Ineluded in the- tele- -
brations wjli,..he an elaborate' Pageant encircling the
'Wide roadways -will be constructed •
populated area, enab-..
Australian. history, and a
bighlyi.,SPets; ,WithOut having ..to pass through 'the
ncl. Outstanding events: of WeSteiti. ;„
, truvOl. f;r0M"' OHO ,clisPrtOt ,'to another
tacular aboriginal Cortobots,e; fpr
:centi-e, of •the eltY.; Factory centres
.A -n7.- iire,-bred---natives--,sti112,4remain 1",
.wIli- be estaliltiliediancl--, belts. of -land
III,: the prime of their tractional eitst-
Tbe ,,tabby tiger; the.doMestie. eat
With; twitching ' tail, :..stift* whiskerS,
. ears latcf:fiat.,' •
The •• Prowling: garden naafi:seer' bring's.
, -dismay l; • " • • • .
To Molise and birdbut neither he
tier they . • ; ,
Visage , that other, • tiger; bringing •
. • dread
To lungles vaster then a 'cabbage bed.'
Tigers and Cats and • men—ah, who
Where,., in ,"unchartect.....seas' Of spate,'
' -May dwell • , • .. • . '
Man...prototYlie•:? .Dr who- can saY
•what Mind •• '
'Liken's. that Unknown.mao. te us; who
BeSerriblatieti inthe beasts•--er, when,
began •" • • • '
arth'e!back,yatd Version, of that Other-
!".mitn,? . •• •..•• .
L.:Lyre:la "C. Bond .in „the. •14tion ;and
Athenaeum'. • • ;:•-• • •
. •
. , - • Ting hans .
:=-L-,-c---o,anad..--ian in
: c
'the other." ' , '" • '
rePute for_ patribtlein otaskle • Ireland', .,According to the .latest fIgnres" there
thiS, weekly:: avers,,. and yvei/In', make were- 6,27.. pttp.fis enrolled. in 'the 7,1.
the Irish ,therazielves mord' c.ynleal. residential. 'sehopla, under .. the • Gaaa-
Thit both parties:would rise •Th foreign (Ilan Department of . Indian • Affairs.
,.. ..
• . t . here, were also 8,455 ,ptipils 'in. .270
and\ ;Tatienal estimation .. if theY (let .:
eilled• under, the;Circurastanees -te tar- Indian. da3. acheols in Canada... The
l'.r.); on tne '. necessary uncontro4rsiel
Nisi/less. Steadily_ increasing; -
„ . . nuinbers attending thee. schoOls,,,are
•. f - 'S,ucli a procedure' w.ould' ttin Irish
like Men, lead better thaii they•drlYe.. this little. bruin, en route,
froma western park to a city show,. is beitig reinnted la tO the expresS trticl
, , .
'with peenuts. ,
.' '..; •
reckon, wItItotlie.faet' that at.•any. Mo."
went. it snateli „vote ' May imPeril his
;administration; This ..naturally griti-
'eel " jonrikti Of the iiiish7',,Free. State
- ;dada 'cin to .say:. ; •.
, , . .
.. •
. ..•Elootiori-.:Disastroue.
•,".:e'knother poiat• that , he will, have to
consider is theeffect. that , the .voting
• may have •eii the 'loan that. we :have
been told 'Will" be a' .ziecesWty witlrin
....the. 111 .1. .re'w; meirths, Aecaiding.‘ to
the • li'r:T; . State Ministers a :Surd lif
..50;000,000. '.yill have to. •be ;raised.
• •:carty on ;the 'servites of the eduritrir
• and, the .traestion is, .Will the pill:rile be
• • willin,vto h1% est ill .view, of tho, :vet."
vettle`CtiVarl•-•,' -No Teric.can•-saye•
.""what the' next .feW,months- may ; bring •
.,SO• ri1,IY as 8, the rrec,State. is toncerited;,
ail edit . IS . quite poesible' that gr. Do
' Vaidrii, .Tritty yet:, find ;himself at the
' • head: of. the .troveritztent. .What will
happen then?, ', N'ii one, not Oven Mr.'
'Dr• "Valera; tan; say; • and 'this' unc,er•
taiuty.is.beenil to weigh heaVtly with.
, ,liot 0 I win) ,Othewise I'voula be . ;pl.&
par* .F to ' , S u,bs6ribe to. the Propos&
"loan..., From •ir.'•fititineial point of view
the ; etection has been disaStretts to
the •I'ree- State, enelf• Me: Cosgrave
remains, in otheti IC la Mate- possible
-:. the t ;be- may- liaYe.• todrat) seine of. his
hetnes; and among •thernthe eredits•
.:.::foi. farmer3,. owing to lack ,or iiioli4:•
, 'Pilaf/ Weeld be a • bee.Vy blow ;t0 the
' preniler•-•induStry, of...the.:catinttY,,, htit,,
after all, the people have •only thorn,
.„ •;.....if.,, 13,1ye: .to blania- .• Tinder' Present con
ditiO1) -
..;:' ; .anyt4ilfg ..reaY •lielillpe in ,.tito.
-kreStt0..o.t.,...4ititt..i.ho.,..6.4t10.0k. 44:.:t40._
fOild' ,....f, anything hitt 4' reassbring.
otid. ttito“..otidiit is clear :that :to
itlompt .te:;• ••";'flain ' these. precaridus
...Party lead; to .'nOthing.
• and theonly thing iO /16, for the Ind
Meat is Or all parties to agree that
'tertain'alisolately ..neeessari'• buSiness
mtit e tiansacted by'agreement,
• The •eredit Of the, Pree tate mpst be
eptiahl. The money ,M,gently required
'to comeleie„ various, national •under„
• takings '1,1,l1r t be found: in ..ti•ie
. ministances both, parties -khoulti he
able 40 place • national obligation
. above ; pre:earl/me pat ty.. triumphs in
the Dail, and thisshould lie easier...Ai
(the De yhleta party) itari
to the censtitatioaal positiett "..of
thoad deputies, wile had •aceeptect the
Free .;45.tate." ,
• If/ii 'Valera Tritimied Hie..gails„••
The; tendency of all/V:ars is to bring
•art;a:tojlenge of e,haraiitetristica;
this. Dtilifin•Weekly goes 'on to saks;
and, the 1,veititer changoa most and
ti ids to steal 'the thunder of the Most'
poWerfal. This .1s, tend' alee of politi
cal eonaicts, we are told, and during
:the election controVeraiti daY.'• by day,
'Planna 'refl.-13o • 'Valera% party—
draw neater ,to the Free, State ••posi-.
bonatid thteW oVetboard tbe.peliciea
that died bhenglit inhifottntio,and nits;
tru4, on them, so that --7.
. -By 'election di
ay the ntratisigeance
.0f. three Years ago.. had dwindled until
It: Was tifinost the advocate 'Of th6
Coo8titutiott..' Tbree 'Yenta. •noo it
would hot reecionize p irtltfon, to it
,Jacesi"ts;..:.es-lsting. realittee4•1hat- is 11. that its talk Of heinO the Only
party I'vhieh eetild • bring ;ahOttt 'a
united- 1t'elanct was basoless atid that
Gitedheai. (the' •ClOverninentparty) abd
•Ottiont •feltintehiP 11. tan do less.
Three years age it .dec.lared t Wettld,
not usable vesponsibility or •t tia
tional loan. NOW it Wil h000r it Witt
caftguaid tha right' of,.all hwesto
:theee• retire /go:. Was', nittlitating
another bon.111di with! bt:ea,:i Britain
over. the:Treaty". • NoW„it• wIll not take'
• t M14 „
00Stirtir0 Has a '6 ha noel -11+
- •
the.'...ronintori•• of th�
that ,speolc of tfic ttbsti Free State
electles•ss y'esulting In g "Stalemate"
the ' Man'oheater tftiardhth •tellii in
that ilesnite Mr. Cosgrove% Srnall tita,
jolty of "-slt in .11, Oottse • of 41.52,At/....IS
• to he i1otifoi0eiO3tstlit11t a rafliatnonit•
bleated" On 'the preportional eYetetn is
.vasitycinotO stable—as the lest two
• /esti eicctions have shown -than ono
reserved :here and, there ; to insure
that no. tangesitionishill; take place in
:the meantinte; It is ••ceathlently the; scheme lat,devlpppleilL' 11. is cow,
anticipated that,.imPOrtatit • advance- fidently predicted that in 1952 Perth
ment wiljiiave.--heeti Made ,in town' wlfl be one o .fthe Most beautiful and
planning, "TWA year the first town. progressive citiee 171.7-t1re'.-TWorld;--.7
planning' • bill will be .brought before Chriatian .Monitori.; .
. , • ,
• • . .. • ,
Is. This 'the' Solutinn? •
, • .
eatablish "regular passenger service by air across the Atlantic. aut
• ' :.4idclef ota seven - Motored plane which theyblivwll
' eee :i
Alexander lietrell, and Edmund shangard ta.Ve erriv.ea In,octleiti'• ait:d
Stateswith the o
plane runs with twe•engines always spate to be thrOwit in it the need arises'.
'ADAMSON S'ADVENTUgES"--11y,0, Jaobson,
1v8 eEet.1 ou-r
A squiRREL Ye T
fir...* •
1)y. ivk'tteK Srti ate, ttiel
1)owit a d Put
.Prow Bangs or .Ge. BEt.'
London:7T12 a t tite derby; knowncal-
loqii rally :as the is ,a• first-
class .,ticket for baldhess is S:t,:a.0(1 ;Oti
the authorifi'.. Of an T.ns.tt-ttio or
•-sake,:lhero • fs.
only000:proVe.titlYe=411angs..Er citat
• ,
bouleVardiers ad no their,..ultra;
i'asitichable baWler,la be -accernpanied
by the ettettiniary;bald: pate they- ha'd„
fringe over :thatr, cotebeads 4.6 as to
.ease the pressure olif the liat 'andS'aIIew
the blood tb..cIrCulate around the 'asi
roots; says this <Algal:, • an ot
..the ' instititte's exhibition, now
Open; visitors are startled to 'find out
that vieterian girls were tWentY•
poizinis .of ollothiag. 'Altdiengh the
ifingia.• have changed for :ivom6ti, Mett
'still 'ate wearing garianti as
tam:1410ra as they 'Were thirty •years
ego; It 1 revealed that the average
tuaiWiera at least eleven. POUAdS of
;Clothes in the' Suninter. title and :eigh-
teen ,potindo tn' the 'winter. fristittite
Officials declare that men need only
Mt:Mitch clottlag.an the•Wentett wear,
-yot.attett ihe.inseIvei With three,
thtles.as :flinch, • •
1 By Emma ....ciariWapaco
The i'4nifir.1.0. PPS unit of 00;44,
11.7,04i:s.atoth,a1;00Stuaorkod Is ,ostion44(014QP.Prafiole.04;"t
sedoes the: conitunMity,. thrtre..., In
than the henlea which "comprise •it•
ra4t:p .4. S041444447 11411.. ,,4•• higikm
anything which milied for 'a,` finer 4
'tlY11:4:It:rad4t.:1Itf.i.. (of uur eo-opotlon and In.
all over tho -
00**r that, young peoPle.0.8DpCialfri
are pond124' .104.0.1nn. in *Sir Aeraestban usod to be the t'nse when thet
'PeOpie 'Were .in • their teens,' There aro
.eiany reopens far this. •,.WO,And. those . • .
reasena.,Iu the.• *ADA Outid±:le ‘,
ties„,.:,RegantiatiOns;, '
:reddgnize,, 04.00 beaVY threads
.,b91.1Mtae; 'and are being Made; on tho
faintly. life, and. that, fIloiSle".' will:be, • !. •
efizee a ;mare brief ..atopp1ng,p1age.1
"wherete. te get readyto start for ,the
next Point of; ,dUstination:' •
To • .great . a' • restlegariesS, Under; ;
mines •home, 'natty and influenCe, and *.,
tide is"a situation surely. to be aveld;., •
ed. „ youn.gfolks are to. benefit by'
the, experience and: vision:and wflhIngJ
belpfillnego of their .parented. there I
minit be an opportAnityfor ipiettiefr
exchange of ideas, and; tiMe•; tly4 • Par41.
*mite. may know the • hopes •and atebi,
tions at _their children,and that
fen May a•pnreciate the ...tnanY things
that their .their parents •have••:done,' and ire •
willing to do, 'for tionl.
' • We have..grown acenstomed., to all
Wks •of' -:Nays' 'and .-4woOirc'•:... which
have .been .arrangect. to 'celebrate, ..Pro- •
Mote or cOrriMeraorate this, .that 'nxid'
the Other' idea. We must .be careful ;,'
nottoadd ..ii7the'Set days., until. thorn
are sa nlany of ,theni that theY.:.;ceaso
to have „anA, •!significanee , at *all.' InI,
sOree,' Oriente' ;countries, '' there: ere.'
:More feast festival "daYetitan'
there, are days in 'the Year; and:the: ,
people -have td' double.' :up and haire' •
4„iateinYear ..4M-dego te1:1a;ve,4;ays--:eaaugh--:4,
the .;•, • •.; „
More t4an one. celebratiell n..give_a. •- •
!lAre haVe-•.,'-"init--,onite•••coine to .that
point,...aer .4e. We want o.
and..11,itenOty' 'Seine.' special oCcesion„.
Itit'i.is•ady'leable to i-) sq.; • '
•.; The nat,lon's ;.pregrAss .. is tlosety,•
linked. Notla'. 11.6piO,'llfe: • This '.a 1';
broad • , and., InspirinO. :,y,liey.vpoint, and
• there; is•:no •••gainsayttiO; the. fact ;that .
pie mettle. 64. Progress of our coun-
try are detertninedby the ideals and . -•
pilageeseivenees. of. 'tile-, .efiMMUriitios •
and homeS which., make the • nation, ,
Slio'the.fostering of. wheieSonae famiity •
fieIs a •patrietic..privilege.: • • , ' •• • '
What ceeld .he more dehightful than
a honiey.grotin With".Fathetand Moth- •
or and the near.and.dear one gather,
ad • about ;the fireplace,: aSstired of a
Pine, dlone, together withobt• the • •hike•
."Itheod. of IniterruPtigna : Father could ...
-to Ilie:graiip..--a-ttiesSage-eencern
Ing his oWn.hopes .' and Plans.and the;
best:mariner In -Which to realize thein,
and, Mother' could •,bring•A. irldon: Of
the •ideale. "shelis cherishing "for' eacli:
and every l• one . of those. whom She •
loves.• .'Children..Eire not always aware
of these idealswhich embody so .much .
finfiihtiflhciledP*IbUyVatic;4n1): !lift l'il''Iiijeil.Y14:1..•itbOr''0..11:111.aarr°':
ryaitted; ta, share. them.' '
. . • , . • • :
. ,The.• yotinger .toetmliers of thegroup,..
can; and Should take:.obeasidn to. ex,. •
so .niueli ;for.' them; and • thilr 'grateful- •
.ness7,..ta an all wise Providence which .••
hig.64Totinded thetn with:tender care,
and tslioWered se many blessinge. Uncin
'them. .,
:.Thete slibtild:. be Jungle,: top; • Old .
songs' and seine Of the new °ilea could
be sung, but 'the!good. old sallgti.Whie4
EllirdrY: one. knows and can, Sing Should "
'alWays ,,be given the prefereace 18 a. .
;gathering Of this kindAn . • • , • .
'Keep theevnili;ig
. , • • • •
brightly, would • becomea• treaeuted
•tnetuorY to draw qlte •scattered insim;•; ,
hers of: the gronP• together Iri enclur••:;••
nig ',bonds: "
it 'be rich• .'gr poor1. ran plan to net '.
de . this one s.Ifome-Polks., evening,
d .it is cettaiti,that the Infittenee
. .
h • a habit upon, out natio:nallifo.
ild be for the •betzetlf and , uplift of
canternicl... ; ' : • • • ' •
„ . • • • . .
here lire ,Several. wayS ;of setting'.
• Machinery in inottoa. .,Padtors
btleas' Weald be glad to ;use :their,
uente in behalf of,.such tiWan. The' •
ee •• reutd, ' tarry ...write-WM. des- • '
bing it and asking all interested to'
opet'ate. • And hate grotipe every..
ere • coitid- arrange contething
kln(l an their own
S, ths, 'Fabilly-dt-Ileme. night
Id take its place. alOngetde Of other • ,
otal dtts's tia •Soniething sweet and
uttful,,atict. ta; be anticipated frem
• sPe
.1).0eVe1OtitiledIt of Aerial Photo- t
to tar aS ttth pea' Mi..; •
Ot's do otir .part: iti tfiis catipactiafto
ha 1(104; recoinniettcis itself to
• then WO' simli have the', a 'tint •
• of IciZowliig thaViVe dtwite.'
hit taward ',helping any. %country,.
ar,4 and on.tafd, '••.
orh1.4.1VeliCEd. dinnet with Jack •
nigT;:t melte% tato or itatiere144
carc.,---g6ctd:405rei4latit ahs::eteridultitt7,f;
*•.,•-•.t.,Oh, -detit-Muriells'inst g:soot
• . tion
Notable Progress- has lilatr ntatie.,Iiii. :one
Canada 111 the erittileYnient Of .Obiloue.
*aerial • pro,tegraplii.,Ear .xnapbriag....sottiO, •
9f the .little :hi-0in Parts ot the be-. '
Vinton. 11'y ,spocial .,atean'ontent.tite..: .
--Stapilica-1.-•$ttryty.):Italich .of ilto•' • C
•,.... • • :
epatiittoiti ti. tilt; ZteilOr: ig;ilid 'doh'''.
[rat eIetttlitk !rouge ter 10-i2i 46ta, •:1,0W
graPhr lit Canada; otter M;tiot) iiii6t6.! ''ilioa,"
graphs, hAing On",lite• in that IStancit'to .,-eng.
her „„ts