HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-17, Page 24 ".•••, • .00tetnt *it).* inferlai v• crQfgeroxy n'Odtded ydrsod lips, and the Gave etnor pepaoundel his basdneAse ' , "Nevita 'hasi eare1d u fi c,t Franco that tfieie is War. with Spain.". . Taut is •aeW.e, ',1S •Woadeies Meade ' •.•• • '.'"f arti-sepalting• o cul1y niy.Ciin- tain, There' is Tat bet,Y,l'eert, France _ 'Quick, sato, anra.rellet from painful conquest: on the feeV At all dtue mei ;Ime.storc's, znr. &h�. -pOtIdes /nom gonA , • . ....., •fiiiti Spain in, Europe.. It'l:p• t'l•Iiit-re, 21-Wilia,:,:i: publishing cunapirq. tli-n-of Franee that this War:Shalt be • >, , , . -. . • , ,.., ,carried :into .the.Nev World,, 4 ,fle'st • • 1.. ' a . et. , ' is conttne•iromB . resi Under th11,to0.• .--,„...,,, "Mand Of 31,111 le •Baren de .Rivarbl, fetr . ae that purpose .' Whit 1 Fave cinne'io propose to you, my ,Captaini .0-A the qt• 0'. suggestion 'Of our. good friend, • M. P, dGgeron,...is, in brief; that you enroll your ships old yourforce under M. 'de Rivarbri flag.". . ",' '';'.• • , Blood leaked ..at 'him • with A''faint• 14. ndling. Of interest.. "Yen .ane. offer- ing to take tieei-rito tile FrencliAer= vice?". he asked. .**".0n •svh,"at :terms, niOnaiewrr" • .: '' -:'• • . ;-- '.; "With the ' rank :. of Capi•taine de Vaissenn for Yourself, and suitable ' ranks •fer the officers serving, Under •,. e ,.., .4.. , you. You will enjoy, the pay of that• e I* aeuoabatint ranlat. and you will be entitled; to-- , oupAti... dast. .fitii, ,. '• . '' igether ...with your men, ' to one-tenth 1 APTER. . Week s palmed,' and every khaP from bonne brought" additiOnai new. Wil- ilam had, croesed• to :England, ,and In March of .that,year, j689, thear'learnt in. Jamaica that, be had 'accented the • ''.0ivn - and". that J'it'iries" • hail' •throvrn , =dr, NEASEtivier.ma; share in all prizes' taken." . • , , Captain Blood eonsidered • This was in the hay had, it first' amazed him not piracy' that was being proposed, as be sailed,' round the rocky head- It was honorable employment'in the land that beim the forkee, . service of the .King of France. • Anon when; ashore he Was beset by "I will consult mY offleeft," said,. questiOning buccaneers', it Was from 'and. he sent for them. their very questions that he • gathered They came"arid the matter Was laid exactly zhei,v nitattera'stood, and per?- before them :iv M. de Cusy himself.' Yherville, the •young ,French 'filibuster, had the benor toepoint out to M. de . • . himself into tl* aynts of France for. ceiVed ,that. either from. lack of cour- refused to •render any ,account:'of his quasy that the share offered was too dein& since the Arabella had separ- small. , For one-fifth eit the Prizes, eted from hersisterships. • the officers would *answer for their • If • "The 'CaPtain. was 'ever a modest men; not for . man," he explained to Hagthorpe:and M. de °Lissy "finally consentiag to. those others who carne crowding round exceed his instructions, the . articles him.. "It's not his way to he sonfidi irwere drawn up and signed that very Gerieltal"Wasicorning out to tap west "his •coanepraises.l. We fell:in-WO ,d craY• The buccaneers were 'to ,be at -• . - age or other Motive Blood himself had rihabilitatioqi. fo a •kinaman'efeSunderlandsi this , as %disquieting news, indeed' it was 'lowed by letters ' from. King Wil- am's Secretary of, State informing lo4el:PlnheP't•hat- 'there was war wtth:..Friance;„od that in View 'of -its effect- upon the ColonieS•ti. GoVerrior6- Indiea in.--the,PerSone. of eLord Wil- Don Miguel, and when „Nye d scut1ed Petit Gouve by the • end of January; „lotighlay;:and •that.„-witn•i•arnicatne a hini we took aboard a London Pimp ,Where M. do Rivarel had announced squaciron"the,Cerninand• ot_AA, sent out by- the SecrefarY'OT State to that he Might be. expected,. •. nural Van der Keylen to reinforce 'the offer the Captain. the King's commis, • . -Janln-lea'Aeet•-agaillat-eventealities 411.4eniracid reiliZedthat this Muse mean be o' good behavior. The Captain 'e' authority, damned his soul to hell for. answer. ven though, he should continue And then we fell )ri.ivi' the Jantaica Boyar as -.1)*.ity,-Governore fleet and. that gray_ old ,devil Bishop 2L t alci .te. lord Julian : "War 9°th. U'n3n1-", ii•en4" there '•'‘,.*s. a .Slire 'aiaaaFyance, removes reetrigiona end' to Captain Blood and to every in the.thatier of • Tortuga., "•' We •are fa* in. Pie service of the CreWn;,..A ',..".le.torY.t.bere•and we estab. 'oureelves. in ,the' favor' of this new.1,:gleVerinnent.!!•...; • •••• "Ahl"..Saidtord.Jillian and pulled thoUghtfullyatahia eSee that. 'You understand," his self with..rage..when he was told ."We'll bunt of it Blood would slipped ant' Ut mother's scir of us. all. So I' goes to him, and 'accent proxy commis- sion,' says I; • 'turn King's' man and saye. your neck, and ours.' :He took nee it -4 my word, and the 'London pimp gaVe him :the. Xing's. connnission on the Spat, and Bishop all but choked •al.BIOsedehi.,.hkait•lid,r -right .414 e he, beard of AilteeXing of • France, and w'J1 take•hlin this time; `Itel4 of •On that -ex -re& 't‘aro ys•'•later-L;whielk-''.avonlif.he • genre tbreernontha,..iaftereB1664's:deVirture, eveai"''',shiei'ilf the fleet,„ and Several lesseatissele:41S' HA.BtEitXXV... • THE sErtreE,OF"XING LOUIS , • •. '.'lileanwhileatiorne/*three Months bee.. Celonel. Bislaap. set out to reduce ...Teetliga, Captain ,Blood.'had '13,1OWn into 'rockbound. harbor two days ahead' of. the frigatein which • Weber- stonei had ..frein .Port'Reyal tretiipeAlm..2. ..,*. In that ataisr anchorage hei fitiond: his,fleiet AWaiting hire --the four ships , . * which had heen•Sevarated in that off the.X;ees4r Antilles, • Bis capti;.i.1,:liagthorpe; Christian, "Yon are 'offering to take 'IS into weie etty to - the French • service? he asked- . On , ,receiVehiria Arid, With them". were sonie wliat ,tern,t•s,,Mnsieur?"•• • hundred of hiSelnictaneers- He Cut . short their greetinte 'and, When'. they . plagued hlm with iinelt•inbi *Of 'Wherel•Pari. Royal again that some night. '• h° ligid tarried • he li)nde ;them.. awaki But that hound Bishop had :passed thecoining of WolVerstone; who would ;,. Satisfir -their, curiesity to a surfeit. .the Word, and the ,fert•kept a Sharp , ,the hay two days later, it was to him e•-, cast anchor ililikiktike. ut.-- In the ""erift,"theligh it toOk. a• fortnight, Blood bubbled ,him. * ' •When the..01d.Wolf - all . turned for the exPlanationa • . ;le sent me And most Or' ihe Men off,iri, a. frigate that I bought forthevoYr Now'Woiirersttme had Only kme eke:, aee. His garne-La. he'd •secretlY told : but hin saW•W Ont Mere with thet one /The,,,_a,res ..te feiana. and gi r.43 chase. ''•-•"43Y4111.M'"i6-1T1'14`me.tOvit•ii•-•"tw; Ind''''''''vvliether that's thergalne"*"."nlayed ,'; despite his - grizzled, 'llead*' Octal' or not I can't tell ye; but here' he 'is 'esquely isiotthed iria gneeh an scarlet, afore inc as I'&expected he would be." ' turban--heliad the soundeheart of a • boyaand in that •heart ; much love for griming -restiYe„-soinething happened, . • Ai list; -as" Blood'Si3deceneers. were Peter • iYiee(i':* ' ' .' ' . '''•-. '''' . . * ' - "brought about by, theCaptaires friend,' The sight of the Arabella, at anchor. iv. (a° • 111., One sunny me.riiing the Governer of Tortuga carte , aboard the Arabella; accon3Va-nid.,by a• chubby little gentlenian, ainiable Of countene OHAPTE1xx-yr. M. DE RIVAROL. Captain Blood was still in "dis- gruntled• mead when he sailed from Tortuga: In that same moodbe .greete ed M. le Baron de RiVarol •when, this nobiemart ,with his fleet of five nfen- ofLwar .at last, dropped. anchor' along- side „ the buccaneer ships in the middle of February. ' , • Summonedto wait on him, Captairt Blood repaired to.the Castle of Petit ,Goave, where the interview was .to take -place. .The Baron, a tall, hawk - faced Man of forty, very Old and dis- tant Of manner, measured CaPtain Blood with an eye Of obvious disap- • dold Keeps India Poor' repos 1Vieta1s HO4i44.anct Not Earning caiwea “Froin. We41th''' Five bi1Un. (ollars' worth of- gold and "silver treasure is aequestere.d.lin. ' India he .temple dece• "jeWeled .oiratMenta and:131:0.S •cf • ,bnitiOri, to- gither with the bangles, Anklets; neat. laces 'and ... Arperiean "eagles?' • with Wbieh,millions.of *pineal array .,5OFTER5 WATER Useitforall :0;._,E•AiNZIG" WASHING, selVes,ltrecording A'new.,Stndy,of the „•-•,. , to „ legendary "wealth 'of the Indieee'snla, appreximatien T. silver•holdingS) hut initteci•la 'the ,tinited St, a Depart -1 they- •liee 'been jealously hoarded: in inent of Commerce., .. • •• the rmof unproductive preeiene toes „ New 'York-HOrana Planes to Make, - Trip m 20 Hours Extension' of .Havana -Key West 411e tO Provide Servfpe. •Washmsto' 14to an ..air- plane... at -Neav Ycirk. at, 1•*. One'a i?a,s, fithiger 'will "ba. able', to Mu, Oat ate. navE,Havana,cal>4,•0, 9 am. th4Vireit .49)5 •,. wnea the,. ereapee.tiv,s, 20 -hour Neaf.• • Werk4layairit 'service is in operatien.., ' The Peaton:HaVana serviCce Wlil be about 23 hours. Extension 'north' to „Minutia pf the , present eon.traeted "Frozen wealth "theoverri • aft.'roote from ',Hilliana to .Hey West..." .ecnornis,ts c11 Prie treasUr .1 aalnetive '1.1SeS, Or "l:O4aned- Makes pot1b1e'thrt4'411 'air Mail' and distributed end': usZI•cl'iff pPttir fOrme.i* • Q ..11.4'S • Merle" • •makets that ,it yields.not a..liennY ;of ,ref,itirn they•wo. s Stiffie0 to make India ont• trlps The Pan-Mnqrlcan AIr Company to its 00,60 1?.01.-,:k.41p114r of credit •,`(,)•f the E'werful nations 'Of the•wOrrd. 111.11'.-st4-vt lts••".tfnY,nn'al(e•:iiVetto t c4riy•ctit• the *Gild's: .cemineirce. :I. • "The traditional: 'wealth of the in. coMine15,10. Deba'rtnient. With' a. kift • indiffererice to: inter- dies' is there, but in sUch 'a .form, that," al:;10Qufnetehge: .i.:ou'rtibIeyt:e...efrr:0•1;111.n'Aeteltiitizettatode national nioney.markets• and the needs it re' ids 'nothing to it possessora in of. trade, India sPrinkle.s gold dust the the way of iniproved standards of, riv- yen the -.feed served at ,extratiagant;•ing or the power to command tier - banquet. Immense quantitiei of gold' vices of °theft." and silver' are,' 'used to array . brides '771-1wyea GO LisDecIaSttIeIlOodA.Rpl?Iii0E.ribg • Ilya_ for , their- marriage 'ceiemonieS, and The '‘ lth'' • ** -other ferni.s,toof.' de-. lions of• • ' ''.. Crum Key West to, •nAlIatimain, 11208t•nm.1.1!Ist, .., .,..,.14".„. icrterclatliindonui.:6:liodzeovoefd '.:'.111,3 e ini,organized holderS,.and even' Wohl'elittke.76ulitaltbethflece.nitimny,.wl.aie.h h.' as ' i l'" 1- ' . "It •i's?.,: pa,' pu;ar :re'rio'dr,invetih' 4 the. sick. t:reivastlijve e, hre A:di% by 'It'll: .1:jr"ots or peasal T1 S•W le (...011,StitUte the , ,. . , 'an' Occult power of healing th' k 'me a ie .carrency are snatched -rnto t , , ,• t ll' , ' taken the Havana -hey West Mail eon- rac.t, will exeend Miasenger •travel . Pharnaacoppeia;" says the Government . , , . , study, "and medicines containing gold are favored for many diseases.", • .. Tli•E' WORLD'S 'GOLD. SUPPLY.", .• All thisAms frIDT43 than a, piet,thr. .and the still ,prinetiye finanelal Sys- : 'aii•eelly, . with.. the. l'ieW New .` :.1652. York -At-.' miaml, has jost been advertised by. • the Post Office Departmeet. and bids , ate being rocelVed. This leaves the only remaining -tap in tbe chain, that ant 'farmers.. This problem of heard-, over this 'gap' Survey for:navigation. 'aids ou tea . ingt BPSG'S, report • shows, is at the new,ieetnii .sereiay :is .in.tbe 1,9,22 •pri-0.,, I450 of the Pathietio. plight of millions I gram. of the CoMtheree PePartment,.--, Of these farmers. Hereditary, custom, ' 1928: 'The ,Miarni socialerganizattien, seaional harveste I begin‘nilig J•111Y 1' . 1 route is,;622 miles, and.•will •Oonneet. Shirring, e ., . . i4; em of _altering the distribution cif the Wealth they have in an•eadily pertable nn .. Ionia ipute to, be pet in.., pperation :. this charming froCk .for the . yen ' ire 'Shown. to :adVantage on W'Orld's gold •supply -Lea problem that fet7rin "and ofte' to hide -it - - • 12 -be' • ',took on new importance when execu- ', In .eid" 'day :of tvrerinv.ind :une-e ' 1 i.a11.0v Anal] leaving.1-1(idley Fielit N.Y,, • rr,Ite.: two routes coni,brned" will'. is bound and and:finialaid, with a l•i,ic bow '''K' • Federal Reserve_SYstem' recently" fore, sessions. Hoitilo invasion's also' ,.foreed 1 din New York and WAShina- "great Southefard migrationsofpeople : . . :• 77----"--- pro's•P'e'ritY c\\C'aS -•ii';-i'ins;:-Ti '•,t ' °It. to ..';.1'rive at Miami' at 12,41.. hears; a 4:et faster than-preaent Mall: .-_-. _ trimming around the Waist and at selfmax of the l3ritish, French 'and -6 • ' ' ' .i t. er- sion, mani es f6p Of the gathered/ zleevei. The neek .men central banks And the American ,vitation _to be''StriPped of one poo,-.; '''' " ' n the fellowieg ,day, .abOut 15":: girl ;by Making.' 'an attractive' 8, 10..and.,12 7ea..r4.. view ji. oize 8 era Reserve rediscount rates below lect it in. a highly concentrated form.' •• , requires. 4 yards, ,39-Mch; or 1.1%, ' 0. • '''— 21/ . .. arekrearreleyel. .. •• ,...• -. 7 eel -hese conditioaspave left theirenda-,,, ,e,,,e, .e., ' ;•••• - .e. • • ' • • .• . ,i. ice Not 4 et r.offrieci,An. rmus-On , , i esque interest. It inVolyes the rob tem all inftuenoe them t . A PRETTY NEW mock • ' P 7' em a5"‘".P1111314e anY " • at the front No, 1652 i • • s m sizes 6, • • - Passage Clear to'n with the adjustment of Fe -CI who,to tth ' • p eaae eii irealth, had te col -1 . lie took up a paper. "1 have here a copy of the artieles'into which yell entered With M. de Cossy. . Before going further, I have to •°13serVe. that 41'.:-.deCussy has exceeded his instruce,- 'Pens in admitting you to One-fifth of the prizes taken, His alithprity, did yardo 51 mh matei44.1. 33, . As the world: recovered frorn" the 37/4a.d6,-.39, Fir(toriiit Chnose•Of7thwarr :OVIE-IteCAUSE-S 9W-Y-f-N"Q" • . Straits, Expedition BrIZ.e 4 • . . F.'i•C-4•14-05C O.* patterri.. • • . • tions ha.ye, struggled .back tee-. The Hindu -family ine.reover....o4rdia • RepOrts. .; ard a.' id standard for •their cur- • ' ence- _ y. w , go narilly all real property • and . ' :HOW TO ORDER IsAtrtRNs. rendes eatablish ancl maintain ' ifh Ott awe.,Nov. • 2.7 La test re perts . • • , hous old goo.ls n rimer). . e in - Write yaur naine*and•addreas idaira ench-siaridards'itney.mOst',haye gold diyidual•wishirig--te save for 'hi's_ OWn Jy', giving nuinber and aixe such l*IStrire$ 11? -4$ etirrents Of'intei-nation- 'we e•Ori segregate -I -ifs savifigs:onlj;,ei , patterns as yeti -want Enclose 20e barl•wtrtaile toariAdmi.Oetrih:ro.:,piricoiluffecnizces , the forin of gOld• and silver. Millions • nii:'°vIret':•of 'the' native population, too have no stamps or coin ' (coin preferred;wrap• • i carefully) a for each 'number and hal of the world's m•onet nrY, stock of -accese4i to banks, In tithe:Of - streSe :address year order to Pattern Dept, gold. But in the list quarter of it they. must dsuly en econ4elated re,. Wilsen Publishing Co .;• 73 West Ade- century India. has been quietly alasorb- :serves',or resort to the Money lender ' laide Star Toronto'. :Patterns seat be nig immense quantities of the yellow --at 75',.per. cent. intereSt. . I '• • ' ' • return mail. • "there is a strong te,ndeeey in times ! tifyurtim,m-iN A. —easy,to reinetnber--and hard to for.,,, ket,'"onct_t".VgleVo tfidd Keeps .teeth whlie,, ' breath sweet, Aids ;appetite `and <ligation ,i8SUE No. '46.--'27. . 'Metal, With a store now .eatiniated at' about $2,5•90,000,906;she draws to herself a large' part of the new gold produced from year to year. . Meanwhile; .the world'a ;gold 'pro- . "Consequeritly,"- ,1\tr.B1,iss 'rite Of ,preeperity th.purehase, ojean- Dobbin: Goin ti'tieS Of; EllVer ana ioiti in the form Ii -- Coini„ or ornamentla 'as •LF,en nay'. - • . Horses are at vanishing point d*tion deelinedahairply-from the "eery_ against 1.,vant . • • , maximum fo\z,L..thi'lis. Century, reached • ',. the. pebal:Iment 9f ,Nlarine. and rish, .the- iludSen Btraiti',indie4 'ate that .01) "t.p the prepent' there has, beep no i:ce, i t %Chan el Lnto . . son, Ba3,, Hee a . hOVO been established, ,at Port IIVaieiiain Bay and No tt n gh ni • land, at . the eaatern en- „ irance-ef tile Straits on.the northern • FL Y • ii- •Labracior• kehani Ba „ is .en - the South coast, about. tnidwaY .be- tweeri;thirWell and Nottiligham Is- land, which -nee in a. direct line to ethenor4/11 ef the .eastern shore: o; „ i Million.s of people particularly int . ,aitheugh • • • • Pf London's Thoroukh., between 1-9'1). - South I . India and . Eas India, neyer there has been a recoveryin Part Sine° have a sufficierit rnargin to doLares even . • . •' ••London .ia-saying good-bye to, -the horse. The briskness af 'trade' seine. ,Weeks agit the Elephant and 'Castle. Repositorenden's only •temaining, ,'4general purpose' borses .not Warrant 'going beyond .one-e'salesYnra -• .•, • • ... • , •eeis .evidence ofthiS fact . . • *"The"artiele.sevve 'signed are the win '• Jovial cOuntrymen toyed with daion of our service; and the articles straws or rattling, harneas while 250 provide that we receiVe one-fifth horses were pia UP for 'sale. The number offered (lid nOt meaa that the share. Refuse us that,. and you can - 'eel the articles; 'cancel 'the articles,: and you cancel our services Witlathem. From that moment we cease to have the honer to held rank in the,navies of the 'King Of France was Blood's The Baron- glareda, "I will con- sider. the matter," he said sullenly '"You shall be advised Of my resolve." . Captain, Blood rose and bovied. 1922,„this- iricreaae has becn.-vittated, se" far as monetary geld for the World is concerned,by -the increase ,Of In- dian absorption. • PROPOSED REMEDIES. tins, as • they -have ne • savings ) t ever; 'this is evidenced by the. rieces-I, sity• fin- 'famine relief measures in! many , sections as Socrri'•-a4 there is a trap failure' • •• • In an attemPt to halt or At least refard this "accumulation f4iireach- Nfinard's' Linimetn ing changes are projected in" the diam firianti,.41 ostein. Adoption,. of .4. .TliarCill'orny.inaa,1711.1idy,e;:iiiiie.iNtiee;ofy. °flirt ?heirs - gold bulliorila sia tnt oofi siIiiivderial:uliceuers- .1;brineneenic;.tenan:ing 1:00.nihev4.,a6tornieess: :jvceiteeil pepinatitY Of the horsfa is likely to be, renlY;' rePI"eme ..tor was selling evereherse,' *aP And rev ye . ad ng r in Cireulation ii: :id:710teifeStablisir- re "i•- h if :ail ' b. ' merit fat a .strong•,central bank; an,d . • extension:of • savings bank' faedities: ' • , , i d A' le i London cont ac, • " April 11317. aria November 1212 ' harness set "Owing Or nowusingonly motor -transport " as 'the catalogue phrased, It A ,,large • firm of roirieraI, water.. inarlufacturera,l' Which lel "re;: 'ARCM& with motorn.," .alsoOffered horses and harness • - One'hundred„Landon railway horses eye,. taronivisaid 'he:, • . were offoreciefor sale,. and beneath the of th irty '. The 'next .day • de R•ivarel 'sent southern Railway's 'offer. ' horse appeared the words "Be' for Captain Blood,- . s • mg ..eongideeed .an_ sold owing. to -further 0.40P(IOn of . • . ' flounced. "And whilst any opinion re, motors."'", .` ' .' • "ma.ins unaltered, I Must' confess that '. Most of the horse's '‘vere Purchased. it by fariners .for. from. 10 to 14 guineas since 1\i- de Cussir has pledged us, will perhaps.. worh _ le -for us-to-fnifill the-pleolgeS. The -($56 -4° $70) and articles .are 'Confirmed; iik." • • ' out the rest of their fives logging . Blood and his ' officers were iena alOng in ... the 'more congenial atmos - maned a•week later to a cOnneil which sat to determine their operations, a,gainst 'Spain. , M. ,. de 'Rivar ol laid- before"lheina. project for, a raid iniori the •wealthi Spanish town of Carta- gena. 'Captain Blood professed: estop.- ishmeat. Sourly invited , by M. do Rivar4A; to • state his greunds for. it, he did SceWitli the'litmeat frankness. . "Were, I General of the King's Armies • in •Americo," said he, 4,1, should'have 'no doubt on hesitation as to the. best Way in ,which to serve my mice,. amiable And :,.4elf-aufficient ef royal 'Master and the French nation., i Manner: .' • , , ' That whieh I think will be obvious "My Captain," M. d'OgOion deliver- to; M. de.CusSy; as it is to inc, is that ed.himself; "I bring you M. 'de CuasY, we should at oncd invade ' Spanish the: Gverncr of French' Hispaniola„ who desires a. wend with you." . • "You have a good -forte hereesinder your conimand; my Captain," sad 'M. • • - "Some eight Ian -Arad reen.". ' de CuSsy topk Snuff delicatelY.. "I haVe Setnething ,PrOpese," said Lt, th(.11,4 With- ' out • iiitereSt: M do Ciissy leolted at Ma d'Ogeron 'and raise.d-hie eyebreWs ' He did not find Captain' ItTeed-encourag- Hispaniola .arid reduee the •wholeof this fruitful and splendid island'into the-.posseseion- of the King or France." ,(T,o be tentintied..) • . . r •' "Don't liring ine, any niore eaid the husband:in deaPair. ,"t ean't. :titre th'eM." 'don't_.`ivant•You. fee() tlieni darling.' replied .the ivl,fe. you f6c4I M I titacl'e "i.:111im'ent- for -Neuritis: - ' r • phete of. ConntrY •lanes.e Others. will, eventually find th•elr•way to the canal towing., Path.. :The lawerena a nin g.... Iiondon.,t cab- , "flee": are gradually giving Up ,the7-los-, Ing battle with taxis*. The !'growler," are .now prepased. "All are &Signed largely to wean the IndianIpaiulatien • 'Away f*om :the habit of hoarding of • , gold • and silVeir piegee and' bullion bars. If .that is ever accomplished, India's live billions and more of gold and 'silver in time Will ;cease, to be merely so Much "frozen wealth." . what diethibs, bankers and eeone- mists is not the ,size Of India's store. , of .gplk, great as itis, so nnieli•as• the way it is treathd. • ..., GREAT WEALTH: UNUSED. . India's told is idle. There is lack- ing ei*.n pretense of makin.gni.,t(:adp:Ir, for the hornegoers Mother Country; aihncsTy_thh,:in.171,,otp4ao,1:01:_yLLi_e or.thoef pirnoadn,lact,ts.ives 8abonfoIo,irotcotee0,8:0,•cotobr plaenodpoTe:o.r th.eir,fellevv-beings 15:64Fc—Ctiri#tmas-and-good-L-thne , e of: a right royal W"lii,4g.t°: was Prellader-e-rd,Tht.r rioaaie : on the other side. IS • With the party of Christrilas fricnds like the, old hansom cab, is pasSIng sioner et ornhay, Blias, Jr., ASsiStant Tratkl Cammia- W..,c4ehalra6:ainfzpilyaga:ndt, e p , „ 'a •, and will Oily reappear' in the, title :``The Bombay "Bullion .Market.r, 0-J • great strike,. .Thirty years ago Lon. Vas esenes have been accum ease of national, ernergeacy' like the RH:sr, saY,S, on this point: , r du- :Round Trip .froni. 55 11 3 on waS full of cabr yards, seine et lated- in. the course of *inan.yYears:- whieh held 15.91J as 100 cabs'.and reserves estimated as athounting ,te ‘. thing included. I/case-drawn vehicle have bedoine BlisS -here ineludes U. 62,500,000,000, iCi/riStlriaS SaiiingS • emploYed about fiftY, bOrsekeeners.' more than fivO4hilliorn.• dollars. • (-Mr. ,1 • a worry to those reepensible. for traa fie control. , • Whereer „there are, bersedraWn Vehicles,. ednstant traff-e' 'jams ,are ineVitab e.. "Farin.dirl-,"That pig is v.ery black* isn't he?" Farmer -"Yes, We, call him' 'Ink'," .Farni aii.1-"Why?" Farm- erecIreeatise•le keeps Entitling but of the.- " •Joyee----2Diek didn'tqdoW his braina -eta: whelv.yon:,-reieeto4 ilime I:le came, rotthil a.nd -proposedto • me." joari-e. lienitet-haVe got rid- Of them ,some other iiraY.:"`" r . . - row HALIFAX ' . :•Sonia snow•hasfal•en. n la area, .. 'ft 18' renorted, but so far the Weatherhas ' i • • • I - „Ina Perpose ef the expedition is to establish the navigability of the. "Straits and 10 •ascergin-lf4rlie .pe 'od of tiarigation in and out :'*(if 1-Indsthi ,1342.esm he extended; ,said a depart- .• recently.' Meteoriilegie,at.' eoinliticiis will be .studied. •and ••• all ' othcr in4611:1;enellng\Vill be : • . . New Rice Found in Mexico „Arilhae.ologistS Unearth' Vil- , 'lap' of Advanced' Tribe • 2 500 Years Old , • .velyine,..ten.e--A: race'of "Tong bead-, 'cuf" .')vhO vanished nerhaps , ,•.2,1500 Years befere Columbus , tiled '.TrOm't•.•,Pain ile•foOndation,for the rich .Puebio .ealtin•e .of SoutiiiVeSt, : reie revceiled• aimiegical" expedition which'. has. 1;ej .iturnetl• 'froin NeW•f Mexico. ' ,first• of the 1'n:ea e,eve red by fhe -Cxneditien . 'Canyoir,. ' • " ' e.Seventeen Siiiik•Seyeral feet . • in the. earth, •• and, lined., w ba, ..wereen tive.yillag..e,•togetber'twith .15 , kiVa' -•or eeretiaMial . temple,. the ok'the village were • l'aVe (tifAirCt, from .the Pueblos, -said • Prank 11, It. Robert's, of. the Buretat •of Anwrican Ethnology, who headed the :e3Pedition.7 Skeletons; pf the iflh1b1t itnt 01 found; 'tobe undeformed and long..headed, • •While the „Jueblos M'Orf::. retied -headed ati' accustomed te 316feez1)elit•y. 'beads of "their children . - r r,r1.:41 0,71 V 0 C:c. 5 A 2N IA for Plyinoutia TIrfkOy ‘KnoWg How to 'fake'r ' ' / Havre andLendOtr, ' Keep Posted.„ '0.n , Mining ,' , Liverpool'and Glaigoid. . . Con.stant h:r.,.'pCle.6i-n--s-iii'asol.-itey-•' - 0011:11,0d, ' Ddc. 11-LATI.itNIA fee ffast, , = Read .Every Issoe of • - •. • 1 59. , i Havre., and, London. pr (11* firs1 , tqne in history artd CQ11" . 1-)6.12-ASCANI.A.' f4t• P.fYinotitli" , ' no s e s at. t h f'„- b egiUniliii."' Of' trii*6-' ' . iii.6 il t'll " I Ile S 'all'a "Me l'a I S : ', ..I. ' I . .. . proijilt.', jetirg;ig..rii ,.. „ , Ptaniiiimile*.as it etly or deaf.' Iteal"-.... .. , ( Canada:Ns c,:tiv.,es,apdatpneitr) 70:ling' . . .1:j4,6' 1,o, 7, AIT'y,61-irpE.01\1:61I'AilafgrG.:Iji4esigr:witt. ',".' ... .tfilellf.51)(iii:tItillit•t.1'111iv.a:if,;/'111(ili;t1.11)°. tr51180.1Y1:j 61, AY' te6'1'.'f; c''61'111.11111t' , , , . , .6,t,vpibuix ',gtktitc,E,,, , ' , ;fling ,abent.. Ilse ,OVerrinle'nt deere.ed 11;:411.1.• 1,490etakiee..O. tile . ,. ' ..i..nt,.!.t..1.-. ,!.011,P;T:',Y,'- ..\.7..1...,;(;' ....',...1.'94,.°1•01 d oti4i0 everybody 'meet remain hat •lierne t., , . .. ,•,• -• . • teki•re was siihient to a 11 ei•ebt --i' .„---k .......,.... , - , ,n1.., ...t.1.1 5 ..-.., ." ..,_ ... .0.5i` Ibi:: :C.1111,4,:i:i:§' !1,.!,:,1;r1:SON1,13,,_;,,, . li'f'W' ii:: ;::(,. .r.. .er : 3,11" ,1 l't : t+t :1,,C.th.:;(1' : 2:: tin,: 1.1.,;',',,,:• , via not.R,T. Rnron..b.,p,,t41,vriTto .,..,,,:,k,I,I, JAo, ..1.1i9Nttinl 'ntlio• , places' '0,f,',„,.. , '''...-,-----e.."--•••7•eft.•e.e.e-,eeeee.ee.0.," -ways ,a,11(1, stett-VS Were 'at ft , 510 lid- ' ' . ...-i.......................................k......,.....,..............-A...4‘...., r e P I 111 0 1111(1 '0.'701 .11 !IMP Pa Pt"•'..t NV t-*". ' - 1 • , . • . . - . , forbiddeti tonitilv.41. (.1.r.fe..(if,,.t.liereopY ' • -ttl1e5ffer,8 ....rthi‘, “.thi'lls .f.rettada • oivi,„ 1,01.3,;(„11 wile „alleteo, 1113 ,,‘,111ii, . rota, 'IC wail hoped to. eo millet 0 ,. the . Conga's; by '"tri id ii i Oil, .Wiire'm (scot n'ong - - , ,wao,fired,,i0 Int 'the yaenle ketvw that : • itlisi:•:;l,, y,,,•(.:re "Itt • lihrty to leacie their , - , , Send for Sample Copy. •"Mlnes, , . and Metals" Bay,: St,„„ _ PEST FOR. Ali, 70i1R. BAKING • •-• ••,' Pies;:C4ke'6-t tinsuiiBredd; DOES. ALEAtoUR kKINaBEi 4' • • • 11 • • ••,..;4114,41.'AA?Ad,6pc:qi,th.7114•II V.'ord 'l1- 1 " "My Cap iZe la ',la. and -se‘ en elpjalts," • 1