HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-17, Page 1ieSe SpS t 1 e•• 9 •••••••••••••••"0," ••••••••••,•••• '•••••• :a • • ''$.09.:•,,1ER!':YEAR,,11•T • '' ' ..--07-,1;1.-74.1.-7,9-4/...:-.0-4-9-'aq-Or.-0"...0 • • "..,o PROI4S:1`611/4.1All , • Mt: W. N. CONNELL physician and Surgeon ' • t Lua.kaoaa • • Haul*: 1:36--3:30 • • • Plioae 86• . ..'• ogisviisr f•Or..VacLeod: Will visit , 'Lucknovt. eery Tuesday Tuesday, •Dr. 09n/tell's 'Offiee. • • ,• • • • DRINITIST ,Dr R L • Treleavern ; Lucknow- Over Deckers ' ' Store., Extraation- either, by Os on local.. n every ThursdaV'1 1 , "Low price . -At W Dunganno. Store'. • ' _Baswell's 'Stare las. Osten' possible.during the' next ,week, , ' • ' 25c' • Will aidinit 'YOU fra the domino.' party, the eyeatag of -Nov. 22nd, • . Mr: 'Evan McQaillia haa returned home, after spending two monthu„in the Western PrOvinces. 7 -Mr. and Mr. George Aiteblaeti of Toronto.spent a 'few eaYS:laSt %week with,:relatiyes in town, . , • Mrs,. Ibbetsori, formerlk, o Mies aNel- aie , England, ;is- reported "rec, veritig _after it protracted and severe illness. Help, the Armenian Relief Fund by attending the ,•progessive dominc Party in :the Town Hall the evening "of Nov. 22nd. ' Will '1r • , Men's, Women's. phone 53'•Lifebuoy Rubbers. , . • DENTIST ' ' Call, Dr. Newton. Make apPointment.. • office . everyday. t r rat: icar att 1 .1, '9'11 nsto poiri who, Flee' daal ' 1 •wl .,,t ret pub tin , •••• ' • o 0 -0-0—o—o--0 e—EVARY130DYIS-COLUMN--:—A— • • •' 6W°. A.'Siddall. Lucknow. ,2 -Broker • and Real Estate.--,•Monea to lead 4)1 . • first mortgages on farm proper- .- -tiea at 6 and 6% per cent according to security, offered Also Staid) „ amounts-on-secend-martgage - farm properties and on personal: • totes. 4- fella goad- farmalor-sale• WALLPAPER-Afiill line of 1128 - Wall Paper ,en hand: Prices ;from 8c U. I am also agent for leading joll -,heuses.---R.. J. Cameron, ,Deeorater • Painter' and Grainer, Box .174, ;Luck- • :RAW FURS -J: am 'payiag highest • market price ,for all kinds.' of a raw Blitastein,• Mom 18, . Lack - now. •• ' (10-11-tf) : WANTED=Jlea).. front ,owher good fman for sale. Cashprice, particu- • lats., D.. F. Bash,: Minne,apelis, Mina. ..••••••••••••• For Sale -A number 'of window and . storm sash with -glass in them. • Apply to D. C. Taylor. House for , Sale wi h table an? garage, two acres- of hind, fruit trees and garden. Water supply 'Planned ' to hr $e Everything modern- in .equipinent;--and in good -order. Apply to Robert Johnston, Court ,Ifouse Goderich; Ont. ' • , (18-8-tf) FOR SALE -Cedar wood, 'suitable for kindling' ;-Evart Tayler. WOOD FOR SALE -Quantity of good hard wood, also mixaa wood, ---- • ' , . George Jardine, R. 1, Kincardine. •• (17=11-c) , , • , FOR SALE=Vigetous, :•Breci-to- ' lay 0.A.C. Barred Rock Cockerels' of Pedigreed' stOck. Pullets of same • . • ' ' • laid before, five months. Price • $2:0,0 apiece,W. F. Finlay, R R: 1. • Lucknow. , • , NOTICE TO D'sfyg.STORS , If you have Victory Eforids matur- ing, I can give ,you a good invest- ment at 8%.'• Apply to Box 256.. , _ STEERS_ . A S'flt AY • • Came to the premiaes of the under- . signed, Lot 18; Con 14, West Wawa- " nosh, on or about the 15th of October 1927, two steers: Owner may have seine by proving - property and paying, expenses. -James 'Purvis. ; (17-11-p).. CATTLE ASTRAY, ' • .. Came to the premiaea- of the ,un- dersigned, ,East half Lot .8, Con,. 14 Ashfield, on or about October 17th 1927,, three calves. Owner may have Same by provina property and pay - expenses. -St. Clair Irwin.. (17-11-e) . HEIFER ASTRAY ' Came to the premises of the under, - signed, neat Kintail: Aabfield ,Town, ship, . about September 20th, :1927, a heifer apparently betvveen one- am';', t*0 years ora. Ownef• may have aatine . • on proving property 'awl paying ere, pensea..L-Richard MacDonald. • • AUCTION SALE ,head young attle, t the Agri- ' caltural ark, Ripley; on November' - . 24th: a Huron Town:311iji cattle - Yearling and 2,-:'yer-o1ds.-11hoinas ` Maria, Prep.; John Parvia, Auc, AUCTION SALE . 4000 -at tot .1'7; , Wes aatawaneslf (the White farm) ran Sat- • urday, Nevember 10, coffin -towing at and Children Good Rubbers.' J, Little's Shoe :Twenty zen Ghia' and .Women'e Warm Wool and Silk & Wool Hose. Good Goods. "..LONY ?rices,Horaell Murdoch Co -THE MARKET. MILLINERY" SALE -On Friday ..:_andja.turday of_this_Wetkaltebet;=_. :ince of felt 'and velvet heti' , • at ; .$1.50, $2.50. and $.75 • each. 2 ROI3ERTSeN. Mr. and Mra. Rogers of. Galt, were. Visitors _with Mr. and -111,rs. George A. Greer over , the. week end Mrs; Rog- ers' *ill be remembered by Lucknow -resident_s as Miss 'Lizzie 'Tennyson. • .._ . A 'Big Introductory Merchaardiaing- ;ZEVent-An--full-swing-ata-A.-E-_,Ilusa_ well's Stare; commeneing' SaturdaY, Tovember 19 Don't fail to call whether, You iatend to bny;:or not. a . • , . • Another meeting in.,:conneetienayith the organization of a Choral Society -will be held th the Connell, .Chamber this Thursday evening at 6 o'clock.. All interested are .tequested to at- 'd,Alf. ;Andrew. „ '• • Mt, Watson .Webster, who had the contract :of packing ,Kenneth Cam-: gran , a pPle , crap • this season, - cona' pleted the job last Satnday, and or Monday returned to his ha -Me near Va,na M R H. IVI(tQuillin is. hand . ling.., Ca/nerd/1'a 'apples :this aeS- son 0.43— . ' PROGRESSIV •DOMINOES, A, progressive dereino ...partiy; atilt be held in the Town Hall, under aus .picea, 'of the Vtrornen's Institute, the evening of Ttfesday; Nov. 22; .at 8.15 • Proceeds : for the Armeniar Relief Fund. Admission 25e. 1 .• • , ERECTING 'STEEL' BARN, : . A:gang or men are. at ork on Butteri's. farm, erecting a- modern steel' barn: to replace the frame :Ajax- ture destroyed with •,..the- seaCon'a ere') a few . weeks agO. The found& tion 'while have. been. lengthened ' by 20 feet and the basement 'will be equipped With modern steel'. stable fittings' throughout . This should make a fine plant, .and 'suggests that. mr. Batton intends flo stay in the game for some years to :come. ' GIRL, GUIDE NOTES The regnlar_rneeting Of the Guides was held,„Vridi.y 'evening in •;the School basement. The Guides • are. en,- joying , the new gymnasium ., equip- ment which has just been installed. '1st Recruit (watching the second class, Guides signalling): "Why' do „ . they do that, and what are they say-' 2nd. Reerait: "I, don't' know, but they 'seem .mad-thatone ia saying 'dash' all the time." . / 3rd Recruit: hope tht capr tainwdeesn't hear her." • ' SUCCESSFUL MASQUERADE The masapierade ball givea by the Tuesday evening; preyed. 'a, fine success in every Way, so there .W.aa a follY., good tirne all rpund. •The. prize. for ,fancit dresaeff lady went te Mis Lillie lichen tits "rte.:Peep.", The; fancYdreaSed gent prize *eat to W. .PorteouS,'• .as'g "Freneh• Noble-:. matt" Bob. IVIacCallum 'Won as. comie gent. A ,priit foi., "Lucky number"; 'went to Eight Ptitdon aad John i n; • , ' _ :teedirig aSteett;v•-150--to- FARMERS AND; ; UNIOR ' ' • INSTITUTE One o'clock Durnin,:Prop. John PurviS, Aae. . ligicHwommisamiloom•ion• „ 'The jitniot ,Varraera. Mid .1ttitior Ira" etitute Will hold their Monthly meet- itig in the Council, 011atoher, • Town aucINT ' • ' Tll" =Lke ' " OW" -tin tiVeriiter: -29., - - BORN • • ' these , meetings. reports ' Gammie—in West, NV.Ovatioish; ;tate eonventiott ,I,JOtiden arid • the taaventhet- ' 4, , 021, :t0; gro-ixo ,ttoyai Winter Fair, at ot Toronto wili ' Ath0.6M/71lei a eatightea. , • •• • LUCKNOW, ONT., THUR5DAY. NOVEMBER 17th, 1027.. , . Following the recent court deelsion by which iViri M. A. Maccalltim•-•*as , , unseated, the :Daily Star , called Mr. •MacCalluin „bi long distance, andre- 'ports the f011oWing statement: , , • Asked lit he Would again ; conteg the riding, M. MacCallim amid he • would allow ; his name to go before. the Progressive cOnaentiazr, as seen. as it Can :he called. • • . "How do •,,,iyou feel- about a cam- paign• at this time of year?" he was '•"I'in in good shape-r-haveret felt better . for a Icing -while," was the quick tepli.' "I'M asking that a convention . he calledat the earliest possible date and I'm going right ahead with My, :organization. /: don't know whether: Mr. Ferguson plans to bring on an- other early ,election or not. I hope he . "He larouglit- One on in 'Prince" Ed; Wird county very promptly and hope he will • make the same kind of -,_14e0ainart,far.-8-0_11t1B-tgeeheallila then. 1 am :quite prepared to leave matters in the hands of the electors of 'South' Bruce." WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING ,. • • .. The Neveinber' meeting of the: W. I. was held 'at the home' Of' Mrs. , W. L. MacKenzie, .Friday last, there: be- -ingaaa-aVerage.'atteadance of :32..Thfj -Presidentia-Mrs.----Murdier-gave-a--ziplen, did report oftheConvention' aabiCh 'she as, delegate . attended in Walker-, ten: in October. was followed hy A:reading entitled "The Unknown Warrior," -by Ars.. Robt- Thompson. which Was very appropriate-rajt be- ing ,Armistice Day. -The chief business of the afternoon Was 'the arranging of committees. ete., for ' ,a Domino Party, which the Institute will put on in the. Town Hall on NoYeniber the 22/id. A do. nation', was voted 'frit 'the.: War Me- morial .Hospital, London. /new feaa tare at the meeting was an -iitlition very •ahii conducted' by Mrs. 4. Turner. acting' as auCtioneer.In her usual lively 'amine? she very soon disposed of a, great many: articles donated by the members -such • as fruit, '- . pickles.- 'fancy, work, etc.. which 'netted- .a Mee little sum. Re- freshments were then nerved by the Directors; • after Which the meeting eleoaav” with singing of,, the, "Maple L NEW BOOKS AT THE .LIBRARY Those who have been giving ,some thought to the matter of their Win- ter's . reading will be interested to know that the, followinr "books, near- ly all of 'aeeent :publication have been - placed on the shelves of the Public Fiction \ YOUng Malcolm,. by Blake; Chick- ens 'Come Home To ROOst; by worth; Mollie and , 1;y. F, Drummond.; The Man ,Who Saw Through, Heaven, by Steele; Grand- mothers, by ,Wescott (This is tha, 'Harper novel for 1927.-36); Witchwood; by , Jan Buchan;.Gentl& men Prefer Blondes; by 1.,,ocee; Jahia, by, Maio' de 'la Roche, (The $10,000 prize novel), -.Best Stories, • by 'Mary. E. , • • " • Non,' Fiction ; • / Life of Gladstone, ba. John Morley, an abridged edition of one of the , greatest biographies; Conquest of the ; Great North West, by Agnes Lent, '• (A Most interesting and readable - history ' of. the . Hudson Bay Company and the fur trade in the early daYa ef .Canada's .. great "Lone Land"); History of Witchcraft, bY • Summers, When You do To. Leaden, by Morton;' Stand To, Your Werk, (an , inspire- ' tional work); Story Of philoaamhY, by Duran ,(Et.' thoughtful, book which has • . proved :very' popular); The CanadianScene, by Hector CharlesYJorth (gives inside '-iatery'd: some Canadian men and affairs) irs) Books . Foz Young People The Beek Of . Everlasting . TWO, by 'Mee; Wonderful Day; Thousand Bewitiftit Thiags, ape by Mee (very beautiful aniVanteresting books for oug or. Old); OVercornitig- -Headi. capi3, by Wallace• (Iaspitittienal book.for.beyS.)- . ,•; • • ,.a.. ' FOWL SIMPER The ILF.O. and Clubs of Paramount will ' hold their annual fowl-tOpper ,the Cheese, -kattory anetbeir tatnilie onlY; ,ant *le evening ,of -,,Thursday. Noveinhet 24.. SuPper. 6 to O'clock. MAI; 400, sec max, ma, ba given. ' Na4t, •Tantilios ?PM, 3 N.* a tl • • ' , SOITTO DOU'OE • VAC,ANT• • Meee4l1nit :UnseatedBat' Net Dis qualified-rMaY. Ran Again.. •. ' . , . .• • • • 711p.,t there .WaS,,AtiffiCient • wrong-.. ;doing in the South Bruce election „of last Deeeniber,to voi1e the41PctiOn, but not. enough wrong intentipa to disqualify -those, 'ia .the as candidates: in ' the future, isthe sub-:: " ,-sterree Of., the :judgment 'handed Out en'kendaY.'..-0fatbia,Week. 4: the .Di- visiOnal ..Court at OCeedeaaliall. '.in 'Mactallumls. appeal' ease. . - - • Thjs jadgraent has been :aWaited with • keen :. interest for .sfrme., weeks andnow- that have it, it is pretty,. Much; What' was gener.ally, expected The special court. ionsiitirieof Justices tto,sa and .Fisher, Which dealt' .with the case atWalkerten„ both -uni' seated and dis.unerified MacchilUmi :so that.. he , '(MacCallum) is a great deal ahead as a result Of his. appeal What .the apart. catieerneditself with was as -to Whit•waS in the mind of the severalparties to the arrange- ment by Which ,J, G. Anderson, on on, having his . campaign expenses 'paid. •Withdrerfa-froan- . Referring to .4 resolution passed al. a' meeting .at -.Paisley,: where it was' agreed .that any eandidate,withdraaa. -hug should .have, his. ,. expenses " Paid ,the, judgment says: ; the no- tive of tlio.ae: who ,passed the resolu- tion May have been to get 'a straight. .fight between two opponent' _upon . • One issue, it fornied .the liaaia7::•Open which T,olteri, an isPirant.,fer the „morinnation, offered: .$1000,;•_to cacli candidtite - to--lct him ilave the field ,and eventually lery -,Anderson 'Well as MacCalluni in 'eliminating. Oa, foraner,'as'eanditiate ha. 'a 'Payment. Of - '.$1.„2.59,:" I ..can .aee-,in) reason, for, treht-,. ing the resolution iS ,an, inecu'eas - „ ; . one." ' • • : . : ;at ..think," ••JastiCe ..`HodgiaS Who *Trete the ladgment,' adds, ."that to Inuit be. paid 'to .indueetire"WithdraW,': al of an .tietual.and not 'a,, .Patentiaj.:4,6001,e,anki.l;giatjt , was, 'become a . corrapt,..act.,• the ; menea ;to .paid in this ,eaae. T: therefore con., • Cur, in the 'finding that the. eleetioa must he. Vdiciecl.!': ,, • ,., The judgment. .ftirther, 'says: eqt .ransit be bOrtie' in, mind that ' A naY7 ment „to,..'indace -a' 'possible, :candidOte to refrain' front beCorning a' candidate has" net,..Yer':been,•expreaslY made" A Corrupt prattice under the: Statute; If however, the the doTinent ,MotiVe: 'has:: been .to completely close' the- WaY* to by•:a 'pretendedpaynenf,, for :expenses; : 1„,;.On . imagine such .a,,Colorabie,InaYment. not•;coming.' :With • the.-defibition , of : •, ',.at - 'centurion law." ; • His lordship belde' that a con • • , rapt practice Was committed with'. :tite actual knowledge and ;consent 'of MaeCalluni, it • ni ay. :be ..exclised" having been made :without any. Cat,. 'rupt intent by him. • • "If • .Anderson .• is, given . the,.•bepefit of the the doubt and' is :not disqualified, •foi. hispart in -the transaction,it should 'be equally 'aecorded to the :ap- Pellant• (MacCallarn)."•' Adding to to:the judgment • as ..written 'by Juatice. Hodgins,:,Mr. Justice rer- guion.says: ."MacCalluni satisfied :the trial-judgeaathatAte-.--waS- ignorant of. the law:: andthat he' honestly.- eti- deavored to conduat the 'election' , . . cording ,to .1aW, liut he failed to sat-• isfY,Ibern,: that his ignorance: or the •law ',as excusable:" •.7ustice rOrguson -filiiher expresses. .the opinion "thatin thc eireurnstanCee, MacCallum's plea of •excusable fig.; nOranee may be justified. 'The South Bruce 'seat in the On, tario Legislatare is now ;definitely vaganC, . and VO ;inny expect electio8 to be WEDDani(T)intionice8di.;° LS ." . . A yerYpretty . but cluieti weddin took piece- At ..3.80. 'o'clock% "Saturday' tiftertiCen, Nev,ember 1.2th', At, 'the Dungannon parsOnage,..- when • Lillie. Oliye, second'daughter M'n-41bert• and the late Mrs.; Albert AlcQUeid• of -Aahfield-,•••was uriifecl in Marriage te Me., 'Warner Arniitage...Smythe..... only ;win of Mts. 1Vcslje Smythe and.. the ' late 1‘.1‘r.,,. Weslie 'Smythe .of . Water. • the 'ceremoni., was coadueted bar the Rev. Walker of- Mirigami,on tnlie4 ' -The. bride looked charming in' .dnerja,,of,:.e.oritlageekagette.,Avith,,IPronall- Metallic lace trimming. She ware, 'rope 'of pearls, :the gift of the groom.' - After the cerenfony, n Wedding din-, •-net' was spayed at., the home Where the n4at; relatiVes.: and" a few' latilliate:;frierids had gathered. : :young " ,couple • left...Oir a .inotor trip ,to Toronto. WIlenthey, tetarn they will reside,. On .014 -groom's tetP'h IlOrtit Of Taaawator; • • Full; course meals will be - served' daily, ' including, Sunday at Breakfast,: .Diriner Supper. Dinnerand 'Supper iii- clude 'Soup,...: •ChOite of- 1\'Ieats, • Vegetables,: Pie, . 'Pudding or Cake: Give Us .A Trial. • All you,Can eat and good'. service. • Radio Musie While . You Eat'. Re*. Star - Cafe Harry Lem, Prop. I FAMILY THEATRE NOVEMBER 18tba & , Betty Bronson and Iticardo . 'Cortez. A William' Wellman 'production' . . ,• • .••„ • ."THE CAT'S 'PYJAMAS” " • And. Coatecii. _ Radio on the • Farm is Im- portant Tilt farmer is entitled to the best radio set, made -music, 'entertainment eve rj'y thing - that large centreshave, should come to the farmer even bet- . ter than elsewhere, , A D A tone ever "The sweetest known" 'Pureharmony RADIO 'for every 'fhprefore, in radio' you should . bay a Set. which has a , world- • wide ,reputation fOr bcing, the, best you can get. Fada Radio sena :from a $95.00, to $550.00 Fada is the Radio with a , pedigree. N . • , ' • Cali and ask to .hear -Eacia. F. T. Armstrong Jeweller & Optometrist , • • ,criortgii NOTES"- •.•.' , • 'S'IN(ILJC • COPIrat CPrill ,• e The 'Br • Health HoVIS„ of Health ofiR MOTTO IS "QUALITY' 4:c. One Quality 'gime Made, 'Whole Wheat ancl.4taisin''Breall 'fii; made •• front the Purest and, „Highest Grade "Ingredients, • 'SATURDAY- , SPECIAJalb ” • • Creaiii Slices; Dundee. Cakes, cho'colhte MaiihnialloW CPiree.,•. . Cakes,: Oatmeal Cookies, Maple:Wain:at' TartsRa_apherry Tartlets, , !Telly 'Rolla, • Cholaea, Buns, Raisin Pies,..• •• BEST"- PRICES GIVEN FOR BUTTER AND 'EGGS , BAKERY Phone 36 . •* •. • Lucknow ••• Our latest and most attractive 9ffering . 4 plus,a share in.the profitiv. A Real Estate Inveatmerit combining the following .unusiiil ad -van- tages to the inVeetor. ' :-17.--.Virra-seured-interest7return-of7Sevetr-per-'eentr.----'7-- 2.• A perpetual oa---rneraiiip la the ,Cominerce said Transportation Building and a participation in divid arida afterthe original hiveat-, ment has been returned, to tlie investor with interest. •• ' • ' 3. A:bonus of -common stock and a vote in the Management of one. • of the finest buildings in Canada, . , , 4. An interest in oneof the most .promipent corners in the City Of Toronto, rapidly increasing in value, and iMportance. sa For to- futber.,parti:ii,g:-,s7f:Ep:stianbiltihseheadtialCohd.. Ou_aPfilidnity.oangade',Ingistail. '. • . „. J.OSEPH 'AGNEW. Lackaow , • Local-Representatate---7, ' WM:, C. BRENT 8z COMPANY. LTD: , • Investm Bankers ' Dominzo 141111C' BTIOdRgCor EingONTO, ONTARIO • Without any obligation on my part please send, further partic- ulars of the Commerce.& Transportation 'Building. Ltd.; " : • Specials - PEARLMA LADIESREAD THIS . LADIES' AT SPECIALLY• -/ COatS RIt.)FcCF,sptt- - • The Latest Shades With The NewLong i Furs n Shawl Collars - FOR QUICK SALE '• • We have just received a New Assort - Dresses —ment of Party and Evening Dresses, in the Pretty Shades that are all the pi. • Everything Reduced For Quick sale- . EXTRA SPECIAL!, STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR - Men's -and Ladies' Blue and! Red. Labels , Be prepared for the cold weather Get ore Value ere Fot \Lees - Money p:0°1:67:mH 5* Lucknow B. Pearlman s „ ' • • Presbyterian' Guild -The 'program at, the Guild .:aloadaY .; eveniag wa .given by'. Mr. J.."0 Mtirdoeh's .YOung „Mens Clase.' ',Wigg, read the siipture :.i.Sc)114,' and the topie 'Good '4and, Bn i Our .NewsPapm,'S. 'and, 'Magazines,'!' • Was react; by, .Mr.• Maciriteah: Malcolin'• Watson gave a reeding.' . The musical' part of the program' Consisted of"a: eiretus by the 'ClasS,. .After ' the , singiag Of HTnip'006, Mi Wigg closed:the Meet- 'ing with Prayer; . • • tren 01°Londoit,. o• .v.e.upY:Jb0" pulpit Of Ducknow,,,, United Church 'next SUriday. . The Si4;%AceS. last plunday' were taken by 0) ,w, -sgtel in' the eN.' by Mi Lauic -MacLeria, a Tini. ✓ ersity stacienti, who preadlied tie ietritell'; 'The 'Roy*: R. W.. Caltav; whc tildetWent Ian 0 pa ration -Tit VictOria Tiospital,, London, Iasi Saturday, 'is tePtaited making -.favorable . PrOgresa. •'. Anniversary. Aervices, .will bo held hi Lucknow- thited Church. on Still-, chty, Deombei fltli, hen Prof. Johngton of Vietaria 'College, will meek.: 41n. MonilaY iewing.:,,ah.;;;Illustrated • ,traveiegae -on• Bermuda Will be given. ,bY the Rev tdie Yairbairti, together with an ,Intaraating program a inualoo • United Church • The High School teachers ,and stu- dents were guests of the , Young Pee. Ple's Society, , Monday ' evening. The meeting, was in, Char,ge of the Social Dept and the program v,aa largely of an entertaining' 'character.. / There was a large attendance; the atadent5. having rapolided" splendidly to the invitation.' Mr. :Wilfred .Anderspn: w'io,presided„ welcomed t1)e iguests • ,in a sheit, address. The-, Rev,' Mr. B aown„ of,, Aahfield, . Was present ,a and led -In prefer. Miss , Isabel , Craw read the Scripture less,e,p_; 11,nd.", 33.0b..11.1P. Iliiiinpatin gave 'iv recitation. Mise Jessie Madkentie gAVe .a piano solo' and tilete 'WAS. an .instrumental duet hy Mrs.- A .aaietute gallery,'S"ald FaC'es in, DiSt, guise," in which a namber took part.. .a"roved vety eittettairrin*.trEefthattlre.. 'cl'oae there was a social .balf hour, wq11- hi n ;_and • a, numbCr el' carit(!at. , Tap .,ritEsnrrEatAN' W M s. TIIANKOFrERING Mts. Faripey of Mitchell gave a, •terat inter:dating_ address, reviewing. the • MiAlon werk..of ;.the Ourch, deal- hig nertieularty with the Home MIA - ;lion 'ie1ds Tn the, Fertiga thO ogtlook oncouragiagi. tika phasized the grea responsibility , -the Churph in brining the Gospel to •'• every creature. Mrs. Steele ' Mac-, • , Kenzie gave a„rea4ing, 1.(The 'Legend' " Beautiful,", wliieh was enjoyed by all. A duet was sung by Miss Mary Ait- ' chischr, and Mr, T. Watson, and the choir gave a selection. The Thank: Offering i,amoinitied tai $146.95: A, GOOD WORD .FOR • . • ,LIJCKNOW PUBLIC scioot In. a';icapert., recently made to the Trustee: Board of the Lucknow Pub. lie Scheolf,-Inspecter -Bald made the, • foltoWiag eomplimentary reference tq .,the school and the teaching staff: paw Sirsy_e_a -Will-please -find. en, cloacd, herewith the official farm. of . :my report in reference to prjaslitil.„, "-Priblic -School. - seStretsit.id.eldst. itt;e:Ichw,...eire.::i upontoenthe tail:vt:nycoe: and „the very •Inithitil.--and. -.efficient condition of affairs that prevail iri teea....xted _teachers the ,.._conditions__ Jbis school...There Is :hardly whieh 'obtain in tilt solloat art oiceiht any icism. :Both reference f..o the •trus, thing which calls for adverse crit- re'SPIteileurlilYsiat N • " ' • A-9, tIN I ' ' ! :, • , •