HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-10, Page 8Bift§",„ VISIT ;WILL
\wd0t0fais fneC141: Tontbs.:Wb
'Arlak* *OA Fair Ao Gueilte
Went- 7 • ' •
(14 s'Zthat are hrimful and
,Oiort,th iSeSes,t 410,entet,
undrecy'oattrto:fa4ch .to n e-•donimissien, The: cit4-•
-.4(tinmertt,14reiiik,•PrOSPee.t,"fer- the 'Ave' • 0.
ward states that Baileyr
• ;thent.'freni- Huron id 10 front Bruce lten.q..the • ,.
counties, who 'ere to-ifisit'311.4.'Reial ane*Pert. Swinixiaer; get ,into• •diffic0P.
Imo; Fair .:tind:,.the. :city. of 'TOMO • tieS. irnmiflg in 1-46...1won
tho:c.nitalio oppart, 04, (), 1999, •NvIlcy.
• , .
voarcf of. a silver -Medal to Dr. John
Selultni: Of. Talbot
don; 0.47; by „the Carnegie Hero .F.utid
Cemnoidsien %Or saving Ifol,Yard T.
'Bailey; ,:2fi-year7o14
cirowning at CiTand.13encl,
TEE •LIJCI(N9W agNTINET. T4uRsDAyt xotrinn,ER to, 147'4'
c"(Frorn The Durhant 'Review)
' tund=-soree,01 his
stock wiped out. alineSt -twink-
ling,. Was, the2staggerin blow dealt
to . Mr; Mhlooliu, gokechniO;.•
Saageen, four: .Miles *nOrth !o*
ham, on a 'repent-aft:Aeon.. • °
1*.,•;lvicicechnie had hie, oWnthresh:.
lng outfit at work in his barn; and
hat the threshing almeSt'completad;
aiily a few loads 'Of peas and some
alits,being ,i,eft, shortly after 9,
the, engipeer, Mr. -Alex.
.Donald,' noticed a. blaze in the Sheep
pen: vhieh.i.WaS ,leart-te at; the north
.east corner of: the 1?„4.ra- Wni:PrOb'
ahly caused bY".a spark, from, engine
falling in straw and other:
centhustible material', fAboat. 16 ,inen,
...Were at Work and first -eitlea.vore4„ to
Ag as tbe guest$ Of #grieultnre. Entertainineatt 15,0 Y ,91d had reInSed,to-,aceonl-
but 'ne. merely 4b4;. eVerithing:' :PaitY BaileY :on; aeconnt,• et' the cur -
....the 0.0./Ale(1.,00,g.rgin that .beil '14st, rent, and was swimming .Over a safer
been ".anneunee,4 by thineap„ 206 e4t torn Pe-11-9.Ye
Agriciiltural Reritesenta,- Schrain's :attention -wits _attracted.
Xe „
tives,.*10 is snpervising the arrange-
mintriny the' ttiPois there for,a. Pur-
pose. At the Royal Vitir the'. .boye
see for -One thing, the "Jubilee,Of
wiU Agrieulfgre" •OgiOit...,:which: the: .1Z10,.
Minien.:004ernineitt. and the different
. .
Proyindes 'are. stagtag.• to • show in a•
. ,., , . , .
,striliing way the prOgreis that bas
teen Made. intlie D,Ontinion's greatest
. , . ..,
f tie. amazing vane o high
--qUality-liircatacit and fann produce
'raised in Canade-lodai:-.11-1 the -show-- ed at times and Bai . P-
T'iiii tiPir 'via.: witelA ' judges of inter", unconsciansneis-the citatiOn cormina:
national reputation :place.... purebred ed, but. Dr. Sehrarr,t sUPPorted bur
ainhnile trein:.• nine ''' YreVinees `aq• .While floating; and 'then swam -neare,
,..niang 'Statett, It Will give them last-" •
to the pier. . A boat that was taken
,.ng ideals et. the types °nit 411e fere" to them capsized After rcileated ef-.
' b - -ders hireetiiving-for,--ideal,e,'- -fortea beeistto..,:throw. a .r0pe
"ter swain fifteen feet; caught hold
pr to Bailey's* distrets at a point 590 Xe .
from shore. There were Waves,
feet high and strong undercurrent
Dr. Schram, the cits.tion related,. swam
300 feet across the current to Bailey.
aid, then Swain with Jilin toward the
pier,-, 225, feet distant. 13ailey then
became panic-stricken, and in' a pro-
longed struggle he kicked Dr. Schram
in the •abdonien. and -else.virbete and,
raptared Schram's legs
were paralysed. They ygre separat-
d into
nuv vvEX,04#1144 „MANY, LIVE
WOIC,f110131,10410 NOW Nroll,v,
It (S butiditant to icnoVv.• *iv, the
' '•,11-bann'ee :of 01401 tienienis of
000d Will Ate& DeveloOment of
ixtinguish the blaze. Mc: MeKechnie
(o,ostiiibuteint taDepairtmeS•oe,
' afirrief44teilk ,Tereeten)
Tentt anbnaln ii,Uared nafnrie.
WIle0, the 'Motker..was free to
seleet- and litelt; 'IP, the „food: "Ii1ta,•,
tliat• her inatinct.lead. her to, did not
stiffer frei4' ' diseaSe.
'eonamen,,tn YoUng.aalmale reared. 11W1
der dome:dice, All %men have
not • learned .the' simple, lesson `IR,*
natnre,,tatightte-those,willing to oh-,
serve -the unreSti,Ained young anti:nal
that lustinctiyely. 'basks in the sun
And Vatgegreen plants, Man!s.*OT.Of
herding animals ,and poulirylogethor
in dark yards ancl stables, and .the
use of • fried .feede that do not Carry,
the vitamind „necelittary to proper nu-
trition; have toe' Often resulted dis-
tistrOuslylor the yoUngs,ninild. un-
wa 'quickly beyencl them, caught on sbine .Sornething, dry e
f Supply the neces-
in the loft -above, fought -valiantly
with flayr.es below him, while others'
• b d water trorn :tank, 'but the.blaie
iade that will. ,infinenee their own Plans
Live itock, grain and seeds, fruit
and vegetables -poultry' 'rabbits and
foxes,. dairy produce and 'honey—they
Will see them all. o'On the first night
they will pass in ,review before Lord
Villingdon,-Goiernor-General of Can-
ada, Who Wilt open .the Fairy and for; -70---shore-w----Bailey. _wag revive •
the rest of ,theeveilitig the, Will' Schram's riiPture necessitated an
, horsed from the finest stables • erationi and he was whelly or parti-
'tor ,
the barn in a few, moments an
d 1
It:Oen was roaring -furnace '
The separator :was pulled out of
the barn to safety and some of the
- ' cludino• two -liers(,s. Temoved
Irem. the pier to Dr..-gehranirtlielat,--
the rope and sWarn back . Bailey.
Both Were then•drawri to the pier, bill
they could net be raised and *ere re-
peatedly knocked ,agginst, the jagged:
Side by 'the, waved., Finally Dr. Schram
and Bailey, were -drawn along 'the pier
. •
On ,
eery Something, ;required for proper,
developnient. '
Calves, pigs apt "clxicit ens, thase •
born apparently ,strong,•,fail . to -do-
velop' prOperly 'Unless' they get. in
their, daily feed the mysterious food
vit -
but so quickly did the flames spread elements that we spea
s o
that two liorseS, eig'llt-1)ig, a _intim Diseases due to improper. feed-
' 1 'Some hens ing have b'Oen-i.ecognizeti for many
t jul" •••
• tillen' ' '11. have
the they . gain
_ • pled rthlar
der •thnn a•,„ a .
•More;'. pa44.5-f?r fAnn. the
year-, •
' d for
s un„. ,a ---o
• magic V the h at .01
a'- "trY P a tumpe
MY, -licking
t '-116an ,.ConiP • nd. P
men. !yards d, know ,r.
' Maieer- StoCh fir•st hand .. mar"'
Union. .,
ket 'Tequirements;-., will go • -.,-, . • . - . EGO DEALERS :FINED Al. sprinkledflour: . The use of
e;.., swine , b
"several 'Itt;'.get commercial inatitutiOnS" . get the best 'results in.burning it. • • .
BRUSSELS oil .prevents• the condition. ' ' •
.green feeds, Yellow corn or eod liver
are 'run,,.. ' .These , lads are ,te lii.e. high ' age , householder. in usint-certain,fuels Magistrate -Reid held' court: at Brus: so' 1Vulbtifteu, tin, p,,,,, fasio,,grt. .,.:3::::1
to see tow big city business!' coneerng. With. a view to .asaistilig, the aver,
•."44Tiiik:thiir , v-i0t; -a luncheon as the and inixtuies to adv;intag, h 1,1"0.1511-: ,,hi'l on M°11daY, of last .v,f(ielt. to heat .ta green ietrie0,-1/.01t,-, eggs.. yeast,..a0d
_guests of the packers, tbe'in1Plement let entitled: ' ``.Ilistructions • for'. Burn 1 c:harges preferred hy,' 4.. L... 1Vforriser the , covering ..of•-•niest graini. - • Its
• people and different emiuneretal cen- bag ,,Ccial, Can and Peat," has has beei.' 1.-.-vf •.•Loni101.1, an 11.1s15ector.,,'under the, llsi;esilileuilese tinn p.tollutoZnleYbtnrtibiketir•Th;
ternS; Winding Up', With :a/theatre par- published by . the Mines Brantli; De., Agg-gtading,- • Act, ageliTit" ,Seyeral, trituvio In toirtue., oe,,;dhloase .is ,ch.o_ ,
ty, 00 the: final. 'night., The. boys 'Wilt; pertinent of -Vines?' Qt0v11 a, w.i.th' tin"- le oletrs in the eastern lia:it : of :. thf' 1.6tarized.:br nerroueielleattirt biabil-
sleep in gpadine,Honse; in the centr approval ;of' . tlie:, • Dontinion „ 'Fuel' -nuntv: for violationslet, The • di te musenlisr move -
of the citY,..and..will, breakfast . ea 'Board; Tests on which these,,, in lefendants were. j.. M..Etskine of At
morning at 'Hart House, un the gre‘at strtictiOns are . based -Were ,carried. °ltd. ...:,Lood., ,,Ilichard, Pratt of Deldncrief;, . P
dining hall used by the students of .irt the Fuel!. TeSting Lalatratortes Of Ilf•TaviSh and W. F. Sheppard of
'the ljniversitri of Toronto.7 .. ' th.. Miiies-:.Braiich; 'int die falloWing :uri,sgels. , All ' pleaded grilIty. egcept.
' 'in order that they may shrint•-hacic fuels:4-Arcierican••, anthracite, Wel* Tili.lkine,' ani'l fie.:Via% found guilty .np-
and Scotch anthracitea, gas and .: hy,'.; :)n the hearing' .Of evidenceThe law
' ' • ,rcyides tliat : eggs ghali.. be. '1;tighi
',I:n*4 Sold': :Strictly by , grade, -but,. in
4rite: of warnings said to have beer
iven several tiMes. 13y1he inspector
'violation a the law , was repeated
edge. of sttle.,
.13plants and " " gain sheep and h
WiNTER?:,. •
oses, ane
with the 7iiitztree.fenasce°dn watith. t1e-proh-
f what fuel to u
100- lbs, each, one c „
„ „
could not. be rescued, and perished in
the flames: One horse, 'bitrned'. hal
been, driven out; but4an back intellie
Stable. The .1torse burned were
Years, but eXaet .knowledge o
t to
lacking -*dements halm. been' 100W11
but a. short time.
A.-.• 14 soluble hifatand Is
called tat iolOble It is present in
greatest amount:in butter, -:,,yolk of
'green ..alfalfs; :and cod liver oil.
Young, animalsAdvert. feeds :that are
absolutely lacking in,Vitamin 'A, de-
velop a sere eie:denditien called
*Zeroptlaahnia. Motets lose.weight,
the comb becomes pale the the feathers
,ritified and s'holv prOgressive. ratiscii-
lar weakness: 4)* white exudate col-
lects. hi the ,eYek 'Oit pest niortem.
owned, oirrbrig:r. 1VIeEechnie-ancLati
by :Clark.' Two ;cars run ,
-below:the barn by tvirci If the, thresh-
ers, Earl VeSsie and Herman Weber
Were' alsO:,destreyed, was the. hen
heuse adjoining the. barn and two im-
plenipnts--the hay: loade,1 and ...Seed
able_ fer heel' ..• • , hand nianY
;TT'," 7.Z:r tx •
brae Bros.
heeling Yant
„why -7` be satisfied
feii�r ." quality
iOrn.when‘ you can,',0:0.••'.
',cure guaranteed
. extra • quallti". Pure
woe', yarn :at a price
ii?vit below its value.
Oui "ciiStorners•
back for more of this:
Per lb. ......$1.19..
Winter Coats
:Our Coat Depart-
ment ltas ,sotne rare
bargains id- offer • •you:,.,
• these- days'. See
.weekTend pric4
$11.95 41.5. $19.75' $22.
A: maheavy Po-
lice brace with: ',wide
strong: elastic :imbing,
and heavy leather -
grips reinforced with
.stiel. Weekend spe-
cial, Pair r37r.
V-neck and pullover
styles, in variety of
good colot combine-
'. ' •
Reg. • up to
this week -end. ...$2.49.
heap of 'riline—anCr-dVe- tMe--4,;he- tionar--aisegse_nhow_smouw_ e
20_ o 30 minutes the barn was
birds that ha,ii:deVeloped. this nutri-
. , .
house' about 150 feet to the south .yellowlsli raised nodules in the tissu?t-
' • . • • . • •
millet' see*. and 12, 1..lanna• airmati; o e
in danger. about the' 030 of
-.ides stock arid,implerrients mentioned dulds ht the ...oesophagus;,: birds -suf-. 'a Ontario, opo ?Pan nlaY. not
••, • • irregular in outline. These lesions -.'cpfor- Control' Board, has' made-• if
The barn was a fine structure, 40
ossopintgas, -In addition to the no- 4 '
quite I today'—
'nre, scattered over the surface of the qui c ear, thatunder the lavt
15 feet -with ,stoMe `foundation and be -
h :.fering from Yitaniin A. deficiencY -13°eseqs, anether man's nellwri even
:..-,,iontained. a big , ful o. ,
hout,,250 hus. of wheat end 'other ;le kidneys. Thery 'are enlarged, pale
: •,. in color, and streaked with a network
'There vas 'Some inturance, but the of white, lines. Occasimitilly there is
.,Ois will
be h-eavy. tgeneral dietribution of urates•
thrOughout the' hodY an'd the surface
of the intestinal organs appear as if
1Y 'show characteristic changes In with .the oWner's consent.,,,The point
, .
,aud how:t(
of whether a man may legally hold co,
bottle bought on another BUM'S' per?
mit arose in the trial of Morley Ray-
nor at Plaint, and Magistrate Levi
Williams held up judgnient 'until Ite
got more information as tq the, regu-
latons., "All he need do is to read
the permit," said Chairntairi Hanna.
. .
'It is not transferable. That is 'quite
clear."—Collingwood Bul e
The Connell of the, Township of
a clear story to the folk. a
•and observe /more closely for ; .their1 product -coked; low volatile .senai- i
own benefit an Essay: Com -Petition ,has 1 Minons 'coal, bituminous coal, peat
been arranged., Three prizes willioe Alberta dolnestic fuels, •Tiiixture, • Of
awarded for esdays in this county" and ,bitiiminotis coal and coke.
:the best ,Will be ,entered in a. proVin, ,.., The basic princiPles that 'should' be
iial •Chanipiintship Class. .. ' . - follOwedj'in handling .and firing eacli
--:; Five hundred boys, PossiblY ready of the fuels and mixtures tested ate
. . ,
for a rest, but carr.yiiik away .a store outlined. in the pamphlet; . and these.
. of new knowledge of agricultural and direCtions should. be found ..tp give
industrial progress, that ' Will: make satisfactory results in both standard:
• them proud of their country. and their, hot-water furnaces and hot-air ftir-
caning, will leave Torento on Noverri-: 'flues. ,...„
'',ber'1.8th. . Cdpi s f the pamPhlet way be -bad
e o 3
- When the physician - orders us to.
-bectearly- he helps -us-eut do4vn., the.
battery expenses. 7
,,,o.t.rtetve, -14,
from VOnr fuel dealer Or ,rnay be oh-
tind the prosecutions :foilowed.,' Ers
taine was found g,uilty on two charge
Pratt and McTavish. en . three:: and
:Sheppard on; four; :Each o the
fenders was fined $25 and: costs, the•
minimum penalty. .
A fashien note Says that WoMen's
hats grow tighter. That's What scitained -
cupon application to ,e ,ence does. One of those scientists
tor, Mines Branch; Department cif has* said thata, woroan's head is the
Mined,::-OttistWai ' - equal of that of a man:
Ladies' Oloves
Suede .,elOths, and ,to
'be.had in 'a 'variety, ;
pretty': •, eehir5,--,D•Off,
.Fawn-' and 'GreY •
shades, 'Week-:endt•spe-
eiai; pair . 49c,
Granny's Own
Sweater Yarn
1 A Soft pure wool
yarn. The ideal for
sweatermaking; lovely
'to touch. And we liae
fdr • You in 24pret-
for •...... 29c.
Bylaw- as -amended Was finally
passed, signed and sealed. :
Connell' adjonrned till Monday, No-
-.imittb-er--2.1.st7-1927-rtat---the4isnal tithe
Lplac_e •• „, •
• , . Geo; G.. MOffat; Clerk.
. . .
. The Walkerton, TeleScope gives the
• following atery Of\liow.twn cars ' came
to grief in the vicinity of the 'Bence
County Town: • '
Last. Wednesday night, abont. nine
o'clock .occtirrod, in front
of the faint of Mr.. Williain'
'at the foot 'of Glintz' •Hill. The Mit:
. cense Was that tile, cars of .Miss
Neill, local. representative of the Bell.
Telephone ,Co.,' ande7that. of Mr: Clare
Donnelly. of •chepsteW 'Were damaged
but, fortiimately .the injuries to the
Parties; concermed Were ..ComparativelY
'slight. 'The radiator,„; of Mr. Donnel-
ly's u son wnsTforced. out Of „posi-
:tion-and.•the left. front fender bent
Chief Ferguseni.who investigated, de.;',
eided ,was a matter for, Miss MeNelil l,
.and 'Donnelly to ' settle a-
Mong themselves; as, it appears. both'
did all in • their power te pre Vent the
,crash. ,
. • . •
Parairi fi of the legsv•frequent -1(inloss Met at Holyrood on c . ,
and sontetimes paralysis of the MUS- -
C1011 Of the !leek. The hltellial Orgliiiir member„ present The minutes
appear shrtinken-find darker hicolor; of last itietinr, Were read, and on me -
than normal. The muscle tissue Is . ,
also darker in • color than normal. tion of 'Carruthers and Ross, 'adopted
'The free „use of foods, such as milk.- a.nd signed. ' • \ ./
fruit, tubers, green plants,_bran and .• ;-• • • '
germ meal, prevents the antineuritie A. communication from Culrosf
eague.o a. tions 'TOrns. . to Teleplione.
. •, . ,, ,
ihl„.:,,.......,....-...........„...-,...:,....:.--..:-......_...--... ..-_..... --_-.-:.-_-...---4.- - . -4 :......"....:11. .„--,•_4•7_,•,:-.4."="... _-.. .....,......-Z;•,-" IS. 4.............."..... -4...,.......o....* ..C.........................-• ..., bh:).
11:74 , 3., 41.•• '
,,,....r- - ,,,,,,......%.-ozose. i
• A 4," .
A :le -eil -.,:f." •:.0. '
condition. .• Council•re lumber en 'boundary be:
Vitamin C. The lack of this vita -
known as aeurvy. It is ustially called. Kinloss :between concessions 11 and
Pog.,s puid, wOdi
'lleai/y rib shirts 107;
drawers. warm
garment. : Get -thein
• "
for the Cold *days a-
head. ' Oaf- low price,
each , . ;
It's tinte for these.
--warm cioths., „This *is„.
exceptq11 ' c1 o t
shown in pretty
stripes of pink, .blue
Week -end
special, yard.. .121/2 c.
• '
-faribEic ' WOMAN DIED AT '
, •
• Mrs. Johnston Bonlataft or inanV.
yeiit's residentref---,..meaOliPlex,_.m.as
found: dead- bed at-lihe:horne or lt•-",r
daughter', Mts. 1R., Soloriton, Strat.
, ford :en :Sriclay •morning lar"t
min in the fOod. leadtvto.tbe disease tWqen the. Tewnthins,. of Culrods and
the antl-acorbutic Vitantin. The main' - •
Scitirces Of Vitamin, C. are fresh' green 12 Culross. Moved 1)5T Ross, sec. by
liicIntyre that Reeve Tiffin•and Coun-
cillor Carratheri make arrangementp
vegetables, citrus fruits an
and .fresh milk. In poultry, the de-
limited extent. in.. fresh meat. tubers C ik! shoWn in a general Un-
thrifty condition of the feathers. In
man, the ,symptems are too ;.Viell
known to -need mention here:
.• Vitamin D.The .preseriee of this
vitamin in the food, prevents the con-
dition known as rickets .or .leg 'Weak -
nese In young chicks, 'children and
young .pigs. This vitamin Is Present
In green leaves, Milk and . cod liver
Oil_ One per cent ..of cod liver oil
ciddectrto_the_ .chick's,Tation will pre.
;rent leg weakness., . Bicketti - may
week. .' Mrs. •RoUlston
froin heart trouble fon:so:Ile time, h'..."t
of.,late''Aic .had linl,PrOVCA `§Q111eWil:lt,
nd had gone to visit- her •daii"
ter. ,about- A month .% The dpvt:tle
,said that death ;Was, -,41.12,1 to •
failure. . • r.
- • ,
• Before bet marriage the late11.71..1
:Ittilston was ltiliss :Mary flehm,
had7inade, her hoe wth the. Muri.l.;1'-•
•Son, :Coning. with them': yel-s./
:age Culross to neat .1ffpleY.
was born in Wingbant• (i5 years,
and. baying. lost ,her ;I:tcpts,.
takenias, e: child by'' Mr.: and-,„
Murchison: She. is: ,si;ir,:ii'N;ed by. "1.nr
husband and 'five Sons. and 3 dal)
tersi.Percy and. 'Clifton: Mrs, F • '..r=
Imo> and Borden li:Vo
ford; , .and.. Walttit• iiela
ItipleY; • itoutsfon at Ai•
konit, and 'MrS.' Cyril ,Canipbell al
'and Inept Culross.: ..reoreSentatives
also. be 'prevented exposing the,
young to bright sunshine, 'the. ultra
violet may' be 'obiorbed by Abe. skin
and' have its infinence on • bOdy•
metabolism. , " • '
-A "nixed diet for min containing
-,ii:C-a•dditioii--to.,.--,ber•ealif- and ..green
vegetables. aleei some milk freith
meat is the best 'safeguard against
the p,ossibility, of a vitaniin deficieney,
and,. fiirtherinote, '.insurds. ade-
quate aupnly hierginic. Salts and
protein..of proper biologic. -Per 'ant.
roala, green:feeds in aeas, well sav-
ed legume hay and roots 'foe the 'test
of the . year, and innshine all % the
tithe. '-l'er,pOtiltry„ green feeds, nailk,
. yellow earn. and minithine all the
time 'Will keep nutritional diseased
away—L. Stevenson, Dept. of
fenilon„ College, Guelph.
• , • . ` . ' ...• ,
there as requested. Carried. /
Moved by Ross, sec. by Irwin, that
recrHodgins lck employed' to com-
lete the Drain on his pronerty down
• .
to where the F, Hodgkinson branch
empties into the :Ackert Drain, eft
• • • , •
/‹. Z:7;
, .
. . .
t.\-‘ ...
_ ,
trergelity":',losISIOnS lei the .1....eagite a Nations will SoirYi--'156..lm-i;14..hy teletplitine,-prediets $eeretarY.4.6iterlail,
. . .
LA Ski' Erie tortintinOnd. Spectal tele:phi:roe oquitnneratis• banatirtteted'• fot.: Installation . Lagite
'head,nnarters (ennWin...abimiler) parrititting" GenaVa tei ;Pak, bp With Paris, 1.4ondon,1rU551tt Doiqin'an(1.11.6nve; '
and via 'transatlistiti6 eetvioe with Waistringtosi auM OttaWia: Iit 'the' eV Ott f-extralenditiorr itlemOoprrtents,, W, hen
a sne.o.y decision is vital, hitt& prediena tiMe' can be SINVedlliV' tolophode disettsstiori; ; • _
infOrniatien le Of: ealpeetial ittiterest to Canada; Whotopteatatativels 'Seta.tot geoul; Dandatamld, ,
' . • such orontinent omit flrodietit. Ltelgtte 4tocussiions. :(No,
: • • l'itta 041,
-Ideal Apple 'Tree. ,• •
The , ideal, apple tree is 'one tha
has been -So pruned from the begin-
ning. that itif Mainlinibs are, well
pistee(rand form .sti•ong Crotches that.
Will carry the tree to tnaturity,'With-,
Out bteakages or .injutY, ..and enable
the. tree to bear "antinal erbps Of sat-
isfactory PrePoiliotis and quality- at
low Cost and without the 'ItecesSity
forthe use ,Of preps. ; ' •
?r; tieing on loads, 'retie calinOt.
be beaten. A,nypetsOn whn- has had
• experienee lit drawing baledliay otter
yOuglr-recids-kno.wdlidtt .0„ifficult, it. is
to keep the top in place, A .rove.abent
Ilfty -feet :Inng,,,firaWrilig,ht qtroan&..
the top coiit0 of baleff*Illlioldthein
itt CII1C '80fid .CliffitOt,that_ hale. then
helps to hold. the. other.
$1:00 per rod. Carried.
It: is understood that :Miss McNeill
was waiting at her *father's gate.
When • the • Donnelly antomObile ap-
proached from the' rear At the:. time
. ,
. .
another car was corning froin the
JeCtion. which . the .McNeill Auto:
was facing. Mr. ponnelly had .. te
ehoose,, it appears, 'between biimphy
the young lad's car' or'rimming head-
on into the other motor.,
Cheepies: •Iiiirlington Steel Co_
freight on steel for Lockhart bridge
$13.83; flurlington 'Steel Co., freight
On steel: for :Congrain ,bridgo, $1.0.08.
Geo. G. 'Moffat.selection of • Jurors
$12.00; ....Canada. Ingot :fritn CO., 1
Armgo ;Iron Culvert, 3trx28', • 14'
lenge: $11:5.04; Freeborn: ilode5in.
son; cleaning'. out drain.' Lot 7, 'Con,
11, •• branch Of • •Ackert Drain. $50.00:
Aligns Macintosh. 2' lambs. 'at, $11.00
each; killed.. $22.00! ,datnage,, to flock
g1.0.00--432.00; Charles' Burt. care' of
Hall to .date 910.00.: Thos. H. Moore;
nay list' 68, $20.30;.„ John McKeniie
pay . list 89, .$13:7f
0. J. .J. •Henderson
p*. list 70, $6525; 3, W. ThomPson
-ay list 71, $28.09: 'William; Stauffer
pay list 72, $111.00;: John Colwell
ray Hat 13..882,50; :Harty Hale., pay
list 74, .$390; John A:\McKiinion,
pay ,list 75;' $48.75; John Colwe11.
contract.. Stott -Tiffin Diain,
and KraemerDrain 1. $462., , total
$1:065,06 Alen: .14eLeed;, work on..Mq-
Dougiip Drain, $159.00;., Isaac Pinnell.
pa Y 1iW76;422.00; 'Art. Moore, Locke,
hart bridge, $395,09. Congrani. bridge •
$505:, $900.; haltniee"
:of contract -on-McMillan .Drain, 4425,
',. The, adioUrned meeting Of thr.,,.
Court of Re7,tiSion np the*Lott train
Vag ' -resumed. Vfoired-,bY tosif, 'sec,
°tided that the ..,,Lott
stialia.ge Bylat he amended by add,
Ing 'a dense to provide :for the con,
atruttiOn of Stone Catch basin. or
tho,..00nth:side*of to ha -
*D., the !water from • the WetiVer
Drain to, enter the tile on 'the inain";
drain.. And 'that ., the *Jaw 'as
triended be ,iitualy ". pasted, ofEed oncl
oeoledi estrioclo
The°, regular meeting of the Au3t
was held on the .2nd inst. Miss Mur-
ray occupied the chair and conthletee
the devotional eierciseS. Mrs: 'Me.
11Iorran took the Bible Study:A duet
was. sting by Mrs. C. Ma,cDonald and
Mrs. -R. T, Douglas. The tic, 'Cheer'
and Challenge," from the Study ,of
'Moslem -Women, Was' given 'by, MirS. •
Stewart. A -verY Tititeresting- read, -
• 114el1 Veodor, for tu,:4
the sea fooder itt earing for, the
gettiug their feed front tt feeder'
they eat eat mote, thereby' making log,
et.:,gaiiis, and 'coneto marketable-
siee At an eatlist. dato,, Less ;pod
is required to Make 04100 on4 muou
(Froiri The Gotlerich Signal):
Visitors to the pffice of the Couril
Cotirt clerk at the cotirt lierfse are, ni
miring the h•-lndmonie :"grandfatirr
'clock" wbith ,its owner,, Mr. Robe'
Johnston; lies placed' there mitil
finds , place for it in hh4: home. Tl
clock Was 'presented to Mr. •Johnki
by Abe- people of Lukknow, as a to -
cif regard ,at the of his appoit
meat to fhe Ohne here and his con,
inent froin .uolcno.@, whe
for -a decade_heiluid Ileld the office'
. . •
ing, "A Gentleman' Prison," -the
.Story of 'Japanese, was' given by it was 'quite the •thing for .him
Mrs. Agnew. : ' ''kiss her. .
Rieva.-The clock is a :very hands?'
piece of -furniture,' wlth a' stand',
solid mahogany, and ,is provided w
'musical chimes.
-bntt'ei-days of .the Rom ZiP1Y
when a 'woman' inet a man in pi;
•';.'Dn'tetnvetletik titiVantagea Of •
Arttoo; keitonii 1); iOr the 'St', 4.13.teino! INiontroal, was o ; ; -011,1*,tiatoci,;
• aboveYanit'''Sibtlator•Nt..,-Ilsioourt-1 6,3)- , . ;
Adver Ot 104110'i '
• ,J
Fancy Work- Buffet Sets, Cushion tips, Rut)
ners and Scarfs in Brown Lin-
en: White in Buffet Sets, Vanity Sets, Runners,
Scarfs, Bed Spreads Aprons,' Etc. "
D.M.C. mali colours.
Crochet Cottons,White,, Ecru and Linen....
Ladies' and Children's Underwear and
Hose... -All Fall and Winter Weights,.s.
'We have withOut dol
,;lat' the Fiti,es.t Q al-
ity of arn-s—madein Canada-tisto 'el
. Galt and Newton, v,
'Bulbs. -Get your rbiflbs now--14yacinthi, Chirie9
Lilies, Ttilips, Daffodils, ,atid NareisspE,
Paper Whites.
TANLE)/' 1•ZI TO -10