HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-10, Page 6Cana lap terference s MuchLto' istews'ioy Ott :44 I I Cara RunsPOW11. and oimiitata.map.m4cle, :Static—Listening Tax Pays Upkeep , 'AVOW; automobilea patrolUflg Pail* of the treesa faint sizzling:414S heard, adtt,,frotn Nanceuver to 'Halifax bear ttn.. the earphones, ' Without the atd. ..1,94 'their' deers this' legatil÷laterfer* :of radio this .Was aiSo to he heard, al- •t.'!,Anee Oar, Radio Breach. PePartMent thoOgh:VerY faintly. On inveetignitleg' ot ,Martne. .04 • Fisheries. Each . Car •it was discovered, .thatin a number. 18.•13PeOtaillY'.bellt and flira10e,4 'With .of 'places ttit-tmoRto tye, town ,nigh .,,.the.•prgt sensliive radio .receivers and. voltage line carrylng 2200 volte for: eloCtrielane. These',Men the electricht .seesuraptisn! of coma -;Wttls, ;t4pti.,...•Orfs''40iiatittAtii, the over- Were touching the . trees in Tatto4s, cwtchful Radio Interference Section Placi3a, 4004 .ait t110.-,WIT913.1V9r.e • '‘cit."*,:itadig".1470401t Department of Lseparated : ,frOM these branchea, the „ Marine and risheries-Alie'. only er-trouble'ceased.; As a reetilt wherever' . , • 014eatine of.lt kind in theworld. this ., condition'waa tound. branches • ' „Tvia.• years, ago, after a number Qf Yiefoqi0-71i- off. To -day OrtlUa is still stoixtruor tests had 'PrOlren,fillesesa-, a': Wino "Of' trees, but tad!? 'reception u ,-a: etaft .9;t: ono engineer andthroeAS excellent.' • ' ' ..elestri,Ciant.:.*40,^:„Opeinted .to doal ;With *ridio,:interference from *met lines and'eljACtric,4 9Patatint; ^An €441.0.Pe4 witivfiPaciar 'inettaMents.,and 'sent' Ontour in On - Aerie uebee. n threo months.• Portable cabinet, Which is ofmneQt0d. Jhe ...,Ontadfa''eleCtriclanci with this car car1ed out"4„4,,estjga.ticonrk of in- terference.; towns •and vIllages •Two hundred •and •threecite& at in- ••-torefetende.. were- handled, of..whicti 124'"w,Cre -liereetliately eliminated and • .the MaJetity of the ethersceased to aellyrzradil,Onst'llpenerif as a meat 01 toUow. up corrspoiid0nCe between ''•:tlies',11Eitehera...tlie.OWnere of the elec- ,..414,41, APParatUtit..cattaing the interfer- HachantomObile:-• is- -e,qutPped-',.*Ith 'Ouperlieterodyrie ••riscefier with di rectien finding loop' veleme •con- • . , 'trol. Sit'and:seven tube superhetero- dynes are iittedi.-MP.allte0; hke*,8PE•Cini by means of a multiwire cable pug to a second ;cahinet centaining, batteriea ancLaccessories. This receiver is suf.1 ficiently sensitive to 'record a -noise due, to a •fault on a cliiitributing sys.: 'tem,ritany,nilles.away. In fact ,it was was'Qusied recently to locate faults. on Power,ines Situated in 'one' case 15, miles itivay- • and in the other • font - miles distant... . • • The notable' feature' in these re- ence' • and. 'h 'radio ;'lbranch ' • '" in th'e , fact' that they may ''''•••• SliCh has. 40 ;been this.„;suepbs; of fthiscely,Or,.0.11es he -need: while,the automobile is tra- , shotitntof'thetadia branch -7from•the.. - gal-c.,S.'",-,•.Were..:--,•*agiltinuous , ierigaa.,The. interference from the' ignition ' • • ' a t a '•itt!" '1-1OlifaX mentreal, n. sound In in the:reeeiv r Which le..char.:, . . *iiii=.firet‹,tkei..the fon • d Venlig at a' Moderate . tate of speed. • ti100e4.4•Ont-..'"...."-easterit;°- •Canadat.z sY:stent of, :tile,. Teal' 's.;rodudps ufglailY England's test - 4. r Ot • Toronto, . cars aeteristiclY different from that PrO' prea ov taivar and ' these %cee Ming Poein indberg's Flight - I Schoolgirl Gets $500 Prize far '1Wings of Lead" in Ken- I • nerly Contest -1 4,9001:105.'StjlitVilTTET, N1alla. Crane, 111Q /4.-yeariold Bteoklya echbor tirl •,wheins ..poens;:. Tlie • janitot'S' Bey,"•'aroneed Cati-- troversy a Year 'ago was Annoanced recently as ; the .„yvtnoer ,.or-t4o.•$t00, prize Offeredby Mitchell Keen:SOY for the hest-pOere oil, Lindbergh's .114ht" .Nathalia's'! 814ty •Iineci of Swinging -„Yerse,..••entitled !Wings of,, IJOad,"' •Wee -adjUdged „the 'beet." flten1:1 in, this Vitioni" front Canada, •Ertgland, Prat10;. 4O1Fulank, and eVell .MonaCe. iblatharia,"; now in her •-seccind'yeir at, the' rfrOeklyn.Ileighte,Seirainaty, had no thought 'of •winning e• prize When she tart her Peern .Lintlbeigh's flight "last May on the 'day that he , . •lantled•- in "Paris,:atid it, was• not nntil, her composition was' well along' to - Ward .completIon, she aid,: that She' learned of the. Competitn, ".,. "aolbug.'" .4,000 nianuscriPte SubMitted by :policy 3,000 cOntegants,.frem, everi State- - - Britain's-• • ava Ancient. enmity and mutual. simpleton, will .he laiiiied,• when: AnuinitIlah Khan; Altar ot Afghanistan, will be the guest of King George for three naYs Miring early' December. Afghanistan is new a friendly buffer -state 'between --the Ind'a 'in' '-ndS let n • ttiheit Matilde, theroughly. Three deeed hY4 e Power e.80 that his ere tYPe of interference if not toe great more cars have been added this year, ono for another for ' Win- nipegankTa.'-„third"fer Lendicin;"':',,On- •tarie.';,.!..-.1..i..,",-...'.,.....,,,,:12-',,,"-•..*; , ".••• .*, . *.: • •'• " ,- - • ...‘,.. - ', ii.T.Y.,;°41.6.,t-44.1i1 Oases •:.'Ent mit ed-te ' '!) t '''1.1)71.1e tteetvir'°.*•lifil:e'OCi&i:i°1.1117zia,latist.lithettthe°aidtoef. is not objectiona.hle. , In addition_ a portable' snperhetero- , dyne receiver is caisried and used in _epeeialiteits where the two .receivers are required. A portable tiareetube 'regenerative receiver, complete -with batthrlea andwespecially designed to •••4alce. Sieteeei-i ••.11-70-, Se. ilittitt-:Wiiia'recentlY-vsent in to„ the lie-gatried4Y-.tme...man,:ilLein part of 7.1'4,3•Tit-wdre4,,ip,000k, that-teryific- radio. interference % rir0; nialthig,radiQ •-•Jteceptn-!--..almost, _iMpeesibte:. , This interkeren,ce:•.car Vag quickly PrePared.....andLiInspector, with bia asslistant left for oriniii;.: :aiut;s� miles north Qf Toronto.:oncomIngwftblnYiew �f tbetalvn. Mr. E111s wae,giCatly.",impressed ,with , the vast nemberof trees ift and about the delisinunity In fact he "fervently- ,`,.:•holl4Ves "that there,. ion't another 'town inteh diatingniehed entrY. ' The the ---o (intim -_,The- as . named. -.set .is :Used with•a,loop.or vari- ous :tyPes' Of ' "eXp`leittg- cells tor spe ilaf itieationeinT-power=--housea-. and 'places -inadebeable,.th • ,* . • ''The tulien Ill-therie "sets are thetiny "peanut" tubes. manufactured o.nly in Canada. ,They 'stand but twal inches high -and notthetandingthat are \moot .excellent tubes. ' service 1h PreVided I/mutat]. emay seem strange but ft Iletener in, Canada ,is due' some' help. trces::Preved to ;:he - •more than • a in hiEi, 'reception of radiocast Music, , VeuallY:.inepeeticia;,•tor- this, sort of When 'interference would , otherwise- .. interference is done �i! ..toot;7 'Where:'epeil it for •hint•s An annual 'license : 'ilentel•badbaatebe inVeettga,ted•the required by every Owner of a radio Citriiii:neettc•.•A• receiver, loop'-a:Orlal, receiver, the' charge being with ilindl:Pliones. are carried. 1»' the hunt-, +.these dollars amounting to over $125,- eiiiitlin•re:cet`ier" being, slung over the •000 during the Placa'. Year. front April tiltenlder by means eta strap' an the 1, ..1925,. to. March, 31; 1926;.• the radio 'hicip:partied.hitthe hand. • Then as a., interference,' cars, -withtheir, trained noiSeAS;ficard .onthe,..PherieS It le ,staffsof' two, radio •electricians are ..tiined••in and huntedtill it, ihlOadest; paid,' and 'a :number of other. Mee -heed cIn1ty"•:"is" then • ilieronthly 'improving -radio reception for the- lis eearched,hier- the.' Souree"of trouble tenets are made /possible. . .; atalyfeeind.; in:. tide 'manner. *fret Touched Trace, FOO:i,Vint • tliie•sYstein Ellis. ' be- an; nt1 roeinductive interfer- • , since On .teitching,Orillia. Igo (14 not liav.,e to go far: • • Coining :under . ciente. The work. of. the, interference •sec- tion'is considered to have amplyhis- tined both .1W' establistunent andlts 'continuance-. on •, a more. extensive scale. .in the future: Christian ,Science. Monitoi. Sea Raider _ ing' George Shoots . Venison for ,Feeoar:et him:Self shot the. rOyai litivansissoearirehtltel;LattYeterattrethde, h4y4n. tuhael W. TjAhrjes°,:lisCtiotaty huic.'tlie *deer -21ot • the. •featt • la -of entlent etitin,;*byt it is ,r;re, that, the King.. porS o nally thaS; done tile' kl1ling1" ' ,".The,...Prinee• Of 1-1.ritles, high stew- ard cif •the,reYal norenth *frff sor;....seeePt,ed theMayere'finvita-. ticor to the dinner;,which, Watt held '90U/bet ••••• -•, 4 • To $olve_MYsterr Th ilia Faces iNi'4.ne lAntile7nr:tillonc:rlie• ' •': Quiz - A...campaign, 'mere thall eVer retie.; lute -is . now under way to Feb the ;aurora' borealis of ittr.secrets. For • -centuries -thie -.strange • plienatienon ,h'as fired the iMaglnatien 4f Potentiate -"----* , and of late years, mueli valuable dat,a,,i . ' haire been otganized.' 1; But a..'great - '• , deal remaine.to be learned. The 'e'V • , ' . *tett has new been niade International: ' *in' S.cpe.. 'At a treeent meeting of th.4•••,,. International' ,Geodetle and' keegria-'. FohyllcUteroittl,'wh:„Eildtieine.itirerciagtullea, tetzhe:hZ00.- operation Of all nations. .should be : i solicited in the'qUest of running theso, . ' beautiful, InYsterieus- and, in certa, ..., , speets, thoe. tnischieVous •Norther .: 1.iiglite• ifs theirvlair'. ' . , •.` - ' • MIschieyous;y,a7;, The' ;present'::'ot;',.. Pensive. wated hi Speetalists or many: By' teed • . . • land.a - not ..altogether a matter of i scientific curiosity; for in this r.,g,3" , 4-VVe ShS11: Not ILi 'elentriCal mcpansiolt . ,Notthern, „ cal force of greater or less, potency -- fnimi- conpetitiwi:with represent frequently ,ait Editor Tells Aritricli princlY ,of course, though ;- • • New York. -The growing ,need for they Can, on eecasion, play very queer international friendship, and :under- and„,soinetimes rather: disconc'ertint. 'pranks:. , • Only the _other 'day it. waS' 'reported that' the 'aurOra...berealis had been caught • UpSetting teletrap •operatione--Charging the wires w , excess ,eleetricity.and making A' m - possible. 'for time, over a -certain. area, ,to Send; any. messages. . • According to N. H. Heck, who was' an American delegate to the',meeting in Prague..,"Dr, Carr ..Staerzner; Painoue , solentist' 0!. 'Norway, repetted inter- esting :exireriments iihotographint , the aurora against :Stars • Plans were ;welled ourotTraore-effective . use -of Magnetic method's in, andying 'Under-. ground.formations."' '. Sir Frederie Stupert of Canada was electedh m'einber for North America ' to Serve newlY fotmed •intetea.:, ". tionai Conineittee ,WhOSe -,,worlt • it Will " be ta, conduet special ,studiee Of the aurora borealis.... So- the "•:carnpaign 'well:Under nay and results Ward 'nevic ,effett•..!. , It :is ,noC \ on SthaeyanFigihletr ithSaawt ' La inVoisleorna.h was Great Britain would net tolerate a standing and the declaration that 'flying through he darkness some- Policy Of. naval rivalry with the where east of NeNWfotindland,' as the 'United States, • was stressed. by H. girl lay awake thinking of the filer.' Wickham Steed, publisher of the Re- . and his audacity, she called out to her mother:' • • -'"He saw, a yision*. --He accepted a challenge from the gods." • • , , • , Mrs. Crane' did• not know what the child Was, talking a:bout, and Nithalia,• view of, IteViewe 6f*Londen and form- erly editor et The :Times Of 'London, at a dinner given In hiS *honor, in New A'Aenet .of international friendship which, ` comparable to • the Monroe a hit surprised,, told ;her. The next Doctrine, would eetablish the United --mOrningzahetalditeriparents_that she Statee_a_sde_termined to fie a' "peace loving" nation,', Wes. urged' .upon this lit Mid Set about developing , thought she would write a "loom about His Early Adventures. • the 'frig , and ear. aenhhoeuethlieneed, the ‘jeuenmei31e2titMierh..,Rael:lidnemrlry 1. The mail who co,nceived • . • , • „ 'this bold Marauding -had , been 7 F enter it, "The Wings ofe,ad" y,,cas then nearing. corapletion, •and Na- thalia, who had been busy on •her sec- ond toYel, set to work and finished it., *She explained ;what she meant -by cied "out ' • . 2 • urns aci s arrar sUggeeted to Nathalid that she . . Skipper of Seeadler is in - -States to Lecture on 'Peace ' Li-icki-Tet-i-Thetter .1:Own ••the- 1Avhci be-, _came_s...ratidern--linccaneer,-ae-a-Lieti- :tenant Commander :in the, German NayY_Iduring_thca,r7and with' his windjaninier ravaged.•allied ehipping,has turned 'pelted crusader. -He has come to. the United, States to'''. - , :lecture; particnlarly •, at schools and eblieges,‘ until December, , Peace is bits:theme, though he tamt. it home with ImirlY,testurei andexelaniations deliyeted with' all the force of. his , hue physiene. Piinleve Forbids gaint-Cyr Haznig Serious Accident at Ftench - I . Military School . Ends .:Picturesque Tradition.: Saint-Cyr•L-4aul P.ainleve; Minister • • 'OP War,• init'toletate: hazing. even ,the Mild 'formin which it Is Attie; ' • ticed t French militati scbOols.. Aserlois . accident to a puptl atSaint- Cyr, Which is Prance'ii Boyar Military College, has prOugllt'dOwn the .Mitlie- ,•terial thunder and ended-sforever,a ' e*picturesene tradition, " it has been the Ouaoin asiong , anybody' can remember for the-,peni! ors to Invade the dorinitory of the nelest•arrOals. in the ',dead ,,of ' night • : and make' them'srlee and pass in. mock ' review. 014 bf the neiY mert.in get, .Aing out of bed: failed to eee a trap door which had been left Open.cto that seniors ceind make a hasty get- away In case en officer appeared. The ,•yit'tlin, fell' through the'.open, door and tractuted` his skull,. His condition is ' • • , - serious. • M Painleve has citeillarized all the' ech,o6le• forbidding,. under the penalty' • of dismissal,•the. continuance of ,Stich practices.,la additiOn •Genial Collin,. ..,Cerninainiant Of Saint -Cyr, sent seen - teen students involveci. in the:hazing to, serve as eornm,on privates:In 'Vari- ous tetirnerits. ••• " ' :Walking Cans "Where Is MY, cane? Wherever stead:It, *hengorte ' it a:Walking cane, it?" .LOUD -SPEAKER .BAN .The Troia Clerk of West Ham, Ragland, has announced' a., hy-lay, passed by the Wein. Hain' Council and direekted against raucous loud- speakers 'placed. Albans bbe streets, The by-law reads: "No person shall in, any Street Or. pnbitic place r ,in. any shop, buainese•premises of place which adjoins any alma or public ' place and to :Which ,the public' 'are. adinitted, 'operate- or cense. or .stiffer to. he -operated anY wireless loud -speakers ot gram�- phpne in such inanner,-as to calla° annoyance t� or disturbance•otoci cupants or imitates of sueli pee - rases, Or ..pisserisby, Poet Laurette is 83 The transformation Ptcint buccaneer to advocate, of internationalaceord might.have seethed unexplainable. but f�r,his-nnuelfal career.. On the face of it; his war -record appears ahnost. bloodthirsty, ,With a entail :crew and a mere threo;Masted WindjamMer, the Seeailler,', ,in' a day feet; pOwer7 driven Ocean greyhounds, he trailed _through. the British: Shins blockading Germany, 'undergoing, caret* insPec-• lion; and,,roired the.,seit :at will, cap- turing ship :after, ship of the allied, merchant marine, and ,sending 48,000 the master of the Golden Shore. an tone of it to the 'bottom. Ile traveled - Ainerican feet -master, signed him on 64;600milee; thoegh "shins ::Of the at. lied nayies Were searching. fer him everywhere; and he, Sank 5'8,000 •teins of prodoaa saltpetre. the. Alliee Want- ed for. =Munition. . • ;. preparOd7 by his earlier experience. As a youngster of.. 13, he relates, he was backward in school and had run off to, sea. . Sohopl had been -to 'him little better than a prieon, be -cause he Was.not interested in his;studies, ,and --much---Preferred-t6--read,the4 'America's Wild West particularly the -exploits of Buffalo Bill: •••• , • • Dr: Bridges Observes Anniver- sary Quietly. at His Ox - 'Home • ;.Getting astart even as 'Cabin 'boy was not AA* 1The • laws prohibited from. SigIlipg en..u. yomigeter :withOut proot of his..par- ente' permission.. Assuming.th6.nanie "Phylax•Luefieckei"' - he ,,finally, 'sued.ed•the.,Master of a ftnssian eajI ing. Craft to take him033: a's 'cabin boy warned In advance..thatthere. Would- be no ,pay; and that, as the, ra,-• , dons 'ere supplied Or only the, re- gider. Crew Of -twenty-four, he would have to •et. the.setapci:;.left by' "tile sailors. kagreed to those' condi-. tions and eitired-With the, Russian to Australia. ' •• •: ' • In Australia he went to,work in the Mtchen of a hotel. His hininedi= ambition, he. says, was 'to ,' get to America, since it was the land of lieW Made men. Also *he wanted to •See his hero,'Buffalo Hilt` After wander- ing 'through Australia, from place to place, Ihe arrived at, Brisbane, where , Never •Kineea; Man. Yet Oda strange' buccaneer :makes for a trip to SanFrancisco. -,..t. • .. ., . ' That was a long step ',toward . Buf- falo .1 Bill's borne, in ••Denver.. From SaniFte.ncieco he Walked and begged rides 'in, engine case, determined 'to reach' Denver. When on aril -Val. there he found, to his great chagrin, 'that his Idol was with .acitmis touring' Ids the•prolid boast that ho AOyer 'killed oWn, GerinanY, he wandered On .to a. man. . He tooe k- every Mernber •Pf New; York to dthe next hest thing every 'crew he captuted, he ' says,' and , .-become it• self -Made Man. . . held all papaw* as guests abeard.his fuM11. that ambition, he decided ship.. Asmanyas aVe.eirewe were on to become a' Lieutenant in the •Ger- TO board at one time. . ,, , - „.., • many 'n vy, . and arriye .itt '.the goal -, ."The Steeadler, in fact,',' Said Optint.• thr�ughhila own efforts.. In 1900, lie, yon Luckner, 'telling his. story, ' MIS .sayEl, 11' . went back to Germany and . . not limited. She was a bluff., She 'enlisted as h senor, resuming his 'Own .had wicked looking holes under. her name.. •••At length, in 1905, he re - rail's, threatening her enemies • With 'Oeive his commission to a' Lieuten.. deadly broadside. The , only cannon' aney. - Not until then did he return she ha4.•:.ab60-d•ivas ..841., antitine calm to his home l he Walked. into ..'his old zle4oader made In 1817, :which was home in full uniforin. ' . • .... made.' to •lecik, extra dangerous by bis • COurit •Lackner' entered the World 'tag, ceVere4 with a,parted •barrel... War -full of enthusiasm, intent on do - 'N. • .We attacked only 'Merchant. Ships. Ing .Ms duty; ,,but Ithe many.,,x.ontacts We sailed tinder . a ' Norwegian flat,he had With men 'tot . other countries *and;-:--posilig-as -,lumber-ship; . We on 'hiS.voYagen, he says,. Mado,..M.m. wold.,rtin up close to the prey, bearing averse to killing them. .• • signals telling the other Captain that "I used to think. how•each Side'was we had a •niessage'lo dallier., . When praying to God tor help in fighting the bur quarrycame to a Stop, the'Sepad-• others;" he said, "and. ,how it .W4 .0.1. ler would draw up., .alongside .•and ways the . -same Clod theY,were praying launch a .small boatt • Wings ofLead."• , intpociable,",'•'slie -.said.: "Yon see, Lindbetgh--juc4t dainTe inNanknOwhand said he would do it, anit'every one. said !_rj"diculouisiinpossible.' • Then lie did it; he did the irapoesitild.'. "KiplIng's Style. ! country by Mr. Steed, He declared that the C011apieat the Geneva Mane. limitation conference in no way re, fleeted' the .. teal British , att1tude-1.67 Ward Ainerica: ' , The Britisli• 'Cabinet failed to dolt-. siderthe broader'ciuestiona .involved In . the Geneva conference. Mt.- Steed' said. He placeir t1ie,---,.b1aine7.f0r the failure at the (toot. fa the *13ritish isrations to, he Conducted by: an ad-: miralty---,rather-•-thanL.a-diplomatio Nathalia's 'poem is in the Kipling' Manner, it 'narrativo; of the eight,'•it. picture. fli* of the: gods. looking doWn. en a dull world and &Aiding' to stimu- late it to extraordinary., achievenient. To their . challenge ,Lindbergh made .' And then one night there landed ,on a Mineola. sWale A planethat looked like pewter, with • a catrier, of Mail. Its -Wings were tinged like tea -box skine, each truss, 'of shadow- .' gray. ' • Ita cabin but an'alcove slung beneath a metal ray. -. The Spirit of St Louis was inscribed ' 'lien the lee; - - It came from out a province that had never seen the sea. London -Dr. cRobert -;CBridge, for the last fourte4,11Yeare. Poet Laureate 61 Efigland; whoisoOlder than any ..ef his • PredeCeSidis, Sate Colley 'dibber. atick Tennyson, 'celebrated.'his eighty- third birthday On October "24th at MS tattle at Boar's Itill, Oxford. • 1 -le .inessage,. the whole .flye wonld spent the day tedaVint Many denfy „threw dff. their .ceata;•• ishowing• callets.. and opening' scores of con-thenxseiveS'' stripped to :the waists: gratulatory telegranie„ and letters.. WIen. he 'tvas•60'Ibt. Bridges visit- ed e• ''having."•• preylonety d Clined an. offer ef the .Chalt. of Poetry •at Miehigatt lImPirty thieW eff theft coatsthese tWO iversitY„ The, poet is noted for his. disregard, ot, lookouts . would suddenly 'booth out •, r.eogbitlen: He would. never write megaphones,'as if ort #poetrY. "to Order." It is ,reported dailar.. to 'our, 'crew; .'Cleat' for tot, 'ilia( -When; after Alfe-Wit;'•Iite- attertz ••••-• -itott'"Int-mkifeti-,,to-ttiv-latt-rthat 3thk, touse of- Commons had disu cssed.tbe Tho creWs non,proilticLIOU:..Ot.„.4 'ode, -114n Jof the rvir'ell.most alit 112 b� Plied that he didn't "give 4.. darea,4•,. tor-fh,e- taken by 'surprise' by the prOceeding. " Wheti•the last try caree,,,they wonld FrtCon,vidi "Why' are you' here?" tush to the rail; Waving their 'hands iti '8e4ond.Convict: su ,Socause lost in rrender, Thal We Would, take than, co" . '-iNOnsonSe; .aboard.the Seeadier, colltailodr apir. uobody .0011108 Wprihon, bedause of stipplies 'We needed,. and send an, that"Sec6nds `CtitiViet:: "tut the ether. few thousand tons of the pro-'. winner, .was' merchantmarias of 'the ,AlifeS 'darter flreetter, Munich:. ` the bott0rn:4' As. soon as the- war was over, I ' The small boat would have only Made up my Mind, that would go, Ave men: in her, but they Were heeky„. Out by myself,. withont 'consideration One had been a succeesful German, qf policy or diplomacy (things I never prizefighter,. another' an acConiplished"..learned 'anything about in my sailing 'wearer, end the other' three •were 'days). and to try to .make people real - worthy coinpanioneAs they 'arrived Ile the common humanity of all., on deck, supposedly to, deliver • their "These Old ideas of fighting' 44d In ternatienal rIvelriee are"' all wrong. "I can't write or,inake find iipedclies, :1. can' tell: mi story and talk etraight, to. the •heart. By talking es:Decially to Yoting peop1e 1 think ,t dui -xi -like. scone headway in develop-. .14g Aoternp,tional friendshipe."*. ready ,for• 'meth, Action. "Two.; watchers on this Seeadlet were aloft, meanwhile, Waiting to add the final totadt.• • As the "boarding group..,. • • • • ". ' • • . ' PrometiOn• of World Peace,' "The possibility Of armed conflict With the United, Stites lieS,,,entirelY outside, of the outlook of the. Britis people. , the naval --quention;i:. -Mr. Steed said,. • . "As ter as we are concerned' the seas aro free .for you to put on them, if you wish, the biggest navy the world has ever seen. The :only ques- tion' for us is that of determining the minimum' 'requirements of the 'safety of our trade routes -which wo nevex. expect you to threaten --and how: far that minimum ean still. further be -re- duced .by • a sound and concitructive policy of world peace. . "You nay take it that, hawever you 13011i0 your own' naval question, what- ever the number, and tonnage of the cruisers and 'eventually Of the 'battle- ships you, may decide to- build, how- ever' large the suois which •you may appropriate of the -purpose, we; shall not enter into competition with you." The pilot entered'for the 'cieurae, the quarter quadrant glide- • • ,, To fly the cal:Atlantic and the tag .ends of the tide. , Helistecr in as "Lindbergh" just. one •••; .pace: behind the ranks:: • He had a moon -stained paddle and ' • some star.gas in his tanks.* A .chemist from Olympus With ,a ladle nicked' the rays; • • He said the2re was purer than it was .• in esar's. days. , , "Lest night 1 landed Maidrld," said the angler who had bought it Wireless set, "but ,..you.ehould have heard the static? ris ' flat., , got . away -7-431111 d Jag, 11 -thought na N,vitli„. intertional nines iirra'atioa. and:. -tliehi:dotall....the_reseurees of mo dein TU' this ancient-wildepitit,of the' His Majesty's' Plum' Pudding ,North can ,bronglit- th ba'AP*Witbeat • Ingredients • Coyle From The Empire. Combined -"Sym- bolizes Colonies -and Do- minions Goodwill a prolonged struggle. — ow About Elea ak? MOine. Is ThreatenecEby 'Beats From Canada Trapper Says,, Dover-FoxcroftMaine..--H Maine!'is London -King George • will _take Christmasdlinner with his whole Din - Dire this' year. His pluni Pudding is to ...be •made entirely , of ingredients precluded In the:Hmpire and is .th' be Inviable, he passed the word.. ' -the of heroic size and ' fla,Vor.' 'It will •'''' '.• barograph was sealed-- . . contain the following: A plane with leaden ,winga went:down . . Five pounds each . of- Auettellan . , the .bilineola field. •_•., , ' '• ' ,currants and . raisins, . 5 . pounds of .' ' ' ' . .• . stoned pouth •Aiirein .raisins,. rya " ' d d •f ll and rose again and • •d ' •apples,.5 It r.'os ,,an in e . , , • poun s of minced Canadian : then attained to breath-- •'-E pounds of unda• of ew Zealand beef, suet, 2 Haglish . bread crumbs, 5 N The raiment of the, bubble when ':trie ,p_o • bubble goes 'to death- • .pound'• 1 9 nth African cut' candied .s o, , o . , :t,-:- , ..- - --- ^- . '• -peel,,2Wpounde_ef_NngliSh 119,ari .0/2._ , . /And sonieWhere, gear to noontime 4 pounds of Wyst 'Indian stiga'r, 20v,It1sh •the fishers turned to , scan;. - • e-ree State. eggs, 2ounces of ground Thaw saw a pearl-graye inimoplan - Ceylon cinnamon, ilk ounces. of Zan- " slide east of Grand Mamn. i zbar ground cloves, 11/2 ouncevor threatened by an invasion of maraud - Ors. frozn Alfa 'Gaspe Peninsula in Que- bec; it the 'observations ef a :veteran • trapper of this region' are correct. , .Bears which he has examined this' Fall he Says strongly • resemble, a . variety :peculiar tp the Gaspe Penin aura, , where he has had'. litany .years' . , , experience in trapping. Theirheads, he explains, are �f a different shape from these of bears cOmnionly -found • in Maine. , . : He figures that the Gaspe bears ,are • migrating. to -this State, •possibly . on acconnt,..of extensive railroad building • alterations in the distriet where they " haVe •iireyiously thrived: We Wonder, if Waihingten win Institute -the re- . cent queta taint against these Boys. . Windsor Castle.' Ond th.enty is' that *an Arnerican took -it as souVenit hd- Oatise •the authorities refused to him the bitildinget-tondon Hutnoriet. • Straits SettierOenta ground nutmegs, A single-niotored Miracle, 'a lead Mine on each fiaalt; .» .one. teaspoOn of pudding spice from Beow India, 1 gill of*Cypres-brandy, 2 gills a'shadow swept and awed the • of Jamaica ruin and '2• quarte of old hundred -fathom bank.' Englist. Tiber. "trinket ta a dry game; Says' an Araerican visitor, 1 -to evidedtly baSti't seen It played in England this. sum iner,'1.4onion bottott., • • __- Upon a billoW,rocked a,nd cheered a • - • • •lanterned spindle •buoy, , The oft -shore bells :were chanting for ' the Spirit of,St. 'Lentil; For o'er the darkened deep there flew y a carrier of niail`, • , ,-1 Ilis engine ...drunk 'with, star gee and berserk in the fiail.'-' , ' Ilelnade the ceurse the gods had se' I • .the quartet etiadrant Ile flew the dull*Atlantio and .tbe tag- - ends of the tide; • ' A Dutchman. who, Ilea deposited trnavtirgai-bank-sa•Ys-,-at,--the,, 'end of •600• years 44,- 'will amoxint to - $2,600,00. 'But by diet tiirte,befti be too old to get any fun out�f it.. -Redtape should never be; lint uif, tottunately „-sometithes Is, of juetsiv., .varie.ty4 ikApI0 BEACON • The ,first Canadian radio beacon ow, the 'Great ,Lakes •haii' 'been established at the Sciutheast Shoal, Lake Ontario, by tho,- Canadian Government. It transmits On. h wave 'length "of 1,000 inethrivderitig thick, or .f Oggy Weather every 1110 neeonds:groupe. of :1,!.tlot a4d '3 dashes fOr 60 Seconds .end, silent 90 secosds.. • A new rad lo beacon 18Soon'tci be •rostalithilied:ilitt.L.ant Light Ste' Superier,' by• the .11,8: Covornmeut --and-----wilt,transralt-exer:t4t,Lket!: °MIS grobp's ,of daskeg -ter GO seconds, silent .120 seconds.. kver/eloud bait o. sily.'er. 'lining arid, °Yen an old sSi'lt �f eloti,teS Ito Shin! aide. • Will .Have the Last Word • They ,say it -is wool ;hose or freezo • for the women this Winter, but blese. 'eln, We'll bet the girls show their in- dependence by refusing both.-Atehl- son Globe.- 'Magnanimous ' Henry 'Ford hasn't built any Cars for quite , a spell. , Evidently. 40 is Waiting for his rivals•to 'catch up far enough to make it 0. sporting race. ' • • Ode Advantage Presidential ,candidates in Mexico can't be bothered much by life insur- mice solicitors. • • :Hot Weather Hunch f"T\hvaitththide.leleat,h,Inks nothing, of flirt- ,itig !, "Why, what 1100$ he do?" "Woll, byai,VitlY 110,yrleOt4 tliS asks: It hot onoligh for you?" ;••• Ifilinet •Glyn,another t "Three • Weelte.,"- - says GullrePAcia- ar.o adders. it 'WOlild be all rigke. - .MussOlial has •abolishea reilebra- explaining-tliat they; tistrttei the attention of t-anthirritles,---wasto thriO and 'wettrY,:tho public; 1Lh4 to, ' hoped »tliat no oVere nthusicstio , follower .Of 11 Dike will statt,a , ment for an annual celebration of title groat stop. .1