The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-10, Page 5TOP"
00i PIM
A.� b P,
nmplut, loi -027"
AS"'PIPLpi UNiirw)
JI, , , ! I I I . I . an a�
T d i . . : . � -, ,
ents ocoa
- t -T
herd� were UVP, even- mr. -i. c. �totb I LOPOPAr Mr,
T. iood Potial HE tiog with th* an StQther And f4inily
L 4eat 'at 7
oat eag 4
-IV � at,
RONT-RA it ''peel Alicl!
131,�ke -on Friday, At iss Be'yl- Jobn�t6n, borre from..
RED, T RE A WiSr �aken'Adion- e [on I Ew
l9w !on, c#1 lo
oviat, , 'I d
bpttb ikleon' atags of, The, costumes , were S from, Stratf-p; d
Faces t�at,;,M na,Mr4, -Richard Jqbjisitor� of
WWOrful, a �4, fqArful�
W neith r belonged - on earth. ..Or heaven Bluevale, hild Afra, J. D
were , 16d;id, in every pqrner., r
'0' $ToyES' 'OANI):% HEAV r. ixiid� Mrs., IT'
1p�§, w1UNK F yo ng. p0plo 40(i.older. fqjXq.g�jo� di Will'' an� M
oDay HAM I t011i �he'HacXdtt L�e4gue enterWn$ -the 'an' and Mrs.�
ks. Herb�
r;ew, and. t6prafne of'Mil-�
Y T A,;-A,:.And
'E" CARR IFAMOU-S ,#C HOME - QUEBEC," )roupk"Veoplels Sorojety'AL 1 'OSy on r
4 V' r ' -led nigfij.. + r . �t oil
F day Or oil
P, N, N oil EO E! A .191
-nage was full of YPit0)rz !U LATIN T'yp.R tPSERVOIIV;��'-ALS6 Mf -I lie Pa�qq
'j-'Thapkagivinko opeiation� nv Hamilton itar., ter,
OV AND,�C w. eek-elii4] . fo
'*IT H N �'1804� �,AR , ", , r' I V , . . . j
Q -YK. QUE.3E AND, 'CIRC. i ome*from4e U iy�*.ago, -was' bid tQ! b,e- home' or
r. an
d: Mri rien Q,
miigVollt, -IF .9U ARE', IN
-'Seal is Mr, Br�wnli��,
A CALL, D.Er -R belglad.,10
d MrII.,-and
4nj, sue a, rapid. reegvery
later) an., f , 'r.
§�kTISFIED USERS, AND THrE,� PRIC ir- little, daughteri all,
o k -sPent' a p easa:nt
ron o were visiAlso - M he " 10I, , F Y" ' r I'M' I
d of
Gordon an nan-,1Uieiw6o. brating'
ENV.,: �icogy, 16Mill, VdR.A,MEATER,,- EITHEW.
jo "Ibo. Longue. rallv�
kton, were pN
ISA. eni i�zardyl;,'weather on
eagaes -�o
'b f" the- circul
ENAM With e parsonage oy
tiret L
of tb��
:held.-, in Blak47s u r
spite 'of' b1i
h fch'� ThIfa e
"A Sunday moirinin' d all pliw'
JZE py �y ON r6d was
-HEAT L Si the People 94the w .4
'QUEBEC" plen8id aliten4aric
e an
foe a -each -Church to � ZiPA
from, 9 joyed' the lengthy. prograin, which -
till thpre 4is' a ...........
serv!4. Rev.' A,
was arraeepd by, the pastor;.
9plenAid 'company.,
The -'song service �wa y
own4 s, led b
nloaded fmsh. Car. of Cenlpqt, t'b
t e made- of
J us U. Special mention mus .,united male "cligir, -,%bo -also..,gave a
e6tions. Three splendid'
the very fine service t
'Alwais on Hand number of set'
and rm
P1 §t�i Suliday evenip"Y"" WhIq.
�h'to6k 4e,fo addr6sses'on scGod's Grace to Xalyi .. ...
of, a..United Le ada-11 "Canada's to 'the, New
gue Rally �ervice'for
th ircuit.. Tbe� Pastor presidM.
e Caliaotans and Anadd's Respon-
d, dedl. of .3inging- led
there was, a go,u sibilit 69� I- were given 'by, Mepsrs.,.,
e qrawn from
by' i ni�l' , voice choi Irvi, n
RAE POR' Taimer, Kilpatrick, n Z,in' and.
-They gave
each of the three . churches.
uses that were mue up-
order ION, NEM S
6i, ow. peciAted' resses of it'high
Thone 6 Vucko
6r Kilpatrick, �Mt.
-were g�ven:by. Palm,
f Toronto, 'spen
Coal P Urnb 1p-
ing 10snl1thing Zi,n-ad-Mr,,DavidAnftdW. 'Sir* M Topp o,
�ad �'by as-.
Hard*ar.6 Bto*r _We�hol L rthn� idar�-with
ture'.. as r Oh
era -*ei:0
-,R*-Ch Ki$itrick. ray
Alice - Mr. ark lvndrew. and
ed by * Alfr d , Andt. I', Mrs. �David'
offer Mil
Ev. oriaine. mo* and
Shackleton and -Tom Anderson. tdr from , 1.
Is par�
t�i� hoing:service, spent Sunday v-itli7 the �f oriliet
pry mjnute'6f the
Wingliam r - I . . . .. r r . . . ; . I . d , '
I— r', , I : , '�a . . - ''M An re*.
-of' into
full: -rest, slid Or9fit The 6nts,. Mr,.,
ucknoWr and
Pilo" 56 uch, eased witli one 74 large audience was in . pi Mr. an&'Mrs. Richard. irdner re-
I IF the who e servic eijkues,'ouLrh+ t, tqr. a ltwo�, W
'Its L 0 e. The I ith
onumontal Wor turned .$ o - n , Friday'.: a, tnt�inz the water. 't2) Mm E. .1L P;eacock abeut ta' chkit" �.."413.eav�rb.rnl
41,)- -a.& "Beaveripurmi"
-to bene I Sa�shat-.6 Gea ar iligrotind.'' (3Y S.S. "Beavirdalie.' Cluding d9Wn tbi
fit greatly,fio t1lis fine,ral y ni6nths 'visit fli6r�,ia h,
G)llies raw
W ba
'CKNO' nd From. t e. West. 'ehe . wari� line
pep he m of' ocean tra e at
W a" et h 6r; point 'of on 7, th
LU 'between Gre 512 ft moulded b"ni,' 6 f ins., deO to
D i)nn#gp.
t bout
cOmP e it, gas i distinct ther The league- �held,`thqir arket, growth,, and grosa t a
a -di- -ta ie- f t. 0 ins.,
ITT Ogea�erdale"' a4'
r. If I f =4e-,�yo e �-s o e �a-,R le t eW I gAt=
route LiD r deck :40
d igM� has proi
bapted 'th� Cinadiah Pa�i. 114 1 'means o III's
'�Mon ay: evbning., imates- f qtormed fiereplir'. at Ia. tipping, of 'Ca�ad]Alk fruits
ow st t their''.flee of 13�
wr ship.s, th-e-speediest- sb b�e. effeC
h orni at: Blake ;teaniers with five modern. twin�scrjew 'cargo sisi
and.: an
Service in' t e, To tumos.were, q aniusing, and. -ev�'ry f reight �'E ted.: Fiult
hi d1i 'be 0 the '!BeaVor" class and'perishhble'farm Oroduco,:will
t'sunday. vesse S :,Tbo- nery s i p s adian be* plAced,ori.the:LondoTi broxk�
of ays. or C
IS 00 rile Ioye -ilie'sacia 'best -can
-type. of --express ri a
and d tn'aiintaini ng.a- weekl rvice 'fro " m,,:Lon, )�Lsj 11 �-d
'm ake' 11 apeeiil ty, of FamitY y so BUSINESS .-TEST q. Map e, W h Columbia.`
A proverbial' T 0, Ao W use .in..
untents ind inv e ur Jn$Pcc-� mouse at Iqlake. Not t e on and cont inen a.. PO woi�ing -strictl o es fiom 'the :BTi S
- RPPl y
v W1 elInbers
1ef iniipr: arrival 'dates.
J,jon. kind "as poor d
mouse, -been-1aiiiielledI the onit yo'� h y t' 'schedule of frtfit, and 'vcgpt�bl
Hlow th is Bill Jones; qa a fo !wliper to.'t-le ni. .,The sarne, rapidity ofsfilpment will
Sal6sma 6 hu reh an -enstiripg,14 lum
Tli'ree,-of --- t eseo steame� to
-as 'for,? h -d- Oind theit lady friends .,on,F±i A3� eV;, ve gon,an 6atly, 1Qirefully And good nip cot,�- her '-and rrignufActurd hrti es odern� -re rige au 0- "Beaverbutn" On ep.1 0
n suppqrvas
' , -: ;L day ai ewink plants'- are req�llre
Done. '.Mo�;;T)oes, he, an S temb-ft 27, At Ddmbarton,'.S' f
had fed well on b' leitfrolir. d for ideal 'ttan
rich crum 11 Orangrenien.. a,nd - a SPO
Ing yoar o Englan ; ar
provided, bt t] e itnd, and tbe 1!Beaverdale
T�n I" d ird the 0 �nd- Iiciiishab]6'produce�,*
-two ships feature of the new, steam
before, plite 'mobile? ne -by hal d!.Behv�rford!' �and such PIZta8ti:a
goeial hinches iii the.' ar N ver� enjoyab VL ors.
Salesman�� 0. 1 1 1 . I - of hei.,renlaining-v
-T at, seen I e p anning f( take,'Olace,
R� A4 Spo, 9 C -.�f places" in'
IT -tly IreOent October
ell. fed motfse w" 27. Launching
tto" redit. Man-�'Let.',Ikiln The "lodge ."ar I iih6ttlyr afterwards, They will give the'Canadian.shipper 'a highly, effi-
!)�Ouglas Bros. 's n1i Ak
winter s ci t �'ading and
og ;.it, eve.hings w-ing five t ie' of the'r tell �ships en economic rapid, 11
le.:"oWs Oil Wants. SQls'..coilStitilte� five - r
Cii k chCA... jUnnhijr-,. oli =A, elevator plant
uUnadi�Ti Patific.-the *cold storage, f1pating suction :aild,
Month under, fo� the .,,I
er' being f6ur 20,00 -ton ocea,fi p"senger s eamers 'the. biggest, mar
th oth grain;.AndL- ket in the world.* Gres
two* seats. e a V sineers uq.u# IN!
d t o teirith the ",Princtss London. w
a'goo.� -pOin -in occupN - of the "Duc ess -e ass an nts,� -its -voluminous
�ianY a man I reputation -ecupy. There was. Master Lane STIL t Than] h h ith its .1000,000 inhabits
Coast. from Y�rkw
meets su c Elaine," to. I '61aced -in the PaWic. Coast.� arge.service up'.und:down the East
L. 0. . No. 428 -Ludknow. because he as, �bpen cessful in- ing'or directing7its perkmblilationg� to. Mlss.Aii,�. ps 'will comijr service of 'waterways, h2to.,the 'Midlan&.
V .� . . I . I s
W, �tSon. of W65t WaV"InOS
second Tuesday..L..6f''eve'ry' mouth the' Compari The ten shi is4', a shire to - D6v6i 'and it
ing ALgOO e:,. . .. :,. � . -t
d,,m'an sha nni q Y- q -
keep* y gs those, Tiartie'iflar:�seitta. It wall, vise to serves at, least 6rne'half. fhe'ontire,p6pulation -of GM
gros. 3 U Wb.' 'the Spe 9 onliage' of, L 5,000 to b s approxi and'
at c c d 'avo digg, A.d -T ton, ni: ns And *I t
e, 9 10 K' ullin, Lonitnually
W611 coVere up. oBritain,' and is continually gtowing
the :pther seat o ichr lies foodetUft r
gunda at her, Ifome, bore.- y $25,006,000 Qring "for fii6re, an
W.. M.;� P caii6r,� Re. Sec.' itel d'�more overs
-were no �'tller con. re- y. Th f perated ouvil
Fo e reighters '�Iriil.b� j`IMoni- clam
n0en sat..., ..g radil avail; b
n The Canadian eporter wi
ties now affo
�,ation g g, and soon al r is ;. vJoan c Gcderic.i, and
I th Pt hie 'of ani weekly,. service. Their iho pportuni
real.' in !summer 'and Saint John, in. tj ,thS." Caundian.
atherin V Continen orts on id-od
per�coived, Miss- C drh 11ftchib, 611 t. speed "I be 14' knots,' In of perfectly -'�Ogulp'ped vesA4 16"'
eftis ould. 'be, occupied. I Ic
irjt�aiped 'in all weathers, Pacifi Is ell
filially From Is
R t:that ort
r" ran d' -farm )r she&hIs produm"
e -No ;' I
K;e Ihard. -dairy,'
or�,p Ar iv i th M dL*
Sund w tb eir par tst., n 9% ayi,
and the voyaj
-the way by, Qkiii&n . Pacffl
the st�ameri v� will be, shipped all'
no. ine kneW it,wbuld hst4e little' .'or" th, Mrs Will.'. Ritchie., 'ill -carry a deadwti�hi,of aboljt 10,500
iization. , It'.. may justly be, said that, fror
should i the. n arisei orgar tho''
U fe' Yo' lAdies:-- von mic''know a Aona -or a, diaf of 27 f t. eed 1,X,'basket, or bale is Packod, to,the
ar r. .6 6 nd Mrs.,.Sain 'GIV.,on of b*
'of L rtli ai;'much,as* 3.,000 tons niay he, carried. on, tho hce Ah . London -ma*
niorialiv , Afraid Aolens,�� pe t: , '9 ' ' r
AT GLOW— a 11 unday wifh Zion -load draft.'. it -is 'di�played n C. St.
a nt'y, 6f tho C
and water-:, underjh�fcarq..
9 oe§, not. so d I 'The' �r;"I dimensions are:'� L�' th, or" anadia:h PacI4,
frien s.i,t
I h
co.ira:06 sa mascul nel., -arid trengt� 86., , Mr.s.R.'-F. -Andrew-ot Asbfield, re-
Ivrf III would 'crush out A wee tith- -ei
c ved word,. last week 'd.,the oath he, filmiy -in thoi VOURTHC kIN
ON 61S
URCII Iy is extended to t.
0111`00.11 mousie. So that muse Icon�, oh �WHITECH
ex., eirea'Velnent.'-
—servics will 'beld d Mr�- �D
am , jnA late .Mr of kie;. N� 'Daliota. The -an Haslam, of TorQu- i
r 41 Anniversary e
r. n urd.dri bf rol in,th6 'Un go- to, pp, Thanksgiv!.ng-'at, M,,r,
'he per,. t ited s 40 n
ladi saw E�11 ears'bf'
o nd,,the i6s�`kseats.' -It th6f MacKinnon )fas,el' tY40urw'Y
preaclier' lookr Ag�oni,shed as Mi E gi
e Ifi5:.e#i ays1n Kin,- ere.'
Age� visiting at.hig. home h vernber 13th, at 1.1 "a.m. and'7,130 c�Leod's
C Itr at' A safe`,,distAnce.'.:- TheT
Wii, n Went. to, N.
1ota ''aboui
nor- niiiiisidi, a e'are sorry to repori that Mr.'
'Onis oT)e -M W. 6 to 1-4 1 1 Rev.: M
more member. of his choir' lie vi ited frietido !as I.zzie, C04te of r. Ir in' a forr
O�y a U
will tak 'ces. 'Ev--' ail o in o
sqrv,, a
than he.had counte,Com Just a wee nosh, speift the' week -end with Mrs., ,Lilck.n.owj e,the, wa
and 'relatives. here throe 'yearg ago.
id- that- mouie fout. ig Win am., Hospital lAst'., week,;% foir
Ili i �fra q - .1 : . �crybody� welkome�
i its: 'cori.; Jack Cral
-no, servicc�s Ane - the 'tretnie 'We r
hope, fo an early, im-
nlo�_ There will be
venient hole i� the floor- for,'a ST.. HEIEN9 ; :" - -
ankoff erii4 vleet I 'ng a
The Annual Th lient.
3f the Wonle 'Missionary--Socie y Mra.-. D,. MacKinnon and
Tnent,'. and. then 'it returned.,r Perhaps t Px�esbyteri �h Churcl� Tie'�zt Sunday, -Prov�i
ns hin ahnivergary it: and
it.remembered'-that a certain, member' -and'. Ow
g to the
Mr.,w John 6f he Presbyterian c hureli will be fa il . spent n eVeiling'r last', week
of the Mollie trih6 d been kerifli, izabeth'Saflield' of*. G Churebi.
oae)nch, ite y
Were v I,-, I tpr . S with s e R
hil. Ell. held, this sday venbltr Novein-v � r - n, with Mr. abd
oy Aif�hison of Elora, . 6 Mrs,* A. ll;ert,� MeQuillin
ti-eate n ej jpW Mr
d a t
ch�' Mrs., Lough eek
her loth, in the. chu �Willm to the ill- near *hitochurch..
me a w att
'Surely a pr achei''wou be a, Millei and 'Mrs.,'Gordon.
Id e I be ille special Mr. as Mr. 'and "Mr's. D. J. Robb of Ouri
ed of Hamiltb Tie's il' t6 c0heir Mr. Wark of e coine s f. hi theri the Ia
lessas a poet:�, roll OT �peiayer: Every6ne t da at M Win.
a ing
r� one singi pew it saw t e di �a fow'we< , '�riiii �er da'u-,, A cbison.` gannon spen
I and," son;
�hicr,;, Mrs. 'T., J. a ice, d. Mrs,, 'Trank .,McC askig
nist collie quietly'r g6n a
Miss. �Deatv d t4traid.. He ng were - 0 . _ r I I
r.� George Grrallaill of. McLeod ad tea
The. mouse wis' tin -the follo*i QtEWE,�- - , " 't.:
place., illiotig, those 'Dave - a�d � M . ... ring
'Von8, -offe inj at Ripley, liskt,
n nd Tba4
G hi
re he vva; 4 near by. t,*tIloii1ioqicF1 uelp nday a
wouid stay;wiie d,
RAMMES who spent the� boll y
he night.
.10. vet
even. *hen ladies' came tilble- here Of. Mil- day.*with the: foniierl& brotherI Mr, ewe Urited-Clipich
nr olina 01, r
A -huniber' from here'attended tbe e were, seen; ro -�r Port.. a e INTO
ino Cr6d- Divid.Ke r ann
pos�-cssiofl; If h tbey�. verton';,'. Ca' I nncd'�, 9nd oilic' rblatives.. �egsful v -openilig..and rsary
':t of' Guel )h 'Veka� ' We',are sorry. i;.:r port ihe' di�atb r "Barr, i
laA 'Sat'
e ;eVvidos: o n: ! ,
ilot 'he, would take� ktL t. This made,, "PON".
n re od' uri Miller of of Mr.'Will:S '0 Wald0n, of uev: s of. Torbn,o,
ale Nv 0 IA
o4ok Anothe run Wo TK 1.
id -s6 he t Rein oil '�ittnd,�Y, on igbt t
h Mhr- b dih, 'at,'tlld oC61 Ibb spent M day n
cil kd
the�)qnkt .* �tbe i0ew., as e ld 'M1W Woods,of IY a pastordn
It d honi o , Teeswate
the' sernionii af.both.% Tfc�'Ooll Nv,ith friend iu
-telling Ahe thud - and in. Purdon. S . n
lie heard Appro. Thom. of luc� " r ;�, r c
lalo�v,'. ZV16 'and Nkrs�. W 0111(l cjrRCxj ox n. oi�h
ran'lp, of mAny'feet,, and they werb Doreen Web or and I u. ther2. thqri mlil, and e'ycni�g'.scrvicies, Ivilon t st ar��co" 1T
ev head'of W 'i fXi ation -�A embl 'PURPLE GROVE
MCI JLA nA ladjesO feet., Great Caegail Th inghain. that the'. date of . the fuhe.ra has' Ot rega s
were b6avy feet, f rIS 'R.- 'k. Mille 'llitis' eer, beeTh., definite] s will. *be On licen. thor-ougli, e -
The,, COSY HO Iv
0 all' . oe size 9evei 'y
-the. sort 0 re the a9t Ily' or, Friday et'�rAted- and presebtbd -v ver. r. c Thmpso return
it Un e''do4 Ps. c Tur3d'
See it! rY UY Igbts, gonie'.16o'ked nder th
roof� and
willHeater that would �fid::eould, cruall Evelyn daunt.
mouse week,' is i P o appeaianb., A i'�!Nv onie froni, the West la�V�week.
Anyone: who has actual Y awn
of lVia.Pt9n, is
it ever wa visit I incy At her to I., avo ]Veiri adde& ligh" G ]h, is via
at ;i fn The'. 6f:tlle Upited',ehurell : tw lo ;Tidatitm h ri. Eng of Oder
a eat. What lad a n Il tell YOU it is by far the handsomm ' t lew Of home
bile t i her-- sister Mrs. Jhmes� Pollock.
he.. ment Made 1. to'. all I c interi6r liacl bc�e��' ating equip ever hailpened ? 'Where -were the. delicate hae.accepted. an irmftatib.
Its eteeptioni ty " of, QUiter number �Tonii hero aper4 llow
one. bUthe lad t mouse. W; ocle 01"q,
A,beauty is. just nipty feet of'th lea 9 Tha ith- the, -Young 'PeoPle a it. an(J Plasterod And P )�oboytsft . was
in the eddinir rcd6pjjoII,'of, I
will,7,pnt this ma 6"io0q ),O",been ad t for th6�,wbek'on&.'
y evening, 'd' a ro 160
r .'the howe Of ]I CA 0 0 III I ey,
did not, k Ight gis; Clark M ii Ti a 11 in'Purple
reasons- why yqu now, that this *as the. ill Hackett?s. all, Fl,
�,oixr hofim 30 fee afy C"
does three -things *elLr It rddjat"� l3et. it of, the male choru, Those 't Tbc,-Soeial eveiiing.jiven
All the Members. f -the 0 iotY Afe! Mr. and 16sr; 100171 "'Oil Mond'
it �:her. parentsi ttracted a -vet argcf)iumber, c
suppey a. Y.I 0 Chl-ljcll,]A�t Week Was tnu'b*
iuse an'd it 410im biopg�� t�rior.:to',that arnall� sx�'ft baw'sbn,' O-nXoh(flv night' re,, , lov
chilly 0
circuldtes heat all J&ough the. lic All -0
atUt6.r The few bw for 9bopind'. Iq spe-Ading oyc
th lAst the d ")Y, All;
retreating ere a 6,t very good tim ei nii a
I stery winter days.-. disap,- e P nce to the %eh athered 'it tke
tLnl b� w'.of it wis its tail 1'h iiei- 11 �ch dor 016 e choir g
i thinj allbut"this Heater is tbo'd6ft preacher sa I Weeks W t children. q Ilic as givoii i;Y tirilent.
The exclusiver I ft PO ting W'ith mtirvello:�s �celeritl do. inment i�-blch w, �hbwe of. 'Mr.., and Miii. ack� Emerson
'he hole, in- the floor. Carolitle' WcIlw'oJ,. w 6,6111. Ripley, 9.�tiiHay tot
hxtangemen -tok rr the beat oni-901)[19, UP and h6 ad., 1r.,will Poster of Toronto, st.o! t, the hLv, Mr. Rrkli�n Of evening� Aobor'99,
li�o teeTand bold fim.-Ther otand2ird t 0
week-end-,At�-bis b6ine beeei W, on unday inorn- Ash
steel tifid idk6ldd e cire brought polished greefih
0 1 till �
Rov, Mr., P ext ti�cd Comm tleous Sho�wer. '9fi
Ing, wag the. gel- ollock. to'l, the I df Ased
no do lux6 inod'el jar an pores am CREWE t k) or I le
n1cnib&s 0.
blillimel Waiut to match Your 'fig sendice it!, the Nwi P tile rOti-pient oi many, tioautif4l`
t you, See them n6�1r- - nd Mrs. -Joe Daof Hamilton, g� byterlan� Clitirell one will deligh -Mri a ..were 6, gues s 0
Orr ovied, T
Sold n LucknoW, 'by MonVy o.v Of one Of' thd, old plolloopq, in , the f 6 ril The , eqbgror iorl of �VA�� t . Or I , n In
er the holidayi. fit , 041( ake niatri '6nia,
of Vcir6nto. t t I I "p I Mr. fl. Jr t I "I. tl,)011 t0ir : lt� wduld' be t,
'b -qqrig 3 --pi6ldera."
-Portoous tierson �,a ;16: to; q,:. r� Rae irl - -:-t tb -tile w : n
"Ten brother ler6,v ito t1id ra It f- Mr, Ali .
ber IT& n u n
Thursday, IST6vdiii
Misses I�ea ec, all(
..... Rully -McQuold,-,of Lucknow' `hiq 83rd yeiii, and' hadr6i'lly wor.ship'Ao attiActive,
Quillin were Tic of 'today ro
-end at,hek home hgjr6i
onen y
, 'ftra a'g.rab& 61th H10ave
all -now (1 0
Lorraine AP01t,Thankgiving With Mr. yce,. for tho� hs -will be to%get ic, No,. some of 4�jt' jhjap
�old on -S'ato
crtdit. Tte next thing
ta wa�
h -Mrs. 10441d, Ah I ten4od, the - fiihet4 of the lito- Mr., rdky ftOrnooll to 0TOnhill Come Wor
Mr. rind'
BluevAls, 10 Nuisti 0